#plus i feel like carnations fit their vibe more
thapunqueen · 1 year
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Hey Hey Hey Lover,,
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improperingenue · 2 years
Spring Awakening Headcanons Part 2
These are flowers I think the kids would like/the flowers I associate with them — except plot twist, I limited them to flowers that grow in Germany
Melchior: Snowdrop. They bloom in the winter and that just screams,,,rebellion tbh, but then that’s offset by a kind of naïveté in their appearance and name
Wendla: I considered Baby’s Breath, but Wendla is not defined by her innocence, so I’m thinking Lily of the Valley. They have a quiet elegance that she would admire and they represent humility and happiness which are some of her core values
Moritz: Forget-me-nots. Everything about them screams Moritz. Okay, I’m going to be sad now
Ilse: Edelweiss (cue The Sound of Music) Okay but other than that the flower is known for being able to bloom in difficult conditions and I think Ilse would like to know that something beautiful could still arise from hardship
Martha: Marigolds, which are kind of strange because apparently they have a double meaning, signifying grief and pain but also strength and inner light,,,which is incredibly Martha
Hanschen: He seems like he’d respect a good red carnation. They’re associated with esteem and affection, plus they’re a quiet symbol of socialism (which fits the theme of Hanschen being as smart and wanting change as much as Melchior without being loud about it)
Ernst: German chamomile. I don’t really have a good explanation other than the vibes match
Thea: Hyacinth — maybe this is because of the colors I associate Thea with, but I feel like she’d appreciate that pop of bold color they bring to otherwise small and rather quaint surroundings
Melitta: Melitta’s a buttercup girl. She’s a really such a sweetheart and a good, chaotic friend
Anna: European spindle — they’re not super well known or appreciated (like Anna), but they really have strong personality and are gorgeous in bloom
Georg: Cornflower? That shade of blue is actually stunning though. Maybe Georg has more layers of appreciation for things other than his piano teacher than we thought
Otto: Daffodil. Idk man he just gives off those vibes
Please me know what headcanons you want to see! (I’m not that creative I need ideas)
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Written by: 🍡
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Character(s): Zhongli
Warnings: N/A aside from canon typical violence, also me bending canon just a bit to fit the scenario lol
What if YOU were a big lizard
And Zhongli and you were also in love
But before we get into all that: exposition
You are the (formerly) falcon of the west from Mondstadt, one of the four winds, but you’ve more or less retired to a cottage and a human form to vibe until erosion or something claims you lol
The people of Mondstadt know and more or less treat you like one of the knights and the kind of respect reserved for like elders
While you were technically not a actual falcon, being a feathered amphiptere was more or less close enough (plus you shared the title with the knights and/or Vannessa soooo-)
Enough exposition
You and Zhongli met during the Archon War, and then again during the Cataclysm
At first you two were vary wary of each other, which is honestly fair because war + dragon territorial instincts or smth lol
Especially since Zhongli at that time was still, well, war god and fuckin idiot brute Morax
But eventually you two would come to a begrudging respect (with and/or without Dvalin calling you two idiots despite being the middle child in terms of ages compared to you two-)
Morax/Zhongli and you at this point are more or less sparring partners, once the archon war dies down and y’all can just Vibe
Enemies to rivals to friendly rivals to friends to lovers 500k slowburn fic dynamic
Flash forward to years later to well, present/game canon day
You and Morax have been corresponding less and less, until the news of his death reached you at your cottage and you’re, pretty distraught yeah
Sudden death + unresolved romantic feelings = so so so much stress
You start losing/tearing out your feathers and shutting yourself in your cottage for a while :( iridescent scales losing their luster b/c you’re in mourning and too sad to take care of yourself
A couple weeks later of grieving and general five stages of grief and all, you’re more or less ready to continue living how Morax Would Probably Want You To
Until you get a knock on the door
And lo and behold, it’s a fucking sheepish as hell Zhongli
Fun fact! While birds don’t have that great of a sense of smell, snakes have a GREAT sense of smell
And even with his disguise you can tell Zhongli is Morax
[insert sitcom laugh track here while you chew out zhongli about not informing you because goddammit old man I CARE about you and I’m also retired and would understand that you want to retire too]
You two (re)bond over tea after the chewing out lol
Soon enough inbetween vibing as a mortal in Liyue, Zhongli makes the time to visit you in Mondstadt whenever he can :)
Tending to your gardens, entertaining your neighborhood village kids, the works
Very cute and domestic
You also teach Zhongli how to manage his finances better GDJDBDKNDKD
Either way, while it isn’t explicitly said, you two were in a weird gray area of: “are we dating already? Married? Courting???”
Bit of a mess yeah
But you’re the one who makes the first step, setting off on a trip to Liyue (leaving a note for Zhongli and everyone else ofc) to find the most beautiful and shining cor lapis, as well as a radiant black opal
A courting gift of sorts, dragon courting rituals or smth I’ll elaborate it on a different post if I feel like it
Zhongli is absolutely touched ofc, who wouldn’t be, since you went out of the way to get your gifts from his former-ish nation
Obviously he accepts, and a few days later he gives you his reciprocal courting gift, a bouquet of windwheel asters, peonies, orchids, and carnations
You both commemorate the courting via sharing each other’s scales, one golden for you and one iridescent for he :)
The scales were probably made into some form of jewelry or something lmao
Anyways afterwards nothing really changes about your relationship together other than y’all get SO much more obvious your relationship together AVSJXBKXNX
No thoughts head full of cute domestic nonsense <3
Lots of gift-giving as a love language because haha “here’s a thing you like that I found!!” + dragon hoard instinct lol
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straymackerel · 5 years
something sweet, pt i
➽─{chuuya x fem!reader who spaces out in a flower shop :) pt ii}─❥
warning(s): good vibes only
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He’s way out of place amongst bouquets of soft lavender and arrangements of pink lilies. Sure, he graces the flowers with his very presence–but the lavender is too calm and delicate, and the variegated lilies are too standoffish, in part because they compete with his own striking orange hair. You then realize that the visual disagreement is also due to the fact that the lilies are so tall, and his stature is... well...
But something changes as his figure shifts to stand against a grid of roses. In white square shelves that cover the back wall of the store are the iconic flowers in most colors of the rainbow, but he gravitates towards the center which is dominated by bright red. It’s a classy pairing, him and the red petals of fiery passion, along with the understated barbed stems supporting the heft of the floral glamor. Plus, there’s that black top hat of his adorned by a matching red band. Ah, so fitting. He briefly catches you staring as he peels himself away from the romantic display, and you think you see him suppress a smirk but you’re really quite unsure because he goes back to ignoring you immediately. 
Embarrassed, you turn away too, trying to get back to what you were doing before. Carnations, maybe? You try to appreciate the choices in front of you, but you’ve now lost interest. Your thoughts are sloppy and half-hearted. Eyes blurring as you zone out, you can barely make out what the cashier says in the background: “Just one? That’ll be 100 yen.”
Oh brother. You felt like buying flowers for yourself today–having passed this particular shop one too many times–but you can’t get the images of the slight male out of your head. As you try to deliberate between bundles of yellow and blue and orange, you end up seeing traces of that long black sports coat and the ribbon bolo tie in every floral silhouette. Your distractions are for naught; you just have to get one more look at this guy before you leave.
And you do. For, as you ponder a discreet way to steal a glance in the stranger’s direction, a black glove extends into your line of vision and you step backwards out of caution. In the corner of your eye, you notice it’s him, and nearly trip over your own feet.
“For you,” he says, steely blue eyes locked onto yours. It takes all your willpower to maintain eye contact. He’s obviously sizing you up as his posture straightens out, perhaps to make up for his lack of height. But however tall you are, it feels like he’s towering over you as he cocks an eyebrow at your lack of response.
You decide to land on a conservatively worded “Why, thank you,” preoccupied by the glint of the metal buckle that clasps his choker. And the way his lovely hair frames his face and falls past his left shoulder. And the curious twinkle in his eyes as you reach for the rose stem. Undeniably, some kind of trance-like state is washing over you like the calm before the storm.
But you’re blocked by his other gloved hand; the cool leather envelops your fingers in a loose fist. He drawls on slowly, deliberately:
“Hey, I’ve actually got an... errand to run right now, but there’s someplace I’d love to take you. Does tomorrow around this time sound good?” 
The words register but they don’t seem to fully process. Without thinking much of the proposal, you nod your head with lips slightly parted. When he lets go and the rose finally reaches your hands, your lips press into themselves, forming a furious smile while postponed heat rises to your cheeks.
“Uh..?” Hold up, wait a second! But he’s already walking off, swagger in his step.
“W-whoa! Wait, what?! And where would that be?” He’s up to the front door by now, pausing as he lets his free leg prop it open. 
“Come back tomorrow and you’ll find out,” he replies, winking and leaving you dumbstruck. There’s something tangibly self-assured in his smile as he makes his exit. The jangling of bells silences you both as the door shuts closed. 
You feel tricked, almost. A complete stranger just asked you out! Your legs are locked and you swear you can hear the shopkeeper chuckle in the back room. Not to mention you were so focused on just how stunning he looked to even get his name-!
A glance at the nearest clock and you know it’s 4 PM. Twenty four more hours and you’ll most certainly be back. You roll the rose stem in the fingers of one hand as you wave goodbye to a thoroughly amused shopkeeper with the other. Once you’re outside–though it’s been at least a minute or two–you glance around to see if you can catch one last glimpse of the brazen redhead. But of course, he’s long gone; that’s a sight reserved for tomorrow.
part ii
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atiny-ahgase · 4 years
Tumblr Accounts as Flowers
Hey everyone, Gabby here; also known as the person who is really bad at titles. (Just ignore it..).
Anyway, I originally wanted to upload this on August 1st but I hurt my wrist so I couldn’t. For this reason, I’ll be doing this entire post with one hand.
Started: August 2nd, 10:02 p.m.
Completed: August 3rd, 1:28 a.m.
Anyway, the basis of this blog is that I really like flowers and I’ve always been passionate about the idea of people as flowers and I so I thought “why not attempt to match Tumblr personalities to flowers”. Keyword being “attempt” because humans are such complex beings that they don’t possess just one personality trait or mannerism so I’m just going to try my best. 
Also, this entire blog is subjective based off of what I see on Tumblr because I don’t know anyone personally and this is just how I see them plus almost every site has a different outlook on flowers and how they represent individuals. And this is just my opinion and or the general vibe I get.
Side note: If I say “named anon” then that means that I have an anon emoji that I use when speaking to them and if I just say “anon” then that means that I don’t.
Okay, now that the formalities are over I can finally begin. (Fingers crossed that I was even remotely accurate).
There are some traits of certain flowers that I personally believe don’t fit certain person so I will be omitting those traits and will only focus on the traits that I think fit.
Let’s start with the entire reason I joined Tumblr in the first place. the light that illuminates an otherwise dark sky; our moon, Luna ( @mingishoe ).
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For Luna, I decided to go with the Carnation. Persons like the Carnation are genuine and down-to-earth, they prefer more of the simple things in life and shun pretentiousness. They are loyal, trustworthy and well-respected amongst their friend group. They serve as a great shoulder to lean on as they are supportive and known to give good advice and guidance. They are practical and realistic and find fulfilment knowing that they’ve helped others.
-Sincerely, your Named Anon
Secondly, if Luna is the Moon then Amelie ( @vocalyunho ) is the Sun; a bright beam that fills your day with happiness. Truly a sweet and gentle soul.
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So for her, I chose the Tulip. Persons like Tulips always give 110% in everything they do and every situation they face. They possess a lighthearted, soft and caring personality. They connect easily with others and are always sweet and generous towards those they care about. They have a cheerful attitude towards life and are great at giving advice.
-Sincerely, your Anon.
Now third is my North star, the one that always seems to guide me when I feel lost, Zad ( @yunhoshoe ).
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No debate here, Zad is 100% a Sunflower. Just as the Sunflower blooms open so too are Sunflower individuals. They are bright, cheerful and energetic. They create a pool of warmth wherever they go which makes them very approachable. They are generally bubbly and happy-go-lucky individuals who see the beauty in every day and finds satisfaction in life’s simplest gifts.
-Sincerely, your Named Anon.
Lastly is the cutest little teacup in the world, @atinybrew (Mollie). Honestly such an adorable person, she must be protected at all costs.
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So for Mollie, I chose the Peony; a flower that blooms for a short time and such inspires others to live in the moment. Persons like the Peony are sweet and caring individuals with a heart of gold. They are excellent listeners are great conversationalists. They appreciate small gestures and are sweet-natured individuals.
-Sincerely, your Named Anon.
I really like doing things like this so it was a lot of fun. Honestly, if these are even remotely accurate I’m taking this as a win. Hope you at least enjoyed reading it.
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