#plus in my experience the moment nts are faced with a menial task they hate doing they start to complain meanwhile us nds are used to that
mesimees ยท 2 years
God people should REALLY stop using that whole "eat the frog" thing as an indicator for "laziness" bc yes my honest answer to that was that on an average day I'd postpone it as long as I could but with medication i just do it right away so that I'm rid of it. The difference is the WALL.
I'm still just as "lazy", I just don't have a giant heap of despair to sift through before finding and eating the fucking frog.
With meds it's just a frog. Suck it up, eat it and be done with it. The difference really is that big.
NT's will and frankly can never understand and I'm really happy for them that they don't have to experience this but godDAMN stop saying that I'm lazy when you know nothing about my life.
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