#pls accept them im cowardly ;-;
roszabell · 2 years
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it’s the blorbos!! according to my brain!!!!!!
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bennitastisch · 2 years
can we please make it socially unacceptable again to just smoke cigarettes directly next to ppl in public??
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itsyourjoon · 6 years
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You groaned as you silenced your 7.55 alarm to get the 5 extra minutes before getting ready for the coffee date with Hoseok and the new kid you’ll be meeting - Jimin apparently. You knew nothing of the him, except that he is suppose to be a good dancer, considering how much Hoseok praises him and is excited to move him to advanced so soon. It’s not common that contemporary dancers know hip-hop so well. You and Hoseok are barely in the intermediate jazz classes after all.
The five minutes pass way too fast for the full 300 seconds that they actually are. But… a second did just pass as that thought went through your sleepy brain.
Getting ready didn’t take much effort, since you prepared the clothes for today before you went to sleep, after Hoseok texted you anyways. It was just a black printed shirt slightly (or a bit more) too big for you, black ripped jeans with fishnets underneath and of course black shoes. You didn’t aim for a spectacular impression anyways so why bother.
At nine, the café where you and Hoseok always go to (I mean no one makes a better frappuccino than the baristas here) wasn’t that overly full anyways, since most students in the campus already had class or if they didn’t, they were actually in the library studying. Wow. Dedication. You noticed Hoseok’s red mop of hair in your usual seats - a table for four, but who cares if two people sit there, the view to the street is really nice from there - and an additional blonde bundle of hair, stuck under a black beanie. You skipped your way over to them and hugged Hobi from behind leaning down to his sitting figure, when you saw he ordered your usual order already. “Thank you bub! I’m so glad you went ahead and ordered it already!” Hoseok didn’t hide his (slightly) cowardly heart and let out a yelp when he felt your arms around his neck. At that the boy in front of him opened his eyes a bit wider when he saw his companion scared but smiled, shaping his eyes into crescents after the scene unfolded infront of him. You finally remembered your manners towards strangers you’re suppose to meet and quickly bowed, apologizing to the blonde stranger infront of you. “Ah I’m so sorry, I didn’t want to be rude! Hi, I’m Y/n! Nice to meet you!” Saying that you sat down on the seat where your order was - next to Hobi and opposite of the new kid. “It’s okay don’t worry I don’t blame you. I’m Jimin by the way. Park Jimin.” He spoke with a bit of formality. Like this was an official meeting discussing science or important business. You ignored it, so you flashed him a warm smile. “So where did you come from Jimin?” You were genuinely curious about him. Others came from other Korean schools but the word in the college hallways had it that he didn’t come from Korea at all. “Oh my birthtown is Busan, but my parents are forced to travel around the world, staying at one town for around 3 months, before moving to the next because of their job, and I have no choice but to follow, so my last pit-stop was China.” Your brain needed a moment to connect his rushed and already memorized answer, so after the hamster in your head started running appropriately you let out a eureka-like ‘oooh!’ “Sounds lame to be honest. Yeah you get to see lots of stuff travelling but not while trying to maintain a stable education.” You took a sip after stating your opinion, praying for an energy boost from it alone. “Don’t worry about that Y/n! He told me he had A’s in maths classes in China, so it probably wasn’t much of a bother! Plus he now has advanced math, so that again shouldn’t be a problem for our Jiminie here too!” Hoseok butted in in the conversation praising the kid. He just offered him a shy smile, blushing a bit before taking a sip too. Meanwhile you just choked on your drink, hearing the last sentence. “Advanced math! Here!? I hope you will survive Ms. Choi’s classes, I heard she’s really strict. No cheating in any way and such.” Jimin just shrugged like it was no big deal and what he said next was something that would never come out of your mouth, talking about math anyways. “Eh, I don’t need to cheat my way to get an A… Math is my forté besides dancing anyways.” You eyes probably couldn’t be opened wider after that. It was like he was an alien. Or a miracle kid. Naahhh… definitely an alien. “Hobi he’s not human I’m scared.” Both guys just laughed at your expression and tone, leaving you confused more than ever. Hoseok was laughing loud enough for people to look at him as if he’s lost it and Jimin to just fling his body around, laughing silently. The boys calmed down and Hobi wiped away an invisible tear, mumbling to himself about aliens and stuff, but you just rolled your eyes and glared at him a bit. “So Y/n how long have you been dancing for?” Jimin asked a normal question you usually get asked. But it still threw you back to when you found your first love. “When I was 3 years old actually. I started at kids ballet but just frailing and bouncing around like that wasn’t that fun for me, so at 6 I took my first hip-hop class and loved how challenging it could get.” Jimin returned you a slightly questioning look. “It got challenging at the age of 6 already? What studio were you at? 'Give a professional choreography to a six year-old’?” It was an innocent joke that was hilarious to you. Even you don’t know how but his voice laced with sarcasm was just so funny. And to him your laugh slowly got lethal. “Oh no not that. My studio was really nice. I actually showed up at intermediate on accident that day but it went well in the end.” Jimin just gazed at you. At this point the conversation was running fluently and it was the same as if Hoseok wasn’t even there. Except that he was. “Oh yeah, you told me about that day. Everyone praised her to accept the challenge of a class, way leveled up for a kid at 6. And even praised her talent at the end of it.” If you looked at him at that moment, you knew he’d look like a proud dad watching his child win a big grand competition. That’s why you didn’t so you just hid your burning cheeks in your palms. “Aghh… stop I wasn’t that good then.” Jimin looked a bit impressed at it and the admiration he already had for you grew even more. “But you grew into what you are today.”
The more all of you talked, the more you got along with Jimin. You clicked. Even if it wasn’t on a really good trusting relationship, you became acquaintances. He was a cute and interesting person. But still reserved. If Hoseok and you got a bit touchy or cracked your inside jokes Jimin pulled on a frown for a bit. He got different vibes from the two of you. But he didn’t say anything. He just let you be. He’d just met you anyways. During class it was Hobi that asked you what you think of Jimin. And you just answered honestly. “I wish I could say for sure. But he seems like a cool kid.” He’s still younger than you anyways. “At least he’ll have 2 friends in advanced now that we both know he’s a good kid.” Hoseok smiled back at you and went back to paying attention. Advanced. So he will come huh.
Social media au (4/?)
YouTube dancer/college student!OC dancer!Hoseok - the rest of the characters coming soon!
Y/n is a hip-hop major with her childhood best friend Hoseok in the same college. People transfer to the school with a lot of other art majors: contemporary dance, music, drawing & painting and many more.
So how hard can it be to be a YouTube dancer?
Words: 1,321
OOOOKAAAY!! Being in Spain was all fun and all but finally updating is a true relief. Other than my friend no one has ever read my works (let’s leave wattpad out of this. it was a crisis of the century). If anyone asks I am shook from teh BTS LOVE YOURSELF TEAR SINGULARITY video (the danccers are dope and I have an unpopular opinion on taes dancing but won’t say it cause I know others would def hate me ;))) and WRECKED (im looking at you mr. park jimin your lane is somewhere else) from the concept photos. taes piercing is just a sin.
also i am lonely my friends pls come talk to me ;(( 
edit (cuz I’m always in rush even when not needed): i dyed my hair entirely blonde 2 days ago and everyone was shook lol
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poppunkdee · 5 years
3-5, 28-30, 35-40
whoa okay everyone sorry for the long post someone decided to give me a million in one ask. 
3. okay so this person idk what to even say about them anymore I hardly know who or what they are like now but I guess ill talk about them when I was irrationally in love with them. They had a way to make me feel at home no matter how far from home I was. That person was super smart (to me) they had a charisma that allowed them to creep into your life and later your heart, and had you liking them even if at first you thought they were just another fake person trying super hard to be “cool” they had a way to get under your skin, to make you laugh until you’re crying and hold your attention in a way that you never really thought they might be able to. Honestly this person made me feel so many things and not all of them were good, in fact looking back now I realized that I excused so much shitty behavior towards me because of a fancy dinner, or a cute poem, or a dozen roses. God i was so in love with them and its sad really how now its just a faded memory of a person who never apologized for the hell they put me through. 
4. the thing I regret most so far is not going to the ivy league school I was accepted into bc it meant I would be far from the person mentioned above. 
5. Oh fuck. Honestly I have not had any like “amazing” birthdays. My most memorable birthdays are seared into my memory bc I was either in a funeral home, in a hospital watching my cousin fight cancer, or I myself was in the hospital bc a car almost killed me(yay 24th birthday!) really I have most fun when I celebrate my birthday alone at disneyland, which I do every year although not on my actual birthday bc it seems that on my actual birthday I’m always caught up in some kind of hospital, or receiving bad news. 
28. honestly idk if i have any like crazy out there fetishes, like dirty talk and rough sex is cool but like idk if i really have like one odd thing. I mean one of my exes and I got hella drunk one night and decided to do all the shit we had wanted to do and lemmi tell you that was a full weekend of endless orgasms and take out food. It was amazing. I had rope burn on my thighs and was sore for a week after and he had like a million hickies from his neck to his dick. 
29. okay turn ons so like these depend on the person im seeing, like for one person their voice as they whisper in my ear might end me while for another the way they bite their lip and run their fingers through their hair might have me thinking of how those fingers might feel on me. so really I don’t have like one singular set of turn ons they just vary depending on the person. 
30.OHHH TURN OFFS THO. so these will literally dry me up like the Sahara desert and make me grab my shit and leave kyle’s house. If I say "men are trash” and the guy replies with “well not all men.... “ yeah ya cancelled. okay this one is shallow I know but its there and i really cant get past it, bad dental hygiene. the white ppl who try to have dreadlocks but really they haven’t washed their hair. ANY NON BLACK PERSON SAYING THE N WORD. I can go on really bc I’m super picky with the people I sleep with and i have actually mid thrust have told a guy to stop, got dressed, left and blocked him. 
35. Things i wish I could stop doing, okay so like as yall know my anxiety gets the best of me sometimes and I wish I could stop the nail biting. Also I need to stop expecting my body to go back to how it was before my car accident, like my spine is forever hurt and i really have to learn to accept that there are somethings i just cant do anymore and its not my fault there are limitations on my body so i should stop expecting to be able to go back to the gym like i used to, or do all the adventurous activities i used to do, also I wish I could go back to driving like i used to without the PTSD fear running through me every time a big rig is next to me on the freeway. 
36, okay so as of rn my guilty pleasure is that I read the twilight books bc my roommates got me into it and like holy shit i went through the whole saga in less than a weekend and I now need to rewatch the movies. honestly thank god for this gay twilight renaissance I’m living. But really tumblr is full of my guilty pleasures so like just scroll through my blog bc its all there, half of this shit is not on any of my public social media,.... or wait actually i think it is, i don’t really hide who i am so like it definitely has affected the way people judge me before they really know me but i know the people that are my friends after seeing the shit i post kinda really like me.  
37. Damn okay so this is kinda, ugh, okay so im sure my best friend is tired of me running back to this person but like i like ppl who ruin me i guess. So this person and I started dating after i had gone through like a horrible breakup, AND I got the news that my uterus is like a war zone for new cells(make of that what you will). Anyways here I am five months into a depressive episode i cut off all the people that i had thought were friends but who turned out to abandon me when i needed them the most. so here enters this person with their puppy dog love and gives me wonderful dirty kinky sex along with the hugs, cuddles, after care and takes me to these cool experiences in the city I thought I knew. They support my dreams and help me work towards them, honestly it was a great three months, but this person told me they loved me one night while at a night club and i thought hey youre drunk pls don’t do this and honestly it was mostly cowardliness that drove me to end it bc i didn’t feel the same way and i felt like i didnt deserve this new pure love i was receiving.  Anyways we hooked up a bit after we broke up and then they started dating someone else and we just kinda saw other people but would come back to each other after our different flings ended, until they got into like a real relationship with some one else and like I was cool like they deserve it, could have used a heads up but like i keep my space like the respectful person that i am, although lately this person has told me they are not into the person they are with and has been hitting me up and like the part of me that thinks im in love with them is really pushing for me to go for it but also they ARE STILL IN A RELATIONSHIP AND ITS NOT OKAY THAT THEY ARE SENDING ME MESSAGES LIKE THIS!! so anyways i think im more in love with the feeling they brought me those few months we were together bc i was just so fucking depressed and they helped pull me out of the hole i was in. So not really in love with the person but with the feeling i guess. 
38. songs that remind me of people. oh god, yall can i just make a spotify playlist and link it later bc theres so many. I have a few songs for like everyone that I know that i can make playlists for individual people so like i’ll just link a playlist when get around to it pls remind me later. 
39. OHHHH BOYYY. things i wish i had known earlier. i wish i had known men are trash earlier in life so that i would have been somewhat prepared for the men that caused trauma in my life. I also wish i had known how little time i had with certain people. (people i regret not making more time with) Also wish I had known about the accident that had me in a hospital on my birthday bc a year later im still plagued by nightmares, PTSD, and anxiety on the road. I also wish I had known about my cousin’s accident. GOd if there’s one thing i’ve had to learn the hard way this past year is that we never know when it will be the last time we see our loved ones and that we have GOT to tell them we love them bc we NEVER know when it will be the last time.  
40.okay last one, the end of something in my life. I wanna talk about a good ending bc i feel like yall got some insight on bad shit so like good endings i’d say is when i left socal for norcal. I come back literally anytime im homesick but like it was a huge step for me to take to leave, I was given a full scholarship to the wilderness and an apartment thats a ten min walk to the beach. It was definitely hard leaving all my friends and family behind but it was also kind of refreshing to be able to go out on my own to make my own path and do something i love. im back in socal for the summer and although im so happy to be back in the warmth of LA im definitely looking forward to my small apartment that constantly smells like a mix of sea breeze and damp forest. 
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