#pls the way he fell out of the chair ๐Ÿ˜‚
poisonouswritings ยท 2 years
Sage has never been in love before MC. He had his fair number of bedmates but other than one night stand there were no emotions
So imagine one night him hanging out with Tulsi in the tavern (let's say between the period of chp.3-4)
They were chit chat and one lead to another and they came to the subject of mc
Sage just tells what happened and mc ended up with him and it's just a job...blah blah blah but then Tulsi notices the fond smile on sage's face and the dreamy eyes whenever he recall your memory and Tulsi just " bro... you have a crush..?" and sage goes absolute tomato and desperately deny it and Tulsi is just "uh huh sure ๐Ÿ˜"
Now after he admits his feelings to himself he won't shut up about mc and brag how they did amazing in the training. Poor Tulsi can't take it anymore
Idk I thought it would be a fun idea ๐Ÿ˜‚
Anon you're right it's a great idea
GN!Reader, alcohol mention, Sage is a rambling fool and Tulsi is both amazed and slightly horrified
Remember how Tulsi initially accused MC of being one of Sage's trysts?
So it's like, a week after the thing with Elowen. Sage and Tulsi are at the tavern, chatting about this and that - both careful to avoid bringing up anything too emotionally heavy - when Tulsi sets her elbows on the bartop and grins.
'So. About MC-' 'I already told you it wasn't like that!' 'Alright. Then what is it like?'
Sage's ears flick as he looks down at his ale. ''s Felix's fault. He opened some dumb portal to this place called Ee-rth or whatever and dragged MC through it.' He leans closer to Tulsi, lowering his voice. Not that he really needs to - the drunks here aren't gonna give two shits about this anyways. 'They have a Relic. The Astrolabe.'
Tulsi scowls into her drink. 'Same one Choir Boy had?'
Sage leans away and nods, chair creaking dangerously as he tips back onto two legs, downing the swill in his mug. He sets it down with a thump! and pushes it towards the bartender. 'Same one. 'n Anisa decided someone had to look after 'em - show them how to fight and all that. And they picked me.'
Tulsi's eyebrows raise. 'They chose you?'
Sage nods. His cheeks bare a faint ruddy glow - whether from the alcohol or something else, it's too early to say. 'Mhm. There isn't anything else to it. So you,' and here he pauses to poke her cheek, 'keep your mouth shut.'
She sticks her tongue out at him and he laughs. It's... Nice. She missed this.
She also missed getting to dig for dirt. She bites the inside of her cheek to hide a grin. 'So. Tell me about them, then.'
Sage's tail flicks behind him. The bartender refills his ale and he nearly finishes it in one gulp. 'Well...'
Tulsi's amusement quickly morphs into a nearly grotesque amazement. She has never seen him like this, cheeks glowing red and eyes filled with something so innocent as he rambles on and on and on. For nearly an hour he prattles, and poor Tulsi can't get a word in edgewise. She finally draws the line when she can now recite - by memory - the exact way your eyes seem to sparkle in sunlight, literally leaning over and clapping her hand over Sage's mouth to shut him up.
'Gods, I get it! You're in love with them.'
Sage licks her hand. She doesn't even blink. So he wretches his head away, glaring daggers at her. 'I a-am not! I told you, this is just a job.'
Tulsi chuckles, wiping her hand on her apron. 'Whatever, lover boy. Next round's on you.'
It's about a month later when Sage plops down next to her at the bar, face buried in his hands, tail limp on the floor and ears pinned flat against his hair. Tulsi raises an eye and sips from her drink. His voice is barely above a growl. 'I fucked up.' Tulsi hums. 'You fell in love?' 'Same difference.'
And so begins the Torment of Tulsi Ain. Every. Single. Time. that they meet up, Sage is gushing. She knows you pretty well at this point - it's been a few months and you and her are good friends now - but there are some things (like the way you smell after a workout or the particular way your nose crinkles when you yawn or how cute you look in your underwear because Sage hasn't learned how to knock) that she really doesn't need to hear about.
But Tulsi has a plan. She knocks back her drink. Holds her hand out to stop Sage from launching into his very-detailed-description of how your hands look so nice to hold (seriously someone help this poor idiot). Surprisingly he listens. She leans her elbow on the bartop and her chin on her palm, keeping her expression neutral. 'What d'you think their type is?' Sage blinks, his tail going still. 'I mean,' Tulsi continues casually, 'When they came by the forge the other day, a friend of mine was in there. Ended up asking me about them. And since you aren't making a move, I figured you won't mind if I set them up.'
Sage shoots her what's probably the most venomous glare he ever has. 'Fuck off.'
Tulsi just shrugs. 'I asked MC if they'd be open to dating.' That catches his attention. 'Said they were. The world doesn't stop just because you're too much of a chicken shit to go for it.'
Sage's face is bright red as he growls at her. 'Shut the hell up.'
Tulsi hums and takes another sip of her ale.
She's given him a push. Hopefully he can make use of it.
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