#pls gamefreak we need this
yeehawbvby · 2 years
How cute would it be if they gave us a little update where, if you point the camera at an NPC, they’d smile or pose or look scared or something?? It’ll probably never happen, but I want it to so bad bc I felt SO WEIRD taking selfies with the squad in Area Zero without them actually, like.. looking at the camera or anything
Game Freak I beg u, let Arven brood at us or pose all machismo-like!!
Let Penny throw up kawaii peace signs or cover her face!!
Let Nemona take a power stance or something !!
Let random kids and old people that accidentally wind up in the back of our pictures wave from afar!!
If Pokémon can look at the camera and pose sometimes then why can’t the actual people!!?! :(
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The fact that you can only go in like two shops and three buildings in pokemon scarlet/violet LOL
#you can TELL they were rushed bc you used to be able to go into the most pointless buildings#and listen to some grandpa ramble about how his knees hurt when it rains and castform are his fav bc they can stop it#this thing is SO POORLY OPTIMIZED#the uniforms too…and the fact that we have a dorm we can’t decorate#i would’ve preferred to wait another year for this and have actually good graphics and building/shops you can enter and better custom stuff#than to get it now the way it is#gamefreak pls stop hurting ur game devs let them live#you can even see it in the new Pokémon designs#at least i can make a banana pickle onion ham mayo mustard and jam sandwich am i right#literally never going to make a not cursed sandwich in this game#also like#open world but at what cost#is this what you want gamer bros?#not everything needs to be open world#imo partial open world like arceus with regular transitions between routes and cities would be fine#also with pokemon…open world feels a little directionless idk#it’s not at quite at rpg level it’s still pretty linear#even with the 3 goals you’re given like you can tell based on leveling that there’s still a linear aspect#you don’t need to and shouldn’t be able to go everywhere whenever#also question why can i not wear a hat with curly hair but i can with space buns HMMMM theres like no customization in this game#and you wanna take away one of the limited options just bc i chose wavy or curly hair???#mad at gamefreak execs bot the devs devs i love you and i know it’s harder to optimize probably#you should’ve been given more time
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eexhausted · 9 months
So, incase it wasn't clear. I REALLY LOVE gen 5. and I'm scared for remakes, cause I'm scared my dad will buy me the right one and my childhood will be ruined.
It's either going to be agen 5 or gen 6 remake next, I would actually really like a gen 6 remake since I never owned a 3DS, and also Professor Sycamore is scrunkle.
But, When BDSP came out, my dad got me BD for christmas, And.. I would choose Diamond over Pearl anyday-so, I'm scared if remakes come out for gen 5, he's gonna get me the re-make of Black and I'll sob because I'd refuse to play it bc I don't want to ruin something so dear to me but I don't wanna be ungrateful. Like, the only work around is him buying me White remake if it ever happens.
I also just want Gen 6 remakes bc I like the starter choice in there. The legendaries are stupid. <33 Reshiram>>Zekrom bc I'm biased as HELL.
I'm going to bully Gamefreak into making the remakes of gen 5 good. I don't care if I have to die to make it happen.
ive played gen6 and i love em !! the rivals do suck tho,, we need better ones.
pls don’t die tho :/
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yeojimon · 4 years
praying to our lord and savior guzcreus for looker to be confirmed for the dlc
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can i please get some looker content. gamefreak, nintendo, whoever is in charge of this godforsaken franchise, can i PLEASE get some looker content?
its been almost 11 months since we last got any looker content, and nearly three years since we got looker content in the games. the interpol stans are suffering.
hes a detective for gods sake just put him in the sherlock holmes region what the heck
and also anabel pls. she cool.
im waking up at 5 am for this just give me the stupid detective man what the heck
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gekkonidae · 5 years
you're always ranting about how much you hate generation one, do you at least like SOME of the pokmon?
i wouldn’t say that i straight up despise kanto, it’s just that i’m really tired of it?? when it comes to my likes and dislikes the quickest way to ensure that i hate something (or at least dislike it, in kanto’s case) is to oversaturate the living hell out of it. if something gets shoved in your face constantly then im pretty sure anyone would get pretty fucking annoyed with it.
it’s the exact reason i hate ships like kiribaku, or pokemon like pikachu and eevee. yes i KNOW they’re the mascots but i’m not exactly wrong for wanting something different.
anyways, yes i do in fact like some of the kanto pokemon! i mean they don’t compare to other generations. i’m not gonna sugar coat it, lol, i’d say it’d be pretty unfair for mr. orange dragon from kanto to be compared to something like zweilous 
i get that it was gen 1 so the designs HAD to be simpler but that doesn’t excuse genwunning assholes to start ripping on later gens because they arent kanto. the later gens have fantastic designs. gen 1 had an orange dragon and muk
but yeah, getting back on track i do love quite a few gen 1 pokes!! some particular faves are beedrill, alakazam, gengar, venomoth, mr. mime, and magnemite! but that’s it really. pretty convenient that i only like 6 kanto pokes, definitely made my party plan for lets go eevee a lot easier.
no type balancing we die with our favorites like men!!
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fwns · 4 years
First time crying because of a pokemon game
Literally no one:
Me: I’m gonna write about pokemon shield because it’s a great game and i love it
Man the last time i got to review something was probably 7 years ago during high school english class. I am by no mean a writer, yet again a game reviewer. This is just my honest take on the game bc it saddens me to see that a lot of people are shitting on the game especially with the dexit, short game, lack of action and the paid DLCs just announced. I‘ve been playing pokemon for 10 years or so (my first game was saphire) and despite the flaws this game has, i truly enjoy it.
1.) First of all. dude u gotta appreciate the visuals of the game!! LOOK AT THOSE!!
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The screenshots above are from some of my favourite areas in the game. The concept of wild area is really cool and it makes the pokemon journey more realistic like the ones we used to see in the anime or how we imagined it. That it would take days to reach a city and u need to set up a camp whenever you need to rest or fill your belly. Also getting chased by strong wild pokemon in the wild area really got my blood pumping lmao
2.) THE SOUNDTRACKS. THE FRIGGIN. MUSIC. I’m such an aficionado for great music whether it’s an album, movie scores, and even games like these. Seriously the gym leader battle theme is an absolute banger (especially the crowds’ chants!!). Like it makes my 12 yo character more fired up to kick a grown up’s ass in front of a packed stadium and live tv.  The last time i was this excited to kick a gym leader’s butt was when i was battling winona years ago bc my dumb ass haven’t quite figured out the concept of type advantages.
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^more appreciation for the gym leader battle theme. From all the shits this game has received, i haven’t seen a single complaint about the music so explain this, science side.
3.) I love how in this game some of the NPCs have actual character like our rival hop, leon, piers, marnie and bede too. BUT ESPECIALLY OUR RIVAL HOP. SERIOUSLY HOP IS BEST BOI AND ONLY DESERVES THE BEST 😭😭😭. Hop is (i assume) childhood friend/neighbour who happens to be the little brother of the current champion leon. Now this may seem like a usual pokemon protag - rival trope, being the protag is a nobody who just stepped into the world of pokemon trainer and the rival being someone related to someone important in the region (like how green/blue, barry, and hau was). Being a champion’s little brother is quite a big deal for hop but hop isn’t the snarky arrogant rival like green was. Instead he’s just a happy kid who dreams of surpassing his brother and want to form a healthy rivalry/friendship with you (he’s kinda a mix of barry and hau imo). Throughout your journey, hop helps you with the ropes and just generally be there as a friend...a real good friend.
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And just like the previous games, as the story progresses you get to battle hop quite frequently and in order to advance further in the game (and keep those pocket money to buy varsity jackets) you gotta beat him over and over again. The thing is, unlike some other rivals who were like ‘wow ur so strong! k i need to train more bye’ hop actually TALKS TO YOU. Sure he did acknowledge our strength, but after he would talk to you abt other things like the next city/gym leader or even abt his life atm. I really appreciate the developers for making details like this bc through the dialogues you can actually see the depth of the characters and it makes you actually think. Like for example from my battles and dialogues with hop, i can see that he’s quite pressured bc of his background as the champion’s brother and people have high expectations of him, yet he keeps on losing to you (his rival). There is even one point in the game in which hop fell through a downward spiral bc he keeps on losing to you (the protag) and another NPC rival. You can ACTUALLY FEEL the stirring of emotions through the battles with hop and the dialogues bc at one point he even said something like ‘i don’t wanna drag leon’s name through the mud bc i’m too weak’ and i was like NOOOOO WHO HURT YOU 😭😭😭😭 (but then i realized it was partly me oh god i’m so sorry hop). Never in all my experience playing pokemon game that i feel bad about beating a rival, i do hope in future games they would let the rival beat us....well probably during an offscreen battle :p
Also, for the longest time we finally have our champion doing actual champion duties (?) like protecting the region from catastrophe. Like i understand that this is probably where the ‘lack of action’ comes from because let’s face it, team yell isn’t actually a threat to you or the region, and whenever a ‘real threat’ comes up, leon would beat you to take care of it first. Tbh there are moments when i was like ‘damn leon let me in on the fun too!’ but then again i realized there are actual adults in this game with their actual jobs (champion, researchers, gym leaders) who can actually do their job without relying on a 12 yo to do everything for them which is pretty realistic if you think about it
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but don’t worry, in the end we’ll get to play a big part in saving the region too :))
4.) THE GYM LEADERS AND GYM BATTLE IN THIS GAME ARE JUST *chef kiss* the developers really put all their effort in this. Although i admit some of the gym challenges are kinda ‘lazy’ like just pummel through these gym trainers before facing the leader (especially on the last gym???really????). But the battles against the leaders are never boring.
WE FINALLY GOT A DARK TYPE GYM LEADER WOOTTT!! Plus he’s that one dude from the pop punk band that we love during our middle school years.
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God i wish i had a big brother like piers, not only he’s one of the most challenging gym leader in our journey but he also helps us not just once but twice. At one point he throws an impromptu concert to cause a riot for us to be able to get through a heavily guarded area
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gOD i love that chaotic energy 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
Last but not least...man...MY BEST BOI RAIHAN!!! JUST BEST GYM LEADER, DRAGON TAMER (lol sorry lance), A GENIUS, 100% WILL TREAT YOU RIGHT, JUST 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻💦💦💦 💕 💕 💕💯💯💯 
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just thank you gamefreak for creating him 😭😭😭😭👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 
OH AND GYM BATTLE UTILIZING WEATHER EFFECTS??? that’s some solid strategy there. I’m not a really strategic pokemon trainer, so i usually just pummel through every opponent lmao so when i saw this man controlling dragons and the weather i just 😮
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Well this turns out to be longer than i expected but i really just pour out how i feel about this game. It’s true that it’s not perfect and there are some aspects that can be done better, but as a long time fan of pokemon I REALLY ENJOY THIS GAME. I can see that the developers really work hard for this game to be able to cater to both old and new fans, and we all know that it’s impossible to please everyone. And for those of you who begs to differ or have different opinion about this game it’s perfectly fine and i’m not hoping to change anyone’s opinion. But PLEASE STOP HARASSING THE DEVELOPERS AND NEW FANS ESPECIALLY YOUNGER ONES! because we all know people who shames others’ interest are the worst kind of people :))) And if you have the time and money i suggest you give this game a try.  Well that’s all i gotta say, have a good day/night everyone!!
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stompstump-peak · 5 years
things i wish were in gates part 2
- gummis. i didn’t mind hunger being gone at all -- especially bc of how obnoxious it was in super >:( -- but gummis were so much fun!! i loved feeding them to my team 
- going off of that, actually being able to order things from swanna’s inn! like it’s a restaurant and her food’s supposed to be really good but we never got to eat any of it! it could’ve been like spinda’s cafe but like upgraded and we could get dishes with gummis and other foods to boost our teams stats. pls gamefreak i just wanna eat good food. 
- also on top of that, iq. let me walk through walls again you cowards. let me make my teammates smart. i don’t care how smart umbreon canonically is he’s the biggest idiot on my team and won’t stop wandering off in dungeons and wasting my reviver seeds 
stop doing your research for just,, one minute you bastard
- resolute form keldeo. even like a little side story thing with him and virizion would make me happy i need more keldeo content
- idk if i said this already, but quagsire beating up bad guys. they just drop that on us and never bring it up again. who is this man?? what did he do?? what did he do to scraggy
granted it’s funnier that they left it up to the player’s imagination but please i need villain fighter quagsire
- little quests from the townspokemon! kinda like how they do in super where you can deliver letters and stuff for some pokemon. idk i just think that would be cute
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guzma-reader-hell · 7 years
I know you asked for not Guzma but I'm really curious of how the reader became "bae" to Plumeria. Would you mind doing a prompt on that?
If I may I would like to answer this in a headcannon:
-She calls you bae mostly because Big Sis Plumeria has a nickname for everyone in Team Skull, everyone else just thinks it’s her acknowledging that you’re Guzma’s bae. Hence you’ve become “The Bae” of Team Skull to all the grunts.
-That’s not really what it means though. She harbors secret feelings for you and probably had to come to terms with it in an “It’s Over Isn’t it?”-esque musical number on that balcony outside shady house, while lamenting over the fact that she’s lost what she’s always wanted to her best friend (Guzma). But she’ll still put you before anyone else, because she does still love you. It’s just now she has to love you a bit differently.
-I just really want Plumeria to be gay because god she’s beautiful and it would be an honor to have her as my girlfriend. Guzma’s definitely got some competition.
-Also I now headcannon Plumeria’s singing voice as Pearl’s because ok think about it someone animating Plumeria singing “It’s Over Isn’t It” because she cannot love you as she wants to. Pure depressing magic and holy shit Plumeria is beautiful.
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crystalelemental · 7 years
tbh at this point slow start doesn't even need to be a thing on regigigas. Like, it should be nerfed, but why nerf it when you could just get rid of it completely? Give it Limber, Justified or Immunity. Or something else decently useful. Like, there's no reason for regigigas to have slow start anymore. pls gamefreak
Hard agree, anon.  However, there are certain things I just don't expect GameFreak to do.  Like significantly adjust the BST of smaller, unused Pokemon like the regional early-game bugs, or adjusting the type chart so Ice type has at least some defensive merit.  Slow Start is one of those things.  Abilities in general are one of those things, really. We all know that there are plenty of defensive abilities that are just bad, and changing them would be beneficial: Leaf Guard, Rain Dish, Ice Body, etc.  In any situation, things like Harvest or Natural Cure, but mostly Regenerator, are going to be superior.  Sometimes bad abilities are handed out, probably on purpose, to make sure there's variance.  Even though I want a lot of things to have these abilities, I also don't want to see a situation where every defensive Pokemon essentially has to have one of these three abilities.  There's a reason I want an offensive Toxapex: as great as Regenerator is for the defensive form, it's super lame that it has to run a generic ability because its unique personal ability isn't good for defense.
Which brings me to the real hope: I want a situation in which every Pokemon has two of their abilities as generic options like that, but one is completely unique to them.  I know that takes a lot of creative work, but deal.  Every Pokemon should have something unique to them, and honestly, I think Araquanid should be the exemplar.  Effectively three abilities rolled into one; THAT is how you make an honest attempt at boosting the viability of something with limited BST and awkward allocation.  Complex abilities may sound obnoxious and it's tough to remember what they all do, but I am so on board for having to memorize it all if it means introducing that level of variance to the game.
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estrelatzia · 5 years
do all pls
It took a while, and I am sorry for taking so long, but I finally had the time to do it ;u;
Thank you for the ask!
Favorite video game?
I can’t choose just one, I have quite a few in my heart.
Professor Layton Series (My fave being Miracle Mask)
Pokemon (Of course! My faves being ORAS, RSE, HGSS, SUMO, B2W2)
And Animal Crossing (New Leaf and HHD)
First console you owned?
The super NES.
I come from a family of “gamers”, in a sense that my dad and most of his cousins are big video game fans.
However, when he was younger, they couldn’t afford any video game, it was too expensive and well, the income was very low, so they mostly spent their times in Arcades. So when my dad got married and finally had a budget, like one of the first things he did was buy a NES lol
He taught me how to splay super Mario when I was very young, tho I don’t even remember the first time I played it.
The first console my parents bought for me was the nintendo 64. And the first one that only belonged to me (Cuz I shared the 64 with my dad and my cousins) was the game boy colour.
A game that holds a special place in your heart?
I think Pokemon Ruby! God, I have so many good memories of this game! Like it was such a good experience for me!
I kinda was “kinnie” with May and saw myself a lot in her. And I fell in love with so many pokemon in that gen, like Torchic, Milotic, Absol, Azuril, Jirachi etc.
I got my first pokemon to lvl 100 (My blaziken). I found my first ever Shiny Pokemon (Trapinch who evolved into Flygon) and was lucky to get a lot of jackpot at the casino (Which I really sucked before lol). I also had a lot of fun times with the secret bases. And I loved the characters like Brendan, Winona and Wally. I discovered a lot of stuff on my own that up until today was memorable to me, like finding the 5% chance of fishing Feebas and trying to discover how to get Azuril (we didn’t have bulbapedia at the time and couldn’t read very well in English.) I also fell in love with the wonders of Hoenn! 
After like 200 hours I think, the games had a thing were the clock just stops moving and you can’t plant berries and such and it kinda sucks. I know it doesn’t change much in game, but when I was a kid it felt like the end of the game for me. And it kinda made me sad, but I still have the cartridge intact. I never had the heart to reset the game, I just moved my pokemon to other games (HGSS). Ruby will always be like a special treasure for me.
Favorite video game character?
This one is difficult, because I love so many lol Like I could talk about days, especially since they have a lot of characters in pokemon.
But I guess I will spare the details and go straight to a video game character that I appreciate and love a lot: Professor Layton.
That man is just such good guy? Like he is charismatic, fancy, so kind and so smart! It is fun playing along with him as a main character! And it’s super funny considering that the plots get so weird sometimes, that someone as logical as him can always figure out what is going on before everyone lol
He is just such a nice guy that you would like to meet you know? Also his voice is so calm and nice, it’s soothing!
He is voiced in Japanese by  Yo Oizumi (Which I would recommend everyone to give a listen to! You won’t regret! It’s so soothing and beautiful!) And Christopher Robin Miller in English!
Least favorite video game character?
I don’t have a character that I dislike with a big passion, but since I am given the opportunity I need to talk about one that annoyed me and I will probably put lot of people in a bad mood….please don’t take it personal, it’s just my opinion ;;
But for me, Zin/nia in ORAS made my experience with the post game some much more annoying!
Like I already have kinda a hate-love relationship with Post game ORAS (The delta episode). I like that they added it to the game and gave more story, I adored the moment you go to space and fight Deoxys. All this was so wonderful. I dislike however how you are like “Place A, fight someone. Ok now go to place B. Fight someone again”. It’s really annoying…and the fact that Zinnia’s character was rushed(?) into the story made it more annoying to me. Like we have some details of her story but not a whole lot. We can probably connect the dots…but still?? It felt weird to me. I thought there would be more to it, but it didn’t. And because of that it made the whole experience annoying and almost frustrating, because we don’t know a whole lot of what’s going on, but Zinnia doesn’t explain either. She is just angry and in a rush, and instead of just explaining what is happening, she goes around and steal stuff and punch people??? And when Steven the champion tries to offer some help, she is just rude?? which honestly I don’t care if she hates him, but logically if you want someone to listen and help you, why are you just being horrible to everyone?? And all that alternate universe will be destroyed…is like ok…I get what you mean but HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT FOR SURE??? How is anyone supposed to know that?? I just…idk it frustrated me. And I thought they would one day explain, but it has been like 5 years? and GameFreak maybe forgot about it, so it’s still a bitter memory to me. I know may love her and it’s ok, but to me she came off as unsympathetic at the time.
Favorite genre?
I would say RPG, but I haven’t complete any RPG in years, except for Pokemon. So I guess just relaxing games? Like Animal Crossing? Or games you can explore? Because one of the thing I love the most about games is exploring the vast worlds and interesting cities.  Idk, I also like puzzle games a lot lol
Video game character you’ve had a crush on?
Well when I was a young kid, I had a crush on Silver and Bugsy lol But now I don’t think I have crushes on any characters to be honest. I kinda lost having crushes on characters, but I am not sure why.
I guess if I have to choose, I would say Henry Ledore from Professor Layton: Miracle Mask, because I really liked that character and his personality. And it’s the closest that I have to a character crush, even though it is barely one lol
First video game you remember playing?
Super Mario for the SNES. But my memories are kinda hazy, so the one I remember the most is playing Diddy Kong Racing lol.
Age you started gaming?
I was super young, I can’t really remember when I played a video game for the first time, but I really started being interested in games around 7-ish. When I started playing Pokemon and discover other video games with my cousins.
Hardest video game you’ve played?
Listen…I don’t have the patience to play hard games…when it gets tough I give up…If I have the choice I would choose the easier mode…so I can’t even answer this question, because I would be saying a very easy game and people will be laughing at me and saying I am a fake gamer or something.
Video game you’ve spent the most time on?
Tomodachi Life (Don’t judge, I love it!)
Animal Crossing New Leaf
Pokemon Alpha Sapphire
Most embarrassing gaming moment?
When I was a kid I got stuck playing Golden Sun at the Mercury Lighthouse. It was early in the dungeon, like right after you get Mia, there was a statue you had to do Ply on, and I never got it. So instead I wondered for hours in the few accessible places in the world and did almost everything else I could. when I discovered, I cried almost of joy, my characters were so over-level at that point lol
I tried to play Pokemon competitive mode a few years ago because everyone was talking about it and lost almost immediately, I had no regrets because I dislike competitive modes, so it just proved that it wasn’t for me, but at the same time, it was darn embarrassing.
My first ever game of Kingdom Hearts was 358/2 Days. My experience with KH so far was only KHI that my cousin had. So I never really played it or knew the story, I just knew there were Disney characters and Mickey was apparently a King??? But I just wondered around Traverse Town (thus why I guess that town is so nostalgic to me), I wanted to explore like Atlantica because Ariel was there, but my cousin didn’t let me because it sucked (tho to be fair, he was right, but I didn’t know that!). Fast forward to Days, I was excited to finally start my own adventure and rapidly got confused. Like where was Mickey? My companions Donald and Goofy? Why was everyone talking about nobodies?? (Which for the longest time I thought meant like a insult instead of actually a real thing in the games lol). And to me the game tutorial felt soooo long. I just wanted to explore, and I lost patience so rapidly. Like if you would ask me, I would say that I spent almost 100 days on that game, but apparently I gave up so early, right before going to the first Disney World (one day before according to my brother lol…). I got roasted by my bro and cousins.
Scariest video game you’ve played?
I also don’t do scary stuff lol ;u; I get scary pretty easily! Like I got scared from playing limbo and couldn’t sleep well that night (I am not kidding lol)
Most memorable gaming moment?
Getting my Shiny Trapinch, finding Feebas and hatching my first Azuril in Ruby!
Also when me and my cousin were exploring the Silver islands (? myabe not the proper name, but I am too lazy to search) in Pokemon Silver, we found Lugia!! And It was super exciting for us! We were super happy for the rest of the day!
Video game character you wish you could meet in real life?
I guess Professor Layton, Aqua from KH and Maya Fey from the Ace Attorney games (She is so funny!).
PC, Xbox, Playstation, or Nintendo?
Almost only Nintendo.
Gaming company you’re most loyal to?
Nintendo, mostly because they make the games I am the most interested in, like Pokemon, AC, Mario, etc.
If you could only play one video game for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
I guess Pokemon, because I can’t imagine leaving without pokemon. But honestly, I can’t just live with ONE game, I would get bored eventually.
Do you use strategy guides?
I used when I was a kid. Now I just use references online when I need it.
How often do you use cheats?
If it’s a in-game glitch, I love trying it. If it’s a cheat that you need to use like a 3rd party, then I never use it.
The only time I cheated was when I was playing DPP, I really wanted to capture Creselia and other event legendary (which I never got, because I live in an obscure town and Nintendo didn’t even give events close to us here so… :) ). I made myself had like 100 master ball in the game, I was just so tired of chasing after Creselia. And honestly I don’t regret doing it. The only reason I don,t use 3rd party cheats is just because I don,t like to use it in the game, I’m paranoid and afraid I will loose my file or something lol
Competitive or single player?
Single player, definitely.
Video game character you want to/have cosplayed?
At a con I went, there was someone dressed like Donk City! Peach. I kinda want to try this but maybe a Roselia or Daisy version!
The other I want to try is KH3 Kairi, just because I adore her outfit. But I feel like it would be difficult and kidna not comfortable to wear, so I am pretty sure I will never lol
Ever go to a video game convention?
No never. It is quite far from where I live. But someday I would like to go.
Hardest boss fight you’ve been in?
I don’t remember honestly.
Video game you wish you could burn from your memory?
Time Hollow. It was kinda a boring game.
The other would be Sims…because I get really distracted and addicted to it to the point I don’t do much else when playing with it and I don,t like being like this since I feel like I am wasting my free time when I play for too long.
Favorite gaming series?
Professor Layton
Animal Crossing
Kingdom Hearts (Even though, I didn’t even played half of the games...)
Do you skip tutorials, or find them useful?
I try to listen when I am not familiar with a game, but I most likely get bored and eventually skip…
Best online gaming experience?
I don’t play online.
Worst online gaming experience?
I don’t play online.
Why do you game?
I game cuz I like gaming. lol It is just a nice hobby and a nice way to relax honestly.
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