#please fucking reblog this i actually worked rlly hard to make this
pumpkinsy0 · 1 month
tldr: @buddyaldridge is a 30 year old weirdo proshipper who talks shit about ppl behind their backs, block em and report if you can/want to
just wanna let everyone know theres a omegaverse mpreg dallyboy writer whos been an all around WEIRDOOOOO cause their brain is LITERALLY porn rotted and they cannot fathom ppl actually having fun at all, their @ is @buddyaldridge aka @pelopsides previously known as @madelynprior
in 2020-2022 the outsiders tumblr they used to be @madelynprior and theyre a hardcore dallyboy stan which is already fucking weird, but on top of that, they would make teen pregnancy omegaverse smut fics which??? and im not gonna give you the ss, nigga im givin yall the LINKKK to see it with your own eyes so you know im not crazy
how ik its them is bc on their acc RIGHT before they switched to their buddyaldridge acc, and before that acc was named “pelopides”, they used to go by “madeleinepryor”, how ik its the same person is bc on a good chunk of their post, theyd tag it as “#madeleinepryor dispatches” on top of that, they just straight up linked their ao3 acc😭😭
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heres what the link goes to, they linked their ao3 acc, they just changed their username on ao3 as well from madeleinepryor to greasers
now me calling them a proshipper isnt me talking out of my ass, they say it themselves like ughhhhjjj
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as for them talking about other ppl, i wont share ALL the screenshots bc idk if the ppl theyre talking bad about would rlly feel comfortable w those being posted, if they know, they can feel free to post it on their own accord, so like i said, wont share, but i HAVE seen some and i can conform that they have done it, its ABSOLUTELY NOT above them
for now ill post the ss i CAN post rn which just proves my point
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now ignoring that theyre talking smack, theyre just so odd and obviously didnt rlly think this through bc 1967 is ALREADY IMPLIED in the 60s, youre just incapable of reading things that arent about teen boys getting it on w each other PLEASE get a grip on reality😭😭
theyve talked about 14 year olds and their post on their acc just to shit on them, once again, GROWN ASS PERSON TWEAKIN OVER THE IDEAS OF A 14 YEAR OLD🗣️🗣️
NOW maybe your asking “how do you know the discord user and the tumblr user are the same person” AND I WILL ADMIT, while i DO have strong feelings they are the same person, its not 100% proven, HOWEVER buddyaldridge DOES go by buddy and that discord users name is buddy, so while its not concrete, the link IS there, once again, feel free to come to whatever conclusion you wanna come to about that
but what ISNT disputable is the fact that theyre a proshitter
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additionally just this??? reblog from them????
on its own, not MUCH, bit considering the fics they make this is SO weird like??????
and finally, ive heard that theyve specifically came for me about my haitian shepards and maybe even my heritage, saying that they hated race hcs??????like using me as an example, they ss my acc and talked shit, someone contacted me about it and they dont have ss of it specifically, but they can vouch for it, and im not just gonna dismiss that, bc while they dont have ss, they do have ss and proof of everything else, so i do believe them, and theyve said if they find it they would show them to me, do what you wanna with this info
ANYWAYS buddy, your brain is unironically pornrotted, ur being a lil baby who cant do anything but cry and moan online on discord of all places and ur doing all this as a 30+ year old, and its CRAZIER bc youre doing all this while having “minors dni” in your pinned post, while also writing about minors, in a fandom MOSTLY OF MIDDLE SCHOOLERS!!!! (aka minors!!! ik age is hard for you to grasp) on top of that, literally ANY and ALL race hcs is way more believable and enjoyable than any “ideas” you’ve been cooking up in that odd demented, shriveled up pea brain of urs
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anyways yea, that all i have to say, and im speaking for myself here, but i mean this with every fiber of my being, i dont know how you function in life but i DO NOT want you to go any farther, and i think others would/DO feel the same, ive seen what makes you cheer and i am PROUUUDDD to make you BOOOOO, you shouldnt be near minors at all, fictional or non fictional, you should BARELY be near other adults
plus if you go onto their acc rn, notice how when anon called them out, buddy aint even say they were wrong?? JUST SAYIN🗣️🗣️
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im tagging everything i can tag bc i DO NOTTTT want mfs interacting w their blog, and want as many ppl as possible to be aware, dont say anything to them, dont give them attention bc obviously they’ll think this is funny and post it on their shitty discord server or whatever and giggle like they arent a grown ass nigga w bills to pay, trying so hard to cling onto their high school days, making fics about a canon middle schooler getting banged and pregnant, pls block and report do whatever u wanna do, just plssss dont let this proshitter on this damn sight near kidssss😭😭
dont take this as me WANTING drama, i dont, i just dont want ppl coming in this fandom thinking posting this shit and doing this is ok, youre bullying ppl for doing harmless things meanwhile your just making straight porn about a weird ship left n right, thinking YOUUUUU of all ppl have the place to talk about anyone or anything like your opinion on anything is valid😭😭
you NEED stones thrown at you
if anyone has anymore ss send em to mmeeeeee, but in the mean time ill be doin my own thing wooooo‼️‼️🔥🔥
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doodleybugg · 1 year
i. apologize for the inactivity guys. i had a rlly bad episode recently and although im back rn i can't promise how long i'll stay JDBDHD
ANYWAYS how about we have a little update? (triggering topics such as sh, ed, etc descriptions will be in red, bold text! i'll try to keep most of the negative stuff at the bottom but no promises :/)
so i forget how long i've been gone exactly, i remember logging in some rare occasions to like and reblog a couple posts but otherwise i've been extremely M.I.A (pun very much intended) and honestly that's been a bit stressful for me.
i've had a LOT of drama in classes. yeah that's right, ya girls in uni now! and i am failing SO BAD. it's rlly hard going to school everyday, like i hate it i just wanna go back to working at a shopping mall or smth lol. but hey the map of my cities kinda set up well, being the uni is right next to a lake, and on the other side is a parking lot w mcds, circle k, chatime, etc. and next to the parking lot, like legitimately across the street, is my house. i moved back in with my mom cuz rent was getting too steep, and honestly id rather be on the streets lol
probably the biggest update ihave; i'm a did system. i got the diagnosis early december, and with a shit ton of research and help from friends who have the disorder because the doctors are no help, i'm getting comfy with the label.
if you're not sure what did (disassociative identity disorder) is, it's basically a disorder which defines the presence of two or more different persons in your mind, alike to multiple personality disorder. again, i'm not a professional, and you'd think my doctor would have given me a run down on why it meant before he diagnosed be but here's how it went:
me: hey, so i haven't looked much into the subject, but my one friend who has did was telling me about their experiences and they lined up with a lot of mine. i think i might want to go about being tested
doc: mia. you don't need to get tested, it's already in your file. we've spoken about this before?
me: ...i don't think we have?
me: so you're saying you diagnosed me with did and didn't even tell me about it?
doc: well, at least you're aware now, right?
yeah. so that's two doctors i've gone through in the past three years. i didn't throw a stressball at this one, but fuck i wanted too!!
anyways, i guess i should introduce some of my alters :)
i'm mia (she.they.fae.), the host and little, i identify with how the body looks.
enzekai (he.they.it) is the co-host and caretaker, as well as the first alter i purposefully made. kai has many sources, but his main is actually an oc of mine, cairo!
and dwelle (it.she.boo) is our resident trauma holder and nonhuman. she formed recently while i was splitting and hasn't had much time in the front. her main sources are casper from girl in pieces and cassie from skins.
i'll give everyone a better intro but i'll save that for another post!
i have gotten absolutely zero progress done in my book, the toll it takes, and i find it harder and harder to write anything but immensely sad poetry anymore. on the rare occasions i can make up some headcanons but i don't think i'll be able to write any (good) fanfics for a while now, sorry
okay, onto the bad stuff. if anything listed is triggering or unappealing, please don't read ahead: ed (anorexia), sh (cutting, self sabatoge), anxiety and depressive thoughts, suicide mentions, death mentions, and otherwise explanations of feelings like abandonment and lonliness that while, in retrospect wasn't nearly as bad as i thought so, can still be upsetting just to read.
you've been warned
recently, as mentioned above, i've just gotten out of an episode; a bad one. by gotten out of, i mean i've attached myself to select people and depend entirely on them to keep me from self harming or starving. and that's completely unfair, so i've been trying to recover. my friend @my-elysian-love is helping me immensely to eat full meals and reminding myself that i don't deserve what i think i do. i'm so eternally grateful and i can never repay any of them back <3
before my choice to try recovering though, it was getting worse. i weighed 68 pounds at 19 years old. a couple nights ago, i've cut deeper than i ever have before, and i've been stuck with this sinking feeling in my stomach that i can't quite explain. i took out all my bad feelings on people i knew and loved, and when they finally held healthy boundaries and left me to my own devices so i couldn't hurt them, i took everything out on myself. i know, real remus lupin move haha.
but that wasn't fair. and even now i still feel bad, i still hate myself for what i said and did, for how i acted and it scares me how easily people are forgiving me. because i said some messed up shit while i was splitting, and that's not an excuse. and i just keep thinking it's only a matter of time before i blow up again, and maybe i'll be worse next time. maybe people won't come back, and i can't honestly blame them because i'm fucked. and as scared as i am, i'm grateful. or maybe it's just selfish. selfish because i just hate when nobodies around for me to love, to love me back. but i'm still terrified. it's hard to change up my thinking, but i'm trying. i'm trying rlly hard and i just hope that it's enough.
i'm a couple hours clean for self harm, and yesterday i didn't technically eat a full meal like i was supposed too (my older sister got mad at me and wouldn't let me eat anything). i had multiple cookies, a fruit roll up, two cups of tea, a packet of uncooked ramen noodles, a bite of a chicken finger and also i drank water! just water! for the first time in a while.
i hate that it took me fighting with everyone i loved to the point where i didn't even need to push them away anymore, they went willingly, and having multiple panic attacks in public restrooms to finally start on the road to recovery. it is so fucking hard, it's really hard. but fuck, it's worth it to see my friends happy. to not detect worry in their eyes and to believe it when @my-elysian-love says they love me (again i'm so sorry for spamming you aaa). it's worth it to finally eat cinnamon buns again, and drink tea with real sugar, not cal free sweetener. i get a shit ton less headaches cuz i don't constantly need to count cals anymore, and i haven't passed out of dehydration in 2 whole days. ik people without eds are probably like "wtf is this bitch on about?" and that's what i'm talking about. recovery is never the same as sobriety, but it's the next best thing. and i might still struggle with my body or cover up with baggy clothes sometimes but at least i'm alive to do so. cuz a while ago i was too close to death.
i attempted to kill myself again. this time by starving and eating a buncha pills. i'm lucky cuz it didn't work, and i'm still alive. i can only think of what would've happened if it didn't work. if the last. thing i did was tell someone i loved and cared about that i didn't care if they were dead. that the last thing i did was get mad at them for feeling for someone else the same way i felt for them. yk, bpd moments ✨. but i'm glad i lived to apologize and now i'm trying to recover. and ig that's all the updates i have rn
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vanstae-remade · 7 years
bts are for the gays 🌈
choke on this cishets
namjoon’s tweet about macklemore’s song same love
taehyung wore an lgbt pride jersey  
what happened when bts were asked about their celebrity crushes
jimin wore jeans with troye sivan’s youth lyrics written all over them
“whether you’re a guy or a girl my tongue will make you come” - yoongi, cypher pt 3
some of the members helped to write GLAM’s song party xxo 
jungkook and namjoon covered fools by troye sivan  
yoongi stated in an interview “i don’t have an ideal type and it’s not limited to a girl”
taehyung’s phone case  
jungkook’s love for troye sivan, and wanting to collaborate with him
hobi said he wanted to collab with tinashe, an openly non straight female artist
taehyung had a lot of kehlani on his spotify playlist, an openly bisexual female artist 
namjoon named kehlani as an artist who has influenced him personally, taehyung agreeing [cannot find direct source]
when asked about the concept for the love yourself : her comeback, namjoon stated “it’s not only about love between a man and a women but about all different kinds of love” 
the rainbow sweater hobi wore for the dna mv 
taehyung dancing in heels
them all drooling over that shirtless dude in bon voyage season two [can’t find source]
taejin’s screen cut at the 2016 mama’s 
the blood sweat & tears mv
boy meets evil talks about “a love that is another name for the devil”
stigma carries very heavy internalized homophobia themes throughout the song, the most popular lyric to quote “are you calling me a sinner?”
lie contains lyrics talking about burying ones true self and “being caught in a lie”
gender neutral/no pronouns used in some of their songs [spring day , serendipity , ect]
blood sweat & tears is about temptation and morals seen in the eye of the public 
on the fan survey they created, they put the options “non selection” and “other” for choices when choosing your gender 
jungkook is afraid of girls 
 the young forever photoshoot
taehyung said one of his favorite photographers was ryan mcginley, who happens to be openly gay and a lot of his work is gay as well 
that time bts was asked how they’d let a girl down if they didn’t have interest in them and jungkook just kinda
 that one time taehyung got drunk and proceeded to kiss jimin’s plushie goodnight 
vmin’s puma ad 
taehyung singing lay me down by sam smith, an openly gay artist
jin and his fanboys
namjoon recommended the movie “blue is the warmest colour” which is a lesbian film
“i only have you, v” 
seokjin went to an all boys school and still received 16 roses on valentines day [no source, not 100% sure this is true]
jungkook not changing the pronouns when singing tori kelly’s “dear no one”
jimin not changing the pronouns during his part in “we don’t talk anymore”, a cover he did along side jungkook
yoongi dressed up as a girl and became min yoonji
taehyung stripped for jimin on a vlive, jimin thought he was actually gonna follow through with it 
the spring day choreo . is gay
the whole theme of wings was about temptation, morals, accepting yourself and wanting to be who you despite being afraid of the public’s beliefs 
vmin at the isacs this year 
can’t find the link but the rainbow bird thing on jin’s shirt ?? for the ynwa concept photos ?? gay
taejin’s song “it’s only you”
this post about bts and gay songs 
the photoshoot they did for singles magazine with the fishnets
vmin jamming out to 1verse while tae was on a leash
jungkook said he’d go out with a male fan [translation]
jungkook got overly excited over tae and hobi kissing 
jikook and their fanboy 
taekook said they wanted to live together when they grow up [can’t find the link just watch bvs2]
somewhere yoongi said he liked older, buffer guys
jungkook uses womens perfume
 jimin’s sparkly jacket from the dna mv 
yoongi’s “anti social club” merch
jungkook used jimin’s underwear as a microphone  
jungkook and yugyeom’s friendship 
taehyung belly dancing when they were in dubai [jungkook shouts “ah yeahhh”]
that video of jimin caressing jin’s dick and trying to be subtle about it
taehyung threatened to release jimin’s nudes   
cypher fanboy #1, kim taehyung
jungkook taking a picture of seokjin’s bulge using a selfie stick
hobi’s moans during yoongi’s cypher verse 
the echoing of the word “ass” in “agust d”
yoongi screaming “J-HOPPPPPPEEEEEE”
taehyung is obsessed with gucci and earlier this year the brand said they wanted to expand to focus on sexuality and gender identity  
jimin’s makeup artist said he’s very picky about his makeup and he’s the one who chooses his eye looks n such [can’t find the link]
did i mention how much taehyung adores his fanboys
 these random ass scans i found are gay
wishing on a star lyrics   
jungkook calling the group a rainbow sensation  
taehyung shamelessly checking out jimin and feeling up his abs 
94 line praising jimin’s thighs
that time jimin sat in hobi’s lap despite there being an empty chair available 
taehyung wrote and composed hold me tight, another song without the usage of pronouns or gender specific words 
literally this group has done so much even if it doesn’t seem that prominent, it truly means a lot to me and the rest of the lgbt community, knowing someone is out there who will support us even if it isn’t evident to eye, this is not all they’ve done and i’m sure they will continue to do more, thank you bts, for everything you’ve done and what you shall continue do in the future 💐💌
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imaginethathaikyuu · 4 years
How did I find your blog? I was looking for soft Kuroo content on google. And your soft birthday hc’s for him came up. And that’s also how I found tumblr
What was the first story of yours that I read? That Kuroo piece ^
Roughly, how long have I been following this blog? Well I found that piece shortly after it was posted so…. Around the beginning of December 2019 I think. Got a tumblr a few months later and you were the first person I followed (had you in my bookmarks bar before that! (still have you in my bookmarks bar and when I share my screen in classes there are occasionally questions. I ignore them))
What’s something I’ve noticed about you personality wise? You’re really clever and funny. But you’re also sweet. But because you’re clever you have no hesitation in setting up and enforcing your boundaries, and I really admire that strength and confidence.
Have we ever interacted, either by PM, ask, or in the comments? What was my perception of you? YES!!! PM, SOOOOO many asks, comments, and you sent me an ask. And reblogged it. And I cried. A lot. My perception: you’re lovely and I want to h*ld your h*nd ….please.
What’s my favorite story of yours? Oh how to choose. Firstly, I’m a nb, biracial, bisexual. Honey, I’ve never made a choice in my life. But let’s try here. Anything you’ve written for Tsukki. Literally all of it is gold. Fight me. I was going to write “especially [piece title]” but I LITERALLY CANNOT CHOOSE ONE. Your Bokuto nightmare piece. Your Kuroo angsty fight. Your Tendou dealing with S/O with parents who yell piece. Your Kinktobers. Your Futakuchi and Mattsun pieces. And your Terushima pieces. Ugh. I CANNOT CHOOSE. OH AND YOUR STREAMER KENMA!!!!!! OKay just… all of it. I can’t choose. I tried, and I failed, and I’m willing to admit failure.
What’s a story I’d love to see you write? I don’t want to say this… because it hurts me… but I just KNOW you’d write brilliant angst. Some of my fav pieces of yours are pained beginnings with happy endings. That fight with Tsukki after a bad day at work. The pieces I mentioned above (nightmare pieces and fighting pieces and angsty home life ha.. ha.ha.ha.). That Oikawa one where the reader wakes up in bed without him and thinks he left. You write these gorgeous atmospheres and descriptive, visceral feelings, and if you chose to use it for evil…. You could get evil shit done. You’re SO powerful. So I want to read it… but also…. I don’t. I’d love to see you write ABO like you mentioned a while back or just see you explore a cutesy soulmate AU or something. I think you’d be really good at writing an AU where you hear what the other person’s listening too. I feel like you’d be so good at making me feel something for someone who was in another city. (think this would be cute with Tsukki cos he’s headphones boy, OR terushima because I like the dynamic of someone flirty, who clearly cares about looks, falling for someone he can’t see) ANYWAY….
Favorite pairing you write for?/fav reader insert? Tsukishima x reader. It’s my fav self-ship. (but also Mattsun, Bokuto, Oikawa, Tanaka, and Akaashi because you write them SO WELL!!!!)
Have any of your stories helped me through a hard time? Of course. Your self-harm piece came at a time I needed it. Iwaizumi’s in particular saved my life. But also your Tendou dealing with S/O parents who fight… came right when I needed it. Also starting college… was hard.. And reading and rereading your fluff really pulled me through it.
Have any of your stories hit closer to home? YES (see above).
Do I genuinely like your blog, it’s aesthetic or posts? It’s overall feel? It’s content? Yes. The aesthetic is, ngl, a wee bit basic. But I kinda love that. And the feel? It feels like home. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Your blog is my safe space. So, yes, I love. It’s content? YES. OF COURSE. Your personality probably could have kept me here even if your content was kinda shit, but I follow you RELIGIOUSLY because of your content. So yes. I adore.
Is English my first language? Kinda??? I grew up in a trilingual household so I kinda learned three languages at the same time while growing up. But no, I don’t need to translate it in my head. Because English was one of the three.
Anything I want to share? Yes. Please keep being kind to yourself, caring for your mental health, enforcing your boundaries, loving Akaashi, and just generally being you. You’re so lovely as you are, and I hope you continue grow, but never change. Also I’m sorry about all your work stuff…. It literally makes me feel sick. And I hope you find a job where that’s not tolerated, or that your work finds a better way of protecting it’s employees. I know you know this, but none of it is your fault. I just hope things improve. AND I love you… a lot. And I’m so proud of you hitting 9K and you deserve so many more followers because your pieces are just... GORGEOUS. I can’t wait until I’m at Barnes and Noble in a few years and I can pick up a hardback copy of your debut novel. I’m so excited to say “I knew Em Akaashi (which is your legal name as far as I’m concerned) before she was so popular among the masses.”
so ive been trying to figure out the correct and worthy way to reply to this ask since the moment i got it......because its so fucking sweet and kind and amazing and pure and perfect and i just dont know how to use WORDS to explain the way it makes me feel so.......i will just reply in bullet points in regards to every question u answered to make it a lil easier :D
- the fact that u found my blog on google ....... like this may be odd and a very specific thing but before i made this blog i always hoped that 1 day my fanfic would pop up in google searches bc thats ALWAYS how i found fics when i was reading them religiously and i felt so much ENVY!!!!! LIKE I WANTED TO BE THERE I WANTED MY FICS TO B POPULAR ENOUGH TO POP UP ON GOOGLE.....that may sound very selfish but its true......so thats just very cool to me... :]
- u’ve been here for so long omg 🥺🥺🥺🥺 if anyone in ur classes ever asks jus promo my blog like its nbd 
- thats so sweet what 🥺🥺🥺 i try my best to advocate for myself and be confident for myself.....ive spent far too much of my time being silently uncomfortable because i was afraid of pushing someone’s buttons seeming rude.....but NO MORE!!!! i know what upsets me, i know my triggers, i know what i dislike experiencing, and im never gonna let myself be anxious or uncomfortable for someone else’s sake, esp if theyre being rude 2 me. i would say its less strength and confidence and moreso me attempting to take control of my anxiety in the places i can (aka on the Internet) bc i am SICK OF ANXIETY ATTACKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
- BBY no dont CRY!!!! im racking my brain trying to think of who u are i wanna know so bad so i can thank u personally for being the kindest person in the world n so i can send u more asks >:(........MY HAND IS URS TO HOLD!!!!! dont tell akaashi tho 
- OMG my TSUKKI pieces.....hes so hard to write why ;-; thank u so much im so glad u enjoy my works<3333
- NOT ANGST NOT LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!! pained beginnings to happy endings are my specialty.....IMAGINE me writing a sad ending like i CANT!!!!!!!!! ive only done it a few times and it is so Difficult.....YALL ARE SO LUCKY IM NOT EVIL!!!!!! ive had this idea for an angsty akaashi fic that i think about and write in my head every night before falling asleep and it Hurts and i wanna write it but i also can’t make myself :D ABO would be very fun but i genuinely do not know how to explore the concept while making it feel like it’s Written By Me.....u know what i mean? same with soulmate aus, i really dislike writing them because theyre just boring to me like they all feel the same everything’s been done for them.....which is FINE!!! but i write enough cliche stuff as it is HAHA, a long distance type soulmate au could be fun and interesting but ldr’s trigger me bc of a past relationship so </3 but hey maybe someone else could use the idea!!!!!
- gotta love tsukishima <3
- im rlly glad my writing could be there for you friend, one of the biggest reasons i write fanfic (and write the kind of fics i write) is bc i know firsthand how much reading sweet stories abt ur comfort characters can help u through the shittiest times - i just wanna offer ppl some support and happy feelings and love cuz sometimes fanfic is the only time we can find those things (and theres nothing shameful abt that either if anyone bullies u for reading fanfic i will fight them)
- I KNOW MY LAYOUT IS LAZY AND BASIC AS FUCK AND THAT IS BECAUSE I DO NOT GIVE A SHIT LMAOOOO so im glad u think its ok...... like i dont have the patience to create a fancy ass layout that actually works are u KIDDING ME??????? I COULD LITERALLY NEVER plus i kinda like that its just the basic kinda ugly boring default layout like it makes it simple and easy and i feel like it brings focus to the only thing on this blog that i care about which is my writing, i rlly only care about the content here and not aesthetics jdbljdabsdk that blue background will be there til i Die......i adore u more btw 
- WHOA trilingual what the hell ur so cool tell me more 
- you have my word, friend, that i will continue to do all of that so long as you do the same. take care of yourself, be kind to yourself - i know u can do it, ur so kind to others and u deserve to be kind to urself, too so this is the part that genuinely brought me to tears because *sappy dumb shit ahead* ok look ever since i can remember the one and only thing ive wanted to do with my life is become an author ...... dreams of book covers with my name written on them and words in pages written by me and fanart of my characters and going into my local bookstore n seeing my book there....these thoughts all haunt my fucking brain because i want it SO BAD!!!!!!!! so bad that it makes me CRY!!!!!!!! ive never wanted something more and just!!!!!!!!!!!! idk how much u meant that part but holy fuck!!!!!! i hope so bad that one day i can send u a free copy of my book as a thank u for being the person u are. u have all my love friend, every last bit of it <333333333
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ashtonq247 · 4 years
Here are some Sokka centric fics! Most of these works are not labeled as Sokka centric and so it’s very hard to find! There’s only 64 fics out of 15019 fics 
Keep in mind I did not do any Zukka or Tokka fics bc I did not want to wade through that esp bc Zukka fics are 80% Zuko centric. It’s also possible that I missed some fics as, again, they are kinda hard to get a hold of. I literally had to block the Zuko tag at one point bc if Zuko was a character in the fic, it was going to be about Zuko, and it was just a lot to wade through to find that one fic where Zuko was a character but wasn’t the main character. I think my chrome shut down at some point which could have caused me to not include some fics. Basically I’m saying I didn’t get everything but I got MOST of it. Like 80% of it, even if I didn't include things I personally don't really like to read-sorry. Show this to anyone who says Sokka isn’t underrated! my man got 64 out of 15019 fics! 
Also, PLEASE KUDOS THESE STORIES 👏👏👏👏 so many of them have far too little kudos and deserve more love! I think bc ppl are kinda bad with tagging, some of these stories hardly get any hits! Give them some love. And reblog this so other Sokka stans don’t have to wade through so much fics like I had to (seriously I’ve seen some crazy fics you would not believe *shivers*) bc it’s hard to find a needle in a haystack
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14326722 - cute tickle fight (pure fluff :DD)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14984378 - Aang and nightmares, and Sokka and his big brother instincts
https://archiveofourown.org/works/488040 - Sokka and Tenzin, Sokka gets the news that Aang died (set in LOK)
-there is very little Aang and Sokka fanfic, let alone Sokka centric Aang and Sokka fanfic :(
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1885884 - Sokka makes smth for Toph 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15472509 - Toph dreams abt the airships
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24720889 - “In the bad dreams, he loses his grip. In the worst ones he lets go”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25229905 - Sokka teaches Toph to write her name
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14718887 - Toph and hands, Sokka being her favorite hand to hold
https://archiveofourown.org/works/53498 -Sokka stuck in a cave
-there’s quite a lot of Toph and Sokka stories, not necessarily abt Sokka tho. They kinda go hand in hand, so it’s not really about one or the other.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15288189 - before they leave to fight Azula/airships 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19946611 -Sokka sick fic :)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22005709 -katara apologises for what she said to Sokka
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2277381 - Sokka wants to teach katara how to fight (also this is the first atla fanfic on AO3 that isn’t fucking weird lol)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2523782 - the gaang is too young and too starving :(
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18452795 - the only bender!Sokka story that has interested me bc it doesn’t take away from his character. It’s also vry satisfying to read
https://archiveofourown.org/works/404527 - Sokka’s feelings after his mom’s death- childhood
https://archiveofourown.org/works/404522 - “After the war Sokka says goodbye to his sister and the Southern Watertribe
-I wish there were more Sokka and Katara stories of before they met Aang.It’d be cute and angsty.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25243948 - The gaang plays hide and seek/train, Zuko and Sokka team up to make a prtty good team- Sokka is rlly bad ass in this ;D it’s one of my favorites ngl
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24809161/chapters/60002182 - fire nation sokka- oof this one hurts :,)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22305031 - like the only modern au that I rlly like, featuring Sokka on cactus juice and… McDonalds employee Zuko lol
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24462145 - Sokka gets kidnapped. Sokka is… very Sokka ish in this
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21475717/chapters/51180856#workskin -Zuko is a fire nation spirit, featuring Jet
-Zuko and Sokka stories tend to be well written, but it’s rlly hard trying to find a story with both of them that isn’t Zuko centric, and even some of the stories I have here are borderline Zuko centric 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12270624 - what Sokka feels every full moon
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1338157 - stars, and both suki and Sokka contemplate being away from home
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24423484 - “Sokka and learning to let himself be loved”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/648200 - “she should be jealous, she knows, of this ghost that clings to sokka”- it’s short but I love this one 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25290874 - set right after boiling rock before they go back to the air temple. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/334919 - Sokka and suki dig up the secret library and try to strike a deal with its caretaker
The gaang
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14348382 -basically a re telling of the Sokka’s master ep, but in Sokka’s POV 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16303286 - the meaning of tattoos, and non bender tattoos 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24426670 - “the gaang has a sleepover and Sokka manages to reforge bonds between the four nations while he’s unconscious”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22252 -Sokka thinks of his place in the gaang (set after season 2) 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24439972 - the gaang needs a potty brake and Sokka is annoyed (pure fluff :DD)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24559357/chapters/59308846#workskin - spirit sensitive Sokka! Very interesting I’m invested and there’s only 2 chapters so far TvT (featuring Sokka w/ white hair 😩👌✨)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25004614 - Sokka being a child soldier, and Hakoda’s regret
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22964113 - “how all the members of team avatar discover their bending abilities”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25003291 - “Sokka gives himself his first warrior’s wolf tail” (pure fluff :DD)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24580543 -Sokka throws his first boomerang https://archiveofourown.org/works/24720004 - why Sokka never grew his hair out- child soldier/ insecurity stuff
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24384172 - Sokka tells his dad about Yue 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/686093 - Sokka asks piandao to continue training him
https://archiveofourown.org/works/582971 - Sokka visits piandao to make a new sword and ask a question
https://archiveofourown.org/works/570663 - kinda piandao centric, but also Sokka centric? Piandao’s backstory and father figure feels :)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/566995 - Sokka believes he’s simply ordinary, nothing special about him
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11580402 - “we do not induct children into the Order, Piandao!”
-there needs to be more Sokka and Piandao fics and I’m pissed because there’s more Zuko and piandao fics then there is Sokka and piando what kinda bs is this??
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2676488 - kinda Yue centric but like Sokka centric too? It’s about her sacrifice and why, and the love she feels for him
https://archiveofourown.org/works/3443258 - it’s a full moon the night before Sokka and the other councilman judge a blood bender (set during that one ep in lok with that blood blender dude)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24872200 - Sokka and Bumi (katara’s kid) have a sleepover. Sokka and old wounds
-I’m surprised there’s not more of them. Yue is always mentioned in Sokka centric fics, but not really the center of it
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24059851/chapters/57900052 - Sokka and Momo. I think this is spirit sensitive Sokka story abt Sokka being able to process his grief (also friendship with Momo yes)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/567004 - Sokka and boomerang, right after the war
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13064682 - an au of sorts, dealing with a spirit in the southern water tribe that steals ppl. And like it’s sorta the only Kya and Sokka fanfic out there?? As far as I’m aware anyway
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25209895 - a Sokka character study: he has more to him than meets the eye
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24636988 - Sokka before Aang, this is explaining why he’s the way he is
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12611212 - Sokka meets a wolf spirit in the spirit world who questions his worth
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17201468/chapters/40447214 - haven’t actually read this srry all I know is that it’s time travel au, Sokka centric, and is one of the only stories with a lot of chapters (11 as of now)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/331690/chapters/535433 - “a series of unrelated drabbles centered around Sokka and his awesomeness” -29 chapters as of now (I haven’t read this one either)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/155711 -finally a story where Sokka is a strategic genius using his brains to help his friends and politics- set after the war
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15992618 - Sokka and Space Sword, an interesting take for what happened after the war, where there isn’t rlly any good guys in war, and Sokka tries to find his sword
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2960030 - set after the war, Sokka returns to the South Pole and finds himself again as just the regular guy
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24722083 - Sokka’s thoughts on himself
https://archiveofourown.org/works/259980 - an au ofsorts, Katara dies by Azula and Aang is missing, and wars don’t just end- Sokka is vry cool in this
https://archiveofourown.org/works/7547833 - Sokka and Kya II-  Sokka has to sit through kya’s singing of secret tunnel (pure fluff :D)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/887394 - Sokka and Kaatang’s and One of Toph’s kids (Sokka babysits, also HE INVENTS DND WHAT MORE COULD U WANT!!!) pure fluff :DD
https://archiveofourown.org/works/4949257 - Uncle Sokka and Bumi’s relationship oof
-Uncle Sokka is highly underrated and so is Sokka’s relationship with his mom. I will also never get enough of character study fics
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What have I learned?? People who are writing a story about Sokka should tag that story as SOKKA CENTRIC. It’ll give ur fic more love, and make it easier for ppl who love Sokka to find a fic about him. Also, on tumblr you see all these great analyses on Sokka, with theories like Spirit sensitive!Sokka, or Sokka working for the white lotus, and yet there are hardly any fics on it??? The untapped potential?!?! We also have no idea what Sokka does in the future (still salty LOK) so this gives us a lot of room to imagine and create stories! Like I need a fanfic on how Sokka does wtf??? You’d have thought that with this atla renaissance and people gaining a new found respect and admiration for Sokka’s character, that there’d be more Sokka focused fics, but nope :( 
I’ve noticed that those who like Sokka don’t contribute to the fandom fic wise and guys we gotta step up (like I’m one to talk lol I’m gonna try and write some fics I swear!) 
Also if you still want more Sokka fics I suggest searching in the tags bender Sokka, water bender Sokka, and fire bender Sokka. I also suggest that you go to fanfiction.net. I know it’s old, but so is this fandom, which means a lot of fics are there too. It’s easier to wade through the fics on fan fiction.net than AO3 simply bc of how little tags you can put there, so if Sokka is tagged, you know he actually plays a part in the story (no shade on AO3 I love it but sometimes it’s hard to find stuff bc the tagging system relies on the people knowing how to use tags, and the avatar fandom does not, but that’s bc it’s old)
Anyway, LOVE SOKKA MORE and don’t forget to reblog and let other ppl get access to these fics bc I know I would have loved it if someone made an entire list! (And organized it lol I never thought I was capable of organizing)
And now I'm gonna tag the ppl who commented on that one post who wanted me to make it @talonsandsuch @ships-and-shitty-decisions @dearestpartnerofgreatness 
131 notes · View notes
karasunowos · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
—rules for requesting!
first, i only do fluff, or angst. i do not write nsfw! only slight nsfw! i'm still improving writing nsfw so,,, yEp
please be specific or whatever that means i'm really dumb for sometimes not understanding situation you wanted.
yes! i am still improving at writing! it's been 3 years that i am writing. i stopped writing because of school. sorry if i disappoint you if i worked your request.
if you request something that contains manga spoiler, i can accept that but only sometimes! i don't want to spoil everyone ;-;
icon packs
anime series you can only request from me!
ensemble stars!
toilet bound hanako kun
demon slayer
bungou stray dogs
requesting for headcannons!
—how to request headcannons?
here's how to request headcannons!
“can i request an relationship hc/s with bokuto, dazai, and rei? fluff please!”
that's simple! i might do angst choices and fluff choices for everyone!
like uhm,,, “angst!au, 1. when s/o gives up on *character* because of overprotective? ”
so confusing ikr Im so sorry JSKSISIS
genre you can only choose: fluff, romance, angst, mafia!au, slight nsfw
requesting for imagines!
—how to request imagines?
actually requesting imagines from me is kinda hard but i like it too im-
it's like for requesting headcannons too!
“can i request where s/o became a manager of *team/unit* then how will *character* fell in love with her imagine?”
it's almost like a headcannon i can't-
BEWARE OF GRAMMARS OMG english is not my first language sobs
genre u can request: angst, fluff, romance, soulmates!au, ( any except nsfw )
requesting for smau!
—how to request sm!au?
fUCk yes here it is folks
yes i do requests for smau
how to request? well, here it is
only message me! don't ever request in my ask for smau ;;
i pick 3-5 type of smau ( example: roommate smau *cough* read worst of you fheudhsjdh, mafia!au *cOugh* soon )
genres i do: angst, fluff, romance, schoolmates, soulmates, manager, producer ( except nsfw )
it depends on the genre and the request if the series is long or short!
i do q&a after the series is done! you can ask about the character's pasts, any!
request for icon packs!
—how to request icon packs?
i actually dk why i called it icon packs im cakckling
okay so here's how request icons from me!
“can you do mitsuri pink messy icons? thank u!” pls message me! i will send you some filters that you wanted skdjdsks you might be disappointed if i did not show what u rlly wanted
request for taglist!
—how to be in the taglist of my smau/s?
i definitely forgot about this but i remembered by someone tHanKyoU you are my life savior
how to be in the taglist? here it is folks
message me or ask me! pls be my friend too sjdiedieiekd and make sure u read all of the updates! uwu
done! check masterlist here!
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himbopietro · 5 years
it’s late, I’m sad, it’s time for a tag game!
The other thread was getting a bit too long for my koelomg so I’m maksiug a nene post !! I was tagged by @caminc91 thank you love!!
pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions, don’t cheat. tag 10 (or however many) people.
   1.  breaking bad
   2.  arrested development
   3.  stranger things
   4.  anne with an e
   5.  bojack horseman
❥ who is your favorite character in 2?
Gob. Without a shadow of a doubt. Gob is the funniest fucking character in this show. Maybe I relate way too much to Gob. Gay? Very unstable? A dumbass? Kind of a dick? Kind of shit at so called talents? But very entertaining? Fuck yeah, that me. Also Gob is mineable tho. And I love him so fucking much. I listen to that damn fake album like all the time. It ain’t easy being white is so fucking funny shoot me with a nerf gun
❥ who is your least favorite character in 1?
That nazi fuckin ass who I’m not assed to remember or look up his name. Todd? The one who looks like Joel Egerton and is in that Star Trek black mirror episode. Also Bogdan and his fuckin eyebrows can like ,, choke on a dick. Oh and also Spooge and his wife. That poor kid man :(
It’s weird because the character I hate so much, and think is despicable is ,, Walter. But he’s not my least favourite because I love the way he’s written, you know?? This question is hard when there’s only literally like ,, a handful of actually morally good characters in the show.
❥ what is your favorite episode of 4?
  2.07 I think !! Okay I love Anne but like I literally don’t remember too good what exactly happens in each episode but this is the one with Aunt Josephine and this is just very gay and I love it and it’s WONDERFUL
Also I love any episode that has a lot of focus on Jerry bc I love him
Also any Bash and Gilbert centric episode is pretty kickass
❥ what is your favorite season of 5?
  Season 4! I nearly said season 5 because two of my favourite episodes are in it (dog days are over + free churro ,, god damn these two hit home) and also rami malek is in it but .. season four has the old sugarman place, time’s arrow, ruthie and hooray! Todd episode .. and all in all this has like one of the best narratives throughout and ugh this just ,, hits home in so many fuckin areas!! And hollyhock is one of the best characters ever and aghhh.. And this has the most growth in bojack and agh ,, the end of this one is just so.. I cried.
❥ who is your favorite couple in 3?
 Hopper/Joyce. These two are just so sweet. Also David and Winona are so pure too. Like .. this is all just perfect ughhhh!!Please just take Hopper on a fucking date. I’m fucking begging you. Take Jim on a fucking DATE. PLEASE. Jim my poor love :((
❥ who is your favorite couple in 2?
 There’s like no serious fuckin relationship in this show. And while it isn’t ,, rlly canon yet Gob/Tony ,, bc sAmE this is just ,, very gay and very funny lmao. But if we’re going canon George Michael/Egg (I actually forgot her name. I feel so bad. I’m calling her egg) because that shit is comedic gold.
❥ what is your favorite episode of 1?
U G H so difficult !! Here are my top 4 because this is too hard:
-Fly : because this shit is chock full of symbolism and character development and revelations and you could write a full thesis about this episode. It’s so ,, self contained and dialogue heavy but you could analyze and dissect this for days. Which I love !!
Pilot: because it’s the perfectly crafted pilot. It’s perfect as a pilot. What more can I say.
-Felina: PERFECT CONCLUSION! PERFECT !! So fucking satisfying. Ends each character’s story so well. Also the song. Perfect. Ugh. Ties everything together perfectly. Ugh. This show is beautiful.
❥ what is your favorite episode of 5?
    UGH Here are my top 5 because I can’t choose
- Free Churro (the best fuckin monologue,,)
- The Old Sugarman Place (oh dear god it’s crying hours, also the song lin Manuel writes for this episode is bomb and makes me sob)
- Time’s Arrow (crying hours again)
- Dog Days Are Over (this hit home way too hard. I reblog sets from this constantly.)
- Ruthie (UGHHHHHH THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL and heartbreaking it ,, also hit home too hard :( )
❥ what is your favorite season of 2?
  Season 1! It’s just all very fresh and innovative and just .. comedic gold. All of it. Fuck ,, I will never forget the first time I watched season 1 of arrested development.
❥ how long have you watched 1?
I watched all 5 seasons in like ,, 2 months like ,, a year and a half ago. I was 15, and I started watching this show during my mocks lmao bad idea
❥ how did you become interested in 3?
 I watched it when it was new to Netflix after my dad was like , yo, you should watch this! And I was like, fuck yeah!! And then ,, I fell in love with it oof!!
❥ who is your favorite actor in 4?
Lucas Jade Zumann I think! Maybe slightly biased bc I loved him in 20th century women!
❥ which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
   Breaking Bad for sure. It’s regarded as one of the best shows of all time for a reason!!!! Just,, story and character wise ,, it’s all very beautifully crafted and the cinematography and the acting and the UGH ,, I literally watch so much video essays about this stupid fuckin show I LVOE IT
❥ which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3 ?
  Breaking Bad because .. there’s 5 seasons and stranger things only has three lmao!
❥ if you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
  Uh, Anne or Cole. I wish I had talent lmao. And also to be that cute and lovable lmao!
❥ would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
   Ahh ,, it shouldn’t, and won’t .. but I’d pay damn good money to see the stranger things cast in wholesome avonlea ,, or like ,, scifi horror elements in this pure period piece ,,
❥ pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?
Jesse X Happiness. :) please? please give him a break.
❥ overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
 Oh, man .. I really do love stranger things and it has like a. Really fodoof like storyline and overarching themes but like .. bojack is so real. It’s so ,, it cuts so so so deep. And it’s so moving even if half the characters are fuckin animals and called Princess Carolyn and Mister Peanutbutter. It’s just ,, it’s something else. So Bojack.
❥ which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?
  If I’m being honest I haven’t really been paying attention to either of the music in either of thejsen shows so like ??? I’m doing tos aha Anne because I do think I remember the music being like ,, really good?
I’m gonna rag @emforrest @thedeacywaltz @queen-rogerina-mercury @somedeadredshirt @emilyenchanted4 !!! If duii wnwnr to of course !!!
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appreciation station
buckle up my little galaxy, it’s time for STARSHINE GETS SAPPY ABOUT NEW YEAR’S AND RAMBLES LIKE A LOON
so, i just wanna start by saying how much i love this community? like, as a whole? this was the first online fandom i became so invested in! i did write fic before this, primarily for vld (this was back when we had, like, 2 seasons and there was still hope). but i was never a PART of that community - the discourse was just too much and the fandom was too big for me to truly get invested, y’know? 
this is the first real online community i’ve become a part of and BOY do i love it. you all made me feel SO LOVED and SO WELCOME and honestly sometimes you go through some shit in your life and you just need people to be sunshiney and oh my lord do you people have it in SPADES. every time i’ve needed a pick me up, you have all been so loving and wonderful and supportive and incredibly patient when fic takes forever (i’m working on that, i promise). so basically, thank you all. you’re all incredible.
there are, of course, a few people who deserve to be recognized by name and i’m sticking THAT nonsense below the cut, so if this is where you stop reading, please know that i love and appreciate every single one of you, and we are going to GET this BREAD in 2019 BITCHES. it’s the year of the bisexual, and i’m gonna make it my (bi)tch. <3 
@accio-hufflepuff-power1 NICKY!!! you were one of the very first people to ask to be tagged in my writing! (i think you were the first one, actually). i think you’re amazing, and i know i’m shitty at answering messages but i love you so much you’re such a gr8 friend 
@the-frosty-doctor WE BECAME MUTUALS BACK WHEN YOU WERE STILL GOING BY romaning-daydreams DO YOU REMEMBER? you were my very first sanders sides mutual and you were the very first person to hear about lovely dark and deep! that fic would never exist without you, and i’ll be grateful forever. 
@ironwoman359 HEY TAAAAAAYLOOOOOR so you reblogged every single pattonella piece with commentary and honestly that commentary is one of the things that inspired me to keep writing it. i would sit there and refresh the notes and wait for you to see it and rb it and now we’re BUDS and it’s GREAT you’re such a gr8 writer i rlly look up to you i’m still amazed that you follow lil’ ol’ me you’re great i love you <3 
@ethospathoslogan PETTY! BITCH! WIFE! i was so incredibly fucking nervous to talk to you bc i had read and fangirled over your fic for like, three weeks before i ever messaged you. (also i thought you were like 24, but that’s more down to my inability to read roman numerals than anything). but i was SO HAPPY that we started talking bc i think you’re AMAZING and you’re the loml babe i’m so happy to be your wife. i love your work and i love you and you were my first internet wife i stan you so hard. 
@breloomings DANIEL!!! i was so nervous to talk to you bc your art is SO GOOD and it makes me SO HAPPY and i really hope you’re doing okay! i know we haven’t talked in a few months bc we’re both so busy but i really, truly hope that you’re doing okay and i hope we get to talk a lot more soon! 
@backatthebein RILEY you were one of the very first people i befriended! you were a huge supporter of pattonella just like taylor was and you always encouraged me even when i didn’t have any confidence in myself. i have had plenty of anxiety crises with you in earshot, and you’ve always been there for me. i love you so much, riley, you’ve always been in my corner and i hope you know i’m always in yours. plus, you send me great posts all the time! they’re either analogical or bisexual memes or memes in general or positivity support and honestly you’re amazing i love you sm 
@notveryglittery DAAAAANIIIII do you remember when you sent me an ask like OMG YOU FOLLOWED ME I’M SO HONORED and i realized that i hadn’t and i was like “THAT IS A CRIMINAL MISTAKE!” so i followed you on the SPOT. (tbh i thought i was following you already, i think tumblr unfollowed you for me bc tumblr.) you’re the royality stan to my analogical stand and i absolutely adore that we hardcore ship along an axis bc it makes writing fic SO MUCH FUN! usually if i have analogical i also have royality and vice versa with your writing and it’s just. mmm. yes. iconic. i love you so much, you’re so creative and inventive and supportive and you’re beautiful. 
@shesavampirequeen AAAARIIIIIIEEEEELL! we first met bc you popped into my inbox to say “hey” once and you just kept coming back! i actively looked for you in my inbox bc seeing you always made my day, and i always looked forward to your comments! and then i learned you were ALSO an analogical stan and my heart was SOLD! you’re sweet and funny and so, so kind and i am SO happy that i reached out to get to know you better bc it was one of the best decisions of my life. you’re absolutely amazing in every way, ari, and i love you <3
@bumblebeekitten BEEEEEE BEE BEE BEE BEE BEE! i first met YOU because i asked for questions about ldad lore to take my mind off my computer being broken. you YEETed yourself into my askbox and you asked like twelve thousand questions and they were all about things i hadn’t even thought about before! and that was GREAT because while i was busy answering your questions, i completely forgot the panic attack i’d been having about my computer! and now we’re BFFS and we’re WIVES and we’re RP PARTNERS and i honestly love all of the above! you’re so creative and talented and beautiful and i love you so, so much. i’m so happy we’re friends now <3 
@fangirltothefullest T A S H I! we first met because you reblogged one of my sneak previews of lovely dark and deep and said “i would love to do fanart of this!” and then i YEETED MY PHONE ACROSS THE ROOM and screamed for five minutes. i STILL can’t believe that we’re friends, you’re so amazing and sweet and awesome! i love our rp, i love that i took one look at your fusions and was like ALL OF THESE ARE MINE NOW ALLOW ME TO WRITE ALL YOUR FUCKING LORE and you were like THAT SOUNDS N E A T I’M TOTALLY DOWN TO LET YOU DO THAT! and now i co-mod the blog and just. halk;fas;dlkfj alskdf .asf ad. i am so INCREDIBLY LUCKY to have met you and i’m so grateful that you let me do this and i’m so happy that we’re bffs bc i love you so much, honey. you’re amazing <3 
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cleverbroadwayurl · 6 years
Some AUs that I Love
Okay so I made a giant list of AUs, prompts, and other things that I love so that you guys could reblog/request/get inspiration from them! I know some are really similar, but honestly that just means I really love that trope! Please feel free to reblog these and use them for your own purposes! I’ll update this list as time goes on, I’m sure, as I’ve had a running list for a long time that was just on my phone. I also don’t own any of these (besides 152 and 196). 
it’s 3 am and I’m still in the library studying for finals and I’m losing my grip on reality and I think I just saw a ghost
I thought I was the only one who liked the waffle station in the cafeteria
it’s 3am, in the dead of winter, some motherfucker pulled/set off the fire alarm and I am being very vocal about how I’m gonna make that fucker pay
The guy with the bibles on the quad has cornered me and is screaming about hell, please rescue me
You’re the only one who actually responded to the desperate message I sent to the whole class about needing the notes
'i ordered a pumpkin spice latte at starbucks and you made a heart with the foam and i decided to drink it here so i can smile at you some more’ au
you walked here in a blizzard to get your hot chocolate but you forgot your wallet at home, here, let me buy your drink for you
we’re at the mall when there’s a severe weather warning over the loudspeakers, guess we’re spending the night here
“I work at a department store and if you take out and unfold a shirt and then leave it one more time I’m going to stuff it down your throat” AU
“You saw me reading the same book you did and we got into a heated discussion on how much it sucks” AU
“You have just witnessed me cry over the ending to my favorite game before class began please don’t ever tell anyone about this.”
“I’ve never talked to you before but the teacher just used us as an example for a scenario where we are married.”
“I’m exhausted, feverish, and hacking up a lung, and the student health center’s first suggestion was pregnancy, can you help me get to the ER in town” AU
“I know that this probably isn’t a good idea but it’s included in the meal plan and I’m stressed out, so I keep hitting the ice cream sundae bar in the buffet style dining hall at least a couple times a week” AU
bonding solely via eye contact over that annoying person on our plane that we’re both slowly becoming more and more exasperated about au
you fell asleep and i started making funny faces at your kid to keep them amused and the steward mistook us for a couple au
actually, any mistaken for a couple au
having to SHARE A LIVING SPACE FOR ARBITRARY FIC REASONS. having to see each other in their pajamas first thing in the morning, messy haired, drowsy eyed and soft faced. going from “you can have the bathroom first” to brushing their teeth beside each other and feeling like this closeness has always existed (at the same time, painfully aware that it won’t always).
bed sharing. :^) we all pretend we’re bigger than this but we are not. 
'room mate has a nightmare and doesn’t want to sit alone at night’ au 
'room mate gets sick and needs tissues and cough sweets and soup’ au
ok but a ‘your apartment is next to/above mine and i can hear you and your partner dancing and singing and the bed moving and you two laughing and talking in hussed tones and it won’t let me sleep so i bitch about it to you 24/7 and one day it stops and one day turns to one week and then months and i haven’t seen you smile in forever please let me     in, i’ve been knocking for ten minutes’ au.
Don’t tell anyone you saw me crying AU
did you actually just blue shell me on our date you fucker
I’m calling to cancel our date because I’m actually in the ER right now, sorry. …I mean, sure, I guess you can come down here, but… okay…
You’re my waiter and I’m on a really crappy date with an asshole
'i’m having a minor breakdown in the middle of bed bath and beyond and you’re a bewildered shopper who wants to buy plates but also to make sure i’m okay bc im wailing a little bit in the kitchenware section’ au
“I’m in a bookshop and I really need that book can you get it for me??? Wait you’ve read that book? let’s have an in depth conversation about it.”
“You were trying to reach for a box of cereal and a whole shelf’s-worth of cereal boxes fell on you here let me help”
“We’re on the bus and I’m really not trying to take up your space I’m sorry I just have rlly rlly long legs” 
“You’re afraid that you’ll lose me in big crowds so you always hold my hand but now you just hold my hand when there’s only, like, five people around and I’m getting vry suspicious” 
It’s like 3AM and my roommate locked me out of the house and I forgot my keys and I’m really drunk pls take pity on me and let me crash at your place for the night o’ neighbor of mine AU
The walls in this apartment building are really thin and I can hear you having mental breakdowns all the time are you okay? AU
“I barely know you but my boyfriend just broke up with me and you heard me crying so you brought over ice cream and movies” AU
I was in a hurry and I ran into you outside the coffee shop while you were carrying two lattes and it turns out they were both for you except that now you’re wearing them I’m so sorry
‘i offer you my bed to sleep in bc our respective roommates are getting it on in your room and take the sofa to sleep on only i wake up back in my bed with your tiny body wrapped around me and damn me if it isn’t the cutest thing i’ve ever seen’ au
You passed out in my car because of strong medication and now I have to figure out how to get you home and avoid taking a picture of your cute sleeping face.” 
 “Hi so i know we haven’t talked before but we have French Literature together and i noticed you’ve been gone and since we’re on the same dormitory floor i thought i’d stop by and give you my really thorough notes and oh wow you’re rEALLY sick are you ok?” 
you look so good and so many people are trying to pick you up and I can only sit in the corner and seethe, and now people are giving me concerned looks
“I’m going to take care of you, okay?”
“Stay the night. Please.”
“I just did some calculations, and I’ve been able to determine that you’re full of shit.”
“You’re so cute when you’re half asleep like this…”
[text]: So I might be in a hospital right now…
 I’m worried about your coffee dependency
  “My shower’s broken but I’ve got a date tonight could I possibly use your shower please?” “Oh sure (neighbour that I’ve been crushing on for the past six months) of course you can use my shower to get ready for your date (fuck fuck fuck)”
There’s a person who won’t stop bugging me will you pretend to be my partner so that they’ll fuck off?
meeting while waiting for hours on end in the emergency room au
‘i’m pretending to be ur bff bc u looked VERY uncomfortable with that person at the bar hitting on u’ AU
“We live in adjacent apartments and our bedrooms are on opposite sides of a very thin wall and one night I heard you crying and talked to you through the wall” AU
“we work at the same office and never really interacted but suddenly we’ve been taken hostage” AU
“at a concert and you kinda saved me from being trampled” AU
“can i borrow your blanket? i need to cry.” AU
‘im really sorry i keep staring but i dreamed about you horribly dying last night and i just wanted to make sure you dont spontaneously combust’
‘i drew you a mathematical heart curve for valentine’s day u nerd’
“I’m a waiter/waitress and you always sit in my section. I really like you and i thought you liked me back until you walked in here with a date, w h o o p s would you look at that I keep spilling stuff on them” au
Another waiter/waitress one: “You always come to this place and never talk much, but now these two assholes are harassing me and you step in and defend me” au
“My friends dared me to go on this rollercoaster but now that we’re at the top it looks way too scary and hellO hot person sitting next to me (careful i might puke)” au
“My significant other just broke up with me and I impulse bought like 5 pizzas. Can you help me eat them and make me feel less like shit?” AU
“You’re a store clerk and oh shit I just spotted my ex please let me hide behind your desk-thing” AU
"This has been a very bad week and you just grabbed the last box of my favorite comfort food at the supermarket” AU
“You crashed into me on your bicycle but I’m actually okay, you on the other hand look like you need some first aid” au
“this is totally awkward considering before this the only interactions we’ve ever had have been casual nods to each other in the hallway but there’s a huge fucking spider in my bath tub and you seem like the friendly neighbor type please help me” au
“it’s the middle of the night and i’m walking home alone in the dark and there’s this guy following me and he’s starting to gain on me and i found this phone booth with a lock on the door and i tried to call my best friend but my hands were shaking so badly i accidentally dialed the wrong number and i don’t even know you but help me” au
“we’ve been pen pals for like hella months and we finally decided to meet up and damn your cute, also did you break up with your jerk bf/gf yet?” au
“i was out in public and had an anxiety attack and you left your friends to give me some chocolate and talk me through it, so tysm” au
“idk you but you were getting hit on in public and you look super uncomfortable so i walked over and pretended to be your bf/gf, but hey while we’re at it, do you wanna go get some food?” au
You and I ride the same bus home every day but never talk but then you fell asleep and sorry to wake you up (you look really cute in your sleep) but it’s your stop next
it’s exam week and i run a coffee shop near the campus and you walked right into my glass door i’m laughing so hard oh my god
you started screaming bloody murder and i could hear you from my apartment and i thought something was horribly wrong but it turned out to be just a spider. and after i squashed it with a slipper you coerced me into being your spider-savior
“you’re super short and i’m sorry but it’s really really cute whenever you try to reach that book on the top shelf here lemme help you- oh no don’t be embarrassed, your face is all red and you’re even more adorable now i am going to die” au
“you fell asleep on my shoulder on the plane ride and i  would ask you to move but you look so comfy and adorable when you sleep. also you smell really good and the feeling of your breath on my skin is somewhat relaxing, maybe we can go out to lunch in this shitty airport when you wake up?” au
“i’m a quiktrip worker and whenever I work a night shift, you always arrive and buy like 3 cans of redbull and you look exhausted, do you need some help? are you okay?” au
“i catch you at the bus terminal shivering your ass off because it’s 30 degrees and for some godforsaken reason you’re wearing a short sleeve t shirt, so out of pity i lend you my hoodie and you look so surprised it’s the cutest thing i’ve ever seen, setting aside the fact that you’re a goddamn idiot, do you want to get sick?” au
(cont.) “you look so sad and cold that i just tell you to keep my hoodie b/c you obviously need it more than i do. a week later i see you at a coffee shop/book store/etc. and you’re wearing my hoodie which you look so fucking tiny and cute in, and you just saw me and you look super embarrassed; you offer me it back but i tell you it suits you more and we end up talking and i buy you a drink” au
i tried to call a crisis hotline but got one number off and started ranting for 10 minutes before you got to speak and tell me i got the wrong number but now you’re worried about me and telling me not to hang up
Character A has been working at a retail store during the night/early morning of Black Friday and is so tired, but they need to stay awake so that they can drive home. Character A stops at Character B’s small coffee shop—which opened early in case people came in at 4am—and Character A accidentally falls asleep in a very comfortable chair while waiting on their coffee. Character B lets them sleep and even gets a blanket out of the back room to cover Character A
You’ve been missing for 5 months and suddenly you turn up at my doorstep with a huge scar across your face, looking more grim than when you left and won’t talk about what happened.
You usually only order hot chocolate and yet today you’re ordering something with six shots of espresso, are you okay??? Are you gonna die???
I just took a super dangerous job and you’re trying to talk me out of it, but we really need the money
You always bring your dates here to the restaurant I wait at and now you’re here alone…you okay mate?
We are trapped in a bank during a robbery
I saw you sleeping on the couch in the lounge in the morning, but now it’s like 5 pm and you’re still here. Are you okay?
I don’t know how we ended up having to sit next to each other on a roller coaster ride—sorry I fell against you  and grabbed your hand a couple times
“You’re so small”
“I can’t breathe”
“Fight me”
“Whose head do I have to rip off?”
“Don’t you ever fucking touch them again”
Found the other in an alleyway under the influence of drugs/alcohol and brought them home
“Why am I your emergency contact?”
“Wait, you actually stayed the night?”
“If he’s going to treat you like shit, I’m gong to kick his ass.”
“I just want to cuddle and watch friends.
“I want my best friend back”
“If I ever see you anywhere near her, you’ll have to deal with me!”
“Fuck…I feel like I’ve been hit by a car”
“Who gave you that black eye?!”
“Are you drunk?”
“You got her pregnant?! What were you thinking?”
“It’s a hobby of mine to prove you wrong.”
“We should get you to a hospital.”
I’m on a terrible date and you’re my waiter please help me
“Please don’t touch me”
“Does he know about the baby?”
“Don’t fucking touch me!”
“Game’s over son of a bitch! Tell me where she is!”
“Look at me—just breathe, okay?”
“Shit, are you bleeding?”
“You haven’t touched your food. What’s going on?”
“You can’t die. Please don’t die.”
“That guy at the bar keeps staring at you.”
“You’re safe now. I’ve got you.”
“Do you want to stay over tonight?”
“Every guy you date is a total jerk and I have to watch you get heartbroken over and over again because you can’t see that I love you!”   
We were snuggling in our underwear when my roommate came home early from vacation now you have to try and sneak down the fire     escape while I distract them with really terrible small talk
I don’t really know you but I noticed that this creep has been trying to chat you up even though you’ve already turned him down, so I’ll pretend to be your boyfriend/girlfriend until they leave you alone
It’s 2 am, we’re standing outside of our apartment building because someone pulled the fire alarm, and you look cold and unprepared, do you want to share my blanket?
We share a class at university and you forgot your notebook under your desk but luckily your phone number’s written inside PS: your doodles are pretty cool
I got stood up on a date and you were just grabbing dinner—shit my ex is here, sit down and pretend to laugh at something I said attractive stranger
Our flats are opposite each other and your kitchen window faces my kitchen so we always see each other making coffee at 3am.
Imagine you’ve been stood up by your douche of a boyfriend on date night and the waitress keeps asking if you’re ready to order but you keep asking for more time hoping that he’s just late. People are starting to look at you with those apologetic looks like they now and you start to feel worse and worse about the whole situation but as you decide to just get up and leave, this boy you’ve never seen sits down explaining loudly “Sorry, I’m so late, traffic is crazy right now.” He quietly adds “I’m [name]. Just go with it, yeah? Whoever didn’t bother to show up is a dick.” And so you go with it because he’s sweet and trying to save you (and plus he’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen) and as you’re leaving the restaurant after the best non-planned date ever, he asks you out for real this time.
I’ve been texting my friend for about a week now and they don’t reply but turns out I was texting a random person and there was some deep personal stuff I sent oh my god why are they calling me now (+bonus if the person calls at 2am)
“Look I don’t mean to pry but you’ve been wearing the same outfit for three days and I just want to check that you’ve slept?” “Okay obviously not because you just passed out in the hallway holy shit what do I do?”
You’re the bartender and you catch someone slipping something into my drink
You’re the perpetual frowner in class and one day as I’m answering the teacher I intentionally make a very cheesy pun and I can hear crickets but you’re laughing out loud and that makes me feel very much accomplished
I come to this café pretty much every day after work and by now you know my order by heart and even wave at me when I come in
I brought you to my friend’s wedding as my plus one and it was really fun and all but now it’s the end of the night and we’re sitting alone together at the reception and all these twinkle lights and flowers everywhere are causing a hell of a lot of romantic tension between us and ohhhhhhhhh
We were the only two to show up to class because it was cancelled but stay inside to finish work and ‘Hey, are you good at math?’
You’re my neighbor who got drunk and thought this was your apartment but I can’t just send you back home when you keep crying and venting about all of these awful things happening to you
I’m always terrified no matter how many times someone draws my blood. And even though you don’t need to be there when the guy comes     in to take it you always stay with me and talk to me to calm me down and     hold my hand
There’s this creepy person asking me out over text and could you pretend to be my significant other?
“How much did you drink?”
I’m a little drunk and I tried to call my ex back and I typed in your number and you had to hear a long emotional rant ohmygod I’m mortified but you left me a really sweet voicemail aw
The coffee machine stopped working and you’re cramming for finals please don’t cry
I accidentally gave you the wrong dosage of your medication and now we’d better get to the hospital before you pass out and possibly die
Lady and the Tramp AU
“The manager says the only reason the restaurant where we work at is popular is because people enjoy eating while watching our relentless flirting with each other but I swear to God we’re not flirting???”
“It’s Valentine’s Day and I’m single and you want to cheer me up but you can’t cook nor bake to save your life so you make me hot chocolate instead and it is delicious and I think I love you???” AU.
We bump into each other every Friday at the supermarket to buy the same ice cream and maybe we should eat it together?
“You’re the jerk-face customer that keeps on thumbing through their phone while ordering their drink so I exact revenge by spelling your name wrong on your cup and drawing phallic pictures on your coffee”
You’re my roommate who’s super cute and you’re cramming for your exams in your flannel pajamas and disheveled hair and it’s becoming     increasingly hard for me not to kiss you.
"We work together and I stayed after a couple minutes and I saw you on the intercom pretending you were at the Hollywood Bowl with Beyoncé and not to be weird but you're adorable ??"
“It’s our mutual friend’s wedding and they keep shoving us into each other because we’re the only ones at the ceremony who are single”
“I’m sick so you make me chicken soup and I’m really grateful but I’ve also seen you read books on magical spells and potion-making so I’m not sure if I should drink your soup in case it turns me into a toad”
“I’m a perpetual frowner and most certainly not a morning person and I work part-time at a breakfast bar and your disheveled hair and content smile as you eat my waffles and scrambled eggs is the only thing that can get me to smile”
“You’re the health-conscious med student and I’m the chain-smoking art student who’s also your barista and you leave me notes on smoking and lung health on your napkins and also a 20-page essay on lung cancer tucked under your saucer” AU.
“I’m egging a random person’s house to relieve stress and you join me and as it turns out the house belongs to your ex and now they are chasing us as well as the police and now we’re both in jail waiting to be bailed so um you wanna talk about it?”
“I’m a fashion major and I’m working on my illustrations and maybe I’ve had too much coffee but I swear I just saw one of the mannequins move so here I am calling you in the middle of the night please help I’m scared” AU.
“I lied and said I could speak a different language to impress my crush but now he wants me to tutor him so I need to become fluent in Mandarin in 3 days HELP”
“I’m taking this Literature class to fill a Gen Ed, and for the love of God I can’t figure out this dumb poem. Here, you’re an English Major, please help me write this stupid paper” au
“I hope one day you’re as happy as you’re pretending to be”
“I think I picked up your coffee by mistake”
“I want my best friend back”
“I’ll be right over”
“I’m so stupid to make the mistake of falling in love with my best friend.”
“Is there a special reason why you’re wearing my shirt?”
“It’s okay to cry”
“Look at me--just breathe okay?”
“She’s been missing since Friday and you’re not worried?” 
“We have to pretend that we’re married.”
“Why can’t they see that they’re meant for each other?” 
“You did all this for me?”
“You’re safe now. I’ve got you.” 
“You’ve only heard his side of the story. You never asked mine.”
While closing up Character A finds that they’re completely snowed in and the roads are blocked. Character B--another employee/a regular that stayed late--gets out two mugs and offers to make Character A a cup of hot cocoa while they wait for the snow to clear.
“how much did you drink?”
“You deserve better. It doesn’t have to be me, but you deserve better.”
“Please just hold my hand, that person’s basically undressing me with their eyes.”
Teacher from one department falls in love with teacher from another department AU
You found me singing a sad song on the fire escape a floor below you and you came down to ask me if something was wrong and I broke down and told you everything while you awkwardly sat there patting my head while I wept into your shoulder.
We sit across from each other on the train/tube everyday and I’m not sure how but we’ve ended up with this weird, silent, almost-friendship where we share “wtf” looks when we see another passenger doing something weird or telling a bizarre story and a few times I’ve almost gotten you to break and laugh out loud, but today you’re sitting with someone and I think they must be your partner because they are really in your space, but you shoot me a silent look that clearly screams ‘get this creep away from me’ and I’m all for that. AU
It’s the middle of winter and my heater went out and you let me stay at your place so I don’t freeze to death. God bless you.
Why are you crying in the hallway?? Are you okay?? Let’s go to my place, I have ice cream and Netflix.
I work in the library and I’m a little concerned for your health bc you never stop studying. 
I’ve been standing in line at the coffee shop for hours and you casually cut through for your drink but also buy me my favorite blend and now I’m not so sure what to make of you AU
“I don’t get sick”
“It’s not fun anymore, I’m dizzy...”
“We need to get this fever down”
“If you don’t stop soon, we’re going to the ER.”
You didn’t get a blanket on this flight so I figured we could share mine. You look cold okay? NO I AM NOT BLUSHING
You walked into the student lounge on our dorm floor and saw me cry-studying and walked out and now you’re back with coffee and a bag of chips and I’m seriously debating proposing to you with my ring pop
I kept getting harassed by some creepy person as I was trying to study and they’re not picking up on my ‘fuck off’ vibes and I started to actually get scared and then you put a coffee in front of my face and called me babe and scared them away thank you please let me buy you a new one on me oh you have a really cute smile when you’re shy
So I heard you get into this huge fight with someone and I know we’ve only exchanged genial smiles but I just wanted to check that you’re okay AU
You’re my adorably shy and awkward assistant who cares way too much about my love life and at a dance party you tell me to dance with the most attractive person in the room last so you can set up a date with them for me and when everyone’s gone I ask you to dance with me because you’re the prettiest person here to me duh AU
Your girlfriend decided to kick you out at 3 AM and I tripped over your boxes of shit in the hallways in my drunken trip to my apartment now I’m half passed out in a pile of your clothes AU
You asked who I had a crush on and so I described you to a tee but apparently you’re the most oblivious person in the world because you got kinda sad and nodded and HOW DO YOU NOT GET THIS AU
So your TV is facing the window and you’ve been watching Say Yes to the Dress for three days straight I just want to make sure you’re okay AU
You don’t eat nearly enough food and so I’ve gotten in the habit of making you lunches and bringing you deserts to make sure you don’t starve
My cereal is always on the bottom shelf but today they changed the layout so it’s on the top and I can’t reach it AND I WILL NOT ACCEPT YOUR HELP YOU GIANT AU
You are stupidly tall and you sit in front of me in class and I can’t see anything so I despise you with all of my soul AU
You are fiery and outspoken but you are so short that nobody pays any mind and I am so tall and have a huge crush on you so I just sort of follow you around making people listen to you AU
Person A getting startled by the New Years fireworks--not being fond of loud noises. Person B pulls them in for a deep kiss, completely distracting them from the exploding lights filling up the night sky
I was really drunk and you walked me safely back to my dorm room
My roommate brought you back to our apartment because apparently you got really drunk last night and needed someone to keep you safe and now you’re hungover and making pancakes and wow you’re cuTE
My ex runs one of the rides and I want to RUB IT IN THEIR FACE hold my hand and by the way when the camera takes a pic imma lean over and kiss you okay AU
69 notes · View notes
dreammutual-remade · 6 years
high school!donghyuck
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request: idk if you’re taking reqs but i really like ur highscool aus so if u want to write one abt hyuck ill be :^))))))) - anonymous
word count: 5.1k
a/n: oof its been awhile unnies!!!! ive had exams for the past two weeks and I still have exams now so im sorry for not posting anything but reblogs with headassery in the tags!!! we are continuing the high school series n renjun is next!! since I got like 3 requests for him !!!!! hhehhehehheheh its gonna b cute <3 anyways hope u enjoy this I love my lil duckie baby
mark, renjun, jeno, donghyuck, jaemin, chenle, jisung
big oof i’m gonna cry while writing this
i’m running out of creative ways to say let’s dive in
let us take the plunge
okay!!!!!!!!!! so you’ve been an editor/writer for the school paper for pretty much all of your high school career
you’re not super well known though because you don’t try to take any credit for anything and always sign your pieces like “- the daily newspaper team” or smth 
anywhom you’ve always loved writing about the stuff around you or making up little short stories
one of your hobbies is just going people watching and trying to write down a brief description of people you see and what you think they’re on the way to do
you’ve befriended the baristas at your favorite spot, lucas and mark, and they always beg to read them but you never let them because mark is too nice to tell you it’s shit and lucas is too dumb to at least say it nicely
you’ve got at least 6 notebooks FULL of these little stories but you’ve never really ? showed anyone because wow showing others your work is Scary
criticism ???/$&/&:&:&:
it’s midway through the first semester of the school year and you’ve been super busy since it’s football season and you gotta write about all the games
and you haven’t had much time to write your cute little stories for yourself and you miss it a lot :/
this weekend though the chance of rain is SUPER high so the football game is cancelled and you have plenty of time to yourself !! :D
there is, a setback tho
u fckin softie
you decide to tough it out though and get suited up in some polka dot rain boots and a rain jacket and set off to find somewhere to chill
as you’re walking to the nearest lil greenhouse/cafe thing it starts raining ,, ,,, hARDER
when you started it wasn’t rlly raining it was just like that weird tension in the air right before the air pressure drops and it starts to rain and you were already on edge OOF
but then it’s raining so you clutch your notebook to your chest and dash
usain bolt had nothing on you girly you were ZOOM ZOOM
broom broom- doyoung
unfortunately you don’t make it though because with you head down to keep the rain out of your eyes you run RIGHT into someone’s CHEST !!!!!!
hehe u know i’m a sucker for these god damn TROPES
your notebook goes flying and and the arms attached to the Chest That Caused Your Grief come up to catch you by the arms
“oh gOD sorry are you okay ??? i wasn’t looking and i was trying to keep my journal dr- MY JOURNALSDJDDD”
you fling yourself out of this boys arms and pick up your soaking wet journal sadly
:((((((( you had so many stories in there wtf
“oh shit i’m sorry do you uh want me to buy you another one ???”
“no that’s okay it wasn’t your fault :( and it’s just a journal i’m only sad because all my stories are gone :(((((“
you finally look up from your Ruined journal to see , the prettiest boy
you can’t tell for sure cause his hair is soaking wet but it’s a bright red that looks a bit faded and his skin is tanned and golden like HONEY OOF
he meets your eyes and awkwardly smiles and he looks so GUILTY AW
“no really it’s fine don’t feel bad!!”
“okay but i feel bad what can i do to make it up to you?”
“hMMM you could come help me think of wacky stories about people who walk past”
“well if you INSIST m’lady”
“aw, never mind”
so in the pouring rain you both walk to cafe and find a little corner to people-watch in
on the way there he tells you his name is donghyuck but his friends call him hyuck
“dude that’s the sound goofy makes when he laughs your friends are terrible”
“oh my god i don’t even think they know what they’re saying HsjdjHEHHS”
after a couple minutes of bad goofy impressions you decide to call him duckie instead because ,,,, GARSH MICKEY 🤠🤠🤠
also because it’s cute
you didn’t hear this from me but he uwued so hard rip his street cred with the Boys
anyways right before you settle in you’re like hey uh did you have somewhere to be like weren’t you heading places
and he was like nah i like the rain it’s nice to just walk around feels GOOD
your eyes widen so big and he snorts because what’s so ridiculous about that
your dramatic ass tries to get up and LEAVE but he grabs your wrist and is like noooo we haven’t even written any stories yet why do you hate rain so much ??
you explain how thunder is the work of the devil and that lightning could strike you down where you stand at any moment and storms are EVIL
he chuckles and side eyes you
“aW you big wimp you’re afraid of thunderstorms aren’t you”
“yES. like any sane person would be”
“you know a lot of people actually like storms”
“like i said, SANE people do not”
and then you change the subject right quick because your face is getting RED with embarrassment
you n donghyuck spend like 2 hours just sitting in the corner and writing little scenarios on napkins
“oh shit that girl over there with the french braids is TOTALLY gonna marry hipster beanie guy in two years. mark my words”
“idk y/n she lowkey has the hots for the barista”
“ ew you mean mark??”
“yeah. now THAT man is a work of art”
“god what is wrong with you maybe you should buy me another book”
“too late now we’re FRIENDS and i don’t owe you ANYTHING”
“being friends doesn’t work like that at all but, okay”
at the end of the day you’ve got a stack of napkins with scribbled notes on them
(one of them has donghyuck’s number on it skdkkfjd)
he leaves you with a bright smile and you’re in awe this boy is so golden and lovely
oof and when you were still in the cafe his hair had dried to the unnatural red color that he ? somehow made look good ugh not fAIR
and it was a lil curly and fluffy and looked very soft :(((((
as you walk home you drift along the sidewalk with a stupid smile on your face wow please get a little less obvious hunty
when you get home the sun is setting and the rain has cleared and you are so Happy that was the best day !!!
you weren’t even scared of the thunder because whenever the sky would fckin CRACK OPEN hyuck would subtly try to keep your attention and distract you with questions
duckie: oH Hey uhhh so hOW do you even come up these stories ?):$:$ theyre so good
such a sweet boy uwu
when you get home your mom eyes you suspiciously as you drift down the hall towards your room but doesn’t comment
she didn’t need to though because you immediately return and tell her everything !!!
she encourages you to befriend him at school and see where it goes from there ;))) or just TEXT HIM
so you do
both of those things !!!
you: hey!! it’s y/n btw
duckie: hey! u make it home alive without the sky cracking open and killing u
you send him memes and he sends , even better ones back this boy is Husband Material
the next couple weeks you realize that hyuck is actually in like a lot of your classes
and he’s like yeah i don’t blame you for not noticing since your nose is always in one of those Damn Journals
can’t believe u smh
you start actually interacting with people in class
and by people i mean donghyuck and any of his friends who happen to be there
you literally get thrown into their friendgroup like one day you know donghyuck and have vaguely heard of jeno since he’s on the soccer team
and then the next you’re a part of the group message and jaemin begs for your math homework during lunch ????
“jaemin just dO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK FOR ONCE ???”
“ugh but i don’t know how”
“hey you know what maybe if you didn’t sleep in class you WOULD”
this is usually when duckie interjects with
“hey now girls, you’re both smart <3”
“i know im smart but , jaemin , i don’t know about him 😔😔”
poor jaemin leave him alone :(
jisung is , extREMELY awkward around you because he’s a Baby Freshman and you’re a Female Senior hsjdjf it’s so cute
and chenle is the complete opposite he IMMEDIATELY latches onto you and is always like
“y/n !!!! wanna watch this video of me singing and playing the piano when i was thirteen on live national television !!!!”
“y/N !!!!!!! can you drive me n jisung to get ice cream plEASE !!! we won’t even play PSY this time”
“okay,,,,, pinky promise?”
his pinky hooks around yours at an incredible speed as he jumps up and down with excitement
“pinky promise !!!!!!!!!!”
hyuck overhears and insists upon coming with for , unknown reasons
renjun and jeno keep snickering to each other across the lunch table too uGH
sneaky bastards !
after school you wait in the parking lot for the Babies with hyuck who looks rather flushed considering his skin is pretty tan and it takes a lot for him to visibly blush ??
“hey duckie boy you good?”
“haha yEAH uh just wondering where the boys are hhhh”
“oh yeah ! they should’ve been here like 10 mins ago”
your phone buzzes in your pocket and you go to check it to see a text in the group message
lele: hey y/n~ me n jisung can’t come we totally forgot we joined a frisbee team and there’s practice today !!!
blueberry: yeah ! have fun w/ hyuckie tho
moominluvr96: sjdjd i’m so proud of them
jenomunomunomu: absolute legends have fun at ur frisbee practice my sons
you: 🅱️ro i wanted to go home and SLEEP
blueberry: sorry ! xoxo :*
duckie: chenle my son ? how could you 🅱️etray me this way???
you: ur dead to me
you: literally what’s a chenle ?? sounds like a poisonous fruit
but tbh you’re just being Silly you don’t mind just going with Sunshine Boy
hyuck has only gotten redder as the texting went on though what’s his deal 0.0
you agree to take his car !
actually you insist because you don’t wanna drive but, let’s say you agreed
you find out that hyuck exclusively listens to hipster bands and the occasional troye sivan song because we love a gay legend
actually his music taste is ALL OVER THE PLACE but we r still boppin ladies
you roll the windows down even tho it’s Chilly and let your hand float in the breeze until your fingers start getting numb and you pull your hand back in and roll up the window
okay maybe that was a Bad Idea your fingers almost hurt they’re so cold and you’re rubbing the feeling back into them when hyuck clears his throat
you look up at him and he tilts his chin toward the hand he stretched toward you
you’re confused bc like ? i don’t have anything to give u duckie
he sighs anxiously
“just. give me your hand. mine are warm because i didn’t try to be cool and stick my hand out the window like this is a teen coming of age movie”
“have you ever just been nice and not followed it up with a weirdly specific insult”
“nope. now gimme”
you cautiously placed your hand in his and felt heat bloom all over your cheeks and trail up to your ears and down your neck
he gulps and interlocks your fingers and tucks them in the pocket of his hoodie
you have to lean against the console in between you a little so that your arm isn’t strained but it’s,,,,, Warm and Nice
you’re quick to continue the conversation like normal but your voice sometimes goes in and out since he is subconsciously rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand or tapping his fingers against yours
when you arrive you awkwardly pull your hand from his grip to get out of the car and he cringes a lil :(
you decide to be bold for once in your life and run around the car to catch up with him and shove your other hand into his
“this one’s cold too”
he ducks his head and smiles but gives your hand a lil squeeze :3 uwu
eventually though you do have to let go and enjoy your ice cream
you just make small talk with him about the newspaper and whatever homework is due the next day when a man walks in wearing BRIGHT RED CLOWN SHOES
the weirdest part though is the fact that other than the clown shoes the man is dressed like a body builder and has the hulking mass of one
and also there is a PARROT ON HIS SHOULDER ???
you and hyuck whip to face each other and then look back at the man
without looking away you slide your notebook to the middle of the table and flip open to where you’ve bookmarked the next available page
needless to say you both have a field day making up storylines for this man
“hey hyuckie i missed this it’s been forever since it’s been just the two of us and my journal”
“me too, sunshine”
“heY now you’re the sunshine in this relationship”
both of you choke at your use of the term “relationship” but continue with the conversation JSKSK
“alright but then you have to be the rain”
“aw you know i don’t like the rain”
“yes i know that’s why YOU are sunshine”
“kay but you are so much more like sunshine than i, an Emo”
“how bout i be sunshine since you like sunshine and me, and you be rain since i like rain and you”
OOF ????????
you blush for the Millionth Time and nod shyly and duckie is about to turn purple YIKES
you leave the ice cream shop and climb back in the car and the whole atmosphere is very Tense
you sigh because you miss holding his hand and then turn up the song on the radio which just happens to be, Walkin On Sunshine
THE !!! IRONY !!!
you giggle into your hand and he snorts and you both break into laughter
you plug your phone into the aux
“alright time for some Real Tunes”
“i swear to GOD if you play Bad Boy one more time i’m gonna LOSE IT”
“fuck you red velvet are LEGENDS”
“the only reason you know who they are is because mark tells everyone with a pulse that one of them is from canada just like him”
“okay and ??? i can still appreciate that they produce iconic songs only”
you playfully bicker the whole way back and when you get back to the school to pick up your car you realize you never even got to play your song
“for your information, i was in fact NOT going to play bad boy i was going to play the bop of the century, what is love by twice”
and then, with heavy sarcasm
“well gee why didn’t you just sAY SO”
then he giggles and grabs your hand to keep you from getting more than halfway out of the car
“okay okay you know i’m just messing with you”
“yes but leave my gorls out of it”
he releases your hand with fake disgust and wipes it on the passenger seat headrest
“ugh go home, gru”
“it’s a good meme and you can’t even deny it duckie boy”
you blow him a half serious half playful kiss as you bounce over to your car and climb in
you play bad boy and roll the windows down as you drive by his car just to spite him and he laughs good naturedly
it’s only when you get home that you’re like heyyyy nOW
you tell your mom about it and she’s like uHHH sounds like a DATE to me ???
but you’re Unsure so you don’t say anything to the others or hyuck just the usual goodnight texts and whatnot
although it could be argued ,, that goodnight texts are a little, relationship-y
it could also be argued , that you do have his contact name as , duckie☼♥
but those can be discussed another time
you continue to hang out with the boys although you refuse to allow them to sit with you at football games because they’re so DISTRACTING
jeno and jisung just fckin yell the whole time while you try to jot notes down to turn it into a story later for the paper
but you can’t concentrate or even figure out wtf is goin on because they’re scREAMING and jumping and messing you uP !
so you sent them elsewhere although,,, hyuck stayed with you
he always does “just in case you get cold or smth”
ur not fooling anyone hyuckie baby
and would you look at that time has FLOWN and it’s time for homecoming !!!!
you plan on going in a big group with hyuck and all The Boys and jaemin has even scored a date !!!
it was highkey through trickery but that’s okay
chenle and jisung are gonna wear matching shirts because they’re headass like that
you’ve already bought a dress and you haven’t ….. shown hyuckie……. just in case……… he asks you
since he…… hasn’t …… YET
renjun keeps assuring you that you don’t need to find a date and that everything is covered but ???? inch resting how duckie has done nOT ONE THING
alright the day of the dance you wake up feeling a little off but go through your normal saturday routine of eating a waffle and absentmindedly watching old gossip girl reruns
but later in the day you feel SHITTY
you’re flushed and your head hurts and it takes so much EFFORT just to get up and get a glass of water
you , comrade, are sick :-(
you text in the gm to let your boys know you can’t come
chenle thinks you’re faking until he calls and hears you sniffling and how rough your voice sounds
“chenle if it didn’t hurt to speak i would yell at u but my eyes are watering please just text me”
“oh,,,,sorry love u”
and then he hangs up real fast lmao
so you decide to just wallow in despair in your bed and rent overpriced movies on demand
there’s a half drank mug of tea that has long gone cold that contains the medicine you’re supposed to be taking but,, you can’t be bothered tbh lifting your hand is so hard
after a few movies and the sun setting there’s knock at the door ???
you barely hear it since you’re in your room with the door closed but /sigh/ you gotta go answer
you drag yourself out of bed and stumble to the front door and open it, immediately slumping against the frame
this whole time you have still not opened your eyes because light hurts a lil and you know your house well enough
in hindsight that was probably dumb considering you don’t know who’s at the door
you try to open your eyes but they only turn half lidded and droopy so you can just barely make out donghyuck looking Concerned on your front porch
“duckie? what are u doing here?”
“uhhh i uh came to take you to homecoming ??”
he then holds up some flowers and smiles awkwardly
“duckie. baby. sunshine. did u not read the texts i sent ? also it is VERY late to be asking me to homecoming. also, i am a little high on cold medication”
“srry princess, can i come in? you look like you need company and soup and possibly some Sarcastic Banter”
“sounds good duck”
“okay duckie was already incorrect please don’t shorten it to duck”
“you know i didn’t have to let you in”
“so what kind of soup do you want? :-)”
he busies himself attempting to make soup while you have melted into a chair at the dining table with one eye cracked open to watch him
he is very obviously Struggling so you wobble to your feet to stand behind him at the stove and maybe lean a little too much into his back to prop your chin up on his shoulder and reach a hand around him to turn the heat down on the stove
you’ve reached the point of I Don’t Give A Shit and have given up on trying not to be affectionate with him you’re too tired and sickly to restrain yourself and his heart is just steadily beating faster and faster
after your soup you drag him into your bedroom to force him to provide you warmth while watching another movie
but he digs his heels into the floor and tugs on your hand to turn you around
“since you’re missing homecoming….. wanna dance?”
“in my bedroom. while i’m dying. with no music.”
“i’ll take care of the music. cmon don’t be difficult”
“i’m not being difficult i’m just-
you’re cut off by him pressing a finger to your lips and going shhhhhh
you open your mouth to curse him out bc hOW DARE HE
but then he gently pulls you by the waist into his chest and does his best to tuck you under his chin
you’re too comfortable like this so you don’t bother admonishing him for earlier and just settle into his embrace
you loop your arms around his neck as he starts to sway you back and forth
after a couple seconds he starts humming, quietly at first and then louder
and then he starts singing and it’s so sO SWEET AND SOFT
you can feel each breath he takes under your hands and the vibrating of his vocal chords against your forehead and you just close your eyes and press closer to him
you’ve literally never been this content in your whole life binch
he is so warm and ever so often smooths a hand up and down your spine whenever you shiver a little or shift in his arms
when the song finishes you keep swaying with him a little while longer
you’re leaning against him so hard that like the majority of your weight is on him yikes
“babe are you asleep”
“pretty close though?”
he chuckles and presses a barely there kiss to the top of your head and sort of waddles the two of you over to the bed
you don’t even have to ask him to climb in with you that was The Plan, Stan
(that’s a saying and also i’m calling u a stan wow queen of puns)
as soon as he settles in you tuck yourself under his arm and throw an arm over him to play with the fingers of his other hand
you’ve got the breakfast club on and it’s Real Nap Hours
hyuck’s arm falls asleep pretty soon tho so instead you switch to laying on your sides facing each other with your face pressed into his neck and your arms draped over each other
right before you fade into unconciousness, he tilts his chin down and nudges his nose against yours to get your attention
your eyes flutter open and you look up at him while he smiles gently down at your sleepy expression aWE ???
“hey wanna be my date when you’re not on your death bed?”
“god, what a romantic. is that a shakespeare quote?”
“shut up and say yes”
“alright fine”
“with more enthusiasm!”
he shakes his head but then leans down to press a lingering kiss against your cheek before tucking you back against him and evening out his breathing
you fall asleep and dream of boys with beautiful voices who love to dance in the rain
a couple hours later you wake up to a forehead smooch and your Boy whispering bye angel
you sit up and whine and he’s like bby i have to go it’s like midnight n my momma wants me home :(((
you pout and he giggles and taps your lips with his index finger
“go back to sleep and i’ll text you something nice to wake up to yeah?”
you nod and grab his hand to kiss it before flopping back down and passing The Fuck Out
the next morning you wake up still feeling a bit shitty but smiling anyways bc you’ve scored the cutest boy in the universe uwu
he even kept his promise and left you a cute message to wake up to ;((((
duckie☼♥: good morning bbg i hope ur feeling better today and that the sun shines all day for u !!!
you: 💗💗💗💕💌💞💞💗😤💖🤧😔💗😔🤧😔🌺💐🌺🌺🌸💐😔💛😔💛💐🤧💐💐💖💖
duckie☼♥: noooo ur gross
you: you ruined it :(((
duckie☼♥: i mean noooo u gotta get better
you: okay :)))
you finally get over your cold like 4 days later and insist you’re fine to be Taken Out And Treated Like A Princess
he tells you to dress warm except gloves bc he wants to hold youR HAND CAN YOU BELIEVE
you’re weirdly not nervous ? like you thought you would be but you’re just excited and very happy !!!! uwu
he picks you up about an hour after school and reveals that he’s gonna take you to all the cafes in town to people watch and write stories which is !!! your favorite activity !!!!!!
“is it lame??? oh god you think it’s lame i’m so sORRY”
“nO!!! no i love it you did good”
“are you sure?”
“yes duckie”
“okay good i mean i knew you’d like it”
“but you just-“
“,,,,, nevermind”
you both hike around town until it gets late and you’re tired and you end up on a bench in the local park with his head in your lap and your fingers in his hair
you lightly scratch his scalp and hum and he practically PURRS like a cat
(furry ????? it’s more likely than you think)
his eyes are closed and you trace your fingers over his features lightly until it tickles and he scrunches up his nose aw bABY !!!!!
then, without opening his eyes
“so when are you gonna man up and kiss me?”
“first of all, i will never man up i prefer being female thanks. sECOND WHY DO I GOTTA DO IT”
“i asked you on the date !!! you gotta do something!!!”
“i held your hand first!!”
“after i literally offered my hand to you”
“uGH fine come here”
“no i’m not gonna ‘come here’ you literally just made a disgusted noise at the thought of kissing me”
“it wasn’t at the thought of kissing you it was just at you”
“this isn’t helping at all”
you roll your eyes playfully and then yank him up by the collar of his shirt to press your forehead against his
“does this help?”
aND THEN YOU LAY ONE ON HIM ??????:$&:&;&;
he sighs against your lips and sits up a little more so he can reach you better, smoothing a hand up to cup the side of your jaw and neck
you pull away and his eyes are still closed
“hmmm,,, yeah”
you scoff and drop him back to half laying on your lap
“you’re such a dork”
“yeah but i’m your dork now so it’s embarrassing for both of us”
“aw i wouldn’t have it any other way <333”
“is it just me or was that sarcasm”
“just you <3333”
screams when you call him that night lol
literally SCREECHES
chenle happens to be with him and screeches eVEN LOUDER
basically the whole group screams simultaneously they’ve been shipping it since day one
hyuck is a bit prideful so when you guys are out in public he’s not super affectionate but ,, when you’re not out
he’s wrapped around you like a koala and will never let go
you have to go pee? hold it
you’re dehydrated and dying? you can live off of his Love
your favorite activity to do together is BAKING because it never goes well no matter how hard you try
and although it usually ends in DISASTER it’s also a good time and afterwards duckie lets you curl up between his legs on the couch and nap uwu !
dating really didn’t change the dynamic between you two other than affection you still read each other to DUST on the regular  lmao
no one gets too harsh tho bc you love each other and whatnot
ugh love ruins all the FUN doesnt it :/
donghyuck makes it his business to know exactly when it will rain and makes sure to be with you when it does
at the first sight of clouds he is in your house with board games and movies and snuggles to distract you !!! what a sweetheart
on days when it’s really bad you just climb into bed and bury your face in his chest while he talks about whatever comes to mind and distracts you
he also takes to slumping down and falling asleep on your shoulder whenever you have movie nights together and it’s so CUTE
his little heart shaped lips and his cheeks always end up smushed and he just looks adorable wow rip you
he’s obsessed with your cheeks he loves to cup your face while he talks to you and press gentle kisses to them during Sleepy Time or when you part ways in the school hallways
if he’s excited he’ll bound up behind you and wrap his arms around you and kiss your cheek real hard and then start babbling about whatever’s got him so worked up
basically, hyuckie is a boy full of sunshine and passion and sarcasm and he’s the best boyfriend you could ever ask for :’-)
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gh0stpkmn · 7 years
ok uh. yooran gaming channel au - part 2
@misfireezreal reblogged the ‘yoosung has a gaming channel au’ post and wrote a really cute lil addition that inspired me to add some more ideas to this mess of an au..... and i got really carried away
their addition / reblog post is here !!  tho i’ll also put a screenshot of it under the cut... along with more headcanons/ideas/whatever for the au/scenario
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 god this is so cute omfg. ok so..
●  yoosung liking comments that say nice things abt saeran?? so good. honestly the sweet comments probably rlly do a lot of good things for saeran’s self esteem!! they cheer him up when he’s feelin sad i would think? definitely helps a lot on his rougher days.
●  misfireezeal mentioned donations so i started thinking about what donation money would go towards... when theyre not goin towards yoosung’s tuition (if he even stays in university at this point?? idk??)  or his cost of living, or equipment for the channel, they go to charities.
yoosung wants to help animals so they donate to animal rescue organizations and stuff like that. he wants to contribute help to other causes too so... he wants saeran to have some say where the money goes (and i mean saeran is the meme bringin in a lot of it so. ye.)
it’s important to saeran that they donate to organizations that provide help for mentally ill people--especially mentally ill youth. also organizations that help children in foster care or like... help kids that have been abused idk.. idk! idk...  things that can help young people that are going through some of the same things saeran went through
yoosung doesn’t announce the donations or anything because like... he doesn’t really feel the need to???? neither of them see a point in posting/talking about it. it just feels good to do nice things.
other stuff:
●  it comes up in passing that like. saeran as a knack for hacking and everyone’s like “how could u do this?? cant believe ur a dirty hacker”
saeran’s like “ lol dont worry. i only cheat at games when i play against my brother because he’s a shit and never plays fair ”
chat is like “whoa we didn’t know you had a brother!!!”
and they talk about it a little and yoosung is like “yeah his brother is ____”  (whatever his username is? i forget. hacker god i think?)  “he usually plays on the shooting star server “
viewers are Shocked that yoosung knows #1 on shooting star. they demand to have him as a guest star
it’s... debatable whether saeyoung agrees to it or not?? he has to lay low and stuff.. either way, they tell saeyoung about it and he’s so amused omfg. he watches yoosung and saeran’s streams sometimes (and is so proud of his bro. he cries probably) but not super often? when he does watch, he also uses a random throwaway name
but after the chat asks for him, he logs in once or twice w/ his LOLOL screen name and people are all over omfg. chat goes wild and saeyoung is Living for the attention omg
saeran is like “you’re so dumb god i hate you”
and saeyoung’s like. “ok but are you actually planning on coming home some time soon??? tomorrow maybe? becaaauuuuuse..... i miss you”
it’s cheesy and lame and Embarrassing. saeran’s just.. “GO AWAY asshole im doing a thing....................................... also, yes. please order pizza for dinner”
yoosung thinks its funny n cute and so do the viewers.
●  and ok even if... saeyoung is never a guest star, they probably bring like. mc or zen on once or twice and it’s great. a lot of viewers recognize zen (i imagine he’s a bit more famous at this point) and they are... so excited and surprised that he’s friends w/ yoosung and saeran.
i can’t really see jaehee or jumin on the show but like..........
..... the idea of them tricking jumin into trying to play a video game on the stream is so fucking funny to me????
like Somehow they manage to convince him to come over?? idk maybe by asking him to  ”help them work on a big project that’s essential to yoosung’s career” or smth “that requires nothing less than jumin han’s skill and expertise”  and because he’s a good friend he agrees. then they just. put a controller in his hand and he’s like “what am i supposed to do with this”
and ok jumin has probably owned a gaming console at some point but i honestly, truly can’t bring myself to believe that he uses it for anything other than like.....netflix
so he has no fucking experience and it’s. so good. yoosung and saeran are trying really hard not to laugh (and yoosung is failing)
idk what they make him play specifically but for some reason wii sports is flashing through my mind holy shit..... but actually its probably LOLOL or fallout 4 or something. idk. either way, he’s bad at it and they struggle to teach him how to even hold the controller properly
●  saeran likely moves in some time after they’ve started the channel where both of them play games together. which happened pretty far into the relationship anyways i think?
and even then it happens quite a while after they start the channel. maybe when it’s been going for a year or something? maybe two??
(i have no idea???? idk how long these kinds of channels stay big??? i only watch like... fairly well known youtubers like game grumps that have been around for a long time. and mcleroy stuff on polygon idk.)
how they decide to move in is basically like... ok.
i imagine they probably get questions about their relationship a lot when they come out as a couple or when new viewers first find out about them. the flow of questions dies down after the initial reveal that they’re together but they still pop up every now and then
sometimes the questions get slightly intrusive like asking about their plans for the future which they kinda just ignore those until it becomes a really frequently asked question so they Have to answer it.. so they just say they don’t feel comfortable talking about it for the time being (because tbh they dont know lol)
and so...
probably a specific question that people ask A LOT (and have since saeran’s early appearances)  is if saeran lives with yoosung, or if he’s planning to.
because he’s at yoosung’s place so often. he has been since the channel’s early days, and they post videos and stream together fairly regularly, i guess?
there’s obviously more content of just yoosung doing his thing because it is his channel after all but content featuring saeran is definitely a frequent thing (even when it’s not their duo let’s play channel or whatever... saeran can still be seen in the background in a fair amount of yoosung’s usual LOLOL streams, too. )
so uh
at some point they’re just hanging out.. (off stream, not on video or anything. just them together.. like a date night or just to spend some time together. i dunno)
maybe cuddlin’ in bed or on the couch watching a movie, having a nice time. there’s comfortable silence
and yoosung never really gave it a lot of thought before, but lately... he and saeran are just really close and their relationship is so GOOD and he loves him a lot. he’s thinking over all this stuff and how often people ask if they live together and...
i mean, he thought about it on his own before he really took the viewers’ questions seriously.... them bringing it up isn’t what sparked it necessarily. 
he considered the possibility before, but he was always scared that bringing up moving in together would be too forward or pushy, and that saeran wasn’t ready for it, and that they would be rushing into things--going too fast. yeah. 
he got that ball rollin’ and was trying to take it slow but recently, everyone bringing the idea up jsut. fuckin. kicks that ball. so hard. it’s going full fuckin throttle. max speed. it’s out of control and he can’t stop it
and so in this... really comfortable quiet moment he just kinda blurts out
“why haven’t we moved in together yet?”
saeran is surprised obviously. he wasn’t expecting that at all
he has briefly entertained the idea of living with yoosung before, because he’s over so often anyways, and he wants to spend even more time together.... but he’s also scared for various reasons? 
such as his mental health issues, obviously. he’s also anxious that yoosung will get sick of him, or that he won’t be able to handle being around yoosung 24/7 and vice versa. he doesn’t want to get so easily annoyed and snappy like he does at home with saeyoung? he also doesn’t want to rush into things. idk. there’s a lot more reasons but those are some of them.
so when yoosung says this, he has no idea how to react??? so he just kinda mumbles “oh... uh.......”
yoosung panics like
 “god, im sorry, that was so stupid. um. it’s just... been on my mind a lot lately, i guess..? god! ah... forget about that! it was dumb...”  
he covers his eyes and kinda... hunches over. all embarrased and nervous and a little guilty because he doesn’t want to make saeran uncomfortable. he can’t even look at him. poor boy omg
saeran stays quiet for a long time, furrows his brows and chews the nail of his thumb and looks like he’s concentrating on something. after a while he pipes up, so quietly that yoosung can barely hear him
“i don’t think it’s dumb”
yoosung is. shocked. but also immediately hopeful! he perks up!!! looks at his bf incredulously like “you don’t?” 
saeran kinda... talks slowly bc he’s thinking hard about his words and says that he didn’t expect yoosung to bring it up really but he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about it before
so they have an Important, Serious conversation about it and they both make sure that the other is %100 on board with it and ready to just. jump in and do it.
celebratory smooches ensue because they’re cute and happy and excited.
... i forget if yoosung’s place is a dorm or not. if it is, he gets his own apartment.
if it’s not, he stays in his apartment and saeran moves in there.
it’s small and kinda cramped and very far from a “forever home” but they make it work for now!! they’re happy that way... (maybe in the future they get a bigger place, which is nice because it makes it easier for saeran to have some privacy when he needs time alone.)
●  yoosung definitely takes short little videos or vlogs all the time and posts them on youtube and other social media
he takes one the day after they have the conversation mentioned above. and it’s just. “you guys.... i asked my boyfriend to move in and he said yes!! god, i was so scared! tell them how scared i was, saeran!” he points the camera at saeran who is reading a book and he just. 
idk he either just flips off the camera bc he’s busy and doesn’t want to be disturbed...
he looks it right at the lens and says “he was scared shitless. he literally shit his pants. it was gross. i had to h---” 
cue video going blurry as yoosung turns the camera away real quick paired with. shocked, loud shrieking. “SAERAN!!! DON’T SAY----” and then the video jsut kinda. cuts off there. 
(he still posts it but with some caption along the lines of “that didn’t actually happen. saeran’s just being a dick”)
and of course, there’s definitely multiple videos of the day they move saeran’s stuff in. yoosung records a bunch and puts them on his snapchat story or w/e... other social media too, so they can look back on them later... 
just cute little clips, like one of saeran’s room with all his stuff in boxes..... one of saeyoung and saeran (and maybe mc) loading stuff up into the car.... one of them putting the boxes in yoosung’s apartment....  a dumb one of saeyoung goofin’ off at yoosung’s place and mc doting on him..
one of saeyoung giving his brother the biggest bear hug ever. just. completely squeezing the life out of him and dramatically pretending to be all emotional (even tho he really is genuinely emotional inside omg) and saeran being annoyed and trying to push him away “god, let me go! you’re suffocating me!”
one where... they’re bringing in the last box.
and finally like. one w/ yoosung turning around to show his whole apartment, boxes everywhere, some of them already half unpacked. “phew... finally finished! the hardest part, anyway”
it’s cute.
●  the little videos are probably a thing that happens every now and then, even after that... he probably snapchats a lot of things in general bbbut a lot of the time it’s just. dumb, random videos of saeran.
some of them are stuff like:
 a close-up of both of them, taken with yoosung’s phone where they’re like “streaming in fifteen! we’re gonna play ____ today.” .... real cute stuff.
or just. shitty phone videos yoosung takes of saeran where like… yoosung says something really sappy joke or pickup line? idk. something really cheesy and terrible and wants to film saeran’s reaction.  and saeran looks over and his expression is just. dead inside. the camera zooms in real close on his face and he whispers “………………. im so sick of this Shi–”  the video cuts off there
probably lots of them chillin and having fun with the whole rfa crew
and. maybe one where the two of them are hanging out with saeyoung and mc and other pals and.. idk. one of them says something funny and they’re all laughing but yoosung zooms in on saeran who just.........ok i imagine that sometimes his more subdued laughs come out as like?? this huffy, kinda wheezy little giggle. he covers his mouth w his hand. and the video captures that. when yoosung posts it, ppl Freak out about it because it’s so uncharacteristically adorable...
there’s videos of them going on trips or just new places in general... going for hikes and exploring maybe.. idk. lots of cute stuff.
saeran takes one of yoosung when they’re at the spca?? or some place like that. idk (i dont like pet stores but maybe a pet store).. and.. yoosung just has his hands and face pressed to a glass partition/window/whatever that has a puppy behind it. maybe multiple puppies. and yoosung turns around w/ the Most desperate, pleading expression anyone has ever seen. (saeran knows he has to say no but it’s so hard omfg)
and obviously there’s lots of little clips of video game stuff. teasers of the game content itself or their playthroughs. maybe a video of one of them sitting on the couch or a computer chair playing a game and getting angry lol.... (or saeran getting frustrated w/ a handheld game that’s supposed to be really calm like... animal crossing. idk sorry i just love the idea of saeran having a 3ds and playing chill games like that to help him relax when he’s anxious omg)
.... there’s also lil videos yoosung takes but he decides that they are private, for his eyes only... little moments like one where they’re getting ready to stream and saeran’s adjusting one of the microphones 
and yoosung quietly says hey to get his attention, and saeran looks over and smiles real big and genuine w/ lots of love and tells him to “Stop goofing around. C’mon, put your phone down and help me finish setting up.” and it’s. sweet and happy and cute... yeah.
BUT uh...
that’s all for now !!
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