#pls shishou
fujoshigirl7 · 2 years
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Mob getting lured by blonde con artists XD
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mikeys-bike-slut · 2 years
Toyko Revengers crack
You know the drill, no braincell currently available
Warnings: characters being drunk?, swearing
Lost Property
"Shit I already forgot what Mikey wanted..." Angel groaned as they walked into the convenient store.
Middle of the night, tired, and drunk. They had a small get together and decided to have a few drinks which resulted in the majority of Toman members being drunk, and once they ran out of snacks -and alcohol- the two most 'sober' person decided to go to the store which was Mitsuya and Angel.
"We literally just walked in Angel" Mitsuya groaned hiding the fact that he also forgot.
"What did we actually came in here for?" she cocked a brow looking at the tall silver haired guy. "You know you're kinda cute Mitsu" she gave him a flirty smile and the earlier mentioned male just patted her head.
"You're drunk Angel, shut up" he chuckled then run his hand over his face trying to remember why they came to the shop. "Snacks, and drinks, though I don't think you assholes needs more alcohol, Baji already thought he was Peter Pan and launched himself off of the top the stairs..."
"At least Draken broke his fall" she grinned then they both just laughed as they walked further into the shop and started browsing until one of the security walked up to them.
"I didn't do it!" Angel spat out immediately and Mitsuya just shushed her.
"Please ignore her, she's mentally five. How can I help you, sir?" Mitsuya cocked a brow.
"We found soemthing we believe belong to you two? Mitsuya...and.. Angel?" he asks as he reads the note in his hand.
"Yes, that's us..." Angel replied confused.
"Please follow me" the security said then walked off with the two of them following him.
"They might have found my dignity" Angel whispered to Mitsuya with a grin.
"Oh honey, no. You buried that the second you slept with Mikey" Mitsuya replied with a grin and the pink haired gasped offended.
They continued their playful bickering until the security lead them to the office and opened the door for them.
"Apparently these two belong to you?" he pointed inside and as they both poked their heads inside the room they found a very drunk Mikey and Baji grinning at each other like idiots.
"Yeah... they belong to us, thank you" Mitsuya sighed then whistled to get the attention of the two drunken idiots. "Come on, home time"
"Yaay!" Mikey exclaimed as he stood up stumbling then rushed out and hugged the pink haired girl.
"I love you" Baji grinned as he swung his arms around Mitsuya and leaned into his face by an accident.
They escorted their drunk fellow members out and they stopped when they were outside the shop and Angel gave Mitsuya a confused look.
"What?" he cocked a brow.
"How the fuck did they get here when we left them at home...?"
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If Ayame and kyoujuro were in the sink universe that would 100% be in the survey corps and ruin Levi's life.
A large Himbo and a mini himbo charge into a horde of titans yelling something about setting their hearts ablaze. Somehow they always win???
Ayame has the Mikasa view point on the ribbon, you touch you die.
Just captain Kyo-nii and the mini but somehow more scary co captain Ayame.
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have u been digging around inside my brain cos i had an idea of reincarnated fits squad in the snk universe -
you're absolutely right. the flame duo would be in the survey corps and levi would just be suffering the whole time. actually, Suffering™ because that's double the trouble. oh, ayame acts like she's so cool and exasperated with kyoujurou, but she's also the first one to join kyoujurou in whatever headassery he's doing. don't try and be reasonable, ayame, you're literally just as bad.
large himbo and mini himbo cjsnsjwjwjw i can see it and i can see erwin being like "maybe qe should stop them" and levi just sighs and says "wait". it's ridiculous how much ayame and kyoujurou get away with things, and yet… well. he has to admit that the mortality rate has gone down a bit since the two of them joined.
that being said, just imagine idiots squad meeting the shiganshina trio. zenitsu and armin commiserate over being blondes and being the realistic ones, eren and inosuke just yell at each other while tanjirou tries to mediate and ayame and mikasa are just ._. at the boys. Alternatively armin and ayame are 🤝 at being the main idea person while zenitsu and jean hang out. i haven't watched anything past season one so i'm just imagining them in the 104th and nothing bad ever happens TwT
but also let's face it. idiots squad would dominate the top 4. they literally have the know-how from a different life AND they augment it with breathing.
ayame would hate the 3dmg gear tho. too many heights, the poor girl TwT
and yes. if anyone even tries to touch her precious ribbon, they'll end up on their back with something pointy pressed to a vulnerable spot. don't mess with her ribbon 😤
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the-howling-storm · 5 years
Now I’m not saying I excited about the fact that Scathach’s interlude implies that she might want to train me up to being the one who can possibly kill her one day.
I am going to say that considering the fact that since I’ve been wearing the Chaldea Combat Mystic Code and match Cu’s taste in spandex, I can understand how I meet her criteria in students.
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sculptingstuff · 7 years
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I will eventually color this.
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caemthe-a · 6 years
"Go to bed."
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Quietly obeys but watches youtube videos on his phone until ungodly hours of the night.
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yooyagen · 7 years
okay so..
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can someone teach me how to calm down. cuz
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i live again. oh god. whyyyy. ♥ w ♥
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wlwsakura · 2 years
little sakura finds a pic of tsunade during her genin years and falls in love w her and then goes crazy later cuz like holy fuck booba when she sees an updated one and shes like my dream is to go on a date w tsunade- sama 🙈🙈🙈
at first tsunade thinks it’s funny in a ‘haha this kid idolizes me its adorable’ and then eventually she finally gets it thru sakura’s head that she’s too old for her and that she should try and give a more age appropriate girl a chance. Sakura ends up walking home and ends up spotting Ino on the way and is hit with this realization ‘oh.’ She runs home and ends up avoiding her for a while cuz “holy fuck!”
On Ino and Sakura’s wedding day right before she’s set to walk down the aisle she pulls Tsunade aside and tells her ‘sorry tsunade but i’m gonna marry ino 😔💖” wait no she tells her that before she proposes/ after ino proposes to her lol
-sakura learning all abt medicine and shit on the off chance she meets tsunade to impress her and shes like “umm im suuuper smart and strong pls date me :/“ and tsunade is just: “gross u r a child 🤮 i could be ur mom’
naruto: “more like her grandma lmao”
tsunade hoping to stop all this nonsense and realizing how talented sakura is( albeit begrudgingly) suggests to sakura, “kid how bout i make u my apprentice and u stop asking me out every other day.”
sakura weighs her options like damn i get to spend more time w her but i cant ask her out as much BUT THIS WILL BE A CHALLENGE FOR MY LOVE AND I WILL PREVAIL!! (false) and so she tells her, “ok bet imma be your best apprentice and just absorb all i can get from u and spend time w u until u inevitably fall in love w me but tsunade is just “u r like family to me”
sakura gets advice from genma but all he says is, “to get over someone i have to get under someone else”
anyway ino and sakura start dating
sakura throughout her academy+ninja career wearing an outfit thats complimentary to the outfits tsuna wore as a kid onwards and ppl just think she idolizes her which like yeah but ummm rude! shes in love w her actually!
(Tsunade shishou i know i promised to save myself for you since i was 6 and that we’d get married and i’d only love you but ino be bangin 😔🤍 sorry) thats like her wedding speech before she starts her wedding vows LMAO
later ​sakura sends apology flowers to tsunade like ‘sorry shishou turns out ino is the love of my life actually 😢 you’re still cool tho. btw ino and i our extending our honeymoon and wont be back to konoha for another month k thx bye”
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bl1ndbraavosi · 3 years
hello give me a taste of what you’re working on i am craving SNEAK PEEKS!!!
this is my submission for kunoichi week and is also a bit of a follow-up to swapped
“So, you mean to tell me that my apprentice is married?”
“Not—not exactly, shishou,” Sakura answered, ducking her head to hide from Tsunade’s penetrating stare.
“But there was a wedding,” she said. The three ANBU agents standing before her winced.
“Yes, Hokage-sama,” Tenten answered. Sakura had to give her credit where credit was due, they may have all been shitting themselves, but Tenten’s voice was strong.
“And Sakura was in the wedding,” Tsunade continued.
“Yes, Hokage-sama.”
“As the bride.”
pls indulge me @murd3rm1ttens @snickiebear @nekophiliaff @uchihasass @mrssakurahatake
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serowotonin · 4 years
You should try a ship your moots thing- (you dont have to if you dont want to :))
been waiting for this one.. thanks anon,,,,,, aight *cracks knuckles*
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@animebsposts + me = nothing else needs to be said bout this 😌💖✨
@ellectric-blue + kaminari = okok i know ur faves are deku, shishou, and todo bUT skdnskd idk i feel like ur energy would go well with kaminari ❓ you guys would be that cute memey couple whos also hella hot idk 😭
@iridescentscarecrow + fruit = nix, sweetie, ever since YOU made the server, i’ve seen evidence of how much u love fruit👁👄👁 see, i know u claim to be “doing this for me” but really,, u seem to genuinely enjoy it 😳 don’t be shy, embrace the fruit<3
@namaweeb + me = we’d be too powerful, but cuz it’s us we wouldn’t bother doing anything🤧 oh also we distract each other too much</3 and end up never doing work... still think we make a good ship tho😼✨✨
@itskoushi + sugawara = PLS YOU GUYS WOULD BE SO CUTE TOGETHER😭,,, dont get me wrong i also ship you with oikawa but bruh idk theres smth abt your dynamic with suga that i rlly like🥺🥺 yee i feel like you two would actually be pretty good together
@kureyama + kageyama = this isn’t just cuz of ur url ok😭🤧 i ship u with kags cuz jdfksdf i feel like ur personality would actually get along with his pretty well ?? not exactly in the opposites attract kind of way but somewhere along the lines of that...
@scorpio-in-luv + sakusa = oK IDK IF THIS IS UNEXPECTED OR SMN BUT ??? look when i think abt it,,, i feel like you guys would actually do well together. he’ll like you cuz you understand him and ur chill so yeah (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
@lilikags + shirabu = do i even need to talk abt this ship? ur shirabu brainrot is never off and ykw im willing to bet hes got 24/7/365 lili brainrot too 👀💖✨
@samthegirlnextdoor + kita = another ship i dont have to talk much about🤧 u and kita are amazing together in that ur both supportive and understanding of each other and i think thats real cute *w*
@laceymorganwrites + aizawa = so this ship doesnt even have to be romantic,,,, bcuz ace ur always looking out for us🥺 and i feel that someone like aizawa would appreciate it yk. he also cares a great deal for his students and wants what best for them,,, so in that way i feel like you two fit each other🥰🥰
@itrytowriteunderthemoonlight + kuroo = you and him would have those “smart/nerd” relationship dynamics except hes towards the science side and ur towards the literature and skdjsd I FIND THAT RLLY CUTE OKAY😭😭💕
@trenchcoatmimic + reblog button = honestly, im pretty sure u two are in a long-term serious relationship already😶😶
@yukae-rin + akashi = we haven’t talked or interacted much but i can already see you and akashi being in a rlly cute relationship,,, um idrk what else to say 🤧🤡💀
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if i missed anyone IM SORRYYY,,,, or if anyone else wants a ship too (we dont have to be moots or close) just send me an ask<3
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koutawoo · 3 years
shishou ! i have a doubt ! what does the syllabe " shira " actually mean iv seen only some animes with very typical tokyo accent use this or not? idk like . . . they say nani ka shira . like that so explain pLS .
-kashira is a sentence ending particle that u use when ur expressing things like doubt or wonder !! the embedded meaning is along the lines of “i wonder,” so u use it when ur questioning bout smth to urself
-kana is the gender neutral form, -kashira is what u usually hear from just females/it’s feminine
nani [what] - kana/kashira [i wonder] —> “i wonder what it is.”
kare wa doko ni iku kashira
i wonder where he’s going
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herrscher-of-trash · 4 years
My NA Chaldea but Descirbed Vaugely/Poorly:
Best Goddess who deserves all the love
Horny(?) Octopus and his cute daughter
Daddy issues
A little eccentric and hates her normal self but we vibe
The only actual wife in this game
Big titty snake
Titty Lancer Pure
Dick Wizard that bullied the best man in this game
“Fuck Greece”
Titty Lancer Dark
Best Kohai
Burgers and McDonalds
The plain original that is still really good but a less eccentric
Lesbian Vampire queen
Best mom, knows how to cook
Horny man whose children just want him to behave
I love all children kitty
Best Trap
Cuddly looking dragon boy
I just want money
An absolute Chad, fuck you in Camelot though
Why can’t Halloween just be normal ever?
We have to rescue Christmas, and teach Eresh happiness especially for the holidays
Baby version of the problem for Daddy Issues
Pls let him sleep he’ll die again
My wife and I will make you wish you came to Rome of your own free will
Fuck Jason, he’s an asshole
Best doggo original bust for some reason not as good as BEST DOGGO
Crabby old man, Musashi plz stop fighting me
Santa times but it’s a Loli plz give her warm clothes
Best girl in Stay Night fight me if you want
“Mozart I hate you but I also love you a little”
“I’m in Russia for some reason” but still a good boy
Chivalrous boy, good teacher, dealt with Salem’s bs
Drunk human assassin
Yandere flames
Entertain me with your racing
The best writer, bought his own books in Apocrypha
Cute boy, Waver plz teach him well like his older self taught you
Big titty snake’s tony adorable half
Best doggo but instead of a spear he has a stick and chants
Fluffy maze boy, plz love him
This man gets the respect from those high level men, Ozy and Chiron and yet he’s only 1 Star
Threw a rock killed a giant, hits on Mash fro some reason
Baby boy who got dealt a shitty hand, gets to be friends with all the other Apoc servants who chill at my Chaldea
Best doggo, no sense of style whatsoever though
Give her clothes please, no Saber should wear that little clothes. Your 3rd skill is literally the gatcha, who thought of that one
Is finally happy to do something besides guard a temple
Summer Shishou
Arts memes, literally all the Crit stars, take that L jack and Merlin
Give her headpats and remember her fondly please.
The only one with no passive skills at all
“Good morning, Rebellion!”
I have an elephant and I’m going to fight Iskandar if he ever shows up here
Showed up in Salemn, Robin had to teach her. Why are her stockings textured like that?
Mom that hated Rome
He tried his best and he has to keep the rest of those crazy Knights in check
“JEANNE!” but with crappy Eldritch tentacles
Challenge quest specialist whose job is to die
Naruto looking Lancer
Taiga but in a onesie.
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mikeys-bike-slut · 2 years
Untitled Part 10
Here it is, I'm sorry it's short, I had to re-edit it because i didnt like what I put so it became short, but I hope y'all like it. I promise the next chapter is so much better, also gon be very emotional haha
Previous parts and OC info
Warning: character in hospital? -i dont htink, it is there smth pls let me know!-
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"Are you the friends or relative of Miss Shishou?" the doctor asks as he looks over the bunch of young people in their early 20's, all wearing the same uniform which he can only guess is a gang uniform. 
"Yes, sir" Draken replies eagerly. "How is she, is she still alive?"
"Yes, we been able to stabilize her for now but she has lost a lot of blood we have to keep her overnight and if she survives the night there is a big chance she will recover but as right now, she has 50-50 chance to survive. Maybe if she would've been admitted to the hospital sooner, maybe right away after she enquired the injury her chances of survival would be higher, but like this... I'm sorry" he shakes his head. "The best we can do right now is pray" 
As the doctor says that the tall blonde male suddenly starts to feel dizzy and stumbles a bit holding his head, trying to regain his balance. "Any chance... we could go in? Even if just one of us?" 
"Two of you at max and not for long" the doctor says then bows his head before walking off. 
"Emma, you and Mikey should go in" Draken says as he looks at her then try to look for Mikey who once again disappeared. "Where the fuck is Manjiro?!" he almost yells, clenching his fist and for the first time in a very long time he feel like he's about to break down crying.
"Ken, please calm down" Emma says in a calmer tone hoping it will calm the beanpole down but he is ready to murder the girl's brother. 
"Mikey... this might be the last chance you'll see her..." Mitsuya says in a serious tone as he looks at his friend who's standing just around the corner not wanting to face anyone. He just stays quiet and the captain loses his patience and steps out from around the corner. "He is right here, sorry... we went to patch up his hands" the silver haired explains meanwhile the short blonde's giving him a glare.
"Go instead of me Kenchin" he says in a monotone voice with an emotionless face; a face only she can read. "You deserve it more than me"
Emma watches the two young men and she knows they both want to see her and she knows they both love her, she can tell by the way both act around her, and honestly? Deep down it makes her happy. As much as she loves Angel, she loves her brothers more. "You two can go in" she speaks up with a small smile.
"Emma, no-" Draken would start but she motions for him to be quiet.
"I know she is going to be okay, I'll see her in the morning, she needs her two favourite idiots now, more than ever" she says in a soft tone holding her tears back as while trying to figure out if she was trying to convince them or herself. She just knew she had to present herself so sure and positive otherwise they would never take her place. 
"Are you absolutely, sure, Em?" the tall one asks in a genuine tone as she looks down at the girl.
"Absolutely" she smiles at him then her brother.
"Thank you" Mikey says quietly then starts walking towards her room. 
"Thank you, bunny" Draken says softly then follows the short male towards the room where she is currently staying. 
Once they walk in they both just stand there in silence, frozen in their place as they just watch their beloved girl fighting for her life, hooked onto various machines. The girl who always never afraid of going against them or anyone for that matter, the girl who knocked Hanma Shuji out with a simple kick, the girl who always greets them with a big smile and smacks them when they're being nuisances, that girl is now laying here barely clinging onto life.
"Did you hear what the doctor said...?" Draken breaks the silence finally but he just can't face his shorter friend. 
"I did" Mikey replies in the same monotone voice. "It's all my fault..." 
"You're a fucking idiot Mikey, how is this your fault?" Draken growls then calms himself. "Look.. we can discuss your self pity later, we're here for Angel" he says then looks at the young woman laying on the hospital bed. "She's still beautiful..." 
"As always" Mikey agrees almost surprising the other male. "You really think I feel nothing for her?" he cocks a brow then shakes his head. "The last thing she said to me was "I'll always be by your side, Manjiro" you better be... I'm nothing without you..." he says quietly as he looks at the girl. "She's my pride." 
"I know she is Mikey... Everyone can see how much you care for her and how much you love her, but this is why I don't understand how could you make that deal..." Draken shakes his head.
"Because I knew we won't lose. I had faith in each and every one of you. And in the off chance... if we would've have actually lost... I already had a back up plan" he says in a dark tone which sent chills down the other's spine, he didn't know what Mikey had planned but he knew when it  comes to Angel, the young commander wouldn't hesitate to kill. "Either way, Angel would have been safe...or I thought, but here we are" he clenches his fist.
"Don't you dare leave us for Baji..." Draken whispers as he looks at her a tear drop rolls down his strong cheek.
"She won't" Mikey says as he finally looks at her and he feel his heart shattering. He already lost so many people, does he has to lose the only person who ever made him feel something?  "You know, she loves you, Kenny" 
Draken sighs then nods. "I know... Just as I love her" he says as he looks at her. 
"You know Kenny, we never really fought, or ever rivalled over anything... but for her? I will beat you and win" he gives his friend a smile who looks up and returns the smile.
"I accept the challenge" he smiles than they shook hands.
"Now to just wait for her to wake up" Mikey stretches and lets out a yawn. He seemed so sure and certain.
Draken just shakes his head, Mikey is so hopeful... and naïve, deep inside he is still that 15 year old kid who wanted to take over the world and believed; if you confident enough in something, it will happen. He admired him for this, he always had his confidence in things when they almost or actually seem lost, no wonder he is the leader of Toman.
"We should go. She needs rest" Mikey says then gives her one last smile before walking out. 
Ken walks over to her bed and just caresses her cheek then leans over her unconscious body and places a soft kiss onto her forehead. "Get better princess, Mikey and I have a gift for you" he says softly then pulls away and let out a deep sigh. 
Once both left the room Mikey motions towards his men. "I have something to do, but you lot, go out and gather as much intel as you can, I want the bastard who stabbed her in front of the shrine in the next 48 hours" he says coldly as he gives the command to his fellow members. The guys just nod in unison before taking their leave following upon their commander's order. 
"Kenchin, please take Emma home and stay with her" he looks at his friend who nods but cocks a brow. 
"What are you gonna do?" he asks in an uneasy tone, not really trusting his friend at the moment.
"My duty" he says in a serious tone then walks off.
The tall just sighs being too tired to babysit his commander, he can only hope he won't do anything stupid. He gently lifts up the tired blonde girl who he was tasked with, though he already had the same idea. Once he arrives at the Sano residency he gently wakes the girl who let's them in the house then instantly goes to the sofa and curls up on it. 
"Em... C'mon. Let's go to bed" Draken pleads with her softly as he crouches down beside her. 
"I don't wanna be alone..." she whispers as her tears starts to fall again even thought she is barely conscious.  
"You won't, I'm staying the night. You can cuddle up to me and sleep in my arms if you want" he offers, finally showing his softer side to the blonde girl, which he realized he has been lacking a lot. He looked at her as a sister for so long he forgot sisters needs affection and care too. 
"Please..." she whispers while her tears just fall down in rivers, seemingly unable to stop. 
"Come on, bunny" he says softly as he gently scoops her up, wrapping her short legs around his waist then taking her into her bedroom and carefully laying her down on the bed. He kicks off his boots and takes off his jacket then climbs into bed next Emma and pulls her into his strong arms wrapping them around her protectively then falling asleep with her. 
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temnurus · 5 years
Furuba Characters and Their Hogwarts Houses
I have been thinking about this for almost a week now, and I finally got around to typing up my thoughts on which Hogwarts Houses I think the cast of Furuba belong in. I love combining two of my favorite fandoms this way, so here it goes. I’m not doing every single side character under the sun because there are a lot of them, and frankly I don’t have thoughts on every single character when it comes to their Houses. Anyway, here’s the list as follows:
Tohru - Hufflepuff, purely and without question. I’ll disagree with you all day long if you try to convince me she’s anything else.
Arisa - Gryffindor because pls. She’s brash, impetuous, and has a temper. Also fiercely loyal to her friends, but Arisa’s just way too Gryffindor for me to consider Hufflepuff for a singular trait.
Saki - Slytherin. Some people might argue this one, and that’s fair. I think Saki would make a great Slytherin. She’s cunning and dark but in a good way.
Kyoko - Gryffindor all the way. I really shouldn’t even have to justify this one.
Katsuya - Slytherin again. He puts up a front with his polite speech and maneuvers Kyoko into making better life choices. There’s not as much to go on with him, so it’s my best guess.
Yuki - Slytherin. I waffled about Yuki for awhile, but really he belongs there (again, in a good way).
Kyo - Gryffinpuff because while he has a lot of Gryffindor in him, I’m gonna be honest. Kyo isn’t very brave for most of the series, but he is kind after a fashion. And hard-working.
Shigure - Slytherin but in a bad way. Manipulative, ambitious, selfish, and conniving. I hate his face. Can you tell?
Hatori - Hufflepuff. I had to think about this for awhile, but I really think it suits Hari. He may appear closed off at first, but he is kind, hard-working, and exceedingly loyal.
Ayame - Gryffindor because bitch is LOUD. He’s also impulsive, but Aya can be surprisingly chivalrous in his better moments.
Kagura - Gryffindor. I mean, where else?
Hatsuharu - Hufflepuff. He definitely has a touch of Gryffindor, but I feel like his kindness and loyalty win out over his brasher moments.
Momiji - Gryffindor. Momiji is effusive, chivalrous, and definitely brave.
Kisa - Hufflepuff definitely. She’s a little marshmallow of love.
Hiro - Ravenclaw. This kid has a MOUTH on him. Precocious, so definitely has the wit, and his snark is certainly creative. Some people might argue the point on Hiro, but I think it fits.
Rin - Ravenclaw. Might seem like an odd choice at first, but I think she’s creative and definitely has a thirst for knowledge when it comes to seeking answers. Slytherin could work, too, though.
Ritsu - Hufflepuff. Let’s be real. He doesn’t fit anywhere else. He’s sweet and means well, but ultimately Ritsu’s a bit of a weenie.
Kureno - Hufflepuff because he’s a male Tohru. Arisa nailed that one (pun intended, haha).
Akito - NONE. Akito is a spiteful little squib. I only include her in the list in order to share my contempt of her and her asshole trash man Shigure. They deserve each other.
Ren - Another nasty Slytherin like Shigure. I’d like to light her on fire and watch her burn. That gross little warped love triangle can GTFO.
Kazuma - Hufflepuff cuz Shishou is the best dad ever.
Kakeru - Gryffindor without a doubt. Loud man is loud. He’s also brave to taunt Yuki the way he does. Or possibly very stupid. Either way, still Gryffindor.
Machi - Ravenclaw because I think she’s both intelligent and observant.
Mine - Ravenpuff. I honestly can’t decide between the two for Mine. She’s wonderfully creative and also incredibly loyal. She’s one of my favorite minor characters.
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shih-coulda-had-it · 5 years
Savior Complex
warnings: starts off pretty apocalyptic, so yes, MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH. but also a time travel fic, so...? GEN (for now), even if Izuku is age 35! 
summary: So many dead, so little left to protect. One for All responds to Deku’s dream and pulls him into the past.
a credit! @thelennystorm for inspiring Nana’s Quirk and Hero name (pls message me if you would like this changed)
“You did everything right,” said the specter, All for One’s younger brother. Izuku stayed prone on the ground, feeling hollow and just… not very Plus Ultra about his situation. The world was teetering on the brink of desolation; only the most overpowered heroes had survived the first few cataclysms, and they shuttled back and forth between the remaining communes of humanity.
All for One had stopped playing games. Humanity starts anew, he had declared on every screen, every soundwave, or not at all.
Izuku had spent close to fifteen years being one of Japan’s Symbols of Peace. He was thirty-five now, and no closer to finding a successor than he was to eradicating All for One.
“I should be doing more,” he grieved.
The sickly-complexioned man tilted his head. “Didn’t you hear me? You’re doing all you can.” His voice turned remorseful. “If anything, my older brother should have been stopped long ago.”
Izuku closed his eyes. “None of you could access One for All like me. I’m the one with a shot at beating him and his regenerative Quirks, and I can’t find him.”
Izuku had met and befriended other countries’ top heroes, but One for All was unique in its stockpiling of its previous users and its unlimited potential, so no one had yet matched Izuku’s prowess. But no one offered any help either.
Japan’s problem, the United Nations had decreed, just before All for One turned his attention from his homeland to the world, Japan’s responsibility.
And that had set the policy up to the present.
He took breaks in this mindscape. His predecessors flitted in and out of awareness, talking less and less as time marched on. All for One’s younger brother’s presence broke the streak of loneliness and silent accusations.
“Midoriya,” said the man. “How badly do you want to fix this?” He gestured broadly at the mindscape, but Izuku got the gist. How badly do you want to stop All for One?
“I’d give my life,” he answered.
“When would you do it?”
The evenness of the interrogation was beginning to mess with Izuku’s mind. And then there was that choice of when, not how. He contemplated the question with all the seriousness it demanded. He used to track All for One’s history; when and who the villain had killed or taken the Quirk of, when were the most pivotal moments. He used to dream about saving those people.
Most of all, he used to dream about saving All Might’s predecessor.
Shimura Nana had not been a famous hero, but she had been well-liked among her peers. Flicker Vision, the Vanishing Hero. Able to disappear from sight for five seconds at a time—a distortion of her cells, so far as Izuku had experienced. According to all documents, her death had occurred via an unknown detonation of red and black energy in a city never rebuilt. Izuku had begged the rest of the narrative from Nana, who’d recounted what she could with a forced smile. All Might’s face, downcast and miserable, provided the dry account with all the emotions it entailed.
“I’d save Shimura-san,” Izuku finally murmured. “She came the closest to destroying all his operations at the time, and she came face to face with him. If I could go back, it’d be that fight.”
“That fight made your hero,” said the man. “That’s when All Might was forged. You’d trade one legend for one forgotten name?”
He had given thought to changing the battle of Kamino Ward, his other concrete reference point, but during All for One’s temporary imprisonment, he had gloated about recently achieving invincibility in conjunction with immortality. That necessitated an earlier change.
Izuku cracked open an eye. “All Might didn’t need a crucible,” he shot back. “He already had his ideals, and his purpose.” He bit his lip, and did a cursory check for the souls around them. No Nana or All Might tonight. “And…” he reluctantly added, because this admission would mean his decision was not wholly objective, “he loved her.”
“Like a mother.”
It stung. Mostly because the memory of Izuku’s own mother hadn’t yet scarred over yet. But no, he couldn’t think of that now, or he’d be crying the rest of his break away. He made a noise of vague agreement, just to appease the man.
He got poked in the cheek. “Hey, Midoriya.”
Izuku sighed.
“Time to go.”
The unceremonious booting from his own mindscape, Izuku thought uncharitably, was clearly an omen for this fucking mess of a fight. He evaded the fingers headed for his stomach, blindly swung out with a retaliatory kick. Shigaraki was wearing his glee proudly, and already treating this battle like a playful, if deadly, spar.
They even had something like a script by this point. Izuku had bumped into Shigaraki far too often to not develop one.
“Where’s All for One?” he demanded.
“Sensei’s busy,” sang the villain. “Too busy for the likes of you.”
They circled each other for a few seconds, and then Izuku tapped into Nana’s Quirk, then exercised Black Whip to trip the other man. He faded back into sight behind the sprawled Shigaraki. “That’s unfortunate,” he said, planting a foot right between the shoulder blades. “Because I have some plans to kill him.”
A startled giggle. “Kill? Wow, so much for being a hero!”
Izuku was too jaded by this point to let the jibe sting him. He lessened the pressure on Shigaraki’s spine in any case, only to flinch back at the handfuls of powdery dust being flung at his face.
And then he was choking on pain, because Shigaraki—always, always faster than he should be—had gotten to his feet and had slammed all five fingers to his stomach, his other hand curling in on Izuku’s collar.
Full Cowl’s protection meant that there was a delay. It meant that there was a painful delay.
“Izuku!” barked All for One’s younger brother. “Pull back your fist!”
Through the agony of skin splintering and reknitting, regenerating and decaying, Izuku obeyed. Shigaraki’s grin grew wilder at the defiant sight, and he crowed something unintelligible.
“Think of your dream!” urged the man. “Think of all who were reliant on you to protect them,” and Izuku closed his eyes and pictured the dead, his mentors and his classmates and his family; he pictured Nana’s slumped back as she recalled her final moments, and All Might’s horror at hearing what he’d left his shishou to face, “AND STRIKE WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT!”
Izuku—backed by his eight predecessors howling that same, angry pitch—screamed and punched forward.
The wind enveloped them. Then the world ripped apart.
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,” babbled a deep, if youthful, voice. “Is he dead? Where’d he come from?”
“Kid, pull it together,” said a more gravelly tone. It was closer to Izuku, who was fighting past the cobwebs and frantically pulling on One for All, which felt smaller than it had before he and Shigaraki—
His eyes snapped open, and although he instinctively tried to sit up, a throbbing bolt of pain encouraged him to fall back instead. “Shit—!”
“Steady,” said the presence kneeling by his shoulder. No steadying hand was offered though. “What’s your name? Do you know who attacked you?”
Blinking past the tears, Izuku reoriented himself first. In front of him, nervously bouncing from foot to foot, was a—oh. Oh, wow. It was a much younger All Might, when he wasn’t using One for All. Izuku could tell by the sunflower yellow hair and the Young Age costume.
Next to him was… his brain stalled. Gran Torino. He was tall, and broadly-muscled, but Izuku could recognize the silver hair (longer, more tousled and rakish) and hawk-like eyes, the off-white and yellow costume that clearly hadn’t changed over the decades.
“Did a—did you see anyone else?” he croaked. “Man a bit above our age. Gray hair. Mole on his lower right jaw.”
Gran Torino looked at All Might, and tilted his head expectantly.
“No,” said All Might. His expression was more than a little queasy. “No, I think—I think you might be laying in him though.”
Izuku—didn’t look down. Valiantly refused to look down. If he had a growing awareness of something seeping into his uniform, sticky and warm, then so what? His environment appeared to be a back alley. Coffee spilled all the time. So Izuku kept his mind busy studying Gran Torino. Doesn’t look like he’s grieving. Does look like he’s in a hurry. What happened to me?
“It’s not on your face,” All Might provided helpfully.
“Your name,” said Gran Torino impatiently.
“Deku,” slipped out before Izuku could filter it. He’d gone by it for too long, hearing it more than his civilian name in the recent years. “No, sorry, uh. Midoriya Izuku.”
Populations had skyrocketed in the world once Quirks were determined to be tailored in 80% of them. So names were in abundance. He wouldn’t strike any mysterious records, where they would find parallels between him and his future baby self.
Gran Torino’s head jerked, like he had heard something. He inhaled sharply, but upon catching Izuku’s eyes, let it go. He needed to jet off then.
Izuku tested his limbs. One for All was doing some miracle work, regenerating the torn muscle fibers and decayed organ tissue. He’d be ready to go any second. “If you gotta go, you gotta go,” said Izuku encouragingly. “I’ll call a friend.”
“To take you to the hospital I hope,” huffed the man.
He made a noncommittal noise. All Might shuffled his stance again, and nervously reminded his teacher of shishou. A concussive force hummed through the air, and in the distance, there were the faint shrieks of sirens, the tremors of buildings facing imminent collapse.
Okay. Izuku was in the right time. Now to just shadow along behind these two.
“You a hero?” demanded Gran Torino. He got to his feet, paused for a beat, scoffed, and offered his hand out. Izuku took it.
“Close enough,” he answered. His license had been lost and shredded a few years ago, but by then, his was a recognizable face and costume. You only had to say green in guessing games, and thoughts would immediately go to Deku. Izuku closed his eyes and pulled at One for All, and the familiar rush of Full Cowl enveloped him.
“You a vigilante?”
Izuku grimaced. “I think your intern mentioned a shishou,” he reminded Gran Torino pointedly. No need to interrogate him about the legality of his work, never mind his identity. Maybe the chaos of the times would be a boon; he could slip right into the Quirk register and Japan’s government records without a second glance.
Gran Torino clicked his tongue, clearly torn between racing for Nana and locking down an unknown, highly suspect element.
Finally, he relented. “If you’re a hero, start a perimeter and begin rescue,” he ordered. “If you’re an enemy, give me the goddamn pleasure of letting me know now, so I can beat you unconscious without wasting time.”
Izuku couldn’t resist. “And if I’m a civilian?”
Gran Torino glared. “Yeah, nice try. Jumpsuit and gear like that? Soaked in blood? You’re one or the other. Tell me now.”
A yellow-gloved hand was curling into a fist. Izuku was familiar enough with his mentor that the steady breathing was preparation for movement, and it was clear that a Gran Torino in his prime had much better lung capacity than an elder. He snapped off a smart salute. “Hero.”
“Then get,” said Gran Torino. To All Might, who was avidly watching the byplay, he snapped, “Let’s go, kid.”
Anyone else might have lost them after the first two seconds.
Midoriya Izuku, using 100% of One for All? Child’s play. He closed his eyes and centered himself, now more than aware that two people had just vanished from his Quirk, and when he opened them, green irises gleamed.
*note: in the All Might Rising OVA, All Might refers to Nana as oshishou; the ‘o-’ prefix is an indicator of respect, so far as google tells me. think ‘onee-san’ or ‘otou-san’ versus ‘nee-san’ and ‘tou-san.’
i didn’t bother translating shishou to master, like the subtitles did, mostly because... well, the English doesn’t really hold that emotional relationship you see in these mentorships (thinking of the other mentorship i’m familiar with, which is Sakura and Tsunade)
<<and then i didn’t add the prefix ‘o-’ because deep down, i’m a victim of habit, and i’ve seen shishou more than oshishou>>
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ikkakusenkin · 5 years
shishou can we pls do something about the pig, i've lost like three files on rogue nin and i think tonton is eating them
interfered munching provoked the silence. hunger has been gradually taking over, rage ignited enough to erupt. with absence of the apprentice, a solution was discovered at once. 
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             ❛ oh i can deal with the pig— ❜
( @yinsealed )
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