#pls ignore any spelling mistakes or anything that doesnt make sense
adoreyor · 1 year
i cant get the idea of the forger family celebrating holidays (that i celebrate) together out my head so you people get the ideas my rotted brain produces.
like valentines day, loid and anya making valentines day cards for yor, anya making hers with wayyy too much glitter and using sparkly pens to write about how much she loves her mama, loid writing in his card about how thankful he is that yor is in his life helping him raise anya. yor giving loid a card that thanks him for being in her life and helping her feel the sense of normal she wanted to feel. the three of them working together and making cookies that are heart shaped and yor and loid making anya a peanut butter flavoured cookie. them making sweets to give to anyas class and her making individual, specially decorated ones for becky, damian, ewen and emile. loid and yor going on a date to ‘keep up appearances’ of a real couple, but both of them really enjoying their time together that when they get back home they just spend the night laughing and talking, a little tipsy, on the couch whilst anya sleeps.
easter with the forgers and loid and yor hide little chocolate eggs around the house for anya to find, telling her the easter bunny came and hid them, her making it into some spy mission with bond and loid and yor playing along. loid trying to teach her about why people celebrate easter but anya is just interested in it because she gets to eat chocolate eggs. yor helping her paint eggs. anya dressing up like a little bunny would be adorable too.
mothers day and anya and loid getting up extra early to make yor breakfast in bed and giving her sweet cards and gifts that thank her for being part of their family. anya and yor having a girls day out and anya spending the entire day telling everyone she talks to about how amazing her mama is and yor just blushing and crying because of how much she loves anya. then later when anya goes to bed, yor thanks loid for allowing her to be part of their family and letting her be anyas mother. loid telling her that he’s not “letting her be” anyas mother because she is anyas mother, no question about it.
fathers day and yor and anya TRY to make loid breakfast in bed the same as they did for yor, buttt it doesn’t go to plan and loid wakes up and sees them making a mess of the kitchen and just watches them with a soft smile on his face, realising that he hadn’t ever felt just so content, seeing his girls try to do something as simple as make a fathers day breakfast for him. he eventually takes pity on them and goes over to help them make breakfast. yor feeling embarrassed that she needed help to make a simple breakfast for him but loid telling her that he was grateful they even tried in the first place. then anya gives him a card she made in school and on the front its him as a spy and he immediately freezes up before she ‘explains’ that its him as bondman because they’re both her favourite heros. loid and anya having a father daughter day out, loid telling himself its to keep up appearances but slowly just forgetting that as the day goes on and just completely adoring the time he gets to spend with his baby. them coming back home late and as hes tucking anya into bed she thanks him for being the best papa ever and he cant help but smile at that, kissing her head before leaving the room, still with a smile on his face.
getting to halloween and anya is obsessed! she dresses up as a spy and makes loid and yor dress as bondman and princess honey. them carving pumpkins, loid making a very traditional looking pumpkin, yor being skilled with the knife shes using the carve the pumpkin but she ends up cutting too much and it falls apart. anya seeing yors mess and deciding to ask her papa for help make hers instead of her mama. them going trick or treating and everyone thinking that they’re an absolutely adorable family, anya using her cute eyes to get more candy from people in her bag. the three of them watching a silly halloween cartoon when they get home, anya eating all the candy she got, then being absolutely exhausted and passing out into a food coma.
christmas! loid and yor ask anya if shes ready for santa to come and she just blurts out that she knows santa isnt real. she can literally read minds. loid remembering shes been raised in orphanages and other families, he thinks shes been disillusioned because of that. yor thinking anya probably picked it up from someone at school and tries to convince her that santa is real, but anya doesnt budge. so, worried that she never got to experience christmas like a normal child, he and yor make it their mission to give her an amazing one. they decorate the house, put up a tree and let anya put the star on the top, they take christmas family photos in matching outfits, including bond of course. despite knowing santa isn’t real, anya gets excited about staying up to catch the man. yor giggling at her silly antics and loid just shaking his head before ushering her off to bed. then the two of them spending the next hour bringing out her presents and placing them under the tree, then just sitting together and discussing what christmas was like in their homes growing up and how they celebrated. anya waking both of them up in the morning by jumping on them in bed, the three of them opening up presents they got eachother. loid and yor giving eachother gifts and anya giggling saying their flirting. snow falling outside and anya grabbing her mama and papa and the three of them playing in the snow with bond too, building snowmen and throwing snowballs, then them coming home and getting cozy with hot chocolate and cuddling on the sofa until anya eventually falls asleep.
anya desperately trying to stay awake until the new year but she ends up falling asleep so yor and loid stay up for the new year themselves. both of them having a small drink and just talking between themselves until the countdown. then when the bells ring, loid kissing yors cheek and wishing her a happy new year. yor grabbing him just as he’s turning to go to his room and kissing him quickly on the lips, returning the greeting before she DASHES of to her room and loid is just left dumbfounded in the living room, staring at the place yor was just standing, then putting his face in his hands, but you can see the blush on his ears.
anway. brain rot done. goodday
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colliequacksalot · 7 months
A fact abt the escape au
Frank is alive bc showfall media was already planning a new season of tse while tse ep 3 was being recorded
and they decided it would be a good idea to revive an old character to make the audience more interested in the show
So when frank was revived
he ended up escaping
And bumping into sneeg
Which almost caused the casts escape plan to go to trash bc sneeg was suppose to go and wreck shit,cut wires and yada yada and cause a malfunction so they could save ranboo from the box and perhaps even shut the whole company/facility down in the meanwhile
But he was unable to do so because he was too busy crying over the fact that frank is alive
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