#pls be kind im Learning TM lmao
full---ofstarlight · 9 months
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short rest
honestly just massively impressed at my own improvement !! ah! nothing like being cursed with oc x canon thoughts to force your hand at art <3 also idk what backgrounds are <3 <3
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ayzrules · 3 years
10 Signs That You’re in an Ayz Novel/Project/Writing Collab/Rp/~Thing~
tagged by @homesteadchronicles​ <3! tysm for tagging me - i love these things!!!
1. SILK & STEEL MOTIFS - [ mai, rowena, camila (ish), all of proper young killing machines! ] ever since i was 14-15 and obsessing over book!sansa / book!margaery, and only enhanced by my gail carriger phase. maybe it has to do with the fact that i’m too lazy to ever get into a physical fight myself? LMAO but i love writing snakey political girls who don’t really do ~fighty~ stuff but absolutely are plotting something and will manipulate/backstab their way to getting it. and ofc they hide all of that behind perfect manners & designer gowns & high heels ;D. normally about working with the system & bending it to their advantage for w/e reason (revenge is pretty common lol), not necessarily destroying the system & making something new/better. which segues into:
2. ICE QUEEN TROPES - [ izzy, mari, yinmei ] i first started writing these girls as a direct foil to #1; i would say characters in both of these categories are just as ruthless as each other, but #2 are more obvious/overt about it and v v v blunt. instead of working with & manipulating the system, these girls tend to be the type to just break it apart with a sledgehammer, hahahha. sub-category/spinoff being the too-old/tired-for-your-shit-so-pls-fuck-off kind of vibe ;DDD
3. THE VERY MEAN VERY TERRIBLE GIRL W QUESTIONABLE MORALS IS A MAIN POV AND ALSO MY FAVORITE AND NO I WILL NOT APOLOGIZE - [ tess + camila, kyvana, tselvya aka the murder princess trio of lay them to rest ] ummmmm no excuse except i might be not 100% straight lmfaoooooooo. i just can’t resist ruthless amoral girls in flouncy ruffles & floral frocks ok next (!)
4. TREE-HUGGING SHIT / POETRY IN NATURE - [ verdínqa, dulcifera, of daisies & ddt, a bit of run devil run ] i’m an envi sci nerd & study something similar w my degree program so no surprise :D ever since high school i’ve been into subverting the light = life & darkness = death trope, just after learning about shit like eutrophication & hypoxic waters etc where growth/a surplus actually leads to death, and sort of the belief that death in nature isn’t inherently bad for the entire system (ecocentric holism & alla’ that). and also a point that’s been driven home countless times by lectures, talks, books, webinars, what have you - the earth as just a planet will be fine even w all the anthropogenic shit going on, it’s humans who will be fucked. so that makes its way into my work a ton!
5. REINCARNATED QUEEN BEES -  [ jenny, chae ] idk there’s just something so iconic about that aesthetic. zombie girls in chanel & luisa beccaria ya feel. the absolute vanity/arrogance/haughtiness of your typical hs movie rich bitch TM meets oh shit im not really alive and also eating brains is gross (i once googled human brain nutrition facts. quora saved a girl but also my search history is wack lmfao)..... yea! :kermitdab:
6. DITZY PINK SIDEKICK WHO IS ACTUALLY PRETTY BOOKSMART - [ steph, lea, lyra ] to (sort of) go with above, i like writing the bubbly girly girls who can throw front tucks and scorpions and double arabians like nobody’s business but also aren’t your stereotypical ‘dumb cheerleader’ trope; they’re just thought of as ditzy because of how nice/sweet/outgoing they are. also 3/4 times they drive crusty mom vans. yes this is me projecting my own driving experience no i will not change
7. SARCASTIC IDIOT MEME QUEENS - [ chrissy, inferna/vicky, angie ] always obsessed with memes, usually obsessed with food/sbux, kpop, or both. these girls are fun to write bc it’s like, 2 brain cells and they’re all devoted to simping for girl groups or copping free food deals (yes i make them all blackpink fans yes i am basic no i do not accept criticism) which is just #same. usually tend to be pretty scathing & hotheaded, also with a bit of a too-tired-for-this-pls-fuck-off energy ;D and that’s highkey my entire internal dialogue so like..... :kermitdab:
8. GLITTER + GORE / MURDER PRINCESSES - [ robot unicorn attack & its spinoff ‘rua: guts & glory’, proper young killing machines, lay them to rest, this new hyper-girly pokemon yugioh-esque collab w loml <333 ] traditionally “”””””””girly/feminine”””””””” aesthetics meets murder/other very dangerous activities you should not try at home! 
9. FACETIOUS REFERENCES TO RL - [ gem quest, robot unicorn attack, lay them to rest, other things im prob forgetting ] basically i’m super facetious and also a clown and i like to poke fun at stupid things in my own life hahahah. gem quest is very modern meme culture meets high fantasy fairyland (& it was a collab with fanfan! so literally just my aes meets hers ;DDDDD) in the way i wrote it (references to twilight, phineas & ferb, kpop, other memes in the fairytale setting basically); robot unicorn attack is allllll about that petty celeb drama (just with a glitzy cyberpunk backdrop & also unicorns) LMAOOO & it does have tons of similarities to the kpop industry! & lay them to rest - aka murder princess aesthetic heaven - has me pulling out shit like ‘picstagram’ and ‘versacci’ (versace + gucci lol i’m so lame). one of the murder-y girls is a social media influencer/beauty guru. yeah!!
& last but not least-
10. MORE AESTHETIC THAN PLOT - [ insert everything i’ve ever written ] look i can NEVER come up with coherent plot lines WHATSOEVER but at least my pinterest is popping & my prose is all overly detailed descriptions of dresses & flowers LOL
tagging: @bebemoon @vampirkaninchen @morningstar1399 @now-on-elissastillstands @atimefordragons @tudorgirl @lend-your-lungs-to-me @bulletgirl @unholieds @artless-whimsy @interluxetumbra @clarienanaberry << sorry i cant splel ur writeblr @n-eusex + anyone who sees this & wants to do it!!! <3 <3 <3
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daisvhookum · 6 years
( josefine frida pettersen ✧ she/her ✧ cis female ) ☾°:・゚✧ it seems that sixth year daisy hookum has been studying restlessly. the sixteen year old ravenclaw is known to be insightful and pragmatic, but can also be acquiescent and self-sacrificing. they are known to have aligned with neutral.
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supp its bee again with my other child, bringing u this Recycled Ass Intro for daisy !! 
im gonna tell u All About my daughter daisy hookum so strap in folks !! we’re gonna start with daisy’s family
so her family is like …… halfblood technically but Mostly pureblood so they’re kind of on the edges of pureblood society like, in the outer circle
but her parents want to properly be a part of pureblood society so they kinda drag daisy around to different snooty events & she just kinda goes with it ?? she thinks its all ridiculous but she’s like why not
like she is more realistic & down to earth than her parents and knows they aren’t fancy enough or wealthy enough or “”””pure”””” enough to really count for anything but like ,,, she humours them
tw: death — she had a brother who was quite a bit older then her and he died when he was 15 and daisy was 3. she doesn’t really remember him at all but she gets the feeling her parents kind of look at her and expect to see him
and she kinda wonders sometimes if he’d be better at this whole pureblood (TM) thing than her? like she doesnt stay up at night crying abt it or anything lmao cause it did happen like .. 14 yrs ago … but there’s just a shadow of a Guilt Complex so that’s part of the reason she just kinda goes along with her parents
daisy is very much the Girl Next Door – p quiet, p unassuming, is never really the centre of attention and likes it that way
she isn’t shy, but she’s an introvert & values her time alone – but also she loves her friends a Lot so jot that down real quick
she’s got a dry kind of self-deprecating sense of humour and is often sarcastic but in like a really subtle way where people don’t realize she’s being sarcastic
she’s kinda used to being the sidekick at this point like ?? she really doesn’t think she’s anything special and she’s always the one listening to her friends’ wild stories or patiently taking care of them when they’re drunk
she keeps it Real, sometimes bordering on the verge of cynicism. she’s the friend who’ll tell you very kindly & gently that no, johnny is most likely not your soulmate, so no, you should not get matching tattoos
that being said, if you really really are determined to get matching tattoos with johnny, she’ll probably just shrug and go along with it
not the best at confrontation ( read: kind of a pushover )
like she doesn’t really speak up when she disagrees with something or when she’s upset about something, she kinda just keeps it all internal and Deals With It cause she can’t be bothered to make a fuss about it
her parents are like the kind of parents who are like “excuse me my daughter asked for no mustard” and she’s the kinda girl who’s like “mooommm stop its fine” even tho she hates mustard
doesnt want to inconvenience people
she would give up her whole self for the people she loves like its an actual problem, it’ll be 11 pm and she’ll have 2 tests tomorrow but if you’re like “daisy im feeling sad” she’ll drop everything and be there for u
she was sorted into ravenclaw because even though she’s really quiet, she LOVES learning and she thinks a lot
she wonders a lot about the purpose of life & everything and is there one or do you have to find one and does it even matter
also idk likes just having philosophical arguments with herself in her head abt whether or not humanity is inherently good or evil or neutral
she works hard in class because she kinda feels like that’s what her parents expect but also because she’s really interested in everything she’s learning!!!
her favourite class is probably muggle studies like she’s just so interested in learning about how different people live and everything …… her parents kind of don’t approve but it’s an easy o sO
if hogwarts offered a psychology class she would be all over that bc she’s really interested in what makes people tick and act the way they do
uuhhhm yeah that’s .., , about it i think ?? pls love her down and plot w me
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