#plus the rogue symbol associated with him in game
quaz-art · 2 years
Pleaseeee can I know more about your au in general?? (Also I would love to hear your analysis on Techno and Slime!!) :D
God there is. So much to say tbh but basically the idea I had was that Tommmy's Disks are actually the disks for the sburb game, and instead of just hiding them or whatever Dream knows what they do and knows that there's a way to ascend to godhood in this game. So he runs it.
In terms of how the characters are in Alternian society there's a few points but a lot of it I've left vague
1) Dream was going to be the heir but didn't really want to? So he went rogue and being hatchmates with Techno he put him in charge instead
2) Philza pulled a Maryam and adopted Wilbur because Wilbur's Lusus died when he was really young. Wilbur in turn adopted Tommmy but in a more fraternal manner, hence why Tommmy has access to white fabrics.
3) Ranboo and Tubboo are <> married, as you can see from the rings on their horns :]c
Anyways! As for my classpecting of Techno and Slime:
Techno: I thought about his classpect for a good long while, innitially I wanted to say Blood because "blood for the blood god" and all that but looking at things from beyond the surface level it's pretty clear that relationships aren't his Main Thing: Life is. Now this may seem out of left field cuz his whole deal is killing and violence but hear me out. Life represents vitality, food, wealth, power, and change. All things VERY integral to Techno's character ("Technoblade never dies!" And the whole potato war thing being prime examples). Life also has themes of freedom and rebellion and that definitely fits. Plus! Blood gods usually serve double duty as gods of life and death, symbolizing the necessities of existence. The reason I went for Knight was because almost everything he does is in SERVICE to others, hes a support. Yeah, he can function on his own but at the end of the day his main function in the story is as a protector of his loved ones.
Slime: honestly, classpecting Slime was pretty easy, or at least easier than some of the others (Dream took me Ages to figure out). But basically I went with Mage of Breath because he learns and understands through the Freedom of not being stuck underground. + Humanity in Homestuck is strongly associated with the aspect of Breath (similar to how Trolls are associated with Blood and Cherubs with Doom) so that made it feel much more fitting. Especially considering he Takes On some of Quackity's struggles with his own detachment from those he loves, his sudden isolation from his relationships
If you want more info about how I classpect you can find a summary of my full classpect analysis [here]! Also works as a quick classpecting guide :]
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pastelbatfandoms · 5 years
Get to know my character
I am using My Character From My ‘The Flash’ Fan Fic ‘Wells of Hearts’
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01. What does your character’s name mean? Did you pick it for the symbolism, or did you just like the way it sounded? It’s My middle name so no there’s no Symbolism there lol 02. What is one of your character’s biggest insecurities? Are they able to hide it easily or can others easily exploit this weakness? Her powers and trying not to use them after what happened with The Rogues and later when she joins back up with Reverse Flash. Also her love for Eobard which he has been able to use more times then she can count.  03. What would be their favorite physical trait about themselves? Her long Reddish Brown hair and Dynamic Eyes.  04. What are their favorite traits about their lover? (one psychological and one physical) Harry-His Intelligence and she also likes his Moodiness,she thinks it’s hot. When it’s not directed at her of course.
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 Eobard-His Intelligence and The fact that he’s a Time Traveler she can learn alot from him and he’s a surprisingly Patient teacher. 
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 HR-His Writing Skills and the fact that he can make her laugh and gives good advice. 
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Physically-Have you seen them?! I mean Harry and HR are Doppelgangers of each other so of course there both Handsome. 
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But Harry has a more Mature look about him whereas HR’s is more Carefree and Cool. Eobard as both Harrison and himself exudes a Charm and Dark Charisma that is very Sexy. Plus that Smile and those looks!
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05. Are they sexually confident or more of the shy type? Confident 06. Do they have any hobbies that their lover finds unusual, odd, or otherwise annoying? No,I mean they have some pretty unusual quirks themselves,So I don’t think they’d notice.  07. Is there a catchphrase or sound that they tend to make a lot (likely without being aware of it)? No 08. What is, perhaps, their biggest flaw? Are they aware of this or oblivious to it? I mean Her Emotions are probably one of them but she is learning to control them,with help. 09. Do they have a favorite season? What about a favorite holiday? Her favorite Holiday is Christmas and by association Winter. Since that is when HR gave her their first Kiss underneath the mistletoe. Yes She notices the ironic parallel between liking Christmas and The Reverse Flash.
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10. Is your character more feminine or masculine? Feminine but she can still kick ass! 11. What is something that would make your character fly into a rage? um being Influenced to do so lol Also Eobard dying on her...again. 12. Is there some particular talent, skill, or attribute that they simply could not give up? Well Renee has given up her Powers before or dampened them. So I don’t think that would be one of them... 13. What are your character’s sleeping habits? Heavy or light sleeper? Blanket stealer? One that always rolls onto the floor? Pushes their lover onto the floor? Sleep talker or walker? She’s a heavy sleeper unless she’s had a Nightmare,she’s more of a Cuddler unless it’s too hot.  14. Do they live alone or with family? How do they feel about their family/roommates? Joe adopted her around the same time he Adopted Barry,so they,including Iris,all grew up together. She Moved out after College on her own until She met Eobard Thawne then in the guise of Harrison Wells and moved in with him,much later she moved in with Both Harry and HR,after HR Died She Married Harry and moved to be with him on Earth 2.  15. Is there a certain person in this world that they cannot stand? The very mention of this person’s name makes them tremble with anger or fear. Sometimes Eobard. But despite everything she still loves him. Not many others though,no. Maybe Savitar. 16. Is your character the athletic type or more of a couch potato? What are some sports/games that they like? 17. Does your character have dreams of getting married and/or having children? She is Married,as for Children. Maybe someday,she is now a Step Mom to Jessie. 18. What kind of home would they want to live in? Where would they place this abode? Anywhere she can be happy. But preferably someplace Nice and Clean.  19. Would your character be the kind to get into fights? (physical or verbal) Would they be a good fighter or cave in rather easily? Depends on who she’s fighting with. But she’s pretty headstrong and Stubborn like Harry (which is probably why they got into so many rows when they first met.) So she tends to not back down from a fight and can hold her own,she also does not let things go easily.  20. Does your character like animals? What are some of their favorite animals? Would they want pets? What about mythological creatures? 21. What is one of your character’s biggest fears? How would they react when dealing with this fear? That Eobard has been Manipulating her this entire time and truly doesn’t love her,despite his countless words to the contrary,maybe someday he’ll take her to the past and show her...Also losing Harry like she lost HR.  22. What kind of tattoos, piercings, birthmarks, freckles, and other such unique physical features do they have? Her Eyes that look like an incoming storm when she’s angry and has her powers,also the white streak she gets in her hair once she’s changed into Obsidian Storm.  23. What is your character like when it comes to school? What subjects are they good/bad at? Do they get in trouble a lot or are well behaved? She’s well past School but when she was in College she took Journalism,Fashion and Graphic Design. Afterwards of which She was introduced to Harrison Well and joined Star Labs becoming there Costume Designer and Specializing in Facial Recognition.  24. In their own words, how would your character describe what their lover is like? Just go to these links to See My Headcanons for Eobard and Harry on that. I will be doing one for HR soon.  25. Is there something traumatic from your character’s past that greatly affects them even to this day? Knowing that Eobard killed Barry’s Mother while Barry and herself where in the house still upsets her besides the fact that her Father died in the fire that started in the house and Her Mother died in a Car Accident A month before. Renee was also in the car but was saved by a Mysterious Figure that she thought had been her Father but later learned it wasn’t.  26. What is their lover like sexually? How do they feel about their lover’s quirks, needs, etc? Again see the links above. 27. If your character was going to get arrested, what would be the most likely reason for it? um doing what Villains do. lol She is not innately a Villain but she given the right Push,like Joining The Rogues after Eobard died or Joining The Legion of Doom to BE with Eobard,she can be.  28. If your character became a celebrity, what would they be famous for? Fashion Design 29. What is one of the most courageous things your character has ever done for a loved one? Almost Dying.  30. When it comes to the arts (music, film, theater, etc), what does your character like? Pop Art,Action Movies,Oldies,Anything Fun or Classy looking.  31. Would your character be the kind capable of killing? Would they enjoy killing or only use it when necessary or, perhaps, refuse to kill no matter what? If she was Obsidian Storm yes. To protect those she loved,and only if she felt she had to.  32. If your character’s lover offered to take them out on a dream date, what would they want to do? Eobard-A Fancy Restaurant all over the world. Harry-A Romantic Dinner at Home. HR-A Coffee Shop then maybe Big Belly Burger afterwards.  33. If your character wanted to be alone, where would they go? The Woods or Eobard Thawne’s Time Vault. which has become less and less of a Secret now.  34. Does your character have favorite foods? (breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snacks, etc) Big Belly Burger of course! lol Coffee,Salads,Italian Food.  35. Is your character afraid of death? If they got to choose how to die, how would they want to go? Not Anymore. She would like to die with a loved one or risking her life for someone.  36. Does your character have any medical conditions? Are they serious or minor? Do they affect their day to day life? No 37. What are some of your character’s pet peeves? What are some things that annoy them or disgust them? Being Lied to. Fickleness,being Elitists,Judgmental. 38. What kind of weather does your character like? Cloudy skies, rainy days, sunshine, etc? Anything that can make a Thunderstorm. 39. When people look at your character, is there some assumption they might make about them just by appearance? Is that assumption correct? That they’re Naive or too forgiving. They might be right about the latter.  40. Does your OC have any guilty pleasures they enjoy? Hobbies, past times, music, etc that they wouldn’t want known by others? Wouldn’t want known? um no she has no secrets of her own,anymore. 41. Does your character’s family affect your character in any way? They can be a bit too brusque in there handling of certain situations or a bit too selfish at times. But Renee knows it’s only out of love and protectiveness. Especially Joe and Barry. 42. Is there anything in your character’s past that they regret, haunts them, or they wish they could change? Turning her back on Team Flash to join The Rogues. Currently,lying to them about working with Eobard again.  43. Does your character have a switch that changes aspects of their personality whether they are around friends, family, etc. Is there someone who gets to see their true self? 44. Is there a particular event that would emotionally devastate your character? I think she’s already been through most of them. But of course if something ever happened to Harry,Joe or Team Flash... 45. Is your character the kind to hide their true emotions or do they wear their heart on their sleeve? heart on their sleeve.
46. What is some random affectionate thing that your character always does to their lover? She loves going behind and planting a kiss on their cheek with her arms around there neck. As Harrison, Eobard loves this unless he’s in Reverse Flash mode,cause then it’s business time. Same goes for Harry,when he’s working. HR on the other hand doesn’t mind at all! 47. Is your character outgoing? Would they be the leader of the friend group, or the quiet one that gets dragged along? A bit of both,depends on her mood. 48. Is there anything in particular that would ignite your character’s jealousy? Or does your character not get envious? Her Men being Flirted with or doing the flirting...EoWells.... 49. What is something that your character has nightmares about? Are these frequent? Do they heavily affect your character’s mood? She used to have Nightmares after finding out Harrison was Reverse Flash and again after he died,turns out those weren’t dreams.  50. If your character confessed love to their crush, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc, what would they say? Thawne would Smirk and respond back in kind,he of course already knew it,you were destined he was just waiting on you. Harry would be surprised at first but give him awhile and he would warm up to it. HR would love it,he’d be giddy and respond with a kiss. 
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fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
Aestiv Tillan
(Time for the boys. I had forgotten just how fun it is to design fantrolls until I started back up with these dancestor trios! As with most of my Beforan trolls, this guy’s gonna be a thematic mess, but once we get the foundation down, the Alternian troll will come easy.)
Universe: Beforus
Name: Aestiv Tillan
“Aestiv” is a shortened form of “Aestival” which is the word for things relating to summer (similar to the other name I debated, Vernal “of spring”), which is a reference to the fact that looks at life like it’s the dog days of summer vacation. “Tillan” is a shortening of “Tillandia, which is a genus of bromeliad plants commonly known as “Air Plants”, a sly reference to his Aspect.
Haha, I do like this. Though if we do end up switching from Breath, the Tillan reference… Eh, it’s fine, it’s still a nice enough reference to his general attitude to work. They’re also really hardy and survivable plants that can take a lot of abuse before dying, so it makes sense for his… general being.
Age: Roughly 7 Sweeps
Theme/Story: As the third angle of a hellish quadrant-facilitating Love Triangle, Aestiv has always found himself caught in the middle. Culled practically after birth due to an accident that caused him to cease feeling pain, Aestiv has never wanted for anything, and was raised in the heart of the Blueblood aristocracy. For someone who’s lifespan is so short, he seems relatively relaxed, too relaxed even. Life is just a crazy ride, and he wants to enjoy every second it has to offer, even if means alienating his friends, shortening his lifespan, or leaving a path of broken hearts and bodies in his wake. Really, if Troll Ferris Bueller (Bueler?) wasn’t already a thing, he would be it.
Pain asymbolia is definitely a thing, and can result from injuries, but… I’m almost tempted to give him an inherited disorder instead? He could be culled not after an accident that Resulted in his condition, but rather could be culled after his Condition caused an incident. CIPA. Congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis. It’s a particular form of neuropathy where the afflicted individual can feel neither pain nor temperature (nor a few other sensations) and cannot sweat because of their body not perceiving heat. I thought of this because of the idea of the phrase “don’t sweat it.” Aestiv is so laid back he quite literally Physically Cannot Sweat It. A severe cut or Burn he received when he was younger and failed to notice, almost leading to his death, could’ve easily tipped the highbloods off and resulted in him being culled.
Strife Specibus: Canekind
While not much help in a fight, when it comes to it, Aestiv brandishes one of his foster-mother’s ornate walking sticks. [This is weak and I’m a bit stuck on this one.]
Okay this could be possibly the most random reference ever but you could give him gunkind and have him use a Smith and Wesson Model 64, because… 
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The police officer from Ferris Bueller is carrying that model of gun. And it’s a ranged weapon, which reduces the risk of him getting hurt. 
Or you could do like… Carkind, since the car in Ferris Bueller is used as a way to obtain freedom and as a symbolic piece centering around Cameron’s controlling father. Plus breath is all about Direction and literal driving is a good way of showing that (see: John’s car adventure).
Or you could use phonekind, since Ferris’ “weapon” of choice in the movie is phones, which he frequently exploits to get what he wants. If he can’t be right in on the action, he might as well try to direct the flow via phone! Steer that course, passively, sir! 
Fetch Modus: Rube Modus
Named for the famous creator Rube Goldberg, Aestiv is stuck using the other items currently in his modus as parts to create a stupidly complex machine to try and knock the item he wants out of his Modus so he can use it.
You… are a genius.
Blood color: Rust
Aestiv takes the Rust love of adventure and spins it, turning it into a endless quest for excitement and adventure. Partially due to not feeling pain, anything and everything is fair game for him, no matter how dangerous or reckless it may seem. He won’t feel the consequences of whatever it is anyways.
Symbol and meaning: As (for the moment) a Breath Prospit Rustblood, Aestiv claims:
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Trolltag: [AT] absonantTellurian
Aestiv gets a little self aware with his trolltag, but in a tongue-in-cheek kind of way. “Absonant” means “discordant or unreasonable”, of which can be both when he wants to (which is always, of course). “Tellurian” is “someone from the earth” which is a twofold reference. Firstly to his telekinetics, which he uses to literally float off of the ground, but also his bottom of the barrel blood caste status. From the earth he came, and to the earth, soon, he will return.
God I love this. As always, I’m already loving this character.
Quirk: Like, far out, dude! Aestiv’s dialogue is kind of juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust a mess of like, weird stoner dude clicheeeeeeeees maaaaaaaaaan, he really likes holding vooooowels too, but only certain ones, y’know? [I have no idea if I’m conveying this correctly]
I think you’re definitely doing it right. I know I’m calling back to Ferris Bueller a little too often here, but maybe you could have him ‘break the third wall’ a little. Like, jokingly narrate his own experiences to a “nonexistent” audience for funsies. Like he’s on the stage, running the show, here he is. 
Special Abilities (if any): As apparently revealed in Hiveswap (?) all Rustbloods can speak to the dead. Aestiv uses this mostly to try and up his game, getting information about things he can’t see himself, or stories of crazy things other trolls have done. Rustbloods tend to have Telekinetic abilities, and Aestiv is no exception. Using what he dubs his “ghost hand tricks” he can grab things without touching them, float around in the air, and sometimes even throw himself with great force!
Pretty great way to learn how to do some death-defying stunts, if he talks to the dead stuntlie. I’m sure that Xtreme Hardcore Deathly Sports are a big thing on Alternia, but I wonder how big they are on Beforus? Not huge, I imagine. So dead people is probably his BEST resource for that kinda shit. I love the ghost hands, too. You know that vine smack cam thing people do? Imagine him doing that with his ghost hands.
Lusus: Due to being Culled, Aestiv’s never had a lusus to call his own. His foster mother’s lusus was some giant kind of beast, iron plated and fierce, back in the day. She’s been dead for much of his life, so he doesn’t have any kind of connection to it. He lives in his foster-mother’s Hive in the center of Beforan high society, though her penchant for blue decor often makes him stand out like a sore thumb.
Interests: Cheesy Heist Movies, Even Cheesier Teen Movies, Being Incredibly Dramatic, Really Obnoxious Pop Music, The Latest Fad, New Troll Recreational Drugs, Daredevil Stunts
Give him an interest in FLARP. Not because he’s actually invested in roleplay or anything, but because FLARP’s fatal. You know how people like… create meme characters that defy the rules and are stupid bullshit on purpose to piss off really dedicator roleplayers? Well, he should. He should do that. 
Appearance: Aestiv’s wardrobe is taken right from his favorite slice of life movies, white shirt proudly displaying his symbol in red, blue and red letterman jacket (from what school he attended, nobody can say), blue jeans and sneakers. He’s gone through varying stages of trying to dye his hair blue like some of the real bluebloods he associates with, but the most he has ever gotten to stick were the tips of his hair that he’s always trying to style between his proportionally large horns.
Personality: Partially due to his highblood, coddled upbringing, partially due to not feeling anything in the way of pain, Aestiv is something of a spoiled, rich playboy. Which means that at all times, he is incredibly bored. The Rustblood penchant for excitement and adventure lives even in the laziest of them, and Aestiv is no exception. Instead of doing something productive with that impulse, Aestiv does his best to just… mess with people. He’ll disappear for days on end, just to end up being hidden in the kitchen cabinets, observing the rest of the house, falling to the floor in a fit of belly laughter when his clever ruse is discovered. He’ll sneak out at night (often scaring his poor foster-mother half to death) with an elaborate series of tricks and overly complicated machines just to see how long it takes someone to notice he’s gone. He’ll just appear at friends’ Hives out of the blue and blare bad troll pop music just to see how they react. Aestiv isn’t a trickster because he’s a coward, he’s a trickster because he wants to be noticed. Testing the limits of everyone and everything around him is just a natural way of doing it, really. When push comes to real shove, Aestiv is a surprisingly dedicated friend, despite his laziness. When he channels that restless energy of his into something productive, it often goes his way, which he is endlessly smug about. It’s that kind of effortless cool that draws people to him, but also aggravates them when they try to get close to him. An endless smile is impossible to read if it never falters, after all.
I… Adore him.
Title: Rogue of Breath (????)
Once again, I am stumped. I am defaulting a bit on Breath, which is what I had in mind when I nailed down his concept, but I’ll go into my thought process for that. I tend to base a lot of a character’s flaws on their Aspect, so here we are.
Aestiv is kind of the worst elements of a Breath player all in one. While he could (and really, should) grow into a better, more determined person, he allows the the breeze to stagnate around him, and become a miasma, sickening anyone he comes into contact with. While Ferris Bueller (who Aestiv owes a little inspiration) could be considered a more chaotic Breath figure, Ferris’ aim is to take his friend out of his comfort zone and make him appreciate living a bit more- a lesson in camaraderie that Aestiv could stand to learn. At his current personality, while not necessarily so gullible (maybe a little deaf to the ways of the world) he certainly is “avoidant and volatile”.
Blood almost seems like too much of a cop-out, of course the guy who wants to just flow through life would be challenged by Blood, the Aspect of unity and bonds. But Aestiv at his best likely isn’t a real leader- he doesn’t possess Karkat’s quadrant skills or Kankri’s obsession with social justice. Sometimes a man just really is that shallow. [Arcer, The Officer]
Time is traditionally the aspect of the Red, and his kind of “aloof trickster asshole” mien certainly fits the Time mold of “scary competent when they wanna be, self propelled, go getters”. Time could force Aestiv into being a better person by sharpening his good traits instead of dulling his negative ones, but is eternal struggle really something he can handle, or should handle? I don’t know. [Arist, The Headstrong]
And then, of course, everyone’s favorite chaos Aspect: Rage. Rage is the breakdown of order, the destruction of the mundane, and ideally, the building blocks for something else. Rage players tend to wreak havoc on pretty much anything that ends up in their path. The focus on raw, brute strength doesn’t fit Aestiv’s playstyle.  [Aricorn, The Runaway]
Currently, as a character focused on trickery and slyness I wanted to go with one of the “Taker” classes: Thief and Rogue. As a Rogue of Breath, Aestiv would be forced to try and use that wind that always seems to be under his feet to aid his team, allowing him to take them along for the ride that he always seems to be on. Thief (especially of an Aspect like Breath) might make him… worse than he already is, taking his team’s momentum for his own.
God I’ve been stumped about this since the second you sent him in. I DEFINITELY think he needs to be a rogue. That kind of responsibility and taking-on role is something that is absolutely necessary for a character like him. I think… I think I DO want him to be a breath player. A Rogue of Breath. Because breath can be used for such good, he just needs to learn a little responsibility. 
And his inverse would be Knight of Blood, which means he could easily experience a brief inversion where he becomes overwhelmed by these bonds… these responsibilities… And learns a little more about himself and how he should treat others. 
Though god I think Time is also a good one for him, because he does show some space tendencies. That Enjoying the Journey and not caring about the Destination tendencies. Time is this constant wheel of struggling and fighting and that kind of is what he’s doing in a way- he’s just fighting something a little more theoretical and a little more lackadaisically? In a lot of ways, he really is quite literally fighting the clock. Fighting the measures of safety put on him. Fighting his body’s necessary need for strictness and safety. 
And him learning to see a little more value in a GOAL might be good for him. Taking his natural ability to accomplish anything and tying more strict responsibility onto it could be really good for him. It could also bring him face to face with his mortality in a way that might act as a wakeup call. 
And him passively redistributed time could be… A good metaphor. Like him fighting and being killed by Scoria on Alternia Timeline being quite literally him Giving Up his time as an act of responsibility. Though I guess that could be read as a passive allocation of movement based upon the bonds he feels to others, too… 
My conclusion here is Breath and Time are probably equally good choices for him, but I’m leaning a little (.05%) towards Rogue of Breath just because THEMES. 
Land: Land of Gales and Glitter
The wind almost whips the jacket right off of Aestiv as he steps out onto his land, an initially featureless expanse of golden sand. But that’s no sand, that’s glitter- shiny and raining down from above. Buried beneath his feet are the remains of a thousand civilizations, a million lifetimes.
Something is robbing each attempt at civilization on this planet from being able to spread their wings and fly. Even if they crash, it would certainly be better than this. An attempt can be learned from, destroying it leaves no room for further growth. Only by sifting through the sand, finding the pockets of Consorts still eking out an existence here, can Aestiv try and take back the things the Denizen has stolen.
As always I Love your planets… so much… And it cements my feelings about agreeing with Rogue of Breath a little more.
Dream Planet: Prospit
Aestiv lives in something of a rose-tinted summer daydream. To him, everything is warm and sunny and flows nicely. Why bother fighting the river when it’s going to sweep you away regardless? While not really a believer in Fate, Aestiv is a believer in letting things go and letting the universe deal with it.
Very prospitan! 
Okay okay design time: 
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Horns: I took them from the top symbol, really. I wanted to make them big and fun and dangerous. 
Hair: I absolutely based the front parts off of Ferris Bueller’s hair. But nice and spikey. I tried to get the blue tips on there but I just couldn’t get it to look good, so regular color it is. 
Eyes and mouth: I edited the eyes and mouth both from Tavros. I thought they had the kind of mischevious look that a guy like this needed. I added the light in his eye because Matthew Broderick just has these noticeably twinkle eyes. We just couldn’t have troll Ferris Bueller without shiny eyes.
Jacket: Life is hard and so was drawing this jacket but I think it looks alright. I can’t tell if it looks more like a varsity jacket or a windbreaker, but either way it’s fitting so that’s fine. 
Pants: They’re just Karkat’s, but light blue. 
Shoes: I just stole Jake’s and added a grey line between the outlines instead of white, because this really is what Ferris Bueller’s shoes look like. 
As always I… absolutely love this guy. I think he’s pretty themeatically solid. I almost recommended giving him a little more internal conflict? But really sometimes you do need a character who just starts off without that kind of thing over them. And he’s a Beautiful menace. 
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The Mandalorian: Everything we know about Disney Plus Star Wars show
The Mandalorian is the first live action Star Wars show, and it’s getting a second season in fall in 2020.
Lucasfilm / Illustration by CNET
“Mandalorian, look outside, they’re waiting for you.” The wait is over — you can watch the all eight episodes of the first season of Jon Favreau‘s live-action Star Wars series The Mandalorian on Disney Plus right now. The show introduced us to the gift that is Baby Yoda (subject of many a fan theory and an onslaught of merch) and may bring a beloved Clone Wars character into live action for the first time in Season 2.
Disney Plus won’t be launching in the UK, Ireland, Spain, Italy and Germany until March 24. The first two episodes will be available that day, with the third coming on Friday, March 27. Subsequent episodes will be released weekly, and hit the service at 8 a.m. each Friday.
Now playing: Watch this: First look at the best Baby Yoda toys coming this year
What we know about season 2?
It’ll start in October 2020, Disney boss Bob Iger (who’s since stepped down) said in a Feb. 4 earnings call. He also mentioned the possibility that some of the show’s characters could go “in their own directions in terms of series” — hinting that we might see some Mandalorian spinoffs down the line.
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Rosario Dawson will reportedly play Ahsoka Tano in the second season.
Rich Polk/Getty Images for Sony Pictures Entertainment
On March 20, Slashfilm reported that season 2 will see Ahsoka Tano, former Padawan of the late Anakin Skywalker, make her live action debut. She’ll apparently be played by Rosario Dawson, whom you might remember playing Claire Temple in Netflix’s Marvel shows.
Michael Biehn, who played Kyle Reese in The Terminator and and Corporal Hicks in Aliens, will join the cast as a bounty hunter, according to the Hollywood Reporter. Bill Burr will apparently also reprise his role as gunslinger Mayfield, and principal photography on the season was apparently completed before the coronavirusoutbreak, according to i09.
The day the season 1 finale aired, Favreau mentioned season 2 in a tweet featuring a Gamorrean — the porcine species that served as Jabba the Hutt’s guards in Return of the Jedi. So presumably that race will show up in the next batch of episodes.
Movies to music, toys to technology, entertain your brain.
What happened in season 1?
You’re in luck! I wrote detailed recaps of each episode that you can use to catch up:
Chapter 1: The Mandalorian
Chapter 2: The Child
Chapter 3: The Sin
Chapter 4: Sanctuary
Chapter 5: The Gunslinger
Chapter 6: The Prisoner
Chapter 7: The Reckoning
Chapter 8: Redemption
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Who’s in it?
Pedro Pascal (best known for playing Oberyn Martell in Game of Thrones) is the bounty hunter behind the helmet: He’s a lone Mandalorian gunfighter operating in the outer reaches of the galaxy.
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Pedro Pascal is the man behind the Mandalorian’s helmet.
Gabriel Maseda/NurPhoto via Getty Images
He’s joined by a star-studded cast, but a couple of these characters didn’t survive season 1:
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I dunno about you, but the sight of happy Baby Yoda immediately calms me.
What’s the deal with Baby Yoda?
This little guy captured everyone’s hearts the moment he appeared in the season premiere, and we’ve got a whole separate guide for him. He’s officially known as The Child — we don’t know his real name, race or home planet, but he can use the Force pretty effectively and the Imperial Remnant wants him.
Oh, and the most detailed version of the puppet apparently cost around $5 million.
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Mando walks away from his ship, the Razor Crest, in the show’s poster.
Why isn’t this about the usual Jedi and Sith conflict?
The Star Wars underworld is a very rich storytelling environment, according to executive producer Jon Favreau. He wanted to get back to the tone of the old Western and samurai films that inspired George Lucas, and said the show is Star Wars meets Mad Max. 
The Mandalorian is one of four shows set in a galaxy far, far away coming to the Disney Plus streaming service. 
The seventh season of The Clone Wars started in February, and the company announced a Rogue One prequel series focusing on rebel spy Cassian Andor in 2018. And Ewan McGregor will return as Obi-Wan Kenobi in a brand new show, set to start shooting in 2021.
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Who else is involved?
Directors for the first season:
Favreau, Filoni, Colin Wilson and Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy are the executive producers, with Karen Gilchrist as co-executive producer.
The Mandalorian is among the first projects for ILM TV, a division of Lucasfilm’s Industrial Light & Magic visual effects company. The show’s soundtrack is composed by Ludwig Göransson, who scored Black Panther, Venom and Creed II. Göransson’s Black Panther score won him a Grammy and an Oscar in 2019.
Is there a bounty of Mandalorian merch for us to hunt?
Merchandise hunting is a complicated hobby, but you know you want it. Three characters from the show are represented in the six-inch Black Series — The Mandalorian himself (along with a shiny carbonized variant), Cara Dune, IG-11, the Heavy Infantry Mandalorian (named Paz Vizla) and the Offworld Jawa. Baby Yoda will join them in spring 2020.
What’s a Mandalorian?
Mandalorians are humans from the Outer Rim world of Mandalore, its moon Concordia and the planet Kalevala, whose story was largely told in The Clone Wars and Rebels.
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Sabine Wren (seen wielding the Darksaber) could appear in the show.
Their world went through major political upheaval during the Clone Wars and early days of the Galactic Empire’s rule, but many of the clans united under the rule of Bo-Katan Kryze after she took control of the Darksaber. The black-bladed weapon was created more than 1,000 years earlier by Tarre Vizsla (the first Mandalorian to join the Jedi Order) and became a symbol of leadership — it also showed up in The Mandalorian’s season 1 finale.
You probably associate bounty hunters Boba Fett and Jango Fett with the term because they wear the cool armor, but they aren’t true Mandalorians. Jango once claimed to be from Concord Dawn, a Mandalorian world, but the government considered him (and by extension, his cloned son Boba) to be pretenders.
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Bounty hunter Boba Fett wears Mandalorian armor, but his status is disputed.
Could Boba Fett show up?
Fans have been clamoring for Boba’s return to the Star Wars galaxy despite his fall into the maw of a hungry sarlacc in Return of the Jedi, but there’s been no indication that will happen and he didn’t show up in season 1.
Fans of the Legends material (developed in novels, comics and games prior to 2014) will recall that Boba escaped the sarlacc in that continuity and went on to become the leader of Mandalore in a very different (and non-canon) post-Return of the Jedi galaxy. 
In canon, Chuck Wendig’s Aftermath trilogy of novels saw Mandalorian armor that’s heavily implied to be Boba’s being recovered from the pit and worn by former slave Cobb Vanth. Using the armor as a symbol of power, he becomes sheriff of Freetown (a settlement on Tatooine) and offers sanctuary to anyone willing to battle the world’s crime syndicates.
We also saw a mysterious person approach assassin Fennec Shand’s body on Tatooine in the final moments of season 1’s fifth episode, but the show hasn’t followed up on that tease yet.
Star Wars: The Mandalorian AT-ST Raider stands tall in Hasbro’s Vintage Collection
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What other stories could they draw from?
Star Wars 1313 was a video game that got shelved when Disney shut down all projects at LucasArts — Lucasfilm’s game development group — in 2013. We saw an impressive demo for Uncharted-style adventure before that, featuring actor Wilson Bethel (who recently hit the target in Daredevil season 3).
It would’ve seen players exploring the bowels of the city planet Coruscant — the title was a reference to its grimy underworld Level 1313 (which later appeared in The Clone Wars).
After it was canceled, we found out that Boba Fett was going to be the star and that Kennedy later agreed the concept art was “unbelievable.”
“So our attitude is, we don’t want to throw any of that stuff away. It’s gold,” she told Slashfilm in 2015. “And it’s something we’re spending a lot of time looking at, pouring through, discussing, and we may very well develop those things further. We definitely want to.”
In that same interview, Kennedy noted that Lucasfilm read through the material Lucas developed for the canceled TV show Star Wars: Underworld, which was announced in 2005 and canned in 2010 due to budget constraints. It was to be set between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope and would have tied into 1313.
The Mandalorian invades Hasbro’s Star Wars: Black Series action figure line
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from WordPress http://justtoosilly.com/2020/03/25/the-mandalorian-everything-we-know-about-disney-plus-star-wars-show/
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ac-liveblogs · 7 years
Could you give me your insight on each of the dragons and the 7 dragon slayers and a symbolic reference to their powers like why (resources) do you think Hiro Mashima chose the elements for their magic? (Fire,Metal,Sky/Air, Lightning,Poison, White (Holy)/Light, Shadow (Darkness)?
To be honest, I don’t think there are many significant reasons for his choices of element for any particular slayer. I do think he was trying to avoid overlap when it came to their abilities, though, and that probably played a significant role. For example, I know Wendy was at one point planned to be the Water Dragon Slayer, but that was scrapped - and while I can’t confirm, I think at least a part of that decision was to avoid being too similar to Juvia.
And Gray was at one point planned to be the Ice Dragon Slayer, but that was rejected too. Not sure why, but it might’ve again been to avoid having too much overlap.
Natsu’s fire theme may come hand in hand with the fact that his name means ‘summer’, so Mashima wanted to connect him to heat. Plus, fire is the most common element associated with dragons, so it’d make sense to have the first dragon slayer have the element you’d most expect to see from a dragon. Natsu and Igneel are absolutely just invoking your traditional fire and brimstone dragon - I’m pretty sure the ‘Ign’ part of Igneel comes from ‘Ignis’, with is latin for fire. 
I can’t comment on Gajeel, but he and Natsu having radically different fighting styles may play a part in his choice of element. While Natsu uses a non-physical element to bolster regular attacks, Gajeel uses a physical one to augment his own body. Gajeel’s design as a dragon slayer is different from Natsu’s in almost every way, likely intentionally. Metal dragons are definitely a thing, they’re part of the Chinese Zodiac (which I confess to knowing very little about), though that’s probably where that ends. Might’ve been where Mashima got the idea, though. 
Laxus I’m going to asssume got lightning because up until that point I don’t think anyone had used it. It’s also exactly the kind of element that could wipe out an opponent without Laxus needing to lift a finger - which is exactly what he did to Natsu at the start of the Fantasia arc IIRC. 
Wendy got wind because again, no one in FT really had wind magic, and Mashima rejected water. I also think that wind played a factor because… Mashima likes video games. No, seriously - Mashima plays a lot of RPGs (he plays FFXV and the Bravely series, and I assume other Final Fantasy games as well), and in those the healers (white mages) also tend to get wind magic, so he might have tied those two concepts together. So, White Mage Wendy. I’m not sure if Mashima planned the connection between Grandeeney and Porlyuscia ahead of time, though that may have also been a factor. I have no ideas for Grandeeney’s design though, sorry.
Cobra, again, I’m assuming to strike a juxtaposition with Natsu - this time in the form of his partner, a snake. And since some snakes eat cats, that’d establish Cobra as a direct enemy to other Dragon Slayers by design choice alone. I’m sure the decision to make Cobra a poison dragon slayer came after deciding to give him a snake - Cubellios might well take inspiration from the Cuelebre, a winged serpent/dragon/thing that spews poison from it’s mouth. The names are certainly similar enough. [translator’s note: Cuelebre comes from the Latin colubra, which means snake. ‘Cobra’ also comes from colubra, which means Erik and Kinana both ended up called ‘snake’.] 
Lastly… with Sting and Rogue Mashima was definitely invoking yin/yang. Their personalities when introduced were opposites, their designs are totally different… hell, even their hairstyles are at odds - Sting’s blonde hair is slicked back, revealing his face, while Rogue conceals half of his. So… that’s about it, really. I’m not sure Weisslogia and Skiadrum take after any specific myths - I mean, ‘Weiss’ (Weiß) is german for ‘white’, and ‘Skia’ (σκιά) is Greek for ‘shadow’, so their names probably came after the yin/yang decision and they’re just following the same naming conventions Igneel and Metalicana did. 
The relevant dragons were all almost definitely designed after the Slayers themselves, so I think they take second place when it comes to why Mashima chose certain elements for certain slayers. Though I’d be very curious to know if Cubellios or Cobra came first for that design process.
Of course, this is all complete guesswork, so if I’m totally wrong I won’t be too surprised. 
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