#plus i like the idea of Félix getting excited everytime he sees her walk in
I gunna be straight forward I want to see the old ass coffee shop trope on Pepa and Felix thank you goodbye
Oh we LOVE some coffee au? Let's GO!
Félix could complain about a lot in his life. The fact that he lived in a small apartment in a big, busy city, the fact that he didn't make nearly as much money as he wanted, or the fact that he worked in the food industry. It. Sucked. But honestly, you had to look at the good things in life. He had a job, he'd only been called one swear word once this month (he worked in food in the middle of a big city, if anything that number is low), and he liked his coworkers. It was fairly slow in the coffee shop too, given that the sun was starting to set. Soon, his shift would be over, he'd get to go home, do it all over again.
"Félix? How's it going up here?"
Agustín poked his head from the back. Félix owned this coffee shop, 'la mariposa negra', alongside his buddy, Agustín. He was the numbers guy, Félix did...well, literally everything else. It was a system, and he worked. Félix shrugged.
"Good, good. Think we should close up early, no one gets coffee at night."
"Maybe, I'm just about done back here. How many pastries do we have left?"
Félix looked over the glass counter, and shrugged.
"A good number. Why, you want something?"
"No. They're good after a day, right?"
"Maybe, but I'd rather give them away, like usual."
"It'd be easier."
"If everything in life was easy, we wouldn't push ourselves, amigo."
Agustín always worried about money, he couldn't blame him. But Félix had too much pride to serve day old food like other coffee places. Agustín chuckled, knowing better than to argue.
"I know, I know. I just, wish people saw that, Félix. Let's clean up early, get a head start for tomorrow. You need help?"
"I got it, I got it."
Félix was started to pack away all the pastries, when the bell on the door rang, letting him know someone was here.
"Hey, we're shutting kinda early tonight, so you can't hang out in here, just an fyi."
"Oh, that's too bad, it feels nice in here."
He stood up to properly apologize to this woman's face, when he got a good look at her. Now love at first sight was bullshit. But adoration at first sight was VERY much a thing, because this woman was GORGEOUS. She wore a black tank top with a picture of a sun on it, cute little shorts that revealed those beautiful, long legs of hers, and her face. Sharp green eyes, beautiful freckles, and little wisps of red hair clung a bit to her sweaty features. A large tattoo ran from her neck, down her front, past her breasts that he totally wasn't looking at, stopping just short of her shorts. They were so detailed, angry, they reminded him of lighting.
"Uh, excuse me? Yoohoo?"
Oh my god, he had been staring at her this whole time, like some weirdo. He cleared his throat, trying to save himself here.
"Sorry that's just. A REALLY impressive tattoo."
She looked down at herself and grinned, showing off her cute little gap in her teeth.
"Oh thank you! My brother did them! He's an artist. So uh, is it too late to order?"
"Oh no no, please, go on, what can I get you?"
She sighed in relief, whiping some sweat from her forehead.
"Good! I was hoping you guys were still open when my run was over. Let's see...oh, I want one of those chocolate muffins, chocolate cake pop, two of those brownies...and what would you recommend for coffee? I want something sweet."
"Could've fooled me on that one. Honestly, I like the salted carmel fraps. Could put in a couple more pumps than usual, since you're a first."
"Ugh, I heard THAT during my first time. Sure, I'll take it."
He snorted, despite not really wanting to. It made her smile, and he hated it, no way a woman should get to look so pretty and be THIS funny. He got the cup ready, and was about to just make it, when he realized he could totally use this opportunity here.
"Name for the drink?"
"I'm...the only one here?"
"And how do you spell that?"
It was HER turn to snort now, and damn was that a sound he could get used to.
"P-E-P-A. Odd way to spell it, I know."
So her name was Pepa. Pretty Pepa. He wrote the name on the cup, and as he let everything blend, he packaged up her goodies.
"I haven't seen you pass by here, you new?"
"To the area, yes, I'm here for work."
"What do you do for work? Model?"
She chuckled at him, swatting her hand playfully at him.
"Oh, you flatter. No, I'm a meteorologist! I work at the news station like, twenty minutes from here."
"Oh I think I know that place, I delivered coffee there once."
He poured the contents of the blender into a cup, added whipped cream, and added loads of caramel to the top, before putting a lid on it, and adding it to the rest of her order.
"Oh I didn't know you delivered."
"We really don't, we were just especially broke that week, honestly."
She chuckled as she put her counted the cash she needed for her order, before stopping herself.
"Oh shit, I almost forgot-could I get an iced coffee too? Something strong. And an egg sandwich, totally forgot my sister asked for something."
"No problem at all,"
Félix got started on this next coffee, making it as strong as strong could get, as well as throwing an egg sandwich in the griddle.
"Your sister works with you?"
"Oh no, she works at the hospital a bit away, she's an emergency response nurse. We live together though."
"Ay, it's good to stay with family. Mine's back in Colombia."
He met her rather surprised looking eyes, and for a moment, she looked excited.
"You're from Colombia too? My mom is from there!"
"REALLY? Huh. Small world, huh?"
This woman loved talking about herself, and he did NOT mind in the slightest. He got the rest of her order, pushing it to her, and giving her the change back. He hated to see her go, really he did. But it's not like she could stay her. Though, he'd never forgive himself if he didn't at least TRY his shot at this woman.
"You know I uh, haven't met anyone else from Colombia here. Do you miss it?"
She looked surprised by his question as she gathered her stuff, before her face fell, and she nodded.
"I do, yes. Mi papi called it his home before he died, it meant a lot to me. But we moved here because I was given the job offer, as well as my sister. Why do you ask?"
"Well, I'm just saying, I miss it too. I miss Christmases there, I even miss Palm sundays. And the flower festival, always beautiful. I just thought, if you needed someone to relate to, we could always talk more."
She seemed to not understand it, before a chuckle escaped her precious lips.
"Are you...flirting with me, hombrecito?"
"I'm more keen on the word 'seduce', but si, I am flirting with you. Assuming another man hasn't swept in before me."
Pepa bit in her lip in thought, before setting her stuff down, and grabbing the pen usually left on the counter. She then took his hand (her skin was SO soft), and wrote numbers on it, alongside just the smallest heart.
"My phone number. I'm not giving it to you because we're both Colombian, you know."
"No. I like sweets, and I can't think of anything sweeter than chocolate ~"
She kissed his palm, leaving just a bit of lipstick under the ink. She was a bold woman, not shy at all. She gathered her things, gave him a wave alongside that mischievous look, and he swore he saw rainbows over her as she left. He stood there, not believing this absolute goddess just hit on him. She was so pretty, she worked close, and clearly she was into him. How much luck can one man have?
"Félix, did I hear someone come in? Do you...you okay?"
Félix slowly nodded, and didn't care how badly he was swooning right now.
"I'm...more than okay. I think I just met the woman of my dreams."
"Ay, you said that last week."
"It's DIFFERENT this time! You should've seen her, Agustín! She was pretty, witty, she's. Oh, my poor heart, it won't sit still!"
"You sure it's not the three cups of coffee you've had today?"
"...might be both."
Agustín rolled his eyes as he helped him finish cleaning, before they walked back home. Agustín may not believe him, but Félix knew what he was talking about. He knew he was in love with a woman who didn't even know his name.
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