#please feel free to correct me if i made any mistakes (grammatical or otherwise)!!!!!
deus-ex-mona · 4 months
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just a tl of lxl's tv guide interview~
Q1: First off, please introduce yourselves!
Aizo: It’s nice to meet you guys! I’m Aizo.
Yujiro: And I’m Yujiro! The two of us make up the idol unit of LIPxLIP.
Aizo: We sing with all we’ve got to bring happiness to our listeners.
Yujiro: We’ve released many MVs as well, so please check them out as well.
Aizo: We also give it our all when we’re shooting our MVs, so you’ll be able to see us being all cool in them!
Yujiro: That sure is a lot of “all”s that we’ve given, Aizo.
Aizo: That’s cuz I really give it my all in everything we do. You do the same, right?
Yujiro: Of course I do. There isn’t a single day when I’m not giving it my all.
Aizo: See? You look calm and composed most of the time, but you’re actually a pretty passionate guy, huh?
Yujiro: It’s because you’re always giving it your all that I feel like I can’t lose either.
Aizo: There it is, your tendency of hating to lose.
Yujiro: Well, we both hate to lose, don’t we?
Aizo: But, Yujiro, you’re able to do everything so easily without seeming bothered by the thought of falling behind, which never fails to surprise me every time.
Yujiro: I guess you’re the opposite of me in that regard, Aizo. You’re a straightforward open book. I think that any onlooker will be able to tell how much you love singing and how much fun you’re having at work.
Aizo: Eh? Do I really look like I’m having that much fun?
Yujiro: You’re always excited when we’re on site. But, Aizo, you’re actually surprisingly calm and even more observant of your surroundings than I am of mine. Even when I’m distressed, you’re the one who notices it faster than anyone else, Aizo…
Aizo: I’ve told you that you should ask for help when you’re troubled, but you really can’t be honest, huh? (laughs)
Yujiro: …Right now, I’m troubled by you and the way you’re smirking at me, Aizo.
Q2: What was the response to your 2nd Album “Be Grateful You Were Born!” like?
Aizo: Since this was our first album in a long time, we have received a lot of responses from our Julieta (what they call their fans) who have been anticipating its release. We’re really happy that it brought joy to them.
Yujiro: We had performed “White Day Kiss” live, so there were many Julieta who were looking forward to its album release too.
Aizo: Also, Narumi (Sena) who starred in the MV for “Julieta”, the sequel to “Romeo” from our previous album, congratulated us too. She said that she’ll recommend the album to her friends as well, which I appreciate!
Yujiro: I will be really happy if people who don’t know of us yet can get to know and support us through this album.
Aizo: We’ll continue to work hard as LIPxLIP with all we’ve got, so please root for us!
Q3: What were the challenges that you faced with this album?
Aizo: Well, it’s more like we faced so many new challenges that I don’t know where to start. (laughs)
Yujiro: In terms of the mood of the songs, I think “Meoto” with its Japanese taste and the Arabian-esque “A.B.Secret” have a very new feel to them compared to our other songs as LIPxLIP.
Aizo: We changed the way we sang to suit each and every song too, so I think we were able to show you new sides of us. For “Meoto”, I was conscious of the way I sang to fit the role I played in the setting of the song, and for “A.B.Secret”, there was that rap-like dialogue.
Yujiro: You may be surprised by the difference in intensity if you listen to “Oshi no Mahou” and “Yurushite Santa-san” after those songs. (laughs)
Aizo: With the “LOVE chu chu”s and the “Please, Santa-san”s, right? I’ll be thrilled if you can feel not just our coolness, but also our cuteness as idols! But… even though I was the one who said all that I’m starting to feel embarrassed.
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Q4: The album has songs that would be a hit at live concerts, such as “Oshi no Mahou”, with its fun call-and-response bits.
Aizo: It goes without say that I definitely want to do the call and response with our Julieta!
Yujiro: Same here. I’ll be happy if everyone memorised it and came to watch us perform when that day comes.
Aizo: It’ll be super fun, right?! I’m looking forward to hyping up the venue and making it echo with all our voices.
Yujiro: Is there anything else that you’d like to do during the performance?
Aizo: Hmm, well… Maybe we’ll make a Möbius loop together with the audience… wait, the ideas won’t stop flowing if we carry on like this. (laughs)
Yujiro: Yeah, you’re right. (laughs) Let’s leave the details of the performance as something that our audience can look forward to when the time comes.
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Q5: Tell us the secret stories behind the shootings of your MVs!
Aizo: I had a feeling when I heard Yujiro sing “Anata” in his lines in “Meoto”... But I was still surprised when I found out that Yujiro was dressed up in the role of a girl during the MV shooting. But, y’know, it suited you amazingly~. The air your makeup gave off was also different from how it’s like during our usual jacket photoshoots and live concerts, so I was a little charmed by you (laughs).
Yujiro: Thanks. Although I played the role of a woman this time, the costume I wore was a fantastical gorgeous kimono, within a unique setting, so it was easy for me to get into my role without feeling uncomfortable.
Aizo: I really didn’t feel uncomfortable at all either.
Yujiro: You looked good in your bewitching horned costume yourself, Aizo. It brought out your coolness, and you looked strong too.
Aizo: Right?! I was really pumped with all of the manly accessories like the horns, the mask, and the patterns drawn on my body.
Yujiro: Your long sharp nails suited you too. And in the MV, there’s a scene where the pair, played by me and Aizo, open their hearts to each other and hold hands while standing shoulder to shoulder. Be sure to pay attention to the contrast between our hands, okay?
Aizo: Speaking of the shooting, when I was hugging Yujiro during the filming of that shoulder to shoulder scene, I could smell a wonderful fragrance coming off of him. I was really surprised at the time, y’know? (laughs) “He smells so good!” I thought.
Yujiro: The staff had prepared some perfume for me. Although the fragrance can’t be conveyed through the screen, they had hoped to enhance the vividness of the setting for the viewers by having me wear the perfume as we filmed. I thought that it was a wonderful idea, so I had the staff apply the perfume to my costume. 
Aizo: For “A.B.Secret”, we filmed a live concert called “Arabian Nights in the Dunes”, which was yet another tough day. (laughs)
Yujiro: To be honest, we got lost on the way to the venue, so we had to cross several dunes.
Aizo: We may look all nonchalant in the MV, but we’d used quite a lot of our stamina. I’m just glad that we were able to make it to the venue in one piece…
Yujiro: But we were treated to a lot of wonderful food after our performance, so I’d say that it had been a very satisfying day.
Q6: Since this is a TV guide… What TV programmes do the two of you tend to watch?
Yujiro: I watch all kinds of shows, but I tend to watch talk shows often. I think that it’s great that I’m able to learn about current events from all over the world in the form of an entertaining programme, no less.
Aizo: You don’t just check the news or something? You sure are a diligent one, Yujiro.
Yujiro: I watch talk shows just because they’re interesting. If I just want to know the news, I wouldn’t particularly watch a talk show for it.
Aizo: I watch them every so often myself, but I only watch the segments that introduce restaurants that serve good food or amusement park events.
Yujiro: I see. You watch TV too, Aizo? I had the impression that you’d be often off running outside or something instead.
Aizo: Well, I do watch TV, y’know? I like watching programmes hosted by their namesake comedians. And I check out singing programmes without fail.
Yujiro: Yeah, I watch music programmes often too.
Aizo: It goes without say that I check out my favourite bands and artistes too, but I have to know what the current trends are on the rankings! As idols, we can’t afford to lose to others and all.
Yujiro: Though, I do occasionally get hooked on particular trends just from checking them out. (laughs)
Q7: Going off the name of your album, please express your gratitude for each other and your Julieta!
Yujiro: Do you even have anything to be grateful to me for…?
Aizo: Yeah. I’m grateful to always have you as a nice wall for a rival.
Yujiro: A nice wall? Is that supposed to be a compliment?
Aizo: Yes, it’s a compliment. For example, I do pretty well in my studies and sports at school, but when I look at you, Yujiro, I find myself thinking that I can’t be satisfied with the way things are yet. I’m able to grow steadily because I have you as my literal worthy opponent.
Yujiro: You’re really grateful to me, huh?
Aizo: Well, since we have the opportunity now, why not? How about you? You’re not gonna say that you have nothing, are you?
Yujiro: Yeah. I have something too.
Aizo: Ooh, what is it, what is it? 
Yujiro: There has been a lot of pollen in the air lately. So, when I sneezed, you immediately gave me some pocket tissue, the soft kind. You really saved me back then, so I’m grateful to you.
Aizo: Is that simple thing all you’re grateful for…?
Yujiro: Sorry, I was just kidding. (laughs) As I had touched on in an earlier question, whenever I’m depressed or distressed, you’re the first one to notice, Aizo. I tend to overthink all kinds of things, but you always make my worries disappear. So I’m always grateful to you for that, Aizo.
Aizo: Huh, so you do have a proper one after all.
Yujiro: It’s embarrassing to be this honest, so let’s keep this between us, okay?
Aizo: It’d be nice if you could be honest all the time, though.
Yujiro: More importantly, we have to honestly express our gratitude for our Julieta.
Aizo: Yeah. We’re more grateful to our Julieta than anything.
Yujiro: Thank you so much for cheering us on, Julieta.
Aizo: We were only able to release our new album thanks to your support, Julieta. We are able to continue on as LIPxLIP thanks to every one of you who listens to our songs, buys our albums, and sends us your thoughts and cheers.
Yujiro: Julieta, I’m grateful to you from the bottom of my heart. Also, I’d like to express my gratitude that you were born in this era and that you and us were able to meet like this.
Aizo: We will continue to do our very best so that we can return the love that we have received from you, Julieta, many times over.
Both: Please cheer us on!
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Q8: What was your first trip together like?
Aizo: There were some pranks, and there were times when I felt exasperated, but it was truly a ton of fun!
Yujiro: We haven’t had many opportunities to go on a trip till now, so it was a really great experience for us. 
Aizo: We got to see many places, plus thanks to the fact that we were in charge of the voiceover for the Izumo guided tour, we had a good knowledge about the places of interest and we were able to enjoy ourselves to the fullest.
Yujiro: I especially liked the footbaths. When I dipped my feet into the footbath after a tiring walk, I was truly impressed by how much it helped to relieve my fatigue.
Aizo: It’s amazing how it completely warmed your feet up, huh?
Yujiro: Yeah, its healing properties are amazing.
Aizo: No, y’see, your feet were flushed pink from the warmth of the water in the footbath after soaking in it for a while. When you took your feet out of the hot water, saying “It’s hot.”, it looked like you were wearing pink socks, which I found rather funny.
Yujiro: …If you want to bring that up, should I release that video of you scooting around on your butt to grab a towel with your legs raised up in the air because you had nowhere to put your wet feet?
Aizo: When did you even take that video…?
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Can we talk about the gaslighting the left does about pronouns? They say that having to state/having pronouns in your signature title is not political and that everyone has them and we conservatives are making a big deal out of nothing. Yet they bully celebrities like Gina Carino into putting them in her bio. And, if you can't tell the difference in sex between me and my little sister, y'know, male and female, pronouns should be obvious just by looking, then yes it is political
Of course it’s political. Displaying “preferred pronouns” is a public declaration of your belief and support in gender theory - radical left dogma. Oops, sorry, did you know, it’s now transphobic or something to say “preferred pronouns,” according to University of Michigan’s Language Police. Georgia State University didn’t get the memo, they’re still asking students if they prefer to be called coself, emself, yoself, ze, xie, vis, eir, ey or ve. See the problem? It’s all made up babble. There’s no consistency and can be changed daily, depending on how we feel. Which leads to the next problem. We are told to forget about biology, don’t use sex and focus only on what’s in our mind. Thought is much easier to manipulate and control, after all. 
We are told it’s no big deal and you must be a conspiracy theorist if you think it’s political, yet courts have already started to force professors to use the preferred pronouns of students or else join others being fired. California’s SB 219 bill also fines or jails employees of long-term or intermediate care facilities who choose not to use preferred gender pronouns. It’s not political. There’s almost no school or company in the country which won’t reprimand or get rid of you for ignoring their preferred pronoun requirements, but if you’re worried about that, you must be transphobic.
Even taking sex and biology out of the picture, it’s incredibly stupid and grammatically incorrect to use first and second-person gender pronouns. It’s only the third-person pronoun in English that conveys gender, when you’re referring to somebody or something else, not yourself. A normal, courteous exchange about names might go like this: “Hi, my name is Jessica, but I go by Jess” “Hi, Jess, pleased to meet you.” What proud gender pronoun enforcers are demanding manifests as follows: “Hi, I’m Jessica. I identify as gender non-conforming. When you talk about me to someone else in the future, I want you to identify me as Xe, because that will indicate that you accept and go along with me thinking of myself as a non-binary individual, and if you don’t, I’ll get you fired.” Could you get any more egotistic? 
This is not asking people to be polite, it’s thought policing. It’s no different to holding up four fingers and demand you say “five!” There is no place in a free and open society to punish people who do not think or speak the correct way that some edgy teenager demands. It’s about power. I can almost guarantee every one of us have either censored ourselves or gone along with it from fear of offending the politically correct. We are expected to apologize and beg for forgiveness for "mistaking” pronouns that are otherwise biologically and grammatically correct, and go around asking everyone if they like to be referred in third-person conversations by the pronoun that matches their sex or by a different one that they have made up with Scrabble pieces. 
The gap between reality and language should be as narrow as possible so our speech makes sense and reflects reality, yet gender ideology requires to obliterate both language and reality. Asking me to be considerate is not the same thing as asking me to play along with what’s in your head or else face punishment. But that’s the whole point of these pronoun games. Do as I say or don’t say anything at all. The perfect recipe for conformity. 
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The Guilt Imprisonment - Chapter 01
Summary : "Guilt really was an awful feeling. Lurking in the darkness, always waiting for the worst moment to attack its host, this terrifying emotion could have so many destructive effects on one’s mind. The damage was even worse if said person’s mental health was already in bad shape after hundreds of years passed in absolute isolation.
Other factors could play a role in that as well and, for Moonjumper, it was mostly jealousy, hatred and resentment. All of them had been directed towards one particular person: his other half. While the latter had managed to escape from Vanessa’s basement, Moonjumper had woken up in this nightmarish dimension, one he ended up calling the Horizon."
Moonjumper feels extremely bad about his past actions. His mind cannot help but remember them constantly, trapping him in a prison of guilt. However, he learns that he's not the only one feeling that way...
Also available on AO3 : https://archiveofourown.org/works/24665326/chapters/59601370
Guess the sequel of "Reliving An Old Nightmare" is here ! Hope you'll like it !!
If you haven't read "Reliving An Old Nightmare", I highly suggest you do so before starting this one, as you'll probably don't understand this story otherwise. If you like this story, please don't hesitate to tell me !
Also, English is not my native language, so there might be some grammatical mistakes I'll need to correct. Don't hesitate to tell me about them if you find one !
Happy reading !
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Chapter 01 - A New Beginning
Guilt really was an awful feeling. Lurking in the darkness, always waiting for the worst moment to attack its host, this terrifying emotion could have so many destructive effects on one’s mind. The damage was even worse if said person’s mental health was already in bad shape after hundreds of years passed in absolute isolation. Other factors could play a role in that as well and, for Moonjumper, it was mostly jealousy, hatred and resentment. All of them had been directed towards one particular person: his other half. While the latter had managed to escape from Vanessa’s basement, Moonjumper had woken up in this nightmarish dimension, one he ended up calling the Horizon.
He had never been good with names. Coming up with one for this place had been quite hard, given how desert and empty it was. After all, this dimension was just a seemingly infinite void, white everywhere, with small floating islands. Some of them were bare of any element, others had trees and bushes, while certain were full of rocks.
However, only one had a magical pond, and it was the one he was on most of the time. Now that he had gained the ability to float rather than having to crawl on the ground, he had been able to explore the Horizon, discovering what the other islands had to offer. Well, the answer was “not much”, though it was still better than being restricted to a single island. Considering the infinity of this place, Moonjumper tried to use his strings to connect the islands together, as a way to find his way around. It was like a giant map, where he had to follow the strings and their directions to find back his original island. Most of the time, it worked pretty well! Other times… The ghost had to search for it for what seemed hours to him.
Well, time couldn’t be measured here anyway.
His inability to find good names could also be seen in the way he chose to call himself. After coming to hate his other half and what the latter had become, the undead spirit didn’t want to have anything to do with him, and that also covered the person they both used to be. Thus, just like his other part did with his own name, Moonjumper thought of another identity he could use. The process had certainly not been easy and he had had to see which name fitted him the best, which one made him the most comfortable. He had tried to find something related to one of the things he liked the most and, eventually, the name Moonjumper came to him.
The Moon had always been something he had loved, watching it at night. Some people loved to stargaze but, as for him, he always had prefered to admire the beauty of the Moon. Choosing a name based on it seemed like a good idea and he had liked the sound of it.
And then, an opportunity had presented itself to him, an opportunity to leave this cursed place. Moonjumper had not hesitated a single second, manipulating Vanessa during her sleep to contact her. If he had to be honest, he wasn’t even sure how he did that, even to this day. It was before the Time Piece affected his body, his appearance and gave him his… Abilities. But maybe he already had gained some powers after his death, but wasn’t aware of it. Even today, the ghost still didn’t know. What he did know at the time, however, was that a small child had fallen from the sky in the mortal plane… A hatted little child, who had brought with her a lot of powerful artefacts, some sadly lost in Subcon Forest…
All he had had to do afterwards was to find someone desperate enough to listen to him. Someone easy to manipulate, someone who would do anything if promised the impossible… And soon, a plan had appeared in his mind. It was flawless! He had passed so much time planning everything so it would be perfect, so he would finally leave and get his revenge at the same time! What a wonderful opportunity!
Except it wasn’t. Because he had killed a kid in his attempt to get free.
Leaning on a tree, back in the Horizon, he closed his eyes. A lot of things had changed since then and, one of the biggest difference was that he was now able to go in and out of this dimension as he pleased. The spirit’s face winced as he remembered the scene. So much blood, so many tears and cries, the little girl’s body sliding against the ice as gravity pulled her body closer to the floor… It has been so awful, so horrible… And something the ghost had never wanted to do in the first place.
… Well, this wasn’t entirely true. He did try to kill her once, shackling her in the cellar, next to his unconscious other half. The truth was that, even if he had considered her as a threat to him because of her magical hats and knowledge regarding other dimensions… Moonjumper was not a killer. Contrary to his other half who had named himself The Snatcher, the spirit had never killed anyone voluntarily, let alone a child. When he had to get rid of her… He had chickened out, unable to murder her. All he had been able to do at the time was to lock her somewhere, hoping the collapsing rift would kill her instead, taking away the dirty work off his hands.
And it had been the same with Snatcher and Vanessa: it had all been hot air, bluff, lies, empty threats! Anything so he wouldn’t have to kill them himself. Using the hatted child as a hostage had given him the perfect escape scenario! Snatcher and Vanessa hadn’t been able to attack him while he was holding the little girl, just like he had planned. However… He hadn’t planned said kid would risk her life to get free. When the spirit had pushed her away, trying to avoid her attack… He had never meant to kill her. It had all been a huge accident!
The ghost curled up, taking his head into his hands. He could feel the sensation of his claws scratching his head, leaving marks as he brought them down. It made an awful sound. Silence was everywhere around him, making his thoughts even louder in his mind. Guilt was an unbearable feeling. Every day, every hour, every minute, every second… This was all he could think about: how he had murdered an innocent kid.
It hadn’t been a definitive death, but still.
After his other half broke the Time Piece, he had woken up in the attic, just like he was before being teleported outside the Rift. Next to him were the unconscious bodies of Snatcher, Vanessa and… The hatted kid’s. Since there hadn’t been any ice pillars in this version of the attic, the child had been lying on the floor, safe and sound. A sudden wave of relief had engulfed him as he had realized that she was still alive. He had tried to float closer, wanting to be sure, though Vanessa had woken up, trying to attack him.
He barely escaped that day.
The spirit had been free since then. Yet, he didn’t feel like he deserved this newfound freedom, especially because it had happened thanks to a child’s -temporary- death. Eventually, he had learnt that his body had been much more affected by the Time Piece than what he first thought.
First, the ghost was now alive and dead at the same time. It was extremely weird to him, in a lot of ways. One of them was that he could feel and smell things, contrary to his other half, who apparently couldn’t. Another one was that, while he didn’t need to eat, he felt the need to sleep. He could also feel pain, though he wasn’t able to heal his injuries, the ones caused by Snatcher. The latter had ripped the Time Piece out of his ribcage, breaking bones and bruising some organs in the process. Now, some time had passed since then, probably a few months from what Moonjumper had been able to tell, but… His body had remained unchanged, still as damaged as before. Since he didn’t have any healing magic, the only thing he could do was tying his chest up, in order to keep it closed. He had thought about closing it definitely by sewing his own skin, but… The very idea made him extremely uncomfortable. Considering he could feel pain now, this was not something he wanted to do. Thus, he had chosen the least painful solution, hoping that one day he’ll have the courage to do more than this.
He knew he wouldn’t, though.
The spirit let out a huge sigh and lifted his head back up, his eyes reexamining his surroundings: nothing ever changed in this place, it always remained the same. Just like him, in the end.
Moonjumper materialized several red strings, tying them between his fingers as he started to draw forms with them, mindlessly playing as his thoughts kept on wandering.
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He couldn’t say he liked going back to the Horizon. Yet, even if he now had the possibility to leave and explore the world he had yearned so much… It was -oh- so overwhelming. The mortal plane was so lively, so noisy, so full of sensations he had lost the habit of feeling… At first, Moonjumper had been so happy to leave the Horizon, but soon his senses had been submerged, hit by a wave of sensations he had forgotten the existence.
Plus… There were a lot of people staring at him, judging him from afar… But who could blame them? It wasn’t every day one could see a literal living corpse! Though, all those stares and scared glances made Moonjumper feel even worse about himself. His new appearance was a reminder of what he did, of the bad things he had done just to be free… Of the death of an innocent child. It was too much.
Eventually, he couldn’t help but come back to the Horizon, where it was calm, where there was no one else but him, where no one would judge him. He did that very well on his own anyway. He still liked to leave this place, of course! Just… Not too long and only when it was late in the mortal plane. In that case, there wouldn’t be too many people staring at him.
It was really ironic! He had wanted to be free, to get out of there so much… And now, he was trapped again, trapped by his own loneliness. He did try to talk to people, but most of them were either scared or really uncomfortable by his presence. In the end, his situation was even worse than before. Yes, he could leave, but now his inability to socialize was his own fault. When he was stuck in the Horizon, he had his other half to blame for that… Now, he had no one else to blame other than himself.
It was a very different matter.
Moonjumper made the strings disappear and he stared into space. He needed to take his mind off all of this. Maybe a walk at night would help him? It had been a long time since the last one. He had been focusing on staying outside longer and longer. The mortal plane was overwhelming, but it was becoming easier to bear all those new sensations. It was a slow process, but it was progress nonetheless.
The ghost lifted himself from the ground, using his new floating abilities to move. He flew higher and higher, getting farther off the island he was on. Then, he extended his hands in front of him, grabbing empty space with them. But there was still something, even if it wasn’t visible. Clenching his teeth, the spirit started pulling the reality apart, separating it with his hands as he tried opening a window to the mortal plane. It was hard, and Moonjumper could feel his arms getting tired quickly at how difficult it was. But, after a few seconds, he managed to open a passage. The sight of a city greeted him, a town plunged into the darkness of the night, with no one outside. It was apparently a calm city surrounded by water, with tall buildings. An island, perhaps? But it mattered little to the ghost: all he wanted was to go on a stroll without catching anyone’s attention.
And this place seemed perfect for that. Before leaving his dimension, he examined the city once more, smelling the sea air as he passed his head through the crack. It was a messy town, with garbage and graffiti everywhere. There were a lot of scaffoldings, as if the city had gone through major changes. Many crates were scattered around. There was a beach, though it seemed just as messy as the rest of the island. Several hot-air balloons were settled on the sand, all empty. A huge geyser was coming out of the centre of the town, holding up a sort of platform on which could be seen a building.
Moonjumper let a small smile appear on his features, something he barely did nowadays: this was going to be a promising stroll, he thought, as he entered the new dimension, the crack slowly closing behind him.
Hope you liked that first chapter ! :D
See you soon on the next chapter ! Take care in the meantime !
=> Chapter 02
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shinrasfirst · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥
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My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Are they underrated?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant to the main story?  YES / NO. (I mean? I’m not sure? I hope he will be more important, but as it is, he could have been cut out of Part 1 of the remake.)
Were they relevant to the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. (Except that he kinda saved him.. I can’t answer these questions, I am so biased.)
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO. (?)
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. Depends on who you ask, I’d say!
How strictly do you follow canon?
There isn’t much canon to go on, first of all. I am taking what I can get and expand on it. There’s probably some stuff about him that I don’t know, because I am notoriously bad at researching things properly, and also I forget stuff. So.. he’s canon-based as much as possible, but then majorly fleshed out by my own ideas because otherwise he’d be a very two-dimensional character.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutual.
He’s wild and fun and crazy and could make for some interesting threads---
He is actually compatible with a lot of muses because he technically works for Shinra, but then doesn’t seem to give a lot of fucks about his employment status, meaning he can also work with the other side without me having to change his setting much.
He’s gorgeous. Look at him.
He is flirty and easy to smut with.
He has a completely unknown backstory that could be explored c;
Did you see that ass?
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  
He’s a bit nuts. If you’re looking for a predictable, soft, sweet romance or friendship, he is not your guy.
He'll probably die young. And there shall be angst and pain.
I’ve seen some people really reduce him to a maniac to lives on the road to attack random people. If that’s your idea of Roche then I am sure you wouldn’t be looking for threads with him~
He is tough to write love/romance with. Like proper romance.
He has a completely unknown backstory.. so my version might differ greatly from what you have in mind.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  
I played the Remake and driving on those motorcycles was insane but kind of fun - and then shows up this guy who just drove right into my heart as soon as he popped up on the screen, laughing like a mediocre villain from YuGiOh. I thought that was all it was going to be, but I was thrilled to see that it wasn’t. I just love this character. I rewatched his fight scenes with Cloud a hundred times. He is so.. peculiar. I just couldn’t stop thinking about him, and then I saw a bit more of him on tumblr, fanarts and such, and I wanted to give it a shot :)
What keeps your inspiration going? 
New headcanons about him that pop into my head. Finding other people who love him and talking to them & rping with them! Like with all muses, I tend to love them even more the longer I play them, compared to when I start out, because new stories around them develop, I get a clearer image of their character and backstory in my head, and new plans for their future :) On a more to-the-point level: quotes, poems, music, images, all those things give me inspiration. Also similar characters in other media, or stories that fit Roche and that I can recycle and reform into part of his.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO. According to whom? I am alright with the way I write him, or I’d be doing it differently. Would Square Enix think I am doing a good job? Idk. Do other Roche rpers think I am? Idk. Does it matter? As long as there are people who enjoy writing with my version of him, I am doing my job, I think :) There are Roche portrayals I find “better” than mine in some ways, more developed, but I don’t really compare myself in that way. 
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO.
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO.  
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO.
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO. Yes and now because while I stand to the way I write all my muses, Roche in particular is one I haven’t fully developed yet. There are things about his story I am still unsure about or have no clear ideas for yet. So, I’m not feeling insecure when I write him, but I am not overly confident in throwing him in any situation, because something might come up that’ll require me to think harder that I’d have to while playing.. e.g. Rufus.
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO. I’m no Rowling, I’m no Tolkien, I know that. But I think my writing is alright. I try to put some internal thoughts in my replies, describe the scene abit, offer some dialogue if applicable, and move the action forward. I am not writing a book here, I am writing something interactive, so my partner is my main concern aside from telling the story. I do feel like I’m doing an okay job at that, so in that sense I am confident in my writing.
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. I’m not entirely sure what this is referring to, but generally I’d say no. I can deal with most topics, it’s pretty hard to offend me, I’m open to most things, and there are very few issues I feel like they can’t be solve with just talking about them.
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?
It depends? I almost never get constructive criticism. What I absolutely accept is things like.. someone correcting mistakes I’ve made in terms of timelines or canon facts, because I am lazy by default and tend to not research something well and just wing it. So it might be that I’ll put some fake news into my threads that I have no problem with if someone corrects - actually, please do, I’ll gladly fix it. (Especially if they’re relevant to your muse.)
If someone dislikes a headcanon of mine or something that is particular to my portrayal of Roche, that’s really not something I aspire to change. I have my ideas of him and everyone else has their own. If a friend came to me and told me a certain headcanon of mine makes no sense because of the canon storyline or whatever, and it sounded valid to me, I’d consider that. That wouldn’t offend me. If someone just told me they dislike an idea I had, that is the kind of criticism I don’t really accept. That’s not criticism to me, that is a personal opinion that we disagree on. It’s not my problem if someone dislikes my portrayal, they don’t have to interact with it. I take no offense in that, unless it’s reported to me in a rude manner.
With regard to my writing? I don’t ask for criticism and I don’t really want it either. I know what areas I have to work on in order to improve, I don’t need anyone to give me pointers there. I have enough of that in my academic papers at university ;) This is a hobby, so I’m trying to have a good time and good plays with others, I’m not trying to win any awards. However, if I post a reply my partners aren’t sure how to work with (e.g. they need more dialogue, or more action) I am absolutely willing to edit it, no problem. Also, not just on tumblr/in the RPC but in general, people are really really REALLY bad at giving constructive criticism. It never ceases to amaze me how much people suck at that. Like I said, I don’t get offended easily, but it makes me laugh sometimes (e.g. after presentations at uni) how horrible the feedback comes across sometimes. And then everyone gets butthurt and I once again marvel at the fact that no lecturer ever gives advice on how to give good feeback. (I guess because a lot of lecturers can’t do it either.)
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  
Absolutely! It helps a lot. Sometimes it’s a real challenge, but those are necessary and very welcome while developing a character. Other people often think of things I didn’t even consider, so I welcome it when they come into my askbox with these questions :)
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why? 
Maybe? If it was a friend or an rp partner, I’d hear them out for sure. If it was someone I don’t even write with.. maybe not. Like, what’s the point? Clearly I made up my mind about it, so why would you come to me to inform me that you see it differently? Go right ahead, neither one of us writes these games, so both our versions are equally right or wrong. If it’s about something that could lead to an interesting discussion, though? I’d be interested to hear your thoughts.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?
I'd say some people like chocolate ice cream and some like vanilla. That’s okay. I’m not trying to please everyone on tumblr, I’m here to write what I want to write and if just one other person likes my portrayal, that can be enough for me :) If someone dislikes my portrayal, they’re free not to interact with me.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  
I’ve written more characters that were absolutely despised by a good chunk of the fandoms I was in, than characters who were loved, I think. I couldn’t care less. If someone hates Roche - or any of my muses - that’s their thing and has nothing to do with me. As long as they don’t feel the need to inform me about it or send me hate over it, what’s it to me? I don’t need people to like my favorite characters, it has no influence on how I feel.
But also.. why would you hate Roche? Look at him, he’s amazing :D
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  
Sure. English isn’t my first language, I’m sure I make mistakes all the time. I’m not embarrassed by that, everyone makes mistakes, even people whose first language is English. That being said, don’t go weeding through my posts looking for mistakes, because I won’t go back and fix them in most cases, so it’s really a waste of time~
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?
I think so. I’m pretty relaxed most of the time, and I try to be polite and kind in any situation that comes up. I don’t get offended unless you’re accusing me of something I didn’t do, twist my words, insult my friends, or act like a total brat. Before I start a war with someone, I’ll usually withdraw myself from the situation. I am pro-unfollowing/blocking if I dislike someone. I would never send anon hate or write a call out. I’m not here for that. I think we should all try to be kinder than we feel, we should all show respect for others and tolerate differences, and we should try to treat people the way we want to be treated. Live and let live.
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
Tagged by:  stole it. Tagging: anyone who’d like!
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fcrgottn · 5 years
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Memes Musings Headcanons Playlist Tracker Promo
Drafts : 11
Inbox : 0
Hello there! You can call me Aiden, I'm 22 years old, my pronouns are he/they and I've been in the RPC for a few years now. I'm autistic and English isn't my first language so please be patient with me because I may take a while to understand things at times. Please also excuse any spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes in threads. My interests are cartoons and video games.
Other blogs @fvllnbcryl @stcllafilivs @outcrspvced
Interaction :
Please no godmodding or meta-gaming. I'm fine with small things like leading my muse somewhere or something that is implied in the reply but otherwise don't control my muse
I am mutuals only, although I am not very selective. This rule is only to help me keep track of who I roleplay with. If you’re interested in interacting, feel free to follow me and I’ll check your blog.
If I followed/reached out first and you don’t follow back within a week, I’ll simply assume you’re not interested in roleplaying and will unfollow you.
If you follow me and I don't follow back after a week, you can assume I'm not interested. Most of the time I will simply tell you because I don't want any misunderstanding
I may take time to reply. Please be patient. I am physically and mentally disabled and I often don't have the energy to write. And as I said, English isn’t my first language and I struggle to find the correct words more often than not because of my chronic brain fog. However, if it’s been more than a week you can gently remind me about the thread because there is a likely chance I simply forgot. I will not be upset. In fact, I'll be thankful
Feel free to point out any spelling/grammatical mistakes, I would actually be thankful if you did, they tend to escape me often
Personal/non-RP blogs will be blocked. The only exception is personals with rp side blogs, but please let me know ahead of time so I don’t block you.
There will be no smut on this blog. There might however be other mature content like violence so this blog is not SFW. This blog might contain heavy and triggering topics at times, such as suicidal idealization, self-harm and death
If something I do or say makes you uncomfortable, please tell me. I don't want anyone uncomfortable
Reblog memes from the source. Unless the source is deactivated, reblog from the original poster and not my blog. I am not a meme source.
I have never and will never use AI to write my replies. If you use AI to write your replies you are not welcome on my blog
I do not like drama. Do not try to bring me into yours.
I write with small text but if you need me to use plain text let me know and I will
Please don't use irl face claims in your threads with me. It makes me uncomfortable. For those with liveaction muses : if you have an alternative animated faceclaim, and you use this one in our interactions, I have no issue interacting. On that note, please tag your threads that have irl face claims
I will tell you if I want to stop a thread and I'd be thankful if you did the same
When continuing a thread from an ask, don't reblog the ask. Make a new post and tag me in it
Spinel is aroflux asexual so shipping will be sparse. I will only ship her with characters that are 18+
This goes without saying but every ship is a separate verse.
If you need anything tagged, let me know and i will tag it. If I forget it, please tell me, I will not get upset and would actually appreciate you telling me
Fandoms I will not interact with
South Park, real people fanfiction fandoms, Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, Harry Potter
The injector was from a discarded plan to make a new Pink Diamond
Spinel was originally made to be Pink's playmate, and she was innocent and playful. She had never left the garden, only being there to cheer up and make Pink laugh when she was there, and to take care of the flowers when she was. But after being abandoned in the garden for six thousand years and learning Pink abandoned her, she tried to get revenge by destroying the Earth. Her plan was foiled when it was revealed that the injector was part of a plan to make a new Pink Diamond. Learning this she immediately stopped the injector, feeling uncomfortable and guilty at the idea of replacing Pink even after she had done to her. Nowadays, she doesn't trust people easily, sometimes has trouble controlling her anger and is very emotional, and is living with a strong feeling of guilt for what she has done. She resides on Earth, after refusing the Diamond's offer to go to Homeworld, and is now trying to be her better self. Her 'weapon' are balls of clay she can summon infinitely, which she mainly use for juggling, but she can also change their shape. She got the injector and rejuvenators (yes, there were more than one) from Pink's zoo. No one actually works there anymore and it was empty
Spinel has BPD and her favorite person is currently Winter ( formerly Pink) She still has a rejuvenator she never used and never told anyone about This blog follows the same canon as my other blog @stcllafilivs MBTI : ENFP-T
Verses and AUS
Main verse: Spinel lives on Earth, where she's trying to move on from Pink.
Verse 2 : When Spinel was still in the garden with Pink, before Pink left
Verse 3 : Spinel lives on Homeworld with the Diamonds
Verse 4 : Spinel chose to rejuvenate herself to not have to deal with the guilt of what she had done or the pain of losing Pink
MLP AU: Spinel is a pegasus named Springy who grew up in Cloudsdale.
Main verse: Spinel lives on Earth, where she's trying to move on from Pink.
Verse 2 : When Spinel was still in the garden with Pink, before Pink left
Verse 3 : Spinel lives on Homeworld with the Diamonds
Verse 4 : Spinel chose to rejuvenate herself to not have to deal with the guilt of what she had done or the pain of losing Pink
MLP AU: Spinel is a pegasus named Springy who grew up in Cloudsdale.
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