#please please please ask me about anything I am an extrovert and i crave communication
vampireheretic · 2 years
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Welcome to my intro!! The quality gets worse as time goes on lol but it's the concept that counts,, I hope to get to know tumblr better as my time goes on as well as draw lots of art!! You can find a convenient mini-intro in the "V" in my blog description if my handwriting isn't your forte!
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delta-for-change · 4 years
Many think August is the start of Autumn, of cold whispers and haunted dreams, but they are wrong. August is the month of boldness. It’s the time when the sun beats down the hottest, when ocean waves are the strongest, and when winds are the most chaotic. This is the month where change is decided, where the old gods are separated from the new. 
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So, July was... okay. Some things worked out, some didn’t. I struggled most at the end of the month as well as when outside forces were mentally draining me. More importantly, I’ve finally gotten access to a scale and discovered I’m actually 10lbs heavier than I thought. Thus, to factor for all of the above information, I’ve made a better, stricter plan; my goals have changed to better suit my needs. Heavy Trigger Warning. This is going to be long. 
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Before I list out my truth for this month, the ‘you’ I reference throughout the post is ‘me/I.’ These are some of the goals I have for the month, and they are not meant to pertain to anyone else. Please do not follow my diet plan as it is not made for you. If you’d ever like to talk, feel free to send an ask or a DM my way. Recovery is the best option. 
STATS:   → Height: 5′1  → CW: 140.4lbs/63kg  → BMI: 26.5 By AUGUST 31st...   ✩ CW: 131lbs/59kg  ✩ BMI: 24.7 I hope to lose 9lbs this month, putting me back to what I thought my SW was. I will also once again be under 60kg w a healthy BMI range rather than overweight. 
ROUTINE:   ⚇ Morning Routine  ⚇ Daily Planning  ⚇ Exercise  ☉ Productivity towards house  ☉ Productivity towards application  ⚉ Shower   ⚉ Read  ⚉ Night Routine WEIGHT LOSS:    ⇥ Daily kcal limit: 1000 ((7,000 per week. 31,000 total))   ⇥ This means no more binge/cheat days. Those don’t work for you. You use them as an excuse to go ham in your kitchen which makes you take two steps back and negatively impacts your mental health. If you overeat one day, account for it - you know it won’t ruin your progress. Just be aware.  ⇥ Speaking of being aware, track every day. Tracking will help you understand yourself and your body better.   ⇥ Try the One Bite Method. All you need is one bite to satiate yourself. You’re not craving any food; you’re craving that big boost of serotonin - that disappears after the first bite. So, if you want ice cream, don’t make yourself a bowl, make yourself a spoonful.   ⇥ Fast +24hrs, minimum once a week.   ⇥ Before your first bite of the day, you must drink a full bottle (16.9 fl oz) of water. Water is going to help with your skin, help you wake up, and give you a feeling of fullness before breakfast.   ⇥ Do not eat after 10pm.   ⇥ If you’re tired and it’s past 11pm, go to sleep - don’t snack.   ⇥ High protein, low carb, medium fat. Yes, this will be difficult, but you can do it. The most important thing to focus on is the protein - aim for >60g a day, or >50%. Carbs should be <20g. Fats aim for >30g per day.  ⇥ To follow through with this diet, absolutely no refined sugar. In fact, keep your sugar intake low (fruits are fine).   ⇥ Your plates must not only look appetizing but also have a good balance. Thus, you must eat one (1) fruit or one (1) veggie per meal. Yes, this also means you have to account for more calories.  ⇥ Avoid oil, added fats, and butters. Never use to cook, only flavor.  ⇥ Never eat while making yourself food. If you need to taste-test something, do so, but don’t overdo yourself - and don’t forget to track those calories, infinitesimal as they may be.  ⇥ Never go back for seconds.   ⇥ Drink +2L water daily.  ⇥ Exercise Daily. This can be any sort of activity that gets your blood moving, including walking, running, dancing, stretching, workout routines, yoga, etc. On days you fast, heavy workouts are not necessary, but you still must remain active in some way.   ⇥ Finally, eat because you must, not because you want. Never eat when bored, only eat when hungry. You can control your cravings. You can control what and when you eat. All you need to do is remain consistent and vigilant.   
BUSINESS:  ⇥ Always have a To Do list for the day; always have a plan, and always plan to be productive.   ⇥ Use the “touch it once” approach. If you have something to do, just sit down and do it. Squash it and be done. Don’t procrastinate.   ⇥ Be friendly and outgoing towards your coworkers. I know it’s scary and difficult, but nobody is judging you except yourself. Being kind and extroverted will only benefit you.   ⇥ Read min. 30min per day. Instead of scrolling through your phone before bed, open a book. Try to read two books or more this month.   ⇥ Study min. 1hr per day. This can be anything, but ideally it is prep.  ⇥ Give everyone, including yourself, the best ‘impression’ you can give. 
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If I follow through with my above rules, I should easily reach 131lbs by the end of the month. I’m already so distraught over how heavy I actually am and how much more difficult it will be to achieve my goals. I must get there, and I’m running out of time. There are only 146 days until Christmas. 20 weeks. 304 days until June 1st 2021. 43 weeks. No time. I must get there. I will get there. I will be the greatest version of myself I can be.  Now, by the end of August, I will have:  ✪ Reached 131lbs  ✪ Finished all college-due assignments and prepared ahead ✪ Fasted +24hrs four times (totaling >96hrs) ✪ Followed all of my above rules to the best of my abilities  ✪ Read 5 books ✪ Brought joy and camaraderie within my communities  ✪ Improved myself. 
If I do not complete the above, I will have failed both my friends, family, and coworkers, my future life, and, most importantly, I will have failed myself. Therefore, I have no intentions of failing. If I cannot do this- the bare minimum- I cannot do anything.  REMEMBER...    ❂ Always apply yourself. Manifest your goals. If you don’t wake up with determination in your heart and strength in your soul, your goals will never come to fruition.  ❂ This period of time is of growth. Your happiness is the most important thing.  ❂ Improve yourself every day. Don’t worry so much about giving a bad impression, just do everything you can to the best of your abilities.  ❂ Above all, care for your soul. Without it, your physical being has no meaning. Your soul drives you; keep it sacred. And remember, the pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow.  
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gentlertides-blog · 5 years
U’tuulivu Nunh [Crystal] LFRP
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The Basics ––– –
Age:  Early to Mid 20′s (Between 22 to 26, depending on Time antics.)
Birthday: 1st Sun of the 5th Astral Moon
Race: Seeker of the Sun Miqo’te
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Unmarried
Server: Balmung (Crystal DC)
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Shaggy, red hair, usually allowed tof all in his eyes.
Eyes: Soft blue, almost periwinkle in tone.
Height: 5’10″
Build: Extremely thin, almost looks malnourished, with very little muscle tone.
Distinguishing Marks: Has distinct scratch marks down his back and sides. Also always has darker circles under his eyes.
Common Accessories: Tuuli is often seen with his chest or sides bared.  He hates restrictive clothing, and will never wear anything that covers his upper half too much.  Usually, he prefers light-weight fabrics, and wears crystalline accessories...since he finds them pretty and took a fascination to them upon coming to Limsa.  
Personal ––– –
Profession:  Adventurer, Arcanist
Hobbies: Weaving, Cooking, helping traveling companions with chores
Languages: Eorzean, and conversational Garlean so far, though he’s eager to learn more.  Can read Allagan, well enough, but lacks the ability to speak it, and is in study of more written languages.
Residence: Generally tends to fall asleep wherever Tavilan is sleeping at the time, or at whatever inn room he’s nearest to.
Birthplace: Unknown
Religion: Quiet follower of Menphina
Patron Deity: Menphina, the Lover
Fears: Terrified of being used (the wrong way), violent people, other Miqo (sometimes), being alone
Personality: Gentle, loving, believes in the sanctity of life, and love.  He wants the best for those around him.  Tuuli would forget to sleep, and eat, if he didn’t have someone to remind him, and once he’s attached to someone, he dotes.  He’s got a mind that loves to soak up knowledge, studious and bright,  Other people are always the most important thing in the world, and whatever he’s doing can wait a few more hours.
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: None [In an open relationship with Tavilan Kagon]
Children: U’Sichana Tuuli, (Many more)
Parents: U’Makhos Tia  (Alive) x  U'kayden (Alive)
Siblings: U’Trialle Makhos, U’Rudra Tia, U’Msiba Makhos, U’Charon Tia, U’dagor Makhos, U’Algol Nunh (ALL Alive)
Other Relatives:  Too many to list.  Way too many.
Pets: None yet.
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: No. Drugs: No. Alcohol: Is curious, though has never really touched the stuff.
Possible Hooks ––– –
The Scholar: If you haven’t seen him in the Arcanist guild in Limsa, or hanging around the ports and many other guilds, you’ve found him in one of the other massive libraries somewhere in the main cities.  U’tuulivu is a man of knowledge, and he’s well known for his love of knowledge.  While he’s nervous about taking on jobs alone, he’s always eager to help, and if you tell him you’ve first hand knowledge of some ancient something or other?  He’s always eager to listen.  
The Storyteller and Traveler: From the time he left his tribe after choosing to renounce the life of a Nunh, Tuuli has heard so many stories.  He craves them like a body craves air, and wants nothing more than to hear the stories of every soul he meets, and then to share the stories he hears with the world!  The more fantastic, the better!  If you have the option to travel, he’ll follow you to the ends of the world.  He wants to see it all.  His own little corner will never be enough, and there’s far too much he’s never seen before.
 Current Scion of the Seventh Dawn: He was just adventuring.  He swore that was all it was.  It was something fun, a way to get some knowledge and next thing he knew, he got swept up with the Scions.  He will never complain, because the things he learns with them far exceeds what he might’ve learned on his own, but goodness, what madness has he gotten pulled in to...
Other: Anything.  Any combo, a former lover?  Tribe member?   Someone who knew him before he ran off?  Maybe a family member?   It really could be anything!  I’m always down to plot, and even open to new-ideas.
What I’m Looking For ––– –
Contacts and Friends!: So, SO new to in-game RP, so I need time and patience, but I would love some new friends and RP contacts.
SHIPS:  Tuuli is so sweet and innocent and shy.  He needs more corru I mean Ships!  Tav will always be a figure in his life, and someone he ships with, but it’s an open relationship <3  He is PANSEXUAL, so it’s totally open to anyone, and will be Poly, once we get him out from under his sweet little shy rock.
Friendships: Tuuli needs some more people who’re willing to pull him out from under his rock.
Shenanigans: Any kind of adventure/scholarly snafus and mishaps.
Slice of Life/Random Interactions: Random and crazy stuff is GREAT.
OOC and Roleplaying Preferences ––– –
I am a Graphic Communications student, who has serious health issues, so my time’s sporadic in-game, but I’m on Tumblr and Discord all the time.  We can definitely chat, and try to coordinate things, and I’m always willing to try out new stuff <3
I’m in CST, so I’m usually able to accommodate MOST stuff?  But my sleep schedule’s a bit weird, so we have to talk through that.
I’m on Discord a lot, so it’s often the easiest way to get a hold of me.
I’m still very new to in-game RP, and use the PS4 and a Chat Pad, and have super poor eyesight thanks to my health condition, so PLEASE BE PATIENT <3 I’m trying ;3;
OOC TALKING IS MY JAM.  I love plotting, and random IC chat, and just...Talking with my partners is so wonderful and amazing and perfect.  It makes me happy ;w;.  
My home world is Balmung.
Regarding M/ERP: I am more than happy to write it, HOWEVER, YOU MUST BE 18+.  I WILL NOT RISK JAIL TIME FOR YOU.  I enjoy smut.  So much.  Like I will write it all day and night if you let me.  It is not my be-all, end-all though. I love general interactions~
Contact Information  ––– –
Discord - Ask me <3
In Game - U’tuulivu Nunh
Tumblr -  @gentlertides
Items in this post subject to change if/when the need arises (regarding roleplay).
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