#pls don’t look at me im having only one coherent thought at the moment
prapais · 2 years
if i don’t get prapai going absolutely feral and beating someone (sky’s ex) up by the end of the series what was the whole point 🙄
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delicrieux · 4 years
☆ミ 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚊𝚢 “𝚘𝚑”
emotions run wild when everyone is drunk and hardly coherent. quackity is always loud, but tonight is a full on assault on the senses (the ears, in particular). bretman simps for corpse too much for your liking. rae is happy for once. there’s a confession of love somewhere in there. sister james makes a very good impostor, but that’s old news, the real question is who gave you a knife? a new persona emerges that leaves the roaches quivering in their boots.
─── corpse husband x reader, a lil bit of everyone x reader (because she’s a queen) ─── soc. media + written fiction! ─── word count: a lil over 7k.
author’s note: it’s the way i can’t follow a fucking calendar for me. sorry guys, i swear to god i thought i had one more day before thursday . the idiot award goes to me and i accept it with pride. anyway, i was excited to write this for a while! quackity is in mexico, that’s why he drinks, too. my fic, my rules, he’s too funny not to include. im also working on an extra w dream and mr quack so look forward to that, too! hopefully u like this part ily xx and as always lmk wat u think!!
ultimate masterlist.  ҉  myso masterlist   ҉   previous. ҉   next.
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The outfit for today was picked with care and consideration. Hot, as always- you had forgotten your roots, your hoodie and sweats lay hidden in the bottom of your drawer never to be worn on stream again. You’ve changed. Clout really does that to people. Some viewers, naturally, find your hotness near insulting: how dare you rub your beauty in their faces, and so unabashedly, too?! If only you had a twinge of self-awareness, perhaps you would tone it down. But you don’t, and whether that’s by choice or not is the mystery the whole internet tries to solve (ARMY has been working diligently, and you admire their effort, though in the end their tireless labor brings no tangible results). 
You went from hot to hotter. In all truth, the fires eating away at California can be blamed on you. You carry this burden in stride, in your platform overpriced shoes some girl scammed you on Depop with, in your fishnets, in your skirt, in your corset, in your rings and necklaces and chains. You woke up today and chose violence. Decided your existence will be a plague to the rest of the populace, and meant it (that, maybe, you took inspiration from a certain faceless Youtuber that so happens to be your boyfriend or whatever). You feel powerful. Like you could step on the world and the world would let you. You decide that it’s the way it should always be. 
The smile on your lips informs of nothing good to your quaint, small audience of 40k. You change the lighting in your room from the soft cherry blossom pink to menacing violet. As fitting for a villain.
Perhaps California’s hellish sun has finally purged you of your bubbly, docile nature (arguably, you had never possessed it to begin with); perhaps it’s the forth mimosa you’re mixing as people slowly trickle into the lobby. Who knows?! Not you, definitely. What do all of those boring dead white European philosophers say? Embrace the unknown? Cheers, you’ll drink to that.
In stark contrast to your appearance, your room is a fucking mess. A war-zone of epic anime scale. Everything is scattered, well, everywhere. A perfect representation on what’s going on in your mind, always. You don’t like how people focus on your surroundings-- you’re the main attraction, hello? Are you not enough to sustain them? Must they beg for more?! Totally ungrateful. You shake your head in disappointment, as if a mother scolding her children. 
noooooo! mom pls forgive me i will never ask abt anything ever again T_T
yall looking at the room? lol couldnt be me
feels like im five and my mum just told me i cant eat a pretty rock i found on the pavement:(
You can’t contain your sly grin. Eyes twinkle with a purplish hue, appearing all the more menacing. You tricked them once again, oh how absolutely evil of you. In your blind delight you accidentally spill champagne on your lap.
“-Oop, fuck.” You snort.
why does she sound like goofy 
The scandalous drunk Among Us stream is about to start. You had been eerily silent through the greetings, and those that chose to approach you were met with a cold shoulder and minimal replies. All on purpose, of course. You wish to plant a seed of unease within them, and so far, it’s working. There are questions unanswered, jokes unsaid, Quackity unteased. It breaks your heart, but it must be done. You look into the camera, all vulnerable and devout, as if to say: I’m doing this for you, all for you.
pack it up yandere simulator
idk whats going on but i think im into it?
villain arc villain arc villain aRC VILLAIN ARC
“Hey, guys,” Corpse’s voices rings in your headphones, and not a blink later his astronaut appears in the lobby in a cloud of smoke, “Hi, Y/n.”
More sharp, excited hellos follow after. You merely hum, though give no further reply. As Corpse strays to your side, Charlie steps in in front of him, “BDA access only. You have a permit, bitch?”
“Y/n is being quiet-she’s being quiet, guys!” Quackity helpfully informs, as if the rest failed to notice your cryptic silence, “Don’t be sad Corpse, man, Corpse don’t be-she didn’t say shit to me either.”
“Y/n has decided to not waste her breath on the SDS.” Charlie voices, “And you know what? I actually agree with her for once.”
“SD-what now?” Dream questions.
“The Small Dick Society.” Charlie explains, noting Dream’s whine of protest, “Oh no, don’t give me that shit, weren’t you bitching about not being invited and not belonging to exclusive clubs? Congratulations, you’re finally part of one.”
“Wait!” Quackity interjects, “Am I part of it too?”
“Guess, Sherlock.”
“I’ll drink to that.” Corpse says. You nod to your audience, like he just spoke the God honest truth, and follow in his example. Your tentative sip unexpectedly turns into a greedy gulp, but you’re not complaining. The only slightly coherent thought that rings in your mind is drink tasty.
“Ignore them,” Rae chimes, “Y/n’s probably plotting something and using Charlie as a cover up.”
“I’d never.” The words slip past your lips before you can stop them.
“Well you sure are very quick to deny it.” You can hear her smirking, can hear the proud lilt in her voice, like she caught onto your silly little scheme, like she has you all figured out. Your eyes narrow dangerously. The night behind your window pools dark, with far away city lights glimmering before they, too, seem to dim. 
Your roommate is back on your shitlist. How her name was missed among the rest.
“I’m defending my honor.” You yelp, the playfulness back in your voice along with your sunny smile, “I can’t have my wifey slandering me online. At least do it in private, geez.”
If Rae’s such a good detective, you’ll give her a good chase. Perhaps you’ve been laying it on too thick. Made her too suspicious. She can’t out you yet--not when your plans are so grand, so fun. It would be a waste.
“Why weren’t you saying anything then?” Quackity questions.
“Do I need a reason not wanting to talk to you?” You shoot back. Your friends laugh and he tries to shriek something past their cackle. You lean back into your chair, the tension from Rae’s confrontation finally easing. You wink at the camera and bring a finger to your lips. The roaches swear to secrecy, elated by your wickedness. As appropriate, they spam devil emojis and various renditions of evil hohohos and hehehes. The apple truly does not fall far from the tree. You had raised them well. You raise your glass in solidarity. A few donations fall into your pocket, easily summed up as: make them suffer.
Muting the discord call, you give a single response, “Oh, I intend to.”
i hope this doesn’t awaken something in me
^already too late for me bro
As caught up in wreaking havoc among your viewers as you are, you miss Sykkuno’s entrance, though from what you can tell, Charlie gave a stern warning to back the fuck off to him, too. He’s playing into your plan so beautifully. Truly, you couldn’t do this without him. Back to stalking the chat you go.
Your eyes flicker to the game upon Bretman’s signature drawl and “Hi, daddy.”. You have no time to get offended at Corpse’s sweet “Hi, honey” back, because the next person to join the discord call and the lobby leaves you speechless. You knew, of course, you had been informed of the line-up, but still, you had never expected yourself to be so close to Jomes Chorles himself. You make a weird gesture with your hands, half wave half excited wiggle, as if you’re telling the audience to calm down, when, in fact, it is you that needs calming.
He goes saying his hello’s like doing a public service, name by name, before, lastly, uttering, “Hi, Miss Y/n. Loooove the vids.”
He’s a roach in disguise, who could’ve known?! Your audience is so diverse and unexpected, gosh, you’d shed a tear if the mascara wasn’t so expensive.
“Hi!” You reply with a grin, and it’s genuine this time, a glimmer of your old self, “Hi, I love your videos, too. It’s like, really cool to finally meet you.”
“Oh my God, you too!” Is his enthusiastic reply, “Okay, the energy in the studio today? Love it.”
“Is this all of us?” Quackity asks.
“Sadly.” James says with a note of disappointment.
“Okay, guys!” Ash chimes, “Let’s do this! Proximity Among Us, round one, go go go!”
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Luck does not shine upon you during the first round- you are stuck as Crew Mate, your life cut short by Bretman who had the audacity to bite your head off. You’re positive Ke$ha wrote her hit single Cannibal about him, and if she didn’t, she definitely had a That’s So Raven moment and predicted it. It’s also insanely suspicious as after you are eliminated he sticks real close to Corpse, feigning innocence (and this is a controversial opinion you do not endorse) better than even you. It wounds your pride, having been picked off so casually, so quickly, and now stuck a ghost you roam the halls of the dying spaceship, lost, confused, heartbroken.
Charlie runs past you, not once even glancing in your direction. “Brother...” You mutter sadly, “Do you not see me here? Do you not feel... the loss of your twin’s heartbeat...?" Damn, these mimosas really are making you emotional. You sniffle and take a sip to calm the storm within you. No rage, just sadness. You are still processing your own tragic demise.
Suddenly, a meeting is called. There’s a horrible red X on your astronaut. You are the only one dead so far, and of course the rest won’t vote out the fucker. How bitterly you sit! With your arms crossed over your chest and your glare sharp enough to cut through glass. Fuck the sad shit, now you’re just angry. At the very least, the second Impostor could’ve given you some company!
“I knew something felt off.” Charlie is first to speak.
“Who the fuck killed Y/n?” Corpse questions, and his voice ignites a whole discussion that lasts much too short. The others skip, having no suspect yet. It’s much too soon to start pointing fingers, but you still feel like they should have at least tried. Pouting, you fix yourself another drink.
“Stop drinking!?” You gasp, exasperated at your chats demands, “I’m dead! What else should I do, the tasks?! Nah, fuck that. I’m done. I’m out. Charlie better employ his fucking detective skills because if the Impostors win, I will literally quit the game--yes I will, no I’m not bullshitting, fucking watch me.”
Thankfully, Bretman was caught venting, and you didn’t have to end the stream prematurely. The second Impostor, your roommate (oh, the betrayal, Rae, how could you?!) was voted out due to Corpse’s suspicion. Victory to the Crew Mates! The game restarts and you find yourself back in the lobby.
“Miss Y/n,” Bretman says, “I am sooo sorry for killing you first, baby. It was just too easy. I couldn’t pass it up.”
Giggling, Quackity chimes, “Sister slaughtered.”
“Oh my God,” James groans, “shut up!”
“Yeah, Y/n.” Charlie speaks, and there’s an accusatory note in his calm voice, “Why the fuck did you allow yourself to be eliminated first? Real noob shit, I expected more of you.”
“HUH?!” You frown, “What’s with the victim blaming?! I literally was doing my task and Bretman snuck up on me. It’s not like I had a weapon to defend myself!”
“You have been avenged,” Corpse states, “and that’s all that matters.”
“Thank you, Corpse!” You say, “At least someone cares.”
“Hey, I helped, too!” Dream pipes up.
“No, you didn’t.” Corpse shoots him down, “I was the only one.”
“You were not--”
“Literally was. Isn’t that right, Sykkuno?”
“Uhhhh-” Sykkuno trails off, “Well, we-we all helped!” You can hear his shy smile, and you just know he’s bobbing his head up and down at this exact moment, “We all helped. Team work!”
“Team work!” The rest echo, save for yourself, Corpse, Charlie, and the two Impostors. Silence speaks more than a thousand words or whatever. You pray to any higher power willing to listen to finally assign you the role of the villain, the one you were born to do. 
Sadly, higher powers must have either shitty customer service or are in need of hearing aids, and you almost scream in frustration when your astronaut appears along with the others, the bold CREW MATE title chipping away at your master plan.
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“Hey, Y/n, hey! Hey, Y/n!” Rae finds you in Cafeteria, where you, metaphorically, are eating your feelings. Not that she needs to know, of course. She sounds chipper, a bit ditsy, and that must mean she’s sufficiently tipsy. You store that information for later, and forget about it as soon as you notice Dream and Sykkuno, like her very own personal bodyguards, trailing after her, “Wanna play a game?!”
“Is this Saw?” You inquire, somewhat lazy. You’d be lying if you said the alcohol wasn’t affecting you, it’s just instead of making you bubbly, it makes you mellow. This was supposed to be fun, you were supposed to terrorize everyone and laugh as they perished by your hand, yet here you are, wallowing in self-pity. The roaches start worrying. The donation jingle chimes.
BEATINGS & SLUTATIONS yns_fishnets donated 5$ mom just wait it out & dont worry youll get your vengeance soon lead them on!!!!
Your fishnets have a point! 
“Saw?--No, no, haa, no it’s a drinking game.” Dream sounds like he has had one too many rounds of this mysterious game, and naturally, you are intrigued.
“Where we drink!” Sykkuno clarifies. Right, well that explains everything! If you had any questions, you surely have none now.
“Okay, so, name a category, and you have to, like, say a word associated with it...Or something along those lines.” You hadn’t even agreed and Rae is explaining the rules already. She knows you too well. It’s both a blessing and a curse, “Can be anything! Okay, Y/n, Y/n, Y/n start!”
“Uhh--” If only your brain computed as fast as she spoke! “Song lyrics! Wait--who drinks?”
“You fail, you drink!” She hurries, “Choke me like you hate me but you love meeeeee. Syk, go, go go!”
“Uhm, ah, I don’t wanna feel like this, uh, fuck?” He laughs--it’s a raspy, embarrassed little sound, “I don’t...wanna look like this? Dream, now you!”
“Wait, we’re singing Corpse’s songs?”
“Any song!” You urge him quickly, “Hurry! Or drink!”
“She say I kill her cat like I'm Luka Magnotta--”
“Hey! That’s cheating! You can’t use my song!” Rae protest.
“That wasn’t in the rules!” He counters.
“Y/n! Time’s running out!” Sykkuno exclaims.
“Oh, uh, will-will the real Slim Shady please stand up!”
“Ra-Ra-Rasputin, Russia’s greatest love machine--”
“All...All the other kids with the pumped up kicks better, uhh, run better run, faster...-faster than my gun?”
“Uhh, shit--fucking hell.” Dream laughs, and Rae practically screams at him to keep going, “Alright! Okay! I’m singing--uh, you’re so golden, na na na na?”
“I tell you what a woman loves most,” You chime gleefully, “it’s a man who can slap but can also stroke.”
finally, the mother mother representation we’ve all been waiting for
i aint exactly gay but i aint exactly not gay >:)
the bis won
“I steal a few breeeeaaaths from the woooorld for a minute--”
“Mitski?!” You question, eyes bulging, “Baby, who hurt you?”
Even if you can’t see her, you know she’s waving her arms around and shaking her head, “Not the point! Sykkuno!”
“Uh, I-I, uhm, I don’t--”
“Drinnnnk!” You all chorus. 
“It was a good concert,” You say, “Syk, I’ll drink with you.”
“Thank you, Y/n. That’s very kind of you.” He says softly, with a smile lining his lips. You grin.
“Oh, fine. Everyone, bottoms up!” Rae decides, and no one protest. A moment of silence passes, then, “Well, GG, GG, let’s do some tasks?”
Your enthusiastic Ariana Grande-esque “yuh” is cut short by the second meeting of game two being called. The first one to go had been Ash, voted out during a bathroom break as a joke, and you still feel a bit bad about that. Now, you notice Charlie has been eliminated. A sense of righteousness fills you--while you mourn for your brother from another mother and father and family tree, you feel like this is divine punishment for slandering you before the start of this round. Karma. Nothing much is discussed, and the meeting ends shortly with everyone skipping. 
You spend a good ten minutes wandering around with Dream, who’s mission appears to be convincing you to join his Minecraft server, and really, there was no need for him to try so hard. You failed to provide him with a concrete answer only because it would've been to humiliating to admit that you agreed instantly upon hearing the word Minecraft.
That’s when things get fucking weird. Another meeting is called whilst you’re in the middle of fixing lights, and once the board with the members appears you audibly gasp. There had been 8 living, breathing astronauts rushing around the map, and now only 4 remain. You, Corpse, James, and Alex. 
“What the fuck--what the fuck?!” You screech alarmed, noting Dream being among the perished crew, “I was just with Dream fixing the lights, I was just with him, what the fuck--”
“Okay, no one panic.” James says, “Let’s figure this out. Okay? Okay. Who else is close to Electrical?”
“I’m at Nav.” Quackity says.
“I’m at Cafeteria, but Y/n--” Corpse starts, “kinda weird that Dream died when you were with him?”
“I didn’t fucking kill him, I swear to God, Corpse, why are you accusing me?”
“Don’t be so defensive.” He says smoothly, “I’m just pointing out the obvious. We all have a reason to be sus, no? Considering you were right with him.”
“...It is suspicious.” James agrees, and a part of you dies inside. You understand their hesitance to trust you, but it doesn’t make it any less frustrating!
“Guys, I didn’t kill him, I swear. He invited me to play Minecraft, I wouldn’t do that to him, not after that!”
Corpse merely hums, and it brings no comfort what’s so ever. The situation is spiraling, and not in your favor. Trying to salvage your chances at freedom, you try again, “Wh-James, James, you called the meeting, right?”
“Yeah, I found Rae’s body near Medical.”
“So I couldn’t have killed her and Dream at the same time!” You latch onto that piece of information, hoping it will save you.
“You could’ve vented.” Corpse points out, “Plus, there’s no telling how old the body is.”
“Killing five fucking people? It’s the work of one person, or else the game would have already ended. As it stands, I am no way sober enough to think all of this out.”
A brief silence hangs in the air; your lungs constrict from tension, from spilling words so hotly. You grasp your glass, as if for emphasis, and take a shy sip. It taste sweet, a bit too sweet for your liking. Must be your nerves. You drink again to wash the taste out of your mouth, which, surprisingly, doesn’t work. You whine a little, stomping your feet like a child about to throw a temper tantrum.
“...I believe her.” Quackity says. You breathe out a sigh of relief.
“Alex, thank youuuuuu!” You gush, batting your lashes as if he could somehow see you and that would somehow portray your innocence, “I knew I liked you for a reason!”
He mutes his mic, his spill of words lost to your ears, but chat helpfully informs that he’s screaming because you don’t hate him. 
y/n out here collecting men like pokemon cards
Now all that’s left is to convince the others. You start with the one you know will work, “Corpse,” You address him in your sweetest voice.
“Y/n,” James warns, “don’t you dare--”
“Baby, I didn’t kill anyone, I’m crew mate, you gotta believe me.”
“She's innocent.” Corpse declare, thoroughly convinced.
“Oh my fucking God, you fucking simp!” James laughs, “She’s obviously manipulating you!”
“No, no, she isn’t. She’s innocent, I agree with Quackity. Now, it’s either you or him.”
“Could be you for all we know!” Alex accuses.
“Guys, time’s running out.” You mutter fretfully, noting the seconds tick by from white to red. 
“I’m voting Alex.” Corpse says.
“What?! Fucking traitor! Fine, I’m voting for you.” Alex hisses.
“Ugh, hate agreeing with Quackity, but I’m also voting Corpse. Sorry, hon, nothing personal.” James says. The VOTED icons pop up beside their characters and you panic, pressing your mouse idly but it’s too late, there wasn’t enough time, and you cry as Corpse is thrown into lava. The chat spams F, and it feels like salt on a fresh wound.
In a second you’re back in Cafeteria, shell-shocked and trembling, and Quackity cusses because the Impostor is still among you. His frustration doesn’t last long as you watch in horror as Jams Chortles, beauty guru supreme, murders the only other crew mate in cold blood and all you can do is gape and let his cheerful laughter fill your ears. The screen bleeds red, informing of Impostor victory, the second one being Ash. Looks like you voted her off for the right reason, but little difference did it make.
“Corpse!” You yell past the cacophony of voices, all in varying forms of excitement or anger, beelining for his in-game figure, “Corpse, I’m so sorry, I panicked, I tried pressing the button but I wasn’t quick enough--”
“It’s alright, baby. Don’t worry about it.” He’s so calming, so gentle, you might burst into tears again. What did you do to deserve him? You wish he was with you so you could smother him in a hug. Alas, all you can do now is say “I kith you, mwah!” and rush to the other side of the lobby, as if to hide from such a bold display of affection, even if it was a joke (it wasn’t).
yall say corpse simps for y/n but the reality is y/n simps for corpse harder
queen stop its embarrassing
bhaddies can simp!! i wouldnt but its her choice <3
More deliberations, commentary, and short breaks. Once everyone has returned, the countdown starts. You’re still reeling from the chaos of emotions, the five stages of grief you experienced in 1 second upon Corpse’s unjust demise, that it takes you a moment, a single heartbeat to realize what you’re seeing on screen.
The letters IMPOSTOR hang above your astronaut, with Dream standing just behind you as your newly appointed partner in crime. And suddenly, all the sadness and the tenderness and sympathy vanish with a curt exhale. You slowly turn your head to the chat, muting the Discord call, your soft chuckle of disbelief turning into a full blown laugh.
it’s happening!!!! 
omg omg omg omg
You slap your palm over your lips, trying to contain your wicked smile, to tone down your broken giggles, “N-No, I can’t laugh yet,” shaking your head softly, you look into the camera, “they’re all going to die.”
pack it up light yagami
this has awoken something in me.
^ same
The crew mates go their own ways, rushing to do their tasks like the diligent little workers they are. How adorable. Their grim fate is still miles away from them. The shit you’ll pull will be for the history books. Much like your outfit, which you picked keeping in mind your newfound thirst for blood, you had devised your plan of action with care and consideration. You had been mulling it over all day, drawing on paper like the absolute madwoman you are; hell, you even made sticky notes on who to go for first and what to say. Sure, being moderately drunk hinders your memory slightly (an understatement of the century), but you got a feel for what you’re going to do. It’s nothing short of evil.
Dream and you don’t exchange words, you merely nod at him-- which he, of course, can’t see-- but your criminal bond enables telepathic communication. You can hear his thoughts, ones that strangely sound like drink drink, drink drink. And really, who are you to refuse such an enticing offer?! As he fucks off to stalk his victims, or play pretend, you take a sip. The cocktail is still sweet, but this time it’s not the icky sweet you had tasted prior. You glance at your sticky notes, ones the roaches can’t see, and nearly spill your drink for the second time today as you jerk.
“Fuck!” You exclaim, shoving your headphones off and spinning in your chair. You hastily stand up, wobble -- the world is pleasantly funny right about now -- and giggle. Stepping past the mountains of abandoned clothes and pillows and blankets and anime plushies, you maneuver your way to your bedside table and yank it open, nearly taking out the whole drawer with you. In the mess of old diaries and bad drawings, pencils, jewelry, and stickers, you fish out something you should not be wielding in your inebriated state.
It’s a knife.
In midst of teenage angst you had ordered it off of Amazon with your mom’s credit card, all the while whining that it’s not a phase, mom, and it’s what all of my cool kid friends with fried hair have, and don’t you want me to fit in, don’t you want your daughter to be happy?! You think it’s about that time, the time of too much uneven eyeliner and black eye shadow, that she took to calling you little raccoon. Trash rabbit was your personal favorite, but she used it sparingly. When you presented your Macy’s outfit, holding up a fucking butterfly knife, to your dad, asking if it was a look, he glanced up from some boring business magazine all boring business dads read and said, with a bright smile might you add, “It’s a something!”.
Oh, how it gleams in the lilac light. You used to do tricks with it, back in eight grade maybe, and--what the fuck? Why did you parents allow you to buy it in the first place? Well, because you’re the only child, the only one important, of course they got it for you and clapped enthusiastically at your performances, because why wouldn’t they? The whining they’d face otherwise would’ve been harder to endure than a whole dance number to Panic! At The Disco’s greatest hits. Broadway looked so fucking shabby in comparison. Your mom said so, so it must be true.
Stumbling back to your extremely confused viewers, you take your seat, feeling a bit more grounded now that you’re not standing on your platform shoes anymore. Putting on your headphones, you grin at the chat that starts swimming, and not from too much drinking either. You do a quick flick of your wrist, one that thankfully doesn’t end in injury, and the sharp tip of the exposed knife points upwards, glimmering. It’s a rainbow colored one, because one, it’s pretty, and two, you weren’t hardcore enough for the jet-black or straight up military ones the other emo kids had. Cute and dangerous, just like you.
So you just sit there, holding it up, looking somewhat sly as the roaches capture this momentous moment with screen-caps. Someone definitely clipped you trudging past the obstacle course to obtain a weapon of mass destruction. You must be already trending on Twitter, though you can’t exactly log on and confirm your suspicions. You just feel like you might be, like you should be, because your audience wouldn’t let this slide. Thankfully, your friends don’t have time to check social media, or you’d be outed in an instant.
“Y/n?” Your roommates voice booms from your headphones, and you perk up with a stupid realization that you completely forgot about Among Us. Stuck at the start, at the lobby where Dream had left you, you see her astronaut waddling to you, “What are you doing here? Wait--Have you not moved from the beginning?” She can barely finish the sentence without giggling. 
You grin, “I was looking for something.”
Your voice is soft, too calm for your usual frantic spill. You gently set the knife down, hand coming to rest on your mouse, fingers idly, slowly, bouncing on the buttons.
“...What were you looking for?” She’s none the wiser, the numerous drinks consumed tonight numbing her sharp mind. She would have noticed. Your eerie composure would’ve given it away in a heartbeat, or at least hinted at something being objectively wrong. But she sounds curious. Poor girl, hasn’t she heard? Curiosity killed the cat.
“A knife.”
“A knife?!” There’s something about her tone that implies a mental clicking, the puzzle pieces falling together, “You have a knife?!”
You think it would only be appropriate that the random sequence of killing animations renders the backstabbing one. You grin, biting your lower lip with a quiet snicker.
i love women
if evil bad...why seggy?
You take your time leaving her there -- in true serial-killer-to-be fashion, you stick around for a bit longer, admiring your handiwork, or more like the chat singing your praises. You joined today with the intent of making an interesting stream. You have no doubt in your mind that now it will be legendary.
You move down the hallway, and you let your imagination wander: you can almost feel the stuffy air of your helmet, can almost hear your loud footsteps echoing in all this hush, can almost see your reflection in the spotless tile floor. It’s not long before your second victim makes an appearance, running circles in Cafeteria. You hear his voice first before you see him, recognizing Alex by his unhinged screech of “Let’s go, let’s go, let’s goooo!” 
“And what’s got you so excited?” How cool and collected you are, gosh, you barely contain the quiver of excitement that threatens to slip out. 
“Y/n!” He exclaims, rushing to your side like a lost puppy--he’s really making this easy for you, he’s not even trying, “You just missed--Oh my fucking God, you just missed James, he-he called me tall, he called me fucking tall! Let’s go, let’s gooooo!”
“Well, you are tall, aren’t you?” You chime sweetly, almost as sweet as the drink that lingers on the tip of your tongue, “Real 6′3 energy, no?”
“Yes, yes, exactly! You get it, you fucking get it--” Once again, his mic goes mute, and you glance at the chat for help.
hard to transcribe what hes saying but hes taking shots and yelling that he loves you good job mom
hey, queen! girl, you have done it again, constantly raising the bar for us all and doing it flawlessly
mom plz dont kill alex hes too cute hes all uwu rn
Oh, how you’re about to break his poor little heart. If you had any good left in you, you’d spare him. You don’t, and you’re not taking requests at the moment, so all you do is smile at your chat and they know. They just do. Hive-mind shit, you’re all two-faced little fuckers.
You giggle, and it sounds a tad fake, “You’re so weird, Alex,” You start, and he’s back in the call, a sound of confusion echoing in your ears, “but I get it, you know. You’re weird. You’re a weirdo. You don’t fit it, and you don’t want to fit in. I mean, really, has anyone even seen you without your stupid hat?”
“...Do--” He sputters, bellowing a laugh, “Do you have that whole fucking monologue memorized?!”
“Is it because you’re bald?”
“I’m not fucking bald!” His giddiness is quickly replaced by anger.
You hum, pretend to think, lastly barking a “Liar.” before you kill him. His scream is cut off, leaving only deafening silence at it’s wake. Unlike with Rae, you don’t stick around. You didn’t appreciate how little he enjoyed your recital.
You run into James near Navigation, most likely on his way to Cafeteria. He ends his song mid-note, and you breathe a sigh of relief, “Finally! Someone! I’ve been looking all over, where the hell is everyone?” You question, blocking his way, lest he accidentally stumbles onto the crime scene and easily pins it on you. You’re not done yet.
“Honestly? No clue. I’m searching for them myself, like, everyone’s scattered. I hope no one died.”
You smile. You tried not to, but you can’t contain it, “Me, too.” You echo the sentiment, urging him to join you, and he does. Too trusting. Everyone in this game is too fucking trusting. You lead him back to Nav, feigning that you have a task here. As you pretend to move the spaceship, you can’t help but ask, “Hey, James?”
“What’s your favorite scary movie?”
A beat of silence passes, “Oh no, fuck that, I don’t like this at all.” He states, about to spin on his heel and bolt like he should do, but you’re quicker-- killer instincts and all-- and he’s dead before he makes it out the doorway.
“See, after your No More Lies video, I figured you’d only tell the truth.” Yes, this is the part of the anime where the villain monologues, only the hero in this case is an astronaut cut in half, and not exactly alive to listen to you. You hope James’ ghost sticks around, “Case in point, why the fuck did you tell Quackity he’s tall?” You eye the chat, which’s mostly spamming W and comparing you to Ryo from Devilman Crybaby. “Such a shame...” You murmur, pressing the REPORT button.
“What?! How are so many people dead?!” Ash gasps, her kind voice tinted with fear and confusion. Your three kills, like military stars on an uniform of a distinguished officer, are displayed on the board. Dream appears to be slacking, having yet to take a life.
“Someone’s been real fucking busy.” Charlie observes. It’s true, you have been.
“I found James in Nav, but holy shit--” You begin, exasperated, “--what the fuck, guys, how did we miss this shit? Where is everyone?”
“I’m at Electrical.” Corpse voices.
“And I’m with Corpse.” One sentence is all it takes to figure out your next target: Bretman. Revenge for being killed first in the first goddamn round, and for spending so much time with your boyfriend.
Eep!!! Boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend!!! The word even makes you forget your thirst for blood, that’s how whipped you are. Sadly, it’s time to return to reality, to this grave situation.
“And what have the two of you been conspiring?” You keep your tone level, but that alone is enough to set everyone off. The unease you had planted within them before the game started is starting to bloom. However, if they suspect you, they don’t speak up, not yet.
“Fishnets, mostly.” Corpse says.
only partly a lie he was mostly talking abt u queen <3
corpse simping for y/n is the sweetest thing ever
the times corpse used y/ns name when talking abt y/n: 1. the times he used baby or my baby: infinite
“I’m wearing them right nyoooow.” Bretman drawls.
You hum, “What a coincidence. I am, too.”
“Wait--For real?” That seems to catch Corpse’s attention, because of course it does, you picked them with him in mind, after all.
“No peeping.” You tsk, obviously referring to his tendency to hop onto your stream unprompted. Whether he actually listens to your demands is beyond you, “Peeping means cheating.”
“For the love of fuck all, can we get back to the three dead bodies, please? Because I’m about to have a second coming of Christ moment and taste my consumed, digested beer for the second time.” Charlie interjects.
“I mean, anyone have any ideas who’d do this?” Dream takes hold of the conversation. Quiet, disappointed nos greet him. They have nothing to go on, no clues, not even a subliminal message. With everyone scattered, there is no way of locating the actual bodies and drawing a long red trail leading back to you. 
You’re too good at lying, and Dream is too good of a publicist. People tend to trust his judgement, which is his main asset (besides his calm demeanor of course). When the Among Us gods chose you as Impostor, they made sure you had every advantage. 
“Who-Who do you think it is, Dream?” Ash questions, “I trust you. I do. Just know that.”
“No fucking clue.”
“Y/n?” She tries again.
“Same. I’m a bit worried, though.”
“Let’s, uhhh, let’s skip?” Sykkuno offers. The consensus is to start voting at six. Your new mission is to make sure you dwindle the numbers down drastically before that can happen. You have no qualms about sacrificing Dream in order to meet your goals, either. Absolutely cold blooded.
Back at Cafeteria, there are words exchanged about Quackity’s body just laying there, forgotten. Blame is shifted: how come we didn’t notice sooner? Where’s Rae? And you mindlessly go along with their mourning, not really paying attention. Dream leaves with Charlie and Sykkuno, Corpse requests you stay with him and you sprout fake apologies. Not his time yet. Us girls need to stick together!, you sing, following after Ashley and getting further and further away from him, going deeper and deeper into the labyrinth of the spaceship.
You find yourself in Security with her, her cute astronaut pressed to the cameras, watching the live feed, “Let’s lurk here, okay? Maybe we’ll see something.” If only she saw who was standing behind her. 
“Who do you think is the Impostor?” You ask, standing in the doorway, “Or, more like, who are the Impostors?”
“Honestly?” She ends her word with a little sigh, “I think it might be Corpse and Bretman. I haven’t seen them at all this game.”
You smile, raising your brows, tilting your heard, and you sound so kind, like a dear old friend about to deliver a tender message, “...Have you seen me?”
Too late. In one smooth motion she joins the afterlife. You cut the lights, venting mindlessly till you spot Corpse and Bretman panicking in Weapons. Your existence is still a mystery to them.
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck--” Corpse mumbles, “Bretman, don’t you dare fucking kill me right now.”
“I’m not Impostor!”
“Okay, I’ll drink to that.”
They rush out of Weapons, most likely on their way to Electrical, and you trail after them like the Grim Reaper itself, biding your time till you can deliver the killing blow.
“Corpse?!” You call out, mild panic ringing in your voice, “Is that you?”
“Shit, Y/n? Where are you?” He questions. Crew vision is so sad, so small, how can he not see you standing almost right next to him? “Where’s Ash?”
“I dunno,” You say, “when the lights went out I ran. Please don’t kill me.”
“I’d never do that, baby.”
Too easy. They’re all too fucking easy. You bite your lower lip, trying to stop the laugh bubbling in your chest, to stop the lightheaded dizziness that overcomes you with a rush of excitement. 
“Thanks, pretty boy.” You mutter, and it sounds a bit lower than you intended, a bit darker, something sinister lurking underneath cotton candy words. It instantly clicks in Bretman and he makes a noise, something like a whine, and you see him backing away, “I know I can always trust you.” 
Whether Corpse notices the odd shift in tone, he doesn’t show it, “I like it when you call me that.” Is all he says, and you hear the smile in his voice, the appreciation. The trek to Electrical is all but forgotten. You slowly make your way to Bretman, “Where are you? Come here.”
“Just a minute,” You say cheerily, “I just need to kill Bret first.”
“Holy shit.”
“N-” Your victim’s sentence is cut off in a second, and you can’t contain your manic cackle this time, because the screen bleeds red, the words VICTORY splattered on it, depicting yours and Dream’s sneaky astronauts. You’re still laughing as the voices of your fallen friends ring in your ears.
“Y/n, what the fuck, you’re an actual monster.” Dream says, but there’s no actual weight behind his words, each syllable punctured with a laugh.
“I knew the second she asked me about my favorite scary movie that I’d get the chop.” James states.
“Wait, Y/n, did you kill everyone?” Corpse questions.
“She fucking did!” Dream answers for you, “I got Charlie and Sykkuno, and barely at that. What the fuck.”
“I’ve been waiting so fucking long for this.” You admit, giggling, raising you glass, “I toast to you, Dream. My perfect partner in crime.”
“I didn’t really do shit, but cheers.”
Quackity heaves a heavy sigh, “Y/n, Y/n, you don’t actually think I’m weird, right? Right?”
“No, she does.” James chimes.
More commotion, more noise, and you just sit there, buzzed, snickering, reading the chat as the rest agree to play another round. You thank the people who donated that you had accidentally missed among the, you know, murder, reply to a few questions, bow dramatically to the many praises and invisible flowers you receive for such beautiful assassin work. When you look back at the screen, you throw your head back with a maniacal laugh.
Impostor again, only this time it’s with Charlie. Family bonds are often restored when united under a common goal. You’re so happy. So happy. You weren’t done terrorizing your friends yet.
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tags (in italics is those i couldn’t tag! make sure all’s ok w your settings!) : @littlebabysandboxburritos​ - @fairywriter-oracle​ - @tsukishimawh0re​ - @ofstarsanddreams​ - @bbecc-a​ - @annshit​ - @leahh19​ - @letsloveimagines​ - @bellomi-clarke​ - @wineandionysus​ - @guiltydols​ - @onephootinfrontoftheother​ - @liamakorn​ - @thirstyfangirl​ - @lilysdaydreams​ - @pan-ini​ - @mxqicshxp​ - @tanchosanke​ - @yoshinorecommends​ - @flightsandfantasy​ - @liljennyx3​ - @bingusmode - @unknown-and-invisible​ - @sinister-sleep​ - @fivedicksinatrenchcoat​ - @mercury–moon - @peterparkerspjsuit​ - @unstableye​ - @simonsbluee​ - @shinyshimaagain​ - @ppopty​ - @siriuslystupid​ - @crapimahuman​ - @ofthedewthesunlight​ - @mythicalamphitrite​ - @artsyally​ - @corpsesimpp​ - @corpsewhitetee​ - @corpse-husbandsimp​ - @hyp-oh-critical​ - @roses-and-grasses​ - @rhyrhy462​ - @sparklylandflaplawyer​ - @charbkgo​ - @airwaveee​ - @creativedogs​ - @kaitlyn2907​ - @loxbbg​ - @afuckingunicornn​ - @fleurmoon​ - @yeolliedokai​
more tags are in the comments bcs tumblr only allows me to tag 50 people max 💙
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undersero · 3 years
hi hiii sweet angel, im here to christen your new blog with a lil request heheheee♡
may i pls request some sexcii times with possessive!baku? i can't stop thinking ab how dreamy it wud be to be his lil princess n to hear him say "you're mine" when he's fucking u dumb😩😩😩
he makes my heart n coochie go adsgdcbsvdvshsfgs yknow????
hehehe tyyyy,, luv u babieeeeee♡
amy amy amy amy amy amy!! i love u! i hope you enjoy this...i sure enjoyed writing it ehehehehe 
warnings: unprotected vaginal sex, very light choking/breathplay, possessive bakugo is possessive
It doesn’t matter if the entire world knows you’re together. It doesn’t matter if you have his name tattooed on your forehead. You could wear a nametag cementing you as his, for all he cared. 
The only thing Bakugo really needed was to be balls deep in your drenched and clenching cunt, hearing your slutty, needy little whines telling him how good he is, and how you belong to him and no one else. He can say it all he wants, and he does. Tells you every day that “you’re mine”. Doesn’t hold as much weight as when you say it to him, though.
And nothing makes him harder. 
When he comes home that day, he’s exhausted, but wound so tightly that resting or going to sleep isn’t an option; this is tremendously frustrating for him, but he knew this would happen. After a chaotic, stressful, and downright irritating week at his agency, he knew that, weekend or not, he’d still be wound too tightly to relax. 
You’re the first thing he sees when he comes inside your home. Standing at the sink in a cute, frilly pink apron that drove him positively mad with desire. You were dressed in normal house clothes, shorts and a t-shirt, but the sight lit a fire inside his gut that could only be doused by pumping you full of cum. 
You hear the door shut and turn, looking over your shoulder at him and giving him a smile. Beautiful, loving eyes, excited smile; you feel pleasantly warm inside. Katsuki’s heart is flooded with affection for you as your eyes meet his, and it does nothing to soothe the stiffy forming in his pants. 
You blink in surprise, a short chuckle leaving your lips at his comment. 
“Wanna give me some more details there, bud?” you ask, wiping your sudsy hands on your apron as you turn to face him fully now, tilting your head in curiosity. 
Why did you have to look so fuckable all the time?
“You’re fucking beautiful,” he mumbles as heat rises on his cheeks. 
You blink in surprise once more, the warmth through your body turning into heat as you tilt your head downwards a bit, a shy smile tugging at your mouth as you grow bashful. 
“I… not even done up or anything…” You’re distinctly aware now that you chose not to shower that morning, that there’s no makeup on your face, and that your hair probably looks messy. You’re aware that the shorts you’re wearing have floured handprints smeared on them from baking the day before, and your shirt is too big and has suspicious stains all over, likely from hair dye and painting experiments. 
Beautiful isn’t something you feel at the moment. But that’s not how Katsuki sees it. He sees his wife, pretty and sweet and full of life. He sees you comfortable in your clothes, in your habits, and in your home together. The adoration that lit inside him so many years ago, when he first met you, still burns strong, and has never wavered or weakened- if anything, it’s become even stronger. 
“I don’t care about that,” he responds, toeing his shoes off by the door and finally stepping into the kitchen. “You don’t have to be done up for me to think you’re beautiful.” 
His voice is soft, despite the fact he’s hardening more with each passing second, despite the fact that his body is humming with a heavy need to bend you over the counter and fuck your brains out onto it. Bakugo walks to you, cupping your face in his hands and pulling you in for a soft kiss. Your mouth tastes like the coffee you’d just finished; his tastes like sharp, minty bubble gum. It only takes a second before you melt into him. 
“You’re mine,” he murmurs, voice low but soft, as he pulls away and looks down at you, eyes dark. He kisses you again, lips claiming yours. 
All you can do is nod along to him dumbly, kissing him back with as much gusto and need as he uses while he’s kissing you. 
Each passing second with his lips on yours only makes his need grow into a frantic, almost feral feeling in his chest. 
He’s not quite sure how he gets you to the couch; the only coherent thought in his brain regarding how much he wants to fuck you, and how he wants to look at you while he does it, and how the kitchen counter just wont do for something like that. Your apron is discarded and your shorts torn off as Katsuki flings them somewhere off into the living room. 
He kisses your neck, sucking on sharp, purple marks, each one satisfying the growing urge inside him. The urge to make you his, as if you weren’t already, and he can’t wait anymore. Your body is so warm underneath his hands, so needy for him and what he can give you- what only he can give you. No other person ever could make you feel the way Katsuki does. He knows that. He wants to make damn sure you never forget that, either. 
Your hot, wet walls around his cock feel like home. His big hands hold your thighs apart, pinning them down on the couch as he presses in. You moan in pleasure, feeling full and perfect and good under your husband’s watchful care. He is always sure to take care of you, to make you feel so good, to give you what you really want. 
He’s got himself so worked up, he’s got you so worked up, that it isn’t long before your breath is hitching, and so is his. And who could blame either of you? His cock, thick and veiny, dragging along your sensitive walls, pressing against all the special little spots that you can never reach with your fingers- the little spots that toys never fully satisfy because they’re not him. 
“Who do you belong to?” he pants, breath fanning over your flushed face as he continues rocking his hips into your cunt with brutal force. 
“Yuh- yuh- you!” you wail, tears pricking your eyes. Each thrust pushes you nearer to your orgasm and you’re sure that it will only be a  moment, a few more thrusts, before you’re cumming on his cock. 
His large, calloused, warm hand closes around your throat firmly, not enough to impede your breathing, but enough to get your attention. Enough to excite you. 
“Tell me,” he growls. 
“I’m yours! I’m yours, I’m yours, I’m yours!” 
Moments later, with his thumb rubbing your clit and his hips driving into your cunt, you cum so hard that it takes your breath away and completely envelopes your body in pleasure, causing each nerve to sing with it. His orgasm comes soon after. In the glow of it all, it’s quite apparent to the both of you: there’s no one you’d rather belong to.
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akachaan · 4 years
the golden-winged king [xiao]
genre: angst
warnings: death, blood
notes: pls im so proud of this writing BYE
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The gentle chirps of birds graced Xiao’s ears. He recognized this as a melody of nature, the sunlight cascading a loving warmth onto his pale skin. Lush and rich grass blew in the breeze, one of the few somethings that Xiao actually appreciated from the Wind Archon. He chuckled breathlessly, a feeling of lighthearted mischief settling upon him. Xiao imagined how Venti would pout and scold him for his unbearably disrespect remarks, as he liked to call them. The grass entwined itself into his gloved hand like a silky ribbon. The light, fluffy clouds passed by, drifting away like dandelion seeds floating in the winds.
Xiao’s legs began to ache— the reason unknown —so he’d sat himself down, assuming he’d been basking in the beauty of the flower field for much too long. Ah, flowers. He’d almost forgotten just how intricately designed they were. Well, as a Guardian Yaksha, there’s only so much you can stop and admire. What were the names of these? The petals were pale blue from the bottom fading into a remarkable teal color, four pastel purple strands sprawling out from the top.
Glaze lilies, he recalled. These flowers only bloom once sung to, yes? He remembers this from a certain... human. He smiles fondly at the thought of them. “Xiao, Xiao!” A familiar and soft voice called. Speak of the devil.
Xiao turned to them, and his breath was caught in his throat. It’s like time slowed down, just for them. Just for him. He took a deep breath, his eyes softening, showing vulnerability he’d been hiding for a millennia. Your shining, soft locks framed your face, [c] eyes shining with love and purity. Xiao had seen skies like an ethereal dream, twinkling like sparklers trapped in the deep cerulean sky... But none of those galaxies and any to come would even compare to your radiant image. You were an angel sent from heaven, one to remind him what life can truly bring upon humanity; people like you.
You were like his little secret of sorts. Not a secret of the world. Anyone could meet or find [Name]. He knew anyone could come and sweep you away from him— though he doesn’t enjoy thinking of such ideas —he knew. It could happen. But, he also knew, and he trusted that you wouldn’t truly leave him, after all they’ve been through. He knew that you confined in him just as he did you, he felt like he was finally certain in his eternity of suffering and emptiness. Days that went by where he felt as if he were just existing. He was not living, he never was. Xiao was simply a guardian, assigned to protect Liyue until he drops dead from exhaustion. He was existing as The Guardian Yaksha, Conquerer of Demons.
But with you, he was not any of those. He was not just existing, watching over a nation til his last breath. Your presence alone made him feel warm. Him feeling was already an achievement in itself, after all these years as standing on the sidelines, secluded; no matter how close to Liyue he physically was, he felt so different and disconnected from his people. He’d only be remembered as tale to be told. The way that you made him feel. Not only have you made him feel, you’ve made him feel warm. A ‘warmth’ that he wishes to bask in for the rest of his existence. Warmth. Xiao knew this wasn’t the word to describe how he truly felt. By definition, yes, Xiao admits, albeit hesitantly. But he couldn’t help but feel it was so much deeper than that. You made him feel a warmth that burned his insides. The feeling had words caught in his throat, he often struggled to form a single coherent sentence when you eyes twinkled with a joy he can’t quite grasp. It made him stutter, the way you looked so blissed and euphoric in his company. He loved it. He loved how the butterflies in his stomach never seized, fluttering and flying with each second. His heart raced like a tiger running after its prey, running at miles per minute. He felt so human. So alive. So loved, and he’s finally experienced what it’s like to love. He never wanted it to end.
You laid yourself onto the luxuriant meadow of nature, the blades of green tickling at your cheek. The sun caressed your skin like a mother would her child, giving you an angelic-like glow. Your eyes had drew closed as you listened to what was around you. Distant animals chirping and buzzing filled your ears along with the synchronized breathing of you and the boy next to you. You smiled, your heart thumping against your chest as savored the peace of this moment.
Xiao turned his head to admire the gift the Archons had given him. He saw how amicable this whole ordeal was and how much you were enjoying it. It wasn’t everyday the two of you had the time to lay down and appreciate each other and what the Earth truly had to offer, though I’m sure that’s been made clear. The soft whisper of his name felt like a melody being sang to him, and he couldn’t help but smile.
Another sweet murmur of his name was called. And another. And another. Xiao grew worried. With every purr of his name, he could hear desperation and panic in your tone. That alone had him sick to his stomach. He sat up, his eyes now greeted with an all-too-familiar setting.
The sky was dark with stormy clouds, rain thundering heavily onto the bloodstained ground. The air was no longer crisp and clean but instead reeked of the metallic scent of blood and sweat. He could almost taste the blood on his lips. Xiao looked at his hands, dirtied and course with dried ichor. What was once his peaceful escape of serendipity was now a horrid sight of what he used to be. The murderous machine of what he promised himself to cast away since The Archon War. Screams of retreat, pain, defeat and victory mixed in his head, which was now throbbing from the sudden change in scenery. Why was he here?
More importantly, where were you?
“Xiao... Thank god you’re alive.” Your broken voice chuckled, growing dryer in the passing seconds. His head snapped to you, who was laying on the floor, absolutely beaten up. His heart ached at the sight, and he reached to gently cup your face, as if one wrong move could completely shatter you. You gasped for air before continuing, “I knew you would survive. There’s,” You paused to cough harshly, your body crumbling as the cough was let out, “no way the Xiao I know would loose to anyone.” He pulled you closer to his lap, panic and adrenaline coursing through his veins. He knew there was nothing he could do. But he still tried. He still tried to grasp onto what little hope he had left; it was all happening too quickly.
“Hang on. I’ve got you, okay?” He choked out after the initial shock. The time you have left and the time he would be able to get you proper medical attention were so obviously not in his favor. He picked you up, carrying you on his back. And he just ran. His legs moved like he was going to die if he didn’t hurry. Quite frankly, he would most definitely die emotionally. Xiao couldn’t loose you. Not now, not ever. He wanted to live with you until your died of old age, peacefully where you could’ve smiled on your deathbed. He remembers how you used to get mad at him for carrying you like this. The way your cheeks heated up and you buried your face into his neck always got a goofy smile on his face. But now, you were clinging onto his back as best you could— though it was a loose grip, you used what energy you had left in you to let him know you were still there with him.
But soon, too soon, you wouldn’t be, and you both knew it. “Xiao,” you called weakly.
“I said hang on. I’ll get you medical help soon. Please, keep your eyes open. You still have time.”
“You can’t leave me like this. I swore to hold you and protect you and love you for the rest of my life. Out of the many promise I’ve broken I can’t... I can’t break this one.”
“Xiao, listen...” The utter amount of suffering in your voice tore him apart more than the searing pains in his limbs. He knew he wouldn’t be able to make it in time no matter how fast he ran. So he obliged to your request and set you in his lap once again. He stared at your face, covered in dirt and scars. Yet you still looked at beautiful as ever.
“Please. Don’t go. I won’t know what to do without you.”
“I’m always here with you even if...” You trailed off, both from the lack of oxygen you had and the discomfort of finishing your own sentence. You felt tears brimming in your eyes, as you saw Xiao in such a vulnerable and tormented state. “Xiao...”
He caressed your face like a mother would her child. The sting of his heart drowned any physical injuries he had. Nothing would hurt more than the thought of losing you. The grass scratched at your cheek, and you winced at the feeling. Xiao tucked a hair strand behind your ear. As he leaned down to press his forehead against yours.
“Xiao... You are and forever will be my Golden-Winged King.”
And that was when the tears spilled. Your body went cold and limp in his own very hands, your eyes that shone with love and purity where now dark and lifeless. The smile that lit up his world was gone; replaced with a face of sorrow eternally etched onto your features. Xiao wondered. Death was a pitiful punishment, yet somehow so enchanting. You still looked as heavenly as ever. It was only then the pain of truly losing you settled in. You were never going to grace his ears with your melodic voice. You were never going to grace his eyes with your smile. You were never going to grace his senses with your adoring hugs.
You were never to grace his life again.
The Golden-Winged King had a fall from grace, just as you did in his own very arms.
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ushijima x fem!reader x kita | w.c 1.2k
a/n: omg ok so here’s my fic for the super cool + epic collab for my server ;)) i’m rlly nervous cus i’ve never written a. fic like this so pls don’t be mean!!!! but like pls leave a comment below <333 also don’t forget to follow me (or i’ll BITE U jk xD) omg omg ok and don’t forget to check out the other fics for this super epic hot collab <33333 right here kidnapped by hq !!!!!!
warnings: inane rambling, i literally did not proofread this i would take breaks and start again without checking what i wrote last so it’s defs not coherent
I was just ur every day kind of girl. Nothing special to anyone...not ev en myself. All i knew was wake up, brush my hair (and teeth obvi!!)  and go out and go to university and to my part time job as a waitress ina  diner where not a lot of people would go to. Anway today was one of those boring days, i woke up with my alarm blaring at 6:00 am because i have a class at 8:00 am… it’s my least favorite one too. But yeah so i got up super early and made myself apple cinnamon brown sugar oatmeal and black coffee bc i’m also kinda broke bc i ran away from home bc my parents were those snobby rich people and i didn’t wanty end up like that ya know? i put on a really simple outfit bc i was feeling lazy since i woke up late!
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(we need to bring back sillly bandz! they r so much fun!!) 
So i was walking to my early 8 oclock class all the way on the otherside of campus when suddenly ther e was a frisbee flying right at my face! I tried to dodge it but it still hit me right in the nose and i screamed so loud i didnt hear anything else but me screaming in really loud pain. 
“Are u ok??” i grab my nose in pain but it doesnt rlly feel broken or bleeding so i open my eyes that i didnt evern realized that i had close to see rlly gold eyes staring down at me. I scrunch up my eyebrows bc im confused bc he’s wearing overalls and a straw hat? Did i hit my head or something and am now seeing things?
“I’m ok do i know u?” i ask.. despite him looking weird in his farmer outfit he looked familiar so i had to ask.
“Sometimes i go to the diner u work at after im done at the farm bc there are good mochi waffles (a/n omg wait do they serve mochi waffles at dinners? I’ve only had it from  bakery xD)” he says with a really cool tone. I nod my head bc it makes sense. Before i can say thank you to him for asking how i am doing he grab my hand “please marry meand my cofarmer” 
“W-w-w-what??????” i yell my heart is pounding bc even though he is really super pretty i don’t eevn remember him ever being at the diner and like i remember a lot of my customers faces bc a lot of them come back a lot. 
“Marry us we will make u super happy pls it was love at first sight.” he says confidendtly (sp?) as he holds my hand tighter and tighter.
“I-i-i-i-i-i don’t even know ur name???” i whisper softly under my breath, “HOW can i marry u???”
“Shinsuke…..” a deep voice goes off behind me and i pull my hand out of his hand to look behind me, a big big BIG man stands there also wearing overalls and a straw hat and also a single wheat hanging from his kissable lips.
“Wakatoshi i have found the perfect housewife for us,, i have asked her to marry us.”
“But i’m just a normal girl from a normal world, how can i possible be apart of the world the two of you have made in the farm world?” the offer was amazing, the life of a housewife for these two perfect men that i’ve met by chance.
“She doesn’t havea choice the wedding is tonight ur marrying us.” the man who was called wakatoshi says with a very serious voice and facial expression. before i can ask hes suddenly pulling me to my feet and dragging me away.
“i have class!!” i say in protest as he continues to pull me towards a green tractor.
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“you don’t need education…do you know how to sweep and cook eggs? and maybe make butter?” shinsuke asks following behind as wakatoshi pulls me onto the tractor.
“of course i can make eggs! but why butter?”
“we live on a farm darlin’ ya gotta know how to make butter.” shinsuke says and i nod my head. it makes sense.
“i can’t just leave my life behind tho i’ve gotten this far all by myself” i sigh even tho i’m comfortably sitting in wakatoshis lap i can’t let myself fall victim to their charms!!! i’m independent !!!
“give it up already your ours now…..” wakatoshi says seriously. i pout. he can’t just talk to me like that. i’m not a kid! i go to unverisity and have a job!!! 
“it’s too late ur already wearing the engagement ring” i look down at my hand and gasp to see a beautiful ring on my finger.
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“this cant be real?” i shake my head my head.
“we already have your dress and the venue ready.”
“what?” the big grrrn tractor pulls up to a really pretty outdoor wedding venue. my jaw drops to see my entire family, even my parents waiting.
“go in there” wakatoshi points at a tent and i nod. i walk over and am immediately being changed by two guys who look the same?
“don’t worry we r gay.”
“and twins.”
“but not gay for each other bc that’d be illegal or something  and the author would get Cancelled™” it makes sense. i turn and look in the mirror and i gasp. i look beautiful. i may be an average girl but in this moment my velvet chestnut locks are curled to perfect perfection and the makeup isn’t too much or too little. these gay twins sure worked their magic!
i step out of the tent and look down the aisle to see my two farmer husbands looking handsome as ever (here’s what we look like teehee xD i know we look super cute!!) 
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“y/n, im sorry me and ur moms bitchy richness made u run away but please let me walk u down the aisle on ur wedding day.”
“hello my name is agayshi and i am also gay, and here to officiate your wedding.”
“wait ur gay too?”
“yeah i’m married to that guy over there in the wacky inflatable cars salesman suit but we’re both respectively fucjing one of those gay twins. any way. do you y/n y/m/n y/l/n take shinsuke canonical rice farmer and ushijima farmer au to be your lawfully wedded husbands?”
“i-“ i look between the two men. my dream wedding. my dream men. i look around at all my friends and family. i nod.
“yeah i do.”
“congrats you may kiss the bride” at the same time wakatoshi and shinsuke grab my head and manage to mash all 3 of our mouths together.
i’m just so happy.
….or so i thought.
i woke up, it all turned out to be a dream </3
(a/n: hey everyone sorry for the sad ending but like...r there rlly happy endings in real life?? soz i just think we need to get more realistic w our fanfics </3)
like. comment. subscribe for more awesomesauce fics like this ;) !!! 
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starlightkenobi · 4 years
Anakin’s metal arm...that’s it. That’s the title. I don’t know what you expected. // Anakin Skywalker x Reader
this one is dedicated to the lovely @anakinswhore who is an amazing writer and i adore their fics so please go check them out, love u bb
also this is for everyone in the anakins bitches gc 😘 love you all
rating: explicit, seriously this is just porn
warnings: metal arm kink metal arm kink metal arm kink, light choking, praise kink, lil bit of degradation (he calls you slut a couple times)
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(not my gif!) but seriously look at his arm dude im about to go feral
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
A long breath escaped your lips as your hips arched off the bed. Each touch that Anakin pressed into your skin sent shivers down your spine and heat to your core. You trembled in his grasp, completely at his mercy. His lips pressed into the skin on your neck and his teeth sunk into you, leaving marks that would remain for days, sending waves of pleasure every time you noticed them in the mirror. Your lips parted in a loud moan, only encouraging Anakin to grind his hips against you harder, to sink his teeth into you deeper, to grip your thighs and breasts tighter.
“Ani...” Your voice was breathy and exasperated, surrounded by moans and gasps of pure bliss. “I need you to...to touch me.” Your hips arched to meet his, grinding into his languid thrusts.
He chuckled, slowly dragging his hand from your breast to grip your neck. Not cutting off your ability to breathe, just applying enough pressure to make you feel a little dizzy. “But sweetheart, I am touching you.” He gave one final squeeze to your neck before going back to squeezing one of your breasts, pinching your nipple through the thin fabric of your shirt. His thumb rubbed small circles into your thigh, the cold touch of his metal arm making you shiver, yet turning you on immensely. “I am touching you all over, baby.” His mouth returned to you, sucking deep marks right above your collarbone.
“Anakin...” You whined impatiently. Your skin felt like it was on fire, and it was Anakin who set it ablaze. “You k-know what I mean- ah!” Your sentence was interrupted by a moan as Anakin’s fingers finally made contact with your clit.
“You want me to touch you here, don’t you baby? My little slut loves it when I play with her down here.” His thumb rubbed circles on your clit through your underwear as you babbled and begged between moans.
“P-please Anakin, I want you...ah! I want you inside...” Your fingers twisted in the sheets, seemingly your only grasp to reality as you felt like you were floating. 
“Of course baby.” He cooed, sliding your underwear down your thighs. A line of your slick connected your dripping cunt to your underwear. “Look at how wet you are for me, baby. And I’ve barely touched you here.” He tossed your panties to the side, sliding his hand up your thigh and nearing your entrance. You quickly stopped him, grabbing his wrist and meeting his gaze. He looked worried, nervous that somehow he had hurt you.
“I want...” You paused, pondering how to form your words. “I want the other one.” Anakin cocked his head almost like a confused puppy dog, before realizing what you meant.
“You mean...the other arm.” His gaze fell to his metal arm, which was currently gripping your thigh. “Are you sure? I just don’t want to hurt you, and I’m not sure that I’d-”
“I’m sure. I trust you, and I know that you aren’t going to hurt me.” You could see in his face that he was still hesitant, you slid your hand up his cheek and kissed him gently.
His lips moved in tandem with yours, his teeth grazing your bottom lip and causing soft moans to bubble up from your throat. While he kissed you, his metal hand traveled further up your thigh and approached your entrance. If not for the searing kiss currently taking your breath away, you might have noticed.
Suddenly, the tip of his metal finger slowly slid into your entrance. Your head immediately fell back against the pillow, breaking the kiss as your mouth fell open and you moaned. “Fuck, Ani!” The cold touch of his metal finger sliding inside your cunt made you clench and gasp.
Anakin pulled back, staring in amazement at how your body was reacting to his movements. “Damn, you really want this.” Almost tentatively, his finger began pumping in and out of you as he marveled at the way you writhed under his touch. Ice collided with flame and your cunt throbbed at the feeling.
“More, Ani...” You wiggled your hips, begging to have more of the metal inside of you.
Another metal digit slipped inside of your wet cunt, and you realized how much Anakin was gonna have to clean his arm after this. The thought would have made you chuckle, if not for the mind numbing pleasure and endless moans falling from your lips. You were bucking against his fingers, meeting each pump of his hand with a thrust of your hips. You were in sync, so utterly connected, even though no real part of him was even inside of you.
“Getting off on riding my fingers...such a horny, desperate little slut, aren’t you?” You couldn’t even begin to form one word, let alone a coherent sentence that could explain to Anakin how desperately you craved him, and how turned on this whole situation made you. So, you opted for a frantic nodding of your head.
“I bet you could take another, couldn’t you princess?” Although it was posed as a question, you knew it wasn’t. He was going to slip a third metal finger into your entrance and you were only able to moan and take it. You would be lying if you tried to protest though, if you were able to speak past a desperate moan or whine, you’d be begging him for it. Anakin knew this too, of course. He could hear your mind screaming for him.
As the third finger pressed inside of you, Anakin chuckled deep and low in his throat. “Of course you would. You would take anything I gave you.” You felt so utterly full, his fingers pumping and curling inside of you, hitting spots that you never knew you even had. The teasing of that little bundle of nerves inside of you would have been enough to send you soaring off the edge, but Anakin wouldn’t settle for just enough. He was going to make you cum, and he was going to make sure you came screaming.
A metal thumb made contact with your clit, rubbing in a circular motion that had you clawing at Anakin, the sheets, literally anything that could keep you grounded and in this realm.
“I want you to be good for me, little angel. Be a good girl and cum for me.” Anakin growled, increasing the speed of his fingers inside of you and his thumb on your clit. You cried out, eyes rolling back in your head and back arching off of the bed. You were floating, soaring through an orgasm that left you weak and gasping for air.
“That’s it...good girl.” Anakin smiled genuinely, slowing the movements of his hand, but leaving his to thumb put pressure on your clit.
“A-Ani...pl-ease...” Your eyes welled up with tears in overstimulation. Taking pity on you, he dragged his fingers out of you slowly, bringing them to his lips and licking them sensualy. Even after that powerful orgasm, you still felt a pang of arousal, seeing him lick you off of his metal fingers. His tongue curled around his middle finger, giving it one last suck before pulling it from his lips.
You were panting, chest rising and falling as you tried to let your body catch up with your brain. Anakin grabbed your face, pulling you in for a desperate and heated kiss before pulling away and kissing your forehead. “I’m gonna get you a glass of water and let you recover, your pussy should be nice and open for me now.” You cocked an eyebrow at him, the most effort you could put into any physical movement at the moment. “Oh, baby. You didn’t seriously think I was done with you?”
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sigurdjarlson · 7 years
I noticed that you had a few really cool Raventrust posts here and there. What are things you like about the ship? Are there fun headcanons you have for it?
OHhhh I love this ship
I love everything about it tbh. The Last Guardian is absolutely beautiful and full of raventrust goodness. (assuming you haven’t read it) 
Like first off… nobody wants Khadgar. The Kirin Tor sent him to Medivh hoping that he’d either die on the way there or live and tell them Medivh’s secrets. They just didn’t want to deal with his nosy, troublesome ass anymore.
But Medivh does. Medivh who has never taken an apprentice and has successfully scared off every person who’s tried (or they died mysteriously..er..) but after a few months he looks at Khadgar and is like yes. This is my apprentice. 
And Medivh not only deals with him but enjoys his company. He genuinely loves and cares for Khadgar (no matter how you interpret their relationship that is true. He loves Khadgar)
How he’s described as waking up and being pleasantly surprised khadgar is still there whenever he sees him. (I just think that’s really adorable…and sad tbh. Medivh is so lonely)
Medivh cries several times in TLG and at least two of those instances are over saying goodbye to Khadgar. 
AND UGH KHADGAR. Khadgar is so in love with him?? 
Khadgar who legit had this line in TLG ‘he smiled and the room felt warm and cozy again” like?? gay?? 
Khadgar was so worried when Med was in one of his mini coma’s that he would sit in his room by his beside and read the letters that came to Karazhan to him. (particularly the ones he thought medivh would find amusing) and when Medivh asked him about it…he just said he didn’t think he should be alone.
Khadgar literally gets jealous when Garona shows up and starts spending time with Medivh. He’s so viciously snippy towards her at first. And Medivh too until he gets scolded for it. 
Also he straight up refers to the tower as “our tower” until Medivh corrects him..
At some point Khadgar spent like an entire paragraph poetically describing Medivh’s eyes. He legit looks at Aegwynn in a vision and knows it’s Medivh’s mother because they have the same eyes.
Khadgar was so devastated he fell to his knees and screamed when he found out Medivh was the one who opened the dark portal 
Khadgar who compares disobeying him to being as painful as being stabbed with a dagger.
Khadgar who still refers to him as his Master 30+ years later and speaks fondly of him despite everything that happened. 
Khadgar who fuckin…can barely enter Karazhan after all these years in game. Who keeps telling you to give him a moment to get himself together. And then refuses to go back with you when Karazhan is under siege from the Legion because..”I owe Medivh this. The good man he was, not the pawn of Sargeras he became.”
just OH GOd. The Harbinger’s cinematic. The expressions on Khadgar’s face when he sees Medivh. The voice acting both in the cinematic and in game when he says “…Medivh?” So tentative and hopeful?? im still not over it
ALSO look at these lines from TLG
“the image of the second shadow laid over the image of the beloved mage”
“It didn’t seem like him,” said Garona. “Perhaps it was an illusion, some magical fakery. It didn’t seem like him.”
“It was him,” said the apprentice, rising now. “I know the master’s voice. I know the master’s face. In all his moods and manners.”
What else..*rubs my dirty raventrust loving hands together*
I love how Medivh frets over Khadgar in TLG. Whenever he’s hurt “he’s at his side in an instant.” and is just consistently a mother hen. How almost every time he scolds him or corrects him he quickly reassures Khadgar afterwards when he sees that he’s embarrassed or hurt.
How he checks all of the wards in Karazhan just so Khadgar will feel safe. 
How Medivh literally put his life in Khadgar’s hands “I need someone to Guard the Guardian.”
Don’t even get me started on “YOUNG TRUST” like Medivh sees this weird little mage and he’s just like yes I will call you “Young Trust.” and hold you to your name. Yes good. Mhm. 
How proud he is in Return to Karazhan. That whole speech still makes me emotional. 
I love how even 30+ years after all this Medivh still calls him Young Trust. Like what a sap. That’s so fuckin cute. Khadgar is an old man now 
How in an old questline Medivh fondly says “I couldn’t hope for a better apprentice.” …FUCKIN CUTE
BLizzard literally mashed their musical themes together and called it “Bonds of Fate.” and !!!!!! GAY. I LOVE IT. i love how there is that recurring theme of fate between them. Both in regards to each other and their lives in general. 
Ahh there’s so much history between them and they;re both such beautiful tragic characters. These two broken characters who find each other only to have it all torn away (pls let them be happy blizz)
THIS SCENE IS ONE Of mY FAVS. Medivh frets over him after a fight with orcs. Like he places a hand over his forehead?? Wtf he just got beat up by some orcs why are you checking for a fever you dolt
also this post explains a lot of it beautifully. It’s not mine but god, does it explain these two beautifully. 
Oohhhooooooooohooooooooo I love them. 
Even in the novelization of the movie there are a few cute scenes between them . Also Khadgar’s descriptions of him are always super gay like damn son.
On a more shallow note. It doesn’t hurt that they’re both hot and are hot af together. (both game!verse and movie!verse. although im slightly bitter about them not giving us anything with them in the movie!verse) 
oh boi this is a mess of a post im sorry. i swear i can speak more coherently than this. 
there’s just so much!! and I can’t find words today. also im sure i’ve missed some shit.
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blushoseoks · 7 years
GREY AREA. (M) | 09
And just like that, your fate was sealed - because Min Yoongi was absolutely going to destroy you. But hell, if you weren’t going to let him, or bask happily in the flames as he did so.
And sadly, at the time, you didn’t think that your thoughts would become so literal.
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“Wanting love from someone who doesn’t want to love you, will destroy your fucking heart.”  - Anonymous
→  Pairing: Yoongi/Reader →  Word Count: 4,228 →  Genre/Warnings: Soulmate AU, Angst,  →   Chapter Index
When you wake up, it's to the sound of a familiar vibration that belongs to your phone, and the hum of your fan whirring from beside you.
Small droplets of rain hit your window creating a nice pitter patter sound, and you think that you've heard what could only be distinguished as thunder, roar in the distance.
The vibration from your phone goes off another second later, and you have to pull yourself up from your slumber to search for it. You find it by your feet, ignoring the question of how the hell did it get down there? Because you had learned long ago not to question you and your sleeping habits, because according to Taehyung, you slept roughly.
The fabric of your feather bedsheet is smooth as your palms run against it, momentarily forgetting about your phone as you plop back downwards against the surface of your bed. Your back hitting the mattress with a soft umfh sound that you're pretty sure only existed in cartoon shows until right then.
It's a moment after your eyes have connected with the ceiling of your room, and in the midst of you trying to figure out what you're going to do with your Saturday, when you remember just why you had woken up.
Or, for better words, are reminded.
Because your phone has just vibrated in your hand again.
You were really going to need to start turning it on silent before bed.
Your eyes almost widen when they flicker across the screen of your phone.
Not because it was ten in the morning, but rather because of the amount of missed phonecalls and messages you've received.
The person who had dared wake you from you slumber was none other than your only female friend, making her your girl-bestfriend by default (or so she liked to state) and you're astonished to see just how many times she had attempted to reach you.
You decide to scroll through the notifications settled on your homescreen.
[9:31 AM] Yoona – pls be awake
[9:32 AM] Yoona – Missed Call
[9:33 AM] Yoona – goddamn it wake the fuck up
[9:34 AM] Jungkook – you busy 2day
[9:42 AM] Yoona – Missed Call
[9:45 AM] Taehyung – wake tf up and answer ur damn phone cn hear it from my room u fuck
[9:47 AM] Yoona – im freakin th fuck out, coming ovr
[9:50 AM] Yoona – Missed Call
[9:51 AM] Mom – Dad and I are coming to the city today, we're going to stop and pick you up for a late lunch! We've missed you baby girl. 2 sound okay?
[9:53 AM] Taehyung – I swr 2 god if u dont answer ur fuckin phone
Your eyes immediately dart back to the message from your mother, and immediately you're met with a mixture of happiness and nervousness.
You were excited to visit with your parents, hardly was it that you ever got to see them, let alone talk to them. But, whenever they visited you couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Like they might make you pack your bags and leave with them back to the hellhole that you had grown up in – but you knew they would never ask it of you, but still, the thought made something stir uncomfortably inside of you.
You're slapped out of your thoughts when your bedroom door swings open, and you're half expecting Taehyung. So you're only taken by a little surprise when it's Yoona that's stumbles inside.
Her hair wet as it runs down her sides and soaks her tshirt, her red rainboots drenched and making ugly stains in the carpet of your bedroom, and she looks like she's just seen a ghost.
It's enough to prompt you to slowly sit upwards, confusion mixed with concern starting to overtake your body, and starting to make itself evident in your features.
“Y/N.” Yoona says a moment later, voice soft. “You didn't answer your phone?”
And she stares at you. With eyes that look traumatized.
You cross your legs in a criss cross position, bringing them up and into your own personal space, this an indication that she is more than welcome to sit on your bed, wet or not.
“I was asleep, I'm sorry. What's-” you pause. “What's going on?”
She processes your indication, eyes flickering down to your bedsheets, a million things stirring silently in her eyes. And without another word she slowly strides across your bedroom, shucking off her wet jacket and letting it fall to hit the floor beside her. She takes a seat on your bed, elbows moving to press into the material of her denim jeans, and her body sort of crouches over. Hands moving to press to her forehead.
Her actions make you nervous, because you had never seen Yoona quite like this.
So you scoot up to her body just a tad, not wanting to scare her away. And you move your right hand to the center of her back, starting to move it in slow, gentle circles across the damp material.
“Yoona,” you say with a certain gentleness etched in your words. “What's going on?”
And she breathes out a large breath, slowly. One that makes you wonder if she had been breathing before you let out that question.
And with her eyes settled somewhere below, probably your carpet, her lips part and she speaks.
“You know,” she says calmly, “how when some soulmate's meet they just know it. Like they feel something or whatever?”
You immediately think back to Yoongi, how you had felt the heat of a thousand forest fires when he had laid eyes on you, you think about how every time he stares at you, you feel that undeniable warmth.
The facts cause you to nod your head in response.
But then you think back to Park Jimin. And how nothing had been felt when you were staring at each other. It wasn't uncommon for soulmate's not to feel something when they found each other, it was as common as it was to feel something when soulmate's met.
Some people said it depended on how strong the bond was, but you didn't believe that.
Because whenever your parents stared at each other, they felt nothing. But the love they had for one another was right there, was undeniable, was impossible to discredit. You could practically feel how strong their bond was, how protected their love was.
So you believed that some soulmate's felt things, and some didn't.
Nevermind the bond.
But had you felt something with Jimin but the shock you had been faced with, when meeting your second soulmate numbed everything off? Or was there not actually anything felt there?
“Yes.” You add for good measure, eyes flickering from where they had been dazing off at – the bedsheets – and to the side of Yoona's face.
The side that is visible.
“H-have you been outside today?” She says almost immediately, and your eyebrows raise in curiosity. What did the weather have to do with soulmates?
But, you answer anyway.
She doesn't even let you form the last syllable before she's speaking.
“Despite the storm, it's hot, Y/N. Eighty degrees out.” She turns her head towards you, hand reaching for the phone in her pocket as if you don't believe her.
You stop her though.
“I believe you.”
Her actions halt.
“It's hot outside, Y/N.” She states a second later, eyes staring directly into yours. “But I – I, felt so cold for a moment.”
You blink.
“Like I was in the worst ice storm to ever occur on this planet.”
She blinks.
“What I'm trying to say is that – I think, I think I found my soulmate.” You watch as the corner of her lips tug upwards into a small smile. “I think I felt Yugyeom.”
You're taken by surprise. Your eyes widening just a tad as the weight of her words hit you like a freight train going one thousand miles an hour.
“You-” you pause, blinking again. “You think you met--” You're rambling, unable to finish the sentence.
“Yes.” She says. “It was so cold, Y/N. So fucking cold. And there wasn't any wind, not a breeze, nothing-- and I stopped, and I immediately started to see if someone was staring at me, or if someone had bumped into me but no- I couldn't – I lost him. Just like that.”
Her voice breaks towards the end, and it's not until you come back from your stunned state, do you realize that the wet on her face is not from the rain, but rather, from tears.
“I lost him Y/N. He was there one second, and gone the next. How- how-” she lets out a deep breath as she stares at you. “What if I never see him again, Y/N? What if the Universe just gave me the chance of finding him, to only rip it away before I could even get a look at him?”
“Yoona,” you say inbetween her shallow breaths and rushed sentences. “breathe okay? I need you to breathe.”
And you say this because you know what it looks like at the start of a panic attack, and Yoona – she was showing all signs of one about to start, of one forming, like a tornado right in front of you.
She nods slowly, her words fall silently as she focuses on breathing. Her body turning towards yours a bit more, as her left hand moves out to grasp your free one – your left, as well. And she holds onto your hand, holds onto it like it's the thread holding her to a mountain. Like if she lets go, she will fall to her death. And she squeezes, and you let her.
After a moment, when the death grip she has on your hand has lessened – if only for a little bit, after you're able to form coherent thoughts about how to react to this situation, you finally part your lips to speak.
“Where were you when you felt him, Yoona?”
It takes her a second to respond.
“The library.” She says in between breaths.
“The campus one?”
She nods her head.
And you let the corner of your lips tilt upwards. “Yoona, the campus library. He was near the campus library. Meaning, he has to attend our University.”
You notice how her body is starting to calm, how the rise and fall of her chest has dropped significantly. And your eyes stare at hers, and it's then that you can practically see the gears turning in her head.
“And babe, I know you're scared. I know you're frightened at the thought of never seeing him again, or that your opportunity has diminished, but -” you breathe out. “the Universe knows what it's doing, okay? It might not make sense as of now, but sooner or later things will become clear, things will fall into place-”
You're cut off.
“But what if-” you interject.
“And if worse case scenario occurs, and you both don't run into each other before college is over, we will find a way to him, alright? We'll sneak into the office and go through every “Kim Yugyeom,” file that exists, track each and every one of them down, and then you can personally slap him for not finding you sooner. Alright?”
And it only takes her a few seconds before she's nodding. Before she's calmed down completely.
“What--” she pauses, hesitance evident in her lack of body movements and how silently she lets the one word slip out. “What if I'm not ready?” She asks.
Gaze returning to yours.
And all you can do is smile.
Let the corner of your lips uplift the tiniest amount.
And your voice is quiet when you answer, your tone soft.
“We usually never are.”
“Oh my god, your hair!”
Is the first thing your father had stated when you had stepped out of your apartment later that day.
Both of your parents were standing by your father's car, and both of their eyes had widened at the exact same time, jaws dropping when you had appeared outside.
Their reaction was priceless, you only wished you had recorded it because it was something you never wanted to forget.
And that was about as much of a reaction they had had regarding the subject. They both were pleased, and were happy you had done something you wanted.
Even if it meant drastically changing your appearance.
They had embraced you with warm hugs, and tight squeezes while pressing lingering kisses into your hair.
And seeing your parents is one thing you will never grow tired of.
Being around them is another.
Even if sometimes it hurts to see just how in love they really are.
Because watching them, is like staring at a life you will never have.
Like staring at a love you are destined to never experience.
The thought causes your heart to ache.
You're sitting in one of the booths, while they take the seat across from you. And your eyes are staring directly at their intertwined hands. How their fingers seem to fit perfectly into each others.
And for a moment you start to wonder if Jimin and Yoongi's hand's would fit the same in yours, or if one would fit better than the other.
You don't spend much time lingering on that particular thought.
“Y/N,” comes your mother's sweet honey like voice. “how's living with Taehyung and Hoseok?”
Your eyes direct themselves from your parents intertwined fingers and up to your mother's eyes. At the mention of both of your beloved roommates you can't help but smile.
“It's fantastic.” You say. “The only problem I have is their forgetfulness when it comes to their keys. And how they expect me to do their laundry, because and I quote, “You're a girl, don't girl's like doing the laundry?”
And sure, you had been living with them for almost a year, but your parent's still worried, still wondered, and still asked questions.
You can hear the way your father tries but fails to stifle a laugh, and you can see the way your mom shakes her head as a knowing smile slides across her lips.
“Sexist, isn't it?” You ask, eyes remaining on your mother's, you glance down to her lips as an amused expression covers her features, as a smile grows onto them.
“But you're happy?” She asks a moment later, curiosity evident in her voice.
And despite the recent predicaments that had caused a few heartbreaks, and more than one entire day of you just sleeping in your bed, wasting the day, you nod your head. The smile on your lips not faltering.
“I'm happy.” You reassure her.
And for the most part, it's not a lie.
“Are you sleeping well?' Your father's voice cuts in, causing your head to turn to the most important man in your life.
You can see how his eyes flicker from your own, and to the bags settled underneath them, and you, for just a moment curse yourself for leaving your phone on vibrate instead of silent.
“For the most part.” You reply, head nodding a few times. “Studies, and boy roommates can be quite obnoxious.”
You watch the grin as it spreads across his face, head shaking a few times. But then his head stills, and his eyes glance upwards to yours, having forgotten the food on his plate for the time being.
“What about sex?” He asks a heartbeat later, taking you by complete and utter surprise.
You choke on the air, moving a hand up and to cover over your mouth quickly. Mostly to hide the embarrassment that paints itself pretty across your cheeks.
“Jiwo!” Your mother almost yells in a scolding, her hand moving from his and to flick the side of his head.
He turns to her suddenly, arms moving up in surrender. “What?” He replies. “I was just --”
“Prodding yourself into business where you certainly do not belong!” She interrupts, a look you can't quite decipher forming on her face.
And even though you're afraid you might die of embarrassment any moment, you speak. Mostly to save you dad's life, because you're certain your mom was going to kill him.
“No.” You reply honestly, catching both of their attention. “No sex.” You state, a chuckle falling from your lips afterward. “But, I have to agree with mom on this one, most definitely not your business.”
Your father shrugs, his shoulders uplifting as his hands move to grab both of his chopsticks he had dropped a moment prior of being scolded.
“But,” you continue, “you wouldn't have to worry. I'm an adult, meaning I know the repercussions, I know how to protect myself.” It comes out in a slow draw.
You watch as you father's nose starts to scrunch up in distaste, obviously growing uncomfortable with the thought of his daughter having sex with someone.
“Anyway!” Your mother says, both of her hands moving to clap together. A clear attempt at changing the subject.
She scoots forward then, chest pressing to the edge of the table. Her eyebrows raising, and a smile appearing on her lips. Her head tilts downwards as her eyes rest on yours. “Met anyone?”
You don't hesitate to shake your head.
“No.” You say, perhaps a little bit too rushed to be believable.
“Well,” she says, her free hand moving to grasp one of yours. “don't worry. When the Universe see's fit, it'll happen.”
You can only nod your head in response.
“But-” you say just a moment later.  Before having thought pretty much anything through. “we're uh – we're reading this novel in English,” you lie smoothly. “and I wanted your guys' opinion on it.”
This catches both of your parent's attention, your dad putting down his chopsticks, eyes falling onto yours. Your mom's attention had already been on you.
“All ears baby.” She says, gesturing you with a nod of her head to continue.
“It's about a- um, a boy,” you say, “who has two soulmate's.” You smile. “Like me. And well – he's found both of them, but one of them wants nothing to do with him- and the other, is well, with someone else.”
Your eyes glance down to the surface of the table you three are sitting at, not being able to look at your parent's faces as you lie to them so easily.
“And sh—he's caught in a predicament, you see. “
You pause, taking in a deep breath. You hardly notice the way your mom squeezes your hand.
“The one soulmate he's met – he's uh, offering him a friendship. Asking for a chance but – just to be friend's. After this boy has asked this soulmate for a chance repeatedly, after being refused several times. He's finally opening up to the idea or something. - And we're at the part in the book where he's trying to decide what to do about his soulmate's. Whether he should reveal his name to his soulmate, and if he should accept the offer from the other.”
You look upwards, eyes staring from your father's and then to your mother's where they stay for a moment.
“So what would you guys do if you were him?”
Your father clears his throat, this drawing your attention. And he holds your gaze for a moment, like he wants to say something, but at the last moment he decides against it.
“I think,” he says, deep voice reminding you of a beacon of hope in horrid situation. He turns to stare at your mother as he finishes his sentence. “This is one for your mother, I was never good at English, after all.” He lets out a chuckle, trying to clear the suddenly terse atmosphere.
You nod your head, swallowing the lump forming in your throat. And you want to ask your father if he's able to see through your lies, to see through your false feelings, because after all, he's the one who taught you how to hide them so unintentionally.
You direct your attention to your mother. Whose eyes, you find, are as sharp as knives as she stares at you. But despite her deep stare, a soft expression is written across her face.
“I think,” she says a moment later. She shakes her head. “That's – those are both two very difficult situations. Whoever wrote this book – they must not have a heart.” She nods her head as she speaks.
You let out a slow breath, and she does the same.
“In my opinion, sh-he's,” she corrects herself quickly. “has already lost one of his soulmate's. Permanently or not, we don't know. And for some reason, his other soulmate seems to be coming around. So instead of answering for him, I'd ask him one question, and one question only.”
She stops, her eyes peering into yours.
And you cannot do anything to calm the nerves in your stomach.
“What would you ask him?”
You ponder hesitantly.
It takes her just a moment to respond, her hand giving yours another gentle squeeze.
“I'd ask him if he was ready to lose another soulmate. Permanently or not.”
You let the weight of her words sink in. You allow your brain to process them slowly. You think over them. Every letter, every syllable, every vowel, every word until you've memorized that sentence.
Until you're positively sure you could recite it perfectly.
“As for the other predicament – I,” she says slowly. “I honestly don't know. Like we've told you years ago, some people find love in someone who is not their soulmate. So I guess- I guess it depends on him. Depends on his thoughts of whether he believes that soulmates not being with one another is okay. It's a very diverse topic.”
And then she's rolling her shoulders back.
“I just hope that this character knows that he has friend's and family who are there for him. No matter what happens, or so I assume he does?”
You can only nod your head in response, your brain still trying to recover from what she stated earlier.
“Well said, my love.” Your father says as he stares at your mother, a smile on his lips and admiration in his eyes. He turns back to you.
“Now, let's eat. I'm starved!”
You force a smile, trying to shake thoughts of your predicament out of your head.
You're unable to eat half of what's on your plate.
It's on your walk home from the cafe/restaurant, that you realize just what you're going to do about Park Jimin – at least for now.
Because as you're about to pass the place you saw Jimin and the stranger last, you're met with the sight of them both, again, outside. Only this time they aren't kissing, but instead planting flowerbeds in their windowsill, or at least – Jimin is.
You wanted to ask them what the use was, it had been raining and it would probably end up raining again, if the sky had anything to say about it.
But here they were, doing something so domestic it made your stomach flip.
The stranger, you have yet to discover the name of, is crouching down at their sidewalk, a pot of flowers beside her, and a small shovel in her hand. She seems to be digging up a space for the plant. The ground is wet and mud is going to stain the kneecap parts of her pants.
You think.
Hoping deep inside that those jeans were her favorite and that they would in fact be ruined.
And it's when you see Jimin turn around, watch as those beautiful eyes move to stare at the back of the girl on the ground, and something that you can't quite pinpoint, but if you had to guess would be pure and innocent love fill them, that you immediately regret your thoughts.
Because the smile that spreads across Jimin's lips, says enough.
Is one you know all too well. Because years ago, when you met the girl of your dreams in highschool, she had smiled at you that same way.
You had no right to be bitter or upset towards the girl Jimin was in love with.
In all honesty, you should be thanking her.
Because, sure, she may have stolen your soulmate from you.
But something in the way Jimin stares at her, the way that smile forms on that beautifully tan skin, says that Jimin definitely went with her willingly.
And you should be thanking her – for loving Jimin in a way, you could only hope to do someday.
And it's as you witness this, that you decide.
You were not going to give up your identity to Jimin – at least not for now.
And even though they had taken a chance of your happiness away– you were not going to ruin or take away theirs.
And even though you had lost a soulmate, to someone you could only hope would love Jimin as much as you could have,  it only made you want to grasp onto the one you had left tightly.
Made you want to be in Yoongi's life.
Even if it was just for a friendship.
You turn the corner then, deciding to take a detour to Yoongi's apartment.
You've finally come to your decision.
If it was friendship Min Yoongi wanted, it was a friendship he was going to get.
Pt. 10
A/N- Before you all decide to murder me because of the length of this chapter, part 10 will be released either today, or here in a few days. Originally it was all supposed to be one big chapter, but I didn’t think it ran well together.
I am so sorry for the delay, but inspiration did not come easily for these two chapters. Any who, I hope this was somewhat enjoyable. Thoughts, opinions, theories, and speculations are always welcomed! See you soon!
Much love!
PS - I am fairly irritated because Tumblr never italicizes or bolds the words I want >:( ALSO, if this is your gif please let me know! the gif maker was lost :(
PSS - I was too nervous to read through this again, so if it’s horrible or a sentence doesn’t make sense, or there’s  grammatical errors please let me know, thank you!
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billpott-s · 7 years
thoughts on the xmas special - DOCTOR WHO SPOILERS
before I read everyone else’s reactions I just want to get my “untainted” reaction down
first of all the MUSIC, goddamn every time they played the bad wolf/rose theme I was about to DIE (especially because I’ve just been rewatching s1/2 so) oh my god, how perfect and emotional though especially because I think I read somewhere that murray gold is also leaving which ????? how do they expect me to cope
not sure how I feel about the whole bill not being bill but still being bill thing? I mean, I accept it and it still was emotional but… still no closure for bill. also it doesn’t make sense but what else do I expect from a Moffat finale lol (like she would have to be dead to be in the system thing buuuuut she remembers heather rescuing her soooo her restoration isn’t from that death? idk (edit: just realised that im not confused by this any more because she doesn’t age because she’s made of water. obviously. so she could have died after living a long life and still look 20 something ok im good now lets move on)
although idk how this death technology thing really is supposed to work within this universe lol because how many characters have died and come back to life… like just take rory for one example. but it was cool plus the reference to new earth and the year 5 billion was pretty cool since I just rewatched new earth
but obviously I loved seeing her again and it is in a way, her, emotionally and I love her so much and she should have had so much more TIME
bill and the 9th doctor live together in my “I’m emotional about these characters not having more time on the show” headspace
speaking of which CLARA oh my god. I was sort of expecting it but then I forgot that I was expecting it and I was SHOOK ok, and I guess that means she does die in the end after her one second of eternity (I need to rewatch s9) which is ok I guess
but idk does it sort of ruin the emotional impact of hell bent now that the doctor does remember her? like didn’t they have the whole forgetting thing for a reason.. or is it ok because he’s not 12 anymore so they won’t have the hybrid but then again, the doctor would still love clara just as much
idk my sort of unrealistic prediction would be that clara would show up just as a cameo/side character within the story (like I thought maybe as a nurse because ww1 setting (and the obvious play on doctor/nurse) ), and the doctor wouldn’t recognise her but she would say goodbye to him and it would be super emotional for the audience without taking away the impact of s9 idk I feel a little conflicted about it
obviously I should be writing for this show
and nardole! remember before series 10 I was so eeeehh about his character but I teared up honestly, I did not expect to see him again. guess he’s also confirmed dead
can’t really remember the ending of s10 but does that mean the cybermen just destroyed the whole ship. honestly that episode had such potential its criminal that it was left unwrapped like that
ok thoughts on stuff thats not my babies coming back
the opening with the 60s footage was SO COOL even though we’ve already seen it it’s just SO COOL
shout out to rachel talalay for being a directing GENIUS how do we deserve her… @chibnall if you do anything right you won’t let her go
I haven’t seen any first doctor because I’m a fake fan who’s only seen like… 15ish classic doctor who stories - so I didn’t really have that much emotional attachment to him apart from what he means as a symbol to the show, and ofc an adventure in space and time which I do adore
I enjoyed him, for the most part… I mean it was interesting to have the thematic parallel between them
I was worried about the whole “sexist jokes” we’d been hearing about before the episode and yeah they were kind of cringeworthy but also not as bad as I’d expected… could have been a lot worse but still totally unnecessary and unfunny in my opinion
at least Bill put him in his place what an icon
I liked that the episode was more character focused than plot… obviously it needed to be and the themes worked with the “plot” but I can’t help but be annoyed at plot holes
like if there was a giant database of every human ever in the year 5 billion then why does the doctor not know about it
but a lot better than moffat’s other regeneration episode tbh like I never need to see the time of the doctor again in my entire life
the christmas armistice scene? I HAD CHILLS OH MY GOD it was so powerful and I had tears in my eyes
just beautiful and heartbreaking and touching. wow.
also shout out to mark gatiss for not being as terrible as I thought he would be because I was not excited to hear he would be a main in this episode but he played it really well
then for some reason out of alllll the threads of 12 and moffat era who the one they decided to bring back was rusty the dalek??? ok maybe not what I would have done
although in some way I guess if you remember that episode from three years ago and how it sort of foreshadowed the 12th doctor’s characterisation, “you would make a good dalek” and all that jazz it does fit thematically???
idk I thought… a weird choice but ok
low key wanted amy and rory to show up via the glass people of death (like not a realistic expectation at all since they never knew twelve but it is the end of the moffat era we’re celebrating here so maybe??? sadly not)
overall a beautiful farewell to the twelfth doctor. a perfect fit for a character based episode to end his story on this show. I’m going to miss him so much but he had a wonderful last episode that he deserved
probably the best regeneration story since parting of the ways? maybe even the best regeneration story from new who (i just have a very special emotional connection to 9) (and I haven’t seen any classic who regeneration stories please don’t hate me)
can’t believe its been four years since i was bawling my eyes out at matt smith’s regeneration. I did expect to cry a lot more but maybe I’m just better at my emotions now??? also even though I’ve probably come to love 12 more, 11 was my first doctor so there’s that
(wait til I rewatch doomsday though because the tears will be FLOODING. I’m up to army of ghosts/doomsday on my new who rewatch but wasn’t going to do that to myself today lol I don’t hate myself that much)
wait I forgot twelve’s last speech
the bits from the other doctors… so beautiful
tbh I can’t really remember it because I am the worst but I’ll probably have more coherent thoughts when I rewatch this (WITH SUBTITLES) tomorrow
strong accents can ruin the emotional moments a little unfortunately
rachel talalay is a blessing ok THAT SCENE WAS FILMED SO WELL. the ring falling off her hand
their hand??? how do we refer to the doctor now idk i guess they both work
i hope she is swamped in it for the whole first episode of s11 omg comedy gold
when she looks into the reflection and says “brilliant” IS THAT GONNA BE HER CATCHPHRASE
I feel like 10 said that a lot??? hmmm
she FELL OUT of the TARDIS???? is she ok
commentary from my family - dad: why is the tardis rejecting her? brother: because she’s a woman now
overall? I really enjoyed it, I had a few quibbles (mostly my usual but that doesn’t make sense which maybe you have to leave aside when you’re watching this show), the character stuff was almost perfect and just, such a good story. will miss 12 greatly but out of all the new who doctors he’s probably had the most solid run from start to finish in terms of consistent quality and this was the perfect ending for him.
p.s. pls let chibnall be the type that likes nostalgic cameos because I don’t know if I can handle a clean cut between eras, this is my first time because I only started watching in 2012. but I’m so keen for season 11.
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starlightkenobi · 4 years
sooooooo...... i have a request pls. dom!obi-wan x reader where he was a breeding kink. I CANT STOP THINKING ABOUT IT.
IM BACK !!!!! coming back with some fun requests because this is H O T. also sorry this one is a tad bit short, still coming back from a huge depressive episode lmao. but writing definitely feels so good and im so happy to be back 💖
Breed // Obi Wan x Reader
rating: explicit
warnings: dom obi wan, breeding kink
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。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Obi Wan wasn’t a possessive person. Material objects, attachments, they were all forbidden by the Jedi code. But there was something about you, something that gave him the carnal desire to claim you, to own you. He had never felt that way before, not about anyone or anything. When he realized how he felt about you, he made a secret promise to himself that he would never act on these feelings. A lot of good that did, considering here he was, every last inch of him buried inside of you.
It wasn’t like this was the first time though. He had been here many times before, in the throws of ecstasy with you writhing beneath him. But what started as a way to stave off more confusing feelings quickly became the source of them. Eventually, you two couldn’t deny how you felt any longer, and Obi Wan had to accept that breaking the code couldn’t be so bad if it felt this good. Good to love, and to be loved. And it felt good to admit that, too.
“I love you.” Obi Wan’s breath was hot against your ear. It sent a shiver down your spine and straight to your core. You were panting, engulfed in a pleasurable fire that sent heat to your aching cunt. Your heart was filled with warmth, too. Warmth at the fact that Obi Wan did, truly and completely, love you.
“I l-love you too...so much.” You stuttered, struggling to form coherent sentences with him pounding you. To say that he was “fucking your brains out” would be an understatement. To be fair, you did have something else on your mind, the thought of his cock shooting cum deep inside of you. And on top of that, you could tell that Obi Wan was getting close.
“Obi Wan...” You moaned, clawing at his sheets.
A smirk danced across his face. “Yes, darling?” That damned smug composure. It wouldn’t last too long though, you were sure of it.
“I want...I want you inside.” Obi Wan laughed as much as he could muster while being this breathless.
“Darling, I am inside of you.” He punctuated each word with a calculated thrust, sending you reeling.
“No.” As hard as it was, you held eye contact with him and thrust your hips forward to meet his. “I want you to cum inside of me.”
His jaw dropped as you could see the last bit of his composure slip away. It took every ounce of control in his body to not cum as soon as he heard those words fall from your pretty little lips. His hips faltered, and he took in a shaky breath.
“Are...Are you sure, darling? I just think-”
“Obi Wan.” You cut him off, thrusting your hips forward again and encouraging him to resume his previous pace. “I want you to fuck your cum into me. Trust me, I’m sure.”
This set off something for Obi Wan. The desire to take you, claim you, own you, in the most primal way possible. You were his to do this with, to mark your insides with his seed so that no one else could ever have you, only him. His darling.
Out of nowhere, his thrusts resumed, taking you completely by surprise. You gasped, twisting your fingers even tighter in his sheets. “You’d love that, wouldn’t you? You’d love me to fuck a baby in this tight cunt of yours.” You could have sworn you heard him growl as he said that.
Now, there was no actual way that he could get you pregnant. You were on birth control, and you weren’t naive enough to risk Obi Wan’s position on the council. However the thought still brought you closer to the edge.
You moaned, loud enough to usually make you nervous of other people hearing, but right now, you didn’t care. “Please...fill me up with your cum!” You were whining, grasping at him and pulling him closer to you.
Obi Wan’s hair stuck to his forehead and his hands slid from your hips to your thighs. He pulled them apart impossibly further, admiring the sight before him. “Look at you, begging for my cum.” A smug grin appeared on his face. “Well, since you asked so nicely.” He continued to pound his hips against yours with such a force that you felt the bed shaking. For a moment, his pace faltered, and you felt his hips stutter. Through half lidded eyes, his gaze met yours. “Cum for me, darling.” The coil within your belly snapped, and you were sent spiraling into a powerful orgasm. As soon as you started squeezing around him, you felt his cum shooting into you. It heightened your orgasm, sending you further and further into the mind blowing pleasure.
Your breathing was labored and heavy, and you could feel a bead of sweat drip down your forehead. You looked absolutely wrecked, but you couldn’t say that Obi Wan looked much better. You were both absolutely exhausted, but sated and pleased with tonight's events. You were especially pleasantly surprised with the fact that your words struck a very particular chord with Obi Wan.
As content as you would have been to lie here forever with Obi Wan inside of you, you were beginning to get a little uncomfortable. You tried to shift your body in an attempt to get Obi Wan to pull out, but his grip on your hips tightened, and he only pulled you closer.
“Not yet darling, I don’t want to waste a single drop.”
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