#plotdrop reaction
panopticonrpg · 3 months
Hellooooo, may I ask - are you planning this to be a plot heavy game where there will be plotdrops and stuff, or is this more a player driven story and you'll just provide the framework and the setting? The setting and the rpg looks really cool so far btw, I can't wait to see the skeletons!
Helloooo, you may absolutely ask, thank you!
Panopticon RPG will have game plot drops interspersed with 'downtime' periods, for character-driven progression/reactions. Cool new features of the island will be revealed via plot drops, giving Muns and their characters more options for growth.
Thank you so much! We're really excited about starting Panopticon, and want others to feel the same!
~ Mod Gigi 🧿
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apcomplexhq · 8 months
mods, como funcionam esses clubes e como a gente entra neles?
Oi, coisa linda! Vou explicar tudinho, segue aqui no "Ler Mais".
Os clubes são grupos comuns onde você conversa com outros personagens que possuem aquele mesmo interesse. Eles, por si só, podem estabelecer atividades durante o passar dos dias, propor eventos e, se foram um clube oficializado (vou explicar mais pra baixo como é feito), também podem ser convocados para participar de outras situações, como nesse último evento postado.
"Mas mods, o que seriam essas atividades?"
Por exemplo, o clube dos cinéfilos constantemente marca dias para maratonas e deixam um convite aberto para que todos vão assistir em conjunto no Discord, através de transmissão de tela. Geralmente são os membros do clube que decidem os filmes através de votações.
O Momusas, um clube de trabalho voluntário, organizou um leilão beneficente que aconteceu no discord em dezembro, com o intuito de adquirir doações para ONG's e hospitais.
Os Gaymers já vi organizarem noites de jogos (como Among Us e Gartic) entre si e convidar o pessoal também.
Nós temos mantido o foco dos clubes pelo nosso servidor próprio para DM's, que você pode entrar clicando aqui.
Nesse servidor terá a categoria denominada como "CLUBES" e, dentro dela, o canal de chat "reactions".
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Basta você apertar nesse "reactions" e reagir na mensagem que há dentro dele de acordo com o emoticon que se refere o clube que seu personagem iria participar. Pode fazer parte de mais de um clube, sem problemas.
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Depois que você reagir, do ladinho vai aparecer pra ti o chat privado daquele clube, apenas as pessoas dentro do clube veem ele.
Prontinho, você já faz parte dele!
Para criar um clube qualquer, você só precisa ter o pessoalzinho que tenha interesse e criar um grupo na DM do twitter ou dentro do nosso próprio servidor de DM's!
No entanto, se você quiser tornar ele um clube oficial, é necessário ler as regrinhas do nosso servidor de DM's, pois lá tem o passo a passo para que mande sua proposta para análise. Se for aprovado, nós criaremos o chat privado do clube, adicionaremos a reação e já estará incluso em nossa listinha dos oficiais para participarem de maneira mais ativa em nossos planos de eventos/plotdrops/tasks/atividades.
Caso tenha ficado confuso ou possua mais alguma dúvida, é só dizer!
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william-robathan · 4 years
Time: Around 10:45 PM Location: Somewhere between the Chelsea Royal and King’s Road.
“Explosion in Lambeth, they were targeting the civilians,” Eli, his campaign manager, and now head of communications, couldn’t take his eyes off the phone screen as he scrolled through the updates. On route to King’s Road, where William had to make an appearance to ring in the New Year with his constituents, they sat in the back of the town car.
“Is that what that sound was?” 
“Probably, yeah. People were gathered to watch fireworks, I think. I’m not sure how many –” The expression on Eli’s face paled.
“What is it?” William threw him a puzzled look.
The man looked terrified, he stared at the MP for a few seconds before he finally managed to open his mouth.
“Something happened to Acton... And it’s not just her.” The cellphone was receiving a message after message, colleagues texting them from the Chelsea Royal. “Do you think it’s...” Eli didn’t finish the sentence, but William could hazard a guess what he wanted to say.
“Russians? Yeah, probably,” he cleared his throat and looked through the window. It was happening again. The people who killed Harrison were back, attacking their city again. 
If there was one thing in the world that could get William Robathan worked up, it was this.
“MI6 is on the line. They’re probably issuing instructions for all the MPs,” Eli’s phone was ringing, “Should we turn around?”
“No,” William didn’t take his eyes off of the passing Chelsea streets, “Let it go to the voicemail. We’re not turning around.” 
Eli knew better than to argue, once the MP made up his mind there was no changing it, even if he was facing the danger. Although, working alongside the man for a long time now, Eli also knew it was pride that drove William to carry on with the plans, not bravery, or compassion. Besides, MP showing up at a public place to ring in the New Year’s with his constituents despite all the chaos that had ensued? Well, this would do wonders for his public image.
When William stepped outside the car, leaving his driver and Eli behind, he was all kind smiles and gentle waves, whilst rage slowly seeping into his soul. The HCA scum had the audacity to come after them again, and the fact that they lost the vote to Gazprom dick suckers, failing to properly retaliate had him boiling with rage all over again. This was the price they were paying for not imposing sanctions and taking the beating like cowardly little rats three years ago, and he hated his idiot colleagues even more now, if that was even possible.
Once the countdown started, William stood with the crowd, glass raised, on the busiest street of Chelsea, knowing a few minutes more and then he could go home, and relax after a long fucking day of pretending to give two shits about these peasants here and the fellow MPs at the Tory party. He’d arrived a little under an hour, but the squealing teenage girls and handsy middle aged women with their endless requests for selfies was already filling up his quota for one public appearance with his constituents. 
 Six... Five...Four... 
When William noticed a sketchy character in the distance, even though he was too far to be certain, he could swear the man was looking right back at him. If the MP had believed in premonitions, he was certainly feel one now. The sound of crowd chanting and fireworks going off around him was loud, so not everyone noticed how William shoved a person next to him away to run after the man in the distance.
Except, he couldn’t.
The sound was deafening. Before William could take another step, the shockwave from the explosion hit him in the chest full force, reverberating through his body, and then head, whilst being blown back, and slamming him on the ground. His lungs were full of smoke, and for a few second, he’d thought he’d suffocate. But as soon as William lifted his head up and retained breathing, he did it just in time to avoid the shrapnel piercing his skull, and landing a bit below his shoulder blade, whilst a cement debris hit his left foot, most likely breaking the bone. 
Well, fuck.
What followed had been a blur, mostly. The multiple injuries and a concussion had kept him in a state of dizziness and by the time he was brought to the hospital, William had passed out. 
If not for the nonstop ringing in his ears before he was carried to the ambulance, he would’ve overheard the on-site reporter (probably the same one who’d replaced his dead ex-girlfriend at BBC) deliver the news to the nation.
“...and the met police is still assessing the number of casualties. If not for the bravery of the MP of Chelsea of Fulham, William Robathan, who pushed the man out of the harm’s way, it may have been one person more. Reporting live from the King’s Road explosion site, it’s...”  
Oh, the irony.
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oceansraged · 6 years
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   “ oh.  you’re -- you’re alright. ”  mera doesn’t know the child well, but she knows of him.  she recognizes him at least.  “ i’m so sorry.  i had -- i had heard some of your group was in metropolis.  i’m... ” mera searches for words that are more gentle than glad to see you alive.  “ we should call flash, to let him know.  he’ll be relieved. ”  
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santamonicaroleplay · 5 years
when are you guys going to post a plotdrop? I'm dying from excitement over here!!!!!!1!!!
Well anon if you must know we are going to be doing the plot drop on Wednesday at midnight EST! I am honestly super excited myself and can’t wait to see everyone's reactions! 
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