#play boy job in surat
jobssecrete · 13 days
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islamicrays · 5 years
Don't over-compensate with your kids. If you feel guilty over a deficit in one department of their life, don't go overboard to make up for it in another. You'll try to correct one initial problem, only to create ten extra problems on top of it.
I'll share with you two stories to show you what I mean.
A few days ago, I took my kids to the pediatrician for a routine checkup. We go to the pediatrician's office quite often, because between regular checkups, sick visits, and scheduled vaccines, for four different kids--we are there pretty much all the time! I bring all four kids with me whenever we go, and so the all-female staff and nurses and doctor have gotten to know us pretty well and know that we're a homeschooling family. They all love us there. :)
As we were getting my 4-year-old weighed and measured, the nurse and I had a serious conversation. She is a young Arab woman, only a few years older than me, with one 11-year-old son. We speak to her in Arabic whenever she's working at the office when we're there, and my kids delight in hearing her Syrian accent (in contrast with our Egyptian dialect).
She asked me, "I know you are homeschooling your kids...but why?"
I gave her a brief outline of my reasons for the decision to homeschool, citing the academic, religious, and social aspects.
She sighed. "Yes, I think I'm beginning to understand. This is a great idea. I wish I didn't have to send my son to public school, but that's where he is. He's 11, and he is getting more and more difficult by the day. I think he gets more unmanageable with every year that he's in American schools. Like you said, the social environment in schools is terrible! He learns from his classmates, so he's already cursing and saying the F-word, having conversations about girls and dating. Last year, this one girl had a crush on him and because he didn't like her back, she started calling him gay. He's also watching horrible shows on TV, and playing the worst games on his ipad and phone. I don't know what to do about it. I feel like I'm losing control of my son," she admitted sadly.
My heart went out to her. I nodded sympathetically, acknowledging the problem with her. "Do you think it's possible for you to cut back or even eliminate his access to all the gadgets? He's only 11 after all, and you are his mom. I know it's hard, but it might be the best thing to do for you to put your foot down and take away the smartphone and ipad. It might help mitigate his behavior."
She looked away. "I wish I could. It's kind of complicated. You see, I'm a single mom, because my husband is مفقود (lost). We came here from Syria when all the violence happened...without my husband. We don't know where he is now; we haven't heard from him since. My parents and siblings are here too, alhamdulellah, so they help me raise my son."
My eyes, at this point, were stinging with unshed tears. My heart was aching for her. I gave her a hug.
I said, "I am so sorry. الله يقرب البعيد (May Allah bring close the distant ones.) But alhamdulellah that you've got your family here to help."
"But they don't really help, not like you think. They are actually the ones who have given my son all the technology. They all feel bad for my son that his dad is gone, so they just give him a lot of stuff. When he's upset, they cheer him up by buying him a toy or a game or a gadget. When he gets good grades in school, they reward him with more stuff. My parents promised him that if he does well on his next test, they'll buy him the newest iphone. I keep trying to tell them that all these things are only making the problem worse, but they don't get it. My dad always says, "This poor boy is growing up without a father, and I don't want him to feel محروم, deprived. So we have to make it up to him." They make it up to him by giving him a lot of things."
I nodded, seeing her plight. "Well, their feelings are definitely understandable. But maybe instead of material things, can they just give your son time? Quality time together, having conversations, going places together, reading?"
She said, "No, they have everything but time. They own a limousine company, so they're always busy, always working. They are rarely around for that long. They have the business to run. I think that might be another thing they feel guilty about."
"Which helps explain further all the gifts," I said. "You know, this is a problem but insha'Allah it's fixable. It will require effort and determination, but you can do it insha'Allah. It's clear that deep feelings of guilt and grief are causing some serious overcompensating, which is only exacerbating the issue. You may need to have a serious discussion with your parents about how your son is doing, and the best way to come together as a family to meet his needs and to raise him in the healthiest way inshaAllah."
Unfortunately, this is not the only story I've encountered of a parent overcompensating when it comes to their child.
A few years ago, I met a mom of two young kids whose husband traveled a lot for his job. His trips (both in America and internationally) took him away from the family for long periods at a time. Just like the nurse at my doctor's office, this mother also had her relatives living near her, but they gave the kids free reign and tried never to deny them any requests, specifically because they felt bad that the kids were largely growing up without their dad present in their day-to-day life. So these kids ran rampant, acting entitled, demanding, and ungrateful.
The mother was complaining to me that she ends up bearing the brunt of the kids' behavioral problems, because she is the only one who attempts to say "No" to them. But the kids, beings kids, don't like to be said "No" to, and they often ignore her orders or whine or threaten to "tell Baba on her once he gets back!"
These kids actually threaten their mother with tattling on her to their father! This is straight manipulation.
The mother is now the bad guy. The absent father is the good guy, an image of him that's reinforced in his kids' minds every time he returns home with lavish presents and overblown gifts.
"My husband himself feels guilty about how often he's away," the mother told me. "So he overdoes it with the gifts for the kids when he comes back. He also lets them get away with murder, since he's not usually home to see them for long stretches at a time. So next to him, to the kids I look terrible! I don't shower them with gifts and I don't always say yes to their demands. So he's become this hero to them, and I've become a monster."
These two completely separate stories about two different Muslim families have one underlying factor in common: parental guilt, if unchecked, leads to overcompensating and major behavioral problems for children. There are so many cases like this.
You might think that you're helping the situation by giving the kids material gifts in lieu of the time or physical presence that you cannot give them--but in reality, this only makes the situation much, much worse. You are only alleviating your own guilt by showering the kids with more stuff than is good for them, while harming the kids even further by enabling their bad manners and steeping them in materialism.
Kids need more time than money from the adults in their life. When there is a problem, throwing money at it usually only makes it worse.
More than anything else, kids need our time and attention. They don't need as many gifts, or as many devices or gadgets or screens. They just need you, fully focused on them and present with them.
The solution to following unchecked emotion and over-compensating is to use reason and try to find balance. In the Quran, Allah the Exalted commands us often toward al-qist, القسط. For example, in the beginning of surat Ar-Rahman, Allah draws our attention to the perfection of the balance which He has sent down, by linking the notion of balance with the sky:
وَالسَّمَاءَ رَفَعَهَا وَوَضَعَ الْمِيزَانَ (7) أَلَّا تَطْغَوْا فِي الْمِيزَانِ (8) وَأَقِيمُوا الْوَزْنَ بِالْقِسْطِ وَلَا تُخْسِرُوا الْمِيزَانَ
"And the sky--He has raised it, and imposed the balance.
So that you don't transgress the balance.
So establish the balance with equity and don't make deficient the balance."
The sky and everything in it, everything about it, is precisely placed in a perfect balance. If the sun were just a tiny bit closer to the earth, we'd all be burned to a crisp. If the sun were just a tiny bit farther away from the earth, we'd all freeze. The sun, moon, stars, planets are aligned in a precise calculation, without shortages or imbalances. Everything within the skies is perfectly proportioned, and precisely measured. No transgressions, no excesses, no extremes.
No imbalance.
May Allah grant us the wisdom to ponder His ayaat and live them in our own lives, ameen.
Via Umm Khalid
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playboy-service · 2 years
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Anime Awards 2021: Meet the Judges & Categories Revealed!
As the insanity that has been 2020 comes to a close, we begin to look towards the future, and to the awards show that captures the best of the year in the world of anime: the Anime Awards! Today, we’ll be formally introducing you to our incredible class of judges from around the world who helped curate and craft the nominees we’ll soon be revealing. But first — we would like to introduce you to the categories for this year’s event!
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    Anime of the Year <!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}--> Best Animation <!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}--> Best Opening Sequence (OP) <!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}--> Best Ending Sequence (ED) <!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}--> Best Boy <!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}--> Best Girl Best Score <!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}--> Best Performance by a Voice Actor (Japanese) <!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}--> Best Performance by a Voice Actor (English) <!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}--> Best Director <!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}--> Best Character Design <!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}--> Best Protagonist <!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}--> Best Antagonist <!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}--> Best Fight Scene <!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}--> Best Couple <!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}--> Best Drama <!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}--> Best Fantasy <!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}--> Best Comedy
  If these categories look familiar, that’s for good reason; they’re the same ones we used last year. After carefully considering voting behavior, audience feedback, social media engagement, and insights from industry leaders, we were happy to find a collection of categories that satisfied the most needs for the most people, and allowed the greatest number of anime to be celebrated with the world. The nominees themselves are one of the most exciting parts of the Anime Awards, and in just one short month, the six nominees per category will be shared with the world on the Anime Awards Website. Please keep an eye out for more details, and fun ways to share your votes and predictions with your fellow fans.
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    Last year, we added more judges than ever before — that is, until now! As both the audience of Crunchyroll and the Anime Awards becomes increasingly international, so too has the panel of judges. With more than fifty judges representing dozens of unique countries and cultures around the world from all walks of life, I can safely say that this year’s class of judges is the best the Anime Awards has ever had.
  The judges for the Anime Awards play a critical role, determining the nominees for every category in an independent capacity, based entirely on their own critical perspectives and opinions of the anime released in the last year. Judges were hand-selected by Crunchyroll’s community team based on their reputation, regard, and credibility, and represent large swaths of the huge diversity that can be found in the anime fandom at large.
  Just as with last year, the judge nomination process will also go towards the final winners of each Anime Award, weighed 70:30 with fan votes. Based on the last four years of Anime Awards, we found that this ratio achieved the most meaningful results: the fan vote was impactful and flipped several categories, but the awards were not simply a popularity contest and many underrated titles were still able to take home awards. We saw more positivity than ever before with last year’s changes, and so we're happy to keep this same ratio for this year's event.
  As a note the bios you’ll see below were written by the judges in their language of choice and have been adopted for your pleasure in whichever language you’re reading right now. Beyond translation, they have only been altered by the Crunchyroll team for clarity. Without further delay, please meet our judges for the 2021 Anime Awards!
  Meet the Judges!
  Ajay Stewart     Ajay, better known online as “AnimeAjay”, is a British anime fan, specialising in all things related to animation. His YouTube and Twitter presence are focused on the behind-the-scenes at Toei Animation, and has become the go-to source for fans looking to know the ins and outs of animation, and who was responsible for their favourite scenes.
Alfonso "Fonzy" Ortiz     Alfonso "Fonzy" Ortiz is the Senior Manager for qdopp Inc. and Editor-in-Chief for Honey's Anime. Originally from Texas, he was a cook for 13 years, lived in LA and Tokyo where he found his dream job working in the anime and gaming industry, and has just under a decade of experience as well. Honey’s Anime is his passion and loves helping to bring as much great content to readers about the anime, manga, and gaming industry. It’s the best place for anime enthusiasts as we are all fans!
Andrew McDanell     After consuming anime for over 25 years, Andrew started up the Otaku Spirit Animecast podcast with his brother, Chris.  Connecting with fans from many countries across the world, their goal has always been to break from the mold and serve a community with a positive and entertaining view of the fandom they love so much.  With over 1300 anime titles under his belt and passing 900 anime reviews recorded, Andrew has enjoyed giving every show a chance and never falls onto the 3 episode rule.
Antonio Escudero     Antionio Escudero has been a fan of anime, manga, and video games for over 30 years and considers it his lifestyle. He's currently part of the editorial team of Misión Tokyo, where he writes to promote both his passion for and the legal consumption of Japanese culture.
Bruno De La Cruz     Journalist for AnimeLand magazine and the French anime/manga press since 2014.
Burak Dogan     Burak Dogan is an editor and press contact at the German anime news website Anime2You. Besides covering News and reviewing countless anime and manga releases on the German market, he can also be met at various conventions. Since 2011, he has watched over 1,000 individual shows.
bxakid (Julien)     Julien, or bxakid is a french content creator and journalist for Webedia. Anime enthusiast forever, one waifu at a time. Caitlin Enger    Caitlin Moore has been an anime fan since it cost $30 for a two-episode VHS tape. She has been writing about anime every chance she’s gotten since high school, and now is a staff writer for Anime Feminist and contributes regularly to Anime News Network as well as running panels at conventions and podcasting every chance she gets. She analyzes anime through a progressive, intersectional lens and has a deep love of shojo and josei manga and anime.
Caroline Segarra     Working as an animator, journalist, streamer, and voice-over artist, Caroline's specialties include Japan, anime, manga, and Japanese music. Caroline is also founder of the audiovisual production company Fantastic Raccoon, is currently on LeStream, and has worked at Nolife, Japan FM, Japan LifeStyle.
Clarissa Graffeo     Clarissa Graffeo is one-third of the Anime World Order podcast and occasional contributing writer for Otaku USA magazine. As a fan of anime and manga for over 20 years that makes her practically ancient by anime fan and Hollywood standards, and she should probably have more to show for it. Clarissa has run numerous panels at East coast conventions both alone and with her fellow AWO hosts, on a variety of topics such as BL, Black Jack, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, anime openings, and building plastic model kits. In both the podcast and convention panels, she attempts to balance detailed discussions of individual works and the industry with accessibility to new viewers, and is hopefully successful at least some of the time.
Daryl Surat     Having just turned 40, Daryl Surat is a revenant otaku bound in human flesh and er, NOT inked in blood. Having spent the majority of over 25 years as an anime fan existing in near isolation, trapped in the MMO that is social media, the 2020 quarantine hasn’t really been noticeable! As a contributor to Otaku USA Magazine (https://ift.tt/187UJdS) as well as the Anime World Order podcast (www.animeworldorder.com), Daryl is A HUNDRED PERCENT SURE all of the deserving nominations were proposed by him.
Михаил Судаков     Creator of the KG-Portal.ru website, anime lover with 20 years of experience, admirer of Makoto Shinkai, Hayao Miyazaki and P.A. Works. Big fan and collector of retro games, retro computers and retro consoles. Dawn H    Dawn (aka "Usamimi") is the producer/host of The Anime Nostalgia Podcast, a mix of waxing nostalgic with fellow older fans while introducing younger fans to older titles! The podcast also serves as an oral history from before things like streaming & social media were commonplace, and how anime & manga fandom has always been diverse. She's used her knowledge to write for outlets like Anime News Network and Crunchyroll, & has helped on multiple anime releases from AnimEigo & Discotek Media.
Dennis Vsesvyatskyi     CEO of 2x2 tv-channel, home of adult animation in Russia. 2x2 is broadcasting international animation and anime-hits since 2007 and has it's own animation studio. Brand 2x2 has a significant cultural status among russian viewers and fans of animation and is expanding it's influence every year with new shows, art-statements and collaborations. Our motto is: "Don't grow up, it's a trap!".
Diego Lima     IGN Brazil reporter, writing about the entertainment industry since 2014. Started career as a host for Gazeta Games, on Radio Gazeta, and then as the host of a gaming radio show at Band FM, discussing classic titles. Joined IGN Brazil in 2017, as a gaming and anime specialist. When Diego is not writing about horror games and fighting games, he's writing about Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Naruto, BORUTO: NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS, Attack on Titan, Yashahime and many other series.
Eunice Ibama     Eunice Ibama started @blackgirlsanime as a simple meme page in 2017 as an escape during one of the hardest times of her life—without many hopes attached to it. As an outlet for her own struggles, she began to grow a community. Then, as BGA grew, the hope to create a safe space for black women that love anime and its culture blossomed. Cue the adding on the fearsome foursome of Shanequa, Bri, Kim, and Chels and it was like the stars aligned for the brand. Emboldened by their unshakeable bond with each other and the passion that brought them together in the first place, the team buckled down and got to work making Black Girls Anime, LLC the best brand that it could be. Now equipped with an editorial website, ongoing partnerships with brands like Netflix and VIZ Media, and much more in the works the page has rapidly grown into a network that influences and advocates for not only black women, but people of color of all ages and backgrounds that feel underrepresented in the anime and nerd-centric communities.
Evgeniya "Jenya" Davidyuk     Jenya Davidyuk was born and raised in Novosibirsk, Russia, where she also graduated State University. Since 2005 she has been living and working in Tokyo, Japan as a seiyuu (voice actor), hosting radio and TV programs, and consulting on Russian language in anime and film production. As a part of her seiyuu career, she sings with Anime & Game Symphony project under Japanese conductor Kenichi Shimura, performing live concerts in Japan and Russia. Jenya has an N1 level certificate on the Japanese language proficiency test.
Geoff Thew     "Geoff Thew is a veteran video essayist who's spent the last 5 years talking about anime on his youtube channel, Mother's Basement. When he's not obsessively analyzing the little details in anime, from easter eggs in openings to fight scene choreography, he likes to help those who can't watch anime full time find better shows to fill the time they do have. Geoff and his partner Yazy live in beautiful BC, Canada, under the tyrannical rule of their three cats, Kuro, Junkrat, and Spaghetti.
Gerald Rathkolb     With a history of anime going back over 30 years, Gerald has has a connection to anime longer than most have been alive. Having started as part of the Robotech generation Gerald quickly outgrew that and is currently part of the Anime World Order podcast, the longest running anime-only podcast out there. A frequent writer for Otaku USA and contributor for Anime News Network, Gerald will continue to butt in where he's not welcome for the foreseeable future.
Hannah Collins     Based in the UK, Hannah is the Anime/Manga Feature Lead for CBR. As well as CBR, she has written about anime and manga for sites including The Mary Sue, Anime Feminist, Ranker, and WatchMojo, after getting her start in the blogging world with angry feminist rants and silly listicles about The Twilight Saga. A child of the ‘90s, Neon Genesis Evangelion and Cardcaptor Sakura are her all-time anime and manga faves; more recently, she’s become obsessed with Spy x Family, Chainsaw Man, and Dr. Stone.
Jacob Parker Dalton     Jacob Parker-Dalton is an otaku journalist and writer for OTAQUEST. He has been watching anime and reading manga for the better part of 10 years, stemming from a childhood infatuation with Studio Ghibli. All he wants is for someone to adapt the rest of Medaka Box, the greatest manga of all time. His style icons are both Naoki Urasawa and Bob Dylan in equal measure. James Perkins    James Perkins is the Lead Anime Writer for the UK-based publication STARBURST MAGAZINE. A fan of this breathtaking art form for almost 25 years, he lives and breathes all things Anime. This is his first time as a judge for The Anime Awards and can't wait to celebrate this year's contenders.
Jazmine Moore     Jazmine Moore—known on TikTok as kiri.jaz—describes herself as a young Black woman who enjoys watching anime and creating anime/cosplay related content. She's also an artist who hopes to inspire others to believe that no matter who you are, you can love anime and enjoy the world that we created as a family.
Julio Velez     Julio Velez is a journalist and critic who has specialized in anime, manga, and Japanese pop culture for more than 15 years. He is also a promoter and enthusiast of Japanese culture and dubbing in Latin America and works as Editor-in-Chief at Otaku-Shi in Mexico's Cine PREMIERE magazine.
Kaho Shibuya     Kaho Shibuya is a Japanese talent, author, cosplayer and anison DJ in Tokyo. She has been passionate about manga and anime for her entire life as a 90s girl, who also started streaming as a Twitch partner in May 2020. Kambole Campbell    Kambole Campbell is a freelance critic based in London in the UK, writing and speaking on animation as well as other film and TV for the likes of Empire, Thrillist, Polygon, All The Anime, Sight & Sound, Little White Lies, the BBC, and others.
Kate Sanchez     Kate Sánchez is the co-founder and EIC of But Why Tho? A Geek Community, a website dedicated to uplifting marginalized voices in pop culture. She is also a Rotten Tomatoes Certified Critic and member of the Austin Film Critics Association. In addition to writing, Kate is also a host on But Why Tho? the podcast, where she and her co-hosts discuss pop culture, and a host on Did You Have To?, a podcast dedicated uplifting brown and Black women in anime.
  Miki Koch Miki is the host and editor at Sumikai's Rolling Sushi podcast. She love calm and wholesome anime and like to consume anime-centric YouTube videos.   
Krystal Shanelle     Krystal is a 25-year-old content creator pushing the One Piece agenda. An anime fan since elementary school—with both the first and favorite series being Naruto—Krystal is most proud of cosplaying as Sakura from Naruto and Raven from Teen Titans. Krystal is currently studying animation and visual effects in Los Angeles with the dream of working on live-action anime, and is excited to be a judge for the Crunchyroll Awards!
Kwok-Wai Hanson     Kwok-Wai Hanson is a Writer/Host/Consultant within the anime industry. Since 2013, he has been creating content focused on data aggregation and community polls amongst seasonal anime series. Through his content creation, he has worked closely with various publishers from Japan and abroad within the industry. Currently, Kwok is the head of social at Mangamo, a manga subscription platform. He is also a host seen at Anime Expo and Crunchyroll Expo, including this year's Virtual Crunchyroll Expo.
Lauren Orsini     Lauren is a blogger and writer for outlets like Anime News Network and Forbes. She lives, works, and builds Gunpla in the Washington, DC suburbs.
Łukasz Kaczmarek     You don't know him, but you know his work. Łukasz Kaczmarek, also known as lukeatlook, is the person responsible for the Internet's most viral anime recommendation charts of the last decade, put together based on years of experience introducing his friends, students, and family to the world of anime. Sysadmin by trade, he's a vocal member of the anime community both on the Internet and the local Polish fandom, where he manages the English program at the biggest fan convention in Europe, Pyrkon, attended annually by over 40 000 unique guests from Poland and all of Europe.
Lynzee Loveridge     As executive editor of Anime News Network, Lynzee has the unique position of knowing what's tracking with the critics and with viewers in the anime fandom. She not only writes her own reviews every season but also reads everything from ANN's editorial staff! Outside of work, She's just a magical girl living in a Junji Ito world.
Maria Luiza Barros Maria Luiza, also known as Moo, is an actress, cosplayer and creates online content about anime and manga in Brazil since 2016. She's half of the duo behind Bunka Pop, a widely known anime and Japanese culture video series that were one of the most popular shows on the cable channel PlayTV. Now, Moo also works as a host on Bentô, an anime talk show created by Omelete, the biggest pop culture portal of the entire Brazilian internet.
Matheus Chami     A filmmaker who is passionate and bold when it comes to pop culture. Have a problem to solve? Call Chami!
Matt Schley     Matt Schley writes about anime for The Japan Times, Otaku USA Magazine, and elsewhere. He lives in Tokyo.
Megan Peters     Megan Peters is the editorial lead for anime coverage at ComicBook.com. As an entertainment journalist, she enjoys series such as Fullmetal Alchemist and Princess Jellyfish. Rumor has it she also likes K-pop and and comics as well!
  Michael Sudakov (Михаил Судаков) Creator of the KG-Portal.ru website, anime lover with 20 years of experience, admirer of Makoto Shinkai, Hayao Miyazaki and P.A. Works. Big fan and collector of retro games, retro computers and retro consoles.
Mohammed Naami     Mohammed Naami is the founder of Ai Show group, the biggest community for anime and manga in the Arabic speaking world, and was the Middle East representative in Anime Japan 2019, Saudi Arabia - Riyadh entertainment season Ambassador of 2019, and a host in Saudi Arabia Anime Expo 2019, the biggest Anime festival in the region.
Nino Kerl     Nino Kerl is the founder and producer of NinotakuTV and NinotakuDE. Since his early childhood, this Munich-based journalist has been an avid fan of both anime and Japan as a whole. Thus, his YouTube channel and news website are also heavily centered around Japanese pop culture.
Orophin Ancalimon / Денис Боровский     Orophin Ancalimon has been an active member of the Russian anime community for over ten years.  A person who has watched more than 1,500 anime of different genres, a blogger and creator of the Betrayed Expectations YouTube channel, where he analyzes various trends in anime, and also shares his impressions of interesting TV shows and films.  Recently write a column for Crunchyroll Russia.  His special interest is meha and maho-shojo anime, but at the same time he tries not to miss a single high-profile novelty.
  Priscila Souza Ganiko     A Brazilian entertainment journalist with a burning passion for anime, K-pop, and game related content, some of Priscila's favorite things are stories with good character development, bowls of ramen, emotional and inspiring OSTs, meaningful action sequences, and a great redemption arc, especially since "evil" characters end up being so irresistible.
Rafael Brito     Nicknamed 'Jiback', for over 7 years Rafael Brito has been editor-in-chief at JBox, one of the oldest Brazilian websites devoted to anime, manga, tokusatsu and all the japanese pop culture information.
Ricardo Santiago     Ricardo Santiago, better known as Rik, works as a content creator since 2008, producing a number of different, irreverent and creative segments on his YouTube channel and his livestreams. One of his most popular segments, Vamos Falar De... (Let's Talk About...), went on to become a succesful standalone channel.
Ryo Koarai     Ryo Koarai is an anime watcher and columnist at Kawadon-entertainment in Japanese talent agency, Miki-production. She watches over 100 anime titles aired and distributed in Japan every week since 2012, thus watches anime more than anyone else in Japan today. She writes anime-related columns on Yahoo! News Japan and is often invited to national TV news programs as a guest commentator. Additionally, she studies anime from an academic perspective as a Ph.D. candidate at Hokkaido University.
Semyon Kostin     Semyon is a staff journalist for online media DTF and regularly writes about anime, games, and movies. He has been watching anime since the mid-90s and still continues.
Sloan Lester     Known as Sloan The Female Otaku on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram and Twitter, Sloan is back to help judge the awards for a third time. Otaku isn't just for show, as she's seen over 300 anime and continues to educate others on anime across all platforms.
Sydney Sures     Anime content creator on Tiktok with the handle @morallygreyismyfavcolor. Long time anime fan, wildly over active imagination, and too much time on her hands. Wants to be a ninja, but knows she bruises way too easily; settles for reading fanfiction instead. Overshares her anime-centered daydreams on social media for others who share her same brand of crazy.
Theo Ellis     Theo J Ellis is the Founder of Anime Motivation, the largest anime site in the UK. And the biggest site dedicated to anime quotes and life lessons.
Tristan Gallant     Tristan "Arkada" Gallant is a Canadian YouTuber known for reviewing Japanese animation with his series Glass Reflection since early 2009, gaining a following of over 500K subscribers. With a variety of red outfits and overly enthusiastic expressions, he has displayed his passion for anime since his start, covering everything from shows like Mob Psycho 100 and Shirobako to related topics such as anime legality and industry support.
Valentin Paquot     Between the 80s and 90s France had what they call the "Generation Club Dorothée," a generation blessed with hours of anime on National TV. Nursed with high quality classic like Touch, Kimagure Orange Road, Saint Seiya, Dragon Ball, and many more, Valentin got hooked. Now, thanks to simulcast services, the availability of anime has never been so great. Valentin genuinely likes all kinds of anime, but has a particular sweet tooth for slice of life stories and worships Akemi Takada.
Quoc Viet Nguyen     Viet Nguyen is a video games journalist and host at Rocket Beans TV (YouTube & Twitch). He discusses anime and manga in his monthly podcast "Nani?! - Der Anime-Talk" and streams various games on his own Twitch channel. On Twitter, Instagram and Twitch, you can find him @Pixelviet.
Nezu aka "Madara's Daughter" Madara's Daughter is a content creator who dwells in the Anime Kingdom 24/7, cosplays, and would at least like to think she's funny!
By: Miles Thomas
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Vashikaran specialist in India to solve all your love marriage issues
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Do you really know the meaning of vashikaran and why does people need a vashikaran specialist in love life? Before going to discuss about the vashikaran specialist in India we will discuss about vashikaran and why for it can be used.
 When we love someone then everything seem much beautiful than before and we want that person for the whole life but when it comes to marriage then in India we have already seen that many problem arise when it comes to marriage and in many cases the love couples have to get separated from each other but with the help of vashikaran specialist in India you can conclude all these issues and make your partner stay with you for the whole life.
Problems in love marriage and how it can be solved
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Partner is not agree for the love marriage
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Parents refuses for love marriage
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Caste and religion of both the individuals
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Financial problems
We have to increase our financial condition before going to marry because as we know that we can make happy our partner for the whole life but their parents have to believe on our words, they will only believe in our words if we are that much strong financially so whether you are in a job field or doing business True vashikaran specialist can help you in increasing your financial condition.
Fear of society
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khutbahs · 4 years
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Quote of Sheikh Ahmad Deedat
Who is Sheikh Ahmed Deedat?
Sheikh Ahmed Deedat Give's a lecture about the 'Concept of God in Hinduism'. Ahmed Hoosen Deedat (July 1, 1918 -- August 8, 2005) The world renowned Muslim Scholar of Comparative Religion, was born in the Surat district of India in 1918. Ahmed Hoosen Deedat had no recollection of his father until 1926. His father, a tailor by profession, had emigrated to South Africa shortly after the birth of Ahmed Deedat. With no formal education and fighting off the extreme pangs of poverty, he went to South Africa in 1927 to be with his father. His farewell to his mother in India in 1927 was the last time he saw her alive for she passed away a few months later. In a foreign land, a boy of nine with no formal schooling and command of the English language began preparing for the role he was to play decades later without realizing it. Applying himself with diligence to his studies, the little boy not only was able to overcome the language barrier but also excelled in school. His avid passion for reading helped him gain promotions until he completed standard six. Lack of finance interrupted his schooling and at the early age of about sixteen he took on the first of many jobs in retailing. The most significant of these was in 1936 where he worked at a Muslim owned store near a Christian seminary on the Natal South Coast. The incessant insults of the trainee missionaries hurled against Islam during their brief visits to the store infused a stubborn flame of desire within the young man to counteract their false propaganda. As fate would have it, Ahmed Deedat discovered by pure chance a book entitled Izharul-Haq, meaning, 'The Truth Revealed'. This book recorded the techniques and enormous success of the efforts of Muslims in India in turning the tables against Christian missionary harassment during the British subjugation and rule of India. In particular, the idea of holding debates had a profound effect on Ahmed Deedat. Armed with this newly found zeal, Ahmed Deedat purchased his first Bible and began holding debates and discussions with the trainee missionaries. When they beat a hasty retreat in the face of his incisive counter arguments, he personally called on their teachers and even priests in the surrounding areas. These successes spurred Ahmed Deedat in the direction of Da'wah. Not even his marriage, birth of children and a three-year sojourn to Pakistan after its independence dampened his enthusiasm or dulled his desire to defend Islam from the deceitful distortions of the Christian missionaries. With missionary zeal to project the Truth and beauty of Islam. Ahmed Deedat immersed himself into a host of activities over the next three decades. He conducted classes on Bible studies and gave numerous lectures. He established the As-Salaam, an institute to train propagators of Islam. He, together with his family, almost single-handedly erected the buildings including the masjid, which is still a landmark today. He was a founder member of the Islamic Propagation Centre International (IPCI), Durban, and became its President. He has authored and published several books and distributed millions of copies free of charge. He has delivered thousands of lectures all over the world and successfully engaged prominent Christian Evangelists in public debates. Several thousand people have come into the fold of Islam as a result of these efforts. In a fitting tribute to this monumental achievement, he was awarded the King Faisal International Award in 1986, a prestigious recognition of enormous value in the world of Islam. However, no number of awards and honors can truly capture Sheikh Ahmed Deedat's essence and zeal for Islam. Sheikh Ahmed Deedat passed away on August 8, 2005 (aged 87). We pray that Allah accept all his good deeds and his work in the service of Islam and Comparative Religion. Ameen.
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intlcoordination · 6 years
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Atin Bhutani – CEO In Corp Global Pte Ltd
Rare is always limited. Atin is the true Guy. He is Numero Uno but is not fixated on the numbers game. It is more important for him to successfully do the right thing all the time. Breaking free of traditions, type cast , brackets imposed by Society here is a pure soul who emerges as a shining example of exceptional, inspirational role model.
What takes people a lifetime to learn Atin has already in a short span grasped the discerning factor that role models or leaders fail when expectations are not met. When it really matters and they are not there they turn out to be mere ordinary individuals.  “And  I realised that you do your own thing and be your self made man as everyone looks after their interests in the end“
The succesful evolution of a character is not determined by the accolades, gold medals received or the numbers /high scores ranking in the professional world of which Atin has an impressive collection.
Although Atin is on the top its his finer and sensitive traits which wins him staunch friends, loyal customers and employees who leave and come back to work with him. His clients vouch that –“Atin does not give stress”
Atin Bhutani’s entrepreneurial spirit was born from his childhood experience. Atin’s father was expected to become a doctor. Bhutani’s father rebelled. Bhutani says,” My dad was supposed to become a doctor, in fact he got admitted into a college but did not pursue it because he wanted to become an entrepreneur.” Initially his father joined his grandfather in the family business.
As the saying goes in business partnerships you need to be on the same wavelength and the alliance didn’t last long as apart from the generation gap, Bhutani’s father wanted to carve his own niche.
Relocating to Surat with a few thousand Rs(INR) and his family to start a business of Automobile spare parts  Bhutani vividly remembers his fathers struggles and hard work. They lived in a one-bedroom house and packing cases from the store became the sofa and bed. He says simply, “dad worked very, very hard”
His father shaped young Atin’s character leading with examples of qualities of leadership, generosity and making a difference in other peoples lives. While growing his own business  his father undertook the responsibility of  siblings  of his own by bringing them in, settled them with businesses of their own
Both his parents were academically strong, his mother was a double MA plus a gold medalist and always told the kids that while their dad was doing what he was doing their primary focus was to excel in studies and the result was that Atin was a topper at school level, a Gold medalist in Mechanical Engineering, scoring 2220 out of 2400 in GRE getting into top 10 MBA universities in India or being one of the few directors in HSBC
Atin is the eldest of two brothers. Both his parents were the eldest on either side and Atin by default is the eldest in the family. His entire schooling of 15 years was in one school which was very strong in discipline “Martay thhe” (they used to beat) as he says in Hindi with refreshing candor…but that is fine. That’s how we grew up in my age”
This time both father and son shared the same dream that Atin should be a Pilot. Bhutani details his ascension from aspiring Pilot to a revered finance executive. Finishing school and without prior advice enrolled in flying school. During his Pilot training he discovered the lack of promising career opportunities in the field,
“Becoming a private pilot  during the late 90s when there were no airlines in India. No private airlines, like Jet. So jobs that the pilots could get was VIP pilots. “This I didn’t know growing up and only once I entered that field realized why there were only 10 students and 4 instructors and 60,000 jobless pilots. So I knew I had to do something else also.”
Following in his fathers footsteps of being a self-made man - I was always quite independent, didnt want to become an instructor and I didntt want to live off my dad. He is a self made man and I would be a self made man as well”.- “Never really took a lot from my parents.” Although his dad could support him for overseas MBA program he chose to pursue it from the top  Universities in India. Once you are in top 10 it hardly matters whether its one acronym or another.”  Its not as if I look back at it and think every decision I took was right. If I could I would not do my engineering, I would do BBA then do my MBA because engineering didn’t help me so much. Other than building a bit of character, building to live independently and stuff I would have saved 1 year.”
From here he made a career changing choice that eventually landed him in HSBC and reaching a management level Director role.
During those years, he harks back to the outsize role his son held in his life. Bhutani notes he is vulnerable to quickly tear even at emotional junctions within a movie. Therefore, he suffered a great deal of pain during his son’s infancy and early childhood.
His son, who had a premature delivery, suffered from lactogen intolerance. This placed great limits on his early nutrition and diet, “First 3 years of his life he couldn’t have milk so for a child who couldn’t have milk he couldn’t also have mashed potato because his food pipe was so small. So the only thing he could have was soya milk and because soya milk has no taste we used to buy this flavored Godrej brand called sofit. Now popular but during those days old packaging you used to get in select few places in bangalore so all the mall walaas (hindi word for mall owners) had my number and used to say “Saab aa gaya aa jao” in Hindi(Sir its  arrived you come over). So he grew up the first 2 and a half years even if cake used to touch his face he would develop blisters and he would struggle.” Bhutani recollects.
This adversity was overcome by character building and provided Bhutani with great pride and inspiration as he noted “Nowadays I look up to my son a lot. He has a phenomenal attitude.” He continues, “We feel he has grown up to be very respectful and very good child. There are times even when hes not wrong he will just keep quiet. And brilliant football player, good in studies so we’re very happy. Flip side is now he cant eat fruits because for the first 3 years he kept drinking fruit fruit. So I learnt a lot from him the spirit of perseverance against all odds. When he’s playing football he is the smallest in the team but competes the hardest. In aggressive play when someone tackles him he just gets up and keeps going.”
The struggle brought him and his wife Chetna even closer and her words of faith –“ if god takes something away he gives something else” saw him through. It was also her faith and importantly, sacrifices, that put the family on the path of Entrepreneurship eventually and he believes whatever little success they have had has come in on the back of that friendship, love and partnership. “From being sweepers to the sales people to owners, we did it all together during the formative years of the business. I also know it would not have been easy to let go of her own, very successful business in India and walk the path with me instead. So – as far as influence goes – she has been the one person who has been holding my hand through more than half of my life”.
Atin also has a young daughter who has practically grown up in Singapore. “She keeps me grounded and she is one who brought about so many positive changes in our life. Chetna calls her an ‘Angel’ because of this as well as because of her unbelievably selfless nature and the laughter she carries with her. While I missed a large part of her growing up, she is the one person in our household who is just happy to spend time with us, give us an honest opinion on everything under the sun and is probably the smartest one”
An Exceptional Mother. Solid Foundations.
“To be a mother of a son is one of the most important things you can do to change the world. Raise them to respect women, raise them to stand up for others, raise them to be kind.” Shannon L. Alder
Atin was blessed to have a remarkable mother. She instilled in her two sons attribute/virtues of respect, sensitivity and moral uprightness. Mindful that they didn’t have any sister she raised them with emphasis on how to respect women , people.and being independent. “She always used to tell me that there are no sisters so you have to be very careful especially when you are dealing with women.  If people came as part of being good hosts the boys were taught to serve the guests . As it pertains to influencing his career moves, Bhutani claims his mother who he was closest to and from whom he inherited his mannerisms was the driving force behind his move to Singapore saying “She was very fiercely protective that you go. So, because she saw my dad and her brothers, she said no to getting into family business at every stage through education and early career and she pushed me to get out of India. And Punjabis have this thing that you are successful if you are outside India.” And even as he made the move within a few months of his arrival, Bhutani’s mother was diagnosed with cancer but did not allow her son to forego the hard work and persevered by fighting strong during her battle with the disease.
It was his brother whom Bhutani credits with those hard times, saying “He’s the nicest person. He’s the nicest person anybody can know. He took care of mother that period and he was always there and he never lost his temper he never lost any anything.” Atin and his brother share a very close bond, one that is not lost on Bhutani, “And we are very close to each other and that to me is not very common.”
As part of his time at the helm of InCorp Group of Companies, Atin is grateful of the friendship and trust shown by his co-founder towards him. Bhutani has learnt to value trust in those you invest in, “After being a CEO making his money and having invested the money in me since 2015 till today he has not questioned me. That kind of trust and I have learnt that, if I make that kind of money and if I were to invest in someone, I will back them. Even if you make 2-3 mistakes I don’t care.”
And he keeps the relationship very, very, formal at work but informal and as a friend. When he talks you learn a lot from him, you talk to him he thinks a lot, he talks about things that are going to happen few years down the line. Has the ability to take the people along despite not talking a lot. So he’s been a great influence in professional life.
Bhutani’s leadership style is greatly focused at providing the best environment for his staff to thrive in. He takes annual employee surveys with great diligence and places emphasis in providing as many requests that come his way even while being aware that as the leader he can’t please everybody all the time. Still, he takes great pride in trying to address most of the feedback points whether it is through providing one of the better f&b spaces in a corporate space, or working on technology upgrade, software, hardware sanctions all are taken in right earnest even though there will be 20 percent attrition.Whether it is people management or talent retention, mergers or acquisitions Atin when necessary is capable of drawing the line and taking a hard call.
“It's a rare person who wants to hear what he doesn't want to hear. “-Dick Cavett
But his single greatest leadership quality is winning over clients, especially the most demanding ones. A case in point is of an irate client who he turned round to a relationship based on mutual trust and respect that grew after the person took all the criticism to his door and he patiently addressed every single challenge laid at his door. Bhutani says he always excelled in pressure environments as he recounts an example from his time at HSBC, “In general I have realized that I do very well if there is some sort of adversity. In banking when there is some sort of event or transaction happening
“Men of routine or men who can do what they are told are not hard to find; but men who can think and plan and tell the routine men what to do are very rare.”-  William Graham Sumner
This extends to people/colleague relationships. Its rare to see people letting go of insecurity/ego, jealousy and becoming friends in a professional working atmosphere. “When I was given a larger role in Singapore HSBC, I was a individual transactor, I did very well so corporate banking head decided to elevate me. Make me head of the team so guys who were part of the team ended up reporting to me. So I lost two of the best RMs that had quit within two months of my taking over. So that is when I sat down with the rest of my team, see it is what it is. A year down the line, I want to stand in front of all of you and still deliver results and that will be huge success and 1 out of those two came back and worked for me and is now one of the closest friends. So that challenge I am always ready to take on.”
Atin is down to earth, not materialistic. “So beyond a point in time money will just be a number. There is a certain bare minimum I want to get to. It is not to buy great shoes or great watches. For me if it means I can retire by the time I am 50-55 that’s what I want to make.”
Given Bhutani’s achievements and success to-date he is not emotionally attached to his role as boss and has a cool perspective in being aware that should a takeover lay in the future and given he fulfilled the 5-year plan set out during the launch in 2015, Bhutani would be very comfortable in taking time off should that be the direction any future ownership might consider. He is after all a family man who enjoys the simple pleasures of watching movies on his sofa and going out for meals with his family and a keenness to travel the world
Outside of all the humdrum of money matters his passion lies in sports apart from travel. During his college and HSBC time he used to play cricket, volleyball, badminton table tennis teams. “In general adventure, adrenaline, I have done bungee jumping, any type of adventure ride I will be there. So those are the things I would love to do.”
Interesting traits of Atin- While watching the Movie – “As good as it Gets” starring Jack Nicholson he discovered that the character and he shared a similar trait of not stepping on cracked tiles on pavements/roads etc.
Leaving unfinished work is unsettling for him as he suffers from Monday morning blues, since he is unable to sleep on Sunday nights easily.
What puts him off – “People belittling or blaming despite me trying to make genuine attempt towards outcome that is beneficial for them. So it feels waste of energy, efforts etc. And secondly lack of ownership especially among senior guys.”
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newsdistribution · 8 years
27 Football Players from Uflex STAIRS SSFL Selected for Gujarat State Team
27 Football Players from Uflex STAIRS SSFL Selected for Gujarat State Team
Business Wire India Gujarat State Football Association (GSFA) has selected twenty-seven young and talented footballers from Uflex Stairs School Football League (SSFL)-Gujarat for the Gujarat State team. The selected players will represent the state football team in the forthcoming Junior National Championship. Season 3 of Uflex Stairs School Football League (SSFL) Gujarat – in association with GSFA concluded with the selection of these 27 football players amid loud cheer and excitement at the Sports Authority of India Complex, Gandhinagar, today. Conceptualised to identify football talent at early adolescence so that India could get some of the best footballers, SSFL-Gujarat is joined by Uflex, India’s largest flexible packaging company, under its corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy.
The mega sports event Uflex SSFL-3 saw more than 30,000 school-level footballers from Delhi & Gujarat participating in the tournament. The Championship witnessed avid participation from teams of under 14 boys, under 17 boys and girls’ teams in U-14 and U-17 categories.
Sh. C V Som, Principal Secretary to Government of Gujarat and MD, GSCSC Ltd., who presided over the occasion as the chief guest appreciated the joint effort by SSFL GSFA and wished luck to the selected players. The closing event was followed by a prize distribution ceremony, during which trophies, medals and certificates were given to the winning team and players for showing exemplary performance. Overall, four winning teams – one each from Under 14 Girls, Under 14 Boys, Under 17 Girls, Under 17 Boys lifted the majestic gold plated Champions Trophy while the runners-up received the Grand Silver Trophy.
Congratulating the selected players, Sh. Gulab Chauhan, Secretary, GSFA, said, “We are excited to see that in a short span SSFL in Gujarat has created enormous scouting opportunities at grassroots. Before SSFL, there has been no professionally managed platform of such a scale in the state for young footballers to showcase their talent. Thanks to the SSFL format, we have witnessed development of football in the state. It is for the first time in the history of Gujarat state football that all the semi-finalists were at par on the points table and it was difficult to choose the winner. Also, in this season of SSFL, we witnessed an exemplary performance from two districts that were not in the reckoning in the earlier seasons. The mission of SSFL is completely in sync with the objective of GSFA which is to build football culture, create multiple opportunities for footballers and introduce sustainable and scalable programmes that can position Gujarat as a sporting state.”
Congratulating the players on the selection, Mr Siddhartha Upadhyay, Founder and Secretary General, STAIRS, said, “I congratulate the players who have been selected to the Gujarat State Team and will represent the state at the national level. It is indeed a proud moment for us to see our program SSFL, having increased in scale in such a short span of time. I thank GSFA for facilitating SSFL in Gujarat and hope this will inspire a lot more young talent to come forward and be a part of this program in years to come. It is just the beginning of identifying real talent at the grassroots and giving them an opportunity to play at the national level.”
Following is the list of players selected to represent Gujarat State team for the forthcoming Junior National Championship.
Society for Transformation, Inclusion and Recognition through Sports (STAIRS) and Gujarat State Football Association (GSFA) have entered into an agreement to jointly develop the football culture across the state. The organizations have been conducting the STAIRS School Football League (SSFL) together in the state. The objective of the association is to create opportunities for budding players at the grassroots and complement the developing sporting culture in the state of Gujarat.
About GSFA
The Gujarat State Football Association (GSFA) is the governing body for football in the state of Gujarat. The Association is one of the 36 Indian State Football Associations that are affiliated to the All India Football Federation (AIFF).
Society for Transformation, Inclusion and Recognition through Sports (STAIRS)
STAIRS is a not-for-profit organization working towards sports, education, and health and skill development of children across India.
The organization is driven by the mission to facilitate the process of creating an enabling environment for children to exercise their ‘right to play’ and create a support system to elevate them. Its vision is to guide youth for their holistic development by channelizing their energy towards meaningful activities, thus bringing about a positive and constructive thinking that results in prosperity.
STAIRS programmes include training camps, tournaments and championships, thus providing a platform to these children to hone their skills and showcase their talent. STAIRS taps in to the potential talent and provides opportunity to climb up the stairs of social empowerment and shape character by inculcating a sense of belongingness in the society. Some of the STAIRS beneficiaries are currently playing at the national and international circuits and earn laurels for the country.
STAIRS is currently the largest organization that ensures youth development through sports. With focus on achieving Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) through sports, over 200,000 children play – without having to spend a penny – ‘every day’ at 400 STAIRS Training Centres in over 4,000 villages across 7 states in India. Over 2,000,000 lives have already been touched and changed through STAIRS’ interventions and the organization is steadily scaling and increasing its reach with an aim to touch one billion lives by 2020.
* More about STAIRS: http://www.stairs.org.in/
*About STAIRS School Football League (SSFL), the world’s largest football talent scouting and training programme: http://ssfl.in/
*STAIRS is the ‘Best NGO for Promoting Sports in India’ as adjudged by FICCI India Sports Award 2015.
*STAIRS is also a part of the Steering Committee under Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Government of India, for FIFA U-17 World Cup, BRICS U-17 Tournament; Mission XI Million Programme and Pilot Programme of Subroto Mukerjee Sports Education Society. Hence, the facilities shared with them will complement the efforts of the ministry towards development of grassroots sports in the country.
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playboyservices · 3 years
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khutbahs · 4 years
Who is Sheikh Ahmed Deedat?
Sheikh Ahmed Deedat Give's a lecture about the 'Concept of God in Hinduism'. Ahmed Hoosen Deedat (July 1, 1918 -- August 8, 2005) The world renowned Muslim Scholar of Comparative Religion, was born in the Surat district of India in 1918. Ahmed Hoosen Deedat had no recollection of his father until 1926. His father, a tailor by profession, had emigrated to South Africa shortly after the birth of Ahmed Deedat. With no formal education and fighting off the extreme pangs of poverty, he went to South Africa in 1927 to be with his father. His farewell to his mother in India in 1927 was the last time he saw her alive for she passed away a few months later. In a foreign land, a boy of nine with no formal schooling and command of the English language began preparing for the role he was to play decades later without realizing it. Applying himself with diligence to his studies, the little boy not only was able to overcome the language barrier but also excelled in school. His avid passion for reading helped him gain promotions until he completed standard six. Lack of finance interrupted his schooling and at the early age of about sixteen he took on the first of many jobs in retailing. The most significant of these was in 1936 where he worked at a Muslim owned store near a Christian seminary on the Natal South Coast. The incessant insults of the trainee missionaries hurled against Islam during their brief visits to the store infused a stubborn flame of desire within the young man to counteract their false propaganda. As fate would have it, Ahmed Deedat discovered by pure chance a book entitled Izharul-Haq, meaning, 'The Truth Revealed'. This book recorded the techniques and enormous success of the efforts of Muslims in India in turning the tables against Christian missionary harassment during the British subjugation and rule of India. In particular, the idea of holding debates had a profound effect on Ahmed Deedat. Armed with this newly found zeal, Ahmed Deedat purchased his first Bible and began holding debates and discussions with the trainee missionaries. When they beat a hasty retreat in the face of his incisive counter arguments, he personally called on their teachers and even priests in the surrounding areas. These successes spurred Ahmed Deedat in the direction of Da'wah. Not even his marriage, birth of children and a three-year sojourn to Pakistan after its independence dampened his enthusiasm or dulled his desire to defend Islam from the deceitful distortions of the Christian missionaries. With missionary zeal to project the Truth and beauty of Islam. Ahmed Deedat immersed himself into a host of activities over the next three decades. He conducted classes on Bible studies and gave numerous lectures. He established the As-Salaam, an institute to train propagators of Islam. He, together with his family, almost single-handedly erected the buildings including the masjid, which is still a landmark today. He was a founder member of the Islamic Propagation Centre International (IPCI), Durban, and became its President. He has authored and published several books and distributed millions of copies free of charge. He has delivered thousands of lectures all over the world and successfully engaged prominent Christian Evangelists in public debates. Several thousand people have come into the fold of Islam as a result of these efforts. In a fitting tribute to this monumental achievement, he was awarded the King Faisal International Award in 1986, a prestigious recognition of enormous value in the world of Islam. However, no number of awards and honors can truly capture Sheikh Ahmed Deedat's essence and zeal for Islam. Sheikh Ahmed Deedat passed away on August 8, 2005 (aged 87). We pray that Allah accept all his good deeds and his work in the service of Islam and Comparative Religion. Ameen.
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mygigolofan · 6 years
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