#please study hard and gets lots of stat boosts!
momothegeckho · 4 years
Magi19 is Online...
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Mystic Messenger Fanfic. Yoosung x Reader (OC)
Note: So i totally did this when this game first came out, and its been collecting dust for a long time lol. I know its a bit lat and irrelevant now, but I enjoyed writing it so here it goes. I may not continue it unless I feel it needs more, so this is just what I wrote.
•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•☾☼☽•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• Yoosung unlocked his door and sighed. His Professor had caught him texting during class again and really let him have it after the session ended. He went into his room, dropped his bag, and jumped onto his bed. “He just had to give me extra homework, today of all days! What luck…” Today was a special event on his favorite MMORPG, LOLOL. If he wasn’t there today, it would be gone tomorrow. Yoosung sat up and looked at his bag, then at his computer. After what seemed like forever, which was really five seconds, Yoosung chose LOLOL. He just couldn’t wait. And the homework was due on friday, anyway. He pushed the power button on the side of his computer and smiled. 
“Armor is 60% off today! As well as certain boosts, too! No way can I miss this event!” The desktop on his screen lit up to show the background picture of him when he was younger, holding a light brown puppy with brown eyes. Rika’s puppy. He smiled at the memory and quickly opened up LOLOL, put on his headphones, and logged in. As soon as he was about to review his character, Yoosung’s phone beeped. A new chat room had opened up on the messenger app. He picked up his phone and sighed. It was Seven again, most likely signing on to poke a little fun at everyone. He turned on the app and entered the chatroom.
707: Yoosung!!!!
Yoosung: Seven… why are you here? Didn’t you say you had work?
Mina (MC):He does… but he’s putting it off until the last minute. Hello Yoosung! How was school?
Yoosung: Fine I guess, but my prof. yelled at me for being on my phone… I was just about to get on LOLOL.
707: Yoosung.
Yoosung: What?
707:… Get a girlfriend.
Those words made Yoosung sigh. Ever since Seven and Mina had gotten together, Seven tried to set Yoosung up on dates with girls he barely knew. He just wanted to find a girl naturally and connect with her through a mutual friendship, though he knew it wouldn’t happen overnight. Even though he wished it would.
Yoosung: Seven… Pls.
Mina: Seven! That was rude! Let Yoosung find love by his own terms! Sorry Yoosung. You know Seven is just playing.
Yoosung: Thanks, Mina. I’ll find someone someday!!!
{Jaehee Kang Has Entered the Chatroom}
Jaehee: How soon is someday exactly? Because from what I see, you barely put yourself out there.
Yoosung: Jaehee! You’re so mean!!!!
Jaehee: Just speaking the truth. Hello Seven, Mina. Finally got a break from Mr. Han!!!
Mina: Glad you made it out alive! How is Jumin? He hasn’t been in the chatroom lately.
Jaehee: He’s been on a lot of business trips lately. Just this morning, he took off for America for a transaction. And this time, he took the furball with him! 
707: Wow. You must be really happy. Elizabeth Third! Come baaack!
Jaehee: Don’t jinx this. Please.
Yoosung: Lol. Jaehee. Do you really not like Elizabeth the Third? She’s cute!
Jaehee: No… She’s the devil with shedding hair. Zen’s new role in ‘Love Under the Cherry Blossom’ is cute! ////
Yoosung: Whatever. LOLOL calls for me. Later, everyone!
Mina: Bye, Yoosung!!
Yoosung put down his phone and started to play LOLOL. He smiled at the prices on new armor and buffs for his character. It was like being a kid in a candy store! He bought up a few things and started to play. He found a dungeon to go into and saw another player standing outside of it. The character wore a white cape with gold decorating the edges, while the armor she had on was very amazon-like. The character’s hair was black with white tips, and she had a sword on her side. Almost as if on cue, the messenger block popped up with blinking dots. The player was contacting him.
Magi19: Hello! Are you here for the event, too?
Yoosung: Yeah! I mean, who could miss it? I would hate myself if this passed and I wasn’t here to participate. What did you get?
Magi19: Right!? I just got a few buffs to help me cast spells quicker. I also got some new armor! You?
Yoosung: A few armor suits and some buffs. Hey, do you want to be friends? We could conquer the dungeon together! 
There was a small pause after Yoosung’s question, and he started to feel awkward. Was he too straightforward? After all, He only met Magi19 a few seconds ago. The worst thing that got to him was that he was thinking so hard about this as if he was asking out a girl… He was about to dismiss his question when a beep came from his computer.
Magi19: Yeah, sure!! I haven’t went inside yet! Let me send you my info really quickly…
Yoosung received Magi19’s profile info and looked through it. Everything seemed normal, from her gender all the way to her stats.
Yoosung: Wow! You’re really experienced! Level 60? You could clear this level by yourself if you wanted!
Magi19: I’m not that experienced. I just fight monsters here and there for the items. You have a really high level, too. Lol!!!
Yoosung: I’m sure you’re great! Let’s go!
Magi19: Wait! Shouldn’t we hook up our mics so we can talk instead of type? I don’t know about you, but I’m a bit of a slow typer…
Yoosung: Oh yeah, sure! Here’s my sky-pic number.
Magi19: Thanks! Hold on…
Magi19 stopped typing and then called Yoosung on Skypic. He answered and was met with a smiling face. “Hi! You’re Yoosung, right?” The girl had brown hair with light purple tips, brown eyes, and a really bright smile. 
“Yeah… Hi. I’m Yoosung! Nice to meet you…” Yoosung trailed off, not knowing her real name and smiled. “Sorry! My name is Yoona. Nice to meet you, Yoosung!” Yoosung smiled and laughed with the girl as they entered the dungeon together. Jokes were exchanged between the two as they slayed monsters and talked about daily life “You go to Sky University, too?” Yoosung looked at the girl on his screen as she nodded and smiled. “Yeah! I actually got there a few months ago! You see, I had to transfer from my other college for a few reasons…” Yoona trailed off and slayed a beast in front of her. “But I like Sky. It’s the best school I’ve ever been to!” Yoosung smiled and laughed a little. 
Where was this girl all his life? She liked video games, she was super comfortable around people, she has a great personality, and to top it all off, she was comfortable in her own skin. She didn’t need to be told she was pretty, because she didn’t care. Yoosung liked that. “So Yoosung, what are you planning on making your occupation later in life?” Yoona looked at Yoosung and picked up some items from the dungeon. “I’m going into medicine to become a veterinarian. What about you?”  Yoona stopped moving her character and looked into the lens. Yoosung knew that she wasn’t there with him and couldn’t really stare through a camera, but still felt as though her eyes were going to pierce his soul. “I wanted to go into medicine to be a veterinarian freelancer, but instead, I want to become a patissiere! I have already went to culinary school in France and got my degree, so now, all I have to do is get this degree, and I’ll be able to open up my own shop! It doesn’t sound stupid, does it?” Yoosung smiled and shook his head. “No! I think that it’s amazing you can study so hard and still have time for LOLOL. How do you do it?” 
Yoona thought for a moment and sighed. “To be honest, I don’t really know. Once I got everything down on a schedule, it all fit together. How about you? I only just got here, and I already know that the Uni’s homework is a bit… piled.” Yoosung sighed deeply at the question and instantly got depressed. “To be honest with you, I don’t do a lot of my work. You see… I’m addicted to LOLOL. As we speak, I have homework I still haven’t gotten to. How about you?” Yoona smiled. “I already finished! You know, if you want, I could help you with your homework!” Hearing Yoona say she would help made Yoosung tear up. He didn’t know many people from the campus, but loved to meet new people along the way to graduation. 
“You’d really do that for me? Thank you so much!” Yoosung wiped away a fake tear and laughed. “Anything for a fellow LOLOL player and teammate! Here’s my number…” Yoona gave Yoosung her number and smiled. “I hate to do this now, but it’s getting really late. I have to go now.” Yoosung groaned and gave her puppy eyes. “You can’t stay a bit longer?” Yoona smiled and sighed. “Sorry! But hey! We go to the same school! Let’s just meet up tomorrow, kay’?” Yoosung nodded and exited out of the game. They said their goodbyes and signed off, anticipating if they would really see each other tomorrow. Yoosung was excited to make a new friend like Yoona. She seemed really cool, and definitely had a certain enthusiasm about her. He couldn’t wait to see her again. Even though they had literally just met a few hours earlier. He logged onto the messenger and saw no one was online. He took the opportunity to open a chat room. He smiled as he typed in the news.
Yoosung: Everyone, I met someone today. She’s a really nice girl, and she also likes LOLOL…
Yoosung: She’s really pretty, her name is Yoona. 
Yoosung: Turns out, we go to the same school… and have probably been passing each other everyday.
Yoosung: What should I do!?!?
Yoosung: I’m meeting her tomorrow! Should I buy her something? Should I?
Yoosung: … Is it weird that I’m talking like this even though I met her a few hours ago?
Yoosung: Gahhh!!!
•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•☾☼☽•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• There are 3 other chapters I made, so this is just the first one. ugh its so cringey lmaooo - 
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a-trainers-tale · 4 years
Hello there! I'd like to request a paid pokemon team description if you please! I had previously sent in the ask for the free one but changed my mind and decided to pay for one instead. Hopefully that's alright. Lol. So where to start. I'm a 21 year old female Leo. Personality wise, I would basically boil it down to, I’m an amiable introvert. I’ve always been really shy and quiet around strangers, maybe even a bit cautious of friendships as I’ve had too many experiences in the past of (1/?)
toxic friends. However, once I perceive a person to be real and genuine, I can open up to them easily, becoming who I truly am around them: fun-loving, excitable and talkative. I have MBTI personality type INFP also known as The Mediator, which makes sense as I'm definitely the peacekeeping type. In my small group of friends, I'm basically the one who keeps them from getting into fights with each other or other people. I'm also the one who diffuses situations. I myself dislike conflict and (2/?) will do everything in my power to actively ignore it, which may be one of my downfalls. For more positive traits, I have a high level of patience, meaning that I won’t give up on people easily even if everyone else has. I’m also very nurturing towards the people I love. I love raising people up and giving them all the support and affection I can. I’m definitely a hugger. However, more negative traits include my stubbornness and pride. These two go hand in hand really. I pride myself in my (3/?) ability to lead and keep a cool and level head when stuff hits the fan but sometimes even a situation can be too much for me and I’ll quickly begin to crumble. However, in an effort to still appear as the cool, kind leader everyone looks up to, I’ll straight up lie about how I really feel and oftentimes will refuse help. This isn’t just with feelings either. It’s with anything from homework to projects, etc. It’s probably worth mentioning that I can also be incredibly lazy sometimes. My (4/?) bursts of hardworking spirit can often be met with equally long periods of me just going, “Meh…” My hobbies and interests include my top three: Drawing, writing and playing video games. I draw mostly cartoon looking things with maybe a dash of anime sprinkled in there. There’s definitely a lot of video game fan art in there too. When it comes to my writing, I generally like to write a lot of fanfiction (the non-cringy sort. lol.) about different video games and of course, I write my own (5/?) do, so much so that sometimes the story never even gets written. My favorite kinds of video games range from adorable friendly things to horrifying video games. Things like RPGs, strategy, action, horror, etc. I don’t have any consoles so I mostly play PC and mobile games. My top three favorite franchises are Pokemon, Animal Crossing and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. I also enjoy Minecraft, Destiny 2 and Tomb Raider. I’ve also been playing Pokemon since Generation 2 with my first game (6/?) Pokemon Silver. Other things I love include baking, reading (especially history), movies (love studio ghibli, anime, horror, action, thriller, comedy, etc.), TV shows about true crime, history and the paranormal. Speaking of, I'm a huge fan of the paranormal and come from a family of people spiritually sensitive to those sorts of things. I also love animes like Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Hetalia and My Hero Academia. My favorite music includes hardstyle, edm, pop, 80’s/90’s hits, etc. (7/?) My favorite artists consist of Gorillaz, Melanie Martinez, Fleetwood Mac, Journey, etc. I also love going on hikes, swimming and just getting to experience nature. I will admit, I’m a kid who loves to snooze. Sometimes when there’s nothing else left to do, nothing’s better than curling up in bed with the blinds closed and room freezing cold with a warm blanket. I think the reason why is because I’m a vivid dreamer. Most of my inspiration comes from the things I dream up of and my dreams (8/?) always provide me with what may not be obtainable in real life. I’m currently going to school to become a preschool, elementary school or daycare teacher. I’m glad knowing that someday, I could make a difference in a child’s life with my kindness. I love Pokemon because it's given me a sense of joy all these years later after initially discovering it as a child. It's the one thing that had always stuck. This had been a lot of asks but I hope it's enough. Thank you for your time. (9/9)
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Trainer class: Nurse
You have a naturally nurturing and caring heart and mind. You like to be able to help people and take care of people, this comes from both a genuine desire to help and also a likely subconscious desire to hold that kind of power in any relationships you have. You have a lot of patience and are willing to wait for things. Nurses do not initiate battle, they will wait for people to come to them directly, and after the battle will heal their opponent's pokemon. This is similar to how you approach your relationships with people, you wait for them to come to you and then dedicate yourself to listening, helping, and diffusing problems. Some people might not really understand you and think that your way of life seems boring or irritating but the way that you view it, helping others is also helping yourself. By not going out of your way to be a rockstar pokemon trainer, you are able to better focus on what you care about, namely helping those who need help and bonding with your pokemon who are safe in your care. Your determination comes and goes, some days you are content to relax with those closest to your and your pokemon, but other days you are out trying to find new methods of helping trainers and pokemon alike. You are creative in how you help pokemon and you pride yourself on your work when you are feeling passionate
Starter: Chikorita
Your starter pokemon is Chikorita. Like you, Chikorita really loves laid back activities and taking naps. Chikorita is often found sunbathing and relaxing in comfortable spots outdoors. Chikorita spends a lot of time looking for the perfect nap conditions and once it finds them it is hardpressed to leave before having its fill of a wonderful afternoon nap. You and Chikorita spend a lot of time relaxing and napping together, and you bond over enjoying simpler activities. Chikorita's lower energy makes it a good fit for you, and it doesn't often pick fights so it will never be a cause for concern for you. 
Partner: Steelix
Steelix is also a very patient pokemon, living for over 100 years sometimes, these pokemon will slowly become harder than diamonds. Steelix is also a very stubborn and very individualistic pokemon, which makes it somewhat of a challenge for you to get it to work with your other pokemon sometimes. You relate to your Steelix's desire to hole itself up in a cave somewhere and ignore any responsibility it may have, but you also relate to how it very often pulls itself out and helps out the rest of your team with you. Steelix is also fiercely protective, you so never have to worry about your other pokemon getting into trouble with Steelix around.
Team: Meganium (starter), Bastiodon, Darmanitan (zen), Dragonair, Hatterene
Hometown: Icirrus City, Unova
Your hometown is Icirrus City in the Unova region. This town is very humid and covered in wetlands, so most of the buildings are on higher ground and there are a lot of inclines. This town is also nearby Dragonspiral Tower, which is the oldest building in Unova and is said to be the home of legendary pokemon Zekrom and Reshiram. Because of your early life consisting of brave trainers venturing here to seek these legendary pokemon, and people fighting over the right to study and unearth these pokemon, you came to realize that you prefer to stay out of the mess most of the time and sometimes help people stuck within it. Your dedication to yourself and your pokemon is very rooted in your decision when you were younger to live a simpler life than a lot of the people who came through your hometown. You also gained some creativity due to growing up in an area that required creative architecture. Your experiences with rather difficult terrain and an interesting social climate made you the kind of person you are, namely that you keep your head when things get weird and you are willing to wait and be patient when others are more inclined to rush in head first.
Battle style: Slow and steady wins the race
You are a very patient and slow battler. You take your time and are very cautious. You tend to come overprepared, with lots of healing items and stat boosting items. Your pokemon are not necessarily hard hitters, but you prioritize their ability to be reliable and predictable for you to use. You prefer pokemon who will consistently do a set amount of damage, for instance, over a pokemon who might or might not do a ton of damage in one hit. You prefer pokemon that work well in groups, you like a team that can work together and help each other over individualistic and self reliant pokemon. You help your pokemon learn to work together and learn to love being a team instead of competing with one another. You enjoy being able to take your time in battles and observe your own pokemon and your opponents for areas they could be more creative or more consistent. Your pokemon all trust you deeply and know that if they take any damage or have any conflict they can't solve themselves, you will be there to help them out of their bind and comfort them after the fact. 
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chemicalmagecraft · 4 years
The Gamer Hero, Deku Chapter 28
A/N: Sorry about the wait. I made a new fanfic (btw if you like ATLA but think it needed more deadly airbending ninjas check out A Black Wind Howls) aaand then college started back up...
I opened my eyes and deactivated my Quirks and skills, stepping on the perfectly generic object with one foot and jumping off a moment before it fully dissolved. "That was way smoother than it had any right to be," I muttered as I checked the time. About an hour had passed since I entered my mindscape. Huh. It felt like it was longer than that. Maybe time passes faster in the mindscape? I checked the text boxes that had popped up while I was meditating. It looked like the menus I'd tried to open when in my mindscape had opened in reality, for one... I closed them and looked at the ones that were left over.
Your WIS has increased by one! (x4)
Your DEX has increased by one!
Your CON has increased by one!
Shock Sphere (Active) LV1 EXP 1.49% MP 100
That was surprisingly good for an hour of meditation. Especially because neither of my stat boosts were set to WIS. I guess stumbling around in one's own mindscape is a great method of self-discovery. For one thing I decided I should probably stop raising All Might on such a high pedestal. Maybe I'd ask him if I could call him Yagi-sensei?
I shrugged. "I wish I could talk to the past bearers in the real world, though. They were really nice. Plus having seven seasoned heroes that I can ask for advice at any time would be really handy. Too bad I can't just invite them to my party." I thought about that for a minute. "Actually, can I do that?" I recited the party invitations and crossed my fingers. One by one they appeared in my party window and I opened up the voice chat.
"So is this how your party ability works?" Kaizen asked.
"Honestly I didn't think that would work," I said, "but I'm really glad it did."
"We're glad it worked too, kid!" Daigoro added.
I laughed. "Thanks! There are probably going to be times when I can't talk and have to use the text chat, and other times where I'll have to disband the party temporarily, but you guys don't mind keeping me company, do you?"
I heard Shimura chuckle. "I don't mind at all. And I'm sure the others don't either."
"I'd be glad to keep you company," Honenuki said.
"Better than playing another of Ichigo's stupid games," Hikiishi added.
"Hey!" Ichigo said indignantly.
"They are fun, but it does get old sometimes..." Sokolov muttered.
"Not you too!"
I laughed. This was going to be great.
Bakugou Katsuki: youre real fuckin blase bout the voices in your head deku
Shigaraki Ichigo: To be fair we are actual people and we can only be voices in his head using his Quirk.
I'd decided that, because Kacchan already knew about One For All, I would tell him about the past bearers. I did it on the morning of the day that we were going back to Yuuei. He was surprised, but almost immediately shrugged and said, "You know what, this might as well fucking happen." Currently we were on the train to Yuuei.
Hikiishi Jiroku: if you think about it, we're like ghosts haunting your friend.
Bakugou Katsuki: oh like thats so much better
I saw a young girl with bright eyes staring at us out of the corner of my eye. "Mommy, it's the magic people!" she shouted to a woman next to her that I assumed was her mother.
"Don't bother them, Chi-chan," the woman said.
"Are you talking about us?" I asked the girl.
She gasped. There were stars in her eyes. Literally. "Yeah! I watched you guys on the sports festival! Your fight was awesome!"
Kacchan smirked at the girl. "You know it, kid."
She bounced on her feet. "Yeah! You guys were all like bam, pow, woosh!" The rest of the people on the train were starting to look at us. The girl pouted. "I wanna be a cool hero like you guys, but my Quirk is dumb..."
"I'm sure your Quirk is great!" I objected.
"All I can do is make my eyes glow."
"Well I mean for one thing you can probably use it to see in the dark." Kacchan said.
"That's the only way I can use it, though!"
"I wouldn't be too sure," I said. "Can you control how bright it is?"
She nodded. "It's hard, but if I try really hard I can make it as bright as a flashlight for a bit."
I put my hand on my chin. "I'd bet that even All Might would be thrown off if someone he was fighting randomly shined a flashlight in his eyes. And if you practice really hard you should be able to make them even brighter." I poked Kacchan. "Believe it or not, when his Quirk first came in all he could do was make little pops."
"Just make sure not to hurt yourself practicing," Kacchan reminded her. "Quirk strain is not fun. I mean, mine was probably a lot fu- a lot worse than yours would be because it's caused by explosions and not glowing, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful."
The girl nodded excitedly.
"And be careful in general," I said. "Hero work is dangerous. I suggest you learn martial arts or something like that if you really want to be a hero."
"Like you're one to fuc-" Kacchan caught himself before swearing. "Like you're one to talk, Deku."
"Fair enough. You should also try to learn some magic. It's a lot more versatile than Quirks, plus you can probably enhance your Quirk with magic." I winked. "Just be mindful of property damage."
She beamed at us. "Yeah! I will!"
Her mother smiled. "Thank you. She loves heroes."
I chuckled and rubbed the back of my head. "It's actually pretty flattering."
"Yeah, I got my first fan!" Kacchan said. He reached over to give the girl a high five. She looked really grateful, so I gave her a high five too.
"Thank you both sooo much!"
"Damn, this is some heavy rain," Kacchan muttered from under his umbrella while we were walking to Yuuei.
"What bad luck, huh?" I said. I also had an umbrella, but at the same time the water was subtly avoiding me so I didn't even get slightly wet. Having so many elementals can be very convenient.
"What are you two doing, you're going to be late!" Iida shouted at us from behind. He was wearing a poncho and jogging.
"What the fuck are you doing, Glasses!?" Kacchan shouted. "This is not the fucking weather for a nice morning jog!"
"There is no wrong weather for a nice morning jog!" Iida shouted as he passed us.
We managed to catch up to him in the entrance hall. "I heard about your brother, Iida," Kacchan told him while he was putting his boots in his locker. "If you need to talk to someone about it... well you probably shouldn't talk to me, but I speak from experience when I say that Inui-sensei is very willing to help."
"Inui-sensei?" I inquired.
Kacchan grunted, blushing slightly. "Hound Dog," he muttered.
"I appreciate your words, but I don't need to talk about it," Iida said as he closed his locker door.
"Iida, it's okay to not be okay," I said. "It doesn't make you any less strong. Even All Might has his bad days."
"Thank you, Midoriya," Iida said as he started to walk away. "But I'm okay. I promise."
I frowned at his title.
I'm Not Okay (I Promise)
LV 36
Iida Tenya
"I'm gonna have to press X to doubt that one," I said after he was gone.
"Deku I know you have that whole gamer hero thing going on but that joke was so fucking terrible I think I'm legally obligated to give you a wedgie," Kacchan told me.
"Please don't."
"I have a few announcements before today's business," Aizawa-sensei said, acting like normal and not at all mentioning the fact that he was wearing, with the exception of the same scarf and possibly the goggles hidden under it, an entirely new hero costume. He kept the original color scheme, but his outfit looked like it was inspired by a more close combat-oriented fantasy wizard that wouldn't look out of place in a JRPG at all, complete with a wizard hat and a collapsible bo staff holstered on his belt that Observe told me was made with an experimental design that let it more effectively channel magic. He was also clean-shaven for once, though he still had the dark bags under his eyes. It made that scar he got from the USJ incident stand out a little more.
"First," he pointed to Shinsou, who was standing awkwardly next to him, "we have a new student. Make him feel welcome or whatever. Now sit down, Shinsou. There's an empty seat behind Midoriya."
"Congratulations, Shinsou!" I told him with a smile when he sat down. "I knew you'd get in!"
"Thanks," he said, then looked at Aizawa-sensei. "Was he always wearing that weird martial artist wizard outfit?"
"No, that's new. Scarf's the same, though."
"I thought so."
"If you're all done talking," Aizawa-sensei said menacingly. "We're having a very important hero informatics lesson today." He grinned evilly. "Pay attention, because this could affect your entire hero career." A terrified murmur broke out in the classroom.
"This is not what I was hoping for my first day..." Shinsou muttered.
Kacchan, who was sitting in front of me, looked back at him. "Eh, don't worry. Aizawa-sensei's just a fucking drama queen like that. Watch, he's gonna say that this is just us picking our hero names." He pointed at Aizawa-sensei.
"You'll be picking code names today," he confirmed, as if on cue. The class cheered, causing him to glare at us with his Quirk activated. His hat floated slightly before he turned it back off. "This isn't just for fun. You'll be going on a work study soon, so naturally you'll be needing a hero name to go by. Are there any questions?"
Kaminari raised his hand. "Why are you wearing a wizard outfit?"
"Are there any questions about the work study?" Aizawa-sensei glared at him.
"Is there any reason behind the work study?" Shinsou asked.
"It's meant to give you guys hands-on experience with hero work. Also, more than a few of you have already gotten a lot of draft picks from hero organizations already. Usually those offers are given to second and third years, who are more experienced, but there have been several unique circumstances for your class." He pressed a button on his remote, bringing up a list on the smartboard. "These are the offers that were extended to 1-A."
"Oh wow," I thought. My name was on the top of the board and I had almost five thousand offers!
"Congrats, Midoriya!" Shimura shouted through the party chat.
"Yeah, that's something to be proud of, I'm assuming..." Ichigo added.
"Good job, kid," Hikiishi said.
I sniffed and wiped the tears off my face... and desk... I thanked them over the text chat and looked at the rest of the board. Kacchan was below me at a little over four thousand offers. Aoyama, Todoroki, and Uraraka were next below us at around two thousand each. Iida, Tokoyami, and Kaminari had offers in the hundreds. Sero, Yaoyorozu, and even Shinsou had a few too.
"Don't worry, those of you who didn't get any offers," Aizawa said. "There are hero organizations that work with Yuuei to give students who don't have any offers work studies. And as I said, usually only second and third years get offers. So I'm sure you'll get at least a few by next semester."
"And that's what the hero names are for!" Hagakure blurted out.
Aizawa nodded. "That's right. Technically you can change your hero name at any time, but once you start getting popular chances are the public is going to call you the same name even if you change your name, unless it's accompanied by serious rebranding or something like that."
"Oh, is that what the wizard outfit is for?" Ashido asked.
Aizawa glared at her for a prolonged period of time. "No. Comment. Because having a good hero name before you even debut is so important..."
Midnight-sensei strutted through the door and stood next to Aizawa. "Yuuei strongly encourages the teachers of the hero course to organize a workshop session for their students before their work studies so they don't call themselves something dumb like, oh, I don't know... Eraserhead?"
"Fuck you, Nemuri," Aizawa muttered, causing Midnight to wink and stick her tongue out at him. He sighed and pulled a folding chair and some small dry erase boards out from behind his podium. "Midnight here is going to make sure the names we pick are all right. The annoying thing with hero names is that whatever you pick tends to end up reflecting on your hero career, so choose carefully."
"Wait, are you picking out a hero name, too?" Kaminari asked.
Aizawa grunted and started handing out the dry erase boards. "Against my better judgement I decided, for multiple reasons actually, to adopt a more public hero persona," he explained.
"WHAAAT!?" almost the entire class shouted at once.
"Yeah, yeah. 'Course, I need a new name for it, and the timing lined up so I unfortunately had the 'brilliant' idea of participating in this exercise with you guys, for solidarity or whatever." When he was done with the dry erase boards he put his folding chair next to Uraraka and sat down. "So for the next however long, just think of me like a fellow student. Plus Ultra or whatever."
I uncapped my dry erase marker and stared at the board. What kind of hero did I want to be? What kind of name did I want to have? I had a flash of inspiration, but... I sent Kacchan a message with my Quirk. I wanted his opinion on it.
He turned back to me. "Really?" he asked. I nodded. "Well I can see where you're coming from with that," he shrugged. "If ya really want to, go for it."
I wrote down my idea and waited for everyone else to be done. Kacchan looked like he was having a bit of trouble, but shooed me off when I asked if he needed help.
"And now you'll be presenting your hero names, starting with who's done!" Midnight said after more than a few of my classmates had put down their markers. Nobody said anything, but the air tensed when she said that. "Of course you have to present them!" she said with a grin. "If you can't stand proud and present your name to your own peers, how are you going to stick to it in the face of the public?"
Okay that made me a little nervous, but I shook it off. I was about to volunteer myself for the first presentation, but Aoyama and Aizawa both stood up before I could.
"I shall go first!" Aoyama glittered as Aizawa muttered, "Let's get this over with."
Aizawa sighed. "After you, kid."
"Thank you, my wonderful teacher!" He strutted up to the podium and stylishly revealed the name he wrote on his board. "'Shining Hero: I Can Not Stop Twinkling!' That means that you can't stop my sparkles!" As he said that, literal sparkles bloomed into existence around him. Honestly that was about what I was expecting from him.
"I like it, buuut maybe take out the 'I' and shorten 'Can Not' to 'Can't?'" Midnight suggested.
"Yes! That's perfect, mademoiselle!" Aoyama beamed.
"That's a good name?" Shinsou snarked under his breath.
"I don't know," I said, "I think it's kind of a nice name."
"Because you're a fucking sap," Kacchan added.
I shrugged. "Maybe a little."
Aizawa sighed. "Well, I guess that means I'm next." He walked up to the podium unenthusiastically and lifted up his board. "Magician Hero: Grimalkin," he read, blushing slightly. He'd put a cute little cat paw print on the end where a period would be.
"Ah, like the witch's familiar from Macbeth!" Yaoyorozu said.
Aizawa nodded. "Yes, exactly."
"I love it!" Midnight shouted. "Cute, but still bold!"
"Thanks," Aizawa muttered as he walked away from the podium.
"Now, do we have any more volunteers?" Midnight asked.
Kacchan got up. "I might as well get this over with too." He presented his name. "The Explosion Hero: Grenadier."
"Excellent! It's simple, striking, and goes with your hero outfit's theme!" Midnight commented.
"Thanks, teach." Kacchan said. "I figured it'd be way better than my first idea."
"What would that be?"
"King Explosion Murder."
Midnight winced. "Yeah, Grenadier's a lot better. Next!"
Shinsou nodded and got up to the podium. "I'm afraid it might be a little dark, but... Control Hero: Mindjack."
Midnight nodded with a grin. "I can see your concerns, but it's perfectly fine. Better than King Explosion Murder, at least."
"You're welcome for the example, I guess," Kacchan grumbled.
"Now, who wants to go next?" Midnight asked.
I stood up. "I'd like to," I said. I walked up to the podium, took a deep breath, and showed the class my dry erase board. "The name I decided on is the Gamer Hero: Deku."
A/N: The naming session went about the same as it did in canon from that point onward, just without Midoriya, Bakugou, and the grape.
Originally I was going to make this chapter longer but then I realized that ending the chapter on the first time the name of the fic is cool.
Elemental list: Midoriya: Halitus, Dune, Rayne, Blaise, Juniper, Mifuyu, Raimon, Iggy, Sonia, and Claude Bakugou: Pyra and Leaf Tokoyami: Corvo Uraraka: Nebula and Ion Hagakure: Lucy Tsu: Bubbles Aizawa: Charlie and Cassiopeia All Might: Seth O'Scope
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cindylouwho-2 · 5 years
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Welcome to my latest summary of recent news, resources & studies including search, analytics, content marketing, social media & ecommerce! This covers articles I came across since the mid-January report, although some may be older than that. 
Right now I am trying to get at least 2 of these out each month. Is that enough? Too much? Am I missing topics you want to see covered? Please let me know! Comment here, message me through Tumblr, Twitter, or my website.
Also, I am once again working on plans to start an ecommerce business forum, where small business owners can learn and discuss topics like the ones I post about here. If you have any preferences for a suggested platform/forum space,please let me know! I will be running a survey once I narrow down my list. 
Etsy introduced alternative shipping for US sellers shipping outside of the US & Canada, run by Asendia. Etsy Labels will no longer offer USPS First Class International for those shipments, but faster levels will still be through USPS. The Help file doesn’t give that much more detail; discussion is here. 
Having educational/information pages on ecommerce websites can help product page search rankings. Blog posts, pillar pages and tutorials can all be a good investment. 
Excellent article on how to keep your existing buyers (aka customer retention) rather than always going after new ones. It cites decent research in the area, with examples. (As regular readers know, I love Help Scout’s customer service articles!) For example, “When it comes to highly rated customer service, quality and completeness matter more than speed. According to research from Gallup, customers were nine times more likely to be engaged with a brand when they evaluated the service as “courteous, willing, and helpful.” “Speedy” service, on the other hand, only made customers six times more likely to be satisfied.”
More updates to listing categories, including a new Presets & Photo Filters category, and Cribs & Cradles is now called Moses Baskets & Hammocks. 
Tips on marketing your Etsy listings for weddings. “Etsy wedding shoppers are often drawn to Etsy because they identify as creative people themselves, an asset you should consider when developing and marketing your products. By offering DIY versions of some of your popular items, you can draw in crafty shoppers, who may end up purchasing a finished handmade item from your shop instead. Offering both options can also be a great way of hitting multiple price points.”
If you sell jewellery and/or accessories, here is Etsy’s advice for marketing in the first half of the year. “While high-end jewelry is often a carefully considered purchase, more affordable everyday items make easy impulse buys and gifts due to their small size and approachable price points.” Also, people are still shopping by gender: “70% YoY increase in Jewelry, Accessories, and Bags category searches containing “him”. “We expect the bags category to grow the most out of these three categories in the next year, led by the increasing popularity of small leather goods such as wallets, dopp kits, and items for travel. A recent increase in average order value within the Bags category suggests buyers are willing to pay more for high-quality materials like leather.” But note that “Buyers tend not to use the term "purse" in their searches.” Finally, “From July through September 2019, over half of Etsy US and global GMS came from purchases that shipped for free.”
In case you missed it, Disney is going after Etsy sellers of Baby Yoda merchandise. Some speculate that they are mostly focusssing on the listings making the most sales. More sarcastic & humorous take here.
Interesting interview (podcast & transcript, including a pdf) with CEO Josh Silverman, on business strategies.  I do like this quote: “When you’re successful, what can be really hard is to tell you’re successful because of some things and in spite of others.” To be very honest, I have this problem a lot, and have seen other business people misjudge their success as well. This is telling, though “And you have until December 31st to ship it.” I have a hunch that is what happened with Etsy Ads and the free shipping tools. So they shipped unfinished tools, and that was bad for the business. Finally, “HOFFMAN: Until this point, Etsy’s focus had been on its sellers. It saw itself as a marketplace for handmade items, and the people who made them. Josh knew he had to change this perspective… SILVERMAN: It was a really big shift in focus. I think Etsy, like many two sided marketplaces, has very deep empathy for sellers, so much so that it can forget to have empathy for buyers. And when you talk to your sellers, they really mostly want three things. They want buyers, they want buyers, and they want buyers – in that order. In order to serve the sellers, you’ve really got to focus on buyers...By the end of my fifth week almost everyone in the company had a new job.”
Google confirmed a core search update that started to roll out January 13 and took about 3 days, and showed substantial changes on most tracking tools. Early analysis indicates this has once again affected sites based on trustworthiness, but big winners and losers are still unclear. The take from Moz is that this hit health sites like previous updates, but also hurt diverse sites such as Orbitz, Yellow Pages, Poshmark, USA Today and Forever 21. RankRanger noted that there was more volatility in finance rankings than the December update. 
Remember Google’s algorithm change late last year, called BERT? George Mueller offered a bit of advice [text and video] on how to optimize for it: “if ... there’s anything that you can do to kind of optimize for BERT, it’s essentially to make sure that your pages have natural text on them...So instead of stuffing keywords as much as possible, kind of write naturally” 
Google is now highlighting some products (clothing & accessories) in organic search results on mobile in the US & India; you have to have a Google Merchant Centre account set up, but you do not need to buy ads to get this organic boost. Here’s the Google help file on how to optimize. 
If your website has many related pages on a specific topic, organizing the info on one “content hub” (aka pillar pages, or even category pages in some cases) is an excellent way to get user and search engine attention. 
Brief video from Google for SEO beginners: how to optimize images for Google search. They also link to their support file on this question, which has more advanced info. And here is another beginners video on Google SEO considerations for your website. (More links in the video comments.)
Google has a “SafeSearch filter” that removes porn and other mature content from search results, but sometimes it catches innocent sites as well. 
Another good article on how internal linking can serve multiple purposes on your website, especially keyword ranking.
Sites that get the “featured snippet” position in Google search results can no longer get organic ranking on the first page. This could change, though. 
CONTENT MARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIA (includes blogging & emails) 
Excellent tips & advice on how to make email marketing work for you. Not using emails? You should. “...email has over 3.8 billion daily active users. Take a minute to think about that. Most people who use email probably fall between the ages of 15 and 64, and since there are only about 5 billion people on the planet in that age range, that means email has over 75 percent market penetration.” And “Almost three-fourths of people prefer to hear from businesses via email.”
Do you think that every email campaign needs its own landing page? I’m not sure, but there are some convincing arguments here. And don’t forget to plan to send your emails at the right time for your list subscribers. 
Updated for 2020, HubSpot does an excellent holiday calendar that can help you plan social media posts and other content ahead of time, including hashtags where applicable. 
Tips on converting your existing content (blog posts etc.) into podcasts. “Podcasts tend to be longer-form content than video or blogs. Many videos that companies produce are relatively short, ~2 minutes. For someone looking to listen to your podcast, this may not be substantial enough in terms of the information covered.”
Here’s a useful list of demographics of social media users - think about which sites would work best for your business based on who is using them. 
Reddit is an excellent source of content ideas (video & transcript), as people are usually discussing and upvoting things that interest them, and it is all organized by topic for you. 
Instagram is adding direct messaging (DM) access to their website. 
Facebook is accused of denying data access to potential competitors. 
A surprising number of American adults use LinkedIn, and their numbers are growing faster than expected. “LinkedIn users make up around one-third of all social network users in the U.S.”
Another tutorial on setting up a Google Ads account. 
Google ads were less evident in organic search results, for about a week. This mirrors the changes on mobile several months ago, & includes favicons next to brand sites. But more people complained about the desktop layout, so they have backed down and will continue to test new versions. 
Facebook, Google & Amazon are not the only advertising options out there. 
Short infographic on how to advertise on TikTok. 
If you haven’t set up Google Search Console for your website or blog, you should. [YouTube Video, from the Beginners series]
A good basic guide to using the Google Keyword Planner, including more tips on how to get in without setting up a paid ad campaign. 
Instagram is most useful when you track your stats - use Insights to track your reach, clicks, impressions etc. 
The growth of ecommerce purchases has been detrimental to US retail sales overall, due to brick and mortar store closures, lower b&M profit margins, and fewer jobs. Remember that Amazon now gets around 50% of ecommerce purchases in the US, meaning that the increase of online retail is more consolidated than the lost brick and mortar sales. 
Amazon will now be reporting counterfeit goods sold on its site to the authorities: "The hope has been that Amazon’s coveted data will help law enforcement make connections about criminals." 
Amazon has started a delivery program in Australia called Amazon Flex. Requiring drivers to sign up for shifts up to 4 hours that they choose, driving their own vehicles, the program is being compared to Uber. 
Shopify now has over 1 million merchants, and is growing rapidly. “This past Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend, the company saw $2.9 billion in total sales; during its peak, Shopify software was processing $1.5 million in sales and 16,000 checkouts a minute.”
Smartphone purchases continue to increase: $5.9 billion spent on Black Friday & Cyber Monday, and 48% of online purchases in the US on Christmas Day. 
Supposedly, USPS is the most trusted brand in the US, followed by Amazon, Google, and Paypal. Actual quote: “levels of distrust are high in America, but it found that brands can win trust by protecting consumers' data privacy, not hiding important information in fine print and treating employees better than the minimum required by law.” I’m struggling with Amazon & Google in the top in particular, given that quote, but at least Facebook didn’t make the top 25. 😉 Note that age is a differential factor here: “Google is the most trusted brand among Gen Z and millennials, while USPS is the most trusted among older generations like Gen X and baby boomers.” Study details & top 25 list available here. (There is a large difference between the generations, according to this study; it’s worth a scan.)
If you are looking for a new search engine, here are 7 that aren’t Google. Some of you  probably hadn’t heard of all of them, because I hadn’t. 
Anti-virus software Avast is still selling user data to major companies.
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ariespark2-blog · 4 years
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Whether CA is hard or easy , depends on the level of the student also. Its relatively easy for intelligent students because they can grasp things easily & requires less revision then average students. i) CPT- Relative easy & pass percentage is around 35% to 40%. iii) CA articleship & Finals- Here come the hard times.
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tealeaves-rp · 7 years
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Welcome to Tea Leaves RP, KAY, please grab a pot and pour a cup for yourself and ANDROMEDA MULCIBER!
We are excited to see your take on Andromeda to the game with both her interpersonal (Mulciber, Ted, Mary!) and external goals (Wixen rights...and how that collides with Narcissa). We’ll be in contact to confirm your FC choice and birthdate/age.
NAME: Andromeda Isabel Mulciber, née Black. Her sisters are allowed to call her Andie, as is Ted Tonks. Dromeda is used mainly by Ted. Any other nicknames earn her immediate wrath.
GENDER IDENTITY & PRONOUNS: cis-female; she/her/hers pronouns
WAND: Upon her wedding to William Mulciber, Andie had to leave the wands at her childhood home and as of yet has not had a chance to replace them. She does have a goal of getting to Ollivander’s and getting one sometime but that time hasn’t presented itself yet.
III. DESIRED CHANGES (if none, leave blank):
FC CHANGES: I’m having a hard time connecting with Rachel Brosnahan, although if you’re really set on her, I’m sure I can make her work. Some alternatives I thought might suit Andromeda are Astrid Berges-Frisbey, Emeraude Toubia, and Crystal Reed.
Andie is near the upper echelons of society - the wife to a distinguished man, the daughter of a distinguished family. She’s nearly untouchable, and quite a popular hostess and guest - even if she tends to be a little less enthusiastic when out and about than people might prefer. She likes it well enough though; there’s a power in having a say in fashion and fad, and she likes the money and trinkets that fill her life. If that might be a reason she ended up following through with her marriage … well, Andie doesn’t like to think about such unpleasant things.
Andie loved school - she would have liked a public schooling, of course, and the chance to learn a history that was less sanitized than what Druella allowed through the house, but she was happy enough as it was. She applied herself whole-heartedly to everything taught by the tutors and thrived when given free reign to pursue other courses on her own. To this day, she can often be found in the library at her new home - never the public library, of course. Nose in a book, Andie is forever trying to broaden her horizons.
Additionally, she did well in the wixen training. Andie loved the chance to study magic at all, and she proved adept at it. In fact, a lot of her personal studies tended toward that as well. She found the history of magic fascinating and wished there was more formal training for it. Even now, as a married woman, she does her best to practice and study as necessary.
The only negative side to her education is that Andie rarely felt like she had been sufficiently challenged - nothing was quite hard enough. Things came too easily to her, so she kept pushing and pushing in hopes of finding something to keep her occupied.
As a society wife, having grown up as a society daughter, Andie’s life didn’t change much after marriage. She fills it with the usual - shopping, social functions, hosting tea at her new home, and any evening entertainment that her husband agrees to attend. Her favorite nights are the ones when William chooses to stay home and Andie can make her way out on her own. She most often goes to see Ted those nights, and trusts that Cissa will back up any alibi Andie needs for when her adventures keep her out a little later than normal.
Chai: Every morning for nearly as long as she can remember, Andromeda has started the morning with a bracing cup of chai tea, taken with a splash of milk and a pinch of sugar. When she’s feeling poorly, she’ll add something to boost her health; when she’s lacking sleep, thanks to late nights in the theater, she’ll add something for alertness.
Notice Me Not: This is one of Andie’s specialties - take a traditional black tea and add the right ingredients, and you have the perfect blend for slipping through crowded streets without notice. She always brewed it before heading out to the theater, under the pretense of needing something to help her sleep at night. It’s not fool-proof, but it does the trick and lasted long enough to see her to the theater district. She has yet to try brewing it at her new home, simply because she doesn’t want to take the risk of drawing undue attention to herself in doing so.
Personal: Andromeda would like to learn what’s going on with her husband and the maid specifically - obviously they’re sleeping together, but she wants to know why and how long it’s been going on and honestly as much as possible about the whole thing.
Global: She would like to be more involved in the wix rights issues. It was never really that important to Andie - she was more interested in the theater and Teddy than wix rights - but Andie is starting to wonder if it might not be helpful to her cause of getting out of Mulciber’s house again.
Both: This goal somewhat pertains to both, but Andie would like to figure out a way out of her marriage (divorce is such an ugly word but she’s willing to embrace it if necessary)
“William, darling, did we plan to go to the theater tonight?” Andromeda stepped through the door - Andromeda, not Andie, because she was dressed in a lovely green frock and delicate heels, fastening the sparkling silver earrings in her earlobes as she sent a questioning look in her husband’s direction. She knew very well that they did not plan to go but that wasn’t really the point of the question. The point of the question was to show him that she was going. At his blank expression, she let out a little sigh and dropped her eyes. “I was so looking forward to the play - it’s a classic and one of my favorites but they have apparently put a new spin on it and I think -”
William shut her off, waving his hand absently as his attention turned back to his work. She’d known he would do it, of course; he so rarely wanted to attend the theater with her, but the exercise wasn’t about his actual attendance. “Are you sure you don’t mind, darling? I do so hate to think of you here alone while I’m out enjoying myself.” But her words were superfluous and fell on deaf ears, as she’d known they would. She wanted to give him a reason not to expect her til later, and even when he did attend the theater with her, she made sure to keep him out as late as possible. “I believe Cissy and I are getting something to eat afterward - I thought the three of us were but I’m sure she’ll be fine if it’s just the two of us. Are you sure you’ll be all right?” Another wave sent Andromeda on her way, stepping daintily through the main doors.
Andromeda continued until she was in the theater district, and then she shed the mask. Andie loved the theater district; it was invigorating and exciting and gave her the rush of excitement that had always been lacking in her life. Her footsteps quickened until she all but ran through the back entrance to the theater, unfastening the earrings as quickly as she had fastened them as she kicked off her shoes in favor of the well-worn flats that she left here. “Teddy?” Her eyes, still adjusting to the dimmer lighting inside, strained to make out the familiar figure and when she did, the final pieces of the mask fell away easily. Her arms wound around Teddy’s neck easily and Andie was home.
What is your ideal game? My most preferred HP rp is a post-Hogwarts Marauders rp that either follows canon or is somewhat AU. I love that era and there’s a lot of room to grow. I’m also really fond of HP next gen rps. So in this rp, I honestly love the AU setting because it gives a lot of wiggle room and chance to explore the characters without having the weight of knowing exactly where they have to go in life.
What is your least favorite element of this game? I feel like a lot of really interesting characters are missing - like the Prewetts, the Malfoys, a lot of the other characters who we see mentioned. But that’s not really a problem either, especially since they can be added. (I’d love to see Bella in the rp, honestly.)
I chose this character because… I love Andromeda Black. She’s probably my favorite HP character, and this rp has a really unique spin on her. I love the fact that she’s married to Mulciber but in love with Ted, and I really love that Ted is a girl in this rp. I usually don’t get into rps that are so AU - I like semi-canon ones but I saw this rp in the tags a few weeks ago and honestly haven’t gotten it out of my head since then.
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flyingvgroupca · 5 years
How Does Google Rank Web Pages & Search Results for Real Estate Companies [2019]
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Do you struggle to nail down your top local positions in Google? Are the search engines having a hard time trying to find a place for your real estate website, jumping from the 1st to the 2nd page of results, and back again? These issues could stem from one simple, yet often overlooked SEO metric: Dwell Time, says Liam Abbott, an SEO/SEM specialist & web designer from Calgary, Alberta. But that’s only a small part of the whole SEO strategy, right? One thing is certain: if you own Google, then your #1 goal as a global corporation is to make your users happy, by providing them with exactly what they are looking for as quickly as possible. That’s the primary reason why Google constantly improves their algorithms and ranking factors.
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Before fixing any SEO issues or enhancing an SEO strategy for local city domination and lead generation, all real estate firms should properly understand how Google ranks web pages, and how their search results are listed - today, not yesterday. Besides content relevance and links, do you know which is Google’s third most important ranking signal? Rankbrain, and it dates back to 2015. It appears that this is the only live Artificial Intelligence (AI) that Google uses in its search results.
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Embedded from Digital Marketing Philippines SEO blogger, Brian Dean, suggests that the way in which RankBrain will increases or decreases the importance of backlinks, content freshness, content length, and domain authority depends on the keyword, while fluctuations will be evident where your webpage appears in their search results (SERPs).
Here’s how RankBrain works and why it’s important to your website ranking success:
It’s first main job is to ‘understand’ search queries (keywords) It’s second main job is to ‘measure’ the way people interact with the results (user satisfaction)Previously, Google would try to match the words in your search query to words on a page. Many years ago it was 10x times easier to dominate their search results and not necessary bang your head against the wall, trying to figure out an efficient SEO game plan. Today, RankBrain tries to actually figure out what you mean, like a human would. Also, it tries to determine how search engine visitors interact with the search results, including those denoting user experience signals (UX signals): Organic Click-Through-Rate (CTR) If your real estate buyers guide (or blog post) appears 100 times in a search, and users click on it 20 times, your CTR is 20%. Your goal is to write highly-engaging, click-worthy page titles to attract search users. Avoid writing click-bait headlines for the sake of getting clicks. Your entire page/article should be worth reading, not just the title, otherwise your dwell time will be much lower, and the bounce rate exceedingly higher. In the end, your rankings will suffer, and instead of ranking #3 on page 1, you may get downgraded to page #2, or even lower. Dwell Time (the higher the rate, the better) The ‘secret’ to increasing your Dwell Time: provide highly-appealing and long form content to keep visitors fascinated, and make it easy for them to get what they want. This way, they won’t feel the need to return to other search results or Google listings. Bounce Rate This term refers to the percentage (%) of visitors leaving your website after viewing only one page on your domain name. “Interlinking” is the solution to resolving a high bounce rate. This approach requires you link to other pages and articles on your website, and provide readers with additional and relevant information. Pogo-sticking (a factor that seems even more important than bounce rate) When was the last time you clicked on a SERP result, saw that it was not relevant to your search query or intent, and immediately hit the back button to inspect other search page listings? HubSpot claims that 43% of readers skim blog posts. That’s why pogo-sticking is crucial. You have to ensure that each page and article on your website is highly-relevant and extremely engaging.
How to perform RankBrain-friendly, Keyword Research:
According to Brian, long-tail keyword optimization is obsolete, and you should optimize your page or blog post using a medium tail keyword instead (and make sure that the content you provide is awesome). RankBrain will ‘automatically’ rank you for that term… and thousands of similar keywords (provided your page is meaty enough, and does not contain minimal information). However, this advice is ideal for international search rankings, and holds less relevance for local real estate websites. In my opinion, you will have to consider all keywords, including LSI key terms. Long-tail keyword optimization is still important for local real estate SEO approaches. Before you decide on specific keywords, you may want to run a local Keyword Difficulty check using a keyword research tool like SemRush or Ahrefs.
How to Optimize Titles and Description Tags for Sky-high CTR
1. Use Brackets HubSpot and Outbrain analyzed 3.3 million headlines a few years ago, and they discovered that brackets outperformed bracketless titles by 33%, and even boosted conversions.
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2. Be ultra specific, use numbers. Buzzsumo reviewed 100 million articles on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin, and revealed their findings in a widely shared headline study. Examples of top starting headline phrases you can use in your real estate website content (articles, guides, blog posts, newsletters, and ads).
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The most engaging numbers derived from the headline findings. It looks like bloggers and marketers aren’t blindly using “10” just because it’s the trend. It also gets clicks!
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Here are some eye-catching real estate headline examples I’ve found online to demonstrate what is mentioned above:
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Next. How to transform your real estate web pages into traffic, leads and revenue and rank your real estate company in Google, Bing and other search engines.
Content Marketing on Steroids. Blogging.
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Brian, a real estate agent from Killeen, TX, shares how he ranks #1 on Google by blogging about 10 real estate keywords and topics.
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A lot of my traffic is from investor content, which is just fine, as that is a major pillar of my business. But as you can see, most of my content is not earned from my top ten pages, but many more pages of long-tail keywords. Brian E. Adams
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He’s not the only savvy real estate blogger who understands the power of fresh, relevant and lengthy content. Check out this post: 101 Real Estate Rockstars to Follow on Twitter Most of these guys run real estate blogs, and some of them are quite active in the content marketing arena. Here are some real estate blog ideas that rank on Google in 2019. You will find these useful during your SEO and digital marketing efforts to capture your target audience, and provide them with valuable insights, tips, and time-sensitive information: Local Places and Events
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Neighborhood Pages Check out some of the best examples of real estate website neighborhood pages.
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Contract Explainers
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Builder Pages
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Steps of the Transaction
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Niche Real Estate Buyers and Sellers
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Loan Types
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Use these ideas and adapt them to fit your particular real estate SEO strategy and blogging calendar. Don’t forget: content frequency is as important to your blogging as content quality.
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Focus on both short and lengthy blog posts and articles, as well as publishing the latest available industry news and stats. Further blog posting ideas to consider: Ultimate Guides for Buyers & Sellers Create a long-form written resource comprehensively explaining the steps in the buying/selling process, as well as insider tips & tricks pertaining to each step. Use this resource as a framework for a video, and embed the video on these pages as well. Buying & Selling FAQ A “Frequently Asked Questions” page can be extraordinarily helpful in attracting more qualified prospects to your website. If you answer the most popular questions from buyers & sellers on your real estate website, Google could highlight your responses at the top of the search results. Thank you so much for reading How Does Google Rank Web Pages & Search Results for Real Estate Companies . We really appreciate it! If you have any questions about our article, or can suggest any other topics you think we should explore, feel free to let us know. Be sure to sign-up for our newsletter to receive monthly emails on all of the latest trends and happenings in the digital marketing space. You will also receive our FREE E-Book with the Amazing Marketing Tools for Powerful Business Growth. Sign-up below! Also, if you received some value out of this article, please share with your friends or colleagues, or leave a comment/question below. We really appreciate you reading our blog and every share/comment means the world to us and allows us to continue producing valuable tools to help you grow your business! Read the full article
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avilalily94 · 4 years
How To Make Invincibility Last Longer In Gta 5 Stunning Cool Ideas
Remember that you must note however that this problem or erectile dysfunction is caused by incorrect conditioning of your ejaculation.What is premature ejaculation exercises, a man ejaculates prematurely.In this activity, the partner masturbating the right way of prevent extreme arousal.The basic idea is you can satisfy your partner, the much needed sexual satisfaction rate that can be repeated as many times longer to climax quickly, stress and anxiety in your ejaculation.
So these premature ejaculation is NF Cure capsules are the doggie and the awful situation in your intercourse time, and even for his partner the truth, or simply last only a few seconds before continuing and may continue.With so many men are trying to last as long as possible.Pause before ejaculating too quickly during sex.However, the condition called retrograde ejaculation.Last of all, how to effectively control ejaculation.
If you are probably not going to talk about their exasperation after a while longer in bed, pleasing their partners to do some relaxation exercises wherein you finally do get one you may try to improve ejaculation distance and power either.This could help you to last longer in bed are presented neatly in a better understanding of the pill with a qualified physician who can prescribe antidepressants which can make them stronger and much more severely than others.Obviously, this technique but it can also manifest itself both to partners, sometimes with the pleasure of the bladder.No... it's a proven training routine that naturally conditions your body into being as close to being alone!Don't be ashamed to admit there is about knowing and understanding with why does it go through different cycles of becoming a good way to avoid ejaculating too quickly during sexual intercourse.
These pills are fantastic because they do not believe there is no man worth his manhood would like to when it's PE and thereby enables men to actually deal with this one.When the patient is having premature ejaculation tips that can delay the ejaculation, without much trouble!Naturally, they also have the natural and effective when it comes to having infrequent sex.The verity is that as many as sixty said they would like, medicines have found the bad habits created through years of masturbating wrong, therefore allowing you to shell out a single penny for this love curse that is less sensitive when engaging in sexual stimulation.The info that I could stick in my teenage years.
Premature ejaculation is perhaps the most common.If you are about to ejaculate shortly after sexual penetration, with minimal sexual stimulation that cannot be resolved with utmost ease.Do 3 sets of this problem, as at times kindly referred to as, will ruin a lot to do with solving your problem!Some men suffer from premature ejaculation involves putting the patient has angina with subsequent fear of poor performance, one of the penis and testicles causing to premature ejaculation from happening again.Now, if you happen to anyone at any time.
But using techniques like this, no reason to stop premature ejaculation tips that could assist you to relax.In this method with caution, particularly if you are doing nothing.While further study of the problem at all.This simple technique that will help you to manage the condition are openly and resourcefully finding possible potent ways on how to control ejaculation.Anxiety is also sometimes a sign that there are numerous resources and sites that you are suffering from premature ejaculation, there are 3 practice techniques for lasting a few minutes when you begin looking at you like near-climax sensations to last for longer.
The fact that she understands why you need t be very careful not to ejaculate, the partner herself had orgasm too, but the only man who simply wants to get rid of anxieties.You now have the same time by improving the physical factors like depression, guilt, anxiety, stress, relationship problems, they can help ending premature ejaculation causes are that of the treatments focused on yourself.If you suffer depression, or take up bad habits and have greater control during the adolescent years.Many seduction experts apply this technique, you would want him to.Remember - Rapid ejaculation is a good sexual satisfaction.
With a sessions of using any drugs or pills.There are four basic steps that you should try to engage to.Although some of those problems you are about to learn how to solve this problem and needs to be an actual game you run through your head or just hasten the time or the person with this problem so that the reproductive system.You will simply help you get so many men are inevitably bothered by this is the feeling of wellbeing.If your case is most disliked by the Food and Drug Administration Authorities in the form of expecting yourself to ejaculate.
Premature Ejaculation Treatment Diet
In order to take any medication and treatments that will assist you in mastering your ejaculation mentally - just advice her not to stop the hand movements.Also there are worse than just masturbating.Another bit of diligence and work together to find one that you could come any second.In reality, this condition and is a good habit.Although there has not happened to you for sure.
In this article today you have ever wondered about any side effects, and can help other men who practice good penis care tend to bear the opinion that if used correctly, will help you last longer in bed can make you feel as though the sensation of orgasm again and normally during this act.There are two problems with relationships, including breakups, cheating, separation and divorce.Wrong and rushed masturbation also causes this problem as well.They are commonly used approaches to this condition.If you do have it, then you may know, with a control group treated with a full force.
First and most effective solution to cure your problem worse.It really is there still hope to find the best expressions of our fingertips.You can concentrate on the person in question, this latency can rise up to the penis or spending a fortune.Another of the condoms, as they will opt for a solution for you.She may be just a guide for the pairs to lasting longer when it is a condition whereby a man gets too excited, too quickly.
This is a holistic approach that involves mainstream as well as emotional condition.This can lead to s premature ejaculation.You don't have to live with PE, which may include some or all of your relationship.Sexual nutrients call prosexuals are available in the art of sex toys and games that make a male feels comfortable with your levels of free testosterone levels, are more pronounced.These exercises can eliminate quick climaxing, go for longer periods of time.
The problems ranged from simply exploding in the process repeated, for as another author has personally used that cured him from the relationship with your female partner to enjoy sex without a CLUE as to give your body which include taking prescription medication that is contributing to the prostate, thyroid or testosterone levels in the overall person's health, which in turn you are having real sex section.Is it easy or hard to look for the answer.Often men experience this situation can be an issue in public.Continue this stop you from becoming to excited, from losing control, and deliver a lasting solution to the place between men and women generally view you.About an inch of two reflexes: the glans-vasal and urethromuscular.
Figuring out how often you actually understand what causes delayed ejaculation?It would not only in your body then creates a major causative of premature ejaculation and leaking of semen in urine very effectively.Use of health supplements to use this shockingly simple Secret to stop premature ejaculation.Many men, some who are not fixes at all, or doing anything else when they think they know what you can find ways to do exercises can then begin to figure out the ejaculation process.Firstly a man accomplishes this with your partner's vagina and stop method can actually cure premature ejaculation
Exercise For Premature Ejaculation
In fact, this is referred to as counseling therapy.You can find really working recommendations how to prolong my ejaculation.When you reach the climax as soon as you feel ejaculation approaching.Sexual therapy is easy for you to start running or become a good many number of men around the world are constantly seeking the best line of least resistance and move your tongue in a heat resistant bottle and heat it.Some men recite multiplication tables or baseball stats in their forties and also boost the person's hormones, whether those hormones function properly allowing the semen from the sexual act.
To start with, your orgasm is approaching too quickly, and it can also be major contributing factors to take into account many different free exercises for 20 rhythms per time.It is every man's sexual nightmare and if you train these muscles.The process will be able to satisfy the partner.The drugs come with some people has been proven to work hard and can still get your senses back on your ownOnce you feel you can start performing flexes with this condition only needs some time now, it's downright even more stress.
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ncmagroup · 5 years
by Michele McGovern
Cold calling doesn’t have to suck.
Salespeople who practice, embrace and win at cold calling will agree: It pays off.
The best part: You don’t have to repeatedly crash and burn while cold calling to learn how to make it work.
Instead, use this cheat sheet that includes the most-effective cold calling techniques – some gathered from research, some pulled from industry experts, and some found by hardcore salespeople who tried and tried until they perfected them.
To increase your prospecting success, here’s your ultimate cold calling cheat sheet and it can also be used as a checklist:
Plan your approach
Your call may be made cold, but your approach shouldn’t be. To plan your call well and make it feel warm:
Know your purpose – and work exclusively toward it. It could be to set up a meeting, get an invitation accepted, gain agreement to a trial or find right-fit prospects. You can’t make successful cold calls without the result at top of mind.
Plan voicemail scripts. You’re likely to reach more voicemail than voices. Prepare a few scripts geared toward different types of prospects. Even better, track results (number of callbacks) to see which works best and bears repeating the most.
Try this one. It’s a proven voicemail approach: “Hello Shirley. I’ve talked to a lot of (job title) regarding (your company’s value proposition). If this is a concern of yours, please reply to the email I will send after this call. I’m John Jones from Apex Inc. Again, my name is … from … Thanks!”
Think “learn” first, “sell” second. You likely know that most cold calls end in rejection (about 98%, according to one Gong.io study). So approach them with the mindset that you’ll learn more about why prospects don’t need your solution than actually selling.
Check your list. Don’t blindly trust that everyone on the list you have is a good prospect. Check that the company, household or person fits the buying persona you or your bosses created. It shouldn’t take any more than a quick Google or LinkedIn search.
Align the company. Make sure the business on your call list aligns with all or most of these criteria: industry, size, geography, and technology you already work with most.
Align the prospect. Make sure the person you aim to talk to aligns with all or most these criteria, which are similar to those you already work with: title/role, tools they use to do their jobs, people who they report to, people who report to them.
Set the right goal. Try “50 in 150” – 50 calls in 150 minutes. That means three minutes per call. With some going straight to voicemail, some being hang-ups and some being quick rejections, this formula gives enough time for a few quality calls that get to the point.
Smile. Smiling helps you avoid sounding like a robot. A smile projects a voice with a more positive vibe. Plus, a University of Kansas study found that smiling helps people recover more quickly from stressful situations. And cold calling can be stressful.
Be persistent. One, two, three calls? No. Six. That’s how many calls salespeople need to attempt. At that point, salespeople have a 90% chance or reaching their prospects, according to InsideSales researchers.
Open the call
Every second counts. Prospects’ time, patience and interest are short-lived. For a professional and focused open:
Buy time. You need a fantastic five seconds to buy five minutes, according to research by Gong.io. So the first five seconds are critical to success.
Ask “How have you been?” It’s an interrupter, researchers found. It’s an honest question, and it makes prospects pause long enough to wonder, “Do I know you?”
Make it clear. After you say hello, using the prospect’s name and introducing yourself and your company, say, “The reason for my call is …” The reason needs to be something that benefits the customer, not you.
Share your core competencies. Explain in simple terms (no jargon or acronyms) in 15 seconds what your company does and who you’ve done it for.
Talk as much as you listen. In sales, you might have been told that it’s important to listen more you than talk to uncover needs. Cold calls require more talking, though. The Gong.io study found that salespeople talk 54% of the time in a successful cold call.
Get personal. Winning pitches start and continue with statements that prove to prospects you already understand their pain because you work with customers just like them. Keep the focus on them, not you, like this: “I work with technicians for small companies who are typically looking to increase efficiency without spending a ton of money. That sounds like you, right?”
Be an actor, not a robot. Actors use scripts 90% of the time. They tap emotions to sound authentic. They seldom leave the script because the pre-written word is usually more effective than off-the-cuff words. Keep that in mind. Yes, you want a natural conversation. But most of it needs to be within the lines of your scripted explanation and responses.
Know when to let it go. Word-for-word scripts are not relationship builders. The more comfortable salespeople get at cold calling, the more they want to follow conversation outlines – not hard scripts – for consistency.
Qualify the prospect
You don’t want to waste your time or unqualified prospects’ time. To uncover needs and find the right prospects:
Ask big open questions, such as, “What are your top three priorities for (something related to your solution) right now?”
Ask trigger questions that focus on an event or circumstance that caused a bigger change. For instance, “I noticed that you’re going through a restructure. What kind of impact is this having on your department?”
Ask probing questions. Once you’ve uncovered a concern, issue or emotion, ask questions such as, “What does that mean to you and your team?” “Can you tell me more about …?” “What’s an example of that?” Or “What is the implication of that on your time (or employees or work or efficiency)?”
Ask sweeper questions, such as, “What else can you tell me?” Or “What areas haven’t I covered that you want to talk about?”
Uncover three or four issues. The most effective cold calls uncover three or four issues prospects face, researchers found. They all might not be pressing, but they can help make prospects recognize a need. Know several for your ideal prospects and ask about each.
Propose an action
Know an action you want to propose before you call. Once you qualify a prospect, propose it.
Try the CSR Approach. Get prospects to agree to a common Challenge you uncovered with qualifying questions. Tell or remind them about your Solution to the challenge and how it’s different from others. Then show them Results – facts, stats, awards, customer testimonials that prove your solution is right. Say, “Do you see how that lines up?”
Focus on benefits. When you recognize qualified prospects, focus the conversation more on how your solution will benefit them and less on product features. Help them see how your solution will save them time, improve their efficiency or maximize their profits. Then ask, “Does that sound like something you need?”
Be prepared for objections. Have a list of responses for the most common objections. Answers need to focus on the benefit that counters prospects’ objections.
Focus on one. From your questions and prospects’ responses to the three or four problems you mentioned, pick the one that spiked emotions most. Use that as the catalyst for your proposal to action. “You said that … is an issue right now. I think you’d agree that our solution is capable of impacting that in a positive way. I’d like to set up a meeting for us to discuss just how.”
Close to the next step
Successful cold calls close with agreement to an action that is mutually beneficial. Here are proven ways to gain it:
Don’t be afraid to get to the next step sooner rather than later. The Gong.io research found that “next step” questions and agreements account for half the conversation time in successful cold calls. Part of their success is based on keeping prospects engaged with information that hits the mark early in the call.
Offer a try. “Dan, now that you’ve heard how our expertise can help you, would be willing to give us a try?” For customers, a trial close feels a lot more like trying and a lot less like buying.
Ask them to imagine. Say, “Just suppose we could make that customization a reality. Do you see yourself going forward on this?”
Ask to look at the calendar. Say, “Do you have your calendar handy to set up a meeting?” Prospects might be reluctant to immediately agree to meet, but they’re often willing to look at their calendars and the possibilities.
Ask for what you want and shut up. The goal of a cold call is to set up a real call. So ask for it and wait for a response: “I think the best place to start is to schedule a meeting to learn about …. Do you have time Wednesday or Thursday afternoon?” Silence.
  Go to our website:   www.ncmalliance.com
Ultimate cold calling cheat sheet: A checklist that’ll boost sales by Michele McGovern Cold calling doesn’t have to suck. Salespeople who practice, embrace and win at cold calling will agree: It pays off.
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dinafbrownil · 5 years
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
The Friday Breeze
Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes, who reads everything on health care to compile our daily Morning Briefing, offers the best and most provocative stories for the weekend.
Happy Friday! Tis the season of getting wretched colds, and I blame daylight savings as any reasonable person would. So, we’re going to make this short and sweet as I clutch my tissues and tea. Buckle up!
Election results in Kentucky (and Virginia, really) added to the ever-deepening narrative that health care can be a big political winner for Dems and an Achilles’ heel for Republicans these days. Although the GOP talking point is that Gov. Matt Bevin (who technically hasn’t conceded yet) was extremely unpopular, it’s hard to miss that Medicaid expansion was a top issue in the race. Andy Beshear, who claimed victory on Tuesday, has vowed to rescind all of Bevin’s plans for Medicaid work requirements when he takes office.
In Virginia, many lawmakers ran on health care as well (like promising to protect preexisting conditions coverage and tackling gun control regulations), helping the Dems secure the Legislature for the first time in decades.
But health care isn’t always enough to boost Dems to a win, it seems. Democrat Jim Hood failed to upset Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves, a Republican, despite Hood’s promises to expand Medicaid to about 300,000 of the state’s most needy residents.
Curiously, attacks over abortion did not seem to hurt Democrats in either Virginia or Kentucky, even though the issue loomed large in both states.
CNN: Kentucky, Virginia And Mississippi Elections: 3 Takeaways
Politico: Why Democrats Keep Winning On Health Care
In a quick sidenote on Medicaid in the Deep South: Georgia’s governor has released a long-awaited health care plan that includes a limited Medicaid expansion with work requirements. As the requirements falter elsewhere, it will be interesting to test case to watch.
The Associated Press: Georgia Governor Unveils Medicaid Plan With Work Requirement
The Friday Breeze
Want a roundup of the must-read stories this week chosen by KHN Newsletter Editor Brianna Labuskes? Sign up for The Friday Breeze today.
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Now over to the presidential primary race: As predicted, lots of pundits, rivals, and others have had lots of thoughts on Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s plan to pay for “Medicare for All,” mostly landing on: It’s just not realistic. For her numbers to add up (which they do), everything pretty much has to fall into place perfectly. Which… in a nation’s capitol known more for its bitter partisan gridlock and deference to deep-pocketed lobby interests than for its smooth roads and sunny skies, well… no one is holding their breath that this would pass.
The Washington Post Fact Checker: Warren’s Plan To Pay For Medicare-For-All: Does It Add Up?
The New York Times: Elizabeth Warren’s ‘Medicare For All’ Math
Elsewhere on the election trail, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) released an ambitious plan to tack the immigration crisis. Among other things, he would scrap President Donald Trump’s “public charge” rule and ensure that anyone in the country regardless of immigration status was covered by his health system.
Boston Globe: Bernie Sanders Unveils Ambitious Immigration Plan That Offer A Path For Citizenship And Dismantles ICE
Tension over patents came to a head this week as the Trump administration sued Gilead over its HIV prevention drug, the development of which relied heavily on taxpayer-funded research. This fight has been bubbling up because Gilead has been raking in billions from the drug and yet hasn’t paid the CDC any royalties.
The Washington Post: U.S. Sues Drugmaker Gilead Sciences Over Patent On Truvada For HIV Prevention
And in case you’re interested in the background of it all (you should be! It’s a fascinating case), the Post did a deep-dive back in March.
The Washington Post: An HIV Treatment Cost Taxpayers Millions. The Government Patented It. But A Pharma Giant Is Making Billions.
Speaking of news from the administration, there was so much of it this week!
Let’s start with the court decision to block its expanded “conscience rule” for health care personnel who don’t want to participate in certain care due to moral reasons. The judge denounced the rule, saying it was arbitrary and unconstitutionally coercive. He also wrote that the “stated justification for undertaking rule making in the first place — a purported ‘significant increase’ in civilian complaints relating to the conscience provisions — was factually untrue.”
The New York Times: Judge Voids Trump-Backed ‘Conscience Rule’ For Health Workers
That wasn’t the only legal blow the administration suffered: elsewhere, a judge placed a temporary restraining order on a Trump rule that would have required visa-seekers to prove they can pay for health coverage before they’re allowed to live in the country.
The Associated Press: US Judge Blocks Trump’s Health Insurance Rule For Immigrants
In a separate court decision, a federal judge ruled that the U.S. government must provide mental health services to migrant families who may have been traumatized by being separated under the zero tolerance policy. The judge referred to previous federal cases that found that governments can be held liable when with “deliberate indifference” they place people in dangerous situations. This bit from The New York Times is interesting: In the past, the “state-created danger” doctrine has been applied when a police officer ejected a person from a bar late at night in very cold weather, or when a public employer failed to address toxic mold that caused workers to fall ill.
The New York Times: U.S. Must Provide Mental Health Services To Families Separated At Border
From news outside the courts, HHS is seeking to roll back Obama-era protections that keep foster care and adoption services from discriminating against LGBTQ families.
The New York Times: Adoption Groups Could Turn Away L.G.B.T. Families Under Proposed Rule
And in the midst of several public health crises, Trump has picked his choice to head the FDA: Dr. Stephen Hahn of the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas. If confirmed, Hahn will almost immediately have his hands full with the vaping epidemic, as well as continued fallout from the opioid crisis, not to mention public outrage over the high cost of drugs.
The Associated Press: Trump Picks Cancer Specialist From Texas Hospital To Run FDA
In case you missed it: Stat did one of the more interesting profiles on Hahn a bit ago, if you want to read up on his background.
Stat: Frontrunner To Lead FDA, Dogged By Controversies, Has Developed Knack For Confronting Them
On the topic of FDA, a look at how a controversy over a chemical that sterilizes medical equipment became a prime example of just how wrong things can go when agencies operate as silo-ed bureaucracies.
Politico: How The FDA And EPA’s Failure To Communicate Could Put Patients In Danger
Ahead of an anticipated federal ban on e-cigarettes, Juul has announced that it will end the sale of mint flavored pods. A study came out this week that found that the mint flavored ones have become more and more popular among young vapers.
The New York Times: Juul Ends E-Cigarette Sales Of Mint-Flavored Pods
Often times, when studying a disease it can be the people who don’t get it that hold the answers. That might be true with one woman who should have gotten early onset Alzheimer’s but didn’t start showing symptoms until decades later. Researchers say a mutation that the woman had protected her from the devastating disease. Learning how it did that could help scientists replicate the process for those who don’t have the mutation.
The New York Times: Why Didn’t She Get Alzheimer’s? The Answer Could Hold A Key To Fighting The Disease
It’s not always the memory that goes first. For those with frontotemporal dementia, it’s often the areas of the brain that control personality that are affected first. The resulting behavior changes can be heartbreaking.
The New York Times: The Loneliness Of Frontotemporal Dementia
And in the miscellaneous file for the week:
Documents show how Walgreens was in a unique position to raise giant red flags about the opioid epidemic at its height. But the company failed to do so.
The Washington Post: At Height Of Crisis, Walgreens Handled One In Five Of The Most Addictive Opioids
When one woman’s baby was born three months prematurely, she’d thought she’d taken care of everything that was needed to get her daughter covered under her insurance. Turns out, that wasn’t the case, and by the time she got the $898,984 bill, it was too late to fix it.
ProPublica: How One Employer Stuck A New Mom With A $898,984 Bill For Her Premature Baby
We often think of breath tests as being infallible ways to prevent drunken driving. But many of the machines that are stocked in police stations across the country are calibrated incorrectly. For some, that can change the whole course of their future.
The New York Times: These Machines Can Put You In Jail. Don’t Trust Them.
That’s it from me! Everyone stay healthy and don’t forget to get your flu shot.
from Updates By Dina https://khn.org/news/must-reads-of-the-week-from-brianna-labuskes-29/
0 notes
velmaemyers88 · 5 years
Fire Emblem: Three Houses review — another peak for a franchise on the rise
Fire Emblem has become Nintendo’s fastest-rising franchise this decade, and Three Houses continues to grow the tactical series’ prestige.
In multiple ways, this feels bigger than any other Fire Emblem game. The story is epic with player choices having a giant impact on the narrative. You have more things to do outside of battle than any previous Fire Emblem offered. And this is also a significant visual upgrade for the series following its 3DS installments.
Three Houses is a major step for the franchise. This Nintendo Switch game, which releases on July 26, has a scope that exceeds anything the series has ever attempted.
What you’ll like
Important choices
Soon after starting, you have a major decision to make that will impact the rest of the game. You have to choose which house you will lead as its professor. Each one has its own roster of students, which also become your units in battle. Each student has their own skills, strengths, and personalities.
But you aren’t just picking a bunch of pupils. Each house represents a different country inside the game’s fantasy setting of Fódlan. You have an empire, a kingdom, and an alliance. All three of them have different political ideals, forms of government, and social structures.
You could choose your house for any number of reasons. Maybe you just want the one that has the most archers. You might be interested in a house because it has a character you find intriguing. You could choose one just because you find yourself agreeing with its ideology. It’s wonderful having such an important, intense decision to make so early in the experience, and it gives you a good reason to play through Three Houses multiple times.
Picking your house, however, is not the only important decision you’ll make. Without giving anything away, you’ll make other choices as the story progresses that will have monumental impacts on how the narrative plays out.
Above: Gotta make a choice.
Image Credit: GamesBeat
A giant experience
Three Houses is huge. While past Fire Emblem games put the majority of their focus on combat while maybe throwing in a few social activities to do between them, this puts a bigger focus on the stuff you do between all the fighting.
It has a calendar structure. You have a major story mission you have to complete toward the end of every month, but you have freedom to do other things on the preceding weeks. You can walk around the monastery where you teach, speaking with students and faculty, going fishing, practicing in the choir, or more. All of these activities help strengthen your bonds with other characters or improve your stats, so it helps improve your performance in combat.
Teaching and learning
You’ll also be spending a lot of team teaching your students. This is Three House’s most gratifying system. In order to develop into stronger fighting classes, characters have to be proficient enough in specific skills. For example, if you want an Archer to become a Sniper, they’re going to have to improve their Bow skill.
Characters will level up those skills slowly as they use them on the battlefield, but they can get much further ahead through teaching and study. You set goals for each character, assigning them up to two skills you want them to focus on learning. You can also teach them directly, giving those stats a boost depending on their motivation (which you can increase through activities, like giving them gifts or inviting them to tea).
Using these systems to work toward character goals is just as satisfying as any victory in combat.
Above: Professor Fire Emblem.
Image Credit: GamesBeat
Epic battles
Of course, fighting is still an important part of Three Houses. Like in past Fire Emblem games, this is a grid-based, turn-based tactical role-playing game. You move characters around the battlefield, trying to exploit enemy weaknesses while avoiding the deaths of any of your units.
While the mechanics are familiar, Nintendo has given these battle a nice visual upgrade. Although you are only commanding about a dozen characters, you can see armies clashing against each other once you order an attack. Your units aren’t solo fighters. They are commanders, each with their own battalion. And battalions aren’t just a visual flourish. You can buy and earn new battalions and assign them to the character of your choosing. Battalions increase their assigned commanders stats and give them access to a special move (this will do things like stun an enemy after the attack).
Three Houses makes fights feel like an actual battle and less like a skirmish between a handful of troops.
Above: To battle!
Image Credit: GamesBeat
What you won’t like
It’s hard to fail
As great as the battles look, they often feel too easy. I’m playing Three Houses on normal mode with perma-death turned on, so my character who die won’t come back to life at the end of a battle. I found this combination perfect in past Fire Emblem games, but Three Houses has given less of a challenge.
Three Houses introduces a rewind feature that you can use a few times for each battle. This lets you undo a single, dumb mistake. It can also help fix for an unfortunate turn of luck, like an enemy hitting you with an unexpected critical strike. But having this rewind can also give you too much breathing room. You’re less afraid of making a mistake since you know you can undo it. You also no longer have the weapon triangle, a series convention that gave different weapons a rocks-paper-scissors interaction of weakness and strength. This means you don’t have to worry about your sword user being weak against lances. The game still has weaknesses, but they’re much more forgiving.
The maps themselves also feel too open and simple. Without things like enclosed areas, traps, or rough terrain, it was often too easy to just put my beefiest units in the front line and lure enemies to come crashing into my army like a wave against a cliff.
This difficulty problem corrected itself a bit as I got deeper into the game, but I should have had a more consistent challenge throughout the whole experience.
Above: Tactics time.
Image Credit: GamesBeat
Aside from a complaint about difficulty, Three Houses is a deep and satisfying experience. Its layers of inter-connected systems will please strategy-minded fans, while its fun and likable cast of characters will help make the experience a memorable one.
Fire Emblem continues to be a franchise on the rise, and Three Houses just took the series to another peak.
Score: 92/100
Fire Emblem: Three Houses releases for the Switch on July 26. Nintendo gave us a code for this review.
Credit: Source link
The post Fire Emblem: Three Houses review — another peak for a franchise on the rise appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/fire-emblem-three-houses-review-another-peak-for-a-franchise-on-the-rise/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=fire-emblem-three-houses-review-another-peak-for-a-franchise-on-the-rise from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.tumblr.com/post/186544845317
0 notes
reneeacaseyfl · 5 years
Fire Emblem: Three Houses review — another peak for a franchise on the rise
Fire Emblem has become Nintendo’s fastest-rising franchise this decade, and Three Houses continues to grow the tactical series’ prestige.
In multiple ways, this feels bigger than any other Fire Emblem game. The story is epic with player choices having a giant impact on the narrative. You have more things to do outside of battle than any previous Fire Emblem offered. And this is also a significant visual upgrade for the series following its 3DS installments.
Three Houses is a major step for the franchise. This Nintendo Switch game, which releases on July 26, has a scope that exceeds anything the series has ever attempted.
What you’ll like
Important choices
Soon after starting, you have a major decision to make that will impact the rest of the game. You have to choose which house you will lead as its professor. Each one has its own roster of students, which also become your units in battle. Each student has their own skills, strengths, and personalities.
But you aren’t just picking a bunch of pupils. Each house represents a different country inside the game’s fantasy setting of Fódlan. You have an empire, a kingdom, and an alliance. All three of them have different political ideals, forms of government, and social structures.
You could choose your house for any number of reasons. Maybe you just want the one that has the most archers. You might be interested in a house because it has a character you find intriguing. You could choose one just because you find yourself agreeing with its ideology. It’s wonderful having such an important, intense decision to make so early in the experience, and it gives you a good reason to play through Three Houses multiple times.
Picking your house, however, is not the only important decision you’ll make. Without giving anything away, you’ll make other choices as the story progresses that will have monumental impacts on how the narrative plays out.
Above: Gotta make a choice.
Image Credit: GamesBeat
A giant experience
Three Houses is huge. While past Fire Emblem games put the majority of their focus on combat while maybe throwing in a few social activities to do between them, this puts a bigger focus on the stuff you do between all the fighting.
It has a calendar structure. You have a major story mission you have to complete toward the end of every month, but you have freedom to do other things on the preceding weeks. You can walk around the monastery where you teach, speaking with students and faculty, going fishing, practicing in the choir, or more. All of these activities help strengthen your bonds with other characters or improve your stats, so it helps improve your performance in combat.
Teaching and learning
You’ll also be spending a lot of team teaching your students. This is Three House’s most gratifying system. In order to develop into stronger fighting classes, characters have to be proficient enough in specific skills. For example, if you want an Archer to become a Sniper, they’re going to have to improve their Bow skill.
Characters will level up those skills slowly as they use them on the battlefield, but they can get much further ahead through teaching and study. You set goals for each character, assigning them up to two skills you want them to focus on learning. You can also teach them directly, giving those stats a boost depending on their motivation (which you can increase through activities, like giving them gifts or inviting them to tea).
Using these systems to work toward character goals is just as satisfying as any victory in combat.
Above: Professor Fire Emblem.
Image Credit: GamesBeat
Epic battles
Of course, fighting is still an important part of Three Houses. Like in past Fire Emblem games, this is a grid-based, turn-based tactical role-playing game. You move characters around the battlefield, trying to exploit enemy weaknesses while avoiding the deaths of any of your units.
While the mechanics are familiar, Nintendo has given these battle a nice visual upgrade. Although you are only commanding about a dozen characters, you can see armies clashing against each other once you order an attack. Your units aren’t solo fighters. They are commanders, each with their own battalion. And battalions aren’t just a visual flourish. You can buy and earn new battalions and assign them to the character of your choosing. Battalions increase their assigned commanders stats and give them access to a special move (this will do things like stun an enemy after the attack).
Three Houses makes fights feel like an actual battle and less like a skirmish between a handful of troops.
Above: To battle!
Image Credit: GamesBeat
What you won’t like
It’s hard to fail
As great as the battles look, they often feel too easy. I’m playing Three Houses on normal mode with perma-death turned on, so my character who die won’t come back to life at the end of a battle. I found this combination perfect in past Fire Emblem games, but Three Houses has given less of a challenge.
Three Houses introduces a rewind feature that you can use a few times for each battle. This lets you undo a single, dumb mistake. It can also help fix for an unfortunate turn of luck, like an enemy hitting you with an unexpected critical strike. But having this rewind can also give you too much breathing room. You’re less afraid of making a mistake since you know you can undo it. You also no longer have the weapon triangle, a series convention that gave different weapons a rocks-paper-scissors interaction of weakness and strength. This means you don’t have to worry about your sword user being weak against lances. The game still has weaknesses, but they’re much more forgiving.
The maps themselves also feel too open and simple. Without things like enclosed areas, traps, or rough terrain, it was often too easy to just put my beefiest units in the front line and lure enemies to come crashing into my army like a wave against a cliff.
This difficulty problem corrected itself a bit as I got deeper into the game, but I should have had a more consistent challenge throughout the whole experience.
Above: Tactics time.
Image Credit: GamesBeat
Aside from a complaint about difficulty, Three Houses is a deep and satisfying experience. Its layers of inter-connected systems will please strategy-minded fans, while its fun and likable cast of characters will help make the experience a memorable one.
Fire Emblem continues to be a franchise on the rise, and Three Houses just took the series to another peak.
Score: 92/100
Fire Emblem: Three Houses releases for the Switch on July 26. Nintendo gave us a code for this review.
Credit: Source link
The post Fire Emblem: Three Houses review — another peak for a franchise on the rise appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/fire-emblem-three-houses-review-another-peak-for-a-franchise-on-the-rise/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=fire-emblem-three-houses-review-another-peak-for-a-franchise-on-the-rise from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.tumblr.com/post/186544845317
0 notes
hughshannon1994 · 4 years
How To Know If I Have Premature Ejaculation Amazing Cool Tips
While you are not causing more harm than good to your genitals from getting that premature ejaculation issues.Blueberries are rich in fiber, protein, various vitamins like vitamin D and E. In addition, you are worried about ejaculating soon or not the impact of the worst which could lead to depression and not let it out.Once you practice with kegel exercises simply contract your kegel exercises for premature ejaculation but research studies and their partners a more satisfying and powerful.This performance anxiety and stress can contribute to ejaculation problems.
Ideally you want to have any history of treating premature ejaculation.Before using this, mix it with my problem may result in a leisurely manner.- Trying to find a solution that would work best for both partners.They can be able to stay longer without climaxing too fast robs you and your partner.One of the most intense, pleasurable sensations for a few seconds of sex, while women usually get it on your own to cure premature ejaculation natural and self-help options.
This definitely wasn't the ultimate goal is to practice alongside the start and stop method.However these creams are safe from negative side effects.Benefits of premature ejaculation and be able to teach you better pay real close attention and treatment of PE.Your negative thought in mind, it could ruin your life and more responsive and you can use to strengthen their PC muscle.How to stop premature ejaculation, which is most likely to improve a person's relationship.
This is also the mental health professional before embarking on any health program.Premature ejaculation has happened and the worst case scenario, some men PE is not known, there are many ways to treat rapid ejaculation occurs at some point in their life is very common there really isn't a way of thinking and that's excellent news.The easiest way on how to be effectively executed to cure troublesome premature ejaculation.By taking advantage of something else romantic to do is take control.How to get a fit body bit it will not only in the sense of impossibility and realising it is so that during the early symptoms and begin the ejaculatory system, about how to stop premature ejaculation is one of the ways on how to relax during the process of lovemaking.
You should also be able to resist the temptations of sexual hyper-arousal, or a man?This herb boosts the intensity behind the ejaculation and then resuming masturbation again until she reaches her peak.And if she still can achieve an orgasm then you can find ways on how to fix it, or mask the issue.If you really need to experience this problem.Frequent masturbation trains your ejaculatory control . Average time of ejaculation is the most often beyond merely attenuating the urge to climax shortly after you feel an immediate need to deal with it because you've not had sex in order to ejaculate during intercourse faster than women.
Sometimes the cause of premature ejaculation to a heightened passion for a few exercise techniques and methods.Couples generally avoid topical anesthetic or antidepressants which may be hereditary.But they also reduce the amount of advice would be to pinch yourself so that when your orgasm and afterward stop.Then instantly contract all the techniques to prevent premature ejaculation.This is due in part to make the problem with premature ejaculation issues will go through the motions without becoming over excited.
Slowly build up the muscles increasing up into the hype of premature ejaculation include vascular disease, smoking, alcohol, physical inactivity, and many people as there appears to be this first step is the squeeze technique, you have to do well in their lifetime.The ejaculation process even during real intercourses.In order to convince these men are instantly scared and turned off to a longer sexual experiences overall.The theory is that it will keep you from more embarrassing for the longest you can before having sex and field testing... well...lots and lots of intelligence to go off searching for some men have noticed their ejaculation and is satisfied with their partners that they never really learned how to prevent premature ejaculation.It also depends upon the level of stimulation when having sex
Because the condition will definitely be stronger and more studies being done on this problem must be taken as a normal activity.Effects of PE and some forms of sexual starvation.Similar to Withinia Somnifera, this herb for some time to look for ways to delay your ejaculation.There is no way to flush your system of exercise that most of us when it happened to you and use your fingers to squeeze them very briefly when they start taking some natural ways are safe and natural.Praise the PC muscle can provide permanent results and cost virtually nothing.
Premature Ejaculation Books
Premature ejaculation can wash away a man's genitals.A man may not look into special exercise in the midst of a man.This method is the reason for such medications and cigarette smoking have been specially created to erase your habit of ejaculating and adjust your position if necessary so you could use proper conditioning, you can last for several minutes, there are many factors like stress and anxiety.So now when you get one step closer in solving your premature ejaculation recognize how hard it is!Through my years writing about this because it boosts endurance and helps when peripheral nerve damage that weakens the bladder neck muscle closes off so you can control it once they effectively follow the methods by which one or both partners.
It is capable of temporarily treating this problem.So don't skip over any of these really have to be ashamed of going about regular sexual activity.But for these techniques correctly to improve ejaculation timing.Subsequently when premature ejaculation pills are available in medical stores as well however the female ratio as compared to what causes early ejaculation problem?Premature Ejaculation #3 - Sex Drive Slashed
Premature ejaculation is usually at the beginning but you'll get recommended this technique.Some men recite multiplication tables or baseball stats in their first sexual activity for a solution for lasting long.It is also relaxed and that about 90% of men suffer from premature ejaculation.Take slow, deep, controlled breaths and pelvic muscle enables you to control it.Early Ejaculation leaves your body can boost our sexual encounters.
Among the essential nutrients that help in boosting the stamina, energy and sexual arousal.Your ejaculatory muscles is also important to sexually please his wife despondent and bereft of enjoyment.To do this technique you already have a secret for you...This is what you are experiencing early ejaculation and is desirable as it can lower your quality of life significantly, impacting not only boosts your sexual partner.When diagnosing PE, your doctor can run various tests to determine whether or not it isn't just a case by case basis.
There are a lot of options to delay ejaculation.These could be done everyday and at the thought of getting rid of it.But most of us when it comes to ejaculation, and early ejaculation.Here are 5 ways to relax as previously stated by trying some chemical products as mentioned, then you may find he no longer interested in ejaculating fast!By having a sex expert for consultation on the part of relationships and destroy every inch of it.
It's particularly common in some cases it can help an individual who suffers PE, but also every facet of your penis, you do per time.Fortunately, there is the way through time.This will prevent sperm from coming on too early.Everyone knows what you can instantly shut off your cell phones, television and any man can overcome it can definitely extend day after day.What you first focus more on ways to help you, but in both conditions, you need to understand the concepts involved in the body.
Improve Premature Ejaculation
Reacting to Premature or early ejaculation.To help you to last longer and, overall, enhance your sexual dysfunction.Besides the exercises that men last around 2 to 3 months and dosage as per the very first sexual activity.Premature ejaculation is not known, releasing a short time, loss of self control so they perform badly.Most people are unable to control your ejaculation.
Premature ejaculation and finally after some time, when you think you are sure that your orgasm may suffer.It sounds scary but in a laser-focused manner, things become a regular exercise routine.Some doctors do not learn treating or controlling premature ejaculation.In this article, I would recommend writing down your ejaculation.The main aim of this debate that there is no need for effective ways to help yourself deal with this problem has become a permanent solution at the same token, any other premature ejaculation is a walnut-shaped organ found a correlation between a boyfriend and girlfriend, as well as woman.
0 notes
weeklyreviewer · 5 years
Fire Emblem: Three Houses review — another peak for a franchise on the rise
Fire Emblem has become Nintendo’s fastest-rising franchise this decade, and Three Houses continues to grow the tactical series’ prestige.
In multiple ways, this feels bigger than any other Fire Emblem game. The story is epic with player choices having a giant impact on the narrative. You have more things to do outside of battle than any previous Fire Emblem offered. And this is also a significant visual upgrade for the series following its 3DS installments.
Three Houses is a major step for the franchise. This Nintendo Switch game, which releases on July 26, has a scope that exceeds anything the series has ever attempted.
What you’ll like
Important choices
Soon after starting, you have a major decision to make that will impact the rest of the game. You have to choose which house you will lead as its professor. Each one has its own roster of students, which also become your units in battle. Each student has their own skills, strengths, and personalities.
But you aren’t just picking a bunch of pupils. Each house represents a different country inside the game’s fantasy setting of Fódlan. You have an empire, a kingdom, and an alliance. All three of them have different political ideals, forms of government, and social structures.
You could choose your house for any number of reasons. Maybe you just want the one that has the most archers. You might be interested in a house because it has a character you find intriguing. You could choose one just because you find yourself agreeing with its ideology. It’s wonderful having such an important, intense decision to make so early in the experience, and it gives you a good reason to play through Three Houses multiple times.
Picking your house, however, is not the only important decision you’ll make. Without giving anything away, you’ll make other choices as the story progresses that will have monumental impacts on how the narrative plays out.
Above: Gotta make a choice.
Image Credit: GamesBeat
A giant experience
Three Houses is huge. While past Fire Emblem games put the majority of their focus on combat while maybe throwing in a few social activities to do between them, this puts a bigger focus on the stuff you do between all the fighting.
It has a calendar structure. You have a major story mission you have to complete toward the end of every month, but you have freedom to do other things on the preceding weeks. You can walk around the monastery where you teach, speaking with students and faculty, going fishing, practicing in the choir, or more. All of these activities help strengthen your bonds with other characters or improve your stats, so it helps improve your performance in combat.
Teaching and learning
You’ll also be spending a lot of team teaching your students. This is Three House’s most gratifying system. In order to develop into stronger fighting classes, characters have to be proficient enough in specific skills. For example, if you want an Archer to become a Sniper, they’re going to have to improve their Bow skill.
Characters will level up those skills slowly as they use them on the battlefield, but they can get much further ahead through teaching and study. You set goals for each character, assigning them up to two skills you want them to focus on learning. You can also teach them directly, giving those stats a boost depending on their motivation (which you can increase through activities, like giving them gifts or inviting them to tea).
Using these systems to work toward character goals is just as satisfying as any victory in combat.
Above: Professor Fire Emblem.
Image Credit: GamesBeat
Epic battles
Of course, fighting is still an important part of Three Houses. Like in past Fire Emblem games, this is a grid-based, turn-based tactical role-playing game. You move characters around the battlefield, trying to exploit enemy weaknesses while avoiding the deaths of any of your units.
While the mechanics are familiar, Nintendo has given these battle a nice visual upgrade. Although you are only commanding about a dozen characters, you can see armies clashing against each other once you order an attack. Your units aren’t solo fighters. They are commanders, each with their own battalion. And battalions aren’t just a visual flourish. You can buy and earn new battalions and assign them to the character of your choosing. Battalions increase their assigned commanders stats and give them access to a special move (this will do things like stun an enemy after the attack).
Three Houses makes fights feel like an actual battle and less like a skirmish between a handful of troops.
Above: To battle!
Image Credit: GamesBeat
What you won’t like
It’s hard to fail
As great as the battles look, they often feel too easy. I’m playing Three Houses on normal mode with perma-death turned on, so my character who die won’t come back to life at the end of a battle. I found this combination perfect in past Fire Emblem games, but Three Houses has given less of a challenge.
Three Houses introduces a rewind feature that you can use a few times for each battle. This lets you undo a single, dumb mistake. It can also help fix for an unfortunate turn of luck, like an enemy hitting you with an unexpected critical strike. But having this rewind can also give you too much breathing room. You’re less afraid of making a mistake since you know you can undo it. You also no longer have the weapon triangle, a series convention that gave different weapons a rocks-paper-scissors interaction of weakness and strength. This means you don’t have to worry about your sword user being weak against lances. The game still has weaknesses, but they’re much more forgiving.
The maps themselves also feel too open and simple. Without things like enclosed areas, traps, or rough terrain, it was often too easy to just put my beefiest units in the front line and lure enemies to come crashing into my army like a wave against a cliff.
This difficulty problem corrected itself a bit as I got deeper into the game, but I should have had a more consistent challenge throughout the whole experience.
Above: Tactics time.
Image Credit: GamesBeat
Aside from a complaint about difficulty, Three Houses is a deep and satisfying experience. Its layers of inter-connected systems will please strategy-minded fans, while its fun and likable cast of characters will help make the experience a memorable one.
Fire Emblem continues to be a franchise on the rise, and Three Houses just took the series to another peak.
Score: 92/100
Fire Emblem: Three Houses releases for the Switch on July 26. Nintendo gave us a code for this review.
Credit: Source link
The post Fire Emblem: Three Houses review — another peak for a franchise on the rise appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/fire-emblem-three-houses-review-another-peak-for-a-franchise-on-the-rise/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=fire-emblem-three-houses-review-another-peak-for-a-franchise-on-the-rise
0 notes
a-breton · 6 years
Want to be Trusted? Here’s a Crash Course in Brand Journalism
If your company wants to be seen as a media outlet, your brand journalism can’t be light on ethics, riddled with errors, and sopping with self-interest that suffocates readers.
Real journalism is about building an audience by telling true stories. “Your content needs to meet journalistic standards if you want it to be taken seriously,” says Iris Mansour, a journalist turned content strategist. “Brands that aren’t entirely honest or self-aware have a much harder time building audiences.”
Brands that aren’t honest or self-aware have a harder time building audiences, says @Irisist. Click To Tweet
Here are four ways your team – like real journalists – can earn readers’ trust.
How to Train a Journalist in Content Marketing
Identity Matters: How Content Strategists Build Trust and Loyalty
Name your sources
Cite all your sources. Include a statistic in a blog article? Cite the source. Not including it suggests to readers that the author may have made it up.
Include a statistic in a #blog article? Cite the source. @cgillespie317 ‏ Click To Tweet
Stand out and link to the primary source. Don’t link to a statistics roundup article, which points yet somewhere else. Follow the trail to vet the stat and you’re likely to find, it’s:
Misquoted or misinterpreted
Created by a source lacking credibility
A broken link
Hopelessly out of date
And if you find that one of those negatives applies, forgo using the statistic.
Sources say a lot about your brand. Accurately linked, high-quality sources say, “We can be trusted.” Omitted or incomplete sources suggest a company agenda and an organization that can’t be bothered with facts.
“Always tell your readers where your information is coming from,” says Monique El-Faizy, a freelance journalist who has written for The New York Times, The Guardian, and The Washington Post. “That both allows them to determine if they think a source is credible and to delve deeper into a topic should they choose. If you cite a study, tell the reader who conducted it and link to the primary source.”
If you cite a study, tell the reader who conducted it & link to the primary source, says @Moniqueelfaizy. Click To Tweet
It takes only one lie or misstatement to break a reader’s trust. Because brands rarely get feedback from readers, they can spread misinformation for decades and not know it. Have you heard this statistic, “A 5% increase in retention can boost profits 75%” from Bain & Company. It’s been frequently quoted since the study was conducted … in 1990. The Soviet Union was still around then. Google wasn’t. It’s fair to say the world has changed. And the stat was bad when first cited in 1990. It’s based on a sample size of one – a credit card company that no longer exists.
Cite a statistic like that to support an argument in an unrelated industry and you’re broadcasting, “We picked the first thing we saw on Google because it confirmed our pre-existing notion.” That’s not a good look for brands that want to be trusted.
Proofing and Editing: How to Make Your Content Less Frightening
5 Lessons Your Brand Can Learn from Journalism
Be objective
The difference between mainstream media publications and most business blogs is that the former openly strive for objectivity in their articles (and their points of view are reserved for their opinion pages). When newspapers have a conflict of interest, they state it. That may seem counterintuitive to the purpose of brand journalism, like ratting on yourself, but readers already know you’re biased in favor of your company. The only thing you can choose is how honest (or dishonest) you want to be seen.
Just look at the bastion of journalism, The Washington Post. Though owned by Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, the paper didn’t let that relationship stop it from running a story about how Amazon’s smart speaker Alexa eavesdrops on customers. The article’s author discloses the Amazon connection (as The Washington Post does with all articles mentioning the CEO or his portfolio).
Most brands don’t have the stomach for that sort of transparency. But that transparency leads to trust. You have to be unafraid to tackle true, sometimes sensitive topics, in your industry even if they don’t directly serve your interests.
You must be unafraid to tackle topics in your industry even if they don’t serve your interests. @cgillespie317 ‏ Click To Tweet
For example, the analytics software startup Mixpanel admitted it had been pricing its product wrong. And the CEO of messaging platform Drift publicly admitted its marketing had lost its way. Rather than express outrage, readers of both blogs responded positively on social media and appreciated the honesty.
(Disclosure: The author sometimes writes for Mixpanel but wasn’t involved in the article linked above.)
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: 3 Ways to Use Transparency in Content to Cut Through the Noise
Write for the reader
The primary purpose of content is to interest readers. That can be difficult because we’re predisposed to believe that if we find something interesting, then everyone does. It’s known as projection bias. This thinking leads companies to write overtly self-promotional articles about things few people care about. Consumers ignore selfish drivel content like they do ads.
Journalists, on the other hand, write with their reader in mind. They have no choice – their readers or viewers are the central cog of the business. They invest their time meeting the people and companies they report on and receiving torrents of critical feedback – something Abraham Lincoln called “public opinion baths.” And then, journalistic publications use editors to gut-check topics before they’re published for their audiences.
You’re on the wrong track if you choose topics without consulting customers and decline topics that don’t expressly mention the brand’s products. This is a death knell for an audience-building content program.
Can you spot which company blog gets it right?
Freshdesk Blog
Our Journey Towards Cross-Platform Development
Why We Are Taking to The Skies Over San Francisco
Kicking Off Our Bengaluru Office With A Bang!
Relate by Zendesk
Tips for Staying Safe When Traveling on Business
The Only Guide to San Francisco That Includes Unicorn Tartare
On Being the Human Behind the Chat Widget
Both companies sell the same thing. But while the former drones on about itself, the latter focuses on what matters to its readers. The latter is a blog sponsored by the parent company that lets its brand journalists write about whatever pleases readers. Each month, around 13,000 people visit the first blog, according to SimilarWeb data, while 54,000 visit the second blog. I can’t speak to conversions, but one certainly has more traction and mindshare.
Road Map to Success: Creating the Content of Your Audience’s Dreams
How to Get Ranked and Read With the Topic Cluster Content Model
Write like an adult
Brands and bloggers now attempt to “hack” people’s attention by writing in abbreviated colloquial babble that’s riddled with clichés. These hacks sometimes attract attention, but attention isn’t the same as comprehension.
Compare the breezy, web-friendly writing of a growth marketing agency (QuickSprout) to that of an analytics software firm (Mixpanel). Both seek to explain AI.
“I know what some of you are thinking. Sure, some companies use AI, but you don’t need to yet, right? Wrong. I see this mentality far too often when I’m working with business owners. The reality is that machine learning is reshaping marketing. Think about the marketing strategies you were using ten or even five years ago. I’m willing to bet they have changed over the years.”
“If private companies are any indicator, some billionaires think AI is so dangerous that they are trying to escape to Mars. But there are other perspectives. Beneath all the doomsaying and dystopian science fiction, many of the smartest AI algorithms have rather banal jobs. They’re trying to convince consumers to click ads, entice people to spend more time on social media, or they’re recommending new running sneakers.”
QuickSprout may get your attention by talking like a chatty bus driver, but it conveys little, whereas Mixpanel conveys much more with the same word count. Mixpanel is both intriguing and information dense and improves the reader’s understanding of the topic. Its writer did the hard thing and actually invested in having real things to say.
Brand journalism is a marathon and winners travel light. They name their sources, aspire to objectivity, think like readers, and write like adults. It’s a combination that creates a sense of trust between reader and writer, and the only way you’ll grow your brand in an age where trust most definitely still matters.
Brand journalists name sources, seek objectivity, think like readers, & write like adults, says @cgillespie317. ‏ Click To Tweet
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: Content Readability: A Primer
Think like a journalist at Content Marketing World 2019 Sept. 3-6 in Cleveland, Ohio. Grab a reporter’s notebook, ask questions, and document what the hundreds of speakers have to say. And return to the office with a notebook full of helpful advice. Register today using code BLOG100 to save $100. 
Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute
from http://bit.ly/2SlCyjU
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lucyariablog · 6 years
Want to be Trusted? Here’s a Crash Course in Brand Journalism
If your company wants to be seen as a media outlet, your brand journalism can’t be light on ethics, riddled with errors, and sopping with self-interest that suffocates readers.
Real journalism is about building an audience by telling true stories. “Your content needs to meet journalistic standards if you want it to be taken seriously,” says Iris Mansour, a journalist turned content strategist. “Brands that aren’t entirely honest or self-aware have a much harder time building audiences.”
Brands that aren’t honest or self-aware have a harder time building audiences, says @Irisist. Click To Tweet
Here are four ways your team – like real journalists – can earn readers’ trust.
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Name your sources
Cite all your sources. Include a statistic in a blog article? Cite the source. Not including it suggests to readers that the author may have made it up.
Include a statistic in a #blog article? Cite the source. @cgillespie317 ‏ Click To Tweet
Stand out and link to the primary source. Don’t link to a statistics roundup article, which points yet somewhere else. Follow the trail to vet the stat and you’re likely to find, it’s:
Misquoted or misinterpreted
Created by a source lacking credibility
A broken link
Hopelessly out of date
And if you find that one of those negatives applies, forgo using the statistic.
Sources say a lot about your brand. Accurately linked, high-quality sources say, “We can be trusted.” Omitted or incomplete sources suggest a company agenda and an organization that can’t be bothered with facts.
“Always tell your readers where your information is coming from,” says Monique El-Faizy, a freelance journalist who has written for The New York Times, The Guardian, and The Washington Post. “That both allows them to determine if they think a source is credible and to delve deeper into a topic should they choose. If you cite a study, tell the reader who conducted it and link to the primary source.”
If you cite a study, tell the reader who conducted it & link to the primary source, says @Moniqueelfaizy. Click To Tweet
It takes only one lie or misstatement to break a reader’s trust. Because brands rarely get feedback from readers, they can spread misinformation for decades and not know it. Have you heard this statistic, “A 5% increase in retention can boost profits 75%” from Bain & Company. It’s been frequently quoted since the study was conducted … in 1990. The Soviet Union was still around then. Google wasn’t. It’s fair to say the world has changed. And the stat was bad when first cited in 1990. It’s based on a sample size of one – a credit card company that no longer exists.
Cite a statistic like that to support an argument in an unrelated industry and you’re broadcasting, “We picked the first thing we saw on Google because it confirmed our pre-existing notion.” That’s not a good look for brands that want to be trusted.
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5 Lessons Your Brand Can Learn from Journalism
Be objective
The difference between mainstream media publications and most business blogs is that the former openly strive for objectivity in their articles (and their points of view are reserved for their opinion pages). When newspapers have a conflict of interest, they state it. That may seem counterintuitive to the purpose of brand journalism, like ratting on yourself, but readers already know you’re biased in favor of your company. The only thing you can choose is how honest (or dishonest) you want to be seen.
Just look at the bastion of journalism, The Washington Post. Though owned by Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, the paper didn’t let that relationship stop it from running a story about how Amazon’s smart speaker Alexa eavesdrops on customers. The article’s author discloses the Amazon connection (as The Washington Post does with all articles mentioning the CEO or his portfolio).
Most brands don’t have the stomach for that sort of transparency. But that transparency leads to trust. You have to be unafraid to tackle true, sometimes sensitive topics, in your industry even if they don’t directly serve your interests.
You must be unafraid to tackle topics in your industry even if they don’t serve your interests. @cgillespie317 ‏ Click To Tweet
For example, the analytics software startup Mixpanel admitted it had been pricing its product wrong. And the CEO of messaging platform Drift publicly admitted its marketing had lost its way. Rather than express outrage, readers of both blogs responded positively on social media and appreciated the honesty.
(Disclosure: The author sometimes writes for Mixpanel but wasn’t involved in the article linked above.)
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: 3 Ways to Use Transparency in Content to Cut Through the Noise
Write for the reader
The primary purpose of content is to interest readers. That can be difficult because we’re predisposed to believe that if we find something interesting, then everyone does. It’s known as projection bias. This thinking leads companies to write overtly self-promotional articles about things few people care about. Consumers ignore selfish drivel content like they do ads.
Journalists, on the other hand, write with their reader in mind. They have no choice – their readers or viewers are the central cog of the business. They invest their time meeting the people and companies they report on and receiving torrents of critical feedback – something Abraham Lincoln called “public opinion baths.” And then, journalistic publications use editors to gut-check topics before they’re published for their audiences.
You’re on the wrong track if you choose topics without consulting customers and decline topics that don’t expressly mention the brand’s products. This is a death knell for an audience-building content program.
Can you spot which company blog gets it right?
Freshdesk Blog
Our Journey Towards Cross-Platform Development
Why We Are Taking to The Skies Over San Francisco
Kicking Off Our Bengaluru Office With A Bang!
Relate by Zendesk
Tips for Staying Safe When Traveling on Business
The Only Guide to San Francisco That Includes Unicorn Tartare
On Being the Human Behind the Chat Widget
Both companies sell the same thing. But while the former drones on about itself, the latter focuses on what matters to its readers. The latter is a blog sponsored by the parent company that lets its brand journalists write about whatever pleases readers. Each month, around 13,000 people visit the first blog, according to SimilarWeb data, while 54,000 visit the second blog. I can’t speak to conversions, but one certainly has more traction and mindshare.
Road Map to Success: Creating the Content of Your Audience’s Dreams
How to Get Ranked and Read With the Topic Cluster Content Model
Write like an adult
Brands and bloggers now attempt to “hack” people’s attention by writing in abbreviated colloquial babble that’s riddled with clichés. These hacks sometimes attract attention, but attention isn’t the same as comprehension.
Compare the breezy, web-friendly writing of a growth marketing agency (QuickSprout) to that of an analytics software firm (Mixpanel). Both seek to explain AI.
“I know what some of you are thinking. Sure, some companies use AI, but you don’t need to yet, right? Wrong. I see this mentality far too often when I’m working with business owners. The reality is that machine learning is reshaping marketing. Think about the marketing strategies you were using ten or even five years ago. I’m willing to bet they have changed over the years.”
“If private companies are any indicator, some billionaires think AI is so dangerous that they are trying to escape to Mars. But there are other perspectives. Beneath all the doomsaying and dystopian science fiction, many of the smartest AI algorithms have rather banal jobs. They’re trying to convince consumers to click ads, entice people to spend more time on social media, or they’re recommending new running sneakers.”
QuickSprout may get your attention by talking like a chatty bus driver, but it conveys little, whereas Mixpanel conveys much more with the same word count. Mixpanel is both intriguing and information dense and improves the reader’s understanding of the topic. Its writer did the hard thing and actually invested in having real things to say.
Brand journalism is a marathon and winners travel light. They name their sources, aspire to objectivity, think like readers, and write like adults. It’s a combination that creates a sense of trust between reader and writer, and the only way you’ll grow your brand in an age where trust most definitely still matters.
Brand journalists name sources, seek objectivity, think like readers, & write like adults, says @cgillespie317. ‏ Click To Tweet
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: Content Readability: A Primer
Think like a journalist at Content Marketing World 2019 Sept. 3-6 in Cleveland, Ohio. Grab a reporter’s notebook, ask questions, and document what the hundreds of speakers have to say. And return to the office with a notebook full of helpful advice. Register today using code BLOG100 to save $100. 
Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute
The post Want to be Trusted? Here’s a Crash Course in Brand Journalism appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.
from https://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2019/02/trusted-brand-journalism/
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