#playable Enjou when?
thomacatfriends · 10 months
Friend of the day: I was unexpectedly reunited with this old friend today! Enjou! It's always nice to see you!
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zhimaqiu · 1 year
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lovegasmic · 7 months
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hellobitchlet · 7 days
Thoughts on Kinich's quest:
- from the moment the quest started, where Kinich revealed that Trindad wants to kill the Mountain King, and Paimon and Traveler immedietaly went to "Oh no! Killing = bad!", with no mention of Enjou or Ajaw whatsoever, I knew this quest wasn't going to be as good as I hoped. I don't know why I had hope in the first place.
- I like Kinich accidentally entering a beastly rift and doing his own research on abyss stuff, without automatically knowing the names for things like most characters. It was pretty neat to watch him explain beastly rifts to Traveler and Paimon while referring to riftwolves as "purple dogs". It made me feel like I understood how his brain works a little better.
- actually, the funny thing about Kinich, as a Natlan character, being the one to do this research is that Natlan is the nation that is at war with the abyss. Like. This is literally the only nation where it would make sense for the average person to know what riftwolves are. This isn't reeeally a complaint, I just find it funny.
- I'm really not a fan of how killing the Mountain King was automatically seen as bad despite their suffering bc tradition is 'more important', but to be fair to the main conflict, it would've been much worse if we were supposed to see Trindad as a bad person. The writers didn't villainize him for not wanting his people to die bc of a tradition, and his point of view was treated as equal to the npc's that Traveler and Paimon agreed with, and that is pretty good for a Genshin npc.
- though, I am a little suspicious about how they're suddenly willing to do this for a light skinned npc, when Mualani's quest villainized a brown skinned npc in the same update.
- I do actually like the Turnfire Night plot. One of the only things I like about Natlan is that it combines the abyss lore and nation world building more than other places. I just feel like the writers can't decide whether they want Kinich to be morally gray (sending the MK to the ABYSS just to avoid killing it to Avoid Drama) or have great morals like the rest of the cast (Traveler and Paimon being so focused on killing = bad that they don't have a problem with this).
- I am extremely annoyed at the fact that a decent chunk of this quest was spent helping npc's and giving Traveler over-the-top praise while Kinich did the actually important stuff. I don't care about these guys! I care about Enjou and the abyss! This isn't even about the turnfire night! We already do this kind of stuff in every single world and archon quest, for fucks sake!
- why do we learn how Kinich and Ajaw met from a random npc? Who just brings it up out of nowhere?? Why??
- it's not that important I guess, but Kinich calling Paimon gentle natured was the stupidest thing ever. I can forgive him bc he's comparing her to Ajaw and hasn't seen her be bitchy yet, but please don't tell me that the writers actually see her like that. She's an asshole.
- in comparison to the Turnfire Night plot, what little we got of Enjou and Ajaw was suuuuper interesting. I am loving whatever they have going on (and Ajaw's lore overall), and I wish we got more of it instead of fooling around with less important npc's. I am very glad that Enjou is back, but that makes it sadder that he's probably going to be forgotten about again.
- it took me a second to realize that his name changed to The Thing Calling Itself "Sanka". That's a neat little detail.
- "cliche, I know - the hero's trusted partner sells him out to the Abyss in a shocking act of betrayal. Cue bad-guy speech and drawn-out death sequence..." "Abyss Boarding School" "I could never beat you in a straight-up fight, but when it comes to running away, I won't lose to anyone" Enjou I love you.
- my favorite part of this entire quest is probably the fact that Enjou now, officially, has a relationship to a playable character other than Traveler. And man, is it a fun one. Deadpan, serious Kinich caught between silly little assholes Ajaw and Enjou both wanting to take his body is really fun. If Genshin itself refuses to expand on his relationship to Ajaw and Kinich, then I better see the fandom doing it instead.
- back to the Turnfire Night stuff, it's convenient that the Mountain King isn't corrupted anymore and decided to live. I wonder if the ending was just done like that bc the writers weren't sure what to do with a story where one side isn't necessarily wrong. Overall though, it's not that bad, just boring.
I'm enjoying making these overall thoughts posts. Maybe I should make more? There's no guarantee of me doing every single archon quest and story quest, though. Especially when I'm focusing on both Genshin and hsr.
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gold-rhine · 13 days
What is your fav genshin world quest? And do you think world quests suffer from not including playable characters in them? Or is it better for them to only have NPCs? Like I know some people have critiqued enkanomiya world quest with "where is Kokomi" since this is basically her place.
i think making blank statements like "world quests suffer from not having playable characters" is reductive and short-sighted. i dont care if characters are playable or not if they are well written and if they work within the quest. in fact, some archon quests suffer from having too much playable characters in them. we absolutely did not need ayaka date in inazuma archon quest. i wrote that post about collei bc i think her conflict fits aranara quests perfectly and current npc in that quest has no character and does nothing, except wake up and get dendro vision for free. its not about whether collei is playable or not.
actually enka is one of my fav world quests. and no, it absolutely did not need kokomi in it. and i rewrote entire inazuma archon quest, giving her actual character development and strategist arc, so i'm speaking from kokomi pr brigade perspective.
when we're talking if character should be in a quest or not, its not about whose place it is bc they like live here. its about what they would bring to this specific quest. what are the themes and POINT of the quest. and what is the development arc is for this character, does it fit this quest, what this character's presence would meaningfully contribute.
so like. what is enka about? its about enjou intrigues, its about lies and gaslighting, about how clever assholes like him can frame the narrative to make you see white as black and black as white and manipulate you into doing what he wants. and to echo this, the deeper, hidden narrative, is about meta players perception of the lore. its about how celestia are actually the invaders who conquered teyvat by force and then pretended to be creators of this world and killed anyone who even learned the truth, like orobashi, despite them having heavenly aethetic. how orobashi went to fight raiden knowing he will die as a part of celestia's punishment, even tho before we were told he wanted to destroy inazuma. and the deepest buried lead was that despite us being told that vishaps are evil dragons attacking humans, mindless brutal animals, they are in fact sentient beings, and in fact, real natives of this world who were invaded and then framed as evil for fighting back. like, before enka i didn't give a fuck about vishaps, but after it i became dragon lore enthusiast for this exact reason
at the core of that quest is how kokomi ancestors sucked horribly, mistreated their own people while presenting themselves as glorious empire, and also did horrible eugenics and warcrimes on vishaps, who they KNEW were sentient beings, because they could learn human language and talk. and they captured children of these sentient beings, grafted corrals into their flesh, kept them in captivity in a deepest cave for decades, just to then slaughter them and take the bloodsoaked corrals off their dead bodies to use it to revitilize watatsumi bare earth. and it was repeated again and again, generations of torture, literally soaking blood of dragon children.
and this all is kinda buried under the narrative of "defeating evil monster dragons to save the island", because this is traditional fantasy narrative and its structured like that to obscure the reality from players without ever lying to them. you have all the facts, but you need to realize that YOU are playing the villain here by yourself. just like enjou manipulating the truth without ever actually lying.
so like. what is kokomi supposed to do here. she can't realize the truth and try to make amends, bc at this point of the overall story players are not supposed to understand that dragons are people who were invaded by celestia. they are not supposed to see vishaps as sympathetic yet, enka is the first major lore drop to give this reveal foundation, but the reveal itself only happens in fountaine with neuvi.
and if kokomi doesn't realize the truth, then she's just being duped by enjou like the traveler, which makes her look stupid, and she does what? stands here and listens to the lore? kills dragons herself? so that after fountaine players could look at neuvi, realize that other vishaps are people like him too and go "wait, was kokomi doing warcrimes against dragons????" like, as of now, she has deniability bc like. she's never been in enka herself, she didn't know she's sending the traveler to kill what is basically dragon kids tortured and raised in captivity, for her its an ancient ritual to save her island. but like if you add her to the quest, it fucking crumbles.
tldr; characters should be in quests if they add something to them and have their own development based on quest events. kokomi should have had better written archon quest, she should not have been in enka. i do hope tho they revisit enka in future and then kokomi is here, bc now after dragon lore recontextualization, she can learn the truth and confront enka's legacy
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thormanick · 26 days
soooooooo my feelings related to the recent archon quest might be a bit confusing in their nature (there is something about the ratio between overall pacing and lore/character/cutscene moments that made me trip a bit, I'm not sure what exactly or why), bUT I have some things to say:
I didn't expect to like Mualani as much as I like her now, as a character AND a playable unit
If anyone so much as looks at Kachina the wrong way I will tear them to pieces. There will be blood and it won't be mine. Do not touch that precious girl (I say all of this with the context of liking Kachina the least when the new Natlan characters were revealed. I truly didn't think they'd manage to make me interested in her. But her characterization really really made me root for her with all the roots I had (and I think the VA did a very good job). I think her segments had very good writing, and her interactions with Mualani served very well to build both of the characters equally)
I kinda expected to see more of Kinich? But overall my initial opinion on him didn't change - which is, I don't really have an opinion on him either way. (well his interactions with Ajaw were nice in terms of glimpsing into his/their character/s, but otherwise I really don't have much to say).
I'm kinda conflicted on Mavuika bc while everything about her character progression made sense I still had a strong feeling like there should have been at least one more scene with her sometime in the beginning/middle that could have established her a bit more as an authority figure that was chosen to be an archon, but it never happened. But it feels like there should have been something else. Idk idk (overall I really liked how they approached her character as an archon and explained her existence.)
That cliffhanger at the end. I'm watching you, Hoyo.
I liked all the battle segments, especially in the People of the Springs section. I think that was fun. It felt exciting.
Overall I have a good impression from this quest, I just wish we had more time. Not because pacing was off, but because I feel like there could have been even more material put into this first part of the Natlan Arc. Idk idk
P. S. Oh yeah Chasca??? Was there a lot??? I didn't expect that at all. I liked her character (in fact purely character-wise she might be one of my top Anemo characters??? probably??? (I'm sorry anemo folks I... generally don't like anemo characters as much as most of the fandom I feel like... (exceptLynetteshe'samazing))). But boy... I still can't comprehend her design. Which is sad because color palette is pretty and should (and could) work well, it's just... I think it's the garments, maybe the cape (? is it even cape?) in particular. I wish it wasn't split in half but was a one piece instead. And I wish she had both gloves. Or both pants. One or the other, Something about that current asymmetrical symmetry is not working as intended, but that's just my opinion.
P.P.S. When the Pyro Lector appeared my immediate reaction was: "You are not the Thing Calling Itself Enjou >:[ !!!"
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chocoenvy · 2 years
yo i always seen sagau impostor au y/n fanfics about them joining the fatui, living with the monsters or playable characters joining the chaotic hunt ➖👄➖
Sooooo what if INSTEAD reader was spawn near the abyss order camp, they (kinda???)have a feeling that we are the god of teyvat so the abyss mages have sus looks at first so they trap us first, then reported to one of the heralds theennn word got to the prince(ss). They probably wanted to kill us since i mean, ITS THE CREATOR FOE FU- *ahem* they might try to ask things regarding of celestial. Hope enjou will capture me😍
Now this event is either from before we got hunted or during the run
I mean think about it- (thisistotallynotformetoimagineabysstraveler)
yes i too am a simp for abyss traveler thank you very much
HSDLFJASDFSDF butbut would be happy to provide my own thoughts on this!
warnings: Blood! Much much blood and angst <3
You were running blind, the map in game not yet having expanded this far out. The brush scratching whatever skin it could get and snagging onto your clothes. You were no doubt leaving a loud and obvious trail behind you, it was only a matter of time before you were caught and you didn't want to know what they'd do to you once they got you.
Luckily - or perhaps unluckily - right in front of you appeared a portal. You didn't have the time to stop yourself before you were plunging right into the
When you regained your bearings, sitting on the floor, heaving and sweat soaking your entire body, all of your brief relief vanished as you stared up at an Abyss Lector.
You couldn't see his eyes but you could almost feel the contempt radiating from him.
"I've seen lows but this is just a new one." He scoffed before turning to another abyss member, "Fetch their highness."
They nodded without question and scurried off.
You mouthed the twins name unconsciously, your time as an outsider looking in still not worn off. Excitement bubbled in your stomach at the prospect of seeing them, but you quickly realized that this would probably be your final resting place.
You huddled in on yourself, your tears dried from weeks of crying. You didn't even do anything wrong. That's the part that made you most upset. You just wished someone would listen to you-
"Your highness." The lector bowed, "Here they are." He motioned to you.
They stepped up to you with an aura you weren't used to from a face you would often associate with the traveler. Even though they weren't the one you chose, you never saw them with such a cold look on their face before.
You said their name, true and thundering and pleading. You swore you saw them wince.
"How do you know that name?" They interrupted you, "How do you know about me?"
You gulped, their presence heavy on your shoulders.
You couldn't provide them with a quick and easy explanation. There was none. Your throat dried up.
They glared at you, but there was a flicker of something warm and golden in their irises, "How much do you know?"
You opened your mouth, the most damning and secretive piece of information on the tip of your tongue, "The statue of the defiled god in Liyue. The statue of the anemo archon. And the original chaos core being in the ruin guard at Stormterrors lair. Or it was until Dain took it."
Their teeth grit together when you mentioned Dainlief's name so casually. But now there was a new emotion in their eyes. Panic.
"There's only one way you'd know all that information..." They muttered.
"Or when you and your sibling were fighting the Unknown God!" You said desperately, "Their name is Asmodeus! You were taken by them and your twin," You said their name loud and familiar, "was asleep for 500 years."
The emotions swelling in their eyes were enough to make your head swirl. Had you convinced them? That you were a god or whatever? Had you convinced them not to kill you?
The abyss lector gasped, "We've defiled their holiness-!"
A golden sword and a golden nara sliced you cleanly with their blade. Right in your chest where gold spilled out from your chest to perfectly match the star that the twins once were.
The stars that you plucked from the sky.
The abyssal prince(ss)'s golden eyes locked onto the Lector's. Wide and wild they growled, "They were a fraud. Dispose of the body through any means necessary." They removed the sword from your body and flicked the blood off, "Don't try anything stupid."
They left the room, gold blood splattering the golden nara.
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idkfitememate · 6 months
The abyss mage who rizzed us all up is called Enjou and he’s hilarious. Suspiciously, both Jeht and Enjou have the letter j in their name and are extremely pretty and are rizz masters. Also they’re buddies with the true traveler—a concept I made up that means the traveler really shows show their true self in world quests with no playable characters around.
If I had to pic a favorite NPC it’d be between Enjou and Jeht off the top of my head.
🦌 anon
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I had never met that man(?) in my life but the rizz he held was too damn strong-
also YES!! SOMEONE ELSE WHO HAS A DIFFERENT TRAVELER HEADCANNON!! I personally believe they don’t look human for shit (looking like a water bear or something close) and their human form is more a lure or something on those lines.
Me and my irl friends constantly made jokes where traveler would be like “And the microorganisms in my scalp are itching-“ “You mean your hair?” “Oh no they get angry when I call them that.” “???”
Or just shit like that.
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ac-liveblogs · 26 days
Tying a world quest to reputation quests (one per tribe) and then tying that to the representative of that tribe is a good move. I've been wanting this sort of thing for awhile. Enjou, Ajaw and Kinich being major parts of the Scions of the Canopy world quest was a pleasant surprise, I like this change. Enjou is unsurprisingly more fun when he's talking to more dynamic characters.
It does suck it took this long to put playable characters in world quests, but it's a good sign. Anyway, I like Ajaw. The characters and world seem better integrated this time around.
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bestgenshinnpc2024 · 2 years
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He first appears in world quest From Dusk to Dawn in Byakuyakoku. Enjou helps Traveler during the exploration of Enkanomiya, but betrays them in the end when he reveals his connection to Abyss Order.
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This poll does not include Xiao, as he is a playable character. Their names are Menogias, Indarias, Bonanus and Bosacius. They fought against monster and such, which lead to them being stained by karmic debt. The Yakshas were overwhelmed by madness and despair. Xiao is now the last Yaksha alive.
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descensionstar · 2 years
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vague spoilers for Chapter III, Act VI: Caribert!
a little late, but not entirely last minute — as a result of the mists doing their thing while out and about, Lumine and Paimon have been separated for the event. thanks to the temporary uncap on offer, Lumine will have all four playable elements available to her, primarily utilising Electro, while Paimon will have all restrictions lifted on her floating. though she still won’t be much help when it comes to actual fighting, she’ll actually be quite the wreck without her best friend around.
STARFELL LAKE (PAIMON) — the starting location situated in north-eastern Mondstadt. by the time the pair reached Starfell Lake at the beginning of the game, they’d been travelling together for two months. pockets of Hilichurs and Slimes can be found, but the area is altogether at peace, with the city visible from the western shore.
THE SEA OF FLOWERS (PAIMON) — billed by the story trailer as the final chapter after the Khaenri��ah story, all known is the visual including the twins, so that will be extent of exploration; the area will be an endless field of flowers similar to the the Abyss representing the Traveler’s fear in Perilous Trail.
ETERNAL OASIS (LUMINE) — an enchanting realm tucked beneath the sandstorm raging in the heart of Sumeru’s desert; the garden of the Goddess of Flowers, perfectly frozen in time, so much so that you can walk on the water. sunset bathes the area in a warm orange, giving it both a beautiful and hauntingly somber atmosphere, where even mid-air wildlife does not move.
GANDHARVA VILLE (LUMINE) — a section of the Avidya Forest where the Forest Rangers are established, yet something about its current state seems almost devoid of human life. while familiar faces such as Tighnari and Collei would be expected, there is no sign of them, just an unsuspecting house tucked away on a cliff not far from the Statue of the Seven.
DAINSLEIF (PAIMON) — Aether’s traveling companion from 500 years ago, mirroring Paimon’s role, Dain once served as Khaenri’ah’s finest. bearing a curse of immortality that eats away at one’s soul over time, he plays the part now of Aether’s enemy to stop the Abyss Order’s ambition.
ARAMA (LUMINE) — a small creature native to Sumeru, typically visible to children but forgotten overtime, the Aranara belong to the forest, like seeds which grow into its trees. Arama played a significant role in the storyline as a representative of sorts for the species, helping to protect the forest from ancient corruption manifesting in pockets across the nation.
the antagonist of the Enkanomiya storyline; Enjou’s relaxed demeanour might not fit the image of an Abyss soldier, but he’s out to cause trouble in a variety of ways, such as sowing the seeds of discord and mistrust, befitting his masquerade of a human expert of the ancient. though he might not be able to contend with the Traveler in a brawl, his strong suit is more in the form of psychological warfare.
second among the Fatui’s Harbingers, Dottore is an incredibly dangerous person to get mixed up with, the mastermind of many a scheme spanning centuries, and as a result, the root of many characters’ anguish, namely Nahida, Collei, Diluc, Kazuha and Wanderer. in possession of a Cryo Vision, his rank signifies his ability as a fighter just as his scientific sadism does his lack of regard for life. like Enjou, he’s been capable of blending in behind the façade of normalcy, while pursuing the taboo, including the orchestration of the Akademiya’s manmade god project.
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vishapsking · 2 years
delusion, tank, teppei :)
genshin ask meme. @jadeburdened / accepting !
Delusion: what are your genshin unpopular opinions?
there are so many opinions in the fandom, i'm not sure what's popular or not anymore tbh. like how i literally saw rezhong is incest being an actual take someone had lmao.
mmm, but i guess the fandom is way too focused on character ages when the majority of them have nothing confirmed/set in stone ( hahah ). the whole "teen model" or whatever discourse is always so wild. like i can't believe that some folk are still debating whether or not traveler is a minor. or whether or not shipping xiao with "adults" is okay. or venti as schrodinger's shota/minor depending on who he's shipped with.
it's not that serious, y'all.
Tank: which character do you feel is criminally underrated?
i will always say barbara because my girl deserves more love from fandom and screen time from mhy. she's just been making quick appearances for mondt events, when will she return from war and be featured.
same with dvalin. bring him back. bring back my beautiful anemo dragon not as a taxi pls
Teppei: who is/are your favorite npc(s)?
pls...you already know. i absolutely adore one (1) geo dragon retuo longwang/azhdaha. dvalin falls into this answer too. teyvat's dragons did nothing wrong and need to be loved. i want more lore on the seven sovereigns if not then i'll do it my damn self
in the same vein of liyue immortals, i love cloud retainer (+ her boiis ) and guoba too!! i want to learn more about ancient liyue
you also know that i love my problematic husband, our one and only pyro lector enjou. he was such a fun and interesting character! i hope they bring him back. on the same train of abyss-esque folks, halfdan my beloved!!!
urakusai, the mischief-making fox has an interesting past too! his actions apparently may have contributed to the abyss' invasion of teyvat 500 years ago and was therefore exiled by kistune saiguu?? hello??? that's very, very interesting!! tell me more!
also neko is very sad, don't touch me.
the fatui in the chasm! viktor and lily! the fatui group on the gaa!!!
the aranara collectively tbh. my precious veggie army.
i'm going to be here all day if i list every npc i've loved in genshin. tbh some npcs are way more interesting than some of the playable characters. sorrynotsorry but you know how i am with my side character loves
the irony of the npc ask being called teppei and yet i felt nothing for him
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fatedevour · 2 years
♢  —    @yeonban​​ asked: Ganyu, Amber and Teppei for the ooc Genshin meme! genshin ask game meme: ACCEPTING
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 ganyu: which character’s rerun are you waiting for desperately? 
I can’t say I’m waiting desperately for any of them. But I’d like Xiao to come back so I can get more of his constellations. Otherwise I’m pretty chill and don’t really have any particular desire to nab any other character. I might like some characters but not want them. (All bow characters. I do not want.)
amber: is there a commonly disliked character that you actually really like?
I don’t know what characters are commonly disliked. So if you want to share a few or other people want to comment/send asks telling me what characters are disliked, I can maybe share. I’m assuming as characters themselves and not specifically as playable. 
If it’s specifically playable, then Kaeya. His burst is useful when combined with others and he works wonders on my team. 
teppei: who is/are your favorite npc(s)?
Ooo this is a good one! I’m a big fan of Wang Ping’an’s character development from Starsnatcher to tending to the temple of Pervases. Plus always giving the incense to burn for him, I do it every few times I log onto Genshin. Not that it does anything but...I just like it.
Madame Ping too. She actually gave us a home and she’s been sweet and helpful every time. I appreciate her. Ruu I also quite enjoyed and was sad over. I do also like the adepti and wish we got to see them, especially Moon Carver and Mountain Shaper. Can I say Enjou? I enjoyed Enjou. I love how all the fandom really did rally around loving Enjou too. Who would’ve thought?
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zhongrin · 1 year
Ngl I'm really glad I got Elzer fjkdnsns I can't see myself with an playable character and from the npcs is Elzer the best hsjsnssm
I CANT WAIT TO WRITE THE DRABBLES KMF DNSKNSNS look I'm so down bad for Baizhu and BAIVI RULES!!!!! But Elvi wow I know it since a half day and I want to show it off already BWAHAHHAHAHAHAH
I'll miss Baizhu nonetheless, very much so 😔💕
i think elzer or enjou are definitely the good npcs to get. but idt enjou is to your taste so yep elzer fits well hahah
#when the man you fake-simped to makes you become an actual simp
it's just for a week! as they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder <3
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mihai-florescu · 3 years
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*does perspective exercises* *immediately gets bored and starts drawing the new meow meow*
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stainedglassthreads · 3 years
I am delighted that Enjou will be returning very soon and that we must team up with him in his Pyro Abyss Lector form. When, I ask, playable Enjou when-- 
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