#please be advised my music tastes/the things i thought suited the character change over time (bc well the character changed over time)
meloncalic · 2 years
this is completely different than what i usually post i am sorry
is this cringe? hell yeah it is. do i have any idea what im doing in any editing software? hell no i do not. did i have an absolute blast making it? hell yes i did.
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bluefurcape · 3 years
WIP Wednesday
The Sun and the Moon
(working title)
Wrote this for KS month but I wanted to expand it more then never really got around to it. So posting it here to pressure me to keep going on it! Light fantasy AU with arranged marriage!
More of my writing here!
It was a political marriage from the start, intended to end a war between their people that had lasted for years. Kakashi had no misgivings about where he and his new bride stood. Two complete strangers forced into the same bed for the sake of peace.
It made no sense that everything could come to a stop because of such a thing, but if that was what it took to stop the needless deaths, Kakashi willingly entered into a sham of a marriage to do it.
With the the wedding party still going on strong below, music and laughter faintly floated up through the closed door. The taste of plum wine lingered in his mouth, coating the back of his throat—the libations had flowed freely tonight. He made no protest when his cup was filled again and again. He lingered at the door, swaying for a moment before turning to the woman kneeling on the silk bedding spread on the floor. She wore a kimono patterned with mountains shrouded in blue mist, the long sleeves and train pooling around her. Her elaborate wedding headdress hid most of her features from him. This would be the first time that he laid eyes on her face.
His bride, Haruno Sakura.
She was the only daughter of the daimyo of the Land of the Mountains; quite a bit younger than Kakashi, from what he understood, but at least she wasn’t a child bride. He had to count his blessings where he could.
Kakashi kept his expression neutral, even as a sense of dread rose in him as he approached her and crouched down to remove the headdress. Despite the naked misery in her expression, she was beautiful, just as his advisers had assured him that she would be. Her unusual pink hair had been gathered into a complicated style and enhanced with gold hair ornaments and pins. Bright green eyes met his then lowered to the floor, but not before he glimpsed the burning anger in them. Her tears had left delicate tracts in her makeup.
“If you would not like to be touched, then I won’t force you.” Kakashi sighed as he set aside the headdress next to her. He wasn’t that type of man and would never be.
She made a small noise of disbelief. “Oh, is that right?”
Throughout the festivities, she remained silent at his side, not speaking once. The first sound of her voice was not what he expected from her; he thought that, like her appearance, her tone would be demure, as refined as glass and just as fragile.  Instead, he heard hard, unbreakable steel.
He studied her for a moment. She was a foreigner, alone in this place, having been raised in a land that had been at war with his for most of her life. It was likely that she viewed him, the enemy daimyo, as a monster, and she the sacrifice to feed his appetite. Perhaps she might come to think differently with time, but not tonight.
Kakashi looked away from her, standing again. He began undressing himself, placing his wedding clothes on the waiting stand.
“What are you doing?” Alarm bled into her words.
He raised a brow, gesturing to the heavy robes of black and silver brocade that he’d tolerated for the sake of the ceremony. “Getting ready to sleep. I’m not going to keep these on in bed.”
He continued until he was only down to the thinner under robe. After that, he slipped beneath the covers on the side that she wasn’t occupying and closed his eyes. She was still staring at him, so he told her, “Blow out the lamp when you’re ready.”
“Are you really not going to do anything?” Sakura asked suspiciously.
Kakashi turned, showing his back to her. “Yes.”
Wary silence followed. Finally, there was soft rustling and he guessed that she was removing her formal clothing as well. Though she clearly was unwilling to stay here, she had nowhere else to go. Neither of them could be seen slipping out this room before the morning. He resisted letting out a sigh as he considered the fact that a woman as beautiful as her was sharing his bed and they were only going to sleep. He heard her extinguish the lamp before she slid beneath the covers as well.
“You won’t say that I refused you?” Sakura asked in the dark.
Kakashi knew the implication behind that question. If they didn’t consummate this marriage, then it would have all been for nothing. The fragile balance of peace would surely come apart.
“If anything, I refused you.” He shifted so that he was on his back again, staring up at the ceiling.
This was a foolish move on his part, to give her this power over him. If Kakashi was the reason for why their lands returned to war, then she would at least be free to return home without shame while he would be reviled by his own people. He rationalized his actions in his mind as a test of her character.
“I won’t do that,” Sakura replied after giving it much thought. There was that steel in her voice again, unyielding.
“Then it seems we have a long marriage to look forward to.”
Kakashi did not see his wife often.
It suited him better this way. He had many important duties to see to, in any case, that took much of his day. She was gone before he woke in the mornings, or he pretended to remain asleep until she slipped away. At night, they avoided each other in the same way. They were like passing ships on the sea, never crossing paths. He didn’t know what she did with her time, but he had no interest in learning anything more.
A week passed since the wedding. The delegation from her land would be leaving soon. It was a more subdued affair than the earlier festivities, but Sakura and Kakashi and their retinue ventured out from the castle to bid them farewell from the gates.
She watched them go, her expression torn. One guard, wearing the dark green uniform emblazoned with the white crest of the Haruno clan, turned around, his gaze lingering on her. A strong emotion simmered in his dark eyes. The young man seemed about the same age as Sakura. She made a small sound that only Kakashi was near enough to hear as the guard looked away and rejoined his group.
Before the delegation disappeared from sight, Sakura wrapped her arms around herself and fled, returning to the castle.
That night, Kakashi heard her crying in her sleep. It was the first time that she’d shed any tears since the day of their wedding. He laid there, listening to her quiet sobs and then she spoke a name.
Kakashi opened his eyes and stared up at the rafters.
Ah, he thought. That was likely the name of the man who had stopped to look at her. So there was someone that you had given your heart to before this.
Eventually, her tears faded and she fell into a deeper dream, but Kakashi remained awake for a long time after that.
The next morning, he sat up when he heard her try to slip out beneath the covers as usual and this startled her.
“Good morning,” he said.
Her eyes had gone round and she was so taken off guard by the benign pleasantry that she muttered back, rather rudely, “What is it?”
“I think I need a day off today. Would you like to help me escape my responsibilities?” It was something that Kakashi hadn’t done in a while, not since he had taken on the role of the daimyo.
“Shouldn’t you take your work more seriously?” she asked him scornfully.
He shrugged. “What else is peace good for if not to enjoy life a little?”
She pursed her lips in disapproval, but he was already getting up.
“It would be nice to have a change of scenery,” Sakura admitted.
She had been living in the castle compound for nearly a wweek now. Though he had no idea what her days look liked, he imagined that she hadn’t ventured out beyond the walls, especially in the past week while the delegation from her homeland had been here.
They dressed plainly and escaped through a corridor and a side door that was rarely used. When he showed her this way out, she seemed to consider him differently.
“You’ve done this before,” she observed.
“I discovered it as a child. It was the best way to avoid my tutors.”
Once they were in the courtyard, he led them around a few other buildings as they avoided his aides and patroling guards. He was pleased to see her keep up, following closely at his heels and learning to watch for his silent signals.
He miscalculated as he turned a corner, nearly running into a guard. Thinking quickly, he walked backward and grabbed her wrist, yanking her into a little alley before they could be spotted.
His heart pounded in his chest as he listened for the guard’s footsteps to fade. When he believe they were safe, he let out a sigh of relief and smiled down at her before realizing the intimacy of their position, her frame fitted neatly with his. It broke the unspoken rule between them that had been laid down since their wedding night that they would not touch each other.
“My apologies,” Kakashi said, untangling himself and stepping gingerly out of the alley.
“It’s all right,” she replied as she came out too.
They stood there, shifting awkwardly until he decided that they should keep moving before they were caught. He kept his focus ahead, not wanting to see the expression on her face.
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xsugarysweetsx · 4 years
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 8
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A/N; all characters are above 18!
Warning; protective Iwa; Implied smut; tense moment; reader faints near the end 
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About a week 1/2 later
Let’s just say you both have been having very passionate nights together. You’ve both been a little rougher, but he rather be gentle and soft, it was more intimate.
“Sleep well, my queen“ he whispered laying a kiss to your forehead as you slept. He pulls the covers over your bare body to keep you warm. Even though he was a king he wanted to keep himself in the best shape he could. Every morning he would go down to the training are on his own to train himself. 
It kept him in shape and prepared for anything. After that small incident, he’s been going more often. Not as a king, but as your husband, he wanted to protect and keep you safe. He wakes just as the sun started to rise on these days. He really did try to wake up but at the same time he wanted to stay in bed with you.
Sleeping with you was one of his favorite things to do. To hold you close, keep you warm, it just made him feel good and sleep better.
As he swung the sword to and fro he thought back to how you’ve both grown together. He’s happy someone like you was able to change him. Yet at the same time, he felt bad for forcing you into this marriage. You should have been able to chose him out of free will. His heart felt the guilt weigh in because you truly deserved the best.
“Hajime?“ a small sleepy voice called out, turning around he sees you. Standing at the doorway rubbing the sleep from your eyes, in your nightgown with one of his robes to keep you warm.
“Y/N what are you doing out of bed“ he lowered his sword walking over to you and wrapping his arms around you “It’s cold this morning” your arms wrap around his neck and you press your lips to his 
“The bed was cold without you in it...what are you doing?“ you ask looking down to his sword 
“Training to keep you safe,“ he kissed you back “You want to try?“
“Me? I’ve never held a sword before“ he circles around you and gives you the heavy metal object in your hands. He wraps his arms around yo so he can help you hold the sword up. He picks it up with you and do what he was doing before. You could barely keep up with the moves he knew making you both laugh. 
“I think I can be the captain of you knights“ you joke 
“Only the finest for my army“ he teased kissing you on the cheek. Then littering the spot with kisses again. “but, you should go back and sleep. The ball is today.“
That’s right, his family members and other royals came once a year for a grand party. Typically there was no reason for it but other times there was. This time you were a prime reason. Hearing about your marriage they thought it was only right to meet this new king Hajime had married 
“Right, I almost forgot about that..“ he knew he first time you met his family it wasn’t the best. Especially because you still resented him then, but today will be different. He’ll dance with you properly, and make you smile, and will let it be know just who you were to him. 
“You’ll be fine, now go and get some sleep, I’ll see you at breakfast“ he kissed your forehead. As you walk away he gives a playful yet firm slap and grip to your ass making you shriek 
“Hey! That stays in the bedroom!“ you say trying not to let a smile crack and he simply chuckled watching you leave again. It was clear to say your rear was only one of his favorite spots on you
“Mmm that ass is all mine..“ he spoke to himself 
“Yes and don’t say that when I’m around please...“ whipping his head around Oikawa stood there with an uncomfortable face after hearing what he said. “She really turned you around, huh”
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about...” Hajime brushed it off but Oikawa knew better 
“Whatever you say your highness, by the way your dress and suit is ready for tonight and will be brought to your room” 
“Thank you, so who exactly is coming?“
“Oh, that reminds me, Lilia will be attending...“ he said with a worried expression 
“Oh gods not her....“ he groaned
Now you see, Lilia has always had a major crush on Hajime. Even back then he wasn’t into her. She was the snobby spoiled brat who got everything she wanted, when she wanted. She had asked her father to make Hajime marry her and obviously he said no. Now that he had you he could only imagine what kind of chaos she’ll make.
Luckily for him, you knew how to maintain yourself. If you had to put her in place, he wouldn’t stop you. 
“Hajime are you almost ready?“ you call out having a final look in the mirror fixing yourself up where it was needed. 
“Do we seriously have to go, we can tell Oikawa to tell them we’re sick“ he groaned coming to you half dressed and wrapping his arms around your waist “I just want to lay here with you“
“Hajime, we’ve been getting noise complaints from the poor staff and I don’t think we should keep distur-“
“They’re busy aren’t they?“ he nipped at your ear making those butterflies flutter. Damn, you never fail to make him go wild do you? Oikawa was right about the dress. It hugged your figure perfectly, bringing out each curve he loved. Especially you bust for that matter, filthy noblemen better keep their eyes anywhere but there. 
Before you could make a move or say something you felt a bit lightheaded and stumbled forward a little.Your hand holding your forehead 
“Whoa, are you okay? Should I get the medic??” Hajime was now on high alter seeing you even a little off “The party can go to hell, lay down and-“
“Hajime I’m fine, just a little lightheaded, maybe I’m just hungry.“ you reassure him “Really, I’m okay“
“Alright, but if you feel even the slightest bit ill, you come and tell me.“ you nod and help him to finally finish dressing.
You were excited ti show everyone how fr you’ve come but you were also dreading it as well. Clipping his necklace together your hands rest on his chest and you smile up at him. He takes one of your hands and kisses your knuckles.
“come on your majesty, let’s greet your people.“ you joke taking his elbow into your hand and walking to the door. You could hear chatter starting to grow louder as you approach the doorway covered by velvet curtains. You take a deep breath and put on a gentle smile. The curtains open an the announcer spoke loudly 
“All hail King Hajime Iwaizumi and Queen Y/N Iwaizumi.“ You both descend the short steps as everyone bows and curtsy as you past by. One girl in particular stayed standing with her arms crossed a scowl on her face. Her mother then forced her to curtsy which she did with a sour look. Making it across the room and to your thrones, Hajime helps you sit and he takes the seat himself.  
Oikawa then came to Hajime and placed his crown upon his head. Rose came to your side and placed your- oh yes, you had given Rose position as your assistant. She is currently being taught to be an adviser.
After formalities from nobles, about an hour passed, and gods were you bored. Families and couple come to congratulate and give you their blessings on your marriage. The strength in your relationship didn’t go unnoticed by familiar faces. They cold tell you both had become closer, they could almost see the resemblance of their past king and queen. You both even got up to mingle with everyone, it was clear to say there was envy.
Envy that you were married to Hajime and not available to other men. Envy over you from other women who wished to be as alluring as you. Although after meeting you they find you to be very kind and warmed up to you. That was until,
“Hajime!“ a high pitched voice made you both jump and spin around. 
A girl around your age with blonde hair and stinging honey almost yellow eyes, and a dress that seemed too tight for her figure. Taking from how her chest looked suffocated in the corset to appear bigger. You could already feel her venom coursing through you veins, leaving a bitter taste in your mouth. 
“Hello..Lilia uh, how have you been” he said stiffly pulling you closer to his side. He just needed to get enough hints across that she had no chance in the picture.
“Fine, I’ve missed you though“ she smiles at him as if you weren’t there “You’ve gotten more handsome over the years“
“Oh Y/N! It’s time for the dance come on darling.“ he rushed making sure to say darling loud enough. He pulls you to the dance floor and gets into position. Your hand on his shoulder the other holding his as his other hand stayed on your waist. Pulling you close he starts to sway with you
“So, what was that about?“ you asked your surprisingly shaken husband. He was obviously annoyed and wanted to leave as soon as she started flirting.
“Nothing...she just..*sigh* she liked me and probably still does. I just don’t want her to ruin anything“ he admits as you waltz across the floor. This was only the second time you danced with him only, it felt different. He wanted to be close to you, he wanted this moment together. The way the soft music filled your ears, and how his arm wrapped around you bringing you close. 
It was magical.
By the end of the song he pulled you in and kissed you deeply. Some whistles could be heard among the crowd of claps and cheers. You started to get hungry and eyed some delicious food at the table. You whisper into his ear that you wanted some food and that you would be at the table
“Maybe you should wait and we can both go“ yes, even with family he was very protective over you. It was a new environment and new people, not to mention a girl who was close to obsessed with him. 
 “Hajime, I’ll be fine, you can see me from here okay? Besides,” you peck his lips “My knight can come and save me right?”
He chuckled “Of course I will, just...be careful” you nod at him and make your way to the table. Even though you were a queen, your appetite said otherwise. It’s hard to eat just a salad when the chefs were so talented. There were fresh fruits, cooked meats, breads, soups, cakes, treats, endless, just plates of food!
“Are you enjoying yourself?“ a sudden cold voice called as you reached for some cake. Spinning around it was his aunt Joan
“O-oh, just fine. Everyone is really nice“ you try to keep your composure 
“I see you and Hajime are..“ she was looking for the right words 
“We’re getting along. In fact we love each other very much.“ for whatever reason, she seemed irritated “How have you been Joan“
“Busy. You may want to watch your appetite, a queen must stay presentable for her kingdom and people, not to mention your husband.“ you knew this lady was rude and blunt but what was she inferring to?
“Hajime likes when I eat, he says I could be 200 pounds or 95 pounds and he’d still love me“ you said confidently.
“Oh please, if anything you only look royalty“ why did the spoiled brat have to come too. “maybe he’s just using you and looking for a real princess, like me“ she sneered flipping her hair 
Hajime was in the middle of a conversation when he looked over to you. There you were being talked to by his aunt and Lilia. He gave his glass of wine to one of the guests and starts walking over there. The closer he came the more he could see and hear.
“You nothing but a little peasant rat who’s the king’s play thing. I bet you’re just after his riches.” you could feel the sting to the point your eyes start to water “Joan was right about you, you’re just a pitiful whore who-“
“Excuse me.“ Hajime’s powerful voice echos causing the party to come to a halt. He opened his arm motioning for you to come to him. You walk a bit fast and to his side where his arm comes protectively around you holding you close. 
“How dare you speak to my wife that way. Who do you think you are speaking ill of her after I invite you here as a guest.“ he scolds her as she almost seems to shrink 
“B-but haji...“
“Lilia, I love Y/N and that is final. Nothing can change my mind, not even you joan”
Her parents then come rushing over and fall to their knees begging for forgiveness
“Please your majesty forgive our daughter“
“She is but a child and doesn’t know what she is saying“
Her father then stood and took your hand “On behalf of Lilia I humbly apologize my queen“
“I um..“
“Sir please get up from the floor“
Your head begins to spin from everything going on. From the apologies to the crying of Lilia and Hajime trying to calm everyone down, to the growing chatter of the room. 
“Hajime please...“ you hide your face into his side “please...“
darkness consumes you as you faint and fall down his side
“Y/N/? Y/N?! Y/N!!“ Hajime calls out for you he drops to his knees and cradles you
“no...please open your eyes...” you were still breathing so that was good. He picks you up in his arms and looks for Oikawa. No words were needed and he quickly went to get the Royal healer.
“Dismiss everyone please.” He said quietly to Rose taking you up to his and your room. Meanwhile Rose made the announcement to everyone that the party had ended.
As he walked down the hall with you in his arms. His eyes water as his heart races. The his was al too familiar and he didn’t like it. He laid you down and stripped you out of your clothes. He died his best to get you in something comfortable and wash your face.
He sat at your side holding your hand close to his lips. The last time someone he loved was bedridden was when his mother was in her final fighting days. He couldn’t help but let a few tears fall. He knew he should have stayed with you, just Lilia being there was a sign.
“Iw- your majesty, the healer you requested” Oikawa announced coming inside with an elder looking woman. Oh does he recognize her alright
“Ah the prince, i seen you’ve grown much from when you were just a child” she said coming to your said checking to see if you had a temperature. Hajime stayed quiet as he watched her carefully
“Mmmm” you groan starting to wake up
“Y/N! Are you alright? Did you eat something bad?” He asked frantically about
“Mmm Im dizzy...and I feel sick..” it’s not what he wanted to hear
“What’s wrong with her?” He asked the woman desperate for answers
“I have a suspicion but you men need to step out for a moment-”
“I’m not leaving her.” He cuts her off
“Young man I have been in castle longer than you have been alive. I know what I am doing and your wife requires her privacy for it.” He said taking a stand to the stubborn king. It was true she was even the one to deliver him when he was born.
“Hajime, I’ll be okay...you can see me after” you reassured him. Hesitant and desperate were never a good combination. He reset his forehead against yours and kissed your lips gently.
“I love you..my dove.” He whispered against your lips kissing you once again
“And I love you my king” he lets your hand go and walks out of the room with Oikawa. The door closes with a silent click. The halls were deafeningly silent. Hajime sat in a chair, folded his hands and waited like a hunter stalking its prey.
He would sit there all night if he had to. If it meant making sure you were okay.
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Taglist; @vanilla-beanzz @hp-hogwartsexpress @sugarysweets-appreciation-blog @sophie-duck @mysteriousmagicx @toutorii @mystic-starlove @leviiiiiiiii @heavenly-warlord @birdiewolf @bakarinnie @postsfromthe6 @yatoatyourservice @lola2001 @kameko-ko @chewymoustachio
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rickstexaschick · 6 years
Rick and Harley, Part 3
This was originally posted on AO3 at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15708732/chapters/37514018
Please read Parts 1 and 2 before reading this.
Walking through the portal for the first time was an experience.  The brief swirl of greens obscuring his vision, the sizzle of electricity on his skin and buzzing in his ears, the tang of ozone burning his nostrils... None of it lasted for more than a microsecond, to be sure, but by the same token it seemed to last a lifetime.  He knew he’d never have that same experience again.
He stepped through into the den of an older house.  It looked to be out in the country, if the trees and fields visible through the windows were any indication.  It was late afternoon, and the setting sun sent golden fingers of sunlight stabbing through the trees.  He turned around to see Harley stepping through behind him, then the swirling green portal closed.  He wondered if there was a way to set it on some sort of timer, or delay...
”Have a seat.  I’ll get some glasses.”  Harley set the pizza box down on the coffee table then left the room.
Now Rick was beginning to feel uncomfortable with this decision.  In the middle of the night, back at his house — his dimension, he reminded himself — their physical attraction and kissing had seemed kind of...spontaneous and under wraps.  Now that he’d made the deliberate decision to carry it further, and here it was mostly broad daylight...
Harley reappeared with a roll of paper towels and two tumblers full of ice.  If he thought anything about Rick still standing in the middle of the room, instead of sitting down on the couch, he didn’t say anything.  He handed Rick a glass, and set his down on the table along with the paper towels.  Then he took off his leather jacket and lazily tossed it over onto a nearby recliner.  He sat down on the couch, just left of center, on one side of the pizza box.  Rick followed suit and sat on the other side.  He poured out two healthy measures of scotch while Harley flipped open the lid of the box.
They began eating, and Harley reached for the tv remote and turned it on.
Speaking around a mouthful of pizza, “Man, wait ‘til you get yourself set up with interdimensional cable.  There’s some seriously goofy shit out there.”
He flipped the channels around until he came to a show that looked like it was a knock-off of “The A Team” but with something that looked like an alligator for one character, and one Mr. T kind of dude who, instead of a Mohawk, had his Afro pulled into two huge ponytail balls on top of his head.
“Aw, man.  I love this — this show’s great.  This is it’s first season.”  He sat back with a pizza slice in one hand, his legs sprawled open in a comfortable man-spread, and rested his glass on his thigh.  Rick sat back and soon found himself engrossed in the program, and laughing along with Harley at the commercials in-between.  
After it ended Harley found a show that pit a car against a man, inside an over-sized boxing ring.  They watched the cars win 9 times out of every 10, laughing at the idiots who had their mutilated bodies hauled away when they lost.  
Harley produced a blunt the size of a small cigar and lit it, taking a deep drag and handing it over to Rick.
”This here’s from this planet...” he began, holding the smoke in as long as a possible.  “...their entire...whole economy is based on pot...” He exhaled the smoke and took a ragged breath.  “This shit’s like droppin’ acid and getting stoned without — there’re no bad trips...”
Rick accepted the joint and took an equally deep drag, then coughed slightly, expelling some of the smoke.  He handed it back with a sheepish grin.  “Been awhile...” he managed, without letting any more smoke escape.
The level of the scotch in the bottle quickly went down and half the blunt was gone.  Rick felt hazy and stoned, pleasantly drunk, and, yes, like he was trippin’ on some kind of good acid.  He couldn’t remember the last time he’d spent an evening just kickin’ back, drinking with another guy and watching mindless shit on tv.  Most men — most people — annoyed the fuck out of him.  Diane had long ago stopped inviting other couples over for dinner because Rick would either piss off or get pissed off by her friend’s husband.  They were all dumbshits, in his opinion, and he couldn’t be bothered to waste his time with them.
He felt a connection with Harley, a kinship, like some kind of brotherhood — with a hefty dose of sexual desire thrown in for good measure.
Harley flipped through the channels and found something that, based on the cheesy music and grunting and groaning from the characters, looked like it was some kind of alien porn.  Which Harley told him it was.
”Christ, man, I think I’m too drunk to fuck...”  Laughing, Harley let his head drop back onto the back of the couch and closed his eyes.
”Shit...I could never be too drunk...”  And he slid closer to Harley and stroked his cheek, causing the other man to open his eyes and lift his head to look at Rick.
Rick leaned in and kissed him, stroking his tongue across Harley’s lips, taking his lower lip in his teeth and pulling gently.  Harley groaned, opening his mouth, and Rick slipped his tongue inside.  Their tongues slid across each other, fighting for dominance, then Rick yielded.  Harley, it turned out, was a fucking good kisser.  He kissed and nipped his way down Rick’s throat, then sucked and licked his neck.  Rick’s hands gripped Harley by the arms as he reveled in these new sensations.  The feel of Harley’s unshaven skin scrapping against his own, the man’s lips and tongue assaulting his mouth, his neck.  He wondered if this is was how it felt for Diane...He pushed her out of his head.
They kissed and tongued each other, each exploring the novelty of kissing another man.  The stubbled skin over the strong jaw, the taste in their mouths of the whiskey and spices from the pizza.  The more aggressive style of kissing than what any woman would have.  Harley held Rick’s head in his large hands, holding him in place while he sucked and nibbled his lips, then opened his mouth and gave him another ball-jangling deep ass kiss, rolling his tongue around Rick’s mouth.
”Fuck...you’re fuckin’...you know what you’re doing, I’ll say that.”  Rick finally pulled away to catch a breath.
”Yeah, I kind of had to..I have to take my time with the ladies...most chicks can’t handle — can’t take me otherwise...”  Harley was equally breathless.
This comment intrigued Rick.  He was big, too.  When he and a Diane first met and started fucking, she couldn’t take all of him at once.  Had to cum a few times by Rick’s hand or mouth, or both, and even then she could still take only about three quarters of his dick.  He’d hoped that things would change after she had Beth, but there were complications during the delivery and Beth had to be delivered by emergency C-section.  They were advised against having any more children, and after some discussion Rick got a vasectomy.
His erection had been straining uncomfortably against his pants, causing them to tent.  Now was as good a time as any...He sat back and unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and freed his erection.  His was already dripping with precum.
Harley did the same and Rick’s eyebrow went up slightly at the impressive erection that jutted out, deep red and shiny with precum collecting around the head and running down the shaft.
“I can see where — how some chicks may have a problem with that...”  Spontaneously, he leaned down and licked the precum running down the side with a long sweep of his tongue which brought him to the tip.  
Rick took the head in his mouth and sucked, tonguing the slit and swirling it around.  He knew it would taste salty - he’d tasted his own before, out of curiosity.  But this was different — there was also a muskiness, a sort of manliness.  It was arousing, stimulating, and sent a jolt straight into his cock.
“Man, you don’t have to...” Harley had begun, then interrupted himself with a deep groan of pleasure.  His hips jerked forward and he reached down and threaded his hands into Rick’s hair.  “Christ...aw fuck...”  His closed his eyes and dropped his head onto the back of the couch.  He gasped and groaned while Rick took his time blowing him.
Rick tongued and sucked him off, pumping his hand along the shaft and twisting as he came up.  With his other hand he fondled Harley’s balls, then with one finger he stroked the sensitive skin between his ass and the base of his sack. For a man who said he’d never fucked another guy before, Rick gave head better than any woman Harley’d ever had — paid or otherwise.
”Jesus...fuck...”  With effort Harley made himself pull Rick’s head up to make him stop, and Rick released his mouth with a soft pop that drew another gasp of pleasure from Harley’s mouth.  “Man, I’m gonna cum if you keep doin’ that...”
Licking his lips and wiping his chin, Rick laid back against the couch.  He lifted his hips and pulled his pants down to his thighs to expose more of his genitals.  “Trade off, then.”
Harley took a deep swig of scotch — Dutch courage?, wetting his whistle? — then he bent over Rick’s crotch and engulfed his cock in his mouth without hesitation.  Rick reflexively bumped his hips up.  Whether intentional or not, the coolness left behind by that drink of whiskey combined with the warmth of Harley’s mouth was an incredible sensation.  He’d have to remember to do that when it was his turn again.  Harley’s head bobbed up and down while he stroked around Rick’s shaft.  He  cupped Rick’s balls, stroking and massaging them.  Rick reached down and grasped Harley’s head to guide him while fighting the urge not to thrust his hips up into his face.
”Stop...stop...”  Rick finally managed in between groans.  “You’re making me — I’m gettin’ ready to blow my load and I don’t want to cum just yet.”
”Round two in the bedroom, then?”
”Yeah, yeah...let’s go...”  They both stood up and pulled their pants up slightly, then Harley led the way to the back of his house where the bedroom was.  "Actually, if you count my house, this would be round three..."
Harley laughed.
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A note from Admin Tris: Firstly, I think I speak for all of us when I say how excited we were to see an application for Penelope in our inbox. As someone who once considered applying for Penelope in the starting stages of TaT, I’ve always wondered why she got so little interest. Certainly, her occupation isn’t the most glamorous, and being one of the babies of the Heist, I can understand why applicants would favor other roles -- but I’m so glad that you found something special in Penelope, Marie. You understand her, the shyness and the innocence, but you also hint to the fire of her personality. She’s a very soft character, naive in the purest sense of the word, and despite the loss of her father, she’s never really been forced to see the darkness in this world. I can’t wait to see what you do with Penelope -- and your request to use Komatsu Nana has been approved! Congratulations on your acceptance! You’ve been to the museums, the banks, the isolated manors with their black dogs and gilded keys. You’ve stolen their necklaces, their jewels, the prized heirlooms in their vaults and their safes. They’ll watch out for you. Please visit the after acceptance page and submit your account within the next 24 hours – we’re excited to have you with us!
Name/Alias + Pronouns:
What name/alias would you like to go by? Marie What pronouns would you like us to refer to you by? She/her
I’m 19. 
Timezone + Activity
At the moment, I am in CST (GMT+1). I’d say I’m a 5-7, depending on the week. I’m currently working and might take up extra hours if I have the opportunity to, but I’m usually done early regardless. I try to write every day, but as I am a slow writer, I might not produce more than one or two replies a day if I’ve got a particularly long interaction pending. 
One thing to be noted, though, is that I am moving to another country in March. This means I probably need a hiatus/semi-hiatus in the first week of March before returning to my usual activity. If this is a concern, please contact me and we’ll discuss it!
Desired Role:
Penelope Kang. Often nicknamed Penny, or even Poppy at times.
sexuality/romantic preference — Penelope is heterosexual - well, that is what she assumes, anyway, having only ever been in love with one person. With that, it has to be said that her sexuality is largely unexplored, as she has kept her eyes and heart on Magnus since the incident in the Lee driveway. This means her assumed sexuality might very well change once she gets her chance to explore it, but at the moment that seems like an unlikely event as she is both very timid and completely smitten with Magnus.
birthdate — September 21, 1997. 
birthplace/hometown — Tokyo, Japan.
occupation  — Officially, she is a housemaid of the Lees. While she is told multiple times that she does not need to do the work of a housemaid any longer, she loves the people she used to work with and spends a lot of her time off helping them out. Especially around the time for important events or dinners, she is always there to deck the tables, clean the rooms or cut the carrots alongside the cook. 
criminal occupation  — Penelope is an excellent hacker. Her brain is analytical, numbers are her forte and she has a quick mind. She can find solutions and loop holes in code and security systems quickly and precisely. While hacking was originally just an experiment, she is grateful that it turned into a profession. It’s her way of being a hero without being directly involved in the action in the heist itself. She is confident in her abilities and sees it as a key opportunity to show people - and maybe Magnus in particular - what talents she has brewing inside her. 
pronouns: She/her
languages: Penelope knows quite a few languages. Japanese was the language spoken in her household until she was six, when Arthur Kang came into the family. With him came an accelerated learning progress of the Korean langauge - she wanted to understand her father’s mother tongue, after all, and it was also a language she was met with all over the Lee mansion. It remains a language she can speak alright, but she has troubles reading effectively. English was another language she heard all around her in the Lee mansion, but one she did not have much use for until she got older. While her English is good indeed, she carries an accent. Untimately, Czech is the language she speaks the most - or at least did before being welcomed into the Heist. After all, she grew up going to a school in Prague and formed most of her friendships and connections in the Czech language.
hobbies: Sewing, sketching, gardening, cooking, reading.
Four Characteristics:
List and describe at least two negative and two positive characteristics that you believe define your chosen character best. Please be as detailed as possible to show us how these traits fit into your perception of them. 
+ Observant: Penelope is an observant girl, which some believe might be the key to her compassion and cleverness. She is particularly sensitive to people’s feelings, noticing nervous gestures, the way people’s faces express false emotions in pressed situations and unusual drifts. While she might see through the masks of indifference people hide their emotions behind, she will not always comment on it even if she wants to, simply for showing respect to the person’s privacy. Spots, wrinkles and stains are also things she notice quickly, along with odd numbers or letters in clauses of code among other things.
+ Bright: There is no denying her bright mind. She is quick, clever and can solve most puzzles in less time than what people normally do. As her shy nature shines through the most, people might forget her razor sharp mind; she’ll come up with simple solutions to complex problems, speaking up from the corner of the room with a confidence they might not expect. 
- Shy: Another rather dominant trait you will notice when you first meet her, but one she tries to break out from and lay behind her. She wants to explore, to experience. She wants to be able to talk to strangers like they were her best friends – she has seen people do so, and their confidence is admirable. However, she sometimes finds it hard to gather the courage to talk to strangers at all and is generally not a girl of many words. When people get to know her, she will open up, and the trait fades a little. 
- Stubborn: Although appearing to be quite reserved, she can be described as stubborn by anyone who knows her. Once she puts her mind to something, it is not easy to make her thoughts stray from it. She usually stands up to what she believes, and this is where her shy nature seems to dim ever so slightly; she might interfere – though in a rather quiet manner – into people’s discussions or insert a quick comment about the case if she disagrees strongly. 
Other traits: optimistic, a little idealistic, gentle, perfectionist.
Expand on at least two connections that you see your character having, whether they were mentioned in the bio or not, AND/OR expand on any part of the biography that was left vague or nondescript. 
Camille Delacroix: Penelope, as a rather shy and timid girl who hopes to break out of her shell, is fascinated by people like Camille. While she does not know much about her, she knows she has travelled the world and surely she has been on more adventures than most. While her outgoing personality intimidates her somewhat, she wishes for nothing but to befriend her. Maybe even just make her aquaintance. Certainly someone like her would not settle for the boring everyday life - maybe she could bring her out on one of her adventures? She sees Camille as an opportunity to break out of her comfort zone, but also thinks it as a opportunity that won’t show anytime soon; girls like her doesn’t notice shy girls like Penelope in the corner of a room. 
Dominik Woo: Dominik is one of the people Penelope trusts the most in the whole wide world. She knows he would never laugh at her for things that were not meant to be funny; he is safe, and someone she feels she can tell everything to. She is relaxed in his company and does not feel the need to filter herself in such a way that she does with most other people, and her shy nature seems to dim even just a little in his presence. 
Para Sample(s):
You may write as many para samples as you’d like
Your para sample(s) can be any length of your choosing.
In-character, third person, past or present tense are both acceptable. 
This is the most important section of the application. We are looking for a unique takeon the character, for you to show us that you really understand the character’s past, motives, and state of mind. Ultimately, we would like to see that you know the character better than even we do, so please don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty and delve into the depths of their story! It is highly advisable to include dialogue andinteractions with NPC or canon roles, so that we can see how your character acts.
The ballroom was large and awfully colourless to Penelope’s tastes. There were cream-coloured walls and marble floors. Women in pale, long dresses and men in black and white suits made up the masses – important people from important families. The high roof echoed the hundreds of voices within the hall, and worked as an enhancer for the classical music played by live performers at the other end of the room. She had gathered that tonight was a particularly important night, and with that she was sure Magnus would show up. They had hosted two galas previously after Magnus’ return – she did not see him during those, and heard whispers that he had only been there for what might have been half an hour. She had attended them too, of course, but had left them by the end of the night with a lingering feeling of disappointment. Ah, he might be back from his five-year journey, but she saw him now just as little has she had five months ago.
She was dressed in black and white like the other serving girls and boys. Her friend Mina had fallen ill in time for the occasion. “I will not allow you to go,” she had told her sternly when she visited her that particular morning, placing a cup of green tea on her bedside. She was met with little resistance, and suspected the tea had gone cold in favour for sleep and fever dreams instead.
Though she was not happy that her friend had fallen ill, she counted herself lucky as she took her mid-day duty to do the rooms. Saturdays was the day she were to do the heir’s, and Penelope could not help but feel a little giddy as she entered the empty room. It was stupid, and she knew it well, but… it was really his! It was clear he had not been there this particular night – she had heard he did not always spend his nights in the Lee mansion – but she took her time to smooth over the sheets once more. She placed a small box of chocolates on his night table, too, along with a glass of water with small hand-plucked flowers in bright colours from her father’s own garden. She was not sure whether he would like the chocolates or not, nor was she sure if he would care about the flowers at all. And he certainly would not notice where they came from, would he? She hoped he see it and maybe smile a bit at  the gesture regardless.
“Penny!” She turned to find a girl dressed similarly to her, with dark hair and a wide smile on her lips. “You shouldn’t be here. You’ve got enough important work to do as it is!” She held her empty hands out to take the tray with glasses of champagne that Penelope had taken upon herself to walk about in the room with.
She returned her friend’s smile. “Don’t be silly, Hara!” She turned away slightly as to move the tray out of her reach. “I am doing very important things. You need a break every now and then, you know. Mina is sick, besides. I’m taking her watch.”
“Ari is already taking her watch.” Her friend let her hands fall, though, facing her defeat.
She offered her a light shrug of her shoulders, smile playing on her lips. “I’ll take your watch too. I suppose you can take a couple minutes off, if you want.”
Turning to look over the room, she leaned sideways in towards her friend. “I also heard they were doing important business today,” she said, voice low. Hara nodded knowingly. She only said so because she knew every one of the girls had caught on on the news already, of course. They had talked about before the event, and they had agreed that important people demanded excellent service – and they certainly was not going to disappoint. “I heard both the Kanes and the Bulletts wanted to strike a deal of some sort,” Hara told her seriously.
“I did so, too.” She paused a brief second. “Do you think Magnus will show up?” Her eyes revealing a hint of curiosity mixed in with excitement.
Hara straightened up and let out a snort. “The heir? No way. Apparently, he finds these kinds of things boring, so he doesn’t care to. That’s what happened the other two galas.”
“But those were mostly for fun, though. He didn’t have to come.”
“He left us for five years because he thought it was boring. That’s what Mandy says. He won’t show up at some stupid gala when he hasn’t been doing so for the last five years.”
Penelope furrowed her brows. She moved the tray from her right hand into both, holding it steadily in front of her. “Oh, but you don’t know that. He didn’t leave just because it was boring. He has his reasons, Hara. I know it.”
The other girl sighed, then shook her head, the corners of her mouth moving up slightly, forming a pitiful smile that Penelope could not help but feel a little annoyed seeing. “C’mon, Penny. This is ridiculous.”
“Yes! You talk about him all the time! You deserve so much better.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about,” she insisted.
Another smile shaped on her friend’s lips. “Sure you don’t. Hey, I gathered you and Jaesuk are close. Give him a shot, come on.”
Penelope could not help but to laugh at that, though her cheeks felt slightly warmer than what they were before. “Jaesuk? No, no, no! We’re just friends, you know that.” She cleared her throat, threw a quick glance around the room, subconsciously searching for a pop of bright red hair among the black-and-white coloured crowd. Then she turned her gaze back to Hara and held the tray out to her. “Go take a break now. Take a glass too, if you will. They said I could, but I’m not going to.”
With a sigh, her friend seemed to consider it for a moment. Then, with a glass in hand, she offered her a smile and turned around to walk through the doors towards the kitchen.  
And he did show up that night. Of course he did – Penelope knew he would. Once Hara had returned, she offered her a triumphant smile from across the room.
Starter Example:
Provide an example of a mini-para starter that you might post on your character’s account. Feel free to include a gif if you’d like! You may also add a gif-chat starter or multi-paragraph starter if you feel inclined, though they are optional.
A day off was not something Penelope was used to. Most days she would spent her time in front of the computer screen, typing codes and figuring out the keys to secret security systems. Other times, she did the beds with the housemaids or watered the plants alongside the gardener at the Lee manison.
While the latter was indeed done in her time off, it was nothing like this. It was nothing like walking down the streets towards the local park, with no tasks  in mind, other than to drink up the hot cocoa she had bought from the coffee shop on the corner.
Her eyes were fixed on the pavement before her, carefully tip-toeing around the edges of the puddles left by the rain two hours prior.
“Oh!” She instictively stepped back into the puddle she had intended to step across, not seeing the person before her. “I’m sorry.” She turned her eyes up towards the other person, an apologetic smile playing at her lips. “It’s the rain, you know–oh, I know you.”
Penelope would sometimes help out in the garden surrounding the Lee manison. She was rather fond of the work, and the head gardener - an older Korean man with kind eyes - was talkative and seemed to appreciate her company. As time had passed, he trusted her with more complicated tasks than watering the plants - on this paricularly sunny afternoon, she was replanting small trees that would eventually grow into a hedge.
The sun was burning in her neck, and she had parted ways with the gardener to take a break. She made her way outside the property. Up on her toes, she looked over the large fences to see if she could spot the hedges she had planted from the outside. And would you believe it? From her position on the pavement, she could see some of the leaves belonging to the trees she had planted. A smile spread across her lips.
Another step backwards. Maybe she could see more of them? Another step– she felt the very end of the pavement beneath her left foot, the stones separating it from the highway; she stumbled another step backwards to catch her balance.
Her cheeks burned hot with embarrassment as she spotted the other person. “I was just… trying to look over at the hedges.”
Optional.Time to let out your passion & creativity! This is where you may list anything else that you see for this character that is not stated in their bios. Go wild! This is the section that will be examined in the case of multiple applications, so don’t be afraid to let your muse out. (videos, headcanons, facts, song lyrics, diary entries, letters, memes, etc.) 
1. Penelope’s fashion sense can be describes as cute, but fashionable. She loves everything that is quirky and a little different in a simple way. Simple fabrics and simple patters. Orange and rusty red are currently her favorite clothing colours, and you are sure to spot the colour in every other outfit she wears. As for her hair style, she likes to keep it shoulder-length and with bangs. She might pin it up or braid it every now and then, but generally keeps it down. 
2.  Penelope writes a diary. She might not write every day, but tries to. She glues in fragments of papers, stickers and pictures that she stumbles upon through-out the day to the entires. Sometimes the entires strech over several pages becaus of it, other times there are only a collage to describe the day. She carries the pieces in a small pocket of her jacket until she pulls them out to glue them in.
Here is my inspiration tag for her!
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