#please enjoy these headcanons as I fight with my jobs ability to give me free time
earl-grey-teacake · 7 months
Baby!Loscar headcanons
Random headcanons that won’t leave my head and prevent me from writing fics
George is the one to wake up most nights to comfort Logan. He’s a lighter sleeper and can hear when Logan is waking up and about to cry.
Logan models baby clothes for Williams, Mercedes, Ferrari and his dads’ personal brands. He’s so cute and smiles for the camera as long as his dads are behind the camera. He doesn’t respond well being left along in a studio with strangers, large lights and cameras.
Logan loved to crawl and cling to his dad’s feet. This becomes a problem when they’re walking and don’t want to trip over him. He’s a fast crawler and doesn’t understand things can fall on him when he hits them.
Oscar also models baby clothes for McLaren and Quadrant. Getting him into Ferrari clothes were too much of a hassle so they gave up and took Logan instead.
Carlos takes Oscar to see a karting race at 8 months old. Oscar can’t race because he’s too young but he wants to so bad and cries when they have to leave the track.
Lando, despite his fears and screams, killed a giant wasp with his hands when it was flying near Oscar. He screamed the whole time which only freaked Oscar out and made him cry. Carlos was on the phone with Lando at the time and thought something awful happened.
Logan and Oscar get sick together a lot. When one is down the other is down and it becomes a nightmare especially during a race weekend. Logan will cry loudly because he’s sick and uncomfortable and scared and wants his dads. Oscar is the opposite and just whimpers miserably half the time. The tears don't stop but he's too tired and miserable to wail.
Logan’s first step was when he didn’t want George to leave to go to Brackley. He toddled over and grabbed onto George’s leg. George cried the entire drive to Mercedes HQ. He also called Alex for the entire drive so he could apologize for having to leave while Logan was crying in the background for “dada”
Oscar’s first step was because Carlos has come home from a week-long trip to Spain. Oscar was playing in the living room when Carlos walked in with his suitcase. He was ecstatic and stumbled his way over to Carlos while Lando and Carlos cried and filmed the whole thing. Oscar also tried to pull on the suitcase so Carlos wouldn’t leave again but it just ended up falling on him.
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janghoefett · 3 years
Jango Fett Fluff Alphabet
The answers aren’t toooooo long, but it’s just a little somethin’ since we are starving for Jango. No reader gender is specified.
There are mentions of sex and some not-so-wholesome things he does on the job. Overall, it is very tame and fluffy!
I like to consider all my work 18+ so please respect that! 
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Activities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Jango likes anything that’s on the down low. Very, very domestic activities like staying in, listening to the rain beating down on the windows on Kamino. He also enjoys sharing a good meal. Basically, anything that involves the two of you getting alone time. He also likes to get physical.
Beauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Jango loves your smile. It sounds cheesy, but he fell in love with your aura and that smile that made him feel so welcomed. He has the very special ability of being able to read people and you passed the test with flying colors.
Comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Jango doesn’t let you lift a finger. He gets worried when things are out of his control, but if there’s something that can be done he’s doing it. He’ll definitely make time for a little cuddle, remind you to breathe, make sure you’re hydrated.
Dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Kids. Peace. A home far away from the cloners. Perhaps he can finally retire and live that life with you.
Equal - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Jango definitely enjoys control in his life where he can have it, but he’s always making big decisions with you. There is by no means a power imbalance and he likes you to hold your own. There is a give and take like every relationship.
Fight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Jango’s trust is not easily earned, but it is easily broken. The first time you got in a fight, Jango was harshly scolding you about safety. You cried at the sound of his voice and the look on his face. He felt awful later that night and apologized, hitting you with some of that slow and desperate I-almost-lost-you sex.
Gratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Jango always expects something to go wrong. He couldn’t be more grateful to have you in his life, but half of him thinks he’s going to wake up and it will all be a dream.
Honesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Jango is mysterious. It’s not that he’s being dishonest, it just takes him a really long time to open up. He won’t open up to you about the stresses of the job. He bottles things.
Inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Jango went through a period of time where he hesitated to pull that trigger. You inspire him to be better and although he would not like to admit it, he’s become softer than he was in the past.
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Oh yes. Jango doesn’t think you’re going to cheat on him per say, but he will come up and assert himself if a guy is getting too friendly. It just makes him anxious.
Kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Jango is a little too good. He initiated your first kiss, inching closer and closer so subtly as you were talking until finally he closed the gap. The first thing you noticed was how strong his hands were as they wrapped around your body. His mouth was firm, his skin was so warm, and his aftershave smelled crisp.
Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Jango struggled for a very long time to realize how much he cared for you. Your relationship started out very physical and very casual, and eventually he every so subtly asked you if you wanted to be exclusive. He told you he loved you in bed. In the middle of sex. In the dark. It just slipped out.
Marriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
While some wouldn’t peg him for the type, marriage is huge for Jango. You’re his ride-or-die and he’s going to marry you the Mandalorian way. Just like the way he told you he loved you, he brings up the idea of marriage casually in bed. Your relationship doesn’t change much after you are married since Jango waited until your relationship was very secure and comfortable.
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
There’s a slew of nicknames in Mando’a that seem to roll off his tongue, but you love when he opts for something simple like “my love”. He sometimes calls you “angel”, and while that could have fallen flat coming from anyone else, you found it quite endearing coming from Jango. You are truly his angel.
On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Jango has an outstanding pokerface. All the affection you receive is in private or very, very coded in public.
PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Jango keeps you hidden like treasure. This is for safety reasons, mostly, as others could exploit your relationship.  But Jango is territorial. He wants others to know you’re his.
Quirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Jango allocates his time wisely and tries to leave his work at the door. When he’s with you, that’s where his mind is. He’ll come home, hop in the fresher, and then he’s all yours.
Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
There is nothing usual about your relationship and Jango is not very good at “traditional”. But, he is very much a gentleman and will pull out all the stops to make you feel special.
Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Jango is nurturing, which comes as a surprise to most who meet him. He helps you wherever he can. He thinks the world of you and believes you can do anything. When you are surprised that were successful, he is not surprised in the slightest.
Thrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Jango does not like surprises. But, he does love to make you happy. He’ll try most things at least once.
Understanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Sometimes Jango can be a bit thick in the relationship department and doesn’t understand why certain things upset you so much, but he is respectful. If you say you are upset he believes you. Once you tell him something, he never forgets it, and he knows you way more than you realize at times.
Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Family is everything to Jango. Boba of course is also his priority, and he’d do anything to keep the two of you safe. His job, his life on Kamino, all that comes last.
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
The man loves a cuddle. Period. He doesn’t even talk. He just likes to feel you on his lap, he loves to feel your hands dusting over him, he loves a good makeout session. He is truly touch starved and he loves that he can be vulnerable and comfortable with you like this.
XOXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Well to add to the above, the kisses and cuddles come when you have full privacy. You can always tell when Jango is desperate by the way he pulls you aside and can’t get enough of you.
Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Oh he yearns. He yearns big time. 
Jango doesn’t like to be away from you for too long. The nights are the hardest of course, when he realizes that he’s finally become unaccustomed to sleeping alone after such a long existence of solitude.
Zeal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Jango would quite literally commit murder for you. Don’t try him.
Tags: @clanoffetts​ @escapedthesarlacc​ @thundersheild​ @onabouteverything​ @tacticalsparkles​ @keeper-of-the-sarlacc-pit​ @thefact0rygirl​ @sarahjkl82-blog​ @secretsidereblog​ @darthmama1618​ @terrormonster55​ @fuckyeahbeskar​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @fiend-friend​ @kyberdreams​ (please let me know if you would like to be removed or added!)
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hermit-pistol · 4 years
Leone Abbacchio Fluff Alphabet:
And with that, the 600 follower special is concluded! I know that they took me forever to finish but I hope that you enjoyed reading them! Please like and reblog to show love, and read some Abbacchio fluff under the cut:
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Abbacchio enjoys the simplicity of doing nothing and going nowhere. Honestly, some of his favorite activities that you do together take place in the courtesy of your own home. Don't get it twisted though, he still will take you out for the occasional meal and show you a good time!
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He admires your ability to stay calm. Other people he has known in the past would tend to annoy him with how high strung they were. He much rather prefers a partner that he can sit in comfortable silence with, and can just go with the flow of everything.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Abbacchio, to be fair, has had his own fair share of emotional baggage, so he knows what you're experiencing all too well. Thankfully, he also knows how to overcome the situation when these feelings grow to be too much. He'll whisper words and phrases of affirmation, assuring them that everything will be okay and that he will always be there for them.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
His vision of the future is very uncertain, and in all fairness, he couldn't even believe that he'd made it this far in his life. His previous career as an officer and currently being in the mafia were certainly not considered "safe" jobs. He does want a future with you though, no matter how risky the job. He just won't think too far ahead.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Abbacchio is very passive aggressive. He'll be very lenient when it comes to making decisions in the relationship but can obviously step it up if needed. Most of the decision making will be in the hands of his partner for sure.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
He bottles things up until they explode at the surface. He'll yell and most likely something will come out harsher than intended, this ends up with him being in a position where he has some serious explaining to do. Things will work out eventually, but things might be rough for a while.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He loves you for showing him that living wasn't all that bad to begin with. Life hasn't been very kind to him and you know that. When he's having very low moments, you remind him of his team and you who both love him very much. You are one of the only reasons that he keeps on going.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Getting Abbacchio to open up and speak about the things that he's experienced in this lifetime will take a lot of coaxing and convincing. In time, he'll tell you when he's ready, but for a good while he'll be very selective with what he wants to share with you. Only when the time comes and he feels that you're worthy of knowing will he come clean. Be ready.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
He has a hard time seeing the positives of a situation, and before he met you, he was truly unhappy with his life. It took him so many years to learn that seeing things from a different, more optimistic point of view really made a huge difference. He thanks you for opening him up to new experiences.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Abbacchio does not mess around when it comes to you getting attention from other people. He may appear passive at first, but he’s had an eye on the two of you this whole time, don’t worry. If things get out of hand, he’ll just drag you out of there so fast you won’t even have time to process what just happened.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Abbacchio is a very rough kisser, to the point where you have to remind him not to leave marks on your lips. There's a time and a place for everything, but it takes some reminders to let him know that a simple showing of affection shouldn't result in your face being all but ripped off. Other than that, he's got quite the natural talent.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
The funny thing that sets Abbacchio apart from the others is that he won't outright tell you that he loves you. He very much so believes in the concept of tough love, and even though he can be unbearable at some points, it's very rarely that he verbally expresses that he loves you. It's rather expressed in the actions that he does.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
He's going to wait for ages until he pops the question, so long in fact that you had thought about proposing to him just to get it over with. He'll ask for the help of his team to put the wedding together since he doesn't have much to work with in terms of family. When it's all said and done, he'll totally have to fight the urge to break down into tears when he sees you walking down the aisle. You just look so beautiful!
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Abbaccchio really doesn't need nicknames, unless you ask him to call you something specific. If not, he's content with referring to you by your name. After all, it is the most sincere form of flattery as they say.😳
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Only a few people can tell that something is up with Abbacchio (mainly, Bruno and Fugo) and once they figure out what's going on with their teammate they can't help but smile. They'll leave teasing out of it because they know that the others might go too far, but whenever you enter a room they share a knowing glance as they watch him clam up on the spot.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
He's not very fond of showing his affection in public, and sometimes this really gets on your nerves. There are times where he doesn't even feel comfortable holding hands with you, but you try to respect his wishes. You know that he's just a little awkward and shy when it comes to these things and that his actions in the outside world are completely different compared to when you share alone time.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
(I know this might be one you guys have heard of before but it can't leave my brain so-) Abbacchio can sing, and he can sing quite well. But he will never do so in front of people, and even in front of you. The only times that you can hear him is when he thinks that you have left for the store and sneaks into the bathroom. One time you had your ear pressed against the door so hard that it accidentally opened. He was holding a hairbrush like a microphone and was less than pleased that you had found him.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
It may not seem like it, but Abbacchio can be quite romantic. When the two of you are alone he might offer to give you a massage or might shower you in kisses of his own accord. Both of those might end up leading to something else, of course ;)
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He will always make sure to make sure that you have complete confidence in whatever you decide to pursue. If you succeed, then he will be the proudest man you've ever seen. Even if you experience some shortcomings he'll encourage you to keep trying and re-adjust your goals so they can be more attainable.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Abbacchio doesn't really come across as the type of person that's spontaneous. While he doesn't like surprises, whenever he does have a nice gesture planned he wants to make sure that you're prepared for (possibly) one of the best days of your life. He hypes it up in subtle ways like "Pack your bags" and "Make sure to bring your swimsuit". 😉
U nderstanding - How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Don't let his emotional unavailability at times fool you, for he can understand your emotions quite well. He'll pay attention to details that could decipher your moods, like the slam of a door or heavy sighs as you shuffle your feet into the living room. Of course, he'll ask you how to make you feel better, but he secretly prides himself on his awareness when it comes to you.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Abbacchio isn't the best at maintaining relationships with people, unless they're very special to him. You are easily one of the best things that's ever happened to him, and if you weren't in his life he'd be extra grumpy and then some. You are his rock, and he cherishes you every single day the two of you are together.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
When the two of you aren't busy, you insist on having a "couple's night" which consists of watching a movie together. He’s a bit of a “fun killer” when it comes to having a movie night, turning down almost every idea and suggestion that you have. You eventually decide on a basic horror movie, with Abbacchio grumbling through it the whole time. He does enjoy when you cling to him during the scary parts, though.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Abbacchio can be affectionate when he wants to be (only when you’re ALONE). There are times when he doesn't want to be in the same room as you, and then others when he's clinging to you no matter how hard you try to escape. Catch him in a good mood and he'll even nuzzle his head into the crook of your neck.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Whenever you've been away for a bit, Abbacchio will seemingly be unfazed by your lack of presence, almost to the point where it bothers you. Your man really doesn't show that many emotions, huh. When you walk through the door; however, he'll be there in the doorway ready to greet you and wrap you in a giant hug. You smile, knowing that he secretly missed you after all.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He's not the type of guy to give gifts or do anything extravagant outside of special occasions. If you're having a bad day he will bring you dinner and listen to you vent. If you're the one, he's willing to go the extra mile in maintaining the relationship and wanting to keep you as happy as possible.
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cautionworks · 3 years
Okay, so I wanted to write some NSFW Headcanons for Hisoka. All of these headcanons I said are purely based on my interpretation. I have read some other Hisoka headcanons before but I forgot about them a while ago. Plus I know nothing about actual sex. So I'll have fun writing this. Here we go lol.
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
It depends on who's he with. If it was just a one-night stand he won't attempt to be comforting or try to care about the other party. The most He'll do is clean himself and nothing more. If he had a "significant other" that's a different story. He would cuddle the hell out of you. I imagine him as a clingy person (Which I hate). Once he's finished he just wants to fall asleep with you under his arms. He finds it relaxing to have your back against his chest. Especially when it's soft.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
The back. I do not know why but I have the feeling that he would like a person's back. Especially if the person has slightly defined back muscles. Something about a person's back seems so vulnerable to Hisoka that he leans towards it whenever he’s behind someone he finds attractive. It's part of the reason why he likes to be behind people. Because he feels it's the most vulnerable place and he won't hesitate to take advantage of it when it comes to his enemies. Seriously don’t have this man around women with shirts that expose the backside. Or bikinis. He will not stop staring. Now I think about it I think he’ll like a virgin sweater.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically... I’m a disgusting person)
Hisoka will eat it/swallow it. He's no stranger when it comes to being nude in his abode. So him being in his natural self, he won't hesitate to taste his own or his partner's bodily fluid. (Not pee you weirdos).
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Hisoka is a secretive man. It's literally what his name means. When asked direct questions he'll find a way to dodge them without seeming suspicious. And he's a liar. But when it comes to the bedroom. It's another side of him. He's not so secretive about it. It's just no one asks him about it and so he never felt the need to mention it. But when he did he will say it all. This man has done very risque things in his life. He once fucked a girl in an office building right after he killed her boss. There’s was a huge gathering of people including the girl's boyfriend. And he did it in one of those rooms where there's a glass that's see-through on one side and the other is not. Which the boyfriend happened to be there. You can guess which side he did it on. In the end, that girl was left with the time of life of her life and the loss of her partner and her job.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Extremely experienced. I'm sorry I'm a firm believer that Hisoka got laid many times by various women and men. If he's so strategic and calculated in fighting people then it's no surprise that he has skills in the bedroom. Plus he needs the release. I can't imagine how bored and frustrated he is when he can't kill anyone or there are no strong opponents. So it's understandable that he looks for partners to ease his stress. If there's nobody available at the moment. Then he will do what any man would do. Le master debate.
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Again this one depends on who's he with. If he just with one of his late-night booty calls he would do the normal doggy style. If he's with someone he's heavily interested in. He will do all sorts of positions. His favorite position is where he can always see your face. Because one he wants to know if he's doing a good job. Two. He likes to watch your face morph into different facial expressions as he touches you in different ways.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He can be hella silly sometimes. If he's having sex with you for a while he will feel comfortable being playful. Of course, he can be serious if he needs to. But that rarely ever happens. The only times he would get serious if he was actively trying to get you pregnant for whatever reason. Which is not an issue. He uses bungee gum. It contains rubber and gum. Free condoms everyone. (Lol)
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Oh hell yeah the carpet matched the drapes! You were surprised that it was the same hair color as his hair. You were so in disbelief that you considered that he just dyed it. Which was not the case. Let's just say Hisoka likes to keep things short. Normally you would find it to be shaved. Yet, sometimes he'll leave some hair to grow. A little hair never really bothered him.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect...)
*sigh* This one depends. Ima skip this one because Hisoka is not romantic. Just kidding. Because I think he would be good in the bedroom, I think he CAN be a romantic partner. Romantic how? I don’t know he can be that’s all there’s to it. (Talk about laziness)
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He does it more often than the average person. Like I said in my (E = Experience) Hisoka would do it if there’s nobody available at the moment. What I didn’t say is where and when he would do it. He’ll do it anywhere. This man has no shame. He will do it in a church, public bathroom, or hospital bed. Inside or out. It did not matter to him. Unless if it was raining. That would be his own little rule but he breaks it all the time. For some reason, many opportunities for sex happened to be on rainy days. When? He’ll do it even when he has a mission to do with Illumi. If he’s in the middle of a job and He's in horni mode. He’ll find a way to release without anyone knowing. He could do it right in front of a person without them knowing. Sometimes he just stands there with an orgasmic face on. The only way he’s able to masturbate in public is because he is using bungee gum. I know for a fact he’s use’s this ability in his sexual encounters with people especially for himself. This man could just stand there and you wouldn’t know if he was just being weird or he’s just doing it again.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
KINK SHAMING IS HIS KINK! I’m just kidding. Without a doubt, Hisoka would have one or two kinks. Bondage. Bondage. Bondage. As boring and well known this kink is. It makes sense at least to me it does. Hisoka bungee gum ability can grab, stick or even trap a person. So he finds pleasure in watching his partner's skin be wrapped in his bungee gum. He has so much control over it. How tight it can be. How rubbery or gummy it can be depending on the situation.Another thing I’d like to say. Hisoka is A SADIST AND MASOCHIST. He likes giving and receiving pain. That’s just how it is.
L = Location (Favorite places to do they do)
Anywhere that has a good spot to fuck you against something. Any surface that he can place you on. But if he were to have a “favorite place” it would be in places that are morally wrong to do or somewhere exciting like a carnival/circus. Hisoka hasn’t set limits to himself so usually, it's his partner that sets the boundaries.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
If he sees you in revealing clothing (Especially if your back is completely exposed) his wood is rising. You could just be lying on your stomach on the couch, scrolling on the phone. If you’re wearing a bra or nothing on and Hisoka happens to be there. There’s no doubt he'll find ways to lay his hands on you. It's not just the back that could turn him on. THIGHS AND HAMSTRINGS will have the man going. In particular, he likes it when it's Thicc/meaty. My man likes dem Thicc thighs. (Lol)
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
This one is only one of my most important headcanons ever. And I won’t accept anything other than this. Rape/Noncon. Hisoka does not find any joy in forcing himself on his partners. It’s not fun for him if his partner isn’t enjoying it either. The biggest turn-off for him would have to be anything related to bodily wastes like pee or poo.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Oh, he likes receiving it more than giving it. But that doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy giving his significant other pleasure too. I would say his skill level is pretty good. Let’s just say when he does it, it's more than enough to please his partner. When he receives it expect lots of hair pulling and heavy groans.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Fuck! It depends on his mood. Normally he likes to do it slow and sensual. But on a bad day, he does it rough and fast. A Good example of this was after Chrollo told him he can not use nen. Hisoka kept his emotions to himself. The only face he allowed himself to show was his normal displeased face. But inside he’s pissed. Once he leaves the troupe he heads back to his partner's place and sleeps with them. At least he released his frustration without killing anyone. (Omg Imagine fucking Hisoka was the leading cause of people still alive) Other than that he just aggressively masturbates.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
*Deep inhaling* Hisoka IS THE KING OF QUICKIES. He’s a master at it. While he’s patient for riping fruits he rarely has patience for sexual activities. He's on the go constantly. If he finds someone that catches his eye he’ll go after them. So a nice quickie is great and all but it doesn’t entirely satisfy him. Because it doesn’t satisfy him overall, a proper well spent “shagging” (This will be the first and last time I’ll ever write “Shagging”) He’s happy. Just happy that he can give his all. Which he can not do often.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Absolutely! Hisoka has his life on gamble all the time. Whether it may be life-threatening or a simple card game. Risking taking is his character. Even if it's too crazy. He’ll do it anyway. He's an exhibitionist for sure. He’ll let people watch as long no one touches his partner.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last...)
To my knowledge. IRL men need a break after sex. In the show, Hisoka was able to clear the hunter's exam easily. So we know Hisoka has a lot of endurance than the average human. He’s stronger and faster. So that means Hisoka will not get tired after one round of sex. I think he can go at least 10 rounds. Of course, Hisoka would get tired at some point. He’s still human. Hisoka just has a lot of stamina. And that’s a fact.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Yall are probably gonna hate me for this but Hisoka doesn’t own toys. If his partner wants it during their time together, he will not hesitate to get it/use it. He doesn’t feel the need to use it since he’s very confident in his ability to please his partner without the use of toys. For himself? if wants something inside him then he’ll just look for a guy that’s decent for his standards. But that doesn’t stop him from using a dildo/vibrator for himself.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Hisoka is a sadistic devil. He can be cruel sometimes. One time he had this girl close to climax and he stopped in the middle of it. Or He would cause arousal to his partner and pretend it was all an accident. He’s a huge teaser. He likes to watch his partner be in ecstasy and switch to fits of anger.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He’s a fucking whale. (LMAO) He’s the reason why kids know what moans sound like. He’s hella vocal in his private moments. He so loud that almost every troupe member recognizes his moans every time they hear them. But that doesn’t mean he can’t be quiet. Contrary to popular belief, Hisoka can be dead silent when he needs to be. He can be quiet as a mouse. Even quieter than the mouse. Now, what does he sound like? Well, we all heard his moans his fights. But I think it's different. I think his moans in fights are different while masturbating/sex. Just a slight difference. His moans would be more intense and he's a heavy breather. His tone of moans is a bit feminine with a tint of masculinity. He has the best of both worlds.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He likes to have pictures of you. Like a lot. He has a private gallery full of pictures of you on his phone. That’s why this time he actually takes care of his phone. He’s prone to get his phone destroyed in his missions. So he’s much careful with it now. These pictures can range from cute photos of you and him together to butt naked pics of you not looking.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture, or words)
Now you horny Hisoka Simps think he has a 12-inch dick but I don’t think that’s the case. (I mean come on) I know there are Chinese HxH fans who took the time to measure his length by looking at manga panels. Based on what I found. Hisoka is 5 inches long (aroused) and 6 inch Inches long (aroused). To make him above “Average”. He is 6 inches long (aroused) and 7 inches Inches long (aroused). Beyond that I don’t know how a female or male have can have a size like that fit in them. Or maybe I’m not educated enough on this topic. I don’t know and I don’t care.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Very High. A lot of people who write Hisoka smut fics tend to make him a horny bastard. For me, I think that is the case. But my reasons are different. As I said in my E = Experience. Hisoka would look for partners to ease his stress. His obsession with finding/fighting strong opponents takes a toll on his mental and physical state. So once he can't think of another outlet for his tremendous amounts of energy, he'll use it to please himself with different partners.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
I'm going to say that depends on the person. If he only did 2-3 rounds of sex with an average person he's not going to fall asleep easily. Eventually, he will. Due to being bored and little tiredness. If he were to do it with a skilled nen user like Machi. He would get tired a lot more.
Oh woah that took forever to write! Let me just say it again this is purely my own headcanons. The questions are not mine only my answers. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!
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loser-writings · 4 years
Hey what is omegaverse?? (I’m just kinda curious on what it is)
-Hi! Don’t worry, I’ll give you a quick rundown over some of the basics of Omegaverse, what it is, and some of the popular vocabulary that’s used in it. 
Omegaverse is a popular fiction Alternate Universe, or AU. Many suspect it to be kink based,and for many it is, but that’s not the case for me as I personally enjoy it for its hierarchy and some of the headcanons, theories, and other things that come from it. It tends to be used mostly in Gay fanfiction since one of the biggest appeals is Male pregnancy, or Mpreg. This specific AU is also known as A/B/O since everybody are usually divided into 3 Categories. Alpha, Beta, and Omega. Also your gender doesn’t affect if you are an Alpha, Beta, or Omega
This is how I personally see each of the three, but this is just my opinion. If you want to see other examples or opinions, there are plenty of Omegaverse blogs like @omegaverse-professor and @omegaverse-seeker​ that you can reference for more information, but none of these are “Official” since omegaverse is up to ones own interpretation. 
Alpha: Alphas are usually written to be bigger, stronger, and the more dominant people in Omegaverse. These are the people who are able to impregnate a Beta female or an Omega, and their scents are usually not that sweet, but it can truly range since no two people can have the same scent. Alphas are stereotyped to be more aggressive, protective, and quicker to pick a fight. According to these stereotypes, Bakugo would be a great example of somebody who would usually be classed as an Alpha due to his hothead personality and his physical strength. Finally, Alphas have something that is called a rut. Its pretty much a heat cycle that all Alphas go through for a varied amount of time, I usually write about 5 to 9 days, and they can experience a wide variety of symptoms. I usually say they are extremely aroused, and sometimes can loose their sense of reason around Omegas. When they are experiencing a rut, it isn’t uncommon for an Alpha to lock themselves in their room, only coming out in between waves to get food, drink water, or go to the bathroom. 
Beta: Betas are pretty much your everyday human but with a few exceptions. Some write that betas do not have scent glands, but I personally enjoy writing that their scent is just weaker than that of an Alpha or an Omega. Male Betas can have children with Omegas or Female Betas, and Female Betas can have a Beta male or an Alphas child. I would personally say that Denki or Ochaco are the first people I think of when I think of a Beta. These are just your normal, everyday people like you or me.
Omega: The main appeal of Omegas is that they can get pregnant no matter their gender. Their scents tend to be sweeter, they are often depicted as soft, submissive, delicate, and even feminine. They are also the most discriminated against when it comes to the 3 due to their stereotypes, their heats, and the classic trope of Omegas being more of a “Stay at home” Parent. If I look at class 1A, the one that stands out most to me would be Aoyama due to his feminine nature and more submissive personality. Omegas also go through something called heats. They are sort of similar to an Alphas rut, but are quite a bit harsher. As an Alpha in a rut may only experience Arousal and possibly mild discomfort, an Omega in heat can have many issues. Look in the Vocab for more about that.
Now I personally challenge these tropes by writing more submissive Alphas, Dominant Omegas, Alpha x Alpha relationships, Omega x Omega relationships, even Polyamory relationships. Not saying that these tropes are bad, but I use them more as foundations to build off of instead of relying on.
Now for vocab and definitions of terms you will hear me write about a lot.
Heat(s): A heat is the process an omega goes through when they are at their most fertile. I write that their heat will usually come in waves, so in between these extreme waves, they will usually eat, take care of themselves, go shower, and might text a trusted friend to let them know they are okay. When they have a mate, the time of their heat significantly reduces to about 3-7 days most. Without a lover, they are extended to about 12-14 days. Symptoms of a heat may be things like Fevers, discomfort, body aches, extreme arousal, dizziness, weakness and forgetfulness. During this time their scent also becomes much stronger, which could attract the attention of unwanted alphas, so they usually lock themselves in their bedrooms. They also spend the majority of their heat in their nest.
Nest(s): A nest is something that an Omega will build in order to cause comfort during times of stress, or relief before a heat begins. They are often depicted as piles of clothes, blankets, pillows, or stuffed animals. They are usually also made in places like the corner of the room, beds, or inside of a closet. In fact, This Post by user @golden-abo is an amazing example of nests.
Growling: A sound often created as a way to intimidate or show irritation. Usually created by pissed off Alphas, or an Omega when somebody gets too close to their nest.
Purring: Purring is a noise created by Omegas when they feel safe or content, but it is also a noise that can be created by Alphas when they are happy or feeling pampered.
Courting: Courting is often described like dating. The way I personally write it is inspired by @plainbrunettelbl since her Omegaverse writing is hands down some of the best I have ever read. In my version, you usually have somebody give their love interest a series of gifts as a way of expressing their interest in them There will always be a handmade gift as well, since it is seen as a huge compliment for one to take so much time in order to make you a gift. Alphas will usually make things like meals, bracelets, blankets, or stuffed animals to give. Betas often make things depending on the interest of who they are courting, and Omegas often make clothes, food, and usually will ask their love interest to scent things for them.
Mates: As said perfectly by This Post By writer (@Creating_Quaintrelle) on Wattpad or @otaku-omegaverse here on tumblr, “Mates are when two individuals have created a strong romantic and sexual bond with each other that usually entails an Alpha or Beta placing a “Mating Mark” On their Significant others neck by using their sharp teeth on the others Scent gland to establish that this person is their mate” In other words, Mates are pretty much an extreme marriage. You become mated with somebody during sex as well by biting on their scent gland with teeth until it usually bleeds. After, it will scar in a way that lets others know that the person with the mark, has a lover.
Scenting: Alphas, Omegas, and Betas all give off a very specific sort of scent as a way to claim things as their own. They all have the ability to scent another person or object by a process that is often described as rubbing their scent glands, often located on the neck, wrists, and inner thighs, against whatever it is they want to scent. I also write this as a way some show affection, the first step of dating or “Courting”, and as a way to calm somebody when they are stressed or upset.
Suppressants: Medication given to Alpha or Omega in order to stop things like heats, ruts, or calm ones scent. Omegas often use suppressants in order to pursue jobs, or if they are just uncomfortable with their heats or the idea of having children. Think of it like Birth control for everybody.
Pups: A term for children in general. Children as in newborns, toddlers, and preteens.
Knot or Knotting (More NSFW): A Knot is often described similarly to a ball of tissue or muscle that appears at the base of an Alphas genitalia, regardless of gender, during sex. A knot is what an Omega in heat usually craves, and a  knot will lock the two people in place during an orgasm to help increase the likelihood of conception. These Knots will also lock the two parties together for up to an hour before it deflates. 
Slick (More NSFW): A word describing the self-lubrication that Omega creates when aroused, but is created intensely when an Omega is in heat.
I hope this pretty much covers everything! Please feel free to ask me about any other things you could want my opinion on though. Also, please check out those who are linked in this post because they make absolutely amazing content that I recommend for those interested about Omegaverse. 
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natsukitakama · 4 years
Hi, i loved your general hcs about Kuroo 💞 Could you write for oikawa and kageyama too, please?
Author note : Hello there ♡ Thank you for your request and your kind work it means a lot for me !  it took me a long time I’m sorry about it.  I hope you’ll enjoy it those two dorks are my favorite (honestly I can’t dislike a character from Haikyu). Again I tried to be as impartial as possible. 
Warning : None just me daydreaming about them / Spoiler-free i base my G headcanon on the anime for now
i do not own those gifs credits to their owner (the Oikawa”s one comes from tenor) 
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General headcanon Oikawa edition aka pretty boi ... How am I supposed to be impartial ? 
A lot of people tends to think he is a lady boy which he is not. Sure the man is handsome, he is very nice and pretty funny but honestly he is married to Volley ball.  
Have you seen his reaction when his girlfriend dumped him ? He asked himself what did he do the wrong way. It doesn’t mean that he is blind, that he doesn’t care about you. But Volley ball is his passion. You need to understand that, he is breathing volley, he is eating volley, he dreams volley, he literally went as far as to hurt himself from training. You need to understand that he craves for Volley Ball 
It doesn’t mean he won’t take care of you, when this man let someone getting close to him it’s means the world. Have you seen him ? He is self-conscious, he has a low-opinion on himself even when he tried to be cocky it’s just a way to brush off his own insecurities. 
He thinks he is not a good setter, he is probably doubting his leadership even his own ability as an athlete (it probably started when he hurt his knee) 
I won’t be surprise if he got some trust issues too, despite being pretty popular he is only around the same people which include his best friends Iwa-chan (which he knew since he is child) and his friends from his team that he knew since 3 years. So I don’t think he was in relationship with a lot of people. 
Speaking of relationship, i think he will talk with Iwa-chan about his crush you know just to be sure he doesn’t misunderstanding things
He got a tone of buddies but don’t have much friends, it means a lot for him
I do think he is the kind of people to run into your house if you say you’re feeling down, probably because he’ll appreciate if you do the same for him 
I highly doubt he can take care of himself, I’m not saying that he can’t live on his own but he tends to forget a lot of things because of volley ball. I do think he’ll skip meal time to time especially night meal because he is too focused on analyzing a match but I also think he is smart enough to know how to stay healthy. 
Honestly he needs someone to domestic him, I’m sure he’ll crave for it 
He really loves his fans they’re nice with him but sometimes he wish he could be less popular. They put so much hope in him and he is… well him. How is he supposed to support them while he can support himself ? It melt his heart to see how cute they are but it puts much stress on himself 
I do think he struggles for sleep because of his anxiety especially when he is fighting a good team 
When he got hurt, he was afraid he might no be able to play anymore. He never thinks about what kind of job he would have if he can’t play volley ball. But I can see him being good into social science or something related to language. 
I don’t how I know that but I’m 100% sure he smells something sweet like vanilla don’t ask 
Despite having some childish attitude, I think he uses it to hide his resentment. Especially when he is with Kageyama, he knows the boy does nothing to hurt him. But the fact he is literally made to play volley ball while Oikawa has to work hard, even hurting his body, is pissing him off. He is jealous of him. 
Since he is very close to his nephew I think he is family guy and was probably heart broken when he has to leave his family. I’m sure he FaceTime them as much as he can. I think he bought them ticket so they can travel to see him when he can’t travel. 
Probably the kind of people of doing aesthetic things on his instagram, remember the time when he nephew took a picture of him ? We can see a selfie with Takeru, a picture of a Sunlight, a selfie and a tone of picture of his nephew. His instragram is tidy. 
He is hard-working, he isn’t afraid of what he takes to achieve his goal. It could be a quality or a fault. 
We knows that his previous girlfriend dumped him because he was too focused on Volley ball. It probably means that despite his Monday, he can’t afford much time to date someone. But that doesn’t mean he won’t care about his significant other, maybe sometimes he’ll need you to tell him that it’s okay to live for his passion but that you need to have some times alone together. 
He won’t mind quite contrary, he’ll feel so relieve knowing you miss him but at the same time he’ll blame himself for not being able to notice that you were a bit sad lately. 
Speaking of notice, don’t even think you can lie to him. The man is able to adjust to anyone he is playing with. That means he is pretty good with people and especially good at reading them. Within a couple of weeks he’ll be able to read your body, he’ll know what makes you feel happy, what bother you and when you lie to him. 
Don’t lie to him honestly. As I said before I’m pretty sure he suffered from lack of trust on himself and everyone, he got trust issues. So don’t hide something to him, don’t lie. Tell him when something is wrong. It might not be good, maybe you’ll argue but at least you told him the truth and in the end he’ll be back to you. 
Lying means you don’t trust him and if you don’t trust him why would he date you ? I can see him dumping someone because he knows they’re hiding something. Of course if he noticed you hide something because you wanted to buy him a gift he won’t be mad and he’ll act like he didn’t notice (he is a great actor you won’t know he knew) 
Despite not being able to date you as much as he wants, he’ll be sure to be around you. If you two went into the same high-school, he’ll have lunch with you, he’ll walk you home, probably text you a lot (morning and night text are the most, he can’t sleep if you do not send him a have good night text)
Like Kuroo, I think he won’t mind getting married earlier. He is part of people who knows when they met their soulmate you know ? 
He will never give up on his career though, that means you’ll have to move with him If you want to spend the rest of your life with him. 
It’s kinda selfish but volley is too important for him, you need to respect that 
I also think he wants children, I can see him being a good dad (he claims he wants only boy but he’ll love his daughter with his life) 
At this time, we all know he is fan of science fiction. He is probably interested on everything related to space. 
X-files is his favorite shows. 
Deep down I think he’ll study to become astronaut but he fells in love with volley ball 
He loves to show off about his knowledge on space (and if you praise him about it … damn he would never stop) 
I need to talk about Glass!Oikawa cause he is too handsome, since he used it to watch a match. I think he might be short-sighted and wears contacts when he plays otherwise he won’t see shit. 
Since his favorite meal is milk bread (can relate buddy don’t worry) if think he has a sweet tooth 
To conclude, Oikawa is really great character with an interesting development and he is not as « superficial » as people tends to think he is more deeper than that. 
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General headcanon Kageyama edition 
Another volley ball’s addict 
You’re all pictured Tsukishima as a tsundere which is 100% true but do not forget this boy 
He is obsessed with volley ball and is own skill, he looks like Oikawa more than he would like to admit. Both of them are perfectionist, both of them are hard-working, both of them are passionate about volley ball to the point they might forget everything else.
Oikawa tends to not really taking care of himself while Kageyama struggle with relationship, we all see that he is not good with people. Not that he didn’t try. 
For now I know nothing about his past, but I think he used volley ball at some point to counterbalance something about his life. He worked harder to forget a situation who hurt him. Especially during his junior years. 
I do not think he is the nasty type, I think he is someone shy who struggle with relationship. All he needs is some help, he is completely aware of his lack of skills when it came to socialize, he tends to talk a lot with Sugawara because he is capable of talking with everyone. I won’t be surprised if they talk a lot you know to help him relax around his teammate. He even worked hard so he’ll be nice with Tsukishima 
I think we all know that the reason he hates being called « King » is because it reminds him times when everyone left him, when everyone decided they will be better without him. I think he got so abandonment issues which tends to stop him from making friends. 
After all why will he bothers making friends while he knows they will leave him eventually ? 
At the same times, he loves being surrounded by friends so that’s why he worked so hard on his social skill : cause he knows not everyone could be as easy-to-live as Hinata can be. Not everyone can’t see beyond his « king »’s behavior 
I think he loves animal especially dogs and the fact that he is afraid that animal might not like him prove it. Just picture him with a Shiba while going for a run ? 
I think he sees Hinata as a best friends or at least someone close, he helps him going through some of his fears, forces him to do better In order to be a good setter for his teammate. They are rivals but they are friends too. 
Deep down I think he would be a great friends with Tsukishima both of them haves some issues, but if they went through this they would be great friends
The CD-Drama confirm this, but he is very popular ; girls really like him probably because he is an athlete with dark hair and blue eyes (or it’s just me fangirling over him ?) 
Like Oikawa I don’t think this man he thought about an alternative job if he couldn’t be an athlete unlike Oikawa he is not good at school. So it was volley ball. 
Despite his inability to make friends, he can talk to people as we saw during his training on Tokyo with Atsumu he is pretty easy to talk as long as you’re talking about volley ball. 
I’m pretty sure people of his class tries to talk with him but since he only talks about volley ball they just stop. I wasn’t lying when I said he is obsessed with volley ball.  
Nonetheless, since he is pretty strict when it came to health ; I won’t be surprise if he studied so he could have a healthier way of live. I’m sure he knows a lot of things about food, what kind of food he needs to eat before running etc, I won’t be surprise if he would send some text to remind his teammate (especially Hinata) to eat properly … in his own way. 
Yeah he insults them but not in the mean way more like « you don’t know you need to eat banana after running ? How stupid are you » 
He would be a great nutritionist for athlete 
Despite everyone calling him special, he doesn’t see himself as a genius. That’s why he was so jealous about Hinata because to him he was the genius, cause he got so many potential while he barely has to work to be like this (Kageyama despite being awesome, worked hard to be how he is). 
The truth is he is too lazy for school which is a shame considering the memory he got and how dedicate he can be when is interested on something 
I also think he never date someone unlike his teammate he isn’t ashamed on that. He needs someone special, and he is too busy with volley ball to think about it. 
For what it worth I think he is into someone kind, not the mummy type but some who is into domestic things. I can picture him being overwhelmed every time he saw you cooking for him 
He is probably the type of guy who can break you if heard you talking shit about someone he cared about 
He isn’t very talkative especially about his feelings so he uses his action to show people he cares about them. For example the fact that he knows how to give you the ball so you could spike it’s his way of telling you that he consider you as someone close to him (don’t disappoint him) 
If he’ll stop yelling he would be a good teacher, he can analyze almost everything quite quickly so he can tell you what you’ve done the wrong way. 99% of the time he came with a solution. 
During his junior high, one of the reason of his behavior was the fact that he became a setter after Oikawa, we all know that he is still his biggest rival because Oikawa is everything Kageyama isn’t. He had to become setter for his team while they all know Oikawa, he probably felt like he had to so much better so he could beat Oikawa even if he left for high school. Kageyama was already a perfection before he met Oikawa and his obsession became stronger after Oikawa left. So yeah it could explain why he was such an asshole to his team and how he looked so shocked and kinda depressed when his team left him. 
Even if he actually beat Oikawa, Oikawa still win a match so there is a draw between them. However Oikawa is still a better setter at Kageyama’s sight, no matter how hard he will work it won’t be enough. And he knows that. 
But his insecurity is also his strength, it’s because he is insecure about his skill as a setter than he is working hard to be even better. While people would give up he stands up and work harder
I’m pretty sure he is addict to milk and yogurt because he believes it’ll help him getting bigger (also because he loves the taste of it and I couldn’t agree more)
I’m not seeing him being the type to get married or having a baby, but he’ll easily settle down with someone if he believes you’re made for each other 
I think he is dog type (probably into Shiba or Husky) 
Since his room is pretty empty judging by what we saw, I don’t think he is materialist. I think he tends to buy things if he really feels like he needs it. 
Apparently he run earlier in the morning and since he is very strict about his health I believe he doesn’t need a lot of hours of sleep. Probably something like 7 hours are enough for him maybe less. 
He valued punctuality a lot it probably bothers him when someone is late ; no matter what time it is he will be there, he isn’t afraid of waking up at 4am if it’s important for him. Besides we saw that he can sleep even on Saeko’s car so I guess he can sleep everywhere he just has to want it. 
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snazzamazing · 6 years
Stupid random theories, headcanons, and unpopular opinions of mine
Btw, these are all long so sit tight
My mangle theory :
I cant be the only one here who thinks that mangle was taken apart by little kids. It wouldn't make sense that little toddlers would be strong enough to pull apart a metal robot. That's because the kids didnt break her, william did. Mangle seems like he was an inspiration from funtime foxy because sister location happened before AND a lot of times, "toy foxy" is often referred to "funtime foxy". Due to this inspiration, mangle had the ability to record voices and things just like funtime foxy. Why am I pointing this out? Well, why would mangle randomly have static noises and a broken radio sound? It's her recorder, it's broken. He recorded many things and then recorded something that someone didnt want anyone to find out about. That someone would be William afton. William is always suspicious and doing evil things.Let's say that, oh idk, maybe William murdered someone, some person called the cops on him, (which explains the police messages n stuff in the radio) William killed that person and his the evidence of the murders. At least that's what he thought. Mangle was somehow recording the whole thing. William had no other choice but to take her apart and destroy him. But then William thought that it would to suspicious to have mangle be randomly broken the next day and so he fixed mangle up in way where it looks like shes fixed, but one tug hes broken and the kids are there to blame for. All of this might be a stretch I know, but apparently in one of the fnaf 2 minigames where theres a mangle Sprite, in the files or sources codes or WHATEVER IDK, there's a hidden message that says "he was here" or something like that. THAT CAN SUPPORT THIS THEORY errr headcanons? Idk I should go sleep lol
Micheal headcanon:
I always wanted to believe that Micheal was the older brother/Bully and that the bite victim was a different character. Why? Because I want more..character for Micheal. He went to sister location because he wants his torn apart family to be back together. He went to save Elizabeth and he never forgave himself for being the one to 'kill' his brother and all that failed. I wanted Michaels story to be exciting and emotional because of his past and the whole family thing
I also always liked to think that Micheal started working out to gain some strength before becoming a technician because he knows that the robots are strong and dangerous. That way things can be more action packed with Michael punching through pipes and walls, and holding back animatronics trying to grab him, and just...cool stuff
Fnaf headcanons:
Freddy has a nice deep voice and that's his real voice. When it comes to preforming during the day, he talks in his "family friendly" voice which is all goofy and fun (kinda like Patrick star's voice) The animatronics are a lot different on stage. It's as if they play as characters and they change their voices sometimes (like Freddy). Chica acts like this ditzy cute country gal, Bonnie is a laid back chill bon, foxy is just more ...pirate, and Freddy is a fun loving silly lead singer
Nightmarriones pupils change shape to Express his emotions. (Sad=tear drop pupils, sick=swirly pupils, angry=skull or fire pupils)
Lefty has his own voice instead of a whispery girly voice because he is his own character. He may look like the rockstars but he was made differently. The rockstars were built by some factory or company and they have advanced technology which gives em the ability to have emotions, personalities and to do tricks. Meanwhile lefty was built by henry in a shed or something. Henry only focused on programming him to find charlie and he had to make lefty look like the rockstars to blend in and not be suspicious. Other than that, lefty was a total rush job. Henry only wanted Charlie therefore, Henry didn't care to give lefty a personality, emotions, an EYE, or stablness.
In the afton family, the mother is sweet, kind, caring, and over protective while william is outgoing, silly, and isnt afraid to do anything (before he went insane). Usually kids have similar personalities to their parents soooo I like to think that Micheal is more like his mom but looks like his dad and that Elizabeth looks like her mom but acts like her dad. Why? Because I always saw Michael as a hero, he cares for others and he wants to save his family. He is sweet and protective like his mom. Elizabeth is rebellious and sassy. In the sister location mini cutscene with William and Elizabeth, she disobeys william to see baby and that's a rebellious move. Elizabeth likes adventure and crazy things so she wont follow the rules any time soon.
Funtime chica does all the rockstar's make up. When months pass by, the rockstar's paint would peel or chip and so ft. Chica would repaint their lipsticks, eye shadows, cheeks, etc. And they look fresh and new afterwards
Even though puppet and Goldie (and all the other animatronics) have been through so much shiz, they still try to keep their cool and enjoy life
In the rockstar crew r. Bonnie is the creepiest. Yeah, he seems chill and is self centered, he is the only rockstar who is most likely to murder someone if he's told to do so (this isn't counting ucn where they all kill). All on Bonnie's songs are so creepy and he sings about killing you in unique ways. Stuff like making slivers (or slippers) out of you, flaying your flesh, smashing your face into concrete, ending your life, and stabbing your heart with his guitar. He's definitely into gory stuff
Springtrap has two different personalities. Most of the time he's himself, spring bonnie. A kind fun loving bun who completely changed his personality after becoming springtrap. He is know constantly scared, upset, and afraid of Williams next move. He hates being an evil monster but it's not something he can control due to William still having control over him. When the slringbonnie side of springtrap gets mad or upset that's when hes weak and William takes control and becomes the evil side of springtrap. Springtrap is very aggressive and very strong. Slringbonnie tries to fight back Williams spirit, but as time went on and when the kids got sent free, spring bonnie got lonely and gave up which let William take full control over him. Sprjngbonnie is gone, its William now (which explains scraptrap)
Idk if this is a theory or headcanon but fnaf 1 bonnie is blue. Yes, he is known to be purple and everyone says and draws him purple but he's blue. Maybe it's the certain blue color he is but due to lightning it makes him look very purple. When he's in more darker areas, bonnie is very blue but when he's in the light areas, hes purple. Let's not forget how every single version on bonnie is blue (except for extras like spring springbon and bonnet etc.) Exept for fnaf 1 bonnie. That doesn't make sense if one of the originals would be purple but all the other versions are blue. One more thing, in the silver eyes, they mention that bonnie has blue fur ;) this was a dumb rant sorry
Shadow bon is evil and can shape shift cause hes a goopy shadow boy and shadow fred is his lil assistant
After fazbears fright burned down, William got to take control over springbonnie(trap) and roamed the streets at night. He roamed dark allies and probably killed whoever slighted him. It was a long walk but he was just trying to get to his destination, fred bears diner. Because of the fires, the springtrap suit was more ruined and unsturdy and so it was time for a change. Somehow William got out of the suit but he's weak without one so he picked an old spring bonnie suit, scraptrap. (According to the fnaf minigames there are multiple spring bonnie suits so that why spring trap looks different)
I got more headcanons but this post is already to long :p
My Unpopular opinions:
Am I the only one here who's not way into the whole Michael AI theory?? Like it kinda makes sense but at the same time, making a whole new robot son with advanced technology IN THE 80s does not give the fnaf-y feel?? Ya know what I mean? Like it doesn't fit the theme? Also the ai thing is in the books and the books are a different universe from the games sooo idk why matpat still connected them?? Hsjsbsjsjsn fnaf is just waaaaay to confusing. Also please dont get mad at me for this opinion cause matpats ai thing is just a theory, its not canon
Foxy isnt super great. Dont get me wrong, I love foxy and he's an amazing character but I don't get why he got so much attention and hype
Bonnet and lolbit should just be canon already. They're not canon characters but they're included in sooo many things in fnaf so might as well make em canon
Funko needs to make a fnaf 2 figure set where you collect t.chica,t.bonnie,t.freddy, puppet, one of the withereds or shadows and you collect them all to make a mangled mangle figure. I would DIE for a fully formed noodle fox figure, how cool would that be?
Scraptrap design is perfect. I know that we all make peanut and Jimmy neutron jokes but honestly I love his sharp teach, creepy eyes, AMazInG voice, and his stabby arm. Sometimes in some angles, he can look heck a creepy
butter sock
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dragonologist-phd · 5 years
Just A Name
Time for another @pillarspromptsweekly prompt fill! This one’s for #98, Reputation, featuring an adventurer I made and my headcanon on how he came to meet the Watcher. It’s not *exactly* what the prompt intended, but I like the idea too much to let it go. Read below or here on AO3!
Magnus had never been a Watcher before.
He’d been quite a few things in his travels. Each self-given title had its ups and downs. Fortune-teller was a good one for making some coin. He’d always had a talent for telling people what they wanted to hear, and  as long as the locals weren’t too superstitious it was relatively conflict-free.
Being a priest was easy- his face did the half job already, and all he had to do was spout off a few prayers to Berath. Not as much fun, usually, but useful. Authorities didn’t question holy workers quite as much as they did magicians and street tricksters, and he could always count on faithful civilians to make a place for him at their dinner table.
In his brief time in the Republics, he’d even been a Cipher. That one was the hardest, despite being the truth. People expected things of Ciphers, as if being born with these powers meant Magnus owed the world some sort of special service. But Magnus had no intention of being anybody’s lackey- or worse, their science experiment.
And besides, Magnus liked the act of weaving together a new story for himself with each town he visited. It kept things interesting. And this new title of Watcher that was buzzing in the minds of the Dyrwoodans was nothing if not interesting.
 It began in a town on the northwest border of the Dyrwood. Magnus had been moving through the streets, trying to keep a low profile. He hadn’t decided just yet who he would be in this new country. From the surface thoughts he gathered in the town square, anything resembling animancy was out of the question. There was a strong Berathian following here- perhaps he should dust off that old story…
“The Watcher!” someone nearby gasped, and suddenly Magnus was surrounded by a group of wide-eyed onlookers.
“You are the Watcher, aren’t you?” The man who spoke approached tentatively. “We don’t get too many godlike in these parts. But we heard about what you did!”
Magnus hesitated. He didn’t know what in the world a Watcher was supposed to be, but the words weren’t hostile. In fact, the man was staring down at him with something close to awe. Gathering himself into a confident stance, Magnus strode forward and grasped the man’s hand in greeting.
As their skin made contact, the man’s thoughts increased from shadowy whispers to full memories, crisp and clear. A rumor- no, a legend. The hero of Gilded Vale. The foreigner who stormed Raedric’s castle and slew the awful tyrant. The godlike who reads your soul with a glance. The Watcher.
It all flashed through Magnus’s mind in an instant, and he grinned. “Aye, my friend. I’m the Watcher.”
 The façade was not foolproof, of course. It wasn’t maintaining the illusion of Watcher abilities that caused trouble. Most of the backwood locals wouldn’t be able to tell a cipher from a Watcher given a million years.
But Magnus had to be careful of where he traveled. He couldn’t follow directly in this Watcher’s trail- nobody who had met the genuine thing would be fooled for an instant. But he had to stay in their shadow, close enough that rumors of great deeds had reached people who were only too happy to show their gratitude in gifts and lodging.
Over time, he picked up a bit more information, although it was hard even for him to separate the truth from the exaggerations. The Watcher is a giant, they said, which was inconvenient because Magnus stood just under five feet, but at least his horns gave him the impression of being taller. The Watcher is a mighty warrior, they said, and Magnus had carry a sword to look the part while explaining that he’d recently had an unfortunate injury and could not give a demonstration of his skills. The Watcher is green, they said, and Magnus lost his patience and gave their memories a mental push until they said No, wait, I heard the Watcher is purple after all.
It was more work than Magnus usually put into a story, but it was worth it. Because whoever this Watcher was, they were earning the love of people in every corner of the Dyrwood. They drove away bandits and settled restless spirits and killed all manner of beasts. They were a hero, according to the stories, although Magnus very much doubted they were as noble and benevolent in real life.
But he wasn’t going to be the one to tell the villagers that. So long as the Watcher was a hero, Magnus was, too.
 “Please! You have to help!”
Magnus cringed and pulled away from the woman. This was his own damn fault- he’d lingered in this village too long, enjoying the welcome and generosity he hadn’t earned. Now he was expected to earn it.
His weak excuses about an injury were ignored. “You just have to find her! She’s so young, she can’t have wandered far, you just have to find her before nightfall! Before-” the woman’s words dissolved into a choked sob, but her thoughts screamed loudly enough for Magnus to understand. A little girl, lost in the woods, at night, it gets so cold, the spiders come out when it gets dark, why did she go by herself?
Damn it all, why did it have to be a kid?
Magnus sighed, knowing he was going to regret this later. “I’ll take a look, okay?”
The woman beamed through her tears, hope blooming in her mind. “Oh, thank you!”
“Don’t mention it,” Magnus grumbled. “Apparently, it’s what I do.”
 Best case scenario, Magnus would find the kid and drag her home before night fell. Then he would hightail it out of this village before anybody asked him to do anything else.
Worst case scenario, he’d get eaten by spiders tonight. Magnus was trying not to think too hard on that one.
The distraught mother seemed to think Magnus would be able to track her daughter’s using Watcher sense or some such nonsense. Magnus wasn’t sure that was how it worked, but he hoped that sweeping the forest for any trace of the girl’s mind would suffice. When he finally caught track of some thoughts, however, they were not those of a frightened child.
Searching. Worried. Child in danger, fraud out here somewhere. Wait is that-
And then a wall went up, strong and solid. Magnus could still sense a presence, but the actual thoughts were blocked. He had just enough time to worry about what that meant when suddenly his path through the woods was blocked by a towering woman with leaves on her skin and a mace in her hand.
“Ah, there you are,” she said with a grin. “I’ve been looking forward to meeting you.”
“And who are you?” Magnus asked nervously, although even without his cipher powers he already knew.
“I’m the Watcher of Caed Nua.”
 The Watcher- or Desta, as she later introduced herself- did not immediately smash Magnus with her mace, for which he was grateful. But that didn’t mean she was happy with him.
“How long did you think you could away with this for?” she demanded as they traipsed through the woods. “You had to know eventually someone would figure out you’re not me.”
“Why, because you’re six-foot tall woman who looks like a tree and I’m a dwarf-blooded man with death-face?” Magnus waved his hand dismissively. “People see what they want to see. I didn’t even have to do that much persuading.”
“You mean brainwashing,” Desta corrected crossly. “Which is a horrible thing to do to people. And what I meant was you’re clearly not equipped to do the sort of things I do. You had to expect your lies to catch up with you.”
Magnus shrugged. “This may shock you, but I don’t typically plan that far ahead. I was just hoping you’d be too busy slaying dragons and whatnot to track me down.”
Desta wasn’t amused. “You’re right about one thing- I’m very busy these days. Which is why it’s especially irritating to hear that someone is going around trying to profit off of my name.”
“Ah, it’s just a name,” Magnus said with a dismissive wave of his hand. “There’s plenty of those to go around. But if it’s any consolation, you can keep it from now on. Being an adventurer is all well and good when you’re in a tavern and people are buying you drinks. Actually adventuring is not my style.”
“Then why are you here?” Desta eyed Magnus thoughtfully, and for a moment he wondered if she was doing her Watcher-soul-reading thing on him. “Is this still part of the act?”
For once, Magnus didn’t have quick retort. He just shrugged again. “A kid’s missing. I’ll own up to being a lying bastard, but I’m not a complete scumbag.”
Desta made a thoughtful noise, then peered up at the sky. “Speaking of, it’s starting to get dark. Are you sure we’re heading in the right direction?”
Magnus nodded. “I don’t know souls, but I know minds. Hers is close by.”
 An hour later, Magnus and Desta emerged from the cave, the rescued little girl sleeping soundly in Desta’s arms as Magnus trailed behind and tried to shake the spider blood off his boots. He’d been uninvolved in the actual fighting, thankfully, but Desta hadn’t been very considerate of his attire when slaughtering the things.
As they neared the edge of the village, Magnus stopped and gave Desta a small bow. “This is where I take my leave. Don’t worry- I’ve had enough of being a Watcher. You won’t have to worry about me again.”
“Hold on, there!” Desta said quickly, and Magnus winced. He’d been hoping to make a quick and graceful exit, but he should have known that wouldn’t happen. “I haven’t decided if I’m letting you go.”
“What’s the alternative?” Magnus asked, trying not so sound nervous. He didn’t think Desta was likely to try and kill him, but he still couldn’t get into her mind to be sure.
In answer, the Watcher turned and stared at him with an expression that soon grew distant and blank. Magnus frowned and shifted awkwardly on his feet as he waited. Was this what Watcher stuff was supposed to look like? He hadn’t taken the ‘reading souls’ thing too seriously before- now he wondered just what it was Desta saw. His personality? His past?
Whatever it was Desta saw, she didn’t say. She simply blinked a few times, regained her senses, and patted Magnus on the shoulder. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you. I suppose I could try to arrest you, but you’d just bust out of jail, wouldn’t you?”
Magnus was surprised by her joking tone, but he wasn’t going to complain. “Heh. I do have some experience with jailbreaks.”
“I know.” Desta tilted her head, thinking. “You can leave, if you wish. But no more pretending to be me. And…I think tou should come back to the village with us, and tell the people the truth.”
That made Magnus laugh. “Thanks, but I’ve been run out of enough towns. I prefer a quiet disappearance.”
“People can surprise you. You did help with the rescue mission, after all.”
She actually sounded like she believed it, but still Magnus shook his head. “I think I’ve just about worn out the Dyrwood’s welcome. Time for me to be moving on.”
Desta looked disappointed, but she didn’t offer any further protests. “I won’t stop you, I suppose. But if you’re tired of traveling, there’s always room at Caed Nua. And you won’t even have to lie about who you are.”
“I…” Magnus wanted to tell this woman that she was crazy, that being able to lie about himself was a good thing. That the world was already hard enough for godlikes and hard enough for ciphers and hard enough for runaways, and why would anyone want to be all three at the same time if they didn’t have to?
Instead, he said, “I’ll consider it.” Because, hey. Free food. Free lodging. Who was he to pass that up? “But later. First, you need to get Shorty here back to her mom.”
After bidding Desta farewell, Magnus turned to the north, pondering his next destination. Perhaps he’d visit Caed Nua eventually, but for now it was time to take his leave of the Dyrwood. The choice felt right, but it did leave him in an unfortunate position. It would be a few days’ journey to the border, and with winter setting in he would want a nice place to rest soon.
And the next village over already knew him as the Watcher, kind and protective defender of the Dyrwood. On more night of the masquerade wouldn’t hurt.
After all, it really was just a name.
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feelsgood-anon · 7 years
Eros - Bar AU [Season 2] Chapter 2
[Season 1]
[Season 2] | Prologue | Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3
Red leaned against the bar as he wiped down a few glasses. The afternoon had been a bit slow with only the regulars crawling in throughout the day. Duckie had lingered to keep Red company while in the back was Joe and Clicks playing a game of pool as Sugar looked on. Zen had spent the quiet hours catching up on paperwork in the office while Cannon and Sunny busied themselves cleaning the place to pass the time.
Sunny turned around and greeted out towards the door, “Welcome to Eros!”
The woman that had stepped through the doors gave Sunny a fake smile, “Hello. Who are you?”
Red twitched slightly at the familiar voice, not bothering to look up as he spoke, “What can we do for you, Goldie?”
Goldie, otherwise known as Rika. Begrudgingly she was welcome at the bar as she was the girlfriend of Clicks and cousin to Duckie, but most only kept things cordial towards her out of respect.
She eyed Sunny suspiciously, walking towards the bar top, “I’m looking for my boyfriend. He is here, isn’t he?”
Red thumbed back towards the pool tables, “Sure, he’s in the middle of a game with Joe and Sugar.”
“Oh, Sugar is here too? Hmm…” She tapped her fingers along the edge of the counter.
Duckie waved at her wildly, “Hey Goldie! It’s been awhile since you’ve come here. How have you been?”
At the sound of her cousin’s voice, her demeanor became extremely sweet, going over to give him a hug, “Honey! I’ve been wonderful! It’s good to see you. You don’t stop by my house as much as you used to. Has school been busy for you?”
He laughed a bit nervously as he nodded, “Sure has! It’s midterms and I’ve been studying a lot!”
“Midterms? Interesting that you are wasting time here. Perhaps you should be at home instead?”
“He’s alright, Goldie. Duckie just takes little breaks so he doesn’t burn out. We make sure he doesn’t spend too much time here.” Red interjected, “Don’t you have a reason to be here?”
She clucked her tongue and pushed herself from the counter, “Right, I’ll go find my boyfriend. Be a good boy, Duckie.”
Once Goldie wandered off, Sunny slinked over and sat in the barstool next to Duckie, “She doesn’t seem very nice.”
“What? She’s very nice! She just gets moody sometimes.” Duckie replied, taking a sip of the beer in front of him, “That’s my cousin, you know.”
“And Clicks’ girlfriend?” She asked, “I feel some weird vibes from her. I don’t know what it is.”
Red waved his fingers to get Sunny’s attention, “Hey, could you go let Zen know she’s here? He always likes to know.”
Sunny tilted her head to the side, a bit confused at the request, “Oh, why is that? Does she get special treatment? She walked in like she owned the place.”
“Just go do that for me, would yah?” Red bat his lashes at her, trying to distract her from asking anymore questions. She rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at him, walking towards the office.
As usual, she knocked and didn’t wait for a reply to swing open the door to enter, “Hey Zen, Red asked me to tell you that Goldie is here. So, are you going to tell me why you want to know or are you going to avoid my questions like he does?”
Zen didn’t flinch when she abruptly entered since she was already used to it but the moment he heard the name of the woman that had come into the bar he immediately dropped everything in his hands and looked up to Sunny, “Shit, is she really? Was she in a bad mood? Did she seem like she wanted to start a fight?”
Sunny shook her head slowly, “No, she seemed fine. She did lecture Duckie about studying and was looking for Clicks. Is she usually volatile?”
Heaving a sigh of relief, he sat back in his chair, “She’s just...something else. Sunny, I would suggest staying away from her. She can get pretty mean. I’ll take care of her if she starts anything.”
“Take care of her? Like...put a hit on her?” Sunny asked incredulously. Zen’s face distorted as he processed the reaction, his brow furrowing deeply, “No! What?! I’ll just escort her out! What is on your mind today?”
She shrugged a bit as her cheeks flushed a subtle pink, “I dunno…you sounded so serious then. Is she really that big of a deal?”
He sighed and stood, walking towards the door but not before gently grabbing her by the shoulder for her to follow, “I’ll just go check on things now. If I don’t kick her out, Sugar will.”
Once they exited the office and Zen let Sunny roam free, he wandered over towards the pool tables and strained the politest smile he could muster once he met eyes with Goldie. She had posted near Clicks whom wasn’t affected by her presence, simply concentrated on his turn at the table.
Sugar, on the other hand, had his body nearly melting into the wall he was standing against, limbs tense and an expression of extreme distaste at the woman’s arrival. His eyes shot up as he noticed Zen come along, and the bartender did not gloss over the silent rage that spoke between them, screaming, kick the bitch out.
“Goldie, I’m surprised you are here,” Zen spoke with composure, “Is there something you need?”
The woman blinked, tilting her head to the right as she addressed him, “Why is everyone asking me that? I thought this place was a public establishment. Surely I can come to enjoy a friendly evening with my boyfriend and his associates.”
Sugar scoffed as he finally pushed off, his stance one of dominance once he stood upright, “Friends. We are his friends. I would thank you to refer to us in that manner.”
“Whatever. I just came by because I thought we were supposed to go to dinner. Hmm?” Her hand grazed up Clicks’ side right as he went for his move, causing him to twitch slightly and miss the ball going into the pocket by an inch. “Damn…” He muttered, straightening his back to motion towards Joe, “Bad luck tonight, eh?”
Joe nodded as she too was uncomfortable with Goldie being around. The last thing she wanted to witness was another fight between the two lovers or even worse, between Goldie and Sugar. “I’ll let you win this time, Clicks. Don’t worry!” She chuckled a bit to herself but immediately stiffened as Goldie spoke, “He doesn’t need your pity, Joe. He’s not that good at the game, you can’t let him believe he has a chance.”
“Yeah, I’m not really that great. But it’s fun anyway!” Clicks agreed in a dejected tone, “I appreciate the gesture, though.”
“Hey! He’s just fine at the game! Maybe if he had more support he wouldn’t think so lowly of himself.” Zen growled as he stared Goldie down, “Especially from the person he-“
“Regardless of her position, it’s clear she does not possess the ability to have that sort of compassion.” Sugar interrupted him as he hated the mention of the relationship status of his friend, “Clicks had no plans tonight with you, I saw his schedule.”
“Yeah, we planned for dinner tomorrow night, I took note of it.” Clicks agreed but as he went to pull out his phone, Goldie quickly swatted his hand to the side, “Well I’m here now, and I’m very hungry. Let’s go.”
Sugar stepped forward, putting his hand on Click’s shoulder, “We had dinner plans tonight. You are not the only one on a schedule, you know.”
“Why don’t you go out with him tomorrow? His evening just opened up.” She squinted towards Sugar, grabbing at Click’s arm on the other side, “You are not his priority, if I must remind you.”
Pulling Clicks towards him, he narrowed his eyes towards her, “Unlike you, I do not have all the free time in the world. Go on, you can have your date tomorrow as previously arranged.”
“No! He’s coming with me tonight, aren’t you darling? You wouldn’t say no to your girlfriend, would you?” Goldie bat her lashes as she looked up at Clicks, “Would you?!”
Clicks gulped loudly as his head turned from side to side. This situation wasn’t new to him but to this day he never knew how to handle it. If he denied her then it would create an even bigger fight between them but if he denied Sugar, then a long lecture would follow. As usual, he regretfully shrugged the male off, “Sugar…we can surely reschedule. Please…”
Sugar grunted and fell back to lean against the wall once more, “Do what you wish, Clicks. She is your girlfriend after all. At least, today she is.”
Goldie smirked and wrapped her arm around Clicks’, “Such a sore loser. You never were one to be graceful in that aspect. Come, honey. Let’s get out of this filthy place. I don’t even know why you come here.”
“It’s not filthy. Quite the opposite! Zen does an excellent job keeping it clean!” He huffed as he was dragged away, giving Sugar an apologetic look, “I’ll send you a text later!”
As Clicks was taken away, Zen moved to run his fingers along the felt of the pool table, “That’s unlike you, Sugar, to back down from a dispute so willingly. Is it that she has a hold over you as well?”
Sugar’s brow twitched, breathing deeply to not let Zen’s comments get to him, “That She Devil is beneath me. Why would I waste my energy on arguing with her?”
Joe started picking up the balls from the pockets, cleaning up from the abandoned game, “Even if it weren’t beneath you, who would actively want to get into it with her? She’s oozes a terrible vibe. I can’t imagine anyone wanting to speak with her at any point in time.”
“That’s a question for Clicks seeing as he chooses to spend most of his time with her. That is, if she’s not throwing a fit and breaking up with him.” Sugar spat, “This whole thing has put me in a bad mood. I’m getting more wine.”
Zen’s eyes followed the man as he walked towards the bar, sighing as he went to help Joe, “Goldie is bold to come around here again, I’ll give her that. After the last massive fight between her and Clicks, I didn’t think they’d get back together.”
Joe shrugged her shoulders, “It doesn’t surprise me. He’s a wonderful person, always looking after others where he can but I’ve noticed he doesn’t look after himself in the same fashion. It’s a shame, really. He deserves a lot more than a nightmare of a relationship.”
“Oh, sounds like someone has the hots for Clicks. Hmm~ For how long have you been pining?” Zen teased.
She stood up straight, sticking her nose in the air, “Zen, I have a girlfriend. We started dating while you were away.”
His head spun quickly, looking at her in surprise, “What?! Really? Shit, you never told me! You should bring her by sometime! I’d love to meet her!”
Joe relaxed, nodding a bit as she headed towards the bar, “I’ll invite her some time. She doesn’t drink, though, so I’m not sure if she’ll agree. But if she knew the famous Zen was back, she may be eager to meet you!”
He chuckled as he followed, feeling the ease of his ego being stroked, “Ah, I do have that effect on people still? You flatter me~”
Getting to the bar top, Zen noticed Duckie sulking in his seat, “What’s up, kiddo? You came in here chipper and now you’re down in the dumps. Talk to your ol’ pal Zen.”
“It’s nothing, really. I just hate disappointing Goldie. I want to meet her expectations! She believes in me, you know. She pushed me to get into college and even helped me find a major!” Duckie cried, sniffling as he drank the last of his beer.
“What did you chose to study, anyway? I never thought to ask.” Sunny questioned as she loaded a few drinks on a tray, “I can only imagine it being some sort of liberal arts degree since you have a hard time studying.”
Duckie wailed more, pushing his mug to the edge so Zen could refill it, “I want to be a veterinarian! Am I that pathetic that I don’t look like a science student?”
“Don’t listen to her, Duckie. She’s oblivious to a lot of things. You’re smart enough to do whatever you want! You’ll get a hang of school, I know it!” Zen responded as he passed the blonde more beer, “And don’t worry about Goldie. Even if you were getting straight A’s she’d be up your ass about something. She manages to find anything wrong in any situation. I believe in you, and that’s all that matters!”
“You dropped out of high school, Zen. You aren’t necessarily a role-model in the aspect of education.” Sugar retorted, still sore from the encounter with Goldie.
Zen shot him a glare, “Well excuse me, Mr. I-have-the-world-in-the-palm-of-my-hands! Just because school wasn’t for me, doesn’t mean I don’t know that he can do great!”
Joe bumped Duckie’s shoulder as she sat next to him, “Hey, I graduated college and I think you can definitely do it. You just have to find your groove and things will fall into place.”
“I graduated with two degrees and I say just drop it. School sucks.” Red added as he lifted himself up to sit on the bar top, “Not like it did me any good as I’m a bartender here.”
Duckie perked and looked at Zen with puppy-dog eyes, “Could I become a bartender too?”
Zen coughed a bit and turned around, feigning interest in the dirty glasses, “Well, sure! But I think you’d do much better as a vet. Animals are important too and you love them!”
“What he means is, you’re too clumsy to handle his job. Better stick to school, guy.” Cannon sneered, leaning on the other side of Duckie, “Plus, the only thing you know about alcohol is beer.”
Duckie pouted and crossed his arms around his chest, “Hey, I can study! Sunny did it!”
Sunny’s lips pursed tightly, “And if you study with that much determination for your classes, you’ll make a fine veterinarian.”
The younger blonde sighed and slumped a bit, “I guess. But you guys are missing out! I’d be a great bartender!”
“Duckie, what kind of wine do they always serve me?” Sugar asked, swishing the drink within the glass in his hand.
Duckie turned bright red, “U-uh…the…purple kind?” He stammered. Sugar’s dead-pan expression was more than enough to give the boy the hint. He chugged the beer in front of him and wiped his mouth with his hand, “Right…veterinarian it is.”
tags! @illneverrecover @serensama @zenscrotch @suzunesays @sinfulinsecret @forever-ender
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shadowtongued · 7 years
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NOTE: none of this is to be taken as canon unless it's annotated from canon. this is simply PERSONAL interpretation for the sake of character building/exploration/etc. for this roleplaying blog. you are still free to have your own opinions and such, this is just my take and not enforced as canon! thanks!!
this is long, get some popcorn. i have a lot of feelings.
As a preface; When Sliske had his falling out with Icthlarin, it's well known that they came to odds due to the Menaphite God of Death and Afterlife having a rather heavy dislike for Sliske's methods of fighting and his handling of necromancy/wight-taking. Icthlarin removed Sliske's army of wights by force when he refused to allow their souls to move on to an afterlife, which was interfering with Icthlarin's job as a deity.
After that, seething anger well hidden under his always complacent behavior, Sliske spitefully sought out the very enemy they had been at odds with when enlisted from Freneskæ to fight for the Menephites as their 'Stern Judges' or 'Faceless Ones'. Was it petty? Hell yes. Either way, Sliske was able to convince almost all of the Mahjarrat faction from one side into the open arms of previous ‘enemy’, Zaros, probably under the pretenses that Icthlarin and his 'family' had no insight to Mahjarrat culture and that they eventually would have grown bored had the war been ended, seeing as they are used to a constant state of warfare and were promised to be able to fight away from their home realm. Zaros had an understanding of the Mahjarrat due to similar creation, both coming directly from Mother Mah.
Due to their power, Mahjarrat were obviously placed in statuses and titles of high power, a long list of Legatus, Pontifex, Tribune, etc; placement within many sections of the church, military, and more. Where did 'unusual predilections' such as Sliske go? For his ‘liberation’ of the Mahjarrats unto Zaros, a unique branch, the Praetorians, was created. He was given the title, Praefectus Praetorio, roughly Head of the Secret Police. Most Zarosian titles ( and most of the Empire tbh ) were parallel to Roman military and stature ( Infernus is also legit Straight Up Latin™ ).  
In Roman titular services, the Praetorians were usually in charge of civil judgments, upholding law, and handling any traitorous actions. They were an imperial guard who delivered security details to the Emporer as well as providing protection. It's also to be stated that the ruler at the time could also be at the mercy of this elite faction ( which uh, lol, is ironic later considering the history of the Zarosian faction and that Sliske probably had a habit of keeping plenty of information to himself and out of the rest of his faction and Zaros. You cannot convince me that Sliske, not the other Praetorians, just him, didn't know about Zamorak's planned betrayal. There's no way he didn't and couldn't have intervened. At least that's how I see it. Fucker was everywhere. ) In real Roman history, it was really not unheard of for the Praetorian Guard to abuse their power by under the table operating assassinations for the right price and several coupes against their Emporers. Yeah, they were pretty unstable for a faction who is supposed to be upholding the law and practicing civil/political infrastructure. I'm no Roman history whiz so any of the above could be pretty shaky/incorrect.
What is the role of the Praetorians? Sliske: We are the secret police in Senntisten, you work 'with' us on a daily basis! Although I cannot understand why for the life of me. It is not like we need two sets of secret police when the Praetorians are already doing such a commendable job. Oh, so sorry, I appear to be ranting. Any more silly questions, inquisitor? Kharshai: Thank you for the sarcastic answer, but I was talking about your role in proceedings today. Sliske: Our 'role in proceedings' is to provide vital reports on potential threats. Plots, traitors, you know...that sort of thing. And if needed, we have our own methods for extracting information from suspects. I must admit, that is the part where I really come into my own. Kharshai: Hopefully you will not get the chance.
Did the Praetorians know about this ( the eventual usurping of Zaros ) already?
Sliske: Of course we did. Everyone is gathered here because of the intelligence WE gathered. I act on the authority of Zaros himself. Kharshai: He must place a lot of trust in you to act so strongly on your advice. Sliske: It can be oh so stressful ruling an empire. Busy work, you see, even for a god. Zaros relies on me and my Praetorians as his eyes and ears in Senntisten. I know, I know, I am such a charming individual, but I assure you the evidence is quite compelling in this case.
During his time, he abused his power fairly often for his own intellectual interests ( having members of a bar fight arrested or executed on the spot while pursuing personal missions ) or his own entertainment. Clarifications on entertainment? Sliske was a playwright of the Shakespearian level for the rich and high status, where he took "unwanted humans from the streets of the city, dressed them in brightly colored costumes, and placed upon each a crude wooden mask. At his command the masks spoke aloud and controlled the movements of the players, compelling them to jerkily act and dance and mime his play like puppets, with the person behind the mask able only to watch his own actions." Yikes, if that wasn't enough to make your skin crawl, often these 'actors' in the climax would fight and kill one another with no control of their bodies, one dying and continuing to move and speak posthumously.
Back to fiction, headcanon, and my interpretation cloud nine all below, Sliske was indeed the leader of his own branch and it goes to say that most of those under him had a similar mindset, such as his second in command, Trindine. Sliske and his underlings were in charge of handling treason, criminal acts, and inquisitions for information on their enemies/other gods and their followers at the time. It's also canonly assumed that the Praetorians were in charge of prisoners as well as information extortion and torture. Sliske has hinted that he enjoys interrogation and a Mod once stated that he found delight in persecuting vampyres due to their ability to remain alive in custody for months or even years.
Sliske had an office, probably oddly occupied from time to time considering his line of work and often absence. He abhorred having to do reports and paperwork ( "Let's just say I'm not looking forward to having to 'file reports' again." ) and made attempts to place this on his cohorts, even though eventually he would have to be the one to sign off on everything as Praefectus. He hated it either way and shirked this responsibility.....out of 'monotony'.
As elite spies, Praetorians were required to hold a resolve and keep their wits under the pretenses they were captured, albeit it was usually the other way around considering their prowess. Sliske was an adamant fan of being able to test the resolve of his own underlings for the sake of torture and interrogation resistance via kidnapping them himself with the possible aid of another of their own; even candidates for the Praetorian Guard were able to find themselves swept out from under their feet in the dark for their first test. Imagine being a member of the guard on a mission and purposely dragged against your will into a gruesome event of capture by the supposed enemy and to be able to not PANIC, understand what is going to happen because you've done this before, and know what to expect. Only for your captor to give up halfway through, grin and tell you 'congratulations, you lasted two minutes longer than the last.'
Nothing was sacred and everything was applicable, extreme heat and cold environments, pharmaceutical torture, infliction of mental and physical stressors and pain, electric and magical shock, good ol' beatings, and degradation. He too was submitted to this kind of routine on his own open armed suggestion, but it never really happened to work on him ( let alone none of his proteges stepped up to the plate under the subtle realization that afterward 'boss' might not treat you so kindly, no one wants a double dose of already given sugar venom from him. Not to mention he's already probably sadomasochistic.) When you're one the undercover agents of one of the most ancient and feared empires you’re expected a lot. 'no one simply withstands torture, it's just a matter of how long it takes for one to crack. you will experience familiarity and boredom with our methods to better yourself in that situation. learn to cope. there will be no loose lips here'.
all that aside. sliske did get attatched to many of his praetors and would often mourn in private if he lost a particularly good officer. the praetorians weren’t all pranks and fear. they were an effective and efficient branch under his guidance.
Tiny, canon last note to help you sleep at night: most of the Empire outright feared the Praetorian Guard when Sliske abused his power for fear of coming under their inquisition or public disgrace when it came to frowning upon their actions. And p.s. the irony of Sliske being ousted for treason when it was his job to handle treasonous behavior as number one of the secret police never ceases to tickle me pink.
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projectmedusarp · 7 years
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Here is the second of our admin auditions. Jessica will be playing the role of Thalia Winsor, taking the power of Healing Touch.
NAME: Jessica
AGE: 26
ACTIVITY LEVEL: My activity time will be limited to weekday evenings and weekends. Given that I’ll also be admining that may also mean that my activity isn’t daily for replies. I will always aim to post something of substance, reply to starters etc. whenever I’m online and will frequent the OOC blog too.
PREVIOUS ROLEPLAY EXPERIENCE: I’ve been roleplaying for 13 / 14 years on a number of different platforms. I’ve been roleplaying on Tumblr for about 6 years and hosted a multitude of literate roleplays too. In the last year I’ve also gotten into cos-roleplay alongside literate roleplaying. 
TRIGGERS: Rape // Self Harm // Abuse etc.
CHARACTER: Thalia Winsor
AGE: 28
FACE CLAIM: Sarah Gadon
POWER: Healing Touch
QUOTE: “I’m through with accepting limits ‘cause someone else says they’re so. Somethings I cannot change, but until I try I’ll never know.”
Compassionate: Thalia is a gentle soul and greatly cares for people. She is greatly sympathetic and tries her best to help those who need it most. Whether it’s in her day to day work as a nurse or just trying to assist those she’s encountered since going on the run. She is kind and well meaning in most aspects of her life, the thought of putting herself first when there are those who need it more is one often overlooked.
Sincere: She’s honest, sometimes to a fault. If she gives a compliment or opinion it stems from genuine beliefs she holds, equally if she’s critical her words aren’t often softened by sugar coating it. Thalia is a terrible liar and struggles with deception, both attempting it and when it’s done to her. She greatly dislikes those who lie without a guilty conscious. 
Well Mannered: Soft spoken and polite, she uses dulcet tones and polite compliments to diffuse an otherwise awkward situation. She was brought up with a silver spoon in her mouth and as such was forced to adhere to a strict set of rules surrounding etiquette. This was only enhanced during her training as a nurse and now her bedside manner is impeccable. She sometimes when meaning those with lesser manners, not quite knowing how to engage or communicate as effectively as she might like.
Insecure: Psychologists would deem her childhood, riddled with moments where she was told she wasn’t good enough, as the main factor in her insecurities. Though in truth Thalia has never helped herself out of the spiral either. She is very self conscious of both her appearance and achievements in life. The way others perceive her is very important because the way she perceives herself is often very negatively. Whilst her insecurity fuels her worse habits, it is also a one of the main reasons she tries her best to be a good person.
Passive: She is non-confrontational to an extreme fault. When flight or fight kicks in she will almost always run away from a situation. This carries over into less extreme moments of her life too; failing to stick up for herself, people pleasing, resenting those more assertive and bottling up feelings in favour of ensuring others aren’t hurt. 
Envious: Thalia is often resentful of those who have what she does not; a happy family unit, the attention of someone she is attracted to, the ability to be assertive or fight when the moment calls for it. Whilst she often admires the good traits in others she also finds herself dwelling on them too, wishing she herself could hold them. Her insecurities are fed by her envious nature and the vicious cycle continues to battle on behind her pretty smile.
BIOGRAPHY: Thalia has only lived alone in New York city for 18 months. Prior to that she was rooming in dorms at New York University and went home during the holidays. Her knowledge of the city is limited at best as her years studying for a nursing degree left her with little free time, and her job left her with even less. Her studio apartment, luxurious by most standards, is a far cry away from the white paneled manor back in Suffolk County that she called home for most of her life. In truth she had never felt more right than the moment she took a job in the inner city and the keys to the tiny apartment, much to her parents disapproval.
Her parents were affluent enough to fund both private school and pay her college tuition, though this is were their generosity stopped. Neither her mother or father were the affectionate type and between her overly critical, cold mother and harsh, short tempered father her relationship with them is strained at best. Her aunt, whom she was closest to above all else, was her only anchor at home but coinciding with Thalia’s permanent move to the Big Apple she left to travel. Severing all ties with Suffolk, her parents and the stuffy country club she spent far too many weekends at.
To say she knows little about New York is an understatement. Her years studying left her with little free time and her now full time position leaves her with even less. Wonky working hours makes for an unactive social life. However she’s managed to find a foothold for her most beloved of passions; dancing, in a quant dancing studio a few blocks away from her apartment. The installation of a new vending machine there is actually what lead Thalia to consume the tonic water, regularly. For the first few weeks she wasn’t seen without a bottle in her bag, she even got into the habit of toting around the bottle at the nursing station. 
Then the changes happened, nothing overtly flashy at first - no breaking the bathroom sink with super strength or flying in her sleep. In fact for the first two weeks it was hard for Thalia to notice her powers at all. Whilst the patients she visited and helped tend to were recovering, she had no reason to suspect it was anything other than the medicine the doctors had prescribed. One morning she was carrying out her morning rounds, her first stop of the day was with an elderly gentlemen known well by the nurses and doctors alike in the ward. He was a terminal case, or so they thought. One gentle pat on the shoulder from Thalia as she moved to fluff his pillows and ask about his nights sleep and his eyes lit up. He removed the breathing apparatus, much to her horror, and looked around the room as shocked and bewildered as she did. The tests over the next 3 days confirmed the impossible. He was cured and on the mend. 
It was following this incident that Thalia started to piece the clues together and began experimenting. It was also in this time that others took notice, a building full of extremely intelligent people wouldn’t have taken long to string together the fact that all the patients recovering in miraculous ways were all tended to by the same person. Thalia had become careless in her attempts to help and explore her new gifts. The disappearances of people deemed ‘crazy’ by local news, one man believed he could fly whilst the other had declared he could change appearances, caught her attention. If others like her were going missing then surely she would be next.
The letter through her mailbox at the end of the week sparked her need to leave. The board was calling on her attendance to an ‘unofficial meeting of standards and practices’ and the red flags shot up. In her paranoia she packed her valuables, changes of clothes and everything else she could reasonably carry, and fled. Her missing persons report went up along the dozens of others, the trend in missing people has risen and she’s smart enough to know it’s not a coincidence. 
Strange men in suits always seem to be just a few days behind her, Thalia never was exactly an expert at going on the run, and her safe houses have been all but burnt out. She is staying on the lookout for others now like her who might need her help in running too and trying to figure out the exact mystery behind the events that have completely changed her life.
Dancing Queen - Thalia has always been an avid fan of dancing, whether it be basic ballroom, jazz or something more contemporary. Since moving to the city she’s had the opportunity to sign up to various classes in her free time to expand her passion. On the rare nights she goes out, it’s usually with the intention to find a fun place to go dancing.
Sleeping Beauty - Working at a hospital often leads to a wonky sleep schedule, but Thalia always had a tendency to sleep until noon on her days off long before her time in scrubs. She’s a heavy sleeper naturally and often unhappy to be woken up for anything short of an emergency. 
Alcohol Intolerance - She’s just simply never enjoyed the taste of alcohol. Her aversion to drinking has only been bolstered by the fact she’s often drunk one glass in, and no one enjoys embarrassing themselves at the start of an evening. Perhaps if she drunk more wine and less water she wouldn’t be in this mess to begin with.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I’ve created a Thalia aesthetic here and her blog has a short ‘about me’ page with a few extra face which is linked here.  
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moiraineswife · 7 years
16 and 23 for ACOWAR asks.
16) Mor’s power - what would you like it to be?
I’ve made a theory about this before but I like the idea of Mor having some kind of foresight. The truth magic is more complicated but also interesting. Feyre has a few superstitions about the fae in ACOTAR and I think most of them are foreshadowing:
‘That was the first rule we were taught as children, usuallyin songs or chants: If misfortune forced you to keep company with a faerie, younever drank their wine, never ate their food. Ever. Unless you wanted to windup enslaved to them in mind and soul.’
This bit obviously foreshadows the mating bond and the way that it’s sealed - the female offers the male food and this seals the bond. So this superstition is definitely rooted in fact. 
‘And faeries couldn’t lie.’
I think this part might hint at the Suriel and its truth when captured (something Lucien mentions as a throwaway comment in ACOTAR before we see it) but I also think it speaks to Mor/the Vertias’ truth magic. There are a couple of ways I could see this manifesting - she can’t lie to humans if she’s invoked a certain piece of magic ‘You know I speak the truth’ OR: 
“You try to break the bargain, and you know what willhappen,” 
“He said there were consequences for breaking a magicalbargain.”
There’s quite a palava made over bargains in this series, specifically magical fae bargains. Rhys mentions several times the consequences of breaking a magical bargain - Tamlin seems incapable of breaking this one or finding a way to break it (apart from going through the King of Hybern) and Amarantha we saw was compelled to hold to her bargain - the magic broke when Feyre answered her riddle as she had no loopholes worked in there to save her. 
I wonder sometimes if Mor’s ability is something along the same lines - if she can compel people to hold to their truths, even if it’s not made in the form of an official bargain, or if breaking a bargain bonded by her carries even stronger penalties than Amarantha breaking her word. In that case the magic simply circumvented her will and granted what she had promised. 
I don’t think she can compel others to speak the truth to her (otherwise she’d probably have Azriel’s job tbh, magic is a heck of a lot easier and more reliable than torture) but maybe she can sense lies? Or maybe she can see/sense other people’s truths (the Bone Carver can do something like this so we know it’s possible) Or maybe she can state things/people exactly as they are - and the people she speaks to really do know that she’s telling the truth and that she isn’t lying to them. ‘I am the Morrigan, you know I speak the truth.’ maybe she’s literally told us what she can do. Or maybe she can compel people to believe that she’s speaking the truth even if she’s not (though I doubt that - she gets called out on lies and too much stock is placed in the Veritas which is said to carry a similar kind of magic to Mor) The truth is (ha) that SJM is so vague about this that tbh she could do pretty much anything even remotely related to truth, we don’t have enough to properly guess, or even have a reasonable stab at it. 
She probably also has a serious amount of power there too, beyond her truth magic, given that she survived a fight with Amren and that everyone was so desperate to breed said power into their bloodlines (ugh). And she’s a war veteran, she actively fought in the war and she’s more powerful than Cassian and Azriel and...entire armies of Illyrians SO. Someone give me the goods, please and thank you. 
23) Babies - yea or nay? If you had to pick one couple to have a mini, who would it be?
No. I have Strong Opinions on this topic. You didn’t ask, but you’re getting them anyway: 
Moriel: No. None. Never. Not now. Not in ten years. not in a hundred years. not in a thousand years. Never. A)- I don’t think either of them would actually want them? They want to be free, they want to just be with each other and enjoy each other and just be allowed to do what they want and neither of them really feels that urge. B)- I don’t think Mor actually can have children. (This is one of those headcanons were at this point I don’t care what canon does because this makes too much sense to me for me to let go of it.) But it just..it’s horribly fitting in a twisted way - she took away her value to Keir, her ability to marry Eris and gain him wealth and power by association, so he took away the only thing he saw as giving her any value or worth - her ability to bear children. Which probably upsets her a little bit when others start having smalls but...She and Az are quite sure. They are enough for each other, they don’t need children to be happy or to love and want and need each other. So. No babies here ever. Moriel are a baby free zone on this blog. 
Feyrhys: tbh....I can go with them never having any really easily. Like...they’re immortal?? They don’t need them in theory? I mean...Tarquin inherited his position as High Lord as the cousin of the previous one. So the previous one died without issue so it just jumped to the next suitable dude in the family. It’s not essential is what I’m saying. Rhys would never pressure Feyre into having them and to be honest...I can’t see Feyre wanting them. She parented her family for most of her childhood and every time she’s considered pregnancy/children it’s been a case of ‘do not want them’. She makes it very, very clear she’d have nothing to do with Isaac without a tonic ensuring that she can’t get pregnant; she implies she was taking a tonic while she and Tamlin were together (she tells Rhys at the cabin that she isn’t taking one anymore - implying that she was) despite Tamlin’s mentioning them having children/heirs some day. She deliberately speaks to Rhys about it after their sex marathon chapter 55 and makes it clear that the only way she’d thought about having them would have been as an obligation. If she’d been obliged to provide him with children as his mate which Rhys shuts down. She then admits that she wants Rhys to herself for a good few centuries. 
This is not a girl who can’t wait to have children and honestly, I’d like it if she never did. Yes, yes she might change her mind but tbh I hate that line of thinking the ‘oh you’ll feel incomplete without them some day!’ Fuck that. A woman can be entirely complete without children and without the societal pressure/expectation to have them..I honestly don’t think Feyre would fancy it. (They will probably have a baby in canon but in my head...they’re baby free.....at the very, very, very, very, very least for like 500 solid years. Maybe more. Probably more. But not like 50 years after the war just N O. Let the girl live.) 
Nessian: Nessian are funny. I can see them going either way but...I think I’d like them to have maybe one or two, actually. I think Cassian would be pretty up for it, with some proper talking and planning. It’s not something he’d rush into impulsively but...I think he would get quite broody and I think this would happen before Nesta. I think Nesta might feel a little guilty almost that she doesn’t want this at all but Cass, like Rhys, is very firm in that he’s not pushing her into this at all and that she has absolutely nothing to feel guilty about. He’d like kids, maybe, some day, but they are not necessary at all.
 I think Nesta has a bit of a turning point with them and she genuinely goes from ‘over my dead body’ to ‘Cassian knock me up immediately’. I think maybe elucien are onto their third, maybe fourth, and she holds this little one in her arms and she just...bonds with it. And then she starts feeling things that she’s never, ever felt before and she looks up at Cassian and she knows that she loves him so much and that....She wants this. She really, really, really wants this. She wants a baby. She wants to be a mother.  
I think the thought of it still kind of terrifies her and she bottles this up for a while thinking it might go away (it doesn’t. It just gets worse.) Finally Cassian coaxes it out of her and she admits she’s been thinking about it and he’s overjoyed and they agree to start planning and preparing and then trying. Nesta is probably quite insecure once she does actually get pregnant but Cass is very gentle and reassuring and it’s just something they both want so desperately after a few centuries together. 
Elucien: Probably get pregnant during the mating bond sex marathon tbh. No, no not quite but I do think they talk about it early on and both agree that they want it. They probably, very sensibly, agree that they have plenty of time, no need to rush anything, they can wait, just enjoy themselves, they don’t need little ones, they should just calm down. They probably give themselves a time restriction of like a century to just be. I don’t think they make it through half of that before they’re actively trying because they just...Need to be parents, it doesn’t feel right otherwise. 
They have a large brood, they just keep having more, it just feels right. And then once they get to the point where they stop having little ones of their own they just start adopting other little ones. (Right, listen, I’ve definitely talked about this before but I love the heck out of this headcanon so have it again: Azriel is grudgingly in the war camps for some time and while he’s there he finds a little baby girl being mistreated by her family. Obviously given Azriel’s history and his general...well self he’s not too happy with this so he just. No. I am taking her away (he really doesn’t think this through at all, bless him, but he’s trying to do the right thing) So he scoops the little one up and takes her away and basically Mor comes home like.........Azriel.....why exactly are you trying to quieten a screaming baby?? So Az explains and Mor is very touched but also a bit o.O Az we cannot keep her, this is a child, not that stray cat you adopted last week, okay, it’s a bit different. So, naturally, they do the only sensible thing and they send for Elain. Elain who has only recently found herself with an empty house that just feels entirely too empty and too quiet. She goes to see them and within seconds the baby is quiet and happy in her arms and she’s in love and taking her home. (Lucien is a little bit !!! about this plan because ‘uh, dove, she has wings.’ but Elain insists happily that they’ll just have to figure it out because they simply must take care of her. This sparks a little tradition of them taking in unwanted little ones from all over Prythian and taking care of them.) 
So, to summarise and actually answer the question: Moriel: no. Feyrhys: if you put a gun to my head. Nessian: after many, many, many centuries. Elucien: why do they not have babies already!? 
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oxfordeliterp · 7 years
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You have been accepted to play the role of LANA CHAMBERS with the faceclaim of IM JINAH. Please create your account and send it to the main in the next 24 hours. I know that there was no other application for this role, but even if it were, I can’t imagine anybody being able to capture who Lana is as a person better than you did. The application is immaculate, beginning to end, and you are clear proof of not only a talented writer, who twists words around with incredible skill, but also an amazing, vivid story-teller. Your paragraph sample caged my heart and it is yours forever, for you developed, with just the right amount of humor and snark, a balanced dynamic that I would sell my soul to read more of. Maybe soon. Anyway, I cannot wait to see the things Lana has to do that keep her too busy for love, for she already is such an asset and I believe you’ve only begun unfolding her.
Name and pronouns: Peyton, they/them pronouns
Age: 19
Time-zone: EST/-5 GMT
Activity level: It’s actually the end of the semester for me so I have a lot of free time! I’d give myself a 7/10 though because I do have a job, but with summer right around the corner I’d love to get back into roleplaying.
Triggers: None!
Desired character: Lana Theodora Chambers
I love Lana because she is more than the stereotypical mean girl trope, having many hidden layers that make her only more complex. She’s unassuming with her background and scholarship, yet a shark in the water that no one at Oxford could have ever prepared for. She’s smart, witty, and acts like the ground is blessed the moment she walks on it. I admired the fact that Lana is so great and unapologetic about it because I believe there needs to be more female characters like that. A character like her is so important as she stays true to herself (even if she isn’t the most moral human being) and breaks the stereotypes that come with her kind of character. Gender and pronouns of the character: Cis female. She/her/hers.  A crystal clear idea of what is meant to be masculine and what is meant to be feminine was ingrained in her from a young age. With her parents holding their more traditional beliefs, sons were celebrated, considered to be a great honor and cherished by their families, while daughters were but a small happiness. As the only child of the Chambers family, there was extra pressure for Lana to prove that she is a child to be proud of and oh how she has rubbed it in their faces.  
Changes: I was just wondering if I could change her faceclaim to Im Jinah? 
Traits: a m b i t c h i o u s → To say Lana aspires to be at the top would be a severe understatement. If she wants something, she fights tooth and nail and takes it. One thing people can say about Lana is that she has the uncanny ability to never give up. She’s worked too hard, put in too much effort to allow herself to slip now. In her hungry, unyielding eyes, she has yet to take everything the world owes her. When she’s surrounded by those who get whatever they want served to them on a silver platter, her perseverance and her determination will bring her on top of all of them. i n t e l l i g e n t → She learned four languages by the time she was seventeen. Auditoriums full of people would applaud after she played during her piano recital. Her poetry left those in awe as the words flourished, dripping down her chin like honey. She’d leave teachers singing her praise as she excelled academically, top of her class in every class, and captain of as many clubs she could be in. It’s impossible to deny that Lana has an impressive mind and may be one of the brightest girls of her age. Although she does not stand out quite as much in Oxford as she did back home, she isn’t going to let that inhibit her showing off her intellect in any way. She’s worked three times as hard as the rest of them and she’s going to prove her worth. r a t i o n a l → Lana is a fairly realistic thinking person. She’s goal orientated while keeping the important things the same. When she’s angry there are no fires burning down forests, and when she’s upset there are no oceans flooding cities. She watches Gwendolyn and her other peers and sees them for what they are– entitled dreamers without a care in the world. She’s the first to come up with a solution under pressure, the one to go to for guidance if she is willing to give you it, the one who keeps going despite any hardships. Lana is the type who appears to never lose her cool or allow herself to get carried away, if her head is in the clouds then she will lose sight of the path she’s been taking, both feet on the ground. i n s e n s i t i v e  → To put it plainly, Lana cares for few people, and none of her peers at Oxford have proved show they are worth caring about. She’s got a tongue sharp as a whip and has no problem cutting even those she is friendly with down to size. She didn’t get into Oxford University on scholarship to make friends or to try and turn herself around. Her whole life has been taking what is rightfully hers, leaving bodies in her self righteous wake as she adamantly bulldozes her way forward. From what she knows, and she knows a lot, the world is a cruel place. Call her a cynic, call her immoral, call her a heartless bitch, she’ll just examine her nails and ask if you said anything important. i c y  → If Gwendolyn is fire then Lana is ice, cold and calculating just like the slow touch of winter. She is fresh fallen snow, beautiful but it’s best if you do not touch. She’s the type of person to stare at you blankly when you approach her, not so patiently waiting until you walk away if you take too long to get to the point. Lana can ignore someone or rip their head off if they made the wrong move and honestly it’s impossible to tell which reaction she will go for. She is cold and harsh and comes off as someone who cares for so little it’s actually fairly alarming. c o n t r o l l i n g → It is no mystery that Lana loathes being held back and makes her own rules as if it is her own divine right. The moment she walks into the room she radiates power, and like so many others, said power goes right to her head leading her to be controlling and manipulative. She’s extremely perceptive and will store up gossip while oozing charisma that leaves people in awe the moment she opens her mouth. Lana is self serving and power hungry and will not allow anyone to stand in her way or let them inhibit her with their own issues. No exceptions.
She’s actually changed her major quite a few times upon getting accepted into Oxford. From political science major to mathematics major to classical studies to biomedical engineering, Lana was actually unsure what she wanted to do. With such a brilliant mind she knew she was perfectly capable of doing just about anything. Finally, she has settled on pursuing a law degree and got into Oxford’s graduate program with flying colors.
Lana is an excellent dancer. While she enjoys many of her extra curricular activities, she’s been attending classes since she was little and it has a special place in her heart. With a ponytail tied tightly on top of her head, she would walk in with the same air of authority she has to this day. Unlike what her personality and appearance may give off, she loves ballet with a passion (although she occasionally she does contemporary dance as well), she can practice it for hours and relieve her stress that way. Her routines are impressive, like everything else she does, and when she was small her dream was to be a dancer.
Her father had left the family when she was too young to remember, not that she cares if he ever comes across her mind. It isn’t something she’s supposed to feel guilty over all and she barely remembers him. Her entire life has been her, her mother, and grandmother all under one roof. Her halmeoni was born and raised in South Korea, and is a big inspiration for Lana as she is a proud woman who takes no shit and goes right for the jugular. Lana loves her and hates her at the same time, mostly because their temperaments are so similar. Her mother is not negligent, albeit distant from her one and only daughter. She’s worked everyday during Lana’s childhood in order to make ends meet. The dynamic between the three of them is not very close, but still they’re family and one thing she took away from her upbringing was how your own blood trumps everything else.
Lana is bisexual, with no particular preference for one or the other. She does get around, however, as human contact is important for the mind and she knows that. She doesn’t have the time or optimism for anything long term though.
here’s some incorrect quotes for lana because they made me laugh.
lana: gwendolyn and i have the kind of easy chemistry where we finish each other’s- gwendolyn: sentences lana: please don’t interrupt me
nicohlas: you read my diary? lana: at first, i didn’t realize it was your diary. i thought it was a very sad, handwritten book
jacob: you’re probably one of those beautiful women that don’t even know it lana: no, i know it
lana: sophia, thanks for agreeing to see me sophia: i didn’t, you just walked in and started talking lana: i don’t have time for a history lesson
jacob: can we talk, one ten to another? lana: i’m an eleven, but continue
also here is a pinterest board for lana!
Lana pools her hands into her bag for the pack of Marlboro reds, her mother’s words echoing in her head as she does so. That stuff’s poison, the more you smoke the more you’re killing yourself and me. She knows it’s a bad habit and she tells herself she’ll break it by the she graduates. Realistically, cigarettes don’t have an adverse affect on your health if you only smoke them for a few years. Besides, with Sophia failing to get back to her, she needed something to take the edge off. There was always some sort of edge to Lana, in her voice, her body language, her opinions, she supposed was always sort of high strung (or as she preferred to think, high maintenance).
She didn’t think there was anything wrong with it, she wasn’t out at parties snorting angel dust in the bathroom, craving a constant high she couldn’t handle the harshness of reality. She wasn’t like that. She wasn’t like them. Life is tough but so is she, tougher than anyone else she knew. A little self medication here and there so she could stay focused and grounded was not something to feel ashamed about. Lana was more concerned with the consequences if people found out, if the perfect ice queen turned out to not be so perfect. She couldn’t allow the scholarship she fought so viciously for to slip through her fingers like sand.
“Thank god.” She mutters under her breath, pulling the carton out, finding a lighter already nestled in between the cancer sticks. The flame erupts and she watches it briefly, before bringing a cigarette to her lips and lighting it. Lana feels the smoke enter her body, swirling around her lungs, before exhaling out the open window. Oxford University on a Friday night meant parties and the rich’s definition of mischief, something she wanted no part of. She leans on the window sill, eyes ice skating around her view of the campus. Drunk students stumbling around, party music blasting in the distance, and lights flickering all around, she couldn’t believe this was an esteemed private school sometimes.
Lana looks at the cigarette for a moment, letting it burn. She could think of something poetic here, something deeper and better than the thousands of bland male writers that describe how a woman is like a cigarette. It’s familiar and she can’t quite put her finger on it until her mind goes back to her tan, witty but not as witty as her, Romeo.
Perhaps not Romeo. Things did not end well for him and he was too much of a cliché for Lana’s liking. Anyone could be a romantic these days.
The homecoming ball was an event she reveled in, enjoying dressing herself up and enhancing the beauty she already possessed. Although there was only so much of Gwendolyn’s rambling that Lana could listen to before needing a break, causing the girl to escape and find solace on the marble steps of the building and curbing her nicotine craving. The architecture taking her breath away as she sat in blissful silence– until she was rudely interrupted by a handsome stranger. Not that handsome was that much of a compliment, he was conventionally attractive after all.
“Mind if I sit with you?”
“Depends. What’s in it for me?”
“A stimulating conversation.”
“Stimulating? I’m already starting to fall asleep, pretty boy.”
“You think I’m pretty?”
She was amused, something that was near impossible for anyone to do. Yet, as he sat down next to her she found herself to be more welcoming than usual. After much contemplation, Lana figures it was the champagne that had caused her to be friendly to the boy. There wasn’t anyone worthwhile at Oxford, no one that would come across her mind once or twice. None of the boys there were King Midas, she was golden without their touch. The girls were more tolerable, though ultimately just as entitled.
“These things are such bullshit.”
I rather like them.
“They’re just another way for the entitled elitists around here to prance around like everyone cares about their Dior suits and Versace bags. The champagne’s good, though.”
“I thought all girls liked Versace.”
“I thought boys thought of girls to be something more than their clothes.”
“Of course. We care about what’s underneath.”
“You’re a neanderthal.”
Despite herself, he had made Lana laugh. She allowed herself to get lost in the moment for once. He had this charisma to him and she found herself being pulled deeper into the water until she was drowning in the conversation. They talked about school and philosophy and this and that. Not that it got personal– Lana had the ability to make people feel as if they knew a lot about her without giving away any secrets. A lost and nosy Gwendolyn had found the two and she had to deal with the same warning the leader had told them since she was recruited into the Quarrel Club, stay away from the Riot Club.
She remembers leaving her half lit cigarette by his side as she was ushered back inside. Not that it mattered now. They didn’t even exchange names and perfect strangers came and went. Her grandmother always told her to stay away from things like love, and to focus on her future because she was going to be something great and couldn’t afford any distractions. Lana was convinced she’d never allow anyone to get close to her. She had things to do.
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