#pls learn what media literacy is tumblr
habibi-holseti · 2 years
Me when I have to see another Rhea Thumpers opinion on this app
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The tags are unhinged but this is all my opinion as fe3h is pretty nuanced
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alltomevibes · 4 months
Hello~ anything more that you'd like to share about the midnight romance in hagwon? Its audience on Tumblr (for now) is not big now. The lack of comments is killing me because I think we had various topics to discuss on in 2 episodes.
i used to like, really analyze and get really obsessed with shows but it wasn't really healthy for me tbh and that habit kinda stopped when i got deeper into my faith.
i still notice stuff tho so:
midnight romance in hagwon is not a show for people who are not into character-driven pieces. every character in this show has a story and, even if they are not as central to the story as the main characters, every one has a history and everyone gets their due. all the characters matter in this show and there is no such thing as a filler scene because every scene is meant for the viewer to understand the world that is currently being built. as someone who can only really write character-driven stories, this is my jam and butter. also, people who like shows that tell you to your face what's going on will not like this show. these people are ACTORS. every micro-expression matters. every glance of the eye is meant to signal a change in thought. people are obsessed with wi ha joon (as they should be tbh), but jung ryeo won EATS as the female lead and alot of people are kinda hating on her after the second episode. if you don't know media literacy, please do not watch this show. actually scratch that. this is a great show to learn about media literacy. if you dont CARE about media literacy, pls do not touch this show. this is not a show for foreigners - this is clearly a korean drama and everything is interconnected. the romance is in the background for now and we are smack-dab in education system jargon. as someone who knows nothing about the education system in korea, i still can pick up context clues and i am willing to listen to viewers who either experienced the education system or j know their research for things that don't make sense to me. if you are not willing to be patient, don't want a background romance (at this point), idk don't want the plot to be about the actual setting (which is so weird ngl yall), then this might not be the show for you.
okay enough with the rant.
the visuals of this show are absolutely beautiful. people, places, the way things are shot - everything is meant to feel real and like slice of life because we are literally watching someone's life!!! there's not much of a focus on the past rn, which i LOVE, because the viewer is forced to be present with the characters!!! CAN YOU HEAR ME SCREAAAAMING RN??
as for actual topics in the show like my thoughts on pyo sang sub, the incident that seo hye jin clearly went through and talked around in episode 2, lee jun ho's motivations to wanting to become an instructor, the lowkey beef between lee jun ho and choi sung gyu (?), then like. i need more time. but i would love to talk about those topics because they interest me so much! are there any topics you wanted to talk about in particular? i would love to dive into them with you :)
thanks for asking me about midnight romance in hagwon btw!! its lowkey underrated rn and i think the show itself is going against the grain (or trend) for what people are looking for (lovely runner, queen of tears, more shows that i simply can't think of rn....). i think this show is brave, is the complete opposite of dare to love me despite the same premise of noona romance, and i am extremely excited to see where this show goes 😊
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annierosaart · 7 months
Ask game:
Fandom: RWBY 3, 19; Arknights 13, 15, 16.
Ship: FiaExu 10, 16; TexLapp 1, 9
Character: Exusiai 5, 7; Gavial 17, 20
Forgot to answer, my bad!
3 - ...which scene I would like to erase from the universe and why.
Weiss getting stabbed so Jaune could unlock his semblance. Yeah.
19 - ...one behind-the-scenes trivia fact I've learned somewhere and my thoughts on it.
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from the Volume 9 commentary. get this shit away from me.
Arknights: (presume when i say fanon, i mean the queerer part of it, not the very reddit part)
13 - ...which canon or popular fanon relationship I can't stand or feel 'meh' about and why.
i've talked about how on the best of days i'm neutral towards FiaMos, and usually just don't like it, but here's a 'hot' take specifically for the side of the fandom i'm in:
PL just. does not read as a polycule to me. for various reasons i won't get into, you can DM me about it, but i'm really just meh on it, they don't feel close in that way.
also despite loving Mumu, SaMuel as an actual thing just doesn't do much for me, soz.
15 - ...which character I would choose for the chopping block if I knew the writers wanted to kill someone.
I think one that has the potential to end up being a meaningful death would be Hoshiguma or Swire. Note that I don't dislike them, far from it, I just think the death of either would shake things up for the LGD gang's dynamics in a compelling way.
16 - ...which character's death would (or did) make me rage-quit.
knowing Outcast's fate has made it difficult for me to start catching up on Act 2, haha. but not enough to rage-quit. if i had to say... Blaze. her hypothetically dying at this point would be for cheap shock value alone.
10 - ...rate the level of stupid they reach in their pining.
on a scale of "regular" to "no media literacy" in stupid... burns ramen in the microwave. hopelessly pining, thinking the other has no interest in them, when it's mutual, extremely so. like lovers exchanging sexually charged letters in the 1800s.
16 - ...three of my fic recs for this ship. And (in the event that I've written something for them) one of my fics involving them that I'm most proud of.
brother there's barely that many to begin with. but!
Birdhouse In Your Soul by burstfoot on Ao3 (and tumblr! hi @burstfoot)
The movie was a pretense to curl up on the couch with you. by inRemote on Ao3 and tumblr as well, made for me as a gift!
aaand the Arknights Drabble Collection by wolfgirlsmooches, the FiaExu sections :3
... aand of course, the one I'm most proud of?
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1 - ...about my absolute favorite of their scenes and why I love it so much.
a tie between the sexually charged chocolate feeding (for obvious reasons) and the truck scene. the truck scene has a place in my heart specifically because it is the most direct homage Arknights has made to Yakuza/Lika A Dragon, specifically to Majima's various truck stunts!
9 - ...what my ideal endgame for them is.
what Kiryu and Majima end up having: a bittersweet, tenuous rivalry that at the same time is lined by an understanding that only they are allowed to kill each other, no one else.
5 - ...if I feel like the writers mistreat them or if the story would be better if they were taken down a peg.
please for the love of god let her participate in laterano events i'm begging on my knees it's literally her place of birth
7 - ...the scene that I think adds depth to their character or the relationship this character has with someone.
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2-7 after. despite an earlier comment of Exusiai's showing she still has a lot to learn about Infected, this is one of the first... and also few examples we get of a Sankta directly sympathizing with others.
other examples of this always come from Ezell and herself, which I think is no coincidence.
the anime emphasizes this further by having her get mad on the Infected's behalf
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17 - ...how well they'd do if they got dropped in a horror movie.
gavial is half serious, half gag character. that gag half protects her from any serious harm a horror movie villain could do to her.
20 - ...my queer headcanon for them. Unless they're canonically queer, in which case whether or not I think they're good representation or kinda badly explored.
Bisexual, demiromantic!
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jensungf · 4 years
10 questions tag pt.2
hoo boi okay so ive been tagged in this a lot so im going to split it up into parts but this is alr a lot to read so if u read all of this u deserve a cookie so reply back with cookie and ima send u kithes and hugs
thank u to every who tagged me!! @byunbaekby @neocitybynight @bumblebeenct
aurora’s questions (these r from awhile back hehe
what’s your favorite dish from your culture?
i like phở gà (chicken noodle soup) or bún bò huế (hhh idk it in english)
vegetables or fruit?
fruits? i don’t like either
what’s the last book you’ve read and did you like it?
i think i had to read frankenstein for decathalon before corona hit and no i did not ugh
what inscription would you like on your tombstone?
heart nutted too hard or leyna [redacted] ; jk i actually dont know, i guess in loving memory leyna her love shall forever be remembered thru photographs bc even when the people change, the memories still stay or something (my brain is chaotic rn)
what should they teach in high school but do’t?
definitely financial literacy and how to do taxes and whatnot
who would you most like to sit next to on a 10 hours flight and why?
probs jisung or renjun bc lbr jisung and i would be the type to play smash the entire time and snack (and also if i fell asleep on his shoulder that shit would be so cute omfg) but renjun and i could continue talking for hours hahahah
what skill would you like to master?
what movie title best describes your life?
to all the boys i’ve loved before (ok not rly but i couldn’t think of much)
what’s the best way to start your day?
waking up well rested with my outfit planned and no rush getting ready to go eat brunch w my friends
what pets did you have while you were growing up?
i never had any pets hehe i’m allergic and mis padres say no
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milly’s questions
where is the favourite place you’ve ever been?
i think i really like the city in toronto!! it’s super aesthetic and the vibes are amazing but i didn’t get to explore :( @longassride kidnap me pls
what is your best school subject, and if it changed drastically why?
it’s always been english haha but i’m not even that good
animated or live action films?
i prefer animated tbh the live action films i’ve seen don’t do any justice
do you play any instruments, how long for?
i play the bassoon and it’s been like 6 years (don’t need fooled i hate it)
have you told anyone irl that you have a blog?
yeah lmao a lot of my irls know and i let some follow me but we dont talk about it too much
favourite social media? 
instagram or tumblr
can you quote me something from your favourite book?
“There comes a time when the world gets quiet and the only thing left is your own heart. So you'd better learn the sound of it. Otherwise you'll never understand what it's saying.” — Just Listen, Sarah Dessen
what was the last tv show you finished in its entirety?
fuck i have no idea i don’t even think ive ever finished a tv show...  oops?
do you have an all time favourite nct fic on this site?
i have many so it’s so hard to choose but one of my all time favs might be @/starlightkun’s ayakashi series for jeno called featherbrain and @lovingyong’s tatbilb series for jaemin. i stayed up until 7am reading featherbrain and i didn’t stop rereading it for a wk bc it was everything i’ve ever liked in one story since i was super into otome games at one point and if i’m being honest, kelsie’s series helped move past a lot of hardships bahahah i could probably quote a few lines honestly bc they mean so much to me 
if you could time travel, when would you go?
the 90s!!
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sunny’s questions
If you could pick one artist to soundtrack your life, who would it be?
niki bc she is queen and relatable !!!
If you could have a Magic Eight Ball that really would answer your questions, what would you ask it?
am i going to be happy and successful?If you could bring one cryptid (supernatural creature) to life, what would you choose?
If you could bring one cryptid (supernatural creature) to life, what would you choose?
honestly that’s so hard ugh i might say angels/demons (i know that’s two but the concept has always intrigued me)
Coke or Pepsi?
coke but i don’t like either
What is your guilty pleasure?
otome games hehe but i guess just reading ff/webtoons all the time
If you had a title after your name (e.g. Alexander the Great) what would you want?
leyna the lover or some shit like that haha i rly dont know
Would you rather have a band who narrated all your movements through song or the paparazzi follow you around?
haksjsk i think band bc it doesn’t always have to be a literal narration and paparazzi would expose my every move
If you could be a K-Pop idol, would you be? Whether or not you answer yes, would you date an idol?
no i wouldn’t because it’s too much of a sacrifice to give up everything and dedicate my life to the toxic industry. and personally no i wouldn’t unless i rly loved them and it happened naturally bc it’s again a huge sacrifice and it’s difficult on both ends
When it rains, are you inside watching from the window or outside twirling in the puddles?
inside haha i could never go outside during rain
If you could time travel to any time period, which would you choose?
maybe the late 80s or 90s.. it seemed like a lot of fun to interact with people without technology. drive in movies, cheap candy, rollerskating down the boardwalk, the fashion and music, the vibes
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my questions:
what is your usual resting facial expression?
what was your favorite childhood cartoon?
would you ever have kids? if so, do you have any baby names ready?
whats your favorite way to talk to people? (irl, text, call, ft, etc)
what color fits your vibe and why?
what is your preferred way to be comforted? emotional support or finding a solution?
how long have you been on tumblr?
do you wash your clothes right after you buy them or right after you wear them?
do you have an ideal type or any celeb that matches your ideal type?
do you believe in soulmates?
you’re under no obligation to do this but tagging: @lovelyjsuh @nanasarea​ @neolights @jaemallow @jaetyhm @glossyjaems @cherrysung @yongiefilms​  @juyeonzz​ @lovingyong​ @gohyuck​ @longassride​
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