#platonic/fatherfigure!General Kai x reader
dracocheesecake · 11 months
Can I share here my Kai’s rambling but there’s mentions of death so if you’re uncomfortable with that pls just ignore or delete it below I may refer to reader as they
Platonic/father figure Kai and reader who died of injuries or of illness.. He didn’t expect things to go that way, or maybe he didn’t really want to think of it. You are mortal, such an outcome is anticipated sooner or later but why Kai feels so devastated? He didn’t think he’d become attached to anyone ever again, willing to care of someone. Yes he called you annoying often or was giving you ridiculous nicknames to piss you off but Kai’s other actions showed that he actually cared about you. Even though he never voiced that. He regrets it now.
He even thought of checking if you’re in the spirit relam now despite the fact that his escape from there costed him taking chi of ALL kung fu masters there. Oh wait, yes, there’s no guarantee that you’re there. Where are non masters go after death or how to get there? Kai doesn’t know. In the moment he just holds your still warm body close in his embrace, carefully, just like when you were alive. As you both spirits now Kai is struggling to find you and go on living like that or let you go.. Who knows, if he waits you will return one day
If they died of illness Kai’d be broken long before that moment. He even tried to give you chi but it didn’t work. He can only take it. All Kai can do now is taking care and treat you. He’s not that mean anymore, not when you have no time, you deserve peaceful ending after all
I’m hurting myself with my own writings why I am in such an angst mood😭😭😭
Oh no feel free to keep it coming! I love talking about Kai!
Alrighty let's see here...
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...Why would you do this to me?! 😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔 My heart! You owe me a new heart this one is broken!
Ahhhh I'm just imagining Kai trying to find a way to figure out where Y/N's soul went, and how he can get there, while knowing he probably can't, being immortal, but he's willing to try and bring them back, no matter how long it takes...but even worse is him watching them die, knowing that he can't prevent it.
When he realizes they're about to pass, he's suddenly so much kinder and softer towards them than he's ever been. He no longer raises his voice, or even tries to make them angry anymore- not even to tease them to amuse himself. He tends to them as best as he can, getting them water, wrapping them up if they're cold, changing bandages if they've been injured - overall treating them like a small child, showing them the care he's had for them deep down but never shown.
Then he's holding them close in their last moments, watching their chi fade away, but just desperately trying to heal them, to make them well, and finally breaking down in the end, begging them not to go, not to leave him...and after that horrible, final moment, still cradling them in his arms as he never did when they were alive.
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dracocheesecake · 11 months
New Fatherfigure!/Platonic!Kai x Reader Headcanon:
Kai gets sick of you and the situations you keep getting into and just mongolian swaddles you to keep you out of trouble.
Kai swaddling you:
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