#please forgive the awful lighting on pierce vincent
your-local-enigma · 7 months
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i drew spyke and pierce in jackets bc goddammit i love jackets jackets are so hecking cool have i gone on a tangent about why i love jackets yet
(pierce and this version of spyke are from @teethflavoured)
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inkbyajm · 7 years
request from @justcallmecinammon : In a Stephen Strange x humanreaper!reader oneshot, she meets him when he's in the out-of-body dimension where he's looking for an artifact and she's casually like "it's over there" and he's like "wait how are you here?" "Because I walked through the door" and they develop a cute friendship in the regular earth dimension and his cape adores her with a fluffy ending where they end up together? Pretty please? Reader is short and petite and silly
A/N : Good JESUS this took some time to post, I did not forget about this cute idea XD I was travelling and couldn’t put this in queue because I wanted to make a few changes, I’m so sorry ! But yeah, never wrote for human reapers before, this was very strange (lord forgive me for i have sinned) but fun to write ! Hope you like it ? I apologise if it’s bad ._.
Warnings : I have never read the Dr Strange comics and none of this is actually accurate, so please, do not attack me ! (lol)
The Astral Dimension was so bizarre, Stephen couldn’t get used to it no matter how many times he’d separate from his physical form. However this time he was on a mission. And he had been looking everywhere. The Ancient One said it was going to be here but it was odd as he didn’t find anything that resembled an artefact. Walking into a room, there were bookshelves everywhere. This was going to take some time.
After long minutes, Stephen let out a long exasperated sigh.
"It’s right over there" he heard a voice speak behind him.
He quickly spun around, prepared to fight whoever or whatever present.
"Attacking me for helping you? How dare you, sir?" the person dramatically gasped, clearly not afraid.
In front of him stood a rather small individual, well, she was to him at least. She walked over to a bookshelf and jumped a couple of times to grab something off of one of the top shelves then walked back to him. She handed him over a deck of cards as he looked at her confusedly.
"What- what is this ?" he asked bluntly, turning it in his hands.
"What you’re looking for, trust me." she replied with a confident smile.
So many questions swirled in his head.
"Alright, first off, how did you-? I mean, where did you come fro-?" he was saying until the girl took a step back towards the door.
"The entrance" she bluntly pointed out.
"Yeah, but I don’t remember hearing you en-" he stopped mid-sentence when she just reached for the door and her hand went through it.
Stephen was speechless and felt a little more vulnerable.
"I wasn’t gonna walk through the walls, I still have my manners" she told him, putting both hands on her hips.
"So, I’m assuming you’re in an Astral Projection at the moment because you look too chic to be dead. Wait, you’re not dead, are you? I am so sorry for judging you straight away, I-"
"No. I mean- yes, I am currently in Astral form." he explained "I'm assuming you are as well?"
"Oh, no, I’m not in Astral mode. I’m not dead either, don’t worry!" she cleared out.
Her silliness actually made him let out a short laugh.
"What’s your name?" the man asked, quite interested in this mysterious lady.
"(Y/N)" she replied cheekily and they shook hands.
"Stephen, Stephen Strange. Nice to meet you. May I ask what you are, (Y/N)?” he questioned, trying not to be rude.
"I am a reaper. I transport dead folks to wherever their destination is. We can see dead people as well as Astral people, we can also make ourselves visible to humans but that’s usually unnecessary. You don’t encounter one of our kind very often so you’re one lucky guy, Mr. Strange!" (Y/N) exclaimed and they both chuckled.
"Alright, I have to go back, uh, would you like to accompany me?" he offered and she shrugged as to why not.
Some time later, he finally found his physical body and when he looked around, (Y/N) was nowhere to be seen. Feeling a bit bummed, he went back to the Sanctum Sanctorum.
He walked into the building, the exhaustion finally hitting him.
"This is awesome!" he heard a familiar voice and whipped his head to the side.
There she was again, admiring the place.
"Do you live here?" (Y/N) asked in awe.
"Wha- no, I mean yes. It’s more my workplace but I have to reside here as well." he explained.
"Well, since you’re here, care for a drink? Tea, coffee, soda, beer?" Stephen offered.
"Tea sounds wonderful" she nodded, offering a warm smile.
Once they were sat with their cups, which magically filled themselves back, the two started chatting about anything and everything.
"So, what’s your job?" the damsel asked.
"Interesting question, very interesting question. So, I, uh, used to be a neurosurgeon, but I got into a car accident and damaged my hands. Later, I learned that they had been subjected to severe nerve damage and rendered inoperable." the man explained, showing both hands.
(Y/N) gently took them in hers as if they were still fragile and examined them, making the doctor’s heart flutter.
"I am very sorry for that, you must’ve been excellent at your job" she spoke with a hint of genuine sadness. Stephen’s mind was off for only a second as he cleared his throat.
"Long story short, I went to The Ancient One for help and became the Sorcerer Supreme. Now that I look back at my past, I actually feel very disgusted and ashamed at how arrogant and selfish I used to be" Stephen let out a short laugh.
"I believe you were good from the start. A man does not change unless he wants to, unless he believes in it” she told him with a smile, making him smile back.
There was a short moment of silence, and oddly enough, it didn’t feel awkward at all.
"By the way, forgot to mention it, but I like your cape. It looks amazing and suits you quite well” the girl said pointing at the garment.
To her surprise, the cape detached itself from the hanger and flew towards (Y/N) to wrap her in a hug.
"Thank you, It is very grateful" Stephen chuckled at the bonding.
"Aw, such an adorable thing you are, you’re so soft too" she cooed while stroking it.
"Okay, alright, It’s not really a pet-" he spoke, reaching out to the cape, when It smacked his hand away and continued leaning into her.
"Ow- how could you?" the doctor gasped at his companion’s betrayal.
"I think It likes me" (Y/N) grinned with the cape now attached to her instead.
Though despite his words, Stephen did not at all mind the wholesome moment.
2 months later
Running in the streets was a lot weirder than it seemed. Stephen and (Y/N) ran through the crowd as they chased after some type of men who were apparently a threat to the New York Sanctum.
"Stephen, could you not just place us in your mirror dimension thingy? We’re getting weird looks" the girl advised.
"Good idea" he replied and instantly warped the whole street, making it even weirder.
"How are you not getting tired?" the man panted slightly.
"I’m a reaper, it’s part of our abilities” she answered effortlessly.
That’s when the Zealots stopped running. Finally some action! Strange and (Y/N) fought back to back, each having their own powers and weapons.
"Stephen, look out!" he heard her say when he turned around a second too late.
A bullet had pierced his shoulder as he winced in pain and fell to his knees. (Y/N) knocked the last man out and hurriedly rushed to his side.
"Oh god this hurts way more than I expected it to" Strange grunted.
"Wait, wait, hold on" the girl said with a hint of panic in her voice.
She pressed her palms onto his injury, making him shut his mouth to prevent making any noises. A few seconds had passed and the pain was gone. He confusedly checked his shoulder to find it clear of any wounds.
"I’ve never done that before, but hey, it worked!" she chuckled.
"Why, how else could it have gone?" he asked, eyebrows raised.
"Well, I could have maybe kinda killed you..? I never had a chance to use that ability before so I was a bit skeptical about it" the reaper explained casually.
She then got up and walked up to the previously unconscious man who was now screaming in pain.
"You’re a very bad man, didn’t your parents teach you manners?" she scolded the guy, then proceeded to touch his forehead, turning him into dust.
(Y/N) looked over to her wide eyed friend.
"I transferred your injury onto him. He was mean anyway and a crap human being" she told him matter-of-factly.
"I guess I’m very glad to not be in his place" the sorcerer mumbled to himself.
"Another successful mission!" (Y/N) exclaimed with much enthusiasm.
"I wouldn’t call it a mission, maybe self-defense." Stephen told her.
"Well, everything seems like a mission with you. A cool, badass mission with a cool, badass sorcerer" she proudly stated.
It made his heart flutter, her sole presence made him nervous.
"What would I be without you” he muttered under his breath but with her being a reaper, it didn’t go unnoticed.
"A cool, badass and...very smart sorcerer..?" she spoke bluntly, earning a light chuckle from her partner.
Strange turned to face her and she stopped walking as well.
"(Y/N), I..I’ll be honest- I’m not the best at these uh..confessions. But, I feel joy when you are around. I don’t feel lonely anymore and it makes very happy and I just...I would love to have you...around, more.” the man awkwardly announced.
There was a brief moment of silence which did make him uncomfortable but he didn’t dare speak further.
"Stephen Vincent Strange. The great Sorcerer Supreme- Master of the Mystic Arts. Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" she said with a strict tone and crossed arms.
"Well, I just thought-"
"Without even asking me, a human reaper, out on a single date?" her voice rose higher.
The doctor was now terrified and seemed to have lost his voice.
"I’m kidding, of course, I’d love to!" she said then jumped to wrap her arms around his neck.
He returned her embrace, relieved but confused at the same time. Unsure of her response, he looked into her (E/C) eyes.
"Wait, really? You’re serious?" he asked.
"Yes! I don’t come across great guys very often, in fact, it’s really rare. And you’re such an amazing man I just- you make me super duper happy too!" she laughed, spreading it to him as well.
"Tell you what, how about we go get a dessert and have a little tea party at home?" Stephen offered when she immediately hopped off of him and sprinted towards the closest bakery.
"We’re eating cake and your opinion doesn’t matter!" the girl yelled, he laughed at how childish she could be.
"Choose quickly, otherwise I’m stepping in!" Stephen yelled back and followed his loved one to her own personal heaven.
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