#please ksoskspskpskspsls
lover-of-mine · 6 months
All jokes about the "you just click" and "she sees me" aside, the choice to make both Buck and Eddie casually and unknowingly say the thing that will hurt the other the most is nuts. Eddie has this whole thing about trying to do what's best in the situation and the main complaint Shannon had was that he wasn't there so he wasn't actually seeing what she needed and that ultimately adds so much to Eddie feeling like he wasn't enough for her, so to have him put in the amount of effort he was putting into making sure Buck was adjusting to what happened to him just to be hit with Buck saying this random ass person he met 5 minutes ago understands him better than he could, cuts a lot deeper than Buck will ever realize. And Buck, my disaster child, that man does not know what it's like to just feel like you connected with someone instantly, because, honestly, a lot of Buck's connections are transactional, are based on people wanting something from him, and even with the 118, he had to fight tooth and nail to prove he deserves the place he has now, it wasn't never something smooth for him, he didn't even "just click" with Eddie, but only because Buck himself was being a brat about the situation, so to have Eddie say he just fits with someone he has so much in common with is gonna dig in some insecurities that Eddie will never think to consider. This is madness. I'm still 🤯🤯 about that damn clip because what are they doing????
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