#plus also omega was HILARIOUS in archie
shannonallaround · 11 months
Rouge and Shadow’s dynamic was superior in the Archie comics you can’t change my mind
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flyingcookierambles · 3 years
hm reading??
hm so like re: this and reading some other stuff thats like homestuck epilogues/2 critical (being super slow compared to hs, being depressing, making all the characters become assholes for like no reason (hs2 crit stuff in the later half of this vid, about 30 or 40 minutes in i think??), the creators being uh not the best people, etc.), plus my own slow experience with trying to read through the incredible boring long winded sloughs that were the epilogues meat and candy when they first came out uhh
i think that i’ll skip on finishing the epilogues/hs^2 since they honestly sound. so. boring.
we as an entire internet culture are just so sick and tired of when beloved media from our childhood get some weird reboot but its dark and gritty and edgy on purpose. for example the entire cw reboot joke meme that applies to riverdale/archie comics, the winx club netflix show, and now powerpuff girls, but the girls are “adults who are depressed and hate their childhood heroics” or whatever is even happening with that show right now since its still technically in production lol. 
and you know what. epilogues/hs2 sounds like its the dumb cw reboot.
i think ill stick to the games (friendsim/hiveswap/pesterquest), already existing better written fanfic and fan works/adventures that feature original characters and canon characters doing. not riverdale stuff. so yeah.
for fan adventures, i’m planning to read these:
Vast Error (https://mspfa.com/?s=2302)
OasisQuest (https://mspfa.com/?s=29685&p=1)
Homestuck: Act Omega (https://mspfa.com/?s=16414&p=1)
Cool and new web comic (https://mspfa.com/?s=14113&p=1)
Alabaster: The Doomed Session (https://mspfa.com/?s=236&p=1)
Act 8 (https://mspfa.com/?s=14278&p=1)
Karkat goes to a convention (https://mspfa.com/?s=27317&p=1)
Hackbent (https://mspfa.com/?s=2810&p=1)
TLCstruck: Double Death of the Author (https://mspfa.com/?s=2810&p=1)
for fanfic hmm. i’ll probably reread stuff and then move to try to find other things lol. and like all the stuff directly listed here are things that i’ve personally read before except LoDaD and the general big tvtropes list so like yes i like these i approve of them i have read them in my lifetime at some point and you should also try them lol.
honestly i’m currently re-reading the classic crossover between hs and alien nation, which is an interesting movie that you should watch even if its a dumb 90′s movie that isnt the best lol. while its technically not finished/hasnt been updated since 2014, honestly the endings of all of them are good enough to be like “yeah i could stop here” so eh. i will warn that the fics, from 2012-2014 era, have the r-slur in them, which is cringy and unfortunate. :/
maybe i’ll finally finish the land of dungeons and dragons, by the same person as above, which is like 600K words and 173 chapters.
there’s straw soldiers, which is great. i remember waiting for the final chapter update and it literally dropped when i was in the middle of science class in high school lol. alternia decides to have trolls undergo surgery/learning/etc. to be spies on earth preparing for an alternian invasion. karkat is one of them.
terawatt outlaws is incredible. where sollux is discovered and taken by the condesce to power her ship, sollux meets his ancestor the psiioniic/ancient beta universe mituna captor, and they team up and start a revolution. 
a lullaby for the gods starts out as a fluffy found family crack crossover between homestuck and the avengers, and a plot starts forming in later chapters. its still ongoing so you can binge read it but you’ll have to wait for an actual ending.
petstuck au where trolls are on earth but like. pets. (the og, the fanfic of a fanfic, and the fanfic of the 2 fanfics that got fic-married)
the parody game faqs/early 2000′s type walkthrough fic 
cultstuck! - karkat is kinda raised/protected by the signless cult. also revolutions happen yay
we’re all doomed - hilarious doomed session where the kids and trolls decide to fix things as best as possible and live/chill together. kinda lol
the gods we once knew - a sadstuck one shot thats real good
honestly these are good lists for stuff really - fics and works
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