dozydawn · 11 months
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Jörg Pleva and Iris Berben in Ulla oder Die Flucht in die schwarzen Wälder (1974).
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harasztigyula · 2 years
Pleva András Álmos - XII. Ipolyi Arnold Népmesemondó Verseny
Pleva András Álmos Pleva András Álmos (Széchenyi  István  MTNY Alapiskola, Felsőszeli) ezüstsávval végzett a XII. Ipolyi Arnold Népmesemondó Verseny 3. kategóriájának versenyében. Idén Gombaszög adott otthont a Csemadok és a Hagyományok Háza által szervezett XII. Ipolyi Arnold Népmesemondó Verseny országos döntőjének. A verseny egyik célkitűzése az egyes tájegységekhez kötődő mesék, viselet,…
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brokehorrorfan · 1 year
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Artwork from Gallery 1988’s Idiot Box 2023 television-inspired exhibit are available online. I’ve highlight some of the genre-related prints:
Yellowjackets by Matthew Pleva
Severance by Chris McGuire
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina by Valentina Zummo
Wednesday by Jeremy Berkley
Ash vs. Evil Dead by Mark Borgions
Stranger Things by Tony Rodriguez
Stranger Things by Ashly Lovett
Dexter by Zita Walker
What We Do in the Shadows by Stephen Andrade
The Last of Us by Jackie Huang
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angie-massei · 1 year
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The only thing I want today is this 1934 neodymic glass ashtray with pegasuses. (C. Schlevogt, A. Pleva)
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alibaba1xk · 1 year
জার্মানির PLEVA ITMA 2023 এ টেক্সটাইল প্রযুক্তির পরিসর প্রদর্শন করবে
জার্মানি-ভিত্তিক ইলেকট্রনিক্স প্রস্তুতকারক PLEVA ITMA 2023-এ বিস্তৃত টেক্সটাইল উত্পাদন যন্ত্রপাতি প্রদর্শন করবে, যা 8-14 জুন, 2023 পর্যন্ত ইতালির Fiera Milano Rho-তে অনুষ্ঠিত হচ্ছে। নতুন, উন্নত প্রসেস কন্ট্রোল সিস্টেম Plevatec Pro এক নজরে এবং সর্বোত্তম নিয়ন্ত্রণে সমস্ত তথ্য সহ বিভিন্ন ধরণের প্রক্রিয়া সমালোচনামূলক ডেটার একীকরণের অনুমতি দেয়। এটি বিভিন্ন মডিউল সহ জটিল উত্পাদন লাইনেও অপারেশন উন্নত…
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bishiglomper · 2 years
You know. I wonder if the nephew had pleva because he had chicken pox. 🤔
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jatygu-the-artist · 2 years
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Dedicated to good old Johnny Pleva ~ "Up With Logs" ~ rest in peace, Uncle 🙏💚
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0 Bolton Rd Jasper TN 37347 — Joseph Pleva
Originally published here: https://realestatephotographertn.wordpress.com/2022/12/19/0-bolton-rd-jasper-tn-37347-joseph-pleva/
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cysnews · 2 years
       Křest charitativního kalendář Báry Mottlové
       Křest charitativního kalendář Báry Mottlové
 Bára Mottlová nafotila nový charitativní kalendář s názvem “is it NORMAL?”. Křest kalendáře v hotelu Alchymist moderovala Eva Decastelo a křtili módní návrhář Osmany Laffita, fotograf Petr Kozlík, televizní reportér a moderátor Láďa Hruška, MEN’S super model World 22 a Mr. Best Body22 nutriční terapeut David Pleva. Křest uspořádala agentura Stayspoko, hudební doprovod VIIITOmusic. (more…)
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iamonlybutaneel · 3 years
Hi why is my skin disorder disease thing flaring up all a sudden
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Back home from vacation! Prepped salads, eggs, sausage, potatoes, spaghetti squash, and snacks for a few days! Sorry I was gone for awhile! #paleo #whole30 #healing #backtothegrind #mealprep #pleva
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hella-gay-trash · 5 years
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Adam sien Applen/ Adams Äpfel/
Adams Æbler
Anton Pleva (the actor who plays the Neo-Nazi) is still one of my favorite actors. He did a great job at portraying the Neo-Nazi. I’ve seen him before in another play called “Adel verpflichtet” and it this role was so different from the one in Adel verpflichtet. It was amazing.
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conandaily2022 · 2 years
Muž Roku 2022 predictions: Dominik Odstrčil, David Pleva, Matěj Švec, Josef Vanša, Filip Šanda, Petr Ngo
Muž Roku 2022 predictions: Dominik Odstrčil, David Pleva, Matěj Švec, Josef Vanša, Filip Šanda, Petr Ngo
Muž Roku 2021 Lukáš Vyšehrad, 26, of Hradec Králové, Czech Republic will crown his successor at the Divadlo Dr. Josefa Čížka in Náchod, Hradec Králové on August 26, 2022. It is the 23rd edition of the national beauty pageant that selects the Czech Republic’s Mister Supranational, Mister Global, Man of the World, Man of the Year, Mister Grand International and Mister Tourism World…
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doctorfoxtor · 3 years
goddammit I forgot to post yesterday's as well lol
100 days of productivity
day 17
shock index = HR/SBP (normal 0.5-0.7); >0.85 implies frank shock
nicorandil can cause extensive skin, mucosal and GIT ulcerations
J-point depression is physiological and may confound ST-interval measurements, and hence ST should be measured 80 ms after the J-point
specifically, J-point depression may produce upward-sloping ST-depression, which is physiological, so only horizontal- and downward-sloping ST-depression should be considered
spontaneous complete remission occurs in 2/3rds of patients with acute pulmonary sarcoidosis
volume resus for burns = 1 ml/kg * %BSA for the first 8 hours followed by 1 ml/kg * %BSA for the next 16 hours; target urine output is 0.5 ml/kg/hr
WPW: orthodromic tachy = electric impulse going through AV node then reentering atria via accessory bundle (usually narrow complex SVT); antidromic tachy = electric impulse going directly through accessory bundle (usually broad-complex VT)
biventricular pacing (RA+RV+LV) → BBB causing heart failure
dual chamber pacing (RA+RV) → sick sinus syndrome, AV block
dual site atrial pacing → AF (especially pAF), symptomatic bradycardia
normal anatomical dead space = 150 ml
asymmetric diabetic retinopathy → ocular ischaemia syndrome
the most common cause of lateral medullary syndrome is actually vertebral artery disease; PICA disease is the second MCC
rise in TSH is a common finding in adrenal insufficiency
T1DM has a 50% concordance rate in monozygotic twins
pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta (PLEVA) = scattered papules and nodules with fine scaling and haemorrhagic crust; spontaneously resolves within a few months to few years
erythrasma = asymptomatic, well-circumscribed patches of hyperpigmentation usu. affecting folds and flexures; under Wood's lamp, shows bright pink fluorescence
both excision and radiotherapy are first line tx for labial squamous cell ca
TPN may precipitate acute mineral deficiencies, especially zinc, by encouraging anabolic processes
bilirubin is NOT raised in 90% of preggos with obstetric cholestasis
rituximab is specifically associated with reactivation of hep B; in Hbs or anti-Hbc positive individuals, lamivudine chemoprophylaxis should be started before rituximab is initiated
factor 8 inhibitor develops in 20% of haemophilia A sufferers who receive multiple transfusions of factor 8 concentrate
karyotype is a prognostic marker for AML: t(8;21) is a good prognostic marker whereas chromosome 5/7 involvement is a poor prognostic marker
mild thrombocytopaenia is seen in APLA
UTI in diabetics can proceed to renal papillary necrosis, the slough from which may cause ureteric obstruction
Mann-Whitney U test is a nonparametric test that compares two unpaired samples of ordinal data (eg, received intervention vs received placebo, each graded on a scale of 0-5); use t-test for normally distributed continuous data
Wilcoxon signed-rank test can be used under the same circumstances as the U test, but for paired data
chi-square test compares percentages within two populations; it is a simplification of Fisher's exact test
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erikacousland · 4 years
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'Step on Board,' the Harriet Tubman Memorial, sculpted by Fern Cunningham, in Boston, Massachusetts © Anthony Pleva/Alamy
Featured on Bing March 10, 2021
Commemorating the life of a famous 'railroad' conductor What better way to celebrate Harriet Tubman Day than with a visit to Harriet Tubman Park? It's in the South End neighborhood of Boston, where this bronze statue by local artist Fern Cunningham commemorates the great abolitionist's life. It depicts Tubman leading fellow slaves to freedom via the Underground Railroad. Under her arm, Tubman holds a Bible. Deeply religious, Tubman felt it was her duty to help people escape bondage in the South. It's estimated she helped free more than 300 slaves on 19 trips north, communicating with coded songs and maps. Tubman is widely regarded as the most famous conductor on the Underground Railroad. But she wasn't just a conductor—during the Civil War, she worked as a spy and a nurse, and she led the Combahee River Raid which set free 700 slaves. After the war, she traveled here, to Boston, to work on women's voting rights.
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luufish · 4 years
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30. červenec
Ráno si všímám prachu poletujícího ve slunečních paprscích. Tak už žnou. Žnou to suché, bezduché pole za řadou osik. Dva velké kombajny proti sobě, v každém muž a chlapec. Jsou ukryté v prašném mraku, hučí.
Kondenzovaná děsivost léta: Žár, bílo před očima, popálené srdce, vyhořet, uhořet, shořet, popíchat se, udusit se, kremace, nesnesitelně bez tíhy poletovat. Být vyplivnut jako pleva. Být pořezán a nekrvácet. Být v ústech bez chuti zadřen.
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