#playing around w/ some stuff
astraldrake · 16 days
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Corruption takes its toll text reads: Red and white petals swirled around them, a few landing on Sunny’s armor, settling into his hood and sticking to the drying blood on his side.
Penumbra could hear his labored breathing over the sound of shifting plant life.
“There’s nothing left- for either of us,” Red stained his teeth and dripped into the grass. The wind carried the sharp smell of radiolaria, and the cloying sweetness of rotting flowers. “You’re as dead as I am. you can already feel it, can’t you?”
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tomatoart · 1 year
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curve of forgetting
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tulpafcker · 8 months
on one hand, nobody is entitled to ai generated art because their disability prevents them from making it, because As It Stands Now, ai models are built off stolen artwork. there is not a SINGLE (publicly available at least) ai model trained off art that was willingly given to the model by the artist, and using the current models only helps exasperate this problem
on the other hand going "well i/this famous artist was disabled and THEY figured out how to make art, so its condescending to say that some disabled people CANT make art, and if ur disabled just figure it out :)" is the kind of rhetoric that time and time again hurts disabled people wrt the "well if THEY can do it, so can YOU" false dichotomy and really should not be used to make your point
& i say this as a disabled artist who absolutely does not like ai art, ESPECIALLY used in a commercial sphere. on paper it would be a fun Fucking Around Machine (esp if there was a bot trained on consentually aquired art) but capitalism requires every last scrap of revenue be squeezed out of anything like blood from a stone so we cant just have a fun thing to have a fun thing and we have shit things like it being a threat to peoples' liveliehoods and training it to mimic dead artists. and we cant really have the fun part without feeding into the bad part. what im saying is its a shame also maybe bootstrap theory is not good
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if you have some, do you have any headcannons for barnaby?
honestly! not really! i don't have hcs for any of the neighbors!
#the way i interact w/ welcome home is uh... slightly differently than how i interact with more mainstream / company-produced media#like if you compare how i talk about the neighbors/wh to how i talk about characters on say... my dc blog#there's probably gonna be a notable Difference!#with mainstream/company stuff i go Hog Wild with hcs and aus and i form my own version of everything in my head#(while still understanding & respecting canon as the true source)#but wh is Different! i can't really do that!#it isnt some big production created by a team & mass released#where the actions of some fans just fuckin around and having fun won't directly affect anyone or even reach the ears of the creators#and where upon releasing it everyone Knows that its gonna be dissected & torn to shreds & played with like barbies#wh is more... personal? there is one main creator. these are His characters. its Their story.#i can't in good conscience make headcanons and honestly? id much rather stick to canon trivia & facts than create my own#theyre not my facts to create or believe in!!#sometimes ill make a post saying 'hey this would be cute / neat'#but as soon as i post im tossing that thought away. i dont let them stick or become hcs#(NOTE THAT I AM NOT BASHING ANYONE WHO MAKES HCS. THIS IS ALL MY PERSONAL OPINION!!! MY OWN PERSONAL INTERNAL RULES!!! FOR ME!)#rambles from the bog#like even with the lights out au im being careful with it. im trying to be faithful & respect the characters and the source#its an... exploration i think#ive never approached making an au this way bc usually im just flinging characters around and treating canon as a chew toy - scrap for parts#but i cant do that here! im Not Complaining At All im simply stating! i cant!#sorry you probs weren't expecting a lil mini rant in tags my b <3#this has just been in my head since i first discovered welcome home#i remember feeling myself start getting really attached & interested#and i recall telling myself 'ok. we cant approach this the way we would other things'#and i have done my best to Stick To That. ive relaxed a lil since then but im still standing by my one rule#Be A Little More Normal About This Than I Would If It Were Mainstream / A Company-Made Production
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sleep-y-bones · 1 year
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dr habit sketches :-D
(click for full res, ID in alt)
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Love the tragic irony of peppino having used to keep his hair long ngl...... Btw do you think he used to have some different hobbies back then? :O
(good luck w that comm btw-)
I dont think its tragic! His hair STILL comes down to his shoulder; he just doesnt have any annoying hair in his face that would make him want to make a ponytail. I think when u start balding u either panic or make ur peace and i think he was too worried about Other Things to care about it lol
As for hobbies, he has a Couple that i thought were cute and fitting.
Despite the anxiety, he is a bit of an entertainer. He can do magic tricks! Not very flashy ones but he knows alot of card and sleight of hand tricks; it is fun to see people stare in disbelief, and its a good way to keep his hands busy. The Autism prevents him from withholding Magic Secrets; if anyone asks him how he did it he will be very happy to share it. It helps that tricks are STILL hard to perform, even if u have the Knowledge of how it works.
He doesnt consider himself an artist but he can do caricatures 😊 I am very attached to my hc that he drew the little storefront logo for his own shop. Partly bc it would be easy for him to draw; mostly bc he did not want to waste money to get someone ELSE to do it if he could just do it his damn self. You will not catch him drawing or sketching anymore, even post game when hes doing better overall. But like most things, u can press him into showing off a little bit if u say the right words.
I hesitate to call it a hobby, but he will go jogging almost Daily. Well. When he was younger he jogged daily but nowadays he will at the very least Walk daily. He does it really early in the morning before he opens up shop, or in the evening if the weather permits. He doesnt like the rigidness of ‘working out’ though, and will avoid it like the plague; he is a little baby (princess) and does not want to get achey muscles and he does Not want to sweat at all its the worst. Post game, he will have random peeps join him for walks. He does not ask for this but it is not the WORST thing in the world to have some company :)
#answered#chattin#peppino#i have a bunch of other ones but wehhh#this will be an essay#which is what im trying to avoid now hdjdbdksk#he can bake as well he is just very good w foods overall#but when he got older and more stressed it accidentally turned into him stressbaking#he used to give it away to neighbors (bc the thought of throwing out food makes him ILL)#but now he gives it to noisette and gus bc they are literally black holes#they will simply eat anything and everything#also i think he can play on a concertina but only bc like#his uncle or grandpa taught him when he was younger to like#Expand His Brain or some shit; u know- teach them when theyre young bc theyre so receptive to new things#and THIS is bc i think it would be cute if he made a tiny peshino prototype for like marketing reasons#and he based it off of him being Just Okay with the instrument#and the tinkering is bc i think him being a BROKE BITCH meant that he was unable to literally call for repairs around his shop (and home…)#so he just took it upon himself to learn how to do basic repair stuff#and like#keeping his hands busy#tinkering to make a little windup toy seemed to make sense from there bfjdndkdndk#hes got lots of very minor talents and skills but they add up to give u a man that has approximate knowledge of many things#and he keeps it all to himself bc hes a loner :)#OMG how did i almost forget; thank u; i am still lining this comm#its not even BAD i am just. uninspired#i like draw big dudes buff OR fat and i am drawing Some Guy#so ive been dragging my feet through the mud gettin it done#but on god im finishing this lines tonight
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goldensunset · 7 months
first they complained that nonnumbered kh games come out on like eleven different consoles from eleven different companies thereby making it inaccessible and difficult for the average consumer to be able to play all of them (pre fm or collections) and now that the nonumbereds are releasing on a console virtually everyone has (phones) they r still mad about it. blehgh
and like y’know. tbh that isn’t a ridiculous complaint. the series has historically been inaccessible. it’s still inaccessible to me (because i personally can’t justify the financial investment of a playstation; i’ve poured everything into my switch) but like that’s my issue not theirs lol. (i mean i am mad that they kinda like acknowledged there’s a demand for kh on the switch yet made it cloud-only which is almost disrespectful and totally not gonna happen here. but like. i can get over it). i don’t see anyone out there actually complaining about kh being a playstation series like lbr that’s totally fair
BUT they’ve updated them with the all-in-one-playstation collections now! if you have a playstation there is no excuse! it’s not that hard and not that expensive! smh!!! and yeah, even with the updated collections now you do sorta miss out on some of the stuff that was removed or changed from the original versions. the mobile games only offer theater mode now. but like… it’s ok to have to go on youtube or wiki or second-hand sources to dig up old easter eggs and trivia sometimes…
and it’s ok to not have physically played every game yourself!!! like i honestly think if you take every single game up until now into account you’d be hard pressed to find a person who’s done literally everything from the console games to the handheld games to the mobile games etc themselves. like i’m sure they exist but there aren’t a lot of them. it is perfectly fine to just watch cutscenes. and if you care about the story of this series as a whole you really need to
like… i get it. it’s a video game series. one would expect to be able to play a video game instead of essentially watching a bunch of movies. that’s fair. but if you care about kingdom hearts as a franchise, whether you’re an old nostalgic vet or a newbie, doesn’t the story matter to you??? wouldn’t you do what it takes to be immersed in this world in order to fully understand the story going forward? if it’s just the gameplay you’re after like idk man i feel like you could find a similar style of gameplay as a replacement out there but idk
point is. one would have to be completely blind at this point to not realize that the mobile games are full of lore that are relevant to sora’s own journey and especially will be going forward. nomura has made it clear he’s not forgetting about sora and he’s never gonna replace him as the protagonist and heart and soul of the series. it is simply not possible to jump between numerical titles and still comprehend this stuff. this is where the series is going. there’s this thing in fiction called plot progression where some narrative threads will be resolved and left behind while new ones will be picked up. and it’s up to the author to determine this, not the nostalgia of fans. either drop the series as a whole or get on board with where it’s going
the original khχ came out like what, 10 years ago? almost half the runtime of the franchise. it is not new anymore. this is not new information. anyone who still hasn’t bothered to pay attention to that whole storyline at this point, even given all the hard work that fans have put to make it more accessible to either casuals or specifically stubborn people like that, then like. skill issue tbh.
and people complaining it’s all way too complicated? man.., find another series. i feel like it should be self-evident that this series is not known for narrative simplicity. it’s known for making everyone insane in a good way. even back in kh1 stuff was always kind of wild. everyone’s beloved kh2 is especially where we start ramping up the insanity. i fail to see how all that’s ok but the concepts of more keyblade wielders and like a lengthy timeline aren’t. after 20+ years it should be evident that things aren’t so simple and clean.
rant over *drops mic*
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bigfrogdraws · 8 months
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got back into stardew valley recently! here's some art about it
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reel-fear · 9 months
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👀👀👀 Hey Bendy fandom~
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pcktknife · 2 years
do u have any splatoon ocs??? use this as an opportunity to talk abt them :P
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mmm outside of my idols i made characters based on what I thought my player character for each game would be like (separate from the agents). pier's my original squidsona for splat1 and then blue i made for 2 and i havent really given much thought on splat3's designated character outside of personality to be quite honest lol
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ryllen · 2 years
I am currently just getting into sdv (I know I'm super late) and I'm romancing Alex and oh lord I am OBSESSED with your farmer x Alex art it is blessed 🙌 😇 🙏
Want another alex to pull ur heart string? These are the soft alex feat farmer starter pack from me:
- bowlersandtophats [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] this incredibly the sweetest alex ever drawn but it aged, that it's drown & harder to find
- まるお / onigiri_island_ (@twitter) [1] [2] [3] will grab u by the love not-only directed to alex, but to all villagers - ㄱㅋㄹ (@twitter) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7 lmao isn't this the truth] [8] [9] i wish this person has pixiv. gotta scroll, but this alex is simply pretty sweet as well.
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crunchchute · 4 months
i know nobody wants to hear about my self insert bs but i had like 2 main storylines clashing so hard in my brain to the point i gave up on them cause one was in the 80s in game storyline and other in like 90s with tse dave and my mind just wanted both at once and merge them but it just did not work at all so those braincells died off. now the tse one picked up again after finishing the book but i miss the game one even if it was cheesy and unoriginal. a mans gotta do what hes gotta do (make up self insert stories in his head every day before bed) (dont read the tags its info that should only have been shared by me being waterboarded)
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asterbats · 1 year
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drew my new kitten as a “warmup” but have to stop here because shes being a rascal
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dawnsies · 4 months
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drew my version of Alice and Ares :V
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lixbf · 4 months
it rly makes me go ??? when ppl say shit abt astarion being evil or how you have to be rly evil to get w him like. no? hes not a wyll-level good person by any means but hes not just evil either. and rly just like w all the other companions all you rly gotta do to get on his good side is yknow support him as a person, accept his boundaries and let him do some kinda maybe not perfectly moral stuff thats important to him like letting him kill gandrel or letting him drink your blood or letting him take that necromancy book
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8bit-mau5 · 2 years
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Something about her is giving me Kissin Kate Barlow vibes and honestly I’m here for it. Base bust commission for @/emissaryofwind! 
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