#divorce era incoming?
lizzyyylmaoooooool · 1 month
the way louis and armand where so flirty and warm and glued to each other’s side in front of daniel and when alone they where leaving 5ft of space for jesus and saying about three words to the other don’t play with me whats going on here
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lover-of-mine · 2 months
All jokes about the "you just click" and "she sees me" aside, the choice to make both Buck and Eddie casually and unknowingly say the thing that will hurt the other the most is nuts. Eddie has this whole thing about trying to do what's best in the situation and the main complaint Shannon had was that he wasn't there so he wasn't actually seeing what she needed and that ultimately adds so much to Eddie feeling like he wasn't enough for her, so to have him put in the amount of effort he was putting into making sure Buck was adjusting to what happened to him just to be hit with Buck saying this random ass person he met 5 minutes ago understands him better than he could, cuts a lot deeper than Buck will ever realize. And Buck, my disaster child, that man does not know what it's like to just feel like you connected with someone instantly, because, honestly, a lot of Buck's connections are transactional, are based on people wanting something from him, and even with the 118, he had to fight tooth and nail to prove he deserves the place he has now, it wasn't never something smooth for him, he didn't even "just click" with Eddie, but only because Buck himself was being a brat about the situation, so to have Eddie say he just fits with someone he has so much in common with is gonna dig in some insecurities that Eddie will never think to consider. This is madness. I'm still 🤯🤯 about that damn clip because what are they doing????
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the-heartlines · 1 month
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we cookin’ 👩🏻‍🍳
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tourmalinedreams · 2 years
I’m fucking vibrating I’m so excited for Louis to bring Claudia in and make her him and Lestat’s bandaid baby I NEED there to be a requisite “hey babe this is great this is a whole new start for us it’ll all work out!” makeup scene for Louis and Lestat I will clap and cheer!!!!
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mycenaae · 25 days
i sense divorce era incoming. and i don't FEEL GOOD
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icarus-suraki · 4 months
I've noticed an odd pattern in recent op-ed pieces from conservatives lately and I'm not posting this as a scare tactic, but I am saying that you might want to pay attention.
The conservatives and right-wingers are hung up on Christian heterosexual marriage again. They really want everyone to be in a nice 50s-style marriage and this is not good.
Brad Wilcox had a piece in The Atlantic and then David Brooks had a piece in the NYT and I've since come across a couple of others behind paywalls.
What you need to know is that these pieces are all pushing that 1. rich people keep experimenting with polyamory and that's bad and 2. poor people need to get married a lot more. They are 100% pushing the 1950s "nuclear family" model.
Brad Wilcox dragged out some statistics--like how much more likely it is that a child born "out of wedlock" to a low-income mother will remain in poverty. And, yes, that's statistically true, but maybe it's because the social and community structures that used to support parents and children have either been (purposefully) broken down or removed. Extended family, for example, have been pushed aside in favor of the "nuclear family" model. To say nothing of the cost of childcare and how nobody's getting paid enough.
His big argument is a kind of "life plan" of... graduate from high school -> work full time -> marry -> have children. And, sure, in the current socio-economic situation, that would give someone some greater stability (if the work is paid well enough) because there's no systems in place to help. Two incomes and two people in a household could make raising children easier (in theory).
But I'm left wondering how much of what he thinks can be solved by marriage and marriage-before-children when a lot of it can be solved by better income and better support. But that's not what conservatives want to see.
David Brooks just makes me want to throttle him sometimes. His argument is the old saying, "happy wife, happy life."
His statistics suggest that people who are married are happier than people who are single (if the marriage is happy, I guess???), especially in middle age. So his argument is that everybody is thinking too much about their careers and not enough about who they're gonna marry.
No really: he wants everyone to put more thought into marriage than into career. Because a happy marriage makes life better even if you have a crappy job.
Now that might be true if you have a crappy job that pays really well. But the economic climate really dictates that you have to think about career/work first because otherwise you're just going to be married but starving. There is no certainty of survival without income because there are no safety measures anymore. You have to think about survival before partnership or marriage. And nobody is getting paid enough except for a very, very few in the upper echelons.
He also suggests reading Jane Austen's novels to get a "positive" view on marriage. Jane Austen, a woman who herself never married and whose novels point up the problems women of the era have with being unable to inherit or own and instead have to marry to literally survive. Good plan.
Oh and Mr. Brooks has been divorced and remarried. For the record. I wonder what his first wife's opinions on this article are.
So what they want is a lot of nicely 1950s married heterosexual couples (ideally Christian, probably white or at least acting white) when the real issue is that all the social and community structures that we really need have disappeared. They're trying to replace large community with "traditional" marriage and that idea is faulty at best.
So heads up: don't fall for their tactics. The economy is more of an issue. Rights are more of an issue. This is some tradwife propaganda here, as written by two cis men.
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starixi07 · 2 months
guys omg let me talk about how my life has changed so much from july 2023 to now April 2024 (mad yapping incoming) tw: ed, alc, peer pressure
July: Ok so in July I started losing weight because I wanted to become my “best” self. My birthday had just happened and I turned 16. Two days later, my parents got in a huge fight and they told me and my brother to come out of our rooms. My dad had been cheating on my mom and she wanted a divorce. But, I never wanted them to so my mom gave me the choice if she would stay or leave. I ,of course, made her stay (she still blames me to this day). So, I went on a hunger strike and didn’t eat for like a week.
August: I had lost about 10 pounds and school was going to start. Once school started some people took notice, but I didn’t look all that different. I also stopped wearing a full face of makeup and went natural.
September: I lost another 10 pounds and looked more snatched than ever. There was this new girl in my class and we became friends. She then turned out to go to my elementary and we reconnected. I told her about my ex talking stage. Turns out he had been saying I was obsessed with him behind my back to girls from other schools like brudda what?
October: I lost ten more pounds and I was at my best weight/body. There was the fair and lala. OMG i talked to this one guy for about two weeks because I reached out (i was bored). I also talked to this other guy but i ended them both that same month. My ed was so horrible at this time but my body was bomb yall.
November: I was in my Rory Gilmore era guys and my grades were so good. I had a small friend group and was in the middle of popularity ykwim? Not much happened.
December: I started to develop a crush on this guy. He was part of that friendcest group iykyk. Nevertheless I was like ooo lala. Let me tell yall cause ik i’m not delulu. I was with my friend and she went to go turn in a paper in the office. She made a joke and I laughed with my teeth out and we walked outside the door. I see someone come down the stairs and I was still smiling and I made eye contact. He looked at me and smiled at me. Keep in mind that this brudda did NOT know me. My friend became friends with one of his friends. He was a popular kid that like everyone likes and is on the football team, tall and white. (ikr😡) They would joke around and my pookie sookie hangs out with that foo so everytime my friend and her friend would joke around he would be there and would laugh when i would laugh. In several instances I may have somehow made him think I liked him. (i didn’t at the time) Guys i would giggle around him as if i had a crush on him but i didn’t.
January 2024: Christmas break passed and I gained half the weight back. Formal was coming up and I was scared I would look fat. So, I restricted and went back to a good weight. I got my dress and yall I’m hispanic so yk i got the badonkadonk genes but not the biddies😔. Guys my gyatt looked so good in that dress. (i love brain rot idc) I pregamed before formal and went with my friend. Guys i didn’t mean to get too coocoo but I did. My pookie dookie was there and he kept looking at me. I didn’t go to the after party tho cause i didn’t know they were a thing. I found out one of my besties went and she was all up on him but I remained her friend.
February: I started wearing makeup again but this time i was a baddie. Remember my crush? He followed me at 3 am on a Sunday and… he was drinking. (found out from that friend) GUYS OMGGG! I started to wear less makeup and wore only my lash clusters. There was a moment during school where he was walking with a friend. I noticed it was him and peeked. THIS BRUDDA WAS LOOKING AT ME.
March: This was MY month yall. As i told yall im hispanic so I go to quinces. (search them up) My friend that snaps my crush went with me and this other girl that’s my friend. I drank hella and almost blacked out. I was dancing with this one guy and he was also all drunk. He kissed me. Guys that was my first kiss. Anyways that night we crazy and still keeps me up to this day. That night my friend that snaps my crush came home to stay the night over at mine. I ended up adding my crush on snap. He added me back three mins later. We start snapping. The next night, my dog dies. This was my first time experiencing grief and she died in my arms. I loved her sm she was my first dog. Then, it was my friends bday the one that snaps my crush😭. The next weekend I went to her lil bday kickback. (my first ever omg) I became friend with two popular girls. We all drank sm that day too. I went back home at like 3 am. Then, I started going the gym and eating healthier. I hung out with those two popular girls and we went to the mall. Then, spring break started. I hung out with that girl that snaps my crush and we became besties. She came over to sleep over and we got twisted (tea) 🐒. We also hit the penjamin and I bought the devils lettuce. That night at one in the morning. I asked her to call my crush. She did, and he picked up. They were flirting in front of me but he didn’t rlly wanna and told her he was going to sleep. He sent me a snap after and he was with his friends. They were doing the same that my bestie and I were. Still, his responses to me were so dry and boring.
April: This month is so messy and it hasn’t even ended. My crush has started to snap me less. I found out over spring break he went to a beach trip with his friend and three other girls (unsupervised) for like three days. He slept with the biggest bop of the century and we lost our streak. That wasn’t even the first time they had done that together either. Then, another quince happened and I went with my new bestie. We pregamed at my house. I danced with like two guys. They were both in their 20s bye😭. I went home mad drunk with my bestie. We ended the night. The next morning, my parents talked to me. They found my drinks, my lettuce, pictures of me doing that and more. They prohibited me from going out and seeing my friend. They took away my phone. The night before, I ended up texting the guy from october. Turns out he had a gf the entire time we talked in that month. I also talked to this other guy and we called all night. I was hopeless. Me and my parents ended up better the next day tho. I wrote a bombbb apology letter and I. guilt tripped them for forcing their divorce on me. There was gonna be a party for a popular girl the week after and Ik they weren’t gonna let me go. So, I SNUCK OUT for the first time. We ended up going all late but I looked bomb. And guess what my crush was there. It was 4/20 so yk i had to get lit. I wanted to be more “lit” before I talked to my pookie. I shaved everywhere guys mhmmm. My friend can’t control herself, so she got wasted. My crush was right behind me and she looked at me and yelled “Go talk to ****!” Guys I ran away. Like frfr. I was so embarrassed and then I came back to the party. Then, the guys left cause her dad was gonna come home. Me and my friend and these other people hid in her room. I didn’t have a ride home and none of them did either. I was gonna go home with the girls sister and ended up getting picked up by one of my friends from last year. Before that, my friend left home and everyone else did and it was just me and this one guy. We walked back to the room and he was like “is your friend always like that?” I told him no she was just too drunk. He told me she tried to kiss him. Then he was all rambling “I would never kiss a drunk girl” like ten times. To him I seemed sober cause i was taking care of her all night. Then, i asked him if i smelled like lettuce and he goes “no u smell rlly good “ i just tell him ok and then he repeats himself. He looks at me and gives me that stare yk. Guys I looked away so fast. Ok I would have kissed him but he seemed gay so I didn’t. After that, my crush snapped me more often. We stopped making eye contact tho. But last week we had a different schedule and we normally would have third period after breakfast, but instead we had it right after second. I was walking to the building and there is a window on the door. It’s hella reflective and I look at myself before I enter. I heard someone walking behind me and I assumed it was this other girl that I had that class with. GUYS i look at myself and see behind me my CRUSH. He doesn’t have class in that building he has it ACROSS wth did he follow me for. I was so scared and went to class. That class ended and I have fourth period with him. He usually gets to that class so quick. I have it right across so I get there in like five seconds. I went to class and I had to go pee so I went to the restroom. I see someone come up the stairs and ik it’s him. I felt bold guys. I look him in the eyes and he looked away hella quick. I went to the bathroom and came back. I had to put the pass away and he was standing by the door about to go to the bathroom but there was no pass. I had it yall. I put the pass down right next to his hand and he looked down at me ( he’s like 6 feet) (i’m 5’3😍) I went to class. School ended and I was going to the front gate cause I have class in the back. I saw him walking with his friend and we made eye contact. He’s so annoying. He tried to seem smug like ur weird ho. 😭😭 I want him so bad. I got scared cause I didn’t expect it and then looked away mad quick.
Part Two ??
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Blog Post #4: Patriarchy and Loss of Innocence in Eve’s Bayou
As I began  Eve’s Bayou, I asked myself why the film was being required for viewing within a class studying Black Horror. However, I quickly caught onto who the real monster was - the Patriarchy. The film ultimately centers around the damaging - if not horrifying- effects of the patriarchy within a household that leads to the loss of innocence. 
Louis, the father and leader of the Batiste household, is a man of hubris. He is the “big doctor” of the town, instantly attracting respect and admiration from those around him - especially that of multiple women. And of course, he indulges in this admiration - in fact, he even admits to it being his “weakness”. But of course, given the timing and culture of this time, it is considered somewhat normal, it is to be expected of a man this “successful”. The film confirms this through the very first scene where he dances at a family gathering with Ms. Mereaux. They dance in a raunchy manner, she even slides her hands down his body as she bends down until she is eye-level with his “package” - in front of the whole family! His daughters, neighbors, wife, and even Ms. Mereaux’s husband watch as the crowd cheers them on. In the middle of this dance, a friend of Louis’ mother asks, “ aren’t you so proud your son is a successful doctor?”, as if him being a successful man is all that matters in the world and excuses him of any behavior that would be deemed “unacceptable” if a woman dared to replicate it. 
Further patriarchal and sexist behaviors are perpetuated within the film, as well. For example, Eve and Cicily were asked to help serve the guests, all while her brother is enthusiastically celebrated by his mother for doing nothing other than existing. It is here that the expectations of the children are differentiated based on their gender. But of course, the actions of the father figure here have deeper implications for the women of the household - primarily Eve and Cicily. 
Cicily has a long history of parentification, which occurs when parents fail to emotionally or practically support their child, leading the child to do so for themselves and other members of the household. This is evident as Cicily is constantly directing her brother and sister, but becomes more visible as the film progresses. After Eve witnesses her father engaging in an affair, Cicily essentially gaslights Eve, painting a different picture for her instantaneously, almost as if she knows the drill and has twisted her own truths as well. This scene signals the beginning of the loss of innocence for both girls. Even more symbolic of this, though, is when Cicily returns from an abrupt disappearance as a physically and mentally changed person, she returns from her father’s office with her hair styled in the same manner as her mother, wearing red lipstick, and traumatized by what she has seen. When it is revealed that she saw Ms. Mereaux “hanging around” the office, we know that she has likely witnessed the affair with her own eyes. But what is worse is how she takes this as a signal that her father is not satisfied with the family, or her mother. She believes that her mother is not “keeping him happy” and “driving him away”, and takes it upon herself to try to keep him from “divorcing them”. Although it is unclear as to whether who leaned in first, the most disturbing part of this ordeal is that she desperately felt it was her responsibility to try to keep her father from leaving them. The precarity of the situation is that the film takes place in the era of the one-income household, one in which the man is the breadwinner, the wife does not work, and his departure would leave the family with nothing. Though Eve is driven to homicidal thoughts, the nonchalant attitude Louis dawns while repeatedly cheating on his family is what made this situation so eerie, his daughters lose parts of themselves while he engages in casual “fun" - all because he is allowed to.  Whether it was murder, deceit, or a combination of both, the fault lies with Louis and his actions born of patriarchal social norms.
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denimbex1986 · 6 months
'If you’ve been a Doctor Who fan for a while then you for sure weren’t looking forward to saying goodbye to David Tennant‘s version of the character yet again. The first time was a gut punch and the end of an era with showrunner Russell T Davies departing as well. What followed has been decidedly mixed with great Doctors (Matt Smith, Peter Capaldi, and Jodie Whittaker) and uneven creative direction. It’s to the point that Davies’ return as showrunner (to the show that he rebooted 18 years ago) feels like a rescue mission designed to excite the fan base.
Bringing Tennant back for three special episodes (the last of which aired Saturday) was surely phase 1 of that plan, but it came with some risk, specifically that the audience would predictably fall in love with Tennant again and want him to stay, creating a potential barrier for the incoming Doctor, Ncuti Gatwa (Sex Education, Barbie). In the wake of Saturday’s episode, “The Giggles,” those worries have mostly disappeared thanks to a bold move that messes with over 60 years of established continuity.
Big, explodey, and emotional regenerations are out, bi-generations are in, allowing Time Lords to branch off from one another as opposed to having to essentially die so the other can live. The ultimate 2-for-1 deal. A little confused? Us too. A little miffed at the continuity shakeup? No. To hell with tradition. It’s a 60-year-old TV show. Old words are for politicians and Sunday school teachers to cling to. Everyone else should enjoy a good resorting from time to time.
But what does it all mean? The bi-generation makes a lot of things possible, from a narrative standpoint. Most obviously, there’s the possibility that Tennant’s legendary run as The Doctor may not actually be over. He’s just off in the garden having a wonderful time being happy and surrounded by his best friend Donna Noble (Catherine Tate) and her family while Gatwa’s Doctor draws all focus while skipping across time and space. But what if he needs a hand? Or what if Tennant’s Doctor takes his TARDIS out for a spin of his own, falling into familiar trouble in the occasional special episode that’s divorced from the show’s main story?
It’s not just Tennant. Smith, Capaldi, Whittaker – they could all make an appearance, theoretically, because according to Davies, the bi-generation wasn’t just about Gatwa’s 15th Doctor and Tennant’s latest iteration of the character.
From an episode commentary recorded by Davies and reported on by The Radio Times, Davies is saying, essentially, every single past regeneration has been retroactively made into a bi-generation:
“I think all of the Doctors came back to life with their individual TARDISes, the gift of the Toymaker, and they’re all out there travelling round in what I’m calling a Doctor verse.
“Sylvester McCoy woke up in a drawer, in a morgue, in San Francisco… and Jon Pertwee woke up on the floor of the laboratory,” he says.
This is absolutely chaotic and I love it. I’ll say this, though, while Davies opened the seal with this one and while it gave Tennant’s Doctor a wonderful ending rooted in the idea that every once in a while a warrior gets to claim a reward and some peace, I do wonder if he will someday be called back into battle to help close that seal and forfeit that reward. That would be very Doctor Who. It would also acknowledge the blessing and curse of the Time Lord’s lifespan. It’s something that was conveniently explained away the last time Tennant’s Doctor (or a version of) got such a reward with the mortal half-human/half-time lord version living in another universe with Rose Tyler. But this Doctor can’t spend the rest of his lifetime being happy in the garden with Donna. He can only do it for the rest of her lifetime, if that.
While the bi-generation and Davies’ tease hints at the possibility of bigger adventures and returning favorites, it may not qualify as the most important moment from the episode. Before we discuss that, though, can we just take a moment to talk about the energy, light, and confidence coming off of Ncuti Gatwa as The Doctor? So commanding right from the start. Remember when Tennant’s Doctor burst into existence after Christopher Eccleston’s Doctor regenerated? How he had to have a lie down in his bathrobe. Gatwa’s Doctor is ready to roll out of the box and a breath of fresh air. I can’t wait to see what he does within this wild sandbox Davies has constructed.
Alright, the most important moment of the episode was the hug between Gatwa and Tennant. After the bi-generation and the defeat of The Toymaker, Tennant’s Doctor is filled with grief over the lives lost and his role in inadvertently inspiring The Toymaker’s appearance. But Gatwa stops the spiral, grabs him, locks eyes (like Tennant did with Tate in the previous episode to reassure her), and tries to free him from all this burden. It’s a beautiful moment, but also symbolic for what may be on the horizon week to week.
I don’t want to make it like Doctor Who didn’t operate from a place of grief and worry about the impact of his actions during Davies’ run. There was a certain haunted quality to both Eccleston and Tennant’s portrayals over all the devastation and carnage they had seen, but Steven Moffat, who took the showrunner baton after Davies left, leaned into it a bit more, focusing on The Doctor’s identity and the hard choices he had to make to save existence, even while destroying his own people. It was a lot to wrestle with. A lot of angst and sadness (with some joy too), which is referred to in the specials when Donna checks in on what The Doctor has been up to for 15 years. And so it was nice that someone offered him absolution while at the same time, creating a clean slate for Davies to remake the show (again) with Gatwa’s Doctor being somewhat lighter without all that weight on him. The regenerated Doctor has always been new, but this Doctor is newer than new, it seems, and we are here for it and everything else Davies has planned with or without a few extra Time Lords from time to time.'
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krethes · 1 year
You believe in true love until death does part you.
Yes and no? Uh...lots of words incoming 🤣 short answer: I believe it's possible, but not a guarantee and not "for" everyone (like not their style) and that's ok!
See, love is tricky. I personally am married to someone I've been with for over 10 years. Love isn't just the words you make at a ceremony in front of a bunch of people or when you sign a legal document binding your finances together... It's something you HAVE to work for and fight for and choose, every day.
I know, for myself, that I will love my husband until the end. Like, hands down, he's my person (even though he thinks he's a burden with his physical and mental health issues), and I choose him every day I wake up and I've never looked back and genuinely wondered "what if" or have had regrets. He's not the same person I married in 2016, but neither am I. We grow, we adapt, we learn.
But our love is not everyone's experience of love. I think some people fall in a love that is genuine, but perhaps not a long-term thing, and that's okay. There is NOTHING wrong with divorce, and we need to destigmatize that shit. Life happens! Love and relationships come in all shapes and sizes and colors and sounds and vibes and like, just be good to each other in the end, whether that's splitting up or figuring your shit out.
As for until death... The facts are that my husband is very likely to predecease me. He has type 1 diabetes and about 8 other things assaulting his body, and we've had long talks about what happens then. He told me he wants me to live my best slut (affectionate) era and if I find someone who makes me happy, amazing, don't weigh myself down with the memory of what we have/had. Even still, I don't think I'd ever stop loving him. I'd just build another room in my soul for another person.
I'm not even sure I answered this correctly but...those are my thoughts on love. 🤣
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sug4rsweet · 8 months
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[ BASICS ! ]
BIRTH NAME ! takahashi kaori
ENGLISH NAME ! kimberley ava takahashi
KOREAN NAME ! yoo do-hee
CHINESE NAME ! liu xiaoyan
NICKNAMES ! kashi, kaorin, ri-chan, kim, kimmy, kimbo
BIRTHDAY ! february 6th, 1995
ZODIAC ! aquarius
BIRTHPLACE ! aoyama, tokyo, japan
HOMETOWN ! yanaka, tokyo, japan / new york city, new york
ETHNICITY ! japanese
NATIONALITY ! japanese-american
SEXUALITY ! lesbian
HEIGHT ! 5’7” 1/2 (171.5 cm)
WEIGHT ! 113 lbs (51 kg)
— the letter k (on her right wrist !)
— iris flower (on her left upper arm !)
— lotus flower (on her right upper arm !)
— cluster of stars (on her right upper arm !)
— a crescent moon (on her neck !)
— a star (on her right ankle !)
[ CLAIMS ! ]
FACE CLAIM ! hirai momo (twice)
VOICE CLAIM ! nishino kana (soloist / japanese), jeon somi (soloist / korean, english)
DANCE CLAIM ! chaeyeon (soloist / ex-iz*one)
[ CAREER ! ]
COMPANY ! avex trax / jyp entertainment
OCCUPATION ! idol, songwriter, producer, actress, model, fashion designer, dj
DEBUT DATE ! december 7th, 2011
YEARS ACTIVE ! 2011–present
SURVIVAL SHOWS ! produce 48 (2018 / ranked 13th), produce camp 2020 (2020 / ranked 9th)
FANDOM NAME ! bonbon
COLORS ! #FF69B4 and #FFBF00
TAKAHASHI KAORI was born on february 9th, 1995 in aoyama, tokyo, japan. born into a wealthy family, she was the first and only child of TAKAHASHI HIDEHIKO and NAKAMURA MAMIKO. her father is a businessman, while her mother is a socialite, designer, and former idol—having been a member of shōwa era girl group ONYANKO CLUB from 1985 until 1987, and having her own short lived solo career until 1991.
originally a competitive roller skater, kaori took an interest in music through her mother, who would play kayōkyoku throughout the house. kaori would dance to more modern j-pop songs with her mother, and took up choir at her school for fun. she would discover k-pop shortly after, and would begin posting dance covers to YOUTUBE in 2008. prior to that, in 2004, kaori’s life drastically changed, as her parents were forced to divorce. her father’s family often expressed disapproval towards their son’s marriage to a woman from a low income family, and tried to unsuccessfully convince hidehiko to divorce mamiko himself in the past. following her parents’ divorce, kaori and her mother were forced to move out of their upper class neighborhood and move into a smaller apartment, and mamiko—who was unable to pay rent on her own—had to take up jobs as a receptionist and kyabajō. kaori was initially allowed to stay with her father, but after a few years, his family was granted permission to cease her visits. kaori wouldn’t see her father in person again until 2012.
in 2006, kaori and her mother moved to new york, as her mother had gotten a higher paying job at HARPER’S BAZAAR magazine. kaori lived in new york for five years, finding work as an actress and model, and continuing to skate in the meantime, before moving back to japan to attend high school—and completely on her own. she would begin modeling for gyaru magazines such as EGG, VIVI, SEVENTEEN, and RANZUKI and for brands such as JSG and DIAMOND LASH, and that same year, she made her debut as an actress, starring in her first big screen film. she would have a supporting role in a j-drama, and the show’s subsequent success caught the attention of AVEX TRAX. kaori accepted their six album contract, and would spend the next year recording her debut album. on DECEMBER 7TH, 2011, her debut single—“TREAT ME (AKACHAN O ATSUKATTE)”—was released.
kaori’s debut was a success, and over the next few years, she would grow to become one of japan’s most successful idols. she would make a successful chinese debut in 2013, and would try her hand at the american market in 2014 with a decently successful album. that same year, she would launch her own clothing brand, JAZZY. in 2018, looking to break into the korean market, avex would send kaori onto PRODUCE 48, hoping to get her into the show’s final group. neither from an AKB group or a korean agency, kaori was an independent trainee with zero training under her belt. despite that, her pre-existing popularity and experience prevailed, giving her a high grade, consistently high rankings, and a center position. unfortunately, she ended up at 13—just one place off from the final spot.
regardless, kaori moved on, releasing a successful album in japan later that year. in 2020, in order to increase her presence in china, she was sent to compete on PRODUCE CAMP 2020. yet again, she ended up at 9th place—failing to make it into the final group. like before, though, she moved on. and in 2023, kaori would return to korea again, signing with JYP ENTERTAINMENT and making her official debut with her album SALTY+SWEET. she has garnered a sizable fanbase in both korea and the united states, and is one of asia’s most WELL KNOWN singers.
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grandpayaoi · 9 months
Still counts as a headcanon when it's your own oc, right? Sure.
Visneç ■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
wait so this is neat bc visneç is like 500 so you can track his situation entirely by how he lives
visneç's mortal days were punctuated by long stretches of living in the wilderness as a local guide to adventuring types ; isolated by doldrums on their shores and a massive faeforest to the northwest, tadriil is the only county where adventuring is a viable source of income, since they're culturally more open to this old-fashioned sort of exhange. tadriil was also known for its small, isolated city-states and self-sufficient villages (the gvts of which were not consolidated until after his turning) so being a person with any larger concept of the county was massively useful. when not making money as an armed escort, he stayed in an inn run by his elder sister and her husband. [visneç is the middle of 6 siblings, two elder brothers, two younger, and a sister a year his elder]
when he became a vampire, he took over his sire's life. lucan had property - something of a tadriilian vacation home when he was off the vampiric archipelago - and when lucan turned visneç [and visneç killed him for it] visneç took. he became, legally, lucan's estranged brother, heir to his affects, and lived as a Statilius, and garden-variety serial eater, until he slipped up with his taxes and got found out as not only a prolific killer with trophies kept in the basement, but as a member of the previously-unknown-about undead. these quarters were always more lucan than visneç, elaborate and decorated and baroque, made for show, save for the slaughterhouse down below.
his quarters in firlinsgrav were kept at first at distance. the norwestcount kyrbälenin doesn't sleep, and gave his ward a wide berth of freedom regarding such. his rooms (a sleeping quarters, living quarters, bathing chamber, and a small garden off the sleeping room, originally built in isolation for a sickly wife of a previous count) were meant to get him comfortable and used to the living situation. over time, this became the main living area as adalrich became more of a welcome presence as opposed to a benevolent captor. visneç's rooms have not been touched since he left, not since the evening he was gone.
he has his own home, of course. it's in digoxia, within a day's travel of weldspring chateau to be within communication lines of lady zenosera - it was gifted to him as a reward for a particularly difficult mark, and was her rival's property before turning to his ownership --- before this, he was (and still is) considered welcome at any foxglove gang member's home, as zenosera's (now former) personal retainer and executioner.
it's the equivalent of a victorian, but when you view it from any angle but the front, that gets questionable. it becomes apparent when you step inside that visneç is the sort to keep to small spaces. every room in his home is clearly his, but each inhabited in a different era, with it being clear he's abandoned the room for a new one every time it strikes his fancy. the decor styles, furniture, and at times even minor architectural changes reflect the era he used the room in, and he does not clean well before he closes one door and opens another. there's even a clear room where he lived when he raised amlin, including a small room of theirs as well, now abandoned. walking through his home is a museum of his past 200 years, and it’s perhaps a reason why he's seldom there.
visneç far prefers to be moving. funny he's my most explicitly divorced oc, because he sure has an issue settling down.
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non-operator · 4 months
okay... let me start off with "I'm sorry" because I lied and I'm bored, gave H*llavu B*ss a go because my feed is full of it and HH now and I have no impulse control and I also can't leave things unfinished. And HB is free on youtube; I can technically pirate hh but I don't want to be in that much effort for that...
And like, I think it's the same as I feel about that one song from HH. It's not that great, though I guess I can see why people like it? But in a "I don't think you people ever moved past deviant art era plot and art". Which, to be nice, isn't bad by itself but objectively speaking, there is better media and stories out there. All in all, I'm giving it a 2.5/10; I think the best way to summarize HB is that it's a show made for people who were already in love with it before watching it, not a show that tries to win over its audience.
It is episodic, so I will admit that plot isn't that big of a factor in the series. But I will say that it loses sight of its premise pretty fast. Like, it's advertised and set up as a "wacky hijinks in a found family assassination business", but after the first few episodes or so, it stops showing them doing work/killing people and how they go about that, and focuses more on what happens around or outside of work. For example, ep 6 and 7 just doesn't even show them working and skips straight to the aftermath and what they're going to do after work. The Spring Break episode does show them working, but it glosses over it; IMP is more like a plot device than a premise. Ep 2 straight up has them doing other stuff (aka bodyguarding, something that is explicitly said to be not a service IMP offers). Fuck it, even the Harvest Moon Festival ep is not work-related. For a show that is supposedly centered on IMP and the main cast killing humans on behalf of sinners with a grudge, it doesn't actually interact or play with that concept. And I think it basically drops completely out of focus in Season 2.
And like, I can understand if the show wants to make it more about character dynamics than the business, but the pilot (and ep 1 kind of) promises to explore that *through* IMP work. And that leads into the next big problem with HB
I feel like everyone except Blitzo is underdeveloped, especially the women in the show. We get a lot of insight into Blitzo's motivations and emotional baggage and how he copes with that in unhealthy and asshole-y ways. But literally everyone else is kind of thrown under the bus unless it's relevant to Blitzo. The only character that kind of escapes this treatment (but not wholly) is Moxxie.
But Millie is only defined by how she's Moxxie's wife, and basically nothing else. Loona-- does have some more characterization than Millie, but her biggest-- and basically only-- role in the show is being Blitzo's difficult adopted daughter; her character arc about idk getting more in-touch with her feelings and being more expressive is centered around how she feels about Blitzo. And then the side characters: Octavia and Stella. Octavia is also about being a daughter to her father, and that's kind of it! Even though she's struggling with her parents' (incoming) divorce, she's only shown to be interacting/having an emotional connection with Stolas; Stella is never in the picture. Stella is-- just a major bitch, and that's it. That's all she has to her character.
But Octavia and Stella are side characters, so I can accept them having pretty flat personalities, but Millie and Loona? Those two are part of the main fucking cast. How are they being sidelined this hard??
I think a lot of the show revolves around Blitzo, so if the characters don't matter to him or don't bounce off well with him, they kind of get shafted by the writing. Like Millie. She is just generally so easygoing with Blitzo's antics that there's nothing for Blitzo to really react to there, so she's just essentially a background character.
Speaking of, almost all the characters and relationships are kind of built to parallel Blitzo and Stolitz (we'll get to this ship in a minute). Like, Moxxie is supposed to be a nice foil to Blitzo because they're both afraid of rejection, but they deal with that in opposite ways; Moxxie is polite, professional, no backbone because he doesn't want confrontation lest it lead to rejection whereas Blitzo is crass and a dick about everything so he can push people away before they reject/hurt him. And they both want to be loved, but Moxxie has a healthy relationship with Millie whereas Blitzo has no such thing in his life, so another contrast. And also daddy issues.
This is okay on its own. It makes a compelling dynamic between Blitzo as a boss and friend to Moxxie.
But then they do this for almost every character?? Loona (basically) has daddy issues and can't express herself that well because she's under-socialized and Trauma, Octavia is a daddy's girl and is too emo to communicate her feelings, Stolas has daddy issues and also communication issues, Fizzarolli has daddy issues (when he doesn't need to???)
And then there's the fact that it feels like the other relationships we see are supposed to work as parallels/foils to Stolitz as well? Moxxie and Millie and happy and healthy and committed, unlike Stolitz. Fizz and Asmodeus manage to work around that class disparity/power imbalance because they can communicate with each other, unlike Stoliz. They kind of just function as a "this is what Stolitz could be if they got over themselves and talked"
And generational trauma and the desire to be loved can be a major and shared theme, but there should at least be nuance between each representation of it?? These are literally all the same in that it boils down to "I don't know how to ask for proper intimacy".
There's only one main ship and it's Stolitz, and... I find it compelling?? But it's just not executed well enough. They just rush through the development, so when the show actually reveals that there's mutual attraction, it just feels like it comes out of nowhere and the audience has to do a lot of the legwork to figure out what the fuck happened from point a to point b.
It's also like, it steals a lot of attention from other aspects of the show. I feel like a lot of Season 2 episodes kind of focuses more on that relationship in favor of other characters who need screen time and development (like Millie)
I could give a really long analysis on Stolitz, but I'm just going to say that the problem kind of just boils down to the show doesn't sell that they actually feel genuine affection for each other. I can see them projecting their own emotional baggage onto the other and using each other, but there's no transition from the transactional relationship they have in the beginning to liking each other as people. In fact, I don't think they even know each other outside of sex and work. Which is bad. Because I can buy them fucking up communicating their wants and thus settling for fucking each other for "professional" reasons, but if the show really wants to sell this ship, there has to be something genuine between them that draws them to each other.
Which is to say, Stolitz is a ship for people who already love and want the ship, not for people who are just There. As in, the show seems to make the assumption that the audience wants this ship to happen and that the ship will happen, so they don't really take the time to establish a solid foundation and growth arc for it. It just feels like big emotional or romantic moments without the actual necessary context to make it work. Which is just a problem for the general show.
It's bad. It's so bad. I can understand leaving arcs unresolved for a bit so that there's suspense or whatever, but they keep adding more arcs and problems while leaving unfinished plotlines unfinished. Only to then resolve it super quickly. Like ??????? It's all so cramped and rushed-- but then they sometimes slow it down in the worst way possible in that it just kind of ignores previous developments for a one-off episode or something (like S2 Ep 2 where they just ignore the Stolitz drama for wacky adventure in the human world and Stolas and Blitzo are just acting like nothing wrong happened). (And I Know! I know they showed details in the background that explain that this happens because both of them are ignoring the problem, but even so, they shouldn't be acting so casual with each other; it should be made more clear that they're both still uncomfortable but *acting*) (and something that changes the relationship should be shown to the audience clearly? Not just put in as "blink and you'll miss it" text messages??)
And sometimes this rushed pacing leads to info-dumps or telling, not showing. Like with Stolas' focus episode where we learn his backstory. It's not super bad, but it weakens the impact of big plot moments; we just hear Stolas saying he endured his loveless marriage for his daughter, but we. never really see that...? The times he's with her when she's a child doesn't count because Stella's not a picture in that. The one time we kind of see something related to this statement is when Stella's kind of being loud in the kitchen and he checks in on her sleeping peacefully, but like. That's not really and example of him enduring Stella's temper and insults for Octavia's sake. He hasn't even seen Stella at all before he drops by Octavia's room. The next time is when Stella is throwing an imp at him in the kitchen and Stolas is trying to be... nice? reasonable? But at this point, I think it's clear to Octavia that her parents don't love each other. And even then, we never really see him paying attention to her or expressing concern about what Octavia might think or feel during the fight, or trying to reassure her that this is just a normal spat between married couples afterwards as damage control. We can just take his word for it, but it's just not as powerful. I'd say the same goes for when we learn about Moxxie and his father/traumatic childhood. Would've been great to see how he struggles with that specifically or had more clues to that before we see him completely resolve to stand up to his father.
It just feels like the show itself expects the audience to be completely in love with it, so it doesn't really bother to develop its world or characters until Big Emotional Moments and at that point, it just gives the necessary context to pull it off real fast, so everything just feels so... compact and dense and not very natural. It's not trying to sell itself to a new audience, it's catering to an audience that's been supporting them since the pilot.
#can't say much about the character designs bc I'm going to be honest. i'm not that good at doing it#and i have low standards. my thoughts are literally 'they certainly Look' and that's it. I go 'that's an imp. that's a hellhound. okie'#they don't make me go 'wooowww amazing design' but they don't make me go 'that's horrible and lame'#best i can describe my feelings is that the designs just rank as mediocre to me. there's nothing really original or inspiring about them#but there's nothing i can say is particularly like. blasphemous or atrocious#and the songs.#they're okay?#there's some that i like and some that i don't and other where i'm like 'i guess it's good? objectively? but it's not really my taste?'#like. they fucking got a broadway singer?!?! and Jafar from aladin?????? that's fucking wild to me#but i don't actually care for the songs as much as i care about the writing#and the writing is.... bad. there's no other way to put it#I can see the potential. but on god. they need to slow things down and let things develop naturally#or take the time to put their scripts through another round or two of editing#but i can kind of see why people like it. it's like. middle school era catnip#but also so much stuff about characters and worldbuilding that's left untouched or unaddressed#it might as well be free real estate for fanfic/fanart#but for me at least. it's too poor quality that i can't even feel inspired to play around with it#there's nothing of substance there to even play with. you might as well just write your own version of hb
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beatlespussy · 1 year
Taub divorce era incoming??
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douglas-greenberg · 1 year
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grendelsmilf · 2 years
I hope tabitha comes back for s4 just so that shiv can hook up with her
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