#please ignore how badly i drew cup's hair
onyxmistkes · 5 months
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took a break from homework to scribble
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hiii feel free to ignore this if ur not taking request(im sorry if thats the case) but i love your roman angst fics and i know this isnt very specific but could you make some more roman hurt/comfort with janice? other than that i just really want to say is your writing is excellent, i think how you describe wanting to disappear really accurately(if that makes sense lol). as someone who has many issues with that when you write it it makes it feel more real. <3 – anon
Read on AO3
Warnings: none
Pairings: roceit, can be platonic or romantic you decide
Word Count: 1375
Some rivalries are best put to rest.
    "Hey, you okay?"
Roman looked up and quickly wiped his eyes. Janus stood a few feet away, hands twisted into his cloak. "Yes. I'm—I'm fine."
He scuffed his boot against the carpet. "Well, you don't seem fine."
Shit. "Look—" he pushed himself to sit a little straighter, plastering a smile on his face— "really, really, I'm okay."
Janus gave him a look, eyes narrowing. Roman swallowed. His hands balled into fists and he looked down.
"Just go away, please?"
I'm not gonna cry in front of you. I'm not going to fucking cry in front of you. You're not getting the satisfaction.
Distantly, he heard footsteps get closer, then rustling of clothes as someone sat next to them.
"…I know I may not be the someone you want to talk to," came the quiet voice, "but I…"
He swallows.
"Obviously I'm capable of leaving you like this."
Roman's fists clenched. "You're never had a problem leaving me like this before."
Janus makes a noise of surprise. "I've never left you like this!"
Anger flared bright and bitter and Roman's head snapped up, glaring. "Yes, you have, I've just never let you see it!"
At the sight of Janus' mouth falling open in shock, he drew back a little. He's—okay, he may have never let Janus see how badly he was hurt, but he'd never seen Janus so visibly hurt. Not like this, at any rate. He decided he didn't like it.
After a few seconds, he looked at the ground again, absentmindedly chewing his lip.
Shouldn't have yelled. Should've been nicer. After all, here Janus was, genuinely trying to be supportive and what was Roman doing? Being a jerk, like always, and it's not Janus' burden to suffer.
"Just leave," he mumbled, hugging his knees to his chest, "you don't have to feel bad about it or anything. I'm sorry I yelled at you."
He missed the way Janus looked over, hurt and guilt fading behind concern as he watched goosebumps begin to rise under the thin white sleeve of Roman's costume. He missed the way his expression softened further, gaze flicking over his face once more. He missed the way Janus took a deep breath, as if pondering something, before letting it out as he came to a decision.
"Hey," he said quietly, nudging Roman until he looked up, "I'm going to do an impression of you."
Roman's chest clenched. If Janus was just going to mock him—
He gasped as warm hands cupped his cheeks, gentle fingers tucking bits of hair behind his ears.
"Shh," Janus murmured, his voice gentler than Roman had ever heard it, "I know it doesn't feel like it right now, but it's going to be alright. You're going to be okay. I'm right here."
Roman's eyes widened, breath catching in his throat. Janus shifted closer, one hand cupping the back of his head as another began to gently brush the tears from his face.
"I know it's hard right now," he murmured, still far, far too soft, "but you're doing great. I'm here for you, however you want me to be."
A bit of the Janus he recognized reappeared as he smiled. "I told you, I'm doing an impression of you."
Roman stared at him, gaze darting over his face to try and find the lie, the trick, the deception that must be there. "But how did you—"
"Figure out it's what you needed too?" He brushed away another tear. "It's like you said, isn't it? 'We all eventually become the person we needed when no one was there?'"
"…you remember that?"
Janus blinked, a light pink dusting the top of his ears as he looked away. "I do listen to you, Roman."
If the warm hands on his face weren't still sending volts and jitters through his body, perhaps he wouldn't have asked. But the tenderness had blindsided him and he did.
"…what else is in this impression of me?"
"Well, normally, you ask if someone wants advice or if they just want you to listen." Roman nodded, still taken aback that Janus knew that. "Are you asking why I didn't do that?"
At his nod, Janus smiled and shifted, easing a cramp in his leg.
"I've seen you ask Patton and Logan," he said, "and the two of them jump to giving you advice, don't they? As if you haven't already thought of plans A-Z and tried everything yourself, Creativity."
The role, thrown in his face so often, sounds dangerously close to an endearment as it leaves Janus' mouth.
"So I figured you probably wouldn't want that."
Janus…knew that. He'd watched—he'd seen Patton and Logan try to help him when he was upset. And somehow he'd known—he knew it was wrong.
Guilt about snapping at him earlier settled heavily in his stomach.
"I didn't know you cared."
Janus paused, hands stilling. He swallowed, ears flushing again but this time, he held his gaze.
"I do," he said clearly. "Care, that is."
Far away, a car drove down the street, dull roars fading into silence. Roman swallowed and nodded.
Fuck it.
"Yeah?" Janus smiled as Roman inched a little closer. "Would you like some comfort?"
Roman nodded again, almost frantically. Janus just held out his arms.
"C'mere, then."
The angle was awful. Their knees were in each other's ribcages. Their shoulders wouldn't fit together. The sofa started digging into their legs, but it was perfect.
When was the last time someone held him like this?
"Hang on, let me just—" Janus moved his leg, sitting almost sideways on the sofa so Roman could scoot into the open space— "there."
One hand cupped the back of his head, another rubbing his back. He was so there, so warm and solid and so much better than sitting alone in the dark on the cold couch. The sobs he'd worked so hard to trap in his chest tore from his throat.
"Hey, hey," came the soft voice, "shh-shh-shh, it's okay, you're safe."
He felt the hold on him shift as Janus started to pull away and flailed, grabbing hold of him before he could let go. Sillily, selfishly, stupidly—
"Whoa, whoa, easy sweetie, I'm not going anywhere?" A finger tilted his chin up. "Are you okay? Am I hurting you? No? Okay."
Slowly, the arms returned, holding loosely at first before Roman whimpered and it tightened.
"Let it out," Janus murmured, "it's okay. I won't go anywhere."
He cried.
Janus held him the whole time, occasionally murmuring things like you're safe, I've got you, or try and match your breathing to mine, that's it, or shh, shh, I'm right here, I'm right here.
Eventually, he sagged against him, exhausted. Janus chuckled gently, helping him adjust until he was practically dipped in his arms. He brushed away some of the hair and smiled as Roman shifted, wiping his face with his sleeve.
"That seemed like a lot," he said quietly, "you feel any better?"
"Face is all poufy. And my head hurts."
"Yeah, crying will do that."
"Which one?" Janus just grinned. Roman sniffled again.
"Thank you."
Instead of something like no problem, or you owe me, Janus suddenly looked nervous. "I, um, forgot something. Of my impression of you."
Janus leaned down and slowly pressed a kiss to his forehead.
Why did you do that? How did you know I do that? How many times have you seen me do that? How many times have you wanted to do that? How come I didn't get to kiss you first?
What came out instead was: "You're gonna make me cry again."
"Okay," Janus whispered, kissing his forehead again, "crybaby."
The nickname never sounded so sweet.
General Taglist: @frxgprince@potereregina@gattonero17@iamhereforthegayshit@thefingergunsgirl@awkwardandanxiousfander@creative-lampd-liberties@djpurple3@winterswrandomness@sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes@iminyourfandom@bullet-tothefeels@full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind@demoniccheese83@pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious@firefinch-ember@fandomssaremysoul@im-an-anxious-wreck@crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch@enby-ralsei@unicornssunflowersandstuff@wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv  @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams@averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb @cricketanne @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws@cecil-but-gayer@i-am-overly-complicated@annytheseal@alias290@tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance@whyiask@crows-ace @emilythezeldafan@frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires@cyanide-violence@oonagh2@xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx@rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734@triflingassailantofmyemotions @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo@cerulean-watermelon@puffed-up-bees@meltheromanstan@joyrose-fandomer@insanitori@mavenmush@justablah65@10paradox10@uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous@cutebisexualmess@bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti@ultrageekygirl
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sirensmojo · 3 years
"Oh! To remember!" - Hubby!Tommy Shelby x Reader
Warnings: Big fluff.
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gifs from @thomasfckinshelby {here is the post}
Summary: You make Tommy a surprise by taking him to the countryside. It brings back memories of the two teenagers you used to be before the war happened.
Word Count: 2k
A/N: I just want him to be happy, seriously + POLLY BEING A GRANDMOTHER???? Our Queen.
PS: I know I talked to you about a carpets story, it IS coming don't worry!
It was early in the morning when the rays of the sun fondled your face, making you open your eyes. Tommy was already up, putting on his tie and you almost jumped from bed to take it from his hands.
As you were still a bit dizzy from how early it was and how fast you got up, you stumbled on the carpet, but his rough hands caught your waist as a giggle escaped your lips.
His brows were raised, "So early in the morning, you got some' to do today, eh?" You could hear mockery in his tone and you hit his chest with the palm of one of your hands as the other was pulling on his undone tie.
As he leant forwards towards you, you teased his lips with the tip of your nose and finally gave him your lips after hearing a groan from his throat.
He perfectly knew what was happening today, you drew a black star a week from now in his agenda.
"Y/N!" Tommy called, and his desk lady pleaded with her eyes to not let her deal with him.
it wasn't as if he was a bad guy, no, he just appeared to be as cold as ice and as distant as he could be.
You were about to ignore his call along with the staring secretary but you saw her lips moving without any sound getting out "Please."
Okay, this time you will not let her be any more terrified by your husband.
It was a little game for you, to never fully talk to him, just like he did. Even though he had reasons not to talk so much and you didn't. You used to leave him pieces of evidence here and there so he would understand what you were up to.
No need to say that whenever you would sneak into his office to put a black star on his agenda, it was to his secretary he would later ask questions, and as she was oh so scared, she wouldn't give satisfying answers which made him become even more cold and distant.
You weren't working anywhere but staying Home all day long waiting for him to get back wasn't on the schedule. What you loved to do most was to organise all types of dinners and parties.
Tommy was most of the time tired but he never missed one, as he knew it was important for you.
Only, whenever he thought the party should be over, he would come closer to you and gently press his lips on your forehead, his fingers diving into your mane.
And just like that, you understood it was time to lead the people out of the mansion, so you could take care of your Shelby.
You closed the door in front of you, rolling your eyes to yourself and joined his office. Your head peeked through the door and you cleared your throat, leading Timmy to lift his gaze to you.
He patted the page, "Why is there a black star on Thursday?"
"Come 'ere" you answered, your index indicating to Tommy to come near you.
He got up without hesitation and walked towards you, making you enter his office completely and close the door behind you.
The connexion between you had always been more than mental or physical, it was a mix of both with something else, something you could never fully get, but you just knew of its presence.
Maybe it was your beings that were combining together, you were him and he was you.
Or was he more you than yourself?
Your back was flat on the door when you felt his hands on your hips. A smile instantly grew on your lips as his blue icy iris were staring into your soul that was hidden behind your iris.
A grumpy "Hm" escaped his lips as your foreheads touched. He closed his eyes for a second, the smell of your perfume filling his nostrils. He was elsewhere, in a dimension where only you and he existed. Somewhere he was safe and relieved of any pressure.
"A surprise, Tommy." You muttered only inches away from his lips.
His eyes opened softly and he raised a hand to your face, cupping one of your cheeks. You were staring at him as his thumb moved to rub your lips softly.
Nothing needed to be said in those moments, what your eyes were saying was more than enough. You understood him, and he understood you, it has been like that for so long, but the love bonding you never extinguished, and you couldn't imagine that someday it would.
"You'll just have to bring yourself, I'll take care of the rest. Only you and me." You pointed towards him, then towards you before flattening your hand on his shoulders in a tender way.
"Don't come back too late, huh?" You raised a brow as you tied his tie around his neck.
"If the answer doesn’t please you I’ll accidentally get choked. That’s the plan," He put his hand on yours to avoid you from even thinking of doing it.
You glared at him.
"I know your tricks now." He finished and you wanted to show him your tongue so badly, but you tried to stay solemn, your head high.
"I will not even comment on such calumny, Mr Shelby.”
You were so grateful he was still speaking to you fluently. He wasn’t like that with anyone but your children and you, which you found to be a blessing.
You knew he wasn’t living a life where he could be with his family as often as he would like and that his past deeply scarred him, but he almost was the same with you, still trying to joke and laugh even if his tone wasn’t following the movement, he tried. And that was all that mattered.
You had the love of your life and four beautiful children by your side, nothing would ever take that away from you. And even if you weren’t in business, by not trying to interfere, you were easing him more than you even knew.
“Beth! bring down your brothers and sisters, grandma Polly is here” You screamed toward the stairs as a maid brought the tea to the living room.
Polly looked at you with the type of stare only she, could give, ”you’re up to something, I can tell.”
You crossed your legs with a pleased smile, “Taking my Tommy to the countryside!” You said trying to remain calm, but she knew you too well.
“Well, I wonder why you’re not all over the place already, it’s not like you’re the good calm girl.” She smiled at you, “I’m sure he will be happy. But don’t think he’ll show ya.” She patted your knee with a side-eye look, her trembling voice filled with sarcasm.
You grabbed her hand and squeezed it, “I know how Aberama loves having our children.” You teased and she giggled. “It’s me taking care of all of them.”
“I knew it! He, too, is a child!” You exclaimed, raising your hands in the air.
“What boy of this family isn’t?” Polly raised her eyebrows before your youngest boy ran into her, followed by the entire team. They were squeezing their grandma in their arms as if she would be gone in a blink of an eye.
You laughed so hard seeing how they were all around Polly that couldn’t even hug them all.
Your heart was full of love at this moment.
Your eldest daughter came sitting on the armchair of the sofa where you were sitting, dropping her head on your shoulder.
“It is said Aberama and grandma will bring us with them on the road, is it true?” Your fourteen years old girl knew how to make a deal, she exchanged a look with Polly and straightened her head, looking right at you.
“Are you sure it’s Polly’s idea, it sounds more like you’re taking her as a hostage, Beth?”
“It’s called bargain! You always talk about grandma Pol being a gypsy queen, I want to see her world!” Beth’s high pitched tone resonated in the room, even the cat woke up from its nap to see what was happening.
“No need to put yourself in such condition, of course, you can all go with them. It’s your family.” You took your little girl in your arms, holding her close as fondling her long hair.
It was already 5 and you began to pace up and down before the carriage. It was your horse exhaling noisily that made you look up to him and caress his forehead while murmuring things to him. Basically telling him your day.
You didn’t realize but Tom had arrived, and a smile automatically drew on his lips when he saw you talking to your horse. It was as if he rewind the time and you were back to 1911 in your father’s stable with your long muddy dress and hay all over your mane.
He got close quickly and you startled when feeling his rough black gloves grabbing your elbow. “Shit, Tommy.”
He cleared his throat while looking at the horizon. A smile grew at the corner of your lips seeing how handsome he was, his hat on his head with his large black coat, a cigarette in between his lips. This handsome husband, father and gangster was all yours.
“Come up there! We’re going,” you pointed at the sitting place.
It has been half an hour since you departed from the Arrow House and the silence between you two was peaceful. You knew Tommy will never admit it, but he somehow took a liking to your parties and dinners, because he wasn’t forced to do anything, to be anything.
He could just be the man smoking cigarettes at the back of the room or the one drinking silently while sitting from the beginning of the event to its end. He could be alone, while not quite being alone.
You noticed he needed to be alone to think about his business, and as soon as he started to go walk alone in the woods at night, you started to organise garden parties.
Thomas didn’t need to be fully alone, he just needed people not to disturb him. And with such huge parties that was what you offered him. He didn’t need to sleep all night long outside now.
He could just sit at a table in the garden and smoke while sipping on his whiskey.
You finally stop the horse in a huge field, right under an imposing tree. It was probably a hundred years old, his trunk as solid as a rock, or maybe even stronger...
Tommy got up in the carriage, looking both sides to see if he knew the place before he got down, feet on earth.
You turned to him, a smile on your face, “Do you remember?” Your voice was low. He looked down at you, a curious gleam animating his blue iris.
“There!” you told him, pointing at the tree.
You saw in his expression he indeed remembered this place, and it was enough to warm your heart. You got up and joined the back of the carriage, taking the plates you had cooked for the occasion.
When you got back, his eyes directly went into yours, as if he had been searching for you. “Yes?” You raised a brow.
“It’s your family’s field.” His deep voice made you shiver, or maybe it was the cold spring breeze?
The old farm was still present not too far from where you were, but there were no animals left.
Your eyes lifted to him in an instant, his face was serene, his mind elsewhere, surely in the tone of memories of another time. Where all you used to worry about was the size of your stables once you’ll be married to Tom.
You served him a dish of his favourite food before handing it to him which he gladly took after sitting comfortably at the feet of the huge tree, his back against the tree.
“Don’t forget the bread.” You let out pointing to the bag next to him.
You finally sit down next to him and lift your gaze to the branch of the tree. The wind was present, but not in an annoying way, in a reassuring way. It was as if he was the one singing memories of before the War to both of you.
You raised your hand to the sky and it quickly got reached by Tommy’s that rubbed his thumb onto your skin.
You authorized yourself to dive into his eyes only to find your Tommy. The same one that was seated under the same three years and years ago. The Tommy that always used to make jokes, the one that asked your father for your hand, the one that always helped your mother with her horses.
It was something you would never get tired of, horses. It was the one thing always keeping you close to the man he once was, not that you missed that man, but you cherished the fact you had such memories of him. He was so different now…
“Happy Birthday, Tommy.” You muttered outright while dropping the back of your head against his chest, looking at his face from under.
He inhales deeply before exhaling loudly. And it was you, that sealed your lips together, bearing your love to him.
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gotnofucks · 4 years
Sell My Soul
Pairing: dark!Lee Bodecker x Reader
Summary: You cut a deal with the Sheriff to save your brother
Words: 2k
Warning: non-con touching, sexual harassment, language, 18+ ONLY
A/N: No spoilers for TDATT
Part 2    Part 3
You were shivering in the winter chill, your thin jacket doing little to protect you from the breeze. But then, your shivering was partly due to fear too. You were sitting outside the police station in a rickety chair, hands tugged deep in your pocket and a handknit woolen hat on your head. You were waiting for news of your brother who had been kicked out of the bar again after starting a fight. Seems like he punched someone important tonight which prompted his arrest and so here you were.
“Miss”, a young officer called, and you looked at him. “The Sheriff will see you now”
The Sheriff. Of course, as if tonight couldn’t have gotten worse with you dragging yourself out after midnight in freezing cold to the police station, it just did. You wish you’d worn more than a jacket, but then even if you had ten more layers on, you felt naked in front of his gaze. You entered his small office and the officer shut the door behind you. There was a large window with a view to other officers’ desk outside, so you relaxed a little.
“Y/n, lovely to see you again.” Sheriff Lee Bodecker greeted you with his condescending smirk. His eyes raked over your form with no shame and you crossed your arms across your chest. “Sit”.
You took a seat in front of his desk and twisted your fingers nervously. You tried to hold his gaze but the darkness in those blue eyes scared you.
“Can I see my brother?” You asked.
“Your brother really got himself into a spot tonight, sweetheart. You see, he punched the Mayor’s son.”
The little blood in your face drained as your heard what he said. The Mayor’s son. Your brother was a goner. They’ll have him charged with assault or maybe even attempted murder. This town was the most corrupt place you’d known, and laws were made and broken as per convenience. You willed away the tears in your eyes because he was the last person you wanted to cry in front of.
Lee looked at you with a smirk as you tried to compose yourself. He was always smirking, always amused when he looked at you. Sometimes when he managed to get his hands on you, he would smile. That smile was the stuff of your nightmares.
“How much do you want to drop the charges? I’ve got some money saved.” You said. There was going to be no court or justice here. Law didn’t work like that in this place. Bodecker chuckled.
“Sweetheart, money ain’t gonna do shit for your brother this time round. It’s the Mayor’s son.”
“I’ve got some jewelry if that will do.”
“The Mayor has no use for that. Your brother touched his precious son. He wants revenge.”
You sighed. You could have slapped your brother for his foolishness. After your parents’ passing, his care was passed onto you. No matter how well you tried to raise him, he grew up to be a little shit. You really should have worked harder to curb his drinking habit. You wracked your mind for any way to get him out and when you found none, you softly groaned. You’ll have to swallow your pride and ask for help from the last person you wanted to owe something to.
“What can I do to get him out?” You asked Lee and he grinned.
“How badly do you want him out?” He mused, rubbing his jaw, and staring at you.
“You know how badly. And I know you’ve got something up your sleeve so just tell me what I have to do”
“Now you’re talking. You were always such a quick learner.” He said and got up from his desk. He walked to the door and to your horror drew in the blinds, covering the window. He turned to your shell-shocked self with a cheeky smile.
“Put them back up. The blinds.” You said. You’d hoped that your voice will be firm, but it came out shaky. For the first time tonight, you truly felt alone with him, and that never ended well for you. His eyes often wandered and so did his hands, something that you couldn’t escape no matter how hard you tried.
“Come on, don’t be like that. I only wanna help you darlin’. I know you love that piece of shit brother of yours and losing him would break that pretty little heart of yours. You know how much I care about that, don’t you?”
His hand touched your cheek and you jumped up and away from him. He was blocking the only exit and your breathing picked up as you felt trapped.
“Please don’t. I can’t deal with you right now. I just want to take him home.” You said.
Lee leaned against his desk and licked his lips.
“You see sweetheart, it doesn’t matter to me what you want. You wanna see your brother back under your roof, so you gotta deal with me. Now, come here.” He pointed in front of him and you glared. You hated this fucking town and you hated this man. For months now he’s had those eyes on you and would find ways to get you alone. At times he’d corner you in your own store and run those disgusting hands over your curves. You’d always managed to slip away somehow, but today it seemed like your bad luck had turned into a curse and time had run out.
“How can you help my brother? What can you do to ensure he’ll be fine?”
“Come to me and I’ll tell you.”
There was heat in his eyes along with challenge. He could obviously drag you, but he wanted your surrender. He wanted you to walk to him. For a moment you were tempted to let your brother rot for putting you in this position but then you steeled your nerves. Squaring your shoulders, you walked in front of him and stopped.
You took another step. You were less than an arm’s length apart.
“Sheriff, please”
You took the last step and you could feel his breath on your face. He looked at ease with that annoying smirk in place.
“Ain’t that easy, eh?” He said and casually pushed your hair behind your ear. You flinched and took a step away. His hand shot out and in a second it was around your waist and you were tugged flush to his body.
“Stop, let go!” You said and tried to push him away. He caught your hands in one of his before cupping your jaw harshly.
“Listen to me now. I am the only person who can save your brother. If you ever want to see him again, stop fucking struggling. You’ve been a little minx slipping outta my hands every time. But I tell you, even if you go away now, I’ll come back. I’ll keep coming until you’ll have no where to go. And once I have you, you’ll wish you hadn’t made me wait.”
Tears gathered in your eyes and when he saw them, he let your jaw go and wiped them away. Putting a hand behind your head he pulled you closer and then you felt his lips on yours. It was a bruising kiss that left you feeling almost faint. But you didn’t struggle anymore.
“You have no idea how much I want you. I see you trying to find a place in this town. I see you wandering like a lost soul. But that’s because you don’t know where you belong. And where you belong is with me. Under me.” He kissed you again, biting your lips. He released your hands and roughly tugged off your jacket from your shoulder. Your hands shot out to stop his, breath erratic as your eyes darted to the door.
“Please, not here, not now.” You knew you were pleading, but this was the only way. Your brother was the only family you had left, and you weren’t ready to lose him. “Save my brother, please. I’ll do whatever you want.”
“Whatever?” He was smiling and you felt your stomach churn. This is what it must feel like trying to sell your soul to the Devil.
“Whatever.” You promised and his hands left you. You shrugged on your jacket and breathed deeply after putting some distance between you.
“You know, this town may be shit but it has at least got some semblance of law. I can get someone to confess that your brother didn’t start the fight and only retaliated in self-defense. Even this town can’t ignore an eyewitness testimony.”, Bodecker said with a smug look. You exhaled deeply in relief. You didn’t care to know if the witnesses were true or false or if your brother truly started the fight or not. You won’t lose him.
“Can I see him?”, You asked, and he nodded.
“Of course, you can darlin’. You meet him in that cell and tell him you gonna get him out. And while you’re at it, give ‘im the good news too.”
“Good news?”
“Why, the good news of our engagement of course. He’s your brother so he’s gotta be my family too right. You tell him I’ll make sure they don’t hurt him in there.”
Your legs shook and you sat back in your chair while Lee supported an ear-splitting grin. He laughed a little and came to you, a hand gently combing your hair.
“You said whatever, didn’t ya.”
You looked up at him in disbelief. Why would he want to marry you? At most you thought he’d want to bed you, take you so he could go on to finding another conquest. You thought one night or maybe a couple more at max would be all he asked for. Your body in exchange for your brother’s life. You could do that. But he wasn’t just asking for your body. He wanted the whole of you.
“Why do you wanna marry me?” You whispered and he leaned down to brush a very soft kiss on your brow. You shivered in fear. His gentleness was scarier than his roughness. That Sheriff you could handle. You didn’t know what to expect from him like this.
“Is it so surprising I want a ring on that finger? You know what happens when I think of you in my bed, in my arms? You know what happens when I imagine you cooking me a meal when I come home from work? You know what happens when I think of you, barefoot and pregnant under my roof, moaning my name as you beg me to fill you again and again? You wanna know what happens?” He snatched your hand and pressed it to his crotch over his pulsing hardness. “This happens. This is what you do to me.”
You tried to take your hand away, but he forced you to keep it there, squeezing himself through your hands.
“You’ll take my ring and you’ll wear a pretty dress and vow to obey me. You’ll love me and give me kids, lot of kids with your hair and my nose. And every night you will take my cock in your mouth and that juicy cunt of yours. Every night I want to taste you on my tongue and your softness around me.”
You did not know when he took you in his arms and pushed you against the wall but then he was kissing you. His hands roamed your body, smacking your ass and bruising you. You panted hard, confused, scared and helpless.
“No. No, please.” You cried but he silenced you with a punishing kiss and pressed his forehead to yours.
“Yes. I’ll have you. One way or another it had to happen.”
He took your hands and put them around his neck and spread legs apart by putting his knee between them. One hand cupped your breast while the other cupped you between your thighs.
“You’ll never feel empty down here. I’ll rail you so deep and hard sweetheart.”
Then abruptly he was off you and you almost stumbled off the wall. You held the back of the chair to support yourself, looking up in bafflement. What the fuck just happened here. He was back behind his desk, fiddling with some papers, a very content look in his blue eyes.
“Off you go, I’ll have someone take you to the cell. Then we can go home and celebrate.”
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conanaintslick · 3 years
20 + Heiji and Schinichi
Title: Only Partially Unhinged
Words: 1203
Fandom: DCMK
Characters/Pairing: HeiShin
Rating: T
Tags: Canon divergence, this probably happens in one of the movies I don't know ok, action but it's written badly, a little fluff, as a treat
Summary: Heiji and Shinichi are trapped, but Shinichi has a plan.
Author’s note: This wasn't supposed to be a HeiShin fic when I started but it turned into a HeiShin fic by the time it was over. Also, I know Shinichi is OOC, and what about it. It's my emotional support ship, your honor.
“This is, without a doubt, the stupidest plan you’ve ever come up with… I’m in.” Heiji gave Shinichi a thumbs up as he grabbed his helmet and threw his leg over his bike. “Well, what are you waiting for? Hop on!” Heiji thrust out a spare helmet, undoubtedly grinning. His brown skin was covered in soot, and Shinichi could see how the other boy struggled for breath.
Shinichi snatched the helmet from Heiji and slipped it on. He saw the soot on his own hands but did his best to ignore it. He couldn’t panic. Not yet. “I’ve definitely thought of stupider plans. But without them, we’d probably be dead by now.”
An explosion rocked the parking garage they were in, and a chunk of concrete slammed into the floor next to them. Shinichi jumped onto the bike and wrapped his arms around Heiji without thinking too much about it. “You better get going! This place is coming down fast.”
“You sure about this, Kudo?” Heiji revved the engine, his foot planted firmly on the ground.
“I’m sure I don’t want to die on this particular evening.”
Another explosion.
Fire poured out from the floor below them, climbing the walls. It was only a small jump to the roof of the building next to them. A little horsepower and they could make it to the other side of this.
Heiji leaned forward, gearing up. They had to time this just right, or neither of them were going to make it out of this. “Alright. Fair point.”
A countdown ticked in Shinichi’s brain.
The parking garage trembled and cracked.
The concrete behind them caved in, crumbling down to the floors below.
Another explosion shook the building, almost knocking them off the bike. They held fast.
The fire was getting closer--hotter. Shinichi could feel the sweat coating his skin, dripping down his forehead.
“Now!” Shinichi yelled, and the bike lurched forward, speeding towards the opening at the side of the garage. No, they weren’t getting enough speed. At this rate the bike would plummet to the street below, taking both Heiji and Shinichi with it. Shinichi’s grip around Heiji tightened, and his heart pounded in his ears. He could feel his body trembling.
They weren't going to make it.
They weren’t going to make it.
“Damn it!” Shinichi yelled. He could do nothing but close his eyes. The bike picked up speed, aiming right for the spot where the explosions has eaten away at the concrete walls. One shot. That was all they had.
One shot.
And suddenly, they were weightless. Shinichi felt the air tickle his ankles. His heart beat against Heiji’s back.
He opened his eyes long enough to see the sky.
Heiji yelled something, or perhaps it was nothing, but Shinichi couldn’t make it out. He squeezed the other boy harder, closing his eyes once again.
The tires screamed as the bike made contact with the edge of the roof, and they bounced. Once. Twice. Three times. The brakes screeched with effort. Suddenly, they were turning. Their bodies leaned together as one, but it was too much. The bike slipped.
And they fell.
Shinichi crashed against the concrete and tumbled to the edge of the roof. Thankfully, there was a ledge, so he didn’t go over, but he did feel the skin on his arms tear and scratch at the hard ground. He wheezed as he struggled to refill his lungs with air--when had the wind gotten knocked out of him? Was it when they fell? He coughed and hacked as he struggled to his feet. “Hattori?” His voice was cracked and gruff as he looked around for his best friend.
Heiji was on the other side of the building, in a heap on the ground. He wasn’t moving.
“Hattori!” Strength rushed back to Shinichi as he ran for Heiji, his legs a little wobbly but otherwise ok. He didn’t have time to inspect his own wounds, he had to see if Heiji was ok.
He turned Heiji over carefully, his heartbreaking when he saw blood. He was hurt--his left elbow, his right hand, both his knees… and that was just what Shinichi could see. He ripped the helmet off Heiji’s head.
Heiji was out cold.
“Hattori! Hey, Hattori!” Shinichi called out, but he received no answer. He laid Heiji down on the concrete roof and gently shook, calling his name over and over. Nothing.
Panic rose in Shinichi’s throat, blocking his airways. His hands trembled. And he wanted nothing more in the world than to see Heiji’s deep blue eyes. “Please… Please wake up… Heiji!” His voice carried over the rooftops. Tears ran down his cheeks and dripped onto Heiji’s face.
He squeezed his eyes shut, a weight falling over his body. He squeezed Heiji’s shoulders, leaning over the other boy’s chest as he cried. Damn it… Damn it! He should have known better… He should have known this would happen.
“Did… did you just call me Heiji?” A gruff, weak voice drifted into Shinichi’s ears.
Shinichi gasped and raised his head, his eyes meeting Heiji’s. “Hattori!”
Heiji coughed. “Awe, that’s no fair. You finally call me by my name and I’m half unconscious.” The corner of his mouth twitched, a small smirk forming on his lips.
“Stupid! I thought…”
“Hey, you cant get rid of me that easy, Shinichi.” Heiji winked, and Shinichi just about melted. He shoved Heiji gently, trying to hide the blush that was certainly forming on his cheeks.
“Shut up… Heiji.” He mumbled that last part.
“What was that?” Heiji cupped his ear, pretending he didn’t hear.
“I said shut up, moron!”
“Mm hm, I’m sure you did. Now help me up.” Heiji held out his hands.
Shinichi rolled his eyes and grabbed Heiji’s hands, and they both struggled to their feet. Their gazes met, and their touch lingered just a little bit too long. Shinichi opened his mouth to say something, but the words caught in his throat. Their faces drew closer like some magnetic force was pushing them together. And the rest of the world faded away.
Heiji was the first one to break eye contact. Suddenly, he wrenched away from Shinichi. “Shit! My bike!” He ran over to where his bike was on the other side of the roof, completely totaled. Heiji ran his fingers through his hair. “My dad is SO going to kill me!”
Shinichi didn’t know why, but laughter bubbled in his chest and erupted from him.
Heiji turned. “Why are you laughing? We barely survived the bombing AND we ruined my bike!”
Shinichi walked up to Heiji and planted a kiss on the other boy’s lips. It was so simple. So quick. But it has been brewing between them all along. “I’ll buy you a new one then. Come on. The others are probably looking for us.”
Heiji was stunned into silence, freezing where he stood. He opened his mouth to speak, but all that came out was a garbled mess. Shinichi chuckled in response, taking Heiji’s uninjured hand in his and dragging him off the roof.
Yeah. It really was better doing things together.
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nooneandeveryone · 3 years
Dark Fanfic idea:
Arkin getting pay back for when HE was kidnapped by fucking asa when he kidnaps asa and making asa SPEAK
Why?cause dom arkin and sub asa owns my heart
Oh hell yeah we're doing this
but...... god DAMN it took forever. It got longer than planned and you're just gonna have to deal with it.
I really don't know what it turned into. But I hope it hurts.
warnings: knife play, teasing, mild c&bt, mild torture, name-calling
He now had a name to put to the face and the man himself. His refusal to speak was infuriating when Arkin was captive and it’s no less infuriating now. It became apparent quickly that the man, Asa, enjoyed what Arkin did to him. He’d already hurt him; a near blow for blow every injury that Asa did the night they met. Hooks in his back and hands. A slice across the forehead and stomach. He even knocked out the same tooth. All of which did make him scream, which was beautiful, but still not a single word.
He was staying silent to get more. He wanted to be hurt.
So, Arkin changed his tactics.
“No, you gotta ask for it,” Arkin told him in a growl.
He’d chained Asa down to an old metal bed frame. Aside from removing his jacket and shoes, Arkin had left him in the same clothes he caught him in. He was still bleeding from what Arkin already did to him. He put up a furious struggle when told to ask. He even seemed more angry about that than being captive.
Arkin noticed a small flash of red near the man’s right wrist. That couldn’t be what he thought it was. He ripped back his sleeve just to be certain. Shallow cuts along the length of his forearm, almost identical to the ones on Arkin’s arm. Just to confirm, Arkin pulled back his own sleeve. They weren’t identical but they were both maps. The marks corresponded with the turns Arkin took to get them there.
“How long did you know?” Arkin demanded. He grabbed him by the hair to force him to look at him.
Arkin saw a faint smile form on his lips. This asshole knew the whole time. He felt outraged but strangely touched. If he knew, he could’ve wrecked the map and made it impossible for Arkin to find him. But he didn’t…
“This is what you wanted, wasn’t it? You wanted me to find you?” Arkin accused him. He glanced at his still bleeding wounds. “You want this.”
Again Asa gave him no verbal response but his shoulders relaxed slightly.
Arkin had to step away for a moment. This whole thing was turning out more complicated than he thought it would be. It isn’t revenge if you’re doing exactly what they want. He paced the small room a few times, working out what he wanted to do. An idea hit him, he grabbed a hunting knife and returned to the prone man.
“All you gotta do is speak,” Arkin said as he straddled the other man’s legs, just below his hips. He drug the flat of the knife down the center of his chest. He let the blade rest on the narrow bit of flesh between shirt and pants.
There was a change in Asa’s breathing and his shoulders had tightened. His expression hadn’t changed but his eyes were locked on Arkin. Now he was getting somewhere. Arkin turned the knife and cut open Asa’s shirt right to his neck. He held the sharp edge against his chin, just hard enough to draw blood. For his part, Asa actually held himself perfectly still.
Just to confirm his suspicions, Arkin slid his other hand down to grope the front of the man’s pants. It was what expected to find, but he hadn’t expected he’d feel such a rush from it. Asa was hard.
“You like this, don’t you? You little bitch,” Arkin hissed and gave a firm squeeze through the fabric.
This got both movement and a sound that was almost a word out of him. The movement was a subtle shift in his hips. The sound was a single syllable, like the start of a moan.
“You needy slut,” Arkin continued. He drew the knife away from the man’s neck and brought it to rest against his chest, right above his heart. “You want me to shove my dick inside you.” He ground the palm of his hand into Asa’s erection, for emphasis. “Use you like the little bitch you are.” He felt a full body shiver go through him in response. A sudden and intense rush of pleasure hit Arkin a second later.
Arkin took his hand away from his crotch. He repositioned himself so he could grind himself against Asa’s hip. He was careful not to provide any direct stimulation to Asa. He had long since gotten hard himself, he was long past even questioning why. He just uttered a soft groan.
Remarkably, Asa tried to rock his hips to help Arkin grind against him. While he still wasn’t speaking, he was making more noise than before. Little gasps and choked sounds.
Arkin let the blade of the knife sink in a fraction of an inch over the man’s heart. This got a twitch and a faint hiss.
“Ask for it,” Arkin reminded him and stopped grinding against him. An angry glare was his reply.
“What? Little pussy too afraid to ask?” he put on a more mocking tone, he leaned in close as if to whisper in his ear.
Asa immediately tried to bite him. Arkin ducked out of the way and grabbed him by the hair. He pulled his head back sharply to make him bare his throat. Blood still trailed down from the small cut on his chin. “I’ll make you talk,” Arkin said, then nipped at his ear. He moved lower and bit at his neck. This brought out a frustrated huffing sound. There was a start of a word but he died in his throat. Arkin could also vividly feel he was making him tremble.
It was going well but still no closer to making him speak. Arkin was even enjoying himself. Yes, this man was still a dangerous killer but right now he felt in complete control over him.
He gave his neck one last hard bite then sat up. He held the flat of the knife up to Asa’s lips. Seeing his tongue come out and trace the edge of the blade was almost too much for Arkin to take. How the fuck did he become attracted to a serial killer?!
He pulled the knife away and used it to hastily cut open the front of the man’s pants. It actually seemed to startle Asa which he took as a good sign. Despite the rough treatment, Arkin very gently wrapped his fingers around the other man’s dick.
The beginnings of a word caught in the man’s throat.
Arkin laid the flat of the blade against the tip of his cock. This brought a shudder and a groan. Still no words. So, he lightly traced his fingers up and down his dick.
“All you gotta do is say what you want,” he reminded him.
Asa’s entire body had tensed up. He was clearly trying to ignore everything Arkin was doing. He made a point of keeping his attention on the chains restraining his arms. He pulled and tested the chains more than he had when Arkin first chained him down.
“Hey. Hey!” Arkin reached down and squeezed his balls. “Pay attention.” It got the most wonderful sounding whine. “Don’t pretend you don’t like this,” he said and gave another squeeze of emphasis. It did finally make him look back at Arkin. He looked almost desperate.
Arkin kept his balls cupped in one hand and moved the flat of the knife against his dick. Asa’s breathing sped up, his mouth moved as if he was trying to form a word but no sound came out. Arkin slid the blade with a little more force.
“... p-please…” Asa finally said in a low groan.
Arkin paused a moment then gave his balls a little squeeze.
“Ah… Arkin.”
Fuck. A sudden rush of pleasure hit him at hearing his name. It shouldn’t blind-side him that badly, but it did. He drew in a deep breath. Calmly he set the knife aside, then whatever was holding him back disappeared.
Arkin surged forward, grabbing Asa by the throat. “Does the little pussy want to be fucked?” he growled out viciously.
A little choked sound left him, followed by a faint “...yes.”
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cupcakemolotov · 3 years
My Only Love: Part 2
Well, ages later, and I managed this.
When Stefan and Damon find a coffin holding an original, they hope they find an ally. They find Caroline instead. Part 1 on A03
Warnings: Alternate Universe; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; original!caroline; hybrid!Klaus;Canon-Typical Violence; Blood Drinking; Blood and Gore; Character Death (Not OTP); Not Salvatore Friendly; Biting; No Smut Yet
Skirts and nails and lips bloody, her left hand curled carefully around the strange device she had plucked from Stefan’s hand the same way she’d taken his secrets, Caroline swept out of the dank and dreary basement to find just how the world had changed. A hundred years surely had more than one fascinating new thing to marvel at, and she wanted it all. 
But mostly she wanted her husband.
It was unfortunate that the house was both astonishing and an utter disappointment. The windows were boarded, and the time-worn furniture and fading curtains were as alien to her as the wide expanse of the rooms. There were no gas lamps or candles here, but strange and delicate things made from blown glass that hung from the ceiling and turned the room nearly noon bright. Some of it was tacky, the colors were atrocious and who picked out those chairs? 
Did this modern work not believe in pretty yet comfortable? She was quite certain Klaus had insisted on owning a set of chairs just like those in the 1800s and she hadn’t liked them then either. And what was that fabric?
What kind of place had she been put away to rot?
Outside, she could feel the burn if the sun and frustration clawed at her. When her father-in-law had left her to rot, he’d taken everything he could. Her daylight ring, the pretty jewelry Klaus had gifted her the morning of her abduction, her favorite hair combs. But right then it was the lack of daylight ring she raged at the most. 
Caroline stared at what looked to be the front door with impotent longing. Somewhere out there was Klaus, free from the machinations of father who had hunted him all her life and she wanted to see what changes that freedom had wrought, to taste the triumph from his tongue. To feel him beneath her hands, to know they were free. 
It'd only been a handful of hours to her memories since she’d seen him last, but she could feel the ache of centuries in her bones. The lack of the man who had stood with his hand curved around hers for all the years of her life. Her nails dug into her palms, gouging little half moons, and she took a slow breath. 
Klaus has broken his curse. Mikael was dead, and she knew her husband was hunting for her with the same need that sat in her bones. He’d come to her as soon as he knew she was awake. She’d woken in a world where they’d won. Her lips curved as she recalled Stefan’s words, the angry, bitter pill of her husband’s triumphs clear in his gaze. Below her, she could hear him grieving, the death of brother the song that would usher her into this new existence.
It was fitting she decided, for this young vampire who wished to destroy Klaus to understand the pain he wished her to suffer. He’d wanted her family destroyed, and instead sacrificed his own. She’d leave him that agony for a while yet, her compulsion ensuring he would stay where he was, keeping the cooling corpse of his brother company. Right then, she had something far more important to do. 
Carefully, she wiped her fingers clean on the skirt of her dress, mourning the ruined fabric of it even though it was already liberally covered in blood. Stefan had carried no handkerchief to offer her and she had no wish to search the house for something more suitable to wipe her hands on. She’d already seen more than enough of this place, and wished nothing to delay her husband finding her. 
Hands mostly clean, she considered the smooth shape of what Stefan had told her was a phone in her hand. A strange, modern device that connected people's voices to voice, sometimes face to face. A wonderful little thing that would bring Klaus to her, when the sun was high in the sky and she had no way to go to him. 
It was fascinating. Stefan’s explanation of how to use it and just how radio signals worked had been quite poor, when she wished to know every facet of the device. What kind of world had it become that such fascinating technology should be so badly understood by those who used it? 
Klaus would help her learn. 
For a moment, her finger hovered over the strange cover, this screen and she let herself wish this reunion would happen when she was a little more composed. A hundred years, and she was dressed in a relic of the past, dust covered and splattered with gore. The gore bothered her less than the dust, the ancient wrinkles she had no way to improve. And what was the point? She planned, hoped to be quite naked very soon. 
Pushing aside that niggling vanity, she carefully copied the motions Stefan had shown her to work the phone. Thankfully, English itself hadn’t seemed to have gone through so many changes it was completely unrecognizable, the shape and form of letters familiar even if utterly strange in this… digital format. First, the odd thing he’d called a passcode. Then she found the green box at the bottom with the strange symbol, followed by recent calls. 
There it was. His name. Klaus. 
Such a simple thing, such a lifetime of need. 
Pressing his name, her brows drew down sharply as nothing happened. Muttering under her breath a number of curses at incompetent things, she carefully prodded the screen until something changed. An unexpected jolt of noise startled her, a loud sound that she supposed was ringing. She was going to have to have so much to catch up on.
“Stefan, rethought my offer?”
The sound of Klaus’ voice, so clear and with that soft mix of charm and menace she knew so well, unexpectedly clogged her throat. Fingers flying to her mouth, Caroline swallowed hard. It was one thing to hear that her husband had triumphed, but it was another to hear his voice. To viscerally know that he was alive and if she could just get her voice to work, he’d be here. 
“Klaus.” The single word came out rough. There was a sudden, fraught silence, and she wondered if the blasted device had stopped working.
“Who is this?” Klaus’ voice was sharp, dangerously bladed, and her eyes narrowed at the threat she could hear beneath his words. 
“I am told,” she said in tones that had cooled considerably. “That you should be able to understand me as easily as I understand you. If you require an introduction to your wife, century between us or not, I am going to be very displeased, Klaus Mikaelson.”
Behind him, there was a crash, a noise that sounded like bone breaking. Her brows furrowed, ears straining to catch any hint of sound. “What was that?”
“Caroline.” Her name was clipped, a thousand things she couldn’t understand in his voice. “Where are you”?
Spine snapping taut in irritation at the blatant order in his voice, the way he ignored her question, her fingers tightened on the screen. “I believe the vampire Stefan called it a boarding house?”
“Stay there.”
Her jaw dropped as there was sudden silence, the screen changing to once again and it occurred to her that he was no longer listening to her. The screen cracked beneath her grip, and she tossed it away. Clearly her husband had forgotten a thing or two in the intervening years such as her dislike of rudeness.
Stay there. 
As if she was a minion. 
As if they hadn’t seen each other in decades and decades. Blowing out a slow breath, she wrangled her temper. He certainly knew where she was but had given her no indication how long it would take him to reach her. Maybe she should head back downstairs and entertain herself with Stefan until he arrived. 
Debating, she blinked when outside, there was a noise, a blur of movement, and then the door opened with a wrench that nearly removed the door from its hinges. Her breath hitched in her throat, and Klaus stared at her from the perimeter of the room, eyes hotly yellow. 
His hair was shorn shorter than she’d ever seen it, the cut and make of his clothing as strange and foreign as the wolf in his eyes. But she knew him down to her bones, and she took half a step towards him without thought. But when he continued to just stare at her, to watch her with a carefully set expression, her remembered annoyance sprang to the surface. 
Hand sliding to her hip, Caroline stopped moving and narrowed her eyes. Temper and the smallest bit of hurt turned her voice hard. “I cannot believe the very first thing you're making me do after being released from that box is remind you that I am not…”
His face lost its passiveness, something vibrant and wild crossing his face before the distance between them disappeared with the curve of his palm on her jaw, and the press of his mouth, firm and plush and wanting, swallowed her complaint. Hands grasping for the feel of his shoulders, his spine, she pressed back with the same gasping need he always elicited in her, teeth sinking into his lip as both a need to taste and a chastisement for his behavior. He groaned against her mouth, tongue chasing hers as she slicked along the blood, and her head spun as he tangled himself in her skirts as they staggered backwards. 
His palm pressed against the back of her skull as he pressed close and her spine hit the wall, so close that hip, thigh and stomach were all one line of burning contact even with her skirts and his clothes between them. There was nothing passive in his touch or kiss as they let mouths and hands roam, and she dug in with her nails, demanding more. 
When he pulled back, lingering so they breathed heavily against each other’s mouths, his hand left her face to cup her hip, pulling her even closer. His gaze flickered down the line of her chest, to the blood splattered material that was both his and the other vampires, and his mouth curved slow and pleased before returning to her face. When he spoke, his voice was low and raspy, a thousand benedictions behind his eyes.
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impalaimagining · 4 years
Slippery When Wet
Dean Winchester x Reader
1,915 words
Warnings: period smut, use of a detachable showerhead, 18+ only please
A/N: Using this one to fill my free space on my @spnkinkbingo​ card for this year
Beta: @mariekoukie6661​ & shoutout to @mrsdeannafuckingwinchester​ for helping me bounce title ideas around
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SPN Kink Bingo 2020 Masterlist - Masterlist
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Dean swallowed hard as you rounded the corner, black cheeky underwear and the bottom of the globes of your asscheeks peeking out from under the hem of his flannel shirt. You leaned forward, examining your teeth in the hotel mirror as you pulled a long string of floss from the pack and ripped it off, twisting it around your fingers.
“Son of a bitch.” Dean muttered under his breath and ran his hand down over his face. He stepped behind you and laid his hand on the small of your back. His lips found the exposed skin of your shoulder where the flannel fell off the ball of it. With a giggle, you pulled the floss through your teeth and ignored his attempts, but Dean was relentless. Tipping your head to the opposite side, you hummed and closed your eyes, floss forgotten in a crumpled, tangled ball in the porcelain sink. Dean reached forward, his hands pushing under the fabric of the shirt until his palms met the skin of your hips and he squeezed gently.
“Dean.” You sighed, gripping the edge of the counter. Dean hummed against the side of your neck. “Dean, come on.” Your voice trembled as his hands drifted further forward on your torso.
Dean shook his head and hummed against your skin. “You look so good, babe.” He pushed his pelvis forward, rutting his cloth-covered erection against your back.
With a sharp inhale, you swallowed thickly and drew your lips into a thin line. Turning around, you reached down and grabbed Dean’s forearms and looked into his eyes. “Hey.” You squeezed his arms, then moved your hands up and pressed them against his chest. “I’m sorry.” Offering Dean a sad smile, you licked your lips. “I… started this morning.”
Dean furrowed his brows. “Started? Started what?” You raised your brows at him and rolled your eyes fondly. “Oh.” Dean drew back and frowned. “I don’t care.” He shrugged, pulling you closer.
“Dean.” You shook your head, pushing away from him a bit. “I care. I don’t want you touching me with - with all of that.”
Dean brought a hand up to cup your cheek and leaned down to kiss you sweetly. “I’ll stop.” He whispered. “But I don’t mind. Really.” You gave him a tight smile and stood on your toes, kissing him again before pulling away and retreating to the bed.
You crawled in and Dean followed, sliding up behind you and wrapping his arm around your waist. “Sorry, Dean.” You closed your eyes and ran your fingertips over his skin.
“Stop.” He kissed your shoulder again and pulled you tighter against him, nuzzling into your hair. “Get some sleep.” Closing his eyes, Dean drifted off and snored quietly behind you.
In his sleep, Dean twitched, his fingers gripping tightly onto the fabric of your shirt. You laid there, eyes wide open as you scrolled mindlessly through news media, trying to find your next case. Against the curve of your backside, you felt Dean’s cock begin to harden. You locked your phone and closed your eyes, inhaling deeply. Dean pulled you back into his body, making you groan quietly in the back of your throat.
Carefully, you turned around and slid your hand under the blanket and cupped Dean’s half-hard cock through his boxer briefs. Dean stirred and muttered unintelligibly as he reached behind you and grabbed a handful of your ass. Instinctively, you arched into him, whining with realization.
But you’d already started, and it wasn’t like you to get things done halfway with Dean. You worked your hand over him through the cotton of his underwear, pressing your palm against the line of his cock before dipping your hand below the elastic waistband of his briefs. You sank down the length of the bed, peeling Dean’s underwear down his thighs as he rolled onto his back and tangled his hand into your hair.
“What’re you doin’?” He rasped, clearing the sleep from his throat. You hummed and kissed his hipbone, scraping your teeth along his side before flicking your tongue over the head of his cock. Dean grunted and gripped harder onto your hair as you slid the tight ring of your lips down to the base of his dick. “Shit.” Dean hissed, bucking his hips forward.
You continued your work on him, hollowing your cheeks and sucking gently at his tip, pumping your hand over his length. Dean’s cock pulsed in your palm, the telltale throb of him between your lips letting you know he was about to fall over the edge. You took him as far into your mouth as you could, letting him hit the back of your throat.
“Fuck, babe.” The rhythm of Dean’s hips stuttered as he spilled into your throat, grunting while you swallowed him down. You gasped in a breath and wiped your chin on the back of your hand before snaking your way back up to him. Dean’s fingers still twisted in your hair, he pulled you to him and crashed his lips to yours. “You didn’t have to do that.” He ran the pad of his thumb across your bottom lip as he pulled away.
“I wanted to.” You smiled up at him. “I couldn’t sleep and,” you looked down bashfully, “I could feel you getting hard while you were out.” Biting your lip, you glanced back up at him. “I couldn’t help myself. Everything about you turns me on.”
Dean closed his eyes and groaned. “Do you know how badly I want to make it up to you right now?” His hand ghosted over your thigh, making you shiver.
You shook your head. “I don’t want you to do that, Dean. I’m sorry, I just - I’m not comfortable with you doing anything while I have my period. It’s - you don’t think it’s gross?”
Dean scoffed. “No. Stuff like that doesn’t bother me. It’s something natural that your body goes through and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
You sighed. “I don’t deserve you, Dean. Women don’t deserve you.”
Dean quirked a brow. “Someone who accepts the fact that your body does things you can’t control?”
Letting out a little laugh, you nodded. “You have no idea.”
Dean licked his lips as his eyes drifted toward the cracked bathroom door. “Correct me if I’m wrong,” he started, pointing over his shoulder, “but isn’t there a detachable shower head in there?”
You bit your lip and nodded. “What do you have in mind?”
Dean grabbed your hand and yanked you out of bed, dragging you to the shower and turning the water on while you undressed. “You have a tampon in?” He threw the question over his shoulder and your entire body warmed with needless embarrassment as you nodded. “Take it out while the water warms up.” He waved his hand dismissively, nodding toward the toilet. When he noticed your shyness, he sighed. “I’m not looking. Do your thing.”
You swallowed thickly and sat on the toilet, obeying Dean’s orders and tugging on the string between your legs. Once you stood, you shifted uncomfortably on your feet. Dean stood and pulled you closer, kissing you as he ushered you into the shower. The two of you stood under the water together, bodies pressed tightly against one another as you kissed. Dean pushed you back against the wall and reached up, plucking the shower head from its perch on the wall.
“You ever done this before?” He ran the water over the swells of your breasts. You nodded, whimpering as Dean adjusted the temperature and made it a bit cooler. A sly grin crossed Dean’s face as he pressed his lips to yours. “You got any tips or tricks?”
You cleared your throat and reached up, flicking the nob on the side of the shower head. “The less powerful one.” You clicked it again, turning the setting to a steady but soft stream of water pulsating from the center of the head. Biting your lip, you pushed the detachable piece back toward him. “That one.”
Dean quirked a brow. “Yeah?” He ran the stream down your torso until the pressure bounced off your clit. You jumped and yelped, grabbing onto his shoulders and digging your fingertips into his flesh. “Yeah.” He purred, holding the shower head in place.
You looked down, horrified as you watched the clear water turn a shade of pink as it ran down your leg. “Dean, I-” you tried to push yourself away from him.
“Hey.” Dean pressed you back against the wall and kissed you gently. “It’s okay. It’s okay, just relax.” He wrapped an arm around your waist and held you still, the shower head still in his other hand, streaming onto your inner thigh. “Please let me do this for you.”
“Y- yeah. Okay, yeah.” You closed your eyes and drew a breath in through your nose. Dean moved the jet of water to the apex of your thighs again, running it over your pussy until it reached your clit. He held it there as you moaned and your knees buckled. “Fuck, Dean!” You reached back and tried to steady yourself against the wall behind you. “Shit, shit, I’m - right there.” You begged shamelessly, bucking your hips and changing the angle of the water hitting your sensitive nerve endings. “Please.” You reached up and wrapped your hand around the back of his neck, pulling him in for a heated kiss as you crumbled. Your legs trembled, back sliding down the tiles. Dean quickly popped the shower head back into its holder and held you upright.
“Are you okay?” He whispered as he kissed just below your ear.
“Yeah.” You sighed, relaxing against his naked body. “Yeah. I’m good.”
“Good.” Dean smiled against your throat. “Let’s get you cleaned up and dry and back in that bed.”
You hummed at first but winced at Dean’s mention of cleaning you up. “I’m sorry.” You looked down as he turned the spigot and stopped the water.
“Stop apologizing for something you can’t change.” Dean tipped your head upwards with a finger under your chin. “I wanted to do it. Thank you for letting me do it.”
You licked your lips and huffed out a laugh. “I do not deserve you, Dean Winchester.” You repeated your earlier sentiment and reached past him to get a towel, flinching as you picked it up off the vanity. “White towels....” You whined.
“Oh, just dry yourself off. It’s not like housekeeping hasn’t seen blood before. They’ll bleach it and it’ll be good as new.” Dean wrapped a towel around his waist and opened the door. “I’ll be in bed. Do what you need to do.” He turned to leave but just as quickly turned back over his shoulder. “And stop worrying.” Dean offered you a genuine smile and disappeared.
You cleaned yourself up and made your way to bed, snuggling up to Dean again. As you laid with your head on his chest, you ran your fingers over his skin and kissed his pec. “Hey Dean?” You beckoned quietly, earning a hum in response. “I really, really don’t deserve you.” He chuckled, but as he closed his eyes and drifted off, you knew he’d never know it. He’d never know what he meant to you, and you’d never understand what you did to earn your place by his side, and words would never be able to describe the way you were absolutely head over heels in love with him.
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seokjinsdisciple · 4 years
Riddikulus - fifteen
jungkook x reader, hogwarts!au, enemies to lovers!au
Warnings: language, memory loss, talks of break ups, bullying lowkey, kinda fluffy at the end
Word Count: 1.7k
this update is trash and i hate it
<previous  fifteen  next>
series masterlist
taglist: @nellaphine @elixirguks @softfluffgirl @sensiblebutch, @deolly, @zeharilisharaban, @jungshookmeup, @elliegrace1999tvd, @mybiasforsure, @minsugapie, @betysotelo18, @purpleheartsfortae, @annoyingpessimist
“So here’s the deal,” Tae started, sitting on the couch in the Room of Requirement, “As far as I can tell, we can’t undo the spell without seriously fucking up her brain.”
“Like how badly?” Namjoon groaned, burying his head in his hands. 
“Like mush,” Tae said, shrugging as Hobi elbowed him. 
“So we can’t do anything?” Yoongi said, letting his head hit the back of the couch. 
“Not that I could find,” Tae said quietly, a sigh leaving his mouth as Jungkook walked in. 
“Sorry I’m late,” he said, walking over to a nearby arm chair, “When I told Madame Pomfrey what happened she made me talk to the headmaster.”
“And what’d he say?” Hobi perked up. 
“Well good news is that Seonghwa is being expelled,” he started, watching as some of the tension in the room was lessened, “Jin lost Gryffindor 150 house points though!”
“Seriously Kook? That’s what you’re worried about?” Jimin asked. 
“Sorry, it’s just,” He started, running a nervous hand through his hair, “Gryffindor hasn’t lost the house cup since I’ve been in school.”
“Can we focus please?” Namjoon asked, shooting an irritated glare to Jungkook., “What did he say about the memory charm?”
“He said if any one of us tries to remove it he’ll take our wands and make sure we never practice magic again,” Jungkook grimaced, “He said its impossible to undo, and if she really wanted that memory gone, it was none of our business.”
“So we just sit here and pretend everything’s fine?” Yoongi asked, an incredulous look on his face.
“At least he’s getting expelled,” Hobi said, leaning against Yoongi’s side.
“I think I’d kill him myself if he wasn’t,” Namjoon muttered, giving Tae an appreciative smile as he leaned over and started rubbing his shoulders. 
“Jin’s a mess, Joon,” Hobi added, “You should really talk to him.”
“I just can’t right now,” he sighed, rubbing his eyes with the palm of his hand, “I can’t believe he would do something like this without even telling me she was thinking about it.  I just need some space from him for a while.”
“We can respect that,” Yoongi spoke up, “But don’t forget that you’re madly in love with each other and literally soulmates. One mistake doesn’t change that.”
The boys huddled around Namjoon as his shoulders shook, the feelings of the day finally catching up with him as he let his tears fall freely. The boys stayed like that for a while, comforting each other as worries and concerns kept coming up. When they finally called it a night, they all went their separate ways, no one noticing Jungkook heading in the direction of the hospital wing. 
You woke up in time for your first class, thanks to Jungkook tossing one of your shirts at your head. 
“Get up,” he said, running his hands through his extremely unkempt hair. 
“Did you sleep here?” you asked with a yawn, stretching your arms before sliding out of the bed. 
“Yeah, I didn’t want Seonghwa messing with you while you slept,” he said, throwing off his dirty shirt and pulling a clean one out of his bag. You couldn’t help but gulp as you set eyes on his abs, eyes roaming the expanse of his bare skin, “Stop staring at me and get dressed.”
You shot him a glare as you spun around, heat filling your body at his laugh. You threw your shirt off, your bare back on display as you shimmied your pants off.  You smiled a little to yourself as his breath hitched from behind you, a strained cough leaving his lips as you pulled on your shirt. Two could play at that game. 
You turned to face him, an innocent look replacing your smile, “Jungkookie can you hand me a skirt?”
“Um, I-, what?”
“Do you mind handing me my skirt?” you repeated, smiling widely now at his flushed face. His eyes looking at everything else in the room but you. 
“I-uh yeah. I can definitely do that. Skirt,” he blushed harder, quickly reaching into the bag beside him and handing you the skirt that was in there, his head turned the other way. 
“Thanks, Kook,” you laughed, pulling on your skirt. You slipped your shoes on, throwing your hair into a bun before turning back to where he stood. 
“Ready?” he asked, hand scratching the back of his head. 
“Yeah, I’m ready,” you said, “Let’s do this.”
Jungkook escorted you to your classes, along with Jimin, for the rest of the day. Whispers following you wherever you went. You half expected your classmates to be understanding about this whole thing, but based on the whispers you had been hearing, it seemed like whatever happened was getting blamed on you.  You shouldn’t have been that shocked. 
“How did they even find out about this?” Jimin hissed,  shooting a glare at a third year Gryffindor who had said some pretty shitty things. 
“I don’t know,” Jungkook said, “No one else knew about this besides the 7 of us and Seonghwa.  And since he got kicked out this morning I doubt he told anyone.”
The three of you kept walking towards the library, silently pondering how the hell the whole school found out about your erased memory. 
“This is giving me a headache,” you groaned, pushing the doors open. 
“Don’t hurt your brain, please,” Jungkook said, “I need it for when we study potions.”
“I’ll try to figure this all out while you guys study,” Jimin said, waving you two into the library and hurrying down the hallway. 
“Well, there’s no point in wasting time then,” you said, “we’ve been slacking off, Kook.”
“I know,” he sighed, sitting down at your usual table, “and exams are only two weeks away.”
“You’ll do ok,” You said, smiling reassuringly at him, “You have me as a tutor, how could you fail?”
His nose scrunched, fake disgusted face as he snorted at you, “That doesn’t reassure me at all, princess.”
You kicked him under the table, a smile growing on your face as he laughed. You started pulling your books out, quill and ink soon following.  Glancing at Jungkook as he bent down to do the same. 
He looked as handsome as he normally did, hair messy in all of the perfect ways. Your heartbeat sped up the more you looked at him, and how far the two of you had come. A few months ago you would have never been caught dead sitting across from him in the library three days of the week. But now you were starting to enjoy his company, and honestly, you considered him a friend. 
“Are you gonna teach me potions or just stare at me today?” his voice drew you from your thoughts, cocky grin back on his face as he shot you a wink. 
“Shut up,” you mumbled, directing him to turn his book to a certain page, and the two of you got to work.
It was a comfortable silence, only talking when Jungkook asked you a question about the work or when the two of you took breaks. With tired, ink covered hands scrawling the last words of your homework you sagged in your seat. You let out a big yawn, glancing at where Jungkook still sat, hard at work. Looking through his potions notes. 
“Jungkook,” you whispered, “I think that’s enough for the night.”
“Mh,” he hummed noncommittally, eyes never leaving his notes. 
“You’re not listening to me!” you exclaimed, mouth pulling into a smirk, “You’re the worst quidditch player I’ve ever seen.”
You paused, waiting for him to have some sort of reaction, but he sat still reading, scratching his forehead. 
“You have a tiny dick,” you said, pouting as he sat with a blank face, “You’re not half bad,” you said, last ditch effort to get him to respond in any way. 
Jungkook just smiled, putting his notes down before looking at you, “I’m the best quidditch player at Hogwarts, you wouldn’t know anything about my dick, and you’re not half bad yourself, snake princess. Now if you’re done trying to get my attention, we really should get going.”
You scowled at him, putting your materials away as he teased you. 
“How was I supposed to know you could hear me?” you whined, pouting as Jungkook tugged your bag into his arms. 
“I responded to you the first time!” Jungkook laughed, holding the library door open for you. 
“You hummed! That’s totally not an answer!”
“Maybe not to you,” he grinned, ignoring the pout the was firmly set on your face, “Ah, c’mon, Princess. Who would I be if I didn’t mess with you at least a little bit?”
“A decent human being,” you grumbled, ignoring his laugh as you turned the corner to the dungeons, not even realizing Jungkook had walked you back, “You didn’t have to walk me back.”
“It’s no big deal,” he said, handing you your bag and stuffing his hands in his pockets. 
“I know I don’t remember everything that happened,” you started, his doe eyes softening, “but I really feel safe around you, Kookie. I was thinking we could try to be friends?”
“Just friends?” he asked, tilting his head to the side, “But what if I want to be more than just friends, princess?”
You swear your heart stopped in the moment, his cocky grin enough to stop it beat in its tracks. Your eyes fluttering shut as he started leaning in. 
“Goodnight, princess,” He whispered, voice ghosting on the shell of your ear. You jumped at his voice, eyes opening quickly at the realization that he was not about to kiss you.
When he leaned back, you could’ve slapped the smug grin he had on his face right off, hand coming out to give you a wave as he spun on his heels. 
You trudged into the common room, ignoring the taunts of your classmates and walking right past Jimin and Yoongi. Giddy smile never leaving your lips even as your head hit your pillow. 
It was the best you had slept in weeks.
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fantasyfan · 3 years
Coming Out: Nico di Angelo Oneshot
Summary: Nico summons Bianca to talk to her, and ends up spilling a lot more than he intended to. Characters: Nico and Bianca di Angelo, Hades Slightly angsty
(I apologize in advance if I get any Italian wrong, or put the words in the wrong place. I only used two words, but Google Translate was used for both of them.)  There also might be some italics missing, since I copy pasted from Google Docs, so apologies and if you think an italic is needed, reply to the post or smthn and I’ll add it. 
Without further ado, here it is!
12-year-old Nico sat on his bed, head in his hands. The Labyrinth was gone, and the battle was over, gone and over like all the praise he received. 
For once, Nico had been a part of the camp; he’d sat around the campfire, eaten and laughed, having fun. 
But all it took was a week for the excitement to die down, and the other campers became wary of him.
He was only 12, for Gods’ sake! Why were they so scared? Sure, he was a son of Hades, but Percy was a son of Poseidon (and older than himself, Nico might add), yet they all gushed over him.
This annoyed Nico to no end, so eventually, he found his way to his father’s palace, back to his old room. The one Hades had offered him after he ran away from Camp Half-Blood. 
The room was hardly touched. Nico had only spent a few days here before running off, trying to find a way to bring his sister back. 
Of course he’d been convinced to let her rest at peace. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to talk to her.
“Bianca,” he greeted softly, reaching out to touch her before drawing his hand back, reminding himself he couldn’t. 
“Nico,” Bianca smiled, brushing ghostly lips over his forehead. “Mio fratello.”
Nico closed his eyes and leaned into the touch, trying to imagine that Bianca was really here with him, in a physical body instead of a ghostly one.
Sighing, he sat back down on the bed. Bianca was here, able to talk to him at least. He couldn’t resurrect her, so speaking to her was the next best option. 
His mind subconsciously piece things together and he had a horrible thought. Panic shot through him as he jumped up and tried to grab Bianca by her shoulders, hands falling right through her image.
Gritting his teeth, Nico crammed his hands into his pockets and instead fixed Bianca with the most serious gaze he could muster.
“Are you going to reincarnate?” Though they were hidden from sight, deep in his jean pockets, Nico’s hands were clenched tightly into fists, knuckles white. In his head, he said a prayer to the Gods who screwed up his life so badly, hoping with all his might that his sister would say no. 
“Oh Nico,” Bianca began, looking at him regretfully, eyes filled with sadness. 
That was all the answer he needed. Trying to control his panic and the tears threatening to form, Nico clenched his hands even tighter. Nails cut into skin, and the son of Hades could feel blood seeping out from underneath his fingers. Even worse than that was the fact that even Nico himself could feel the absolute fear radiating off him. 
If Bianca reincarnated, then he would fully, truly, lose her. She was his only family, and Nico felt tears pricking his eyes at the thought of being completely alone.
“Don’t.” It was all he said, biting his lip to try and keep the tears from escaping.
Bianca stared at him in surprise, and Nico realized what he just said probably sounded like to his sister. 
Reminding himself that no matter what he wanted, it was his sister’s (regretfully ended, now ghost) life, and he couldn’t guilt her into staying in Elysium forever, just so he could be happy.
“Don’t answer my question,” Nico whispered, voice cracking. 
It was what he meant, when he said ‘Don’t’ but certainly not what he wanted. “Don’t tell me, Bianca. Not now, and not before you go.” 
Breathing sharply, his nails were now digging even deeper into the wounds they had inflicted. The pain was the tipping point for the tears that had been gathering in his eyes, and he began to cry, biting his tongue in a fruitless attempt to hold them back.
Gasping as he unclenched his fists, Nico drew his hands out of his pockets. There were four cuts on his right palm, each around the size of a fingernail. Identical wounds were on his left hand, and Nico bit his lip, watching as blood slowly seeped out, crimson red against his pale skin.
“Nico!” Bianca frowned, biting her lip in concern as she reached out for his injuries before realizing she couldn’t help.
That gesture hurt even more than his palms, and Nico clenched his teeth to keep his silent tears at that volume.
Trying to still his desperately shaking hands, Nico pulled open the nightstand drawer. Inside were squares of ambrosia and bottles of nectar that Hades had put for him, and Nico silently thanked his father. 
Pouring the golden liquid over his hands, Nico could feel cuts slowly closing, and the physical pain was soon gone with the injuries. 
Emotional hurt was harder to fix, and usually couldn’t be resolved with Gods’ food. That didn’t mean Nico wouldn’t try though, so he lifted the bottle to his mouth and took careful sips of the golden liquid. 
Pulling some ambrosia out as well, he slowly ate it, restricting himself so he didn’t accidentally burn up from consuming too much of the Gods’ food.
By the time Nico was done, the yellow square was gone, as was about half the bottle of nectar. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he looked back at his sister, who had patiently waited while her brother silently sobbed while taking swigs of nectar and bites of ambrosia. 
She was sitting on the bed next to him, handout of pure spite and anger, he cursed that Bianca was able to touch the bed but not him.
Using the (now) healed palm of his hand to brush away stray tears, Nico cleared his throat. 
“Bianca, since um, you’re not, uh, not,” his voice cracked and he stumbled over his words, but Nico forged on. “Since you’re not going to be here much longer, I figured I might as well make the most out of this time.” 
Before Bianca could say something to comfort him, Nico blurted it out. “I’m gay.” 
A ghost of a smile appeared on his sister’s face, and she reached out as if to touch his face, cup it with her hands like she used to.
“It’s okay, mio fratello.” She moved closer to him, and Nico could swear he felt her breath by his ear. “I am too,” Bianca breathed. 
Nico managed to somehow choke on nothing, beginning to gasp and wheeze as he clawed at his throat. Vigorously coughing, he stared at his sister in shock as he pounded his chest, trying to get air in.
Bianca nearly burst out in raucous laughter, but with a lot of struggling, she managed to keep it to a few quiet giggles. 
When he was finally able to speak, Nico simply choked out, “You are?” before blushing so hard he looked like he was still choking. 
“Yes, Nico, I am.” Binaca smiled, though looked slightly concerned at his reddening face and so pointed to the bottle of nectar on the drawer. 
Nico took a sip of the drink, letting the cool liquid run down his tortured throat, which hurt like hell from his (concerningly long) coughing fit.
Bianca snarkily pointed to the closet while her brother drank, smirking. “Do you want to try this the proper way?” she asked, batting her eyelashes innocently.
Nico rolled his eyes but complied, chuckling as he slipped into the closet. He stayed there for a good minute before bursting out, wearing a colourful pride shirt with many accessories.
“I’m gay, Gods dammit!” he screeched, looking like a rainbow in the cemetery, with his messy black hair and pale skin. 
Bianca burst out laughing at the thought, proudly watching her brother as ghostly tears (Ghosts can cry. Who knew?) threatened to trickle down her cheeks.
“I’m not going to ask where you got those things,” she smiled, pretending to brush an unruly curl from his forehead. The two of them ignored the fact that the hair stayed right where it was when her hand passed straight through it.
“Nico, go show Hades. Tell him.” Nico’s eyes widened and his mouth hung open like a fish’s. Bianca smiled again, her brother’s facial features hilarious. “Nico, I’m serious though. Come on, before your courage wanes.” 
“Why should I tell him?” Nico asked, scoffing as he turned away. The two had been chatting for a few minutes about all the troubles of being gay when Bianca ruined the mood by demanding he tell their father.
“Nico.” His sister’s voice forced him to look at her, straight into translucent eyes. “I’m not your only family. When I’m gone, you still have Hades.” She chose not to add the part about how Camp Half-Blood could be his family too, if he let them get closer. One step at a time.
“Hades,” Nico snarled, putting as much venom as he could in the name, “killed our mother. Hades put us in this situation.”
He knew that neither of those were true, but said them anyway; truthfully, he was just scared, finding excuses so he wouldn’t have to tell his father.
“Nico,” Bianca sighed quietly. Eyebrows raising for a second as she began to fade, Bianca quickly understood what was happening.“You’ve summoned me for far too long already, I have to go.” Nico let out a strangled sound, restraining himself from reaching out to try and keep her here with him, because he knew it would be useless. 
“It was lovely talking to you again, and I’m sure that Father will say the same when you tell him.” Nico’s lips thinned and he frowned, and Bianca knew that look well. “Please, for me, mio fratello?” She asked, voice barely audible as she faded away, back in Elysium.
Nico could never resist it when his sister spoke in Italian. It would only be used when she was expressing extreme admiration or happiness, which was why he absolutely melted when Bianca called him ‘mio fratello.’ 
That was also why he was tugging on a jacket to cover his pride shirt, buttons, pins, and bracelets as he went to find Hades.
Besides, what kind of brother would he be if he didn’t grant his sister’s last, true, dying wish? Nico felt like Bianca had been waiting for him to summon her one last time before choosing to be reborn. To let them have one more conversation before she was truly gone.
Pushing that thought away, Nico wandered the halls of Hades’ vast palace, looking in every room for the God himself.
“Father?” Nico finally picked the right room, opening the door to find Hades in a chair, reading a book.
“Yes?” He didn’t even bother to look up from whatever he was reading, and that slightly deflated Nico’s already waning confidence. 
“I have something to tell you.” Anxiously shifting from foot to foot in the doorway, Nico awaited his father’s response. 
Eyebrows raising by a fraction, Hades raised a hand, beckoning his son into the room. Nervously shuffling in, Nico stood a good meter away from the God of the Underworld, afraid. 
Not that the distance would do much since, well, Hades was the God of the Underworld.
“Do continue,” his father drawled, idly flipping a page as he spoke. 
“It’s kind of a serious confession,” Nico mumbled, almost visibly shaking from having to restrain himself from turning tail and running, as well as the feeling of absolute terror bubbling in his stomach.
Still not bothering to look up, Hades rolled two fingers, gesturing for him to continue.
“I’m...g-ga-” Nico stuttered, already feeling his face heat up. It took him a good minute to compose himself and finish his short sentence, during which Hades hardly blinked an eye at the awkwardness. “I’m gay,” he finally managed to choked out, voice barely above a whisper.
Immediately, Nico began to panic. His dad was the literal God of the Underworld, so even if he died, then he could still be sent to the Fields of Punishment. Afterall, who cared about the small Italian boy enough to argue with a God?
Bianca cares, he reminded himself. But she’s dead, you idiot! She’s a ghost, and going to be reborn soon. If you go to the Field of Punishment, what will she be able to do?
Panic overwhelmed him, and Nico was on the verge of hyperventilating. Until his father spoke and somehow calmed every nerve in his body.
“Okay.” That was it. One syllable to assure Nico that everything was alright. His breathing slowed, but he wasn’t so easily convinced that Hades was okay with him being gay.
“Father, I don’t think you heard me properly. Perhaps you were distracted with reading? I said I was gay.” Unzipping his jacket, Nico let it fall to the floor and made wild gestures at his clothes and accessories. 
“Nico, I heard you fine. What’s your confession?” Hades’ eyes flicked up but he hardly seemed surprised at the rainbow wear, going back to read his book right after looking.
“I…” Nico stared in disbelief. Was Hades just dismissing his coming out as if it were a regular occurrence? Dismissing the fact that he was gay as though it hadn’t been something that Nico had fought tooth and nail to keep secret?
“Nico?” The God prompted, flipping another page.
“That’s it. That was the confession,” Nico whispered. “I’m gay. That’s the confession.” For the first time in their (admittedly short) conversation, Hades properly looked up from his book, frowning at Nico. 
“That’s your confession?”
The boy silently nodded, looking at his feet. “Well, I...I thought you’d be mad or something.” 
“Mad at the fact you’re gay.” Hades (somehow) looked Nico in the eyes (even though he was staring at the floor as though it were the most interesting thing in the world) for confirmation, and he nodded again.
Sighing, Hades closed his book and stood, gently placing a hand on his son’s shoulder. “It’s okay. I’m not and won’t be mad.” 
“Really?” NIco gasped, looking up at him with shining eyes.
“Of course,” Hades scoffed. “There’s no way you can be more gay than Apollo, and he’s been my nephew for thousands of years.” He paused for a second before summoning a chair. “That reminds me. You are long overdue for a Greek Mythology review if you think that I, a Greek God, would have a problem with a gay son.”
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flowesona · 4 years
Judgement - Yandere! Taehyung x reader
The Tarot Series
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“You’re not mad?” Jimin was doubled over in shock, barely able to stay in his seat.
“I mean… I just want the best for you. But he’s such an obsessive person, and a complete control freak. I don’t think you deserve that.” 
“He’s not like that! Well, not any more, maybe.” (Y/N) read her friend’s face. Nothing but pure earnestness, truly believing that Kim Taehyung was a good person. 
“Did you want a refill?” Before she could say another word, Jimin was standing up with their coffee cups in his hands.
(Y/N) nodded dumbly. Her mind was plagued by the thought of her ex-boyfriend edging his way into her friend’s life to destroy it. 
The last time she’d seen Taehyung, he’d sworn she’d never find anyone like him. If she did, he would slit their throat, he would pull out their teeth. Anything to make his “imposter” pay. The idea that the same person who’d made such violent threats had now happily moved on was a jarring idea, but one that soothed (Y/N). Now they could both live their lives for the better. 
The smooth clunk of the cup onto the table awoke (Y/N) from her daydream, as she thanked her friend and blew on her beverage to cool it down.
As they drank their newly refreshed coffees and discussed trivial TV programs, all the tension seeped out of (Y/N) body. Finally, she felt like life was in order, and she could move on. 
The friendly conversation was interrupted by the sound of someone unlocked the door, shuffling in and removing their shoes.
“Tae? You’re home!” Jimin broke out into a grin seeing his boyfriend, clambering over the couch to greet him.
His hair was longer now, (Y/N) observed. His style was different, his skin had some ethereal glow to it. For a second she was worried she could fall in love with him again, only to see him give Jimin a peck on the cheek as he removed his jacket. Taehyung didn’t even look at her as he tossed his jacket aside, those deep, mysterious eyes that had once been fixed on (Y/N) were now focused on Jimin.
“Speak of the devil, we were just talking about you.” Jimin beamed, giving Taehyung’s cheek a playful pinch. 
“All good things, I hope?” He replied, settling down on the sofa besides (Y/N). She flinched slightly, wanting to shuffle away. Despite all of Jimin's assurances, she was still haunted by their last interaction. 
“I was just telling her how you’ve changed. You’re a new man, and I hope you two can be good friends from now on.” Jimin gave them his best puppy dog eyes. “You’ll at least try? For me?”
(Y/N) nodded, still watching Taehyung from the corner of her eye. He met her gaze, but there was a new warmth to his eyes as if he’d found serenity. The look that made her want to forgive him so badly.
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
Not even her handheld fan to cool (Y/N) down from the intense summer heat was enough, as she furiously checked her watch. Jimin was late, and the movie was going to start in ten minutes. There was no way they’d have time to pay for tickets and snacks in time to be in their seats when the film starts. 
“Sorry I’m late!” Suddenly, Jimin was in her line of sight, tugging some unexpected baggage with him.
“Tae wanted to come. I hope that’s okay?” 
“Sure…” (Y/N) was too preoccupied to even acknowledge his presence as she led the couple into the cinema, almost groaning aloud when she saw the small queue. 
Luckily, Jimin was pleasant company as always, chatting to (Y/N) excitedly about the movie.
“What kind of name is Wachowski anyway? I’d put money on him being the secret villain or something.” As they were called to the front of the queue, Jimin suddenly flushed pink.
“(Y/N), can you buy these for me? I really need the toilet before it starts! I’ll pay you back, I swear.” Before she even had the chance to object he’d left, leaving his friend and boyfriend behind.
“Three tickets for the two-thirty showing, please.” Taehyung didn’t say anything, just observing as (Y/N) ordered flawlessly, reeling off her and Jimin’s traditional assortment of snacks for cinema trips. But when it came time to pay, before (Y/N) could get her card out of her wallet he was already inserting his into the reader without a word.
“Taehyung, you didn’t have to-” He placed a finger on her lips, giving her a soft smile that made her heart melt.
“My treat.” 
He picked up Jimin’s confectionery and followed (Y/N) as they navigated towards their screen, finding Jimin right outside. The grin that erupted onto Jimin’s face, as if he was being given the world, was a sight to see.
His best friend and his boyfriend were with him, giving him everything he could possibly want. (Y/N) couldn’t possibly bear to break his heart, and swallowed all objections to Taehyung’s presence. She could be optimistic for Jimin’s sake, to give him the fulfilment that he deserved. Perhaps Taehyung had learned he was better without her. Even if now, (Y/N) had started to want him back.
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
“(Y/N)! Open the door! Please, (Y/N)! We need to talk!” The sobs of Jimin accompanied by the banging on her door were enough to warrant (Y/N) removing her headphones and going to greet him, despite it being dark outside and herself being ready for an evening of watching netflix alone with a bowl of store-bought gnocchi.
Jimin didn’t even hesitate pushing past her into her apartment.
He was an absolute mess. His hair was sticking up, his nose and eyes were red and puffy, and his whole body was trembling intensely.
“You were right. He’s a maniac.” Jimin managed to say shakily.
“Did you guys have an argument? You can stay at mine for the-”
“He’s insane!” Jimin cut her off. “I-I-I was at his place, and I wanted one of his shirts to stay warm. B-B-But then I found this in his drawer.”
He dug into his pocket to pull out a pair of lacy black panties.
“At first I thought he was cheating on me, and that was enough to make me want to kill him. But then I realised.” He pushed the undergarments into her hands, a fresh wave of anguish taking over.
“These are yours, (Y/N). I remember, we picked them out for your first date with him. Look, there’s a tear in them, because we got them discounted?” The young woman was frozen with horror as Jimin continued. “So I confronted him. He said there was no point in acting anymore. He never gave a shit about me, and only used me to get closer to you again. He used my feelings so that you would forgive him for the sake of our friendship, and as soon as you two were well acquainted enough he’d discard me so that you two could date again.”
“Oh, Jimin, I’m so sorry.” (Y/N) pulled her friend into a tight hug, letting his tears wet her hair as heavy sobs wracked his body.
“I-I’m the one who’s sorry. I ignored your warning, and I let him back into your life stupidly thinking he was a new man.” He wailed. 
(Y/N)’s attempts of comforting him were suddenly interrupted as she heard a tame knocking at the door.
“It’s him, it’s him. It’s got to be. (Y/N), what are we going to do?” Jimin whimpered.
“He can’t do anything, right? If he tries to break in or something, we can call the police.” (Y/N) whispered back. For a few seconds, there was silence. Then the door swung open, Taehyung strolling in casually. From the charm on the set of keys in his hand, (Y/N) knew it was Jimin’s spare set, and cursed the man internally as she held him closer.
“Jimin, you were the perfect boyfriend. Always letting me see your location on snapchat, letting me know where you keep your spare keys, not calling the police when things get a bit out of hand.” Taehyung cooed, striding towards them. “But I think our relationship is over now.” 
“Get out of my home, psycho.” (Y/N) hissed, still clinging to Jimin.
“Come on, (Y/N), you should have known. After all, I told you I could never stop loving you until the day I die.” Taehyung had a familiar simper on his face, the exact expression he’d had when she’d broken up with him and he’d promised she would be back in his arms in a year.
“You’re a monster. You played with Jimin’s feelings just so you could be back in my life. And for what? To control me again, to make me your puppet again?” She snarled, her fingers slightly digging into Jimin out of pure anger.
“For you, my love. You can call me whatever you want, you can despise me from the bottom of your heart. But I will not stop until you are mine again, no matter what.” 
“Go fuck yourself, bastard.” Jimin finally spoke up, his voice slightly hoarse.
“Jimin. You’ve been useful to me, but now that time is over. I think you should leave me and (Y/N) alone now.” Taehyung purred, one hand dipping into his jacket pocket.
Jimin shook his head, pushing (Y/N) behind him. 
“You were good to me, Jimin. Don’t be a thorn in my side now.” Taehyung growled, but the older man refused to back down. 
“Well then.” Taehyung drew a gun from his pocket. “I’ll have to get rid of you.” 
Jimin was visibly shaking with fear, but he didn’t budge an inch.
“(Y/N), get out of here now.” He said, managing to keep down the tremble in his voice.
“I can’t.” She tried to suppress her overwhelming dread as she spoke. “What do you want, Taehyung?”
As Jimin was about to protest for his friend’s sake, Taehyung cocked the gun to silence him.
“This is why you’re perfect, my love. Always so kind to your friends.” He held out his hand to her. “We should get sushi tonight, we haven’t had a proper date in a while. Come on.”
When (Y/N) placed her hand in his, giving one last longing look at Jimin to beg for his safety, she was spooked by how familiar his touch was. Taehyung wasn’t a new man, he couldn’t change after all. For (Y/N), his obsessive love was everlasting.
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sly-merlin · 4 years
killing me - 8
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pairing : law student!reader + yuta
genre :    angst , mafia au/ arranged marriage au , smut
warnings of this chapter : cursing and mention of a knife.
words :: abt 7k
summary : “life’s never fair y/n. realise it as soon as you can . it is the only secret for living a regretless life.”                                  
                      “  curiousity got the cat hitched”
taglist :: (not tagging the old ones because they have read it already bt if u want , lemme know! )  @yiyi4657​ @sorrywonwoo​ @sillywinnergladiator​ @suhweo​ @exfolitae​ @minejungwoo @leesalts​  @mal-nakamoto23​
@kafenetwork​​ @neowritingsnet​​
K.M masterlist
K.M 7   next
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Loneliness. The sentiment long forgotten was kindled again. you were so sure that you were just numb to it by now, had hoped that you won’t be affected by that ever again but the compass was directing to all the wrong sides. To experience what you first did 20 years ago was not something you were ready for but given a thought, it would never be.
This could be counted as your longest ride to the university. You felt sick to your stomach but there was no other place for you to go, no person either. It was in the heat of the moment, you realised that you couldn’t hold it in anymore. You needed someone as a confidant. You closed your eyes, sitting in the bus, recalling everyone but came out blank. Not that you lacked reliable company but there was more than one valid ground to oust the thought of it.
With a head full of trouble, as you entered the university, wonwoo messaged you to meet up. For him, your class was still in progress so you decided to consider the offer.
You and wonwoo were friends or fwb to be precise, with a strong year history. However, that couldn’t eliminate the significance of the word friend. You could always rely on him, he himself had affirmed that occasionally, your trust in him being the foundation brick of the relationship. Maybe he could offer you the consolation you craved right now or maybe his embrace would make you forget it completely.
You stumbled as a tap on the shoulder startled you, but it was only wonwoo.
“Finally! Don’t you miss me even a tiny bit!” he announced while hugging you tightly. “Let’s sit on the bench.”
He took off your bag, working on loosening the straps that were already annoying him.
“how many times do I have to tell you! Wear the bag on one side , don’t tighten them or better,just quit wearing these tops baby” he nagged , looking at you but your eyes were fixated on the trees ahead. the uncertain look on your bare face was making him a bit uneasy. In addition, you did not throw killer eyes at him for calling you baby. And you looked sober. Something was definitely off.
“What’s wrong y/n. you look tired. I mean you are a forever grandma but seriously! Tell me what’s bothering you?” hearing the sincerity in his voice, you faced him, his signature honest smile releasing the tension in your body.
Facing him properly, you put the bag behind you. He was still grinning stupidly. You briefly glanced at him, brain continuously yelling to fuck taeyong’s deal and just tell him everything. Nothing was holding you back now.
Before you could utter anything, the layer of leaves on wonwoo’s head drew your attention. You reached out to remove them, but he caught your hand midway. His hand covered yours entirely as he started placing little kisses on the inside, lips travelling from the palms to the fingers and there he stopped abruptly, a squeal left his mouth at the metal touch.
“A ring. Wow. So, the great y/n knows that the shoes aren’t the only thing available in shops!” he exclaimed, chuckling loudly.
You tried to pull your hand but he did not let go. He observed it closely with a frown settling upon the previous happy face. You yanked your hand again forcibly, this time he complied.
“I have something to tell you.” You mumbled softly.
“it’s a diamond y/n.” his statement took you off guard.
“I have something important to discuss woo.”
“ it’s a diamond ring y/n!” he repeated with a lot more emphasis, voice still polite. But you got exactly what he was hinting at.
“would you hear me out. Please!” instead of denying, you tried to negotiate.
“no. first answer me. From whom did you accept it? Yugyeom? Jungkook? Minnie?”
You were left stunned at his sudden accusatory tone.
“fucking do me a favour and shut up for a sec woo!” this time your words were laced with frustration.
“oh wow” he scoffed before continuing, “ what are you here for! To inform me that you have finally found someone to settle down!”
“what! No! Why are you dramatizing so much over a bloody ring! I need you to use your ears and not mouth! For once please.” Your anger got the best of you as you yelled at him. He stood up, shielding you from the sunrays.
“you can’t possibly explain anything! I just don’t wanna talk right now.” And with that he walked away before you could give him the justification he deserved.
you woke up around 1 p.m. in the library, exactly same place where you decided to sleep away your troubles, like always. After stretching your arms, you activated the phone which has been switched off earlier. As you watched the screen coming alive, wonwoo’s conversation made way to your now empty head. You weren’t so sure anymore that he could be trusted with any restrictive information. If you expose him to all what has happened, you’d be doing more harm than good. Love makes one foolish. And you’d rather die by blocking yourself than have him face the outcome.
Did that mean you loved him?
no. you shook your head at the thought. Love is a strong feeling. Especially the one he had showed you all this time.
Yes. You did love him. A lot. Just not in the way he did. But at this rate, you couldn’t say you if you deserved his love.
Multiple beeps broke out your train of thoughts. You were sure everyone was finding the culprit of breach of silence in the library. So you duck yourself into the desk to hide.
7 calls from johnny. 2 from minjun. 4 messages from johnny.
You nibbled on your bottom lip, opening the messages.
Johnny : did you reach safely!
Johnny : hey, pick up the phone.
Johnny : for once
Johnny : nobody ignores the john don. Don’t break my streak and call me back. Today! Or else I’m coming home. Make sure the dinner is ready!!!!!!!!!!!
Simply rolling your eyes, you recklessly threw the phone back in the bag, walking for the international relations section to get some work done. The second best distraction in life – research.
The day was a complete loss.You didn’t study, pretended half day that you were finding a topic in the library but ended up reading animal farm again. Now you were home and with god’s grace, yuta was not back yet. Tossing the bag on bed, you changed down to cotton shorts and a tank top, ready to make a sandwich to eat as a starter before attacking the icecream you got earlier.
Big T.V, sandwich, ice cream, itaewon class, everything sans yuta was worth living these days. So enjoy it while it lasts. You slouched more into the couches as gaho’s start over played, the melodious voice slowing fading your bitter day.
Yuta was just ready to sleep when he came back home. The idea of three hour training session after a week gap was certainly a crazy one but he realised it only when the deed was done. Now he badly wanted to go into hibernation mode.
Crossing the hallway, he saw the t.v playing gangnam style but noone was there except a white comforter. Upon inspection, he found you sleeping peacefully on your stomach curled up into a ball. He made a few sounds of displeasure at your figure before turning the device off. He was about to leave when something else caught his eye. Green tea ice cream.
He picked up the sealed cup, it was not fully frozen but still chilled enough. Maybe due to the air con. But he was happy. Now he could eat or drink his favourite ice cream and blow a fuse simultaneously. Ofcourse yours! He placed an envelope on the table and went away with the ice cream while not putting the lights out, that too intentionally ofcourse.
Awakened by the rooster, you found yourself in the same position as yesterday. The cramp in the neck was now past the pain stage. It was numb to the point that sleeping on other side won’t help either. Supporting the neck with your palm, you started collecting the mess you had made on the table. Remote , plates, empty ice cream cup, the plastic spoon.
Weren’t there two cups???
Or maybe you just slept too much.
You came back from the kitchen to discover an envelope. A dL enevelope specifically.
Nakamoto y/n
-nonghyup financial group.            
It was addressed to you! .But you didn’t receive anything of that sort the other day so that meant it definitely involved yuta. And it was from a bank. You didn’t even have an account in that bank.
Nakamoto y/n my ass. You muttered bitterly before opening it. There were some promotional coupons, a small guide on how to open an account. You scoffed at the unnecessary stuff that was giving away nothing. Then you saw it.
A MasterCard. With your name. new name!
You gave the package a once over before closing it again, putting it in the original position. You were fully capable to survive on your own, there was no need for taeyong or yuta’s mercy when it was essentially to fulfil their own feeble ego. It felt like a kick to your noble gut!
Ignoring it completely, you went to wash up hurriedly so you could get out of his hair before he could attempt to spoil your mood any further. When you came back, a very unfamiliar sight astounded you. A man with deep blue suit stood in the kitchen with his back to you and if it was not for his blonde hair, he could easily be mistook for some gentleman. Due to the light blending sound of the juicer, he had missed your incoming. As you passed the sink to get to fridge, dirty dishes caught your eyes that he still hadn’t washed. You were not going to put your hands in his mud and before he could order,you told him off.
“ clean after yourself before leaving or it’ll stink in here.” You quietly said as you washed the oranges for breakfast.
“whaattt?” he asked like you were speaking some gibberish.
“I said clean these dirty dishes”
“Says who!” he raised a brow at you. “the one who was sleeping in the trash herself!”
“what trash? Oh! That was just a plate. And worry about yourself, I know how to wash mine!” you replied continuing the peeling.
“huh! Don’t boss me around. あなたは私の母ではありません!” before you could ask him what he muttered, he threw something on the pile. You slightly winced at the clatter but didn’t turn around and let him leave.
You examined the mess. The noise producer was a glass. The juicer was also filled with vegetable residues. One could only hope that he would take up your suggestion or you would be banning yourself from the kitchen, for ever!
You were peeling the second orange when he came out of his room and rushed out like his tail was on fire. A frustrated sigh left you as you took in the state he left the kitchen in but you were not going to be his maid. If he wanna eat, he could do it himself.
After breakfast, you did some finals revision which were approaching in three weeks but not like you were not prepared. All the papers were submitted, just the thesis topic submission was left which everyone else was already done with. Even jungkook. But you were instead going to use the day to make up with chelin.
The day went as fine as it could. Chelin agreed to go shopping with you but it took more than just a takeout to sincerely apologise this time. She denied you half day, making you race for her forgiveness but eventually gave in at the end, with terms and conditions of course.  
You studied till late night but didn’t hear yuta returning. But the next morning you knew that he didn’t arrive at all. And in exasperation and for your own well being, you cleaned the sink to remove the stench. As much as you wanted to call taeyong, he won’t be helping you in anyway, that you were sure about. He pretended to take your side but at the end he was always yuta’s brother. And you were just a nobody.
Wednesday 3:43
 Johnny: where are you? Answer me asap.
  You : I’m studying. Don’t disturb me!
Johnny: sure. Don’t show me tantrums and come out. i’m waiting
You : waeyoo??
You groaned at the message. Avoiding him was no more an option!
You : where are you? I’m already on the pavement.
You looked around for a tall figure but he was nowhere to be seen.
“you are alive!” johnny jested, turning you with your shoulders to face him. He was clad in off white button down and white pants, making your worn out self feel like a beggar.
“you tracked me again?”
“woahh! You hit my generosity with a shit face! Expected better from you.”
“ did. You. track. Me .johnny!”
“you started it by not replying. I was worried!” he defended himself a bit comically.
“I swear I’m going to drown this bracelet in a sewage!” you bellowed while getting out of his grip.
“you know you can’t do that and it’s waterproof and maybe gutterproof as well so think harder about throwing it. Hyuck would find it eventually and make you wear the same piece!.”
Scrunching your nose in disgust, you muttered a curse at him which only earned a chuckle from him.
“why are you here anyway.”
“for shopping.”
“what shopping?”
“clothes! Duh. You have a celebration to attend!”
You scoffed at his casual tone. “ what celebration johnny. I’m not doing another shit on taeyong’s order.” You declared, hands crossed on chest.
“it’s not something grand. Just a small get together of office workers and you know you can’t ditch tae.”
“office event! That’s another reason to avoid it. I would be alone with yuta and If you don’t know already, he literally pulls his knife at me everytime he sees me! He’ll k-
“I’ll be there.”
“oh so now this is an office event with family members! Good luck convincing me this time!”
“who said anything about attending as family.” He said, winking at you and dragged you by right arm towards his car. Once you were seated, you stopped him from going further.
“nope. Listen. Lemme think first , then I’ll decide what to wear on my own. If you have time, just drop me home. I’m hungry and I have some work to do.” You tiredly said, dropping your head on the seat. He could only chuckled at your antics.
“then we’ll eat something before shopping and I’m not hearing another word. Fasten your seatbelt lady, we are going on a highway to shopping!” you laughed at his cute shout and he took it as a signal to drive.
After insisting johnny that you were going to pay for your own dress, you both stopped at the mall food court to eat something. A full tummy rotated your mood 180 degrees and you were ready to have him pull you around. He dragged you from store to store to only end up doing window shopping until he found THE ONE! That was what he declared it to be!
You both went around different aisles to pick some clothes. Though you could afford those, you still didn’t had the heart to do so. Your precious money was going for what! Clothes?
After something like twenty minutes, you both met near the changing room as decided.
“Go change and give me a show. I don’t trust your old school brain.”
You huffed but did as he said.
He has gotten mixture of bright colours and soft shades, sleeveless and thin strapped, long dresses!
And the one you chose were south to his north. You wore one that you picked at first, a solid black knee length flowy skirt dress with long sleeves. It looked good on all the right places, so you went out to show him.
“how’s this?” you asked him excitedly but the mood died down seeing his dull expression.
“no! you ain’t wearing anything this short!”
“Knee length is not short johnny”
“change it!”
The next dress you wore was ivory draped puff long sleeve mini dress. You almost cooed at yourself but he rejected it again. at every dress you chose, he shook his head in disagreement.
“why don’t you try mine ones?” he quipped.
“um. I don’t wear sleeveless.soo..
“why? Those looks sexy girl!”
“no! get me anything quarter or long sleeved but not these thin straps and no questions coz I’m not answering any!” the questions in johnny’s head died down before he could even form them.
“okkk. No need to bite me over that. Wait lemme find something.”
You stood in the changing room for what felt like eternity when johnny finally called you out with his nosy loud voice.
“these!” he handed you two dresses and signalled to change.
“why are we hustling so much. It’s not like anyone’s gonna bother!” you said in a bored tone, feeling the heaviness of the dresses.
“just go already. I’m getting hungry again!”
Both of his dresses were beautiful. All the previous ones looked quite dull in comparison. And just by looking, you already knew what you wanted. as you took in your appearance after changing, a smile lit up on your face. It was a powder blue dress with golden embroidery. The plunging neckline with fitted waist accentuated your best features though it would only properly fit when you were not bloated from eating. Sheer elbow length sleeves with gold hid what you wanted to in the first place, so they were alright. The satin skirt was long , resting right against your legs, not too flowy but you could already imagine yourself in your black heels that would be hidden under the skirt ,yet complementing it perfectly.
you presented yourself in front of johnny.“I want this one.” You said, tightening your hair tie. he wordlessly walked towards you and removed it, setting your straight hair on your back instead.
“how do I look?” you questioned hopefully. His face adorned a very light smile but it still reached his eyes. He moved backwards and examined your form , pretending to be evaluating you with hands tucked in his pockets.
“you look like-” he paused before biting his lower lip as if finding something peculiar to say. “a woman.” He completed, gaze still fixed on your eyes.
“what! A woman. That’s all!! you are just like- just like yeong! Ugh” you stomped your feet before going back to change into original jeans. You were expecting some high quality comment but nevermind.
After you were gone, johnny couldn’t control his laughter. He knew his compliment was lame , heck it wasn’t even a proper compliment but he meant it. And it was not for the dress you wore but for the smile that he saw for the first time. He sighed before he saw you approaching.
“I’m also hungry. Let’s get takeout. Devil won’t be home. We can peacefully eat without interference.”
Johnny chuckled again before following you.
“hey, isn’t this one a bit expensive.” He enquired as the other dress was a bit cheaper.
“I don’t care. I’ll think of this as a long term investment.”
“I’ll repeat it at your wedding!”
Your stomach growled loudly as you opened the door. Johnny tailed behind you with arms full of food and clothing bags. He went to kitchen as you proceeded to find your shorts, dying to get out of the hellishly tight jeans. Holding your hair in a low loose ponytail, you exited the bathroom only to find johnny standing there like a pole.
“what! I gotta pee. Get out!” he pulled you out while entering himself.  You returned to the kitchen mumbling incoherently at johnny and opened the take out boxes. As you made your way for the couches, johnny shouted at you.
“you animal!”
“what? Did you call me?”
“you need to heat it first. I’m not gonna eat like an animal!”
You felt slightly unnerved when he extended his hand to carry them to the kitchen again. in no way you were going to stand near it so you transferred the boxes and made your way to the room.
“heat them. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
“no wait! why are you always running?” he placed the boxes on counter in a swift motion and rushed for your door.
“why are you hiding now?” he asked knocking lightly, not sure if it was locked or just shut down.
“don’t you have food to heat?”
“oh so that’s your way of running from chores!” he dragged out the last words mockingly.
“no its not like that.” Your said in a small voice. “I’ve an irrational fear of beeps. So I can’t go near the microwave.” You mumbled, voice filled with embarrasement. You weren’t sure why you told him but the bullet was out now.
Johnny went quiet before opening the door to find you standing, head hung low. Taking your arm, he pulled you out of the room.
Now you were standing in front of the oven, scared if he was going to run a test on you. You tried to back away but he was quick in caging you with his long ass arms.
“here,” his finger pointed to a certain button, “this is a mute button. You can shut this damn thing dude. Were you living under a rock or something?” he screeched at you in a high pitched voice, making you wince. But you were stunned at the discovery and you were sure chelin was as illiterate as you were in this matter.
“is it also some expensive shit?”
“no dumbo. Most of these have a mute function. Either you were stupid or just unlucky to buy a wrong one. But what’s with the scare.” He asked with curiousness in his eyes.
You drew your eyes away, wishing he would let it go but his deep stare ultimately broke you.
“Umm old trauma,” you started , avoiding his eyes, “I was in the accident with my mama and dad.I don’t have vivid memories of it, the only thing I remember is the noise of ambulance, police, some shouting. Nothing more. When they took me to their hospital room ,maybe coz I was crying or something, they d-died in front of me. H-heart monitors. Beeping again. when first time mrs.park , my orphanage caretaker , took to me to kitchen to make me food, I screamed and lashed at her violently. A lot of teasing followed that incident, by the senior kids ofcourse. But its only limited to few things, I don’t get triggered by cars or music. And she never took me to kitchen after that, maybe that’s why I never overca-.” You faced him as you completed. “th-that’s the story.” Your voice came out as a harsh deep breath.
“I-I’m sorry. I’ll keep my mouth shut from next time” He apologised, his hands sliding from the counter to your waist. “ I- let’s heat this. Your first time. I’ll show you how we use this high end gadget.” He suggested, lightening the atmosphere instantly.
“yeah. I’m very excited!” your words were cheerful but voice wasn’t. he gave you a full on tutorial like a salesman at which you nodded like a very compliant customer. Now you were waiting. Sometime while showing you, his arms had securely held you against the counter, comfortable smiles resting between you two. Johnny’s eyes scanned every feature of your face, in a gaze that was not very tricky to describe. Your own hands were resting on the counter, twitching under his scrutiny. You didn’t want to but couldn’t help thinking if he-
“Woah! What. Is. Happening?” yuta’s surprise entry alarmed you both as johnny levelled himself up, covering you from yuta’s inquisitive eyes.
“Nothing. you say? How was office.” Johnny inquired, immediately changing the subject.
“they love me. That’s enough for me. But what are you up to suh? He wiggled his brows, neck craning to indicate behind-the-scenes happenings.
“we-we went to shopping. And we were gonna eat now. You wanna join?
“shopping? What did you got? Condoms?” he whispered the last part with a devilish smile.
Johnny glared at yuta to which yuta answered with a tired look.
“enjoy yourself. it’s better that I sleep off whatever is gonna happen here. Just keep it low. I’m fucking exhausted and dead.” He retired saying it loudly enough for you to melt in humiliation but he didn’t know explicit comments won’t make you feel low in shame.
Johnny circled to face you after his departure, embarrassed eyes wandering all over the kitchen cabinets above your head.
“I’m not gonna touch it. get it out.” You motioned for the food that was burning in the heat, according to you.
You both went to couches to enjoy the food and talked for about 30 minutes more. It seemed like yuta was seriously out like a light. You laughed, ate, gossiped and when the session ended, he was well aware of your infatuation with certain kinds of drinks and you knew that hyuck was the stinkiest person on earth. All was well and he left, making you happy for the time being.
For the whole day, you were busy. Prof. kwang suddenly thought it was best to summon you to fill the absence of his assistant, adding fuel to misery. But you were able to function fully for you hadn’t  run into yuta in the last 24 hours. After completing the extra tutoring sessions, you finally arrived at the destination.
You ran out of the elevator as you were already late. Maybe beyond late. As your room keys jingled, a voice stopped you from turning the knob.
“you are late! We were supposed to be there at 7:30. Taeyong is gonna be pissed off at me now and all because of your shitty time sense.” He gritted his teeth,making you angry but when you turned around, you knew you had fucked up. He was fully ready in a black suit, hair swept back and all , like a gentleman but you didn’t get the time to admire him as the look in his eyes was literally enough to scare you.
“I’m a busy person. Just give me few minutes. I’ll be out.” You said quietly, not ready to start a verbal fight with a no-brain case.
“don’t do that.” he stopped you again from entering the room. “ take a shower first. You ain’t sitting in my car with that smell.”
You bit your lower lip to control the overwhelming urge to kick him in the balls for his hypocrisy and simply shut the door.
After a quick clean up, you changed into the blue dress, did some light makeup to hide the black holes under your eyes. Completing the look with red lip, you went out, bare handed.
Yuta was on the couch, playing some game when you saw him.
“aren’t we getting late or something?” you scoffed , standing in his vision. He sized you up as his pupils dilated. Not wanting to entertain him anymore, you treaded to find your heels. He joined you after a few minutes and within two minutes, you were out.
As you entered the decorated hall, you knew johnny made the event sound more smaller than it was. How you were going to survive the long night was beyond your imagination. Every corner of the room was filled with people chatting away with each other. The more you looked, the more you felt like an outsider. no familiar figure met your sight. The anxiety started creeping in and that’s when you saw someone approach you.
“fashionably late yuta! Its understandable though. Look at y/n. she looks so pretty!” taeil exclaimed, wiggling his brows at you.
“hurry up would you?” yuta said in irritation.
“nope. You are still my employee so tongue in your mouth. now let’s announce your arrival first.”
You followed him like a cat, only stopping somewhere at the centre of the room. You noticed that taeil’s footstops gathered attention like none other.he glanced around before clearing his throat as an indication for everyone to quiet down.
“I don’t need to tell anyone why we are here! But formality is a trend in business and I shall follow it to my deathbed,” a combined laugh followed from everyone but it seemed like an inside joke for you. “yuta nakamoto, our dear employee got hitched in a very intimate ceremony and don’t worry even I wasn’t invited! But tradition continues and here were are gathered to celebrate their happiness. He would be gone soon again so it’d be nice if you all give your wishes and blessings for their future. And I’ll also introduce y/n to the family. She is nothing but a charming woman and i hope she ditches others to join our company one day!” a round of applause followed and taeil cleared the path for everyone.
One by one, people loomed towards you to congratulate in their own way. A hand snaked around your waist, startling you momentarily. “just smile.” His whispered into your hair. You nodded before putting on the biggest smile possible for a person stucked in your position. A few stolen glances at him showed that he was also flashing a bright smile as he shook several hands. Some asked your name, some were interested in your occupation whilst one was interested in knowing the jeweller of your ring. You couldn’t say taeyong so you just waved it off with few giggles. Millions questions were running through your head and there was noone to answer. The aroma of the food passing around in trays was not helping the grumbles coming from your empty stomach. Though you both moved to a corner, fellow employees were still taking turns to have the business and personal talk with your husband. He spewed words like he was the ultimate game, but you knew better just by the way his hold on your waist tightened at some particular questions.
You would’ve surely enjoyed his distress but you wanted nothing more than to eat a piece of cake that that just flew by you. luckily for you, a waiter halted at your stop. You grabbed a drink and hurriedly took a sip to soothe your nerves, all when yuta was staring like a hawk. He observed your nervousness right when you entered but it was heartbreaking for him to avoid poking fun at you.
He gulped his glass in one go, releasing a sigh of relief, as he saw taeyong and others approaching. kun, johnny, jaehyun were tailing behind but they seemed quite distant.
“hello mr. lee. We are glad to have you here.” Yuta formally shook taeyong’s hand, your face instinctively scrunched up at his behaviour.
“I see you married a very fine young woman.”taeyong also cajoled but in a very professional tone.
“you met her! She’s y/n. my partner in crime! Loveliest wife ever. But be careful, she’s a bit nosy.” He pointed his words towards you while keeping an arm around your shoulder. You simply rolled your eyes at him. You were about to threw his arm away when others approached you.
“If I wasn’t concerned about my repo here, I would have cooed at you y/n. I wanna pinch your cheeks so hard right now. Everyone thinks you both are so happy, but only I know how constipated you are from inside woman!”jaehyun laughed like he just shared a joke with you but not holding back, you just unleashed the exaggerated version of his laughter.
“oh jaehyun!” you started, slightly hitting your glass on his arm, “ not sure about a pinch, but I can surely punch your pretty face and guess what! I don’t have any repo to maintain. So its your responsibility that I don’t explode or else you won’t have anything to be concerned about anymore.” You finished letting out a fake giggle, but seemed like everyone but jaehyun found it funny as they were all laughing at the diss.
“atleast you think I’m pretty! No wait! it sounds all wrong!” he suddenly whined, encouraging everyone to laugh loudly at his state.
He was still being grumpy when an old man stopped near you, escorted by taeil making the uproar stop immediately. They all bowed at him and you followed suit. From the looks, he seemed in his 70s or maybe more.
“i love when young people find love. Who do you work for kiddo?” he lovingly asked you.
“I’m a masters student. Law specifically. I wish to join chois one day.”
“chois? I don’t like those leeches. You should try in qian mutlinationals. Kun have more opportunities and you can go international from there. He can give you a free ride till china, beyond that you can explore yourself!” as he finished his wise advice, you turned to kun in surprise. He nodded his head at you with a sheepish smile, confirming the words.
“sure, I’ll give it a thought.”
“and you nakamoto! I heard you were back last week but who would like to greet this old man who’s gonna die anyway.” He scoffed at him and you could sense the tone of friendliness in their interaction.
“you are the one to blame. You don’t get out of your house these days. And you don’t even care enough to visit us anymore.”
Now you were super confused.
“ohh! So she knows everything. When were you gonna tell me! When I had gotten diabetes with all the sweet talking.”as they all expressed their amusement, you were getting restless from all the unknown.
“I would love to hear your love story but I am extremely hungry. But y/n I have a work for you”, you nodded at his words, “ convince moon to remarry. I can’t watch him die like me, alone and unhappy. This manforce have failed so I expect a smart woman like you can find a way to do that. Please promise me, you’ll do it for this old man.” You were out of words but taeil made your work easy as he dragged him away.
“I think you’re drunk enough. Let’s worry about me while eating the delicious food.”
“only you can do it y/n!” and he was gone.
“you’ll get all answers so don’t worry. You look lovely by the way but I shall take my leave as I’m also very hungry.” Taeyong explained patting his stomach. Looked like everyone was getting food but you!
“y/n-ah! Not that shorts don’t suit you but dressing up just scaled up your beauty.” kun chimed in causing yuta to scoff. The way air was leaving his nose, it’d blow up anytime soon.
“johnny’s fashion sense is immaculate like always.” Johnny said, raising his collars.
“don’t blow your own trumpet. I was the one who chose it!”
“huh! What she chose were donkey dresses!”
“donkey! You need to change your dictionary.”
“respect. I’m a top level worker in lee financial corps.” He said smugly.
“so they just hire anyone wow!”
“not jus-
“stop you two! We are still here.” You glanced at kun and yuta, eyeing you both.
“I’m just hungry kun. I just had breakfast and coffee and nothing else.”
“then go and eat. I also need a breather from you!” yuta barked, playing with the empty glass.
It was your turn to snort now. But johnny linked his arm with you to take you away before the war could start. You ate as much as you wanted while questioning him,
“how can these employees have so much energy to spare. Don’t they work 9 to 5, then get time to attend a stupid party!”
“they were given half day off today.” He replied, munching the tofu.
“who was that old man?”
“that’s all part of a circle. You’ll complete it one day but I can’t tell u here so wait!”
“hmm. Then what about taeil? About remarrying him! And taeyong and kun’s companies. Dude that’s huge. How do you manage your syndicate.”
“stop! Cant you eat in silence woman. You’ll know when it’s your turn.”
“ok last one. How can yuta be an employee here when only thing he knows is to make juice or slice people!”
“we have his backup who does the actual work. Yuta takes cares of the investors and all. So he’s supposed to be anywhere but here. So it works out. And fyi he’s quite an eye candy here.”
“then go flirt with him! I ain’t in need of a poison candy.”
after gobbling all the starters, you conversed with him for about 20 minutes whilst enjoying your drinks. And he took you back to you designated seat for the night, right by yuta’s arm.
Earlier, you were being hoarded with guests, now it was your turn. It seemed like you were yuta’s assistant who was taking mini business reports from employees. By now you had no doubt that yuta was nothing but a chameleon, well versed in hiding his true self to blend in the corporate environment. You smiled as much as you could, giggled when yuta laughed and turned towards you, gulped numerous kinds of drinks and now you were a bit tipsy or maybe just tired or both.
You were handling fine being yuta’s dear wifey until they announced that there was a dance. And the stupid couples already hurdled to the centre to show off their skills which you didn’t have in the first place. You heard yuta groan as he pinched his nose and that was his most agreeable expression he had from the whole night.
“let’s just flee after this” yuta suggested.
“hell no! my dancing skills can’t be exposed to these prim prom perfect people. I ain’t doing it.” You continuously shook your head at him, the enmity forgotten for a moment. But he had other plans.
“don’t you dare step on me. I’m gonna eat you alive if you holed my shoes!” he suddenly moved you to the pool of people dancing on the floor. He guided your hands on the right places and the position made you both well aware of the tension in each other’s bodies.
“just do what others are doing.” You craned your neck from side to side but got nothing.
“nobody is doing anything. They’re just stitched to each other!”
“exactly.” And without any warning, he pulled you into him, your grip on his shoulders tightening instantly.Standing chest to chest with him, you totally forgot the need to exhale. You didn’t dare move as he delicately swayed you from side to side, his eyes boring into yours. You wondered what conception were you both throwing at others. He was no pro like you but still managed to look like one.
It continued for few moments until jaehyun interrupted you.
“can I have her hand in dance” he asked yuta to which the man just released you. it was so sudden that you were taken aback by his sour mood but everything about yuta was sudden so you didn’t paid much attention when you had a mountain of trouble standing in front of you.
“may i?” jaehyun asked, bowing to you.
“oh come on. I’m much better than yuta in dance.” He jerked your hand and next moment you knew, you were waltzing with him. He was doing what you call actual dancing.
“you looked so romantic with him and here I get the stink eye.” he sighed at you.
“because I am confined by the demand of this situation or else even you would be sporting a black eye by now!”
“I feel extremely hurt y/n. we are same age so shouldn’t we be getting along.”
“getting along my ass you son of nepotism.”
“that’s so unlady like behaviour. You should be accepting friendships when you are getting them. As said by a someone very famous, life is fleeting and in your case, I won’t trust the lifecourse too much.”
“stop using instagram quotes on me. Read the context then put into application, jaehyun. Life is fleeting. Chances would be gone before you know it.”
“when was the last time you listened to someone without running your brain hmm?”
“the same day when you were taking a break from running your mouth.”
“you are a terrible dancer.”
“you aren’t any good either.”
“what was the name of the boy who gave you hickies?”
“you want classes from him?”
“nope. I’m more than better at my game. I just wanna confirm what is he? Blind or dickhead! Coz no sane man would come near your beasty at-
“I hope you love your shoes.”
A gasp left him, face turning red as he shut his eyes tightly to contain the pain. you had stomped on his foot with your pencil heel and now he couldn’t do anything but mutter curses as he progressed slowly for the bar to sit. Yuta joined him soon only to fan the flames.
As the time passed , drowsiness took control over your senses. Dinner was being closed by now, but you were the hosts or were supposed to be , so there you stood by the door with same i-am-so-in-love-with-my-hubby and it-was-pleasure-to-meet-you grins plastered on your face. Yuta’s hands would be calloused by the amount of hand shaking he had done but not that you cared.
Goodbyes were sent to taeil and johnny as well and when you were about to leave, jaehyun and taeyong came over with some papers in their hands.
“y/n you forgot to sign these. This one is for the property situated in gangnam. I know I promised three in the same area but I changed my idea for bigger and better. This one’s is in Incheon and other is in busan, your hometown!” he recited as he showed you the stamped papers. You were not sure about taking anything from him so you refused.
“no taeyong. I’m good. I’ve my sources and I’ll be joining summer internship so I can fend for myself.” You reasoned.
“it’s part of the deal. Just sign, I mean well please.”
You felt everyone’s eyes on you as you tried to think harder about it.
“leave it taeyong. This tie is killing me so let’s just talk tomorrow.”yuta said, loosening his bow tie.
“It doesn’t concern you yuta and y/n its part of the promise. Do it or I’ll have to force.” Your jaw clenched at his desperate tone. so you snatched the pen , ready to do as he demanded.
“where do I have to sign!”
“here!” he pointed out on the first file. “and y/n y/l/n nakamoto!”
You nodded without glancing at him and signed on all the three files, making it official.
Taeyong flashed you a smile as you returned him the pen, “I’m glad it worked fine. Now you must be tired so we’ll let you retire.”
You passed him without caring enough to reply. Soon enough , yuta joined you.
The passing trees and streetlights provided the comfort that you didn’t know you needed. It was sweet, the feeling of being alone yet not letting others feel the same. you were trying to count the number of streetlights as you passed speedily.
“aren’t you smart enough to know why taeyong took your signatures tonight?” yuta broke the silence. he took a sharp cut as you lost your count. Not receiving an answer, he spoke again, calmly, “ those properties were on earlier registered on taeyong’s name and that busan one is mine. Taeyong is sharp witted man  you should’ve been careful before giving in to him.”
“what are you trying to say!”
“everything’s flying through your head right! To put it simply, you are part of mafia now.” Your head snapped towards him in utter shock as words left his mouth, “ if you try to rant us or steal any info to give away, upon background checkout , you’d be found equally involved in the illegal activities of neos for when if it is proved that me or taeyong are part of underground, our properties would be sealed , stamping your future with them. You won’t even escape income tax department let alone cops! Those buildings are after all, result of our illegal income!” he stopped as he took another turn, not aware of how your eyes were glistening by now. “you can’t leave unless taeyong wants you to and pray if you would ever be able to! It was a surprise for all of us as well so you don’t need to feel betrayed at all. You, me, taeyong, johnny. The great black neos!” he finished as the car halted in the parking lot.
As soon as he unlocked, you ran out of it, tears rushing down nonstop. Elevator seemed too slow, the mirrors were making you more dizzy as it moved upwards. Everything came in flashes from the moment you passed by that alley. This was not the deal that you accepted! Regret and guilt filled you as the the lift opened. Throwing your shoes in the midway, you ran to your room as the tears turned into sobs, wrecking your whole body. Turning in the keys, you casted yourself onto the bed. With burning throat you passed out there.
And yuta stood outside your door, emotionless, in an attempt to envision how this would end for the both of you!
yuta or johnny??? 
thank you so much for reading!
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local80smotel · 4 years
Tears and kisses
pairing; V x reader
summary; V & the reader's friendship started on him being injured and their relationship would start with that too.
requested by; @peachesandbb
rating; T
warnings; mention of blood (but never described)
word count; 2,663
A/N; I'm so sorry this took so long but I had a lot of fun with this! Thank you for requesting!
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Y/N's lungs burned as they ran deeper into the alleyways of London, holding their heels in their hands. How were they supposed to know the creep they punched was a member of the Fingermen? Maybe wearing heels tonight was a bad idea but hey, no one thinks that they're going to be chased by madmen who were drunk with power at 8:30 pm. 'Shit' they thought, glancing at the street clocks '30 minutes untile curfew'. If they didn't get home soon that would just be another nail in the coffin for this English citizen.
The fleeing criminal didn't look back until they heard a loud, panic-filled scream followed with a thud. When they did, they were shocked by the scene in front– well behind them. There, taking out the Fingermen with such ease, was a pure black figure wearing a mask and an outdated hat. The hat or the mask wasn't the thing that confused Y/N, it was the fact this street vigilante was flinging these six-foot men like they were rag dolls. As embarrassing as it sounds, Y/N just stood there, stuck in some kind of awestruck daze until the ringing of a gun blast drew them out of it.
All they could cry out was a "No!" As they were still glued to the alley street. The masked figure only let out a pained grunt before taking out the shooter with one of his many knives. He stood there for a moment, their back only facing Y/N. They could tell even in the dark that this vigilante was seeing if the bullet was an exit wound or not.
“Hello?” they stepped closer to the caped hero “Are you hurt badly?”
Y/N's hero turned to them, obviously flustered as they tripped on their words as they tried to answer back.
“Uh-” He tried to bow but only winced in pain which stopped him from doing so “I would say so, but," he chuckled softly under his breath “as you can barely tell, I'm bleeding.”
Y/N rushed over to them ignoring common sense which yelled for them not to go to the man who had just taken out four men all by himself.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” they asked as they searched for the wound and see if there was an exit wound as well
“I know I haven't introduced you as I have to others, but could you be as kind as to let me into your home?” It was easy to tell the awkwardness and anxiousness in his voice. He shook his head before trying to continue his sentence, probably to backtrack and apologize but Y/N stopped them as they nodded before looking back at the street clock.
“We have sixteen minutes till curfew, we have to hurry. Can you run?”
The man nodded as he placed a hand on his wound before saying "Lead the way".
Luckily, it seemed that the secret police had vanished as they made way back to their apartment. They couldn't help but feel responsible for this poor civilian's injury. 'I could have outrun them. He didn't need to intervene like that.' They thought as they looked over at him. Now that they were closer to the street they should see where the wound truly was, his left shoulder. Y/N couldn't help but sigh in relief which rewarded them a confused head tilt from their guest. Hopefully, it hadn't hit any important nerves, muscle, or bone and they'd feel safe putting their hero on the street once a more.
Things between them things were quiet until they got to their apartment building's door. There, right on the porch of the brick establishment, he muttered a word as he was noticeably starting to get lightheaded due to blood loss.
“V? Is that the name of the street you liv-”
“Name. That's my name.
All they could say was "oh" as they opened the door and started up the stairs. It was easy to tell he was getting grumpy as well. Who knew that was also a symptom of blood loss. When they both were greeted with their apartment door Y/N wasted no time opening said door and pulling this masked hero into it, making sure not to pull the injured side, and made a b-line to the bathroom. There, like most normal people they kept their medical supplies stored.
V stepped into the room first and before the host could follow he closed the door.
“Hey!” they yelled as they lightly slammed their hand into the bathroom door “What gives?”
“I- uh, please forgive me but I can take it from here!”
Y/N huffed as he spoke, feeling slightly insulted that they couldn't go into the bathroom they paid for. They were taken away from their irritated thoughts when V spoke again around three minutes later.
“Could you stay? Sit by the door I mean.”
“Why?” they shot back as they somewhat snapped. V waited for a moment before answering.
“Just... Nervous that's all.” His soothing British accent made the hair on Y/N's neck stand up “I can understand if you say no– I did lock you out of your own bathroom.”
“No! No, no it's okay.” They began to slide down the wall so they could sit. The quietness sneaked in as Y/N brought their knees to their chin. Small sounds like him hissing at the pain from rubbing alcohol and him rummaging for more supplies were the only things that broke said silence until he mumbled out four words;
“Would you help me...?”
The apartment's owner sighed as they got up, jittering the doorknob “Sure if you can unlock it.”
Again, it took him a few moments before a small click happened but they weren't annoyed or upset at the wait as they knew he was probably in more pain. When they opened the door they were greeted to V who now was shirtless with their back facing them. The wound wasn't the thing that caught Y/N's eye, but instead, it was the fact his body was so heavily burned. It made sense why he wanted to patch himself up now! They couldn't help but place their fingertips gently on his back which caused him the tense up.
“Need help wrapping the bandages?”
He nodded, still not looking at them which made it easier to tell that he was truly embarrassed.
Y/N looked closely at the wound, sighing in relief as it seemed that the bullet hadn't lodged itself inside any of the muscle and started wrapping the medical bandages, trying to make sure that it wasn't too tight. In an attempt to relax V they tried to make conversation about his burns. He was quick to say that he "didn't remember" how he got them which Y/N couldn't believe but dropped the subject and onto a new one; why he saved them.
“I watched you– just to make sure you got him safe– and I saw them. Harass you I mean.” he looked back at the bandage work, seemingly pleased with their work before talking once more “You threw a good punch though.”
Y/N couldn't help but blush at the compliment as they stood up “Thank you, V. Come back if you ever need help.”
When V left they couldn't help but feel that their apartment was, well, empty. That night as they laid in bed they secretly hoped he'd come back again and oh boy, would he do exactly that.
Almost three months into their budding friendship they were woken up in the middle of the night to pounding at their door. Fear washed over them like a wave as they opened the door, scared the police had come to take them away for some petty thing.
“Oh! V!” they smiled in relief along with joy as they got to see their good friend after waiting for almost one and a half months to see him again. “Come in!” they moved out of the doorframe, still smiling like a goof until they looked at the floor. Blood. Once again their dear friend had gotten himself hurt. Their heart sank as they looked back at him who was already in the bathroom except for this time he didn't lock the door like he did the first time he came here.
“Really V? This is the third time in a year,” they said with concern in their voice as they walked in the bathroom, undressing him to see the wound which turned out to be a stab wound in his upper abdomen. Luckily it didn't hit anything vital.
“Maybe you just get yourself hurt to see me..” they mumbled as they pressed a cold washcloth on him. Sure they said it was a joke but somewhere, deep down inside them, they wished it was true. V grunted as a response once rubbing alcohol was introduced to the stab injury, turning their head away from them before actually speaking.
“Come with me. Back to my place.”
Y/N turned red when they finally processed his words. Why? How? Where does he even live? Truly they wanted to say "yes" right then and there but they just couldn't.
What about their apartment? Their plants and mail? Sure, they didn't have anything important in their home like a pet but still, moving (especially when they've never seen the place) is both scary and draining.
“Why? V you know you're always welcomed in my home.”
He took Y/N hand's and placed it on his face so his "cheek" was cupped before answering their question
“One day Y/N they'll follow me back here and because you're helping me, ” he coughed “they'll take you away too. I want to make sure you're completely safe. You're important to me.”
Y/N's ears felt hot once V was done talking. They thought for a moment as they inspected the wound to see if it needed stitches. Maybe he was right and living with him would be a good idea. Hell even it wasn't like he only came to their place for safety as well as they couldn't count how many times they opened their door just to see items like water bottles or bags of fresh bread (with a V drawn on them of course) and due to that, it was clear that he did care for them.
Y/N sighed as they locked eyes with V “Ill go with you, V. Let me pack up first.”
They could tell he was happy as he rubbed his face a bit deeper into their hand.
A few hours later at one AM the two of them hurried out of the building, carrying a few duffle bags as they did so. Y/N as they walked couldn't help but glance down at the man's hands as he carried both bags.
“I can carry them V...”
“Nonsense! I'm just doing what a gentleman would do.”
They couldn't help but roll their eyes at this. For being an absolute tank he still tried to act all soft, guess that was another reason they liked them.
As they walked they teased one another, trying not to laugh so they wouldn't alert the police as they were very much out against curfew. That night Y/N learned that V loved stars which just added on to the cuteness factor of him.
“What is this?” they asked in confusion once they stopped in front of Victorian Station “V this place has been abandoned for years.”
“Exactly my comrade!” He smiled as he placed the bags on the sidewalk and opened the doors to Y/N's surprise “A secret treasure I like to call it, now come along you're probably exhausted.”
The two descended into the dark depths which V seemed to be used to. Y/N finally got to carry a bag but it was only so V could use his free hand to guide them in the dark as he had a hand on their shoulder.
As the door opened they were shocked to see the inside completely decorated. It was easy to see V was a big art nerd as classic paintings hung from the ceiling and loved literature once they saw their new room as books were piled all the way to the ceiling.
“I'm sorry if it isn't to your liking.” He said as he placed down the bag in his hand
“No no, it's amazing. Thank you, V.”
Before he left the room Y/N placed a kiss on the metal mask's cheek. V didn't stop to ask why but merely turned his head to look at Y/N who was busy unpacking their clothes now.
For the next two years, V came home with no injuries to Y/N's happiness. It was easy when it came to them bonded as V showed them his favorite movies and how to cook. Their relationship also deepened when the talk of politics came up. Sure, it was slightly concerning for them how V loved the idea of anarchy. But one thing was for certain; they both hated Sutler with a burning passion. Nothing outright romantic happened between them, BUT the night that marked their two years of friendship while having a movie marathon, Y/N laid their head somewhat near his shoulder as they began to fall asleep. V, even though he felt slightly awkward due to this situation, played with the tips of their friend's hair until the movie ended. He didn't move them back to their room, instead, to make sure V didn't wake Y/N, laid their head on a pillow and gave them a blanket before leaving the gallery. Like two years ago Y/N was startled wake around four AM to V slamming the door shut while grunting and mumbling to himself.
“V?” their voice was almost a whisper as they got up slowly and followed him
“Ah Y/N, I'm sorry for waking you.” he turned to them as he held his left side. It was easy to tell that he was nervous. When they finally got to see what was wrong their blood felt like it was being boiled. He had gotten himself hurt again! There was no blood but it was easy to tell he had broken something. He was always being reckless, didn't he know they cared for him? It just wasn't fair!
“Do I not matter to you?!” they snapped as tears threatened to fail as they grabbed the home's first aid.
“You haven't done this in so long V! Why now? Have I done something wrong? V–”
Before the could finish their rant V slammed his "lips" unto Y/N's whose eyes widen. They felt frozen for a few seconds until they wrapped their arms around them, running their fingers through his hair as they closed their eyes. To Y/N's sadness, they couldn't deepen the kiss due to his mask so holding him close was all they could do but it made them just as happy. When the two broke the kiss Y/N laid their head in the crook of his neck as they stayed silent for a few moments before they broke the silence.
“Can I say something?”
“Of course love.”
“I love you...” They held V's hand as they spoke in a whisper “I have for a while.”
V moved their head out of his crook and lifted their chin to look them in his eye before kissing them on the forehead
“And so have I.”
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abbacchiosbelt · 4 years
Needy | Diego x M!Reader
A commissioned piece.
Not sfw, no content warnings! 2.2k words, 18+ under the cut.
Diego sighs dramatically from next to you on the couch, stretching languidly before he moves to straddle you. You ignore him in favor of the book you were reading until he pushes it away, pouting. Diego gives you a pointed look and presses closer to you, the hardness in his slacks already apparent. There’s an eager look in his eyes as he meets your gaze, and you can’t help but to tease him in response to his shameless behavior.
“Do you need something, Diego?” You ask, raising an eyebrow. You weren’t dense – you knew that your needy partner just wanted attention.
(You supposed you couldn’t blame him. Ever since the Steel Ball Run had ended and Diego had become the mayor of New York, the two of you found it difficult to find any spare time to spend with each other.
It’s not as if the two of you wanted to spend so much time apart, either. Diego’s ascension to mayor and the disappearance of the President had caused an outcry across the country, your partner forced to deal with more meetings than usual to appease the stuffy bureaucrats that worked under him.)
Tonight had finally given the two of you ample time to spend together, and it seemed Diego could wait no longer – delayed gratification was not something that existed in his vocabulary.
You smirk at him, knowing. Setting your book to the side, you bring one hand up to cup Diego’s cheek. He leans into your touch and softly coos, the reptilian part of him pleased by the extra pleasure he felt from being touched by you.
“You’ve been working so hard this week,” You murmur, stroking your fingers across Diego’s cheek. He leans away from your touch and into your neck instead, until his mouth is pressed against the tender skin there. You feel soft pants against you, Diego already worked up from being so close to you.
You slide the hand that had been on his cheek down his torso, making sure to rake your nails against his thin sweater. Diego hisses in pleasure when you move your hand to the apex of his thighs and lightly palm the bulge in his slacks. “Eager for some attention, hm? Do you want a reward for all your hard work, Diego?”
Diego nips at your neck and adjusts himself in your lap so that he’s pressed against your own growing erection. “Yes,” He hisses. Diego rubs against your clothed cock and groans, trying to goad you into fucking him senseless rather than taking things slow.
You knew better than anyone that he was just being a brat – though Diego loathed waiting, he had learned to love how you drew things out with him in the bedroom, finding ample reward in the way you fucked him into the mattress and how you praised him when he was good for you.
You let him think he’s in charge for a bit – when you don’t react to his ministrations, Diego pulls away from your neck with a toothy smirk before he presses his lips to yours, desperate. Diego and you fight for dominance, his teeth nipping at your bottom lips while you grind yourself against him. Of course, you weren’t going to give in to him so easily, but there was no harm in returning Diego’s heated affections.
It had been so long since the two of you had lain together, though… Perhaps rewarding Diego early was worth it, just this once. The twitch of your cock as you think about Diego flushed and calling out your name confirms the decision for you.
“You’ve been so good, love. Let me take care of you.” You say. Diego nods at your words and you help him take his shirt off, taking the time to slide your hands across his solid chest. With his shirt removed, Diego gets off your lap and practically rips his pants and underwear off.
Diego doesn’t even look embarrassed by how eagerly he’d shed his clothes and how his cock was standing at full attention, already leaking precum from the flushed pink tip. Diego’s cock twitches as you look him over – it was of average length, though his girth was impressive. Certainly, it was what you’d call pretty.
“You’re so gorgeous.” You remark as you reach your arms out to grab Diego by the hips and pull him back towards you. Diego grins at your words, sharp teeth poking at the edge of his lips as he settles himself back onto your lap.
“I know,” Diego boasts – he wasn’t completely gone yet if he still had the energy to snark at you. In response to his cheeky words, you reach up and give one of his hardened pink nipples a light flick.
“Behave.” You warn. Diego hisses but the twitching of his cock gives him away. He liked it. “If you behave,” You start. You wrap a hand around Diego’s thick shaft and give him a gentle pump, pulling a grunt from him. “You’ll get more of this.”
You stroke Diego’s cock languidly, watching amusedly as he squirms on your lap. A throaty growl starts to build in Diego’s throat. You pull your hand away and click your tongue, feigning annoyance. The growl dies off in Diego’s throat when he sees your expression. You grip his chin and tilt it up towards your face. “What did I say?”
“Sorry,” Diego mumbles. You squeeze his chin harder – not enough to hurt, but enough to have him grunting. “I’m sorry,” he says, this time loud, with his blue eyes meeting your gaze instead of looking to the side.
Immediately, you drop your fingers from the grip on his chin and use them to stroke his cheek again. “That’s my good boy,” You coo. Diego makes a breathy noise and leans in to kiss you again – he was always so reactive to praise. You groan into his mouth when you feel him start to palm at your still covered erection.
“Let me touch you,” Diego pants. “Please,” He adds, looking at you with a heady gaze. You nod and Diego slides back on your lap until he can slide your bottoms down far enough so that your cock is free and springing to attention. Diego licks his lips. “Look how hard you are for me.”
“Like you’re one to talk.” You shoot back. Diego responds by stroking your cock just as slowly as you’d been doing to him, sharp grin on his lips while his eyes stay locked on yours. You allow yourself a few more moments before you put your hand on Diego’s signaling him to stop. Without a word, you grab onto his slender hips and pull him forward.
With Diego pressed so close to you, it’s easy to press your cock against his own. Diego flushes pink when you wrap your hand around his member and your own. The precum from both of you acts like a lubricant as you slide your cocks together, both warm and pulsing in your hand.
“Oh, fuck,” Diego hisses, his eyes closing. His sharp teeth bite into his bottom lip and he suddenly bucks into your hand so that he’s practically grinding into you. “Ah, ah… That feels so good, love.”
Even though Diego is doing most of the work himself – rubbing himself against your cock as your hand holds the two of you together – the words of praise towards you falling out of his mouth are almost incomprehensible with how much he’s moaning. It only took the barest touch for Diego to turn into a whiny mess, lips bitten and cheeks flushed a dark pink. It would take even less to get him to cum for you.
“You’re doing so well, darling.” You coo, keeping your eyes trained on Diego’s face to see his reaction. He whines and throws his head back, his thrusts against you already growing sloppier. “You’re always so good for me, aren’t you?” You tighten the grip around the two of you and help Diego create an even more delicious feeling friction between your cocks. Diego moans out your name, lolling his head forward to look at you.
You know it won’t take much, now. “Cum for me, Diego.”
Diego cries out your name again and his release follows straight after, ropes of warm cum shooting far enough to cover your lower belly down to the hand holding together your cocks. Diego twitches against you again before you remove your hand, his cock only softening a bit. After he’d been transformed, his refractory period was nearly non-existent for the first few rounds in the bedroom.
If you thought Diego had been insatiable before…
Diego doesn’t even hesitate. “More,” He gasps. “I want you in me, now, please-“ His throat trills with a needy purr as he continues to beg, forehead slicked with sweat and blonde hair unruly. “I need it, I need it, love, please-“
“Shh,” You say, pressing one finger to his lips. Diego stares at you with lidded eyes and you remove your finger, opting to slide your hands down his hips and to his pert ass instead. Without even being prompted, Diego reaches behind himself and spreads his tight cheeks. Even you blush a little at his eagerness. “Someone was prepared. Were you always this needy for me?”
You move one finger to press against his asshole and find that he’s already opened himself up, your finger sliding in to the knuckle easily as it glides into his lubed passage. “Oh, Diego,” You exhale, cock twitching at just how good it felt to know Diego had been thinking about doing this with you all day. “You’re so good, so perfect.” Diego tightens around your finger at the praise and you let out a short giggle at just how easy he was when he was like this.
With care, you slide your finger out and grab Diego’s slender hips once more to reposition him over your cock. He grabs onto your shoulders, confident that you won’t press yourself into him until he’s ready.
“I want you so bad,” Diego pants, long reptilian tongue peeking out of his mouth as he begs. “I think about you all day, oh, when I’m in the office alone I have to lock the door sometimes and touch myself while I think about you fucking me over my desk,” Diego babbles. “Just fuck me-“
Diego’s words have your cock aching to be inside of his velvet walls, to feel him tighten around you as his nails dug into your shoulders – but you wanted more from him. You needed to hear how badly he needed you. “Do you really want me?” You ask, and Diego looks at you like you’ve told him you weren’t going to fuck him at all.
“Yes, yes I want you, I’ve thought about this all day!” Diego growls, taking it upon himself to force his hips down. Your cock prods against his entrance and Diego hisses your name out, voice raspy. “Please, I can’t stand it any longer, I want you in me and I want you to use me. I’ll be good for you, please-“
“Good boy.” You say, and Diego’s expression flickers from desperation to lust as you spread his legs apart and slowly start pushing inside of him. The prep Diego had done earlier has you sliding inside his warm walls with ease – Diego works with you until you’re bottomed out and snug inside his tight muscle.
“God,” Diego groans. He leans his head into your neck and wraps his arms around you shoulders, pressing his chest to your own. “Ohh, I love you,” He mumbles, babbling it over and over again before you’re even moving inside of him.
You can’t wait any longer. With a firm grip on Diego, you start to thrust up into him. He rides you in your lap with practice, moving with you so that your cock would hit all the right spots inside of him, which in turn would make his walls tighten around you. It sent your head spinning to finally have his warmth wrapped around your cock while Diego nestled into your neck, loud moans mixed in with the sound of skin slapping against skin as your cock drove into his hole.
“D-diego, I’m close.” You stutter. Diego’s arms tighten around you.
“In me, cum in me,” He responds, the end of his sentence coming out in a high-pitched wail. You can feel fresh, sticky wetness coat your stomach again as Diego comes untouched, driven to orgasm by your cock pressing against him in just the right way and his own thoughts of being filled to the brim by you.
It only takes a few more deep thrusts for you to reach your peak. Your hands tighten around Diego’s hips as you bury yourself into him as deep as you can go and release your load, Diego whining in pleasure as he feels your cock twitch with each spurt. You still for a moment and catch your breath, pulling out a moment later with a slick sound as your cum starts to drip from Diego’s used asshole.
Diego moves his head from your neck and presses his forehead to yours, panting as he comes down from the high. You can feel his heart racing in his chest just as you’re sure he can feel yours, chests still pressed together.
“I’ve missed you,” You murmur, slightly adjusting your head so that you can nuzzle his nose. Diego purrs in contentment, but says nothing – the twitch of his cock, already hard again, tells you all you need to know.
“More,” Diego hisses.
You were happy to comply.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 years
Killan Josta: The Rabbit
Listen. Exactly one conversation with @wildfaewhump​ and this boy found himself nearly fully formed, and he wanted his backstory and who am I to deny an OC who technically doesn’t exist their moment? 
Exists in the same world as @wildfaewhump​‘s Iesin and Talvos, and this is in no way relevant and should definitely not fill you with hope for his future. He is a sad boy. No hope for him.
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CW: Suicidal ideation (of the ‘would be better than this’ variety, is brief, happens twice), debt slavery, beating and violent abuse, kicking, blood, death threats, emotional and financial manipulation, referenced purposeful malnourishment
“Where d’you think you’re gonna go, Matti?”
Killan’s thin shoulders hunched up somewhere near his chin and he drew his knees up to his chest. He could see a bit of red soaking into the rough woven cloth in his pants where he’d hit the ground and scraped hard along a bit of tree root sticking up out of the dirt.
Under the hollow created by the lifted root, he could just see the glitter of an eye, some kind of bitty rabbit or chipmunk or other tiny prey animal hiding. 
He wished he had somewhere to hide, too.
Show me how to escape, he thought to the creature. Teach me how to run or fly fast and far enough next time. Are there really woodgods like my mother used to say? Are there really monsters who sometimes save people like in the stories?
“Hey. Matti.” Ren snapped his fingers before Killan’s face.
“My name’s not Matti,” He said in a half-whisper, then flinched instinctively against the blow he knew was coming.
He threw his hands up just in time to take the brunt of Ren’s heavy-handed slap meant for his face.
“Your name’s what I say ‘tis,” Ren snarled down at him. He leaned over Killan like a great big tree giving off shade and Killan shrunk even more under the baleful look in his eyes. The other hunters and sometime bandits that worked with Ren had settled in a circle around the two of them, four more. Beron, Vanya, Tinch, and Pylko were all as broad and terrifying as Ren ever was, but they deferred to Ren - which made Ren, the holder of Killan’s debt and the one he was starting to think might never let it be paid, the scariest of them all.
“If I say you’re Matthias and call you Matti, that’s what you are. Isn’t that right?” The hand was threatening again, held high in the air and Killan kept his arms up to protect himself, curling them over his dirty brownish hair. They took baths once a week, the group did, and Killan always got last turn at the bathwater and he never felt clean unless he dipped into the river when sent to get water and took the time to scrub himself and took his punishment for dawdling when he returned.
Except this time, he’d tried not returning.
They hunted him down anyway, rubbed his head in the dirt to punish him for putting on airs of cleanliness, and worse was coming. He knew worse was coming. There was a sick pit of fear in his stomach marrying with the hunger that chased him through days and nights. He was worked too hard for little in return, but if he ate too much...
“Y-yes, Ren,” Killan tried from behind the dubious security of his own thin wrists and arms. “I-I’m Matti if you want, ‘til I pay off the money. When… when will I-”
“Not for you to know, debt-slave.” That wasn’t Ren but Beron, who aimed a kick to his side he wasn’t ready for, a crack into his ribs that sent Killan sprawling sidelong into the dirt with a cry. 
Once that dam was opened, all their violence burst forth, and it was all he could do to curl into a ball and take the kicks from their good leather shoes. All five of them had their go, laughing and having fun with him, just like always.
Each cry, every whimper or whine, was a mark added to his debt. Ren counted cries as more he owed them for the inconvenience of having to hear ‘Matti’ be a weak little mess who couldn’t even take a hit like a man. 
He counted all the food that Killan ate on a little list, marked the wine he drank from the wineskins on occasion, too. Killan owed him for the little tin cup and plate they let him keep, owed him the nights they made stew and let him have a spoon, owed him for the clothes on his back that had gone worn and threadbare, for the needle and thread Killan used to mend every bit torn open by their fists and their boots.
He owed them for the second set of clothes they’d gotten him so he might be clean, just for a day, now and then when he did the washing. 
He owed and owed and owed.
He’d been thankful when they saved him. He was still thankful, but part of him had started wishing they had just let the other ones throw him in the river in town after they stole all his coins, just let them toss him like a pebble with weights tied to his feet force him down.
It would probably hurt less to be dead, at least. It would hurt less than this.
But… but there were beautiful days, too.
There were days when Killan walked beside the horses just so he could fall back a little and look around at the sun dappling through the trees along the path, or other days when they kept camp instead of moving on when Killan could race himself to the river for water, or dive into a deep forest pool and get himself clean, blessed blissful clean, and sun himself naked on a rock until he was dry, feeling like one of the wild beasts who could have come and gone as he pleased.
There were days when they were nice to him, cuffed him lightly instead of harsh, pulled him to sit with them around the fire to tell their old stories of fae stealing babies away until Killan shivered and went pale and they laughed, but it was good-natured laughing. Not mean, not really. Not the way they usually were.
There were days during his watch with Beron where Beron would show him how to make tiny little animals out of wood, carving this way or that until he made a tiny fox, a wolf, one time a bird that whistled if you blew into its beak.
They didn’t mark his debt up some days, when they were happy with him, and he could sing their drinking songs by heart and get rewarded with a grin and a clap to the back.
So there were good days, too, and he leaped desperately from good day to good day like a squirrel jumping between trees. 
But after a few bad days, he’d had enough, and thought he could run even though they were hunters and bandits.
He’d been wrong.
“Y’know what this means, Matti,” Ren said heavily, as though Killan were a grand disappointment. “Don’t you?”
Killan’s whole body ached, and all he could do was groan on his side on the forest floor, feeling old leaves soft beneath him, smashed into his hair, dirt and mossy green smeared along his face. He throbbed with pain every place their boots had gotten him, and hated his own thin leather shoes cut badly and bought cheap that sometimes wore his skin raw and bloody along the sides of his feet. 
He’d get boots when he earned them, he was told.
What else could he do to be worth good boots? What more was there that Killan had not already done?
“I-I’m sorry, Ren, I d-d-don’t-”
“It means we’ve got to tie you behind my horse again,” Ren said. The others clicked their tongues against their teeth, disappointed sounds. Killan slowly pushed himself up, hissing through his teeth at the flare of pain just about everywhere.
“You… you d-don’t, I didn’t-”
“No, we do. If you’re going to try and steal your debt from me, Matti, then you’re going to have to be kept close. Where would you be if I hadn’t saved you, Matti, huh?”
Killan looked back down at the ground. “Dead, Ren.”
“That’s right. You’d be dead if it weren’t for us taking pity on you. And what do you think it tells me when you try to run off and steal my bread?”
Killan’s chin jerked up at that, jaw set in a faded hint of stubbornness. “I baked the bread!”
Ren backhanded him, sending him back down to the dirt, like he lived there. Like he belonged in the decaying leaves where mushrooms sometimes came up in the spring and Killan would pick them by the basketful to cook in oil for dinner, back home, back before. “It’s my bread whether you bake it or not. Stealing bread’s a crime, ain’t it?”
Killan wiped at his mouth with his arm, spat into the dirt and ignored the blood in it. “Yes, Ren.”
“Right. And runnin’ from a debt is a crime, too. You’re lucky we caught you first - show your face in a town and they’d lock you up ‘til I came for you, wouldn’t they?”
Not if they didn’t know I was a debt-slave.
Killan wisely kept that to himself.
“Should’ve let him run,” Beron said, ruffling Killan’s hair as he cringed away from the unwanted touch. “Let the fae eat him.”
“They don’t come down from their stupid mountains,” Vanya drawled. 
“Sure they do,” Beron said, but offered no detail or proof. “Where else would they get humans to eat?” He was the one who told the best stories about fae, stealing babies from mothers and taking the children in a village as thralls and leading them away with song, making men kill themselves in front of their horrified true love. They were spooky stories that left the hair on Killan’s arms standing up but kept him leaning forward towards the fire, waiting for more.
Killan liked Beron’s stories, even if he didn’t like Beron.
Even if Beron always kicked him hardest.
“Hey.” Ren hit him across the face again to get his attention, and Killan’s teeth came down too hard on his lower lip, a burst of salt-sweet coppery taste against his tongue as his lip busted and he coughed, gagging at the overwhelming taste. “You listening, Matti?”
My name's not-
“Yes, Ren,” Killan muttered, trying to speak around his lip, so it came out more like Yeh, -ehn. “I-... listenin’.”
“Good. Next time I catch you running from me, I’m going to tie half a raw deer to your back and have Beron use his fae whistle to call one down to tear you apart. And if a fae doesn’t make quick work of your scrawny arse, trust that everything else that smells it on you will.”
Killan shuddered. Beron’s stories made the fae monstrous, rows of sharp teeth and feathers that could cut like a blade, big claws on their hands instead of proper fingers. It wouldn’t be a good death, but at least it would be one. “Unner-... unnerstan’, Ren.”
“Good. And I don’t want any of your mopery no more, either. All you do is mope around actin’ like you don’t have a perfectly good lot in life compared to your bones restin’ in the river where we found you. I’ll take a happier face from here on out and anything less will make it worse for you. Now get on your feet.”
Killan swallowed blood, felt his stomach spin and lurch and threaten to make him bring up his meager breakfast all over the forest floor. He nodded and pushed himself to his feet, falling into line with the men who owned him as they headed back to camp, the occasional smack or kick or curse urging him on even as he limped and dragged one foot a little behind the other. 
Ren owned his life until his debt was repaid, but the debt was higher with every breath he took, and he was starting to understand that Ren would never let him go.
He spat blood on the ground as he limped, and wondered if maybe a fae would eat him, if ever he could find one and politely ask it to.
Killan tried to take a breath and winced at the sharp spike of pain from his side. “I th-think you cracked my rib,” he mumbled to Beron, who had come up on his right. The tall, older man glanced sideways at him and shifted, elbowing him sharply right in the side.
Beron, who was sometimes the nicest of them all, right now grinned at Killan’s answering hoarse whimper.
“That’s another mark,” Ren said from up at the front, and Killan made another hopeless sound that only brought Beron’s smile wider.
“Don’t worry, cracked ribs heal fast enough,” Beron said, suddenly jovial and friendly, clapping Killan on the back just to watch him stumble and hiss through his teeth to hold back the sounds as he got his balance back. “I’ll cook tonight, lad. You can lie down early.”
Unsettled by the sudden switch from cruelty to kindness, Killan looked up, only to stumble over a tree root he would’ve seen if his eyes had still been down, falling to his hands and knees on the forest floor, palms scraping dirt and the just-closed cuts across his knee opening up to bleed again.
Killan sniffed back the heat that was building behind his eyes and set his jaw as he forced himself back to his feet, trying to ignore Beron’s booming laughter at his back as he hurried to catch up to Ren.
By the time the leader looked back at him, he had set an empty but vaguely cheerful expression on his face, despite the bloodied lower lip, despite the bruising already starting up across his face on both sides, despite cracked rib and hurting back and aching legs. 
Ren didn’t want to see him being sad about his lot in life anymore, and Killan was so tired of getting hurt. Lying wasn’t all that hard. It would be easy enough to lie, with the right reasons, and if I look right they won’t hurt me so much seemed as good a reason to smile as any.
He set himself to look as happy as he could, and hoped that Beron had really meant it about letting him get into his bedroll early.
Ahead of them, the sun came down in dappled yellow through the canopies of the tallest trees, and Killan fixed his eyes on the sight, forced the slightest smile to stretch his split lip until he winced. 
The smile wasn’t really all that hard to force, if he was honest with himself. He might be hurt, and bloody, and dirty and downtrodden, but… but you could live for the forest, if you really wanted to, not just live off of it. 
Killan could’ve been happy in the woods forever, on his own. In the deeper woods like this he could almost swear the air felt like magic. 
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amelialincoln · 4 years
So Sorry
Her head was pounding, aching maybe? Nope, more like throbbing. She shook her head in frustration as her sutures broke for the fourth time. She ignored a couple of the confused glances from around the OR. Her sutured were always perfect but today her hands wouldn't stop shaking. It was probably due to dehydration and couldn't remember the last time she'd eaten. It had been back to back traumas all day, every specialty was swamped but neuro had gotten it worst. Owen wasn’t working today which made matters worse. She’d heard the nurses gossiping about him getting a call about a possible lead on his sister. Her heart had swelled a bit at that. She wished she could be there for him but was reminded that being Owen’s therapist wasn’t her job anymore. It was Teddy’s now. Something she might feel jealous about if she wasn’t so happy with Link. They’d planned to get married a year ago but realized some fancy ceremony seemed dumb. They loved each other and that seemed to matter more than anything else.
"Everything okay, Doctor Shepherd?" Deluca asked from beside her. She missed Stephanie, Deluca’s polietness was starting to piss her off.
“Everything's perfect, why?" She squinted into the brain cavity, her eyesight was starting to blur ans she realized how badly she needed a nap.
"No reason." Deluca shook his head. "I can close if you want."
On a normal day Amelia might snap at her him for pointing out her incompetence of a simple skill she'd preformed hundreds of times, instead she just sighed. "Sure, page me when your finished, I'd like to follow up." She handed her instruments to the resident. "Watch the lep–"
"Leptin receptor, I know," He assured her. "Get out of here." Amelia nodded, thanking the scrub nurses beside her, she quickly fled the room. Dizzy didn't even begin to cover how she was feeling as she began to scrub out. Everything was spinning. She waited for a moment of relief, gripping to the edge of the sink.
"Amelia?" She didn't have to look up to recognize her boyfriend's voice.
She took a deep breath, splashing her face with cold water and turned to meet his gaze. "Hey. You all finished for the day?”
"You don't look well," he observed, ignoring her question.
Amelia shook her head as another wave of nausea rolled over her. Her hand flew to her mouth to prevent her from throwing up onto his scrub top. "I don't want to get you sick.” Link held out an arm for her to steady herself and watched the dizziness pass before pulling her into his chest. Normally his cologne would calm her but today she couldn’t help but wince at the strength of it.
"I'll take you home," he assured her, removing her scrub cap and running his hands through her hair to remove the tight braid.
"No," she paused, shutting her eyes tight, "you're busy, I'll be fine."
He took a minute to survey her before placing a hand on her sweaty brow. “You're hot, do you feel feverish?"
"Not particularly, just nauseous."
"You've been spending too much time with Zola at daycare. That place is covered in germs. You probably caught a flu bug." She nodded before suddenly pulling away from him. Her entire body heaved as she threw up in the scrub sink. “The nurses are gonna love that.”
“I just wanna go home,” she mumbled weakly.
"Okay," he promised, "let’s go get your things and I'll take you home."
"It's rush hour, we could be here for awhile," Link muttered, slowing the car down to a stop behind the car in front of them. Amelia peered over the dashboard, a large line of cars blocked her view.
“Ugh,” a groan escaped her mouth as she noticed the traffic blocking her view.
"We're almost home. Another twenty minutes with the traffic." Link tried to sound optimistic as he glanced over at his girlfriend, curled up in her seat with her head leaning on the car door. "Please don't throw up in the car."
"Thanks I'll keep it in mind," she snapped.
"I told you that daycare is full of germs. You're in there almost twice everyday,” he tried to dismiss her anger, knowing she’d been up all night.
"I like how you're making visiting my nieces and nephew seem like a bad thing."
"There's a flu bug going around, you can always visit them at home," Link argued.
"If I have a break I'd rather make use of it then talk to stupid interns for half an hour!" She yelled, pressing her index fingers to her temples.
"Why are you so stubborn?!" He finally huffed, slamming his hands on the wheel of the car.
"Why do you always have to act so freakin righteous? She cried. Link pressed his lips together, gritting his teeth. Traffic has always agitated him as it does Amelia. They weren’t the most patient people.
"All I'm saying is–"
"Can we just not fight right now?" She interrupted. "I'm just really tired."
"Alright,” he tried to soften his voice.
"Good," she answered, cupping her forehead in one hand and squeezing her eyes shut. He felt slightly guilty for adding to her headache. They’d been at a stall for ten minutes when Amelia began to squirm again. Her index fingers roughly massaged her temples and she jumped as Link placed a soft palm on her forehead.
"Hey, hey," he muttered as she relaxed. "Your forehead is still hot, are you sure you're ok?"
"I told you, I'm fine," she mumbled, staring out the window.
"Amelia..." hot red tears rolled down her face and she wiped them away with frustration.
"I said I was fine," she tried to sound irritated but it came out a lot weaker. What she looked like was frail and unhealthy. Something Link had been noticing more frequently about her appearance, always tired, always shaky. She'd lost weight for sure but she keeps telling him that she’s just been swamped with work. He went to caress her side but quickly pulled away in horror as she yelped in pain.
“Okay, what the fuck is going on,” he was surprised by the anger in his own voice. Their relationship was built on trust which was something Link was grateful for every day. Lately he couldn’t shake the fact that she was lying to him.
"Stop yelling at me!" She cried, tears streaming down her face.
"Tell me what's going–"
"I thought I was pregnant!" She blurted out finally. Link’s voice went silent.
"We've been t-trying for months and n-nothing was happening," she stumbled over her words as he stares at her in shock. "I was getting nauseas, I-I had this terrible back pain and I was tired all the time." She looked to Link for any flicker of emotion but his face had gone stone cold. "I didn't have time to go get a test at the store and I was so excited," her voice was starting to break, "I went to see Carina and I asked her to run some tests."
Link drew in a shaky breath, trying to hold back any flicker of excitement that might be showing up on his easily readable face. "Okay..."
"But they all came back negative. Carina was as confused as I was. We didn't know what to do except run some more tests. I had an ultrasound done, still nothing. And then I started bleeding and everything started to make sense."
"Bleeding?" Did you have a miscarriage?” He reached for her hand as he forced his own feelings down. Why hadn’t she told him? That was something they should’ve gone through together.
"I went to the bathroom and there was blood," she replied, she took in shaky breaths.
"Okay," Link waited for her to tell him, his heart thumping in his chest. He was almost a father.
"Carina was worried about the same thing as me, considering my family history, so we got a couple scans. They were positive.”
"For..." Link urged her to finish.
"For ovarian cancer. I didn’t want to tell you because initially we thought it was okay. With your history and everything I didn’t want to scare you but it's spreading really quickly. Carina said it could be in my bladder by next week and then possibly my liver. The tumor is located right beside a major bloodstream so it's just shipping cancer cells all over the place." She smiled through her tears, the classic Shepherd appreciation for tumors was written all over her face. "it’s pretty perfect, it’s margins are–"
“Stop,” he suddenly felt like it was him who was going to throw up. The car jolted a little too hard as he pressed in the brakes and stared into her eyes in disbelief. “Are you kidding.” She shook her head, not able to read any of the million scenerios that were running through his mind.
"I had my first round of chemo today.”
"Why the hell are you working?"
"It’s a distraction, I just–”
"And you didn't think that my opinion, being practically your husband, would matter?" He had never been much of a crier but he found himself biting back a sob. “You don’t think that the one who is directly impacted by your wellbeing would want to have a say in any of this?”
“I didn’t want to worry you. I’m trying to figure things out. I didn’t want to drop a major bomb on you without being sure of my prognosis.”
"So your telling me that if I was your position you would've preferred me not to tell you if I was dying?" He glared at her through blurry eyes.
"I didn't say that!" She protested, curling her hands into fists.
“I trusted you to tell me everything. You’ve made me promise you to keep you updated on my cancer shit but you can bother to do the same yourself? This is a joke.” He knew he was projected his issues on her and he hated himself for it.
“I thought I was doing what was best for us,” she tried to explain, running her hands through her hair in frustration. Link stopped, staring into her palms. His hands began to shake on the wheel and his knuckles went white in an attempt to squeeze his hands hard enough to stop the shaking. Amelia glanced down at the hair caught between her fingers and let out a tiny whimper as the couple pulled into the driveway. He wanted to wrap her up in his arms, tell her it was all going to be okay. The idea of watching her go through what he had made him want to run in the other direction. The idea of her hurting was too much for him to bare. He looked at her pale expression, knowing exactly how she was feeling and recounting on all the times he’d prayed to god that her nor their children wouldn’t have too. Children were most likely out of the question at this point though he didn't care as long as she made it. Was this really their reality now? If she made it? He leant over to kiss her, hoping it would suppress his thoughts and prayed that he’d be able to kiss her for the rest of his life. 
an anon requested that Link and Amelia be together rather than Owen and Amelia during her cancer situation. sorry its sad but what were u expecting lol. 
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