#playing with my cat with laser pointer: oh my god what if i shine it into his eyes and he goes blind what if i’ve already done that baby
3-aem · 6 months
me petting my cat at 3am after 0 indication that he is actually hurt: r u okay would u tell me if you were ever not okay
my cat probably: god she’s at it again
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kuroosdumbslut · 4 years
AAAAA omg omg i loved it so much!!!! Last one for today, i promise, so so sorry for bothering you i jusy love your account. Bakugou, Hawks, and Aizawa with an s/o who has a cat quirk and one of their friends (denki, muriko, hizashi) makes them chase a laser pointer
*don’t be sorry! i’m so glad you’re enjoying my blog, and i love getting requests, so don’t be afraid to send them in!!! warning for weed mention in hawks’ and i made it so each character gets pounced on lmao oops-*
at first, he doesn’t really seem to think of your quirk as anything other than a cool mutant type of quirk, yknow?
little did you know he was dying inside to just pet you and protect you 🥺
so you were chilling with Bakusquad, and Denki is messing around with a laser pointer and you were going crazy, trying so hard to not chase it
however, you gave in to your instincts and chased the laser pointer, not really paying close attention to where exactly the little red dot was
Denki, being the absolute mad lad that he is, took advantage of this and pointed the laser directly at Bakugou’s chest, making you pouce on your now flustered boyfriend
The bakusquad basically rushed with Denki out of the room and left you two alone for the time being
“K-Katsuki, I’m so sorry! I didn’t see where he was pointing that damn laser and-” he cut you off pretty quickly with a pet behind the ears and a kiss to your forehead
“Calm down, dumbass, I’m not fucking mad...” he was quieter as if he was afraid others would hear him “You are...so fucking cute, d’you know that?” 
you and hawks are the “unlikely couple” because cats are well known for hunting birds
however, you are a great couple in all honesty
Today you both had the day off, as well as Miruko, so you all decided a nice little get together where you all just chill and have fun was in order. 
Miruko met up with you all at your shared apartment, some snacks, weed, and a speaker for yall to vibe for a while
it happened when all three of you were pretty dazed, feeling good. miruko pulled out the laser and originally was just gonna mess with it a little until she saw how you were hyper-focused on it, like you wanted to attack it
so, she played with you a while, letting you chase the laser while hawks just kinda chuckled until she pointed it directly at him
he must not have noticed until you were charging at him, which is also the moment you realized you were about to pounce on your fiancee
all of you erupted into giggles, hawks holding you close for a while since you never made the move to get off of him 
he doesnt mind it at all, and will probably buy a laser pointer just for you (even if you tell him not too aldsahkadfj)
it wasnt often that hizashi got to hang out with you and shouta, seeing as you were all hardworking heros
sure, he saw shouta around at UA but to really get to relax and just have a fun day was rare
midnight happened to have off that day as well, so you made a little day out of it where you four had lunch, went to the mall for a bit, and finished up the day with some drinks at yours and shouta’s house
hizashi got distracted by one of aizawa’s multiple laser pointer ink pens, fucking around and shining it at random areas for a bit, only to do it more spazzy when he noticed you starting to chase after it
you knocked into midnight already once, making her laugh heartily and watched as hizashi shone the red dot onto aizawas shoulder
you jumped onto your husband’s lap and pawed at his shoulder for a second before you realized what you were doing
“oh my god, shou, im so sorry” you burst into giggles while your two mutual friends were cracking a rib from laughing so hard
aizawa chuckled, wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you closer for a moment
he really loves you :)
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eccentricpony · 4 years
Here are the imagines for Tenma, Misumi and Kazunari directly following a production of The Great Sardine Search with a reader s/o who loves their cat ears!
This was written in the timeframe of play revival 2-3 years after its premiere, with the reader assumed to have met them after the original production took place (so they’ve never seen the costumes).
Mildly steamy content towards the end of Kazunari’s. Each of these three will have a continuation with varying degrees of NSFW content at my NSFW blog. I will reblog this post with a link once the NSFW content is posted. Follow me to stay updated when that hits!
If you’d like to read the Muku + Yuki imagines for this request (which will not include a NSFW follow-up), check them out HERE
Note: I created all the character headers for these and would appreciate proper credit with a link back to my blog if they’re used elsewhere.
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·        When Tenma was immersed in a role, it didn't matter if he was playing a busboy, tourist #3, or a damn stop sign, he would put his all into that role.
·        The old Tenma may have raised his nose at the very idea of portraying an animal on stage, but the new Tenma embraced such challenges.
·        So when Tenma played a cat, he was a veritable twitchy eared, pouncy, laser-pointer-chasing feline.
·        He was still coming down from the endorphin high when you entered the backstage. He was already rather sweaty from grueling stage lights and a high energy performance, so he was hoping that the perspiration caused by your presence wouldn’t be too apparent.
·        “You didn’t tell me you were actually going to have cat ears!” With a crooked grin, you sidle up to him, poking fun at him in a rhythm that you had both perfected over the course of a year.
·        You waste no time before standing on your toes to accost his ginger kitty ears, scratching behind one and looking at him expectantly as though you’d elicit a purr any minute. You had no doubt that he would find this situation mildly humiliating, but after being together for so long, rare were the opportunities for you to see him squirm like this.
·        “Uhh, well I am playing a cat. Cat’s have… cat ears?” He grumbled, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. But he didn’t stop you, stealing a side glance at the room to see if his fellow troupe members were witnessing this mortification. If anyone else had rushed at him, gushing and teasing him as you had, he would not have accepted it nearly as gracefully. But you weren’t anyone else, in fact you had a way about you that turned the normally acerbic Tenma into warm putty.
·        Removing your hand from his ear, you reach over to slide the side of your finger down his nose playfully to which you receive a flinch. If you didn’t know the cat ears were fake, you’d expect a hiss on top of it.
·        “You were really great, Tenma,” you offer in another tone completely. “You’re always really great.”
·        And like clockwork, Tenma became butter. You had a way of speaking that was… and you were so beautiful, and he had worked with plenty of beautiful costars, but something about you was just… 
·         He just didn’t understand what made you such a singular wonder, and he didn’t have to; he was crazy stupid into you and hearing you praise him like this was all the validation he needed.
·        “Thanks for supporting me,” he countered sincerely, lifting the corners of his mouth.
·        You mirrored his fondness with a smile, and the two of you share a moment free of pretense. Although initially you had never sought a relationship with him because of his career (and in truth, your first impression of him found his attitude positively grating), you were now unquestionably his biggest fan. You patiently endured any duration of time where his filming schedule required you to be apart (though he tried to keep this to an absolute minimum) and you gently talked him down from any of the inconsiderate tirades he spewed, insulting the “incompetence” surrounding him at work. You were both learning patience, and simultaneously growing a healthy mutual understanding.
·        Your eyes suddenly perk up. “Hey, don’t you have a tail?”
·        He swats at your hand as you try to look at his butt tail.
·        “What?! Wait, y- you’ll pull it, s- stop!” Once you’ve stopped the grabbing, he dutifully turns to his side.
·        “Yeah I have a tail. Happy?” A knot in his throat develops as he watches you check out his “tail,” feeling quite the fool once he realizes he’s showcasing his backside for you, and he immediately faces forward.
·        “I like your tail,” you flirt with an overzealous Kazunari-caliber wink, and your boyfriend grows as red as a fire hydrant.
·        “Yeah, yeah… can we go?” he blusters with phony irritation, grasping the crook of your elbow and escorting you towards the door.
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·        Misumi broke into a run the moment he glimpsed you backstage, lifting and spinning you in the air with such gusto you could have easily injured a 4 foot radius if you didn’t have the wisdom and experience to tuck in your legs during Misu’s hugs.
·        Once he finally returned you to the ground, you took his face in your hands, beaming ear to ear. “You were so amazing, Misu! I had no idea you were such an incredible actor!”
·        “I just act the way I think gramps would act,” he shrugged with the sincere modesty that you found so endearing, eyes gleaming the way they always did under your gaze.
·        “Is there anything you can’t do?” you praised, moving your hands from clasping his cheeks to holding his impossibly soft hands.
·        “I can’t fly,” he laughed, shuffling his feet at the compliment, swinging both your arms with his movement. Misumi’s easy-going nature made it challenging to take him off guard, but any attention from you made him uncharacteristically shy, even after the many months you had been together. You took this rare stationary moment to asses his adorable wardrobe.
·        His costume could not be a better fit to his personality. Your boyfriend was a bouncy ball of positive energy, and you had difficulty keeping up with him on most days. But you could never say that it wasn’t worth the extra effort to maintain his stride. As a boyfriend, Misumi was caring, affectionate, kind, and uplifting. His eccentric obsession with triangles only made him all the more endearing to you, and you swooned whenever he brought you an “extra special super” triangle. Sure, sometimes it was public property which you had to awkwardly return later, but you’d never refuse a gift from your starry-eyed sweetheart.
·        Also, you think you might have heard him talking to a few cats on occasion, and you could have sworn they replied in meowisms… but maybe you were just letting your love for him cloud your better judgment? Either way, dressed as he was at the moment, he was the human embodiment of his furry brethren.
·        As he swayed, the tan cat ears poking out from his hood caught your eye. You let go of his left hand to point at your discovery.
·        “Misu, your ears are triangles!” you exclaimed, hoping that he hadn’t noticed this yet (of course he had) so that you could see the adorable expression of joy he made whenever he found a new triangle.
·        “I know! Triangles you can wear are the best triangles!” He reached up and lightly clasped the headpiece with his free hand, fingers tracing the triangular shape. His eyes flicked to the crowd of his fellow troupe members leaving the room, and you both said your goodbyes to each of them in kind. 
·         Misumi had been staying at your place most nights as of late, though you insisted that opening performance night would be the last one he’d spend apart from his theater family until the conclusion of the play’s run. You knew you’d miss him tremendously, but you’d never want to negate this opportunity for him to truly bond with his fellow actors. Therefore, you had every intention on making this night special.
·        Now the only two in the room, you gently squeeze his hand and step forward to kiss the tiny birthmark under his eye. “Misu and me time?”
·        “Us time,” he concurred, responding in kind with a kiss to your cheek, nose brushing past your ear and giving you chills with the ghost of his breath. “Maybe also origini?”
·        “Of course! I already have some waiting for you, my Misu!” you happily acquiesced, swinging his hand in yours along your side as you bounced out of the room.
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·        “You likey?” Kazunari leaned forward to allow you proper access to his head.
·        With a brief squeal, you lay the tips of your fingers upon the vertex of a little navy cat ear. “Oh my God, Kazu, how are you this cute,” you simper.  
·        How you got like this, you’ll never know. Well, yeah, actually you do know – Kazunari happened to you. You were never the type to be so lovey-dovey, but then again you had never been with a guy quite like Kazu. His upbeat, welcoming, sociable personality was infectious, and he never failed to make you smile, even on the darkest of days. It was highly appropriate that the seasonal theatre troupe he belonged to was “summer” because to you, Kazunari was sunshine.
·        “Not as cute as you, babe.” Head still inclined, he glanced up at you with bedroom eyes and a grin. Kazu was even more uppity than usual, if possible. Despite some physical fatigue, he was running off an actor’s high. With you in his presence to top it off, looking so very yum, his whole body was buzzing so much he thought he might burst. Likewise, you were exhilarated seeing the love of your life up on stage, receiving the spotlight and praise you always felt he deserved, shining resplendently like the beacon of light that he was.
·        Removing your hand from his head, he returned upright, eyes never leaving yours which further provokes the unspoken spark now kindling between you.
·        “Want to see my tail? How freakin’ cool is this?” Kazunari throws out a shoulder and wiggles his butt a little more provocatively than necessary, the tip of his tail swishing violently side to side.
·        You swiftly offer the playful butt tap that you assume he was aiming for, praying the fabric abuse would go unnoticed by a certain salty costume designer.
·        “So awesome, I don’t know how Yuki does it,” you said louder than necessary, for good measure.
·        “Yeah, dude, this costume is lit.” Gleeful from the attention his feline adornments were receiving, he surveyed his clothing with renewed appreciation for the garments he wore. Not to mention looking for other accessories that might gain him more touches from you.
·        “Sick palette, too” you contributed with a grin, knowing that your artist boyfriend would hugely appreciate your comment on the color scheme.
·        You can see a glint in his emerald eyes as he registers your comment. “Right!?”
·        You had always praised his artwork with genuine adoration, and he enjoyed talking to you about color theory and his favorite artists. He simply appreciated the fact that you listened to him; to hear you reference something you had learned from your exchanges made this already very smitten boy simply ravenous for you.
·        “Got this dagger, too,” he adds with a devious tilt of his lip, shifting closer to you and pressing the hip that dons the blade against your lower belly.
·        “Yeah, yeah, keep that bad boy sheathed for now,” you jest, pushing him apart from you playfully, though his flirtation has catalyzed the heat pulsing through your veins.
·        “So later then?” he was drawn back to you like a magnet, wrapping an arm around your middle and nuzzling into your hair. Much like a cat, you thought to yourself with waxing desire. “Let’s go to your place.”
·        “Am I pulling you away from your troupe?” You leaned back just enough to meet his eye, your own arm claiming a spot in the middle of his back. “I don’t want to steal you from your friends…” 
·         You always tried to be respectful of his affable nature and took no issue with his lively social circle. Ever since you had been together, you found yourself chatting with an incredible variety of strangers with whom you would never have had the courage to initiate conversation. He thrived off the energy of others, and he deserved to celebrate this accomplishment with his theater fam.
·        Kazunari dismissed this with a casual wave of his hand. “Nah, no partying tonight. We’re all exhausted, everyone is going back to the dorms to sleep.”
·        “Then you should be going to bed, too! I don’t want you to get sick.”
·        “I am going to bed, babe…” Kazunari reasoned.  “I’m just taking you with me,” he added, coaxing you to the exit and finishing the proposition with a rare sexy wink designed solely for you.
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