#pll review
lazzarella · 3 months
Going to try to start posting more of my thoughts on shows as I watch or re-watch them because it's my blog and no one can stop me. Anyway! Starting with Hidden Agenda because that's the most recent one I've finished
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My expectations were tempered going in—not because most other people said it was terrible, because I've learnt not to put much stock in others' opinions on media as they often don't line up with mine, but because I didn't care much for JoongDunk's scenes in Sky in My Heart. (Tbf, there weren’t that many.) But I liked the premise (it very vaguely made me think of one of my favourite movies, Plan B, even though it's actually nothing like it—just a connection my brain made) and I saw that AouBoom were the side pairing, so I figured I'd give it a go! Not like I'm marrying it, you know?
Anyway, I ended up having a blast! 
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Look, did I sometimes wonder if I'd blacked out for a minute or two and missed some important scene or piece of exposition because I was lost about how we got somewhere? A few times, for sure. And could some of the acting have been stronger? Probably, but I've seen way worse acting. Like way worse. Way. Worse. Plus it was never unwatchable for me? And my secondhand embarrassment threshold is pretty low. And did it just pile on a bunch of drama (especially toward the end) that sometimes got resolved super quickly even though it probably should have taken longer? Again, yes. But, somehow, it all worked for me?? It did a lot of things that usually bug me, but there was *something* about this show that kept me hooked.
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Like I said, I had a blast! I enjoyed pretty much every minute of it, and I was never bored. I thought Joong and Dunk were super cute together and definitely not shy about the kissing, Aou and Boom may not have had many scenes but I just love them together, I was impressed by both the level and variety of drama they managed to pack in (there's a stalker and both mommy and daddy issues and homophobia, just for starters), and it has some incredibly pretty cinematography! And lots of really good hugs!
I know this is a not a very insightful ‘review’, but I'm a little rusty! But, yeah, genuinely had a great time with this show, it's a solid 8/10 for me! 
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pllat30 · 6 months
Greetings Liars!!
After many years, I'm deep-diving into the series as a 30-year-old mom. The series first aired when I was 17 and I was obsessed! Now that I have a lot more life experience under my belt, I wonder how I'm going to look at certain situations and relationships in the show. I already know of one main relationship that my feelings towards have done a complete 180. But I'll get into that more as the show goes on!
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storytime-reviews · 1 year
Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin Season 1 Review
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Twenty years ago, a series of tragic events almost ripped Millwood apart. Now, in the present day, a brand-new set of Little Liars finds themselves tormented by an unknown assailant.
So as someone who had a love-hate relationship with the original Pretty Little Liars, and watched it religiously, I decided to give PLL: Original Sin a go, and completed it in a weekend. PLL: Original Sin definitely has a different vibe to the original. As much as I enjoyed it, it just wasn’t the same, and I wasn’t invested in the characters or storyline like I was with the original. I also felt that there were too many main characters, which made it harder to keep the individual storylines and relationships straight in my head, and it took quite a while for me to feel any level of interest for them.
I could actually see elements of Pretty Little Liars in it, but I liked some of the ways in which it was different, especially the very clear horror movie inspiration. I felt that it was well done, and certainly felt that aspects of the show could be compared to the Scream tv show, which I personally loved. The references to horror are both obvious and subtle, and they were weaved throughout the narrative and definitely came full circle for those paying attention.
Unfortunately I felt that the show didn’t do enough with the main mystery – Pretty Little Liars had so many more threads to pull, and yes that made it more chaotic, but I also felt it made their storylines more engaging in the long run. I did like that a lot of the narrative came together in the final episode of season 1 and was wrapped up with hints of continuation, but like I said there was much less mystery surrounding PLL: Original Sin.
I did feel that the ‘A’ reveal was kind of lame, and the whole bullying storyline that surrounded it was well overdone. The reasoning behind punishing the parents and their kids for everything and not others felt incredibly over the top and, frankly, ridiculous.
I enjoyed the little nods to Pretty Little Liars and Rosewood. For the most part the story was entertaining, and I am definitely interested in watching season 2, even though the story didn’t grip me as much as the original.
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theghostofashton · 2 years
having diversity in shows is good and we need it and i’m not knocking it ofc but why do so many of them....... suck lmfao
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for-the-roses · 5 months
pll s2 ep 11
my girls are so stupid I just can't 😭😭😭
I think this is my strongest "WHY WON'T THEY TELL THE COPS????" moment in the entire show. A just kidnapped dr Sullivan (or so they thought) and they still won't tell the cops what they know???
I know Garret is in the force but there really wasn't anyone else in law enforcement they could trust???
tbh the jenna thing isn't even that bad for them, they could've come clean from the beginning. but then there wouldn't be a show lol
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crazychicke · 2 years
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oceanblvdbabe · 9 days
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did you know that there's a tunnel under ocean blvd?
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୨୧music: lana del rey, arctic monkeys, eminem, nirvana, hole, fiona apple, slipknot, green day, cigarettes after sex, tv girl, billie eillish, chase atlantic, the neighborhood, the weekend, the smiths, the beatles, frank ocean, mazzy star, mitski, david bowie.
୨୧movies & shows: zero day, ahs, american psycho, pll, black swan, thirteen, dc, corpse bride, the notebook, girl interrupted, the lighthouse, priscilla, the v!rgin su!cides, twilight, little woman, natural born killers, skins.
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asrisgratitudejournal · 11 months
Update setelah beberapa hari calming myself down: kemarin full seharian di rumah istirahat aja yang banyak. Malam juga berusaha untuk tidur cepat karena ternyata masih pusing-pusing dan hidung tersumbat betul-betul sepertinya akan kena flu sih ini (padahal udah vaksin flu?). 
Barusan akhirnya keluar rumah karena diajakin Hanif buat makan siang dan makanlah kami (aku, Hanif, dan Bang Reybi) di Nando’s George St. SANGAT ENAK, DAN SANGAT KENYANG HHH ALHAMDULILLAH YAALLAH. Sekarang ini di Radcam karena tadi keluar rumah nggak bawa laptop samsek (karena berat). Gatau juga goalnya apa ini kerja hari ini. Jujur masih belum bisa pick myself up banget sejak email rejection itu… Ku udah ngemail co-authors juga dan ngirim reviews-nya ke mereka dan setting up meeting Rabu pagi jam 10 sih… Udah booking konseling uni juga Selasa sore. Terus udah… Apa lagi yang harus dikerjain gatau… Dari besok postdocku bakal away sampe 20-an Nov(?) (lama juga ye dia pergi). Spvku malah baru balik besok. Hhhh emang ga jodoh aja schedule semua orang. Ku cukup yakin nanti Rabu yang dateng cuma 2 kolaborator dan postdocku, karena kedua spv-ku sudah bilang “gausah tungguin gw yah”, baiklah. Gapapa tapi udah ada yang bisa aja udah bagus. 
Ku masih mayan upset tapi ga separah Minggu dan Senin kemarin sih. Terus ku dapat message sangat baik dari Mba Mita HUHU (cc @peminumteh) yang membuatku sadar bahwa ku udah bisa ngeluarin ke jurnal aja tuh untuk anak PhD tahun ke-3 (kemarin pertama kali submit Nov 2022 --- WOW SUDAH SETAHUN YANG LALU???) udah keren banget. Dan beneran sih, kadang suka ngerasa ga enak gitu kalau share lagi sedih kena reject gini ke teman-teman se-office gitu misalnya. Ada yang setahun di atasku masih berkutat dengan mikroskop lagi ngejar submit dan belum dapet cc buat submit ke luar, ada juga yang seangkatan-ku dan baru mau di-acc chapter 1-nya (BARU MAU dibaca). And here I am yang chapter 1 ini udah dibaca ber-RATUS-RATUS kali oleh >5 orang (including reviewers dan editors ada 10 orang kali), terus menangis karena dibilang tulisannya kureng. Betul-betul untitled kid. 
BERSUKUR NONNNNN. Tapi ya valid juga kan ngerasa sedih walaupun at the same time juga bersyukur?? Apakah keduanya ekstrim polar opposite? Apakah kalau kita sedih dapet 98 instead of 100 artinya kita ga bersukur sama si 98 itu? Kan nggak juga??? Jujur sekarang w adalah Jimin. HAHA RANDOM tapi kalau kalian nonton documentary-nya BTS di Burn The Stage, Jimin MENANGIS after going off-key YANG MANA GAADA ORANG YANG NYADAR YA TOLONG. Ku pas nonton itu kaya upset banget kaya ??? BRO SEHAT??? Terus yaudah sekarang I’m just Jimin?? Kayak… NON SEHAT??? 
Ainna kemarin juga ngasih komen sangat baik di postingan sebelumnya (HUHU terima kasih Ainna *emoji peluk*). Terus banyak deh replies dari teman-teman lain di insta setelah ku-post skrinsot-an post terakhir tumblr juga di insta. 
Udah sih. Plannya weekend ini cuma kelas aja Sabtu-Minggu jam 8-10, terus mengundang Aji dkk mau masak opor di rumah di hari Minggu… Oh iya, dari kemarin juga lagi ngabisin Brooklyn Nine-Nine lagi setelah sekian lama dan emang kadang ada episode yang bobrok banget aja lucu banget sampai ku ingin menangis (fav-ku masih interaksi kebodoran antara Jake dan Captain Holt). Belum lama juga abis ngabisin Lupin. Lagi pengen nonton yang drama-drama sampah gitu deh padahal, modelan PLL atau Revenge. Ada seri apa lagi sih, recommend me tvshow dong anyone. 
Udah itu dulu aj for now. Wishing you all good rest of the week! 
Radcam 15:47 02/11/2023 
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soul-music-is-life · 4 months
Sullivan's "Glowing Review" a Lie
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Deputy Maroon a Lie.
Sullivan exacerbated the trauma that Aria, Hanna, Spencer, and Emily had tremendously.
And she didn't report someone who was dangerous to the cops. She's a terrible therapist.
She a lie.
Though, I wonder if the "experience in adolescent trauma" is related to her son in PLL.
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jaggedwolf · 1 month
pll rewatch 2x08
A classic PLL line that has been memed on endlessly, and yet I’ve only just realized - is what Hanna means that even if Jenna hears their stomping, Jenna won’t be able to see that it’s them because duh, she’s blind?
Does Jenna have a kink for making out next to windows? I think her rape-by-blackmail vid with Toby was also taken near a window
Emily has terrible situp form. Is she even exercising her abs. She’s also making the terrible choice to do them the morning of the meet
I’m concerned Emily doesn’t have any friends on the swim team to discuss training regimens with :/ 
You know who I bet knows things about training regimens? Paige.
Hanna fussing over Emily’s overtraining is cute. Less cute is Emily witnessing Tom and Ashley’s morning after, this is the most family drama she’s experienced outside of her own coming out
In my notes I wrote “Wren is gross” and it doesn’t even matter what scene this is about
Mike’s friend who bothers him in school...I think he’s genuinely concerned about Mike, it’s just filtered through terrible teenage bro levels of self-expression (asking Mike if he’s going to be a crackhead next)
Aria lies to Ezra about the confrontation she had with Jenna in ceramics class and never told him about the Mike burglary shenanigans
On one hand, she doesn’t want to mention Jason to Ezra, on the other hand she is the most secretive of the liars
As a naturally secretive person myself I’m inclined to defend this behaviour
Emily’s so stressed she gives herself an ulcer. Her little “when can I swim again” :( :( :( 
Fun fact: Ulcers aren’t really caused by stress but by bacteria, though of course stress is not great for the immune system overall
Spencer is so cute when she’s defensive of Emily who has an ulcer, Do Not Scare Her Hanna! I love that when Aria shows up with a coffee Emily silently looks at Spencer to give the explanation.
Thus we can conclude the other three’s reactions to learning about Emily
Hanna: Stopped by her Mom’s workplace to borrow her car to go to the hospital, googled ulcers out of mild curiosity and went WAIT IT’S A HOLE IN YOUR STOMACH? THAT’S WHAT AN ULCER IS? A HOLE?  SPENCER A HOLE??? 
Spencer: Already knew what an ulcer is but re-reviewed to know what Emily can or cannot consume and to provide Reassuring Facts on ulcer healing.
Aria: Does not know what an ulcer is and does not care to find out, does know Emily’s favorite coffee order and wants to give her a nice treat. Foiled by biology :/ 
Spencer is so funny when she interrogates Hanna on her Caleb sitch while they’re in the elevator. “Where else are you gonna go?” Guess Hanna has to answer her.
Ashley telling Tom to fuck off. Hell yeah!! Maybe tell him to talk to Hanna first
We see more of Jenna & Garrett Evilly Plotting than I remember, I’ll want to compare this to later Evil Plotting scenes from other characters 
Emily gets hit with the second punch of steroid use. She is so scared and stressed about this :/ It is well-crafted emotional torture by A - to have first made Emily a liar and then a cheater, when Emily is the girl who cares most about fair play, whose mom stated back in S1 that her daughter was raised to earn everything she’s gotten
And all of it is in circumstances where no one would believe Emily telling the truth
Did the ulcer save Emily from getting kicked off the swimming team...
Mike seems to be actually doing his homework when Ella knocks on his door, which is a note I like
OK when Haleb is in Spencer’s family cabin, why is Caleb the one making the fire and Hanna the one to not know what kindling is? The camping scene last season had Hanna be the one with outdoor survival skills and Caleb clueless, I don’t like this arbitrary swap
All of Caleb’s shady shit happened in Allentown. I have memories of a fic where the backstory was Caleb & Paige being absolute disasters in Allentown and I wonder if the author chose that location because of this mention or just because, you know, it’s a place in PA
Was this whole plot so Haleb could get laid? Maybe a little bit
Wayne Fields is the one good father, he does not want Emily to stress about college and paying for it. Well sir please investigate your finances and military benefits
Emily wants to bail to Texas, Spencer appeals to her sense of justice in finding Ali’s killer. The limit to Spencer’s desire to protect her people, perhaps - she doesn’t want to be left alone
Hanna is really upset at Ashley saying she doesn’t want to get back with Tom, because that makes Hanna the sucker that is the only Marin who wants things back the way they were
2x08 is six weeks before the wedding. Enjoy fitting that into the timeline. 
While Emily is alone and depressed in her hospital bed in her very shitty situation, Spencer pops up to go “Hey Em, wanna read through our dead friend’s autopsy report with me? Look at this X-ray of blunt force trauma to her skull.”
Emily does look at it, I ponder if Emily and Spencer were partners in bio class and they realize page 5 is missing. Oh no! 
I have literally no memory of this plot point, would simply like to note that when Hanna asks “How can one page just disappear” I went yeah PLL I have that question too
You know Hanna is really broken up about her dad because she and Caleb literally sit on the curb while staring at the happy family. Do you think the parents of that family are going hey why is that teenage couple staring at us?
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lvaughan · 7 months
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( jaz sinclair, woman, she/her ) — 🎬 just announced, LIV VAUGHAN has been cast as SPENCER HASTINGS in the upcoming PRETTY LITTLE LIARS reboot. the twenty six year old is trending as people are debating if the cute stickers and pins all over her bag, her perfectly curated spotify playlists, her amazing #outfits of the day, the book reviews she posts on her personal blog, that they are known for is enough to make them as good as original. a quick google search shows that their fans call them compassionate, but internet trolls think they’re more weak-willed. i guess their newest interview for variety where they talk about fans finding her old wattpad account when she was in high school will let people know them better.
full name: olivia vaughan nicknames: liv, livvy/livvie pronouns: she/her gender: woman sexuality: bi age: 26 birth date: february 9, 1998 ethnic background: black & white height: 5'5" known languages: english, some latin, french, italian, spanish, and portuguese, a little bit of mandarin
bullet points
hollywood is full of nepo babies whose place in the industry tends to be interrogated. liv is not one of those people. she came from a regular family in georgia, usa.
if she was gonna be special at anything, it would probably be school. but she was never a prodigy, just a geeky girl who got fairly good grades.
she had a big family. she only had a few siblings but she lived with her cousins too, and her grandparents. liv didn't stand out.
that was until she bagged an audition for the role of some big actress' daughter in the 2010s. at a very young age, liv showed remarkable talent.
so this was what she was special at. she wished she could do other things exceptionally too, but over the years she has found little success in any other field. she's a good reader, but that's not something you can monetize; she'd need to be a writer too, which she's not.
she has learned other languages but isn't good enough to be a translator or anything of the sort, she's only good enough to consume literature with added context in their original languages.
she can dress herself well, but she probably couldn't design her own clothes. she wouldn't be able to put out her own cosmetics line.
this is all that liv can do: pretend to be other people. as spencer in pll, she can act like an enterprising, motivated woman. but liv in real life only has spencer's smarts, not her fire.
liv has been in the spotlight since she was a child, and she's didn't have the wealth or connections to fall back on. so she's also internalized the need to be loved and liked. she wishes she were more assertive like spencer. but as things are, liv feels pretty spineless.
she likes to think she'll become more assertive any moment now, but she remains pretty withdrawn and shy.
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glitterfairy-21225 · 2 years
I just completed it, so I haven’t seen any other reviews for One Of Us Is Lying season two yet so I don’t know if this is controversial or not, but I enjoyed s2 more than s1. Mostly bc for as much as S1 was up my alley, I looked at it as a poor adaptation of the book, and I looked at S2 as a Pretty Little Liars reboot.
And a good one.
Like, it wants to be a pll reboot more than the actual pll reboot. And I enjoyed Original Sin, it was just missing a lot of the elements that made the OG what it was.
But like, halfway through the series I realized how badly it wanted to be pll, and honestly… I think it made me enjoy the series much more.
The show wants the characters to call the big bad ‘A’ so bad. ‘_ is totally Simon Says!’ ‘We’re not Simon Says!’ ‘We gotta find Simon Says’. And they kept calling it a ‘game’, and the villain spoke about how much they liked to ‘play with my toys’. And- And- And you know what? More power to them.
And Jake’s lines in that flashback in the finale. ‘Can you keep a secret?’ ‘You gotta take this one to the grave’. I realize that those aren’t unique phrases, but… c’mon…
And you wanna know the best part? This A/S.S. reveal was good. It was better than the Drakes. It was better than the Principal. It was a character with enough plot relevance. When it was revealed, there were things both the character and Simon Says did that clicked. The motivations weren’t contradictory. The main characters were the ones to put it all together. And enough build up to …other twists as well.
Look. As a writer, I hate that they betrayed the source material to do this. But as a Pretty Little Liars fan… I’ve found satisfaction.
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spikeface · 2 years
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#i haven't seen anything besides all american and teen wolf so the pll and assassination nation stuff were just from gifsets i remembered
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clarkgriffon · 2 years
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#my brain is going on a rant of how i like them as a depiction of them as teen romance but i’m not going to subject op to that in their tags
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wiremotherenergy · 2 years
my tiktok algorithm thinks im 16 again so here is MY ideal casting of if they ever make a movie of the secret history (which i both doubt and dont want) cause ive seen way too many wrong videos. first. richard MUST be gravely misinterpreted as the good guy actually and i demand he be played by a quirky charming hollywood ingenue. less weird than timothee chalamet and more weird than tom hollad are the example vibes, like miles teller pre-topgunification, or when logan lerman was in perks of being a wallflower. the cute preteen girlcrush vibe is so important for the whole direction of the movie, and if there are y/n fanfics about him on tumblr thats a plus. next the class which in my opinion should be a bunch of overall unknown/indie actors where maybe they were in an older a24 movie or mainly do theatre or are like an obscure nepo baby. a good vibe for francis typecast wise would be jaeden martell or even noah schnapp - former portrayals of sad gay children not required but has to believably have been a sad gay child (i want the ginger hair to specifically look too fake, think archie riverdale). this is already so long jesus. charles opinion (unpopular amongst dane dehaan fancast community) is i dont want him to look sleazy at all i want him to be an all american charm prettyguy type i want them to do the same thing they did when hbo cast ncw as jaime in got, except i unfortunately dont think the actor theyd get for charles would have the range to give the complex deep performance ncw did but the guy that played the love interest in where the crawdads sing movie that i saw begrudgingly is like, an acceptably flat boring option. with henry i think you could possibly go with making him poc (most probably asian) as either "blind casting" or "updating the source material" since im not sure if a major enough part of the people who would actually go see this movie would care enough about how its missing the point of the story. still this hypothetical movie would have bad reviews anyways. i predict he would have something a lil fucked up or quirky going on with his face. camilla i want to be a girl who is maybe a model or friends with lily rose depp predominantly, in the same category as the girls they got for the new pll, NOT mia wasikowska but the vibe of when mia wasikowska played jane eyre. and in a hotd world i would even suggest milly alcock cuz i think she could agree to that and it would be fun (mia goth could have been this but shes having her big moment now and has too much of a fanbase). in a compeltely opposite vein they literally have to get a random brashy popstar girlie to play judy, like charli xcx or bhad bhabie or even just go nuts with it and get keke palmer to do it. whats important is star factor and general chaotic messy vibe. bunny is difficult bc on one hand it would be fun to me if they made bunnys character the sweet poor little pathetic niceguy whose mean friends bully him for being fat stereotype but on the other hand a guy who has the aura of a victorian dandy meets content house fuckboy oscar wilde part time model would be absolutely perfect. maybe they could do both i want it to be both. and finally julian and now i get to the tiktok that made me think about this for over an hour straight i saw someone say richard gere and to that i say yes that absolutely makes sense. pick a former hollywood romcom guy whos old now but people still call him a daddy even though he is definitely way too old for that. hugh grant is also an option. im literally so smart
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just-otter-thoughts · 2 years
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Here's a fun fact about my obsession with Portal: after about ten playthroughs of the game, after listening to the developer commentary andd already having memorized all of GLaDOS' lines and how to solve all the puzzles, I started looking into Portal beta content.
Nowadays I have no idea how I found all of that, but at 11 years old I already knew a lot about the Portal betas. I knew about the different portal textures, Aperture Nova Prospekt, I knew about Vanilla Crazy Cake, the many iterations of GLaDOS, spider GLaDOS? Portal: Project Beta didn't run on my Linux laptop so I just researched a lot about it.
I have a fuzzy memory: I swear that at one point either GLaDOS or a core mentioned rhubarb. I think it was either the cake recipe core (intelligence core) or GLaDOS herself, possibly during another iteration of the Vanilla Crazy Cake dialogues. It was similar to everything fish-shaped in the final version of the blue core: rhubarb was mentioned a comically high amount of times.
67 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
I am so attracted to men
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Love how 80% of my mutuals are autistic. Autism wins!
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Thinking about that story about the autistic kid that was in treatment because they "kept drawing hideous monsters" or whatever and the therapist looked at it and was like. this is Five Nights at Freddy's
245 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
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Obsesed with looking at men
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