#plus this guy eats dangerous stuff for fun
sirenetica · 2 years
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Saw some others posting their artfight sonas this year and figured i should do the same :) introducing river dweller soup! In a world where lands of decay and foliage are divided only by rivers and streams, rhis shapechanging fish wants to see what the world is made of!
Im on team Bloom this year!
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mulansaucey · 1 year
Bat Wives Wine Night
This is my first thing I’ve put out to public eyes...ever. So please be nice. I had this idea for awhile and this is mostly a teaser to what I truly want to write. I want to make this a full imagine with smut. If you like this idea and want to see a spicier version to how this night ends please let me know. I’m always open to criticism and always looking for advice so as long as we are nice about it let me know what you think. Im gonna start writing more stuff and will be open to requests. Thank you and I hope you like this little teaser. 
WARNINGS: drugs and alch used responsibly, dirty thoughts by the bat boys
CONCEPT: The bat boys finally realize what their mates are up to on their top secret Wine Nights 
“Oh my gods…you’re right” Feyre softly said. 
     Feyre, Nesta, and I were sitting at the River House sipping on wine and enjoying what we call Bat Wives Wine Night when I had the realization that our husbands have had 500 plus years of experience and fun while us wives are in our 20’s being depressed and stressed for majority of our lives. This was unacceptable and not fair at all. We deserve to let loose and live a little. Go drink til we throw up, smoke mirthroot and tobacco as we pleased. To just be stupid, reckless teens. A night where we didn’t have to be perfect, just ourselves. We all looked at each other with understanding that our simple little wine nights just became a lot more fun. 
    “Okay ladies, once a month like we do now we keep letting our mates think we have wine, eat cheese on a platter and gossip. But let’s just go crazy, do whatever we want because we feel like it. Because we can. We’re young, hot, and rich. Let’s just be stupid, not enough to be dangerous but enough to have some memories to laugh fondly at just like our darling husbands. We are Bat Wives, I say we give them a run for their money.” I declare loudly watching my High Lady’s eyes light up with mischief (just like her mate). Nesta’s feline grin gave me the approval I needed from her. Thank the Mother our mates were not here to hear us declare our secret fun. 
    “Our mates will find out though, eventually. Cass is nosey, drills me on what happens on our Wine Nights. Such a gossip…” Nesta whispers the last part. 
    “Plus your mate is the Spymaster…” Feyre concludes by taking a sip of her wine. Yes he is, my beautiful, sweet, loving mate. Azriel. We’ve been married and mated for over a year now. I met him at a time when I swore off love at the nice age of 19 years old. But he was so kind and patient, building up our friendship first and making me feel seen as a person. He is a wonderful male and he had to fight many battles to get where he is today. But I am not Azriel, I’ve barely traveled out of my own court. Our perspectives can be quite different which I love but I want to create my own experiences as well. After the war, after almost dying I realized life can be taken from me at any moment and I want to spend those moments knowing I made good memories. That I lived. Even if it’s once a month with my sister in laws doing something as silly as smoking mirthroot. It’s something to ease the soul, bonding between just us girls. 
    “So what? Let’s see how long we can go til they figure it out. Make it a game, see how far we can go before they find out just how unhinged we are.” I giggle just a bit tipsy. The girls and I burst out laughing and start planning what we should do next month. 
   Two years and counting. Our darling husbands STILL think we have a quiet night in with some books and snacks. It’s truly comical. It’s also nice to know something they don’t. 
“I’ll miss you.” Az murmurs in my hair, holding me til I walk into the River House front door. I tighten my arms around his waist and breathe him in. He takes a step back looking at me, love and adoration flowing through the bond between us. Az looks heart eyed, as if seeing me for the first time. I can’t tease him because I know for a fact I’m looking at him with the very same look. 
    “Can you guys just make out already so we can start drinking?” Nesta says unamused. I jumped back from Azriel, startled. When did she open the door? Nesta walks further away from us into a deeper part of the house. I turn back to find Az already looking at me. Something about Azriel is he is absolutely clingy in the best way possible. Physical touch and quality time are his love languages, any time we have to part it’s a bit dramatic because we simply hate saying goodbye. It’s the love I’ve always wanted. I love the Wine Nights as he has nights with his brothers to get away but nothings better than coming home and finding my place within his arms. 
    “If you ever wanna leave early just let me know and we can cuddle and I can go down on you.” Az’s cheeky grin showed proudly. I laugh while pushing him, he grabs my wrist playfully holding me to him. He brushes some hair from my cheek and presses his smooth lips to mine. We stand there for what feels like hours just feeling each other's breath mingle, when he glides his naughty tongue against my lips I pull away. Both us panting I say, “Go Az, before I actually ditch them for you.” I giggle. He very reluctantly peels his hands off my body and shoots up the sky with a wink, surely a promise of great fun when he picks me up tomorrow morning. 
        With the mating haze slowly leaving my brain a new found giddiness found its way in. We’ve started doing full on sleepovers instead of a few hours of mingling. That way we can return to the River House and clean up before our mates return to us. Truthfully it started after Feyre had way too many tequila shots and threw up for two hours begging us not to call for Rhys as our “cover” would be blown. I skip into the River House and take a look at my girls. 
    “Ready to fuck shit up?” I ask. “We’ve been ready, we were betting if you two would actually fuck on my front door.” Feyre says as fill her cups with wine, pregaming for later. Nesta laughs while grabbing my hand leading me into Feyre’s room. She has the biggest bathroom and closet for these occasions. We all start getting ready putting on our preferred style of makeup and clothing. Laughing loudly as we gossip about Beron’s hairline that keeps going further back as each year passes. We truly don’t know if it is but we all love roasting that horrible man. Once we are satisfied with our looks for the night we get ready to winnow to Veela, a club the IC doesn’t frequent too often. It’s newer and doesn’t have the huge crowd Rita’s does. It’s perfect, truly. We won’t run into anyone we know, not too crowded, but fun and rowdy. We pack the leftover mirthroot and tobacco from last month and winnow to the club saving us some time. We walk right in finding our usual table free in the corner. 
    “Let’s start with some shots ladies.” Nesta yells out heading to the bar, I’m a bit scared because Nesta’s choices in liquor are questionable at times. Feyre and I start people watching and laughing as we see the funny things the already drunk patrons are doing. I start rolling a blunt and a few j’s also a few cigarettes as I tend to want to smoke one after a good drink or two. Nesta comes back with the shots and our preferred mixed drinks in hand. We raise our glasses cheering for another successful Bat Wives Wine Night. 
    About an hour or so later we are tipsy, Nesta not so as she prefers to smoke mirthroot. Her struggles with drinking have lessened, she has a drink or two while she watches Feyre and I dance on tables. Nesta nursing a joint between her fingers swaying to the music she loved. Nesta says the plant helps her feel connected to it. Whatever, I don't care as long as we do what we want and feel safe doing it. I am a fan of both, I hop off the table and take the joint between my lips taking a long drag before exhaling into her mouth as we both giggle uncontrollably. Her red eyes meet mine, seeing Nesta relaxed and having fun is a privilege and I’m glad she feels safe enough to do so. We all love our mates but I think being with each other brings a new peace to our hearts. Sisters and friends, we are loved. For the first time in a long time we are loved. Her eyes widen, face slack as I laugh and turn I start coughing inhaling sharply as I see them. 
Our husbands. 
Our mates. 
    I gently pull Feyre off the table where she was dancing with two other fae, gently pushing her head to make her see what we see. Feyre chokes on her breath. 
“Shit…” Feyre mutters. Shit, indeed. 
    Flying to the House of Wind, Azriel thought of his sweet mate. Years they’ve indulged their wives in their one night of secrecy. They deserved it, for being selfless and caring. Their mates have sacrificed a lot for them, for the Night Court. But they are busy bodies at heart, they can’t help but be curious. They love their wives, they just want to be included. Azriel lands on the balcony to see Cass and Rhys nursing a glass of whiskey. He walks in and pours himself a glass. 
    “Az, what do you think they do all night?” Cass says looking into his glass, pouting. Rhys looks unamused, Nesta probably told him off for being nosy. “Cass, they’re women. They drink their wine and dish about the new love interest in the books they read. Don’t think too hard you’ll hurt yourself.” Rhys chuckles as Cass throws a pillow at him. Rhys ducking slightly missing the pillow. 
    “I’m not but you know what I’m talking about. They smell like tequila and there’s traces of makeup and good perfume on them. Think about it, what do our mates truly get up to?” Cass says. Azriel sits and starts to think while Rhys and Cass get into it. Azriel the ever observant once couldn't have missed this right? He trusted his mate, knew she wouldn’t do anything stupid. Right? 
    Rhys stands after an hour or two of them not so obsessively tracking back to all the times they’ve had their Wine Nights. “Let’s go to the house now, we’ll say we forgot something. Catch them off guard.” He looks at the boys in confirmation. All their eyes light up in glee of possibly catching their mates doing something scandalous. But how they underestimate their wives is truly amusing. How they didn’t catch on after two years, even more so. 
    They set off for the River House when they landed there was silence. No giggling or tinking of wine glasses. Nothing. At first panic rushed in thinking someone hurt their mates but once they reached the master bedroom they saw clothes strung across the place, makeup and hair products messily sitting on the counter. The girls usual PJ’s on the floor. They went out.
     Cass scoffs, “I knew it! I KNEW THEY WENT OUT WITHOUT US! HA RHYS, I TOLD YOU!” he booms loudly, happy to be right and Rhys to be wrong. Azriel immediately makes a plan to find them, sending his shadows out. Once he gathered they were in the city they set their sights there. They went to Rita’s, not a trace. They searched restaurants and pleasure halls, Azriel questioning the staff there. They learned not only did they go out tonight but have frequented these places multiple times, without them. They were smart, Az gave them that. The girls used cash wherever they went instead of billing them, going as far as to use fake names and backstories when they would stop by the herb shop to purchase mirthroot and tobacco. Something they did not know their mates indulged in. For a second they questioned their mates, if they truly knew them. Now they for sure were set to find out answers. Azriel’s shadow reported to him they were across the city in a new club. 
    The music was pounding, drunk and high fae dancing or sitting and laughing. Azriel first spotted his High Lady and mate dancing on a table top, Feyre pouring tequila down his mate’s throat. Azriel couldn't lie, the sight made his pants tighten, seeing the hard liquor pouring down his wife’s very low top trickling onto her breasts. Watching her throat bob up and down, very similar sight to when she has him in her mout- “WHAT THE FUCK!” Rhys exclaims though it sounds more like a whisper compared to the very raunchy music booming in the background. Az notes that though Feyre lets loose at Rita’s and has fun, Feyre looks unhinged. As if she wasn’t the High Lady of Night but a 20 something year old who was having fun. Azriel laughed as he watched with his brothers, they stayed in the corner out of the way but still in eye sight of their girls. He watched his mate get off the table and steal the joint Nesta was nursing, blowing it in her mouth. Cass watches just as intently, in fascination and horniness. “I didn’t know they did THIS on their wine nights, I didn’t even know Nes smoked at all.” Cass says. He’s starting to wonder just how nice it would be to get Nesta this relaxed then fuck her for hours under smoke induced love making. Rhys is no better, watching Feyre swing her hips against the strangers around her. Wanting so badly to take her in the bathroom. But first it’s business. 
“Alright, brothers. They’ve had their fun now let’s crash.” Rhys said with a smirk. All together they marched towards their mates and stood waiting for them to realize. All had a mask of indifference though they really wanted to burst out laughing. One by one each girl’s head turned and paled. 
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gatorbites-imagines · 1 month
Hey you said in a post you were looking for requests for invincible don't know if your still wanting requests for it or not but I was really hoping for a wholesome damien darkblood x reader story. he and Robot are so far my favourites I just started the show though, not done with season 1 yet.
Damien Darkblood x male reader
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I love robot too, hes really grown on me the more episodes I’ve watched.
Damien Darkblood is a pretty blunt and dry witted person, or rather, demon. He takes his job as a detective very seriously, wanting to find the truth and bring forth justice. This also means your demon lover would be working way into the night, and would be gone for longer periods of time to do cases.
In the beginning this would have unnerved you, mainly because the cases he takes are dangerous and could put him in danger. Your lover does his best to reassure you though, even with his flat and dry tone, since the different tones in human language confuse him.
You two would have likely met during one of these cases, since Damien doesn’t really go out to look for a date or partner. This would either mean you were a victim, a witness, a suspect, or maybe a hero or detective. But for the funs of it, lets imagine you are another detective.
You wouldn’t be doing cases to the same level as Damien, seeing as he can sense crimes that happened through touch, giving him a different view than what you, a normal human can spot.
Damien tends to see things from his own perspective, meaning he doesn’t see the full picture at times, but being his lover means you have an easier time getting him to broaden his horizons compared to everyone else your lover works with.
You both being detectives also means your apartment or home looks like something out of those detective shows, with different corkboards on the walls, with hundreds of pictures or notes, and different colored strings connecting it in patterns only you two understand.
When it comes to detective work, there are times you’ll tag along on Damien’s cases, mainly when he has to interact with others like Cecil or the guardians of the globe, seeing as his dry and cut tone tends to annoy people. You won’t take them insulting him as casually as they do though, so it’s a bit of a give and take for other people involved.
After long days of little sleep and nonstop work, you always end up dragging Damien to rest somewhere. As a demon, Damien wouldn’t need to rest, eat, drink or sleep like a human does, but seeing as he loves you, Damien would go along if you just wanted to cuddle.
He will act tough, but you always catch his tail wagging a little when you cuddle, and you scratch the back of his neck or under his chin. Hes nice and cold as well to your surprise, so there’s no need to worry about cuddling in the summer.
Because I said so, Damien purrs, but only around you and only when you are alone. There are always cases hanging over the both of you, but you two decided to take days where you put off the work and spend it together. This is when Damien is most likely to purr.
Hes your personal weighted blanket, since hes got a stocky build. Him laying on top of you is the best if you like that kind of stuff, plus, his tail somehow always ends up wrapped around some part of you. This also goes when you are laying on top of him though.
Damiens big hands are also great at giving massages. Your demon lover always jokes in his dry tone that you humans are so frail, since you get sore muscles from all the walking or running you guys do. But he always ends up massaging your legs and feet if you need it.
His claws are very nice as well, as he runs them through your hair when you cuddle. He would never scratch you, your lover never wanting to hurt you, but he will go out of his way to put just enough pressure for it to feel good.
If it follows canon and Damien gets sent back to hell by Cecil, you know the ritual to bring him back. You also rub it in Cecils face when it turns out Damien was right, and what little respect you had for the guy will be gone. You wont save him from your lover bluntness again after that.
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differenteagletragedy · 7 months
heya! i loved your ol:ba headcannons, and i saw your post asking for requests, so i thought i'd sneak in here and ask for some more? have a wonderful day!
Sure, this is fun! And you too!
-- Baxter and Derek LOVE each other. Baxter would eat him up with a spoon. It doesn't matter if you end up with Derek and then reconnect with Baxter, if you end up with Baxter and introduce him to Derek, or end up with Cove and they meet at the wedding, this is the bromance we need to be talking about.
-- I thought about this because I was playing the wedding DLC last night and when you call Derek to ask him to be in the wedding party he answers "Hi, this is Derek," like yeah buddy, this isn’t 1999 on a landline, I know exactly who I'm calling. It was so cute and polite and formal, so I thought about Baxter's old texting style and how adorable it would be for them to communicate, then boom, they are best friends.
-- Baxter thinks Derek is the most charming person in the entire world, and he appreciates how well he was raised. He likes that he always opens doors and pulls out chairs. Derek does all the old-fashioned gentleman stuff too, like he always makes sure you walk on the inside of the sidewalk, if you're cold and he has at least one stitch of clothing on, you're getting it, and Baxter thinks that just so nice.
-- This isn't unique at all, but I like to think that you do all three Step 4s -- so regardless of romance, you go to your moms' anniversary with Cove, spend Father's Day with Derek, and meet up with Baxter at the wedding. So even if you end up with Derek, you make friends with Baxter again, and can you imagine planning a wedding with Derek when you and Baxter are solid buds? I love it so much.
-- One more one more -- Baxter and Derek making friends and Baxter going over to the Suarez house for events. Nicolas is OBSESSED with him, he's such a weirdo and plus Xavier likes him so that's an automatic win. But Derek's parents take Baxter in too, and now he's got a place to spend Father's Day and it just makes him feel so warm and cozy.
-- Is there another guy in this series LOL
-- There's at least a 90% chance that you cut Cove's hair for him. If you reeeeeally aren't comfortable with it then obviously he won't force it, but it just makes sense to him for you to trim it up for him when he needs it so he doesn't have to make it a whole thing. If you don't do a good job, that's ok with him -- you tried your best and he loves you for it!
-- Do you and Cove have a kid? Cove is that kid's doodle pad, and he gets at least one tattoo of a lil baby drawing your kid did. You might have to convince him not to do it every time. He loves that baby more than anything and the thought of having a little piece of them with him always, ugh, he really likes that.
-- Baxter loves cats and wants one very badly but he does that whole thing for a while where he doesn't feel like he deserves affection from any other living beings, so you'll have to talk him into it. But when you do, that cat is his child.
-- I'm not saying Baxter is in danger of turning into a crazy cat lady, but you might want to keep an eye on it.
-- "Baxter, did you spend $500 on this fancy robot litter box?" "Yes."
-- Baxter (I am currently on a Baxter kick, sorry) references magic several times throughout the story. Honestly I don't really know what else to day about this, but I think it's really sweet and important that he talks about it more than once.
-- Both Cove and Derek canonically like it when you wear their clothes, but Baxter likes to wear yours. It doesn't matter if you're smaller than him or if you wear traditionally feminine clothes, he wants in them. they smell like you and remind him of you, especially if you're long distance in the beginning after Jude and Scott's wedding. He's not going to like go out in them, but he'll wear your hoodie around the house for sure.
-- This also isn't like a hot take I don't think, but none of the boys ever change, ever. Like they grow and stuff, but if you're with Cove, he's going to be clingy and have heart eyes for you when you're 80, and there literally will not be a day that goes by for the rest of your entire life that he doesn't tell you that he loves you -- guy is going to be on his deathbed and blushing when you tell him how you feel about him. Likewise, Derek is going to be Derek forever -- always just so so excited to be with you. Hope you can handle literal decades of "it's Derek Day." Baxter does have a lot of settling to do, but please imagine a 90-year-old man smirking at you and giving you those flirty little lines. He'll never stop.
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randomnumbers751650 · 8 months
Talking about a ship for me is complicated because the feeling that I might be missing something or extrapolating too much. But still, I want to talk about Kafka/Blade.
Since HSR is a gacha, the chances of playable characters having romantic relationships are very low, so the fans have to pick the crumbs. Sometimes it’s pretty much obvious the devs want certain characters together, but the hand of the gacha business model holds them back. Other times, not really, maybe the devs are really aiming for platonic or other. And, of course, fans are free to interpret their own. So, I’m here to give my interpretation of KafBlade, why it called my attention.
From their interactions, they are working together and they have a level of affection: Kafka calls him Bladie (and he’s upset if others call him by that), Blade loves hearing her singing and is receptive to her whispers; they also seem to have good synergy in the battlefield. It also works in accomplishing missions, with Kafka’s lack of fear making her prone to injuries and Blade acting as her immortal bodyguard. Plus, there’s the implication they had to fake being a couple for a mission, which I hope it never gets a full flashback because imagining how it went is funnier. How they complement each other is what makes them so interesting.
They are both fundamentally broken people. We know Blade’s story, but it’s pretty implied Kafka has some tragedy in the closet (with Blade commenting he doesn’t want to see her sad; would it really be surprising?). And, they are villains after all.
But still, what I see in them is how they can still experience with each other things that they couldn’t imagine to experience or that they thought that they’d never experience. For example, Kafka is a liar. It’s a strength in her job, to the point even when she’s telling the truth it still feels she’s lying. She uses her whispers to dominate men and then discard them when they’ve done their jobs. She goes full “nothing personnel, kid”, because for her everything is just a job.
And then, one day, appears a guy who’s like “can you do that again?” A guy who wants to be whispered, whose lies sooth and motivate him. And then she learns he’s an immortal that wants to die and then she decides that she’ll help, but that she will strive to make his life more fun until that day because he amuses you. She has no feelings for him, because she has no feelings at all (or are very different from what normal people think to be); either she wasn’t born with them or the organization she learned her skills remove them, but still she just wants to make him feel good about his journey to death.
Blade is similar: he wants revenge. He crafted his entire life and used all his bladesmith skills to pursue that goal; it’s easy to imagine him forgoing everything, his feelings, his self-care, eating whatever slop he puts on his face, a very miserable life. And then one day a woman appears saying “join me” and she’s actually…fun to be around. Sure, they are using each other to their respective objectives, but there’s something more to it. He starts to pick her habits and helps her whenever she needs carry her stuff. And then he starts to wonder that, yes, his life sucks, but it sucks a bit less with her around. The blade he crafted for revenge can be used to protect, unexpectedly.
It should be noted that the devs already had opportunities to portray their relationship as toxic and abusive, but they haven’t. I’m not sure I’d call healthy either, but there seems to be a mutual respect and trust about them. I mean, they are dangerous (along with the rest of the Stellaron Hunters, Silverwolf, Sam and Elio himself (it’d be really funny if he was the cat)), but still it’s not hard to imagine them as a found family. We have to wait for future updates to see how they’ll be developed, but their Team Rocket dynamic with the heroes is fun.
One last thing is how I think it’s funny that KafBlade is “what if Gojo and Marin (from My Dress Up Darling) were evil?”. Kafka is the extroverted girl that loves shopping and fashion, while Blade is the recluse artist, but that grew bitter - as Yingxing, he was one the best bladesmiths of the Xianzou, he knows what beauty is (also please read the fanfic “dal segno al fine”, it really captures this side of his) – and would be reluctant even if Kafka’s feelings were like Marin’s; Kafka would have to have a lot of patience, but I think she’s not one to give up once she set up a goal.
I didn’t really review their text and quotes, I’m remembering all of it in the game and some comments in the internet. Even so, I wonder if others share these thoughts on them, especially the fact they bring out things that were previously kinda buried in each other, so it has potential for a more mature love story.
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failed-inspection · 6 months
Hii Hiii I'm very much in the mood to ramble about my Rain World ocs, so what better way to start off with that than going over the little guy in my icon, behold, Clump!
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Before I explain their deal I should preference by saying that:
1: they have no connections to the Notosverse (THE RW OCverse with Pioneer, Poet, Luminal, and generally the rest of my 100% serious Rain World ocs)
and 2: they started as a jolly co-op joke oc that was NOT meant to be taken seriously at all, but evidently I suck at making 100% joke ocs so whoops, they're now semi serious semi joke and all around all very goofy so please keep that in mind, and 3: uhh yeah
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- Clump is most certainly a purposed organism (obviously), most likely being created some time after the original Spearmaster was sent out during their first mission, but before the pearl was delivered/shortly before the rot happened, however, who created them and *why* is anyone's guess. No one knows, not even Clump. They'd just shrug if asked. But the most common theory is that another iterator saw Spearmaster, thought they looked weird as hell, and attempted to recreate them for themselves
- At one point they probably encountered the original Spearmaster and went along with them to Suns on their way back from the first mission... Suns was rightfully a bit spooked because Where The Hell did they come from and how, Clump ended up going their own way after the start of the second mission however so it wasn't like they ended up living with SM and Suns 😔
- Clump got their name from 'looking like a clump of [The Original Spearmaster's] skin', according to Suns
- they discovered what rot is after encountering The Memory Conflux Garbage Wastes Room, after being chased by a salamander, the both of them ended up falling into the rot pool, while Clump was able to make it out, the salamander was not so lucky, having been dragged down and eaten by the proto rot
- the reasons they give to wanting to cure the rot, according to them, are as follows:
1: They feel that slowly rotting away and being eaten alive is a horrific fate no one deserves, even for a god machine (though they claim to have little attachment to the iterators as individuals despite that, whether or not that truly is the case is a major point of contention, lol. lmao. they're clueless about it but deep down subconsciously they really do care for the iterators due to the lingering sense of familiarity.)
2: the fact that rot is being introduced to the surrounding areas is a major problem, as it puts everything and everyone else in the vicinity in active danger due to how the rot can become mobile and thus able to actively seek out and eat creatures, alongside being hard to kill, plus, who knows what else, what if it turns out to be infectious towards the wildlife as well!?, it's not worth finding out, so better get rid of it all than regret it... Maybe that could save the area or something
3: They want to have a name for themself, recognized as the one to took action when no one else did anything and cured The Rot, maybe even get on the cover of Time Magazine Slugcat Of The Year for doing so
- while their desire to cure the rot does seem to be genuine, if not just a little shallow in some aspects, their ways of trying to do so... Really lack surgical professionalism, it essentially borders on slapstick cartoon logic, they have tried the following in treating the rot: throwing ibuprofen at it, shooting it with a rifle they found, spearing it several times
- if their name followed in game scug titles (The Monk, The Hunter, stuff like that), they'd have 'The Medic' as a title
- They're!!! Stubborn!! They're determined to find a cure and won't take the idea of giving up as a possibility!
- they started wearing their bandana after discovering the rot as a means of defense against it, fun fact, their bandana is made out of the same stuff as the fabric that coats explosive spears, meaning they can wrap it around a spear as like, a one time use way to craft an explosive spear when in a tight spot since rot cysts are weak to explosives
Extremely goofy for a scug? yes but also I am having so much fun and ended up getting attached so oops
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bloodyselfshipping · 1 year
I saw the hc on how the Hetalia main 8 would talk bout their s/o and it was too cute! what would the main 8 be like with an s/o who adores reptiles?
(Hetalia Main 8 x Reader) S/O that adores reptiles!
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N omg my first request n ty <3 also holy shit i love lizards so much this is such a good request
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He’s very much a pet guy, so he’s not particular about what kind of animals you like!
Probably wouldn’t look into reptile care much, so you’d have to teach him. But don’t worry, he’s a quick learner.
Constantly bringing them out of their cage and just like. Holding them while doing stuff around the house.
He would probably like those lizards with the huge, dumb eyes most. They just look so silly!
He loves the little buggers but would definitely get grossed out about feeding them bugs and stuff-
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Frankly doesn’t have much of an opinion on the topic. If you want to keep your reptiles at his house, he’s fine with it as long as he doesn’t have to do too much.
But he supports your interests wholeheartedly. Would probably get you fun little reptile accessories for your birthday & Christmas <3
Arthur would like snakes the most, and might take them out when people are around just to show off and intimidate.
He wouldn’t mind the dead animals, but if you bring LIVE bugs in the house he will get freaked out. What if they got loose ?!
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Francis would probably be kind of off-put at the start, but he can’t help but warm up to them quickly! After all, if his darling loves them, he should too.
He’s very insistent on you getting them and keeping them in his home. He tells you, they’re like your coldblooded children!
Although he wouldn’t get very into caring for them, he would still bring them out often enough to cuddle.
Loves those colorful chameleons so much… some people say their eyes are creepy but Francis finds them unique!
He’s not feeding them though. Sorry!
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Immediately starts treating your reptiles like his children.
“Aiyah… all you have done all day is lay there! I expected better of you” “Yao please-”
He also really likes reptiles! They’re his ideal pet (they don’t shed and he doesn’t have to clean up shit), plus he’s always found all animals interesting.
Tell him reptile facts. He will pretend like he doesn’t care but he really does find it fascinating.
His favourites are turtles. He says they connect with him on a spiritual level-
Definitely won’t deal with the grosser aspects of owning reptiles, but he’ll always help where he can.
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He would love this so much. Anything you like, he likes too.
Immediately learns everything he can about taking care of them. He takes this task very seriously!
Soon enough, he’ll be the one telling you about reptiles rather than the other way around!
Probably would knit little sweaters for them because he worries they’ll get cold.
“Y/N… he has been acting weird all day! What if he’s dying?!” “It’s probably fine,” “BUT WHAT IF IT ISN’T?!”
He likes all of them, but prefers snakes. He likes how they wrap around him so tightly, it’s very comforting!
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He’s very enthusiastic, but he also has no idea about what they really are-
Listens very intently if you infodump about them. After that, hes convinced you have to get some.
Likes the little, tiny ones most, but he doesn’t really care either way (but the ones with weird eyes freak him out…) But whatever you want, he loves just as much as you do!
At first he would be like, “Y/N, could we get something more cuddly…?”
But then a week later and your new reptile is snuggled into his hair while he works.
Asks you if he can try painting on their skin / shell- WHICH, NO FELICIANO!
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While he may have never guessed he’d become a reptile guy, he becomes a reptile guy.
Takes their care very seriously. Ludwig has invested a lot of money in the best food and home for them, and even has a schedule for everything laid out on your fridge. Any deviation is dangerous, Y/N!
Very worried his dogs will eat them somehow, so probably doesn’t take them out very often. So, sometimes he’ll just sit and read a book next to their cage for a while. It relaxes him.
Not particular to any specific kind, but he does really like those fancy lizards- they just look so serious!
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Alright, you’re part of his life now, and so are your reptiles. He doesn’t really care either way.
Probably the most normal out of any of them. He’ll bring them out when he’s playing video games or reading manga just to hang out with.
Not at all bothered by feeding them bugs or other animals!
But oh lord, he panics so horribly if anything ever went wrong with them. Probably takes them to the vet more than he should.
Kiku’s favourites are turtles and snakes. He loves how calm they are! No pressure to play with them, just to vibe.
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How about your grillbys personalities and/ or anyone they can’t get along with.
This is my first time seeing ur fire boys so I’m very curious
Sure! This was fun to write, thank you for the ask :)
Grillby: A quiet monster that does as he is told and nothing more, nothing less. He enjoys working and dislikes it when people try to get out of paying for the stuff that they owe him. (Sans, mostly) He fought in the monster vs. human war and lost a lot of friends during that. He never exactly forgave humans, but he is trying his best to get over his hate for them because he knows that these guys probably don't even remember the war. He's very kind, even if he doesn't act like it at times.
Inferno: Shockingly a lot nicer than he acts, even if he acts like an asshole. He knows that he has to. His bar is a safe zone; nobody is allowed to fight in there, and if they do, they’ll get kicked out and banned. He respects the king and cares for Red; even if he isn’t exactly sure WHY he does, he just does. He makes his own drinks and enjoys seeing people try them for the first time—he likes to see their reactions. Of course he could lose his temper, and if somebody tried anything in his bar, they would see the danger of an out-of-control flame. He, too, fought in the war, but not as you may expect. Inferno was in the healer pack! He only fought when he was forced to.
Hearth: Hearth is a pink fire monster who lives in the ruins! He’s unable to leave, and even if he could, he doesn’t exactly want to. He works with his little flares to sell baked goods to every monster in the ruins! He loves money, hates sharing things, and finds the idea of friendship with other monsters strange… Unlike his counterparts, this one didn’t fight in the war. He’s way too young to have done that! He sometimes gives people things for free, but only once, and he tells them to give out some papers.
Flare: He is a pretty nice fire monster who also lives in the ruins. He hates seeing how everyone is so mad and upset all the time, so he's selling treats that help him feel better! Yeah, they're gonna get you high or drunk. Plus, the food heals a lot! He's a very popular monster in the ruins. A lot of the monsters know that if they tried to fight him, they would have to deal with his anger as well as that of other monsters, so he's normally left alone. Flare enjoys meeting new monsters but dislikes humans because of how they're mostly water. He thinks that that means he would get hurt if he touched them. He's not very smart. (he dislikes the queen a lot because he gets along fairly well with this goat dude who talks about her a lot)
Coal: Coal is a sad fire monster that doesn't get out very often. He has to be around something that would power him up at times, mostly stoves, but sometimes he carries around pieces of coal so he could eat that and be prepared to walk around if he has to leave the house. Because of how low his magic level is, he really can't keep up the big form all that often and normally has to be smaller to save magic levels. He doesn't hate humans for what happened to him, but he regrets having ever met them, and he still believes that monsters should have won that war or that they should have killed Frisk. Coal often looks back on the 'good' times and will share stories with anyone who will listen.
Embers: He dislikes anyone who doesn't eat healthy! He doesn't get why people wouldn't do that when healthy food can taste good and be good for you! He often sells his stuff at a... good price and talks about the health benefits that you would get from it! What he doesn't tell people is that sometimes he likes a few unhealthy foods himself. He'll sneak himself some coal at some points, but he never tells anyone because it embarrasses him a lot. He hates Alpha from all the stories and will try to kill him whenever they see each other. Alpha normally treats it like a joke. King loves Embers food, though! Embers, like the other swaps, didn't fight in the war, even if he did hear about it. He tries to ignore it.
Blaze: He is the one you need to know if you want to know anything going on in the mafia world. He works with food, sure, but every mafia member that is worth their scrap knows him. He knows pretty much everything about everyone and everything, and if you want to know, you'll have to pay him... he's laying on a pretty big pile of gold, but money doesn't really matter too much to him; he is more or less doing this because it interests him. Nobody really knows anything about Blaze; they just know that he knows stuff, and you don't want to get on his bad side...
Phoenix: He changes with his emotions! All of his colors, I mean. He is very colorful, and everyone loves his ice cream as well as seeing what pretty color he would be that day. He's very shy and quiet and dislikes too much attention on himself, so it's embarrassing lol. He makes his own ice cream with his own secrets! Like Dark Matter Double Chocolate, Meteor Shower Marshmallow, Cosmic Cotton Candy Cloud, or even his favorite Orion's Orange Dream. A strange thing about him is that he's not hot; he's very cold! That's why the ice cream doesn't melt when he's around it, and instead of getting hotter when he's mad, he gets even colder. It can be very dangerous if you're not careful!
Flash: Flash is a kind, caring fire monster who loves to help take care of animals and plants. He sells mostly seeds and feed for the animals that you need to take care of. He'll help you pick what's best for your animals, all while making jokes. He loves puns, and that's why he and Corn get along so well! Course Flash does dislike some stuff, and it's normally when people try to get a deal outta him. He feels like it's such an asshole thing to do to bug him about getting a deal instead of just buying the feed for your animals. Sometimes, if you have a good reason, he'll give you a nice deal, but only if you have a good reason.
Pyre: Just like Coal, Pyre cannot get too far away from things that would heat him up and give him power. Because of that, whenever he doesn't want to leave the house, he's often found in the stove with it on to heat him up. It helps a bit, and he's waiting for the day that he can be fixed! They're all looking for a way to give him some extra magic, even if they don't have a lot to spare themselves. Even with that, Pyre isn't the meanest monster. I mean, sometimes he can be rude, but that's just because he's hurting. He enjoys when people stop to talk to him, even if he doesn't act like it.
Lava: Lava is passionate and fiery, even if sometimes he doesn't act like it. He's full of intense emotions that he cannot show all the time. He's very adventurous and loves to seek new experiences! Even sometimes leaving his underwater volcano home... even if sometimes he leaves, he's very protective of the place that he calls his own and refuses to let most others get close unless he feels like he can trust them... he has a strange mysterious aura around him since, well, not many people know of him at all! Not a lot of creatures can get near the heat of the lava, so he's normally left alone.
Asmodeus: He knows that he's a very pretty and attractive monster. Fire monsters are rare, and a lot of the others think that he would be a perfect fuck buddy, but what they don't know is that he doesn't like doing it! Not at all. He's more or less the owner of the dancing club where people come to watch or to dance. He protects his dancers no matter what, and he will throw people out if he thinks that they're getting out of hand. Love doesn't interest him at all, and he thinks the idea of it is stupid... Now, does he really think that, or is it something he's telling himself? Who knows... Not even he does, honestly. He and Lover get along really well! More often than not, they spend more time with each other than any other monster duo. A lot of people think they're fuck buddies, though, funnily enough, they really aren't. They just... chat.
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heartburstings · 3 months
list of pokemon i would eat. u guys like dunmeshi now so u can't judge me for thinking abt eating pocket freaking monsters. or do idc. u can also join in this fun imagination game with me by going to bulbapedia and clicking on any pokemon and looking at the biology and pokedex sections <3
you would think farfetch'd but farfetch'd is endangered from too many people eating it. so i wouldn't. but if it wasn't endangered i would eat it. it comes with its own vegetable for chrissakes c'monnn
paras. its mushrooms have medicinal properties also it's not a crab it's a bug so i can eat it. its body is perfectly proportioned w mushroom n meat. you would think i would choose parasect over paras but i would not. paras is easier to defeat and more abundant too. and parasect is like 90% mushroom. i would kill a parasect if i was really low on veggies i guess. or if i was having a hotpot
shellder. you cook that sucker up and you can pull him out the shell by the tongue mmmmm. i just think it'd be a really fun experience (<- this guy just recently found out he is not allergic to shellfish)
on that note none of the crab pokemon. these are the easy options but i am allergic.
the vanillite evolution chain. i don't care. put syrup and/or chocolate on them due to no flavor tho.
i would not eat a happiny evolution chain egg. they need those. if the pokemon were dead with the egg though then i maybe would. i don't know that feels like a lot of protein. hotpot dish?
froakie evolution chain. i don't care i love frog legs
tropius for the fruits. the body is humongous i would not eat that. holiday feast if it died though
stantler. its tail is huge i imagine it to have the same consistency as a duck's heart but large and sliceable and chewable for longer. and even if it isn't its tail is huge. i am so curious.
slowking. i would use his crown as a soup container like how some people use crab shells for presentation. but it's not presentation bc upside down it is perhaps the most unstable bowl ever. you would need to set it up to stay stable over a fire and you could hotpot it. same goes for slowbro ig. i would not eat them without a lot of veggies and stuff tho.
i would have a pokemon that knows scald btw. make cooking go faster by already having boiled water. that's just a free tip from me for you to be able to never use ever at all.
hoppip and skiploom. living salad . "but wynn isn't every grass type a living salad?" that's dangerous talk. budew evolution line for example would definitely kill you if you ate it without being careful. hoppip is plentiful and seems to spawn/live in groups however.
for that matter i think the more flowery pokemon would make a really pretty and good salad. flabebe's pollen (which makes up its crown) for example has medicinal properties. check if its flower is edible tho. also floette's flower is thought to have terrifying power which sounds dangerous so don't eat that. for that matter don't eat anything further along the flabebe evolution line i think it's too life risky to be worth it. and you can't even eat their flowers. comfey's flower ring (the flower ring is not part of its body). you could eat comfey itself but like... you get a forever flower salad. its vine is canonically highly nutritious and the flowers gain healing effects. you should not eat comfey salad when in caves or other flowerless areas tho bc it gets nervy without a flower ring.
similarly slowpoke tails grow back plus they secrete a sweet sappy substance. so.
fire type pokemon are complicated. sometimes their internal temperature is canonically definitely hot enough to cook it alive so i think you should assume you can't really cook it? is it just forever raw? i assume they CAN be eaten because you can't tell me scovillains don't get snacked on in the wild. but are they edible for humans??? anyway i'd eat a scovillain. only part of it though i'd save most of it cos yum spice. i'd use the whole head or perhaps even both the heads for a hotpot tho. a lot of pokemon are huge and eating them would logically usually be a group endeavor.
tangela. its tentacles are canonically said to have a refreshing flavor and scent and its vines are used as herbs. this probably means that they grow on/around tangela and are not actually part of tangela esp since the vines snap off easily if grabbed so it can run away. would probably go well with comfey flowers.
shuckle produces juices by storing berries (well any organic materials but mostly berries) in its shell and you best believe i am going to have The Blender Turtle on my team. especially if one of my pokemon has the pickup ability??? come on bro
i would not eat a rotom btw but i would have the fridge form rotom for preserving food. "oh wynn what about the one that's a microwave oven?" you don't even need fire type pokemon to start a fire and you want me to have a portable freaking oven when i can have a fridge? a fridge that will never break down? that is somehow both portable and large? would YOU give that up if you were traveling? be so honest. of course if something in the fridge itself gets problems somehow--esp the "special motor" which brings about the change in rotom (rotom can only possess/change specific appliances; the washing machine model that rotom possesses for example has been discontinued and the price has skyrocketed, which is so weird you'd think washing machine companies would start making a rotom compatible washing machine the same way we have electric washing machines? even if folks don't put a rotom in it they can still sell it while also appealing to trainers? idfk), so if that breaks you're definitely paying probably a lot to replace any parts. (<- this guy is normal about household appliances.)
i would eat a legendary any legendary. wynnie don't care.
lotad. it comes with its own vegetable and it gathers around lakes with good quality water so if i see it i know the water there is safe to drink and consume too.
azurill evolution line. the ball on its tail is packed with nutrients as an azurill, and full of oil as a marill and presumably as an azumarill. these will therefore play different roles in cooking but is valuable info nonetheless.
swablu evolution line would be soooooo aesthetic. don't make soup with them tho bc if the wings are in water too long they lose their fluffiness. they'd still be edible they just wouldn't be as aesthetic.
cherubi evolution line. self explanatory. it's freaking berries
applin evolution line. also self explanatory. it's freaking apples. u have to be careful with flapple of course (its cheeks store acid capable of corroding metal) but still.
ok one more. cramorant. esp cramorant gorging form (i am allergic to gulping form)
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rolloollor · 6 months
Is it ok to ask a bit more of your loved ships in bio. I'd like to see what you say about Idoazu Jack/Leovil
Sure! I'm always down to ramble.
This was my main ship before mallerollo popped up. Naturally, I have the most to say about them.
I started to love idoazu when I got to Azul's overblot. I assumed Jade and Floyd would fuck off when Azul was in trouble, but they stayed! I was like, "Oh my god, they love him..." or at least care about him. I was legitimately moved since I was sure they'd dip. I've read people comment on their relationship and that it's purely transactional. That the second Azul falters, the tweels will give him the boot or eat him alive or whatever. Certainly Azul seems to believe this. They say something similar to Jamil in book 4, but it's important to remember that characters can lie and they can lie to themselves. They had a chance to drop him with the overblot and they didn't. Actions speak louder than words, right, so I think it's more likely that they believe it's only transactional, but they do genuinely like each other.
Though this like doesn't mean that the tweels treat Azul all that nice... they fucked up his restaurant during book 6 for funsies. Jade is a huge weirdo and I bet he loves seeing Azul frustrated or pissed off. I love Jade so much... I'm not as big on Floyd, but he can be surprisingly normal when he wants to be. It is nice that Azul has been able to have events with both of his boyfriends and even one with Idia without the eels if you're into that.
I like how close they are and I like how they respect each other. They all know each other's strengths and they've been together for a while. To go on this go-on-land venture together I think is significant. The tweels were the first to 'support' Azul, even if it was mainly to have fun, and I'm sure Azul does feel a bit of fondness for them, even if he says it's all business. I also like how Azul is a bit afraid of them, but he knows them well enough to be able to make his schemes appealing to them. There's this ever-present atmosphere of danger. Both eels love to eat octopus, after all. They're predators and Azul has this balancing act he had to perform, but even if he slipped and they usurped his position, I think they'd keep him around anyway. Floyd uses Azul's name, after all, so he's on the same level as Jade.
I'm not that interested in tweelcest, though. I never got the appeal of twincest. They look the same... I like when there's some kind of contrast.
The main thing that jumps out at me is how well they know each other and how they respect the other. Leona picked Vil for his Tamashina event and Playful Land showed more of the way they understand each other. They know their weaknesses, too. Their relationship would be complicated and maybe volatile at times, but I think they could make it work if they wanted to. It's probably Leona who'd hold it back. I feel like Vil could encourage him to try harder, but it could easily cross into being really irritating for Leona. Maybe Leona could get Vil to chill out a little bit, who knows. The appeal for me, aside from the visual contrast, is that it's a relationship of equals.
jackvil is just really cute. They're both very driven, and they already jog together in the mornings... it could easily develop from there. There's something just so charming about this giga celebrity getting together with a random guy he knew briefly as a child. It's cute. I think Jack would be good for Vil, too, since he'd be extremely loyal and supportive. He'd also make a good househusband. I don't have as much like 'backing' for this one, it's simple and cute. Plus I'm sure Vil does have a soft spot for him. The story about them making snow stuff together was really charming.
Also I dabbled in rookvil for a while, but it's like... too easy? Like things are established already. The climax of the love story happened already, if you feel me? I also don't like Rook's home screen line from the Ghost Marriage event where he says he's fickle... It worries me. I'm not against the pair, it just doesn't intrigue me, I guess.
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kukokun · 1 year
what dating the hypmic cast would be like
Ichiro: honestly probably wouldn’t allow himself to date anyone until saburo graduates college. Unless of course, before that, his bros push him to date because they’re worried about him being lonely but they don’t want him to be happy I mean have friends I mean uh get jealous easily so I wouldn’t count on that :/. Other than that he’d make a really attentive and fun boyfriend who would always put you first but not before his brothers. Kuko is best to be his bf just sayin
Jiro: while dating he’d be really shy about it and would probably be a huge dork but definitely good at protecting them and they would have a good time.
Saburo: annoying lol (also sorry, sabu, you can’t date until you’re…….16 :////j)
Samatoki: if he likes you enough to date you he would be really nice and take you out on dates and buy nice presents but also he’d probably p busy with the yakuza stuff. also you might end up in a situation where he has to save you after you’ve been kidnapped by a rival gang lol
Jyuto: we know he’s a fake snake so you’d constantly be wondering what he’s up to and if he’s cheating, but it’s actually just money laundering. But before you find that out he would pretend to love you and treat you nicely but get annoyed easily so you have to watch your step lest he uhm get irritated
Rio: if you’re not able to coax him out of the woods to live in the city, you would have to constantly make the trek up into the woods where he is able to find dangerous creatures and he’ll make you eat them. Eating his food will be mandatory. Dice is the best candidate. As a boyfriend he probably wouldn’t treat you much different from anyone else except on certain occasions maybe? Like when kissing lol
Ramuda: I don’t think he would date anyone because he likes playing around so to speak but if he did, you’d probably be treated the same the same as those girls and he would be really afraid of letting his other side show, but if you’re not jakurai about it he could really open up to you
Gentaro: Challenge level impossible lmao BUT you might have fun for a bit until you get fed up, but I just can’t see him opening up… (tbh I can only see gentaro genuinely dating a man and he actually could open up if he was reliable and sincere all the time, unlike gen).
Dice: don’t even think about it UNLESS you’re okay with providing for him and his gambling addiction. I think it could work out like that. If you try to change him he might leave you for the streets again
Jakurai: would start off real nice and comforting but I’m sure he would get annoying real quick as a bf. Plus he’s really busy and probably wouldn’t have that much time to spend with you and he might not be that physically affectionate. Would probably straight up say nice things about you all the time and genuinely mean it tho
Hifumi: he would just treat you like he treats doppo
Doppo: he would be a handful as a boyfriend and hifumi is the only motherfucker in this town who can handle being around him all the time
Kuko: would be fun as a spontaneous fling but I think Ichiro’s the only motherfucker in this town who can really handle his antics as a boyfriend
Jyushi: if you can get him to trust you and stop using his visual kei persona around you it would be really sweet and I think you guys would have a good time
Hitoya: The people spoke the truth when they said he would be the best option out of all the other hypnosis mic members to date, all things considered. I bet he’d even be willing to change his hairstyle for you He’s got money and a decent personality. Nuff said ((Also that one CG gAh damb))
Sasara: endless jokes of course. About how happy he is to be with you
Rosho: I feel like this can’t really go wrong unless there is something wrong with you
Rei: the following is you, him, and/or your wallet
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I went to a plant swap today! Got to chat with some gardening ladies, gave away some mint & comfrey & Jerusalem artichokes, plus field pea seeds, and picked up some fun stuff for my gardens.
Left front is borage (Borago officinalis), which I've grown before & found to be easy & nice to have, though I don't particularly want to eat the leaves. They taste nice, but they're unpleasantly fuzzy. Perhaps I'll do fancy things with the flowers - bees like them, too!
Back left is a couple of sweet peppers - "Lipstick" variety, I think.
Big guys in the middle are swamp sunflower (Helianthus angustifolius) and blue mistflower (Conoclinium coelestinum), and behind those are hiding a couple of little pink coneflower plants (Echinacea sp.).
On the bottom right, two Amish paste tomatoes.
I'm not sure where I'll put the flowers yet - start a flower bed somewhere, or just in the fenced vegetable garden where they won't be in danger of getting mowed? - but they can sit in their pots for a few days while I decide.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 years
I am Batman Part 4
Alright so- Justice League.
In my personal Batman Canon, Dick is about 14 (and Bruce/Bryce is 27) when the JL forms or at least, Batman and Superman first team up. (Plus uhhh I think Damian is conceived here. In this AU, it's Ra's who has been watching Batman find out that Batman is human and then stealing some DNA.)
There's always a MILLION reasons why they team up so fuck it, let's go with alien invasion.
Shapeshifters. Martians? I like legit watched ONE old cartoon for ten minutes with Manhunter and that's the reason.
Or whoever attacked them?
...yeah no shapeshifting aliens invading it is.
Manhunter approaches Superman first and then Wonder Woman. They begin hunting for others to help. It's Green Arrow and Flash who bring up Batman, the spirit in Gotham. they aren't sure if it'll work, but they need to try.
Bryce would like it known she doesn't like this. But she does come to them as the bat, creeping behind them, silent as a grave to growl and hiss at them. Talon cackles from a streetlight as Batgirl, named by the media, laughs her high laugh from a billboard.
"What do you want?" the shadow asks the heroes. "We have nothing for you here..."
Because it's true. The rogues that Batman fights are Penguin still, the man in and out of jail, with Riddler appearing alongside Condiment King and Kiteman. Poison Ivy and Mr. Freeze have also appeared, though Poison Ivy seems more invested in convincing Batman to join her in her goals. Mr. Freeze just wonders how many of the spirits died due to illness. Bryce knows more will come soon.
She just doesn't know when. (this is my canon for Batman. 'safe' rogues were appearing first, then we get the really dangerous ones. Poison ivy is dangerous as fuck, but I prefer the headcanon she isn't as bad as some others.)
"We need your help, if you can." it's explained and then... for some reason... they think she is a spirit. She doesn't understand. She really doesn't- how can they not? Doesn't Manhunter read minds? What's going on. But they need to focus first.
Batman appears with the others, fighting off aliens. The few media drones who catch the battle hear the hissing of the Spirit, the entity, as it growls and snaps. It is GOTHAM and even the crime in the city stalls, watching with baited breath.
Bryce would like it known that she is NOT a fan of fighting shapeshifting aliens. She does it, but fuck is it bad. She's also you know, worried why no one sees through her.
They win though, with some help from Batgirl. Barbara isn't Oracle, but her genius knows little match (a young boy with a camera who watches the news with squinted eyes outclasses her, but it is only by a small amount). They win, and in the end the Justice League is formed.
They still end up with all their snazzy things and stuff cause the government, Clark's Alien tech, Diana's riches, Bryce's more liquid money and Green Arrow's money helps.
Bryce presses at the group, wondering why no one notices anything. Why they don't react to her. She even goes to Metropolis to see if Clark can recognize her. He doesn't. (And if it leads to a one night stand, well she does it for bragging rights and the chance to see how that stamina affects him). It is here she learns the truth:
They all fully believe Batman is a bunch of souls formed by Gotham. there are all sorts of questions how he can leave Gotham that Batman slaps a: magic and cause world needs me to on. They accept it.
There is a bunch of research about the phenomenon, as Bryce tries to understand how it works.
Also, like while this happens Dick ends up forming the Teen Titans at age fifteen and suddenly Bryce is dealing with baby superheroes and also parenting with the other JL members who have sidekicks.
"Talon is a child. He may be a spirit but..."
"Oh no, we get it." "Wait, you guys eat?"
It's fun. But back to the weirdness. As I said, it's either magic or Gotham.
I actually like Eldritch horror Gotham more then 'magic Bryce' so fuck it. Gotham has a personification who tracks down Bryce to explain shit. Said personification ends up basically living on the farm and keeps leading Bryce to more riches in the underground caves in Gotham. Which awesome, more money- how the fuck did no one FIND THIS SHIT GOTHAM?
... Gotham is a wine aunt and enabler for all of Bryce's children and flirts with Alfred.
Gotham protects Bryce and helps shift her aura and prevent people from going into her head. Gotham protects Dick and Barbara to as time goes on. At times as well, a shift of a wall, a loose floorboard, an easy to each gargoyle saves them each time. The family is thankful.
Gotham is still an enabler though.
Times goes on, and suddenly Bryce is dealing with more teenage bullshit. Talon convinces the titans he can have sex/kiss people and suddenly he's dating Starfire, and Batgirl is upset and Batman wants a drink please.
Dick finds himself banished to chop wood or clean the coop a few times. Bryce doesn't care WHAT you do Dick, just don't do it where someone sees and complains to her.
Then he breaks up with Starfire before dating Kid Flash. Bryce wants a refund on teenagers. Alfred laughs at her and Gotham teaches Dick places to hide.
However, Dick breaks up with KF for the reason he breaks up with Starfire: he will never tell them who he is.
Bryce watches as Barbara finally makes a move she's been slowly wanting to for a while. It's cute.
Bryce does have to get a hose a few times though, and now both are cleaning the barn. You break the rules of NOT doing that in the public areas of the house and you get punished.
Dick is seventeen when Bryce finds a young boy stealing tires. Not her tires, but some tires.
She isn't surprised to know who it is.
Part 5... soonish.
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jesron · 1 year
Monster Roadtrip Hitchhiker Speculation/Wish List
I’ve been playing A LOT of Monster Roadtrip lately, and one of my favourite aspects about it are the hitchhikers and the conversations you can have with them While this series is usually so focused on its meta-aware humour and just sheer ridiculousness (and awfulness) of its characters, it’s honestly really interesting when they decide to shift focus on more down to earth and geniune moments for those characters. It’s honestly made me appreciate characters like Stu and Moss who I just thought of as nothing more than jokes, and showed that even they have more layers than one might have thought That’s not even mentioning all the things these convos do for the character that we already knew had a lot going on already. It’s just such a fun way to learn more about these insane characters (And also the lore? Which, I gotta be honest, I was not expecting this series to get into its own lore but I am eating it all up). The only problem is I wish there more hitchhikers to interact with... And so they’ve been releasing more of them! Via either free updates or paid DLCs, we’ve gotten even more of these guys to interact! We’ve got classics like Hope, entirely new characters like Adrien, and even Amira and Oz as hitchhikers  (At the time of me posting this, we’ll soon even be getting Brian and Vicky! My favourites of the original PCs so yay!) So, seeing as the team seems keen on giving us more hitchhikers via updates, I thought it’d be fun to speculate(dream out loud possible hitchikers we could meet on the road in the future 1: Faith 
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The first Hitchhiker I immedaitely thought should be added was Faith. Can’t have the Coven with just two witches after all. Gotta complete the trio! Plus, since I feel Faith is the most down to earth member of the Coven, I’d love to hear her perspective on all the crazy magic stuff, foiling evil plans (and her evil alternate), and just in general all the weird stuff this group has gone through 2: The Interdimensional Prince
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WE STILL DON’T EVEN KNOW THIS GUYS ACTUAL NAME! Like, we know just as the Interdimensional Prince. The hitchhiker convos are a great way to learn about the characters in this series, and oh boy do I want to learn the deal with this guy Also it’d be fun to learn if his goals of “Marry the first person he sees” have changed ever since the first game, especially seeing as character’s futures is a prevelent theme in Roadtrip 3: Batniss
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(I did not realize her picture would be so small that’s adorable) Let’s move on over to Monster Camp! While Batniss was a bit of a joke character meant to take some jabs at common YA novel tropes in Camp, I think she could work spectacularly in Roadtrip Especially with the convos! Like, I’d love to learn what actually inspires this flying gremlin, it could easily turn a pretty obvious joke (just look at the name) into something a bit more interesting to dissect Also I bet her date ending polaroid would be really cute 4: Jerry 
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(Okay so I guess these pictures I took were just smaller in general, go figure) I am honestly shocked Jerry wasn’t a hitchhiker in the base game Like, “dangerous hitchhiker” is a trope that fits this guy perfectly and I’d love to see how the team would play with that, mechanics wise anyways And yes he may be a bit antagonistic with a the threats od murder... and the actual murders... and everything that went on in that basement But still, he’s not... not a nice guy? So having convos with him could be a fun(?) way to learn what’s the deal with... you know, the murders
5: Jacqueline
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Let’s round this wish list with some of the new characters introduced in Roadtrip! Jacqueline I’d say is definitively one of the break out stars of the new side characters, getting some pretty cool art shown off in the buildup of the game’s release and even getting her own Merkingdom style portrait Plus, with the convos we could learn a little more about the farm life in the Monster realm, since I can’t imagine that being easy at all... and I also really want to learn about her messed up side like that face made her infinitely scarier than Jerry in my book ye gods 6: Whiskey
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While there were a lot of other characters I’d love to see explored more (Nu, Mamimi, and the Human from WTF comes to mind) I just love Whiskey so much you don’t even know The expression they gave him are amazing, his personality is magnificent, and just the general idea of him and his design make me love him I would love to get a date ending with this guy (could you imagine him and Juan getting together. That alone picture in my head justifies him in my eyes as a future hitchhiker) But yeah, those were some mons I’d love to see in the future of Roadtrip. I know some of them don’t have that high a chance of getting in as hitchhikers, but it’s fun to speculate still Would love to hear if there are any other suggestions for hitchhikers from the community
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
Aahh omg hi it's been a minute 😅😅 School life, am I& right-?
ok, I'm& gonna use this as an opportunity to ramble now hehe >:)
So is it just me who thinks Leon being implied to be treated like a literal celebrity is kinda a missed opportunity because they didn't make it a whole plot point :0?? I& mean, i& think it would've been a p interesting and unique (for Pokémon anyway) idea, no?
Idk if it's just me& who would've found it interesting for there to be Celebrity Struggles™, but?? :O
By celebrity struggles, I& mean things like what if Leon was unable to go into public without being swarmed at best and in danger at worst, or never being able to find friends who couldn't look past his champion status, or Hop and his family having to live in solitude to avoid being stalked, or even Hop being bullied out of jealousy from other kids, etc etc
(OOH, search Kisagari Attention on YouTube if you have time and you'll see what I& mean :00 The song is lowkey a bop)
So, taking a more realistic view at Leon and his life actually makes him significantly more interesting imo?? :00 Ik Pokemon is a kid's franchise and all, but HEESH,, IT'S MORE INTERESTING WHEN DARKER XDD
I& mean, Im& like 99% sure in Twilight Wings, there's a scene where the protagonist literally says "the champion isn't really smiling, is he?" while watching Leon get interviewed so liKE AM I REALLY THAT FAR OFF-- ASDFGHJKLKKF
Well, to be fair, the games are the most well-known and kid-friendly adaptation of Pokémon so they probably couldn't exactly include questionable dialogue like in that example but 😭😭 YK, it's fun to imagine
Anyway, the end of the ramble :DD
Oh yeah definitely!
Leon's struggles as a champion is definitely something that would have been interesting to dive into. We got crumbs from the game and some animated stuff. Not for Leon, but got the other gym leaders too. Raihan would talk about how people can leave harsh comments about his battles, due to his social media presence. In twilight wings there was a segment with the gym leaders being interviewed, clearly at a time where it should be for themselves ( Gordie eating, Nessa just going for a walk, Piers literally telling the camera man to fuck off lol). Galar is the first instance where the gym leaders and champion are treated as celebrities. Eyes are always on them. For Leon in particular, it's shown ( through crumbs) that he isn't exactly Mr. Smiles For Miles like he presents himself to be for the public.
And it's not like pokemon can't go into dark topics. Alola is known for having the subtext ( or text really) of abuse between the Aether siblings and Lusamine. In gen 5, Ghetsis exists, as well as his cult turned terrorist group in Team Plasma. Though, those examples are more for the antagonists of the story. Going into celebrity culture in swsh doesn't just apply to the villains here haha. So yes, I would argue that there's a lot more that could have been brought to light like you& said. It's especially hard when the focus isn't fully on that aspect. Hop would have been a great vehicle for that, but at the same time he idolizes his brother. It would be easy for him to simply not look at the reality of some things because his brother is all he knows.
That, plus the fact if we really want to go deeper into the celebrity culture/ struggle angle,then the game itself would have had to present itself differently. Something has to happen for characters like Leon show up and maybe imply more about what they are feeling and such.
I don't want this to get long, so I'll just end off by saying that with so many ideas that can come from swsh, especially with the characters, it's no wonder there's rewrites or heavy character analysis on them. Especially Leon. Poor guy needs a break.
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The Whale--Charlie is an English professor, passionately teaching online courses in essay writing, but his center square on the Zoom grid is always blacked out. He claims the camera on his computer doesn't work, but his students, inevitably, are intrigued. Ever self-deprecating, Charlie assures them that they're not missing much.
This isn't really true. Charlie, played by Brendan Fraser, is morbidly obese, weighing in at 600 pounds. He lives alone in, and works from, a shabby apartment, visited by his sole friend Liz (Hong Chau), a nurse who tries to warn him about the imminent danger of death he's in. At the same time, she serves as his pained enabler, supplying him with fried chicken and candy bars. The two share a link to the tragedy which led to Charlie's self-destructive eating habits.
In the course of the story, Charlie bribes his furious estranged teenage daughter (Sadie Sink) to spend time with him; he's also pestered by a young missionary kid (Ty Simpkins). Eventually we get to meet Charlie's ex (Samantha Morton) as well. Almost everything takes place in or just outside the apartment; director Darren Aronofsky wisely hasn't bothered to "open out" Samuel D. Hunter's play (Hunter wrote the adaptation). This concentrated setting only adds to the claustrophobia of Charlie's situation.
It's hard to miss the story's parallel to that of Aronofsky's 2008 The Wrestler--a guy at the end of his physical rope tries for an eleventh-hour reconciliation with his daughter. And as Mickey Rourke, in a comeback role, was the story with The Wrestler, the story here is Brendan Fraser, likewise in a comeback role.
I've always found Fraser enviable--hunky looks plus an unpretentious likability. Thus even the many terrible movies he's starred in come across like they were fun to do, and that in itself made stuff like George of the Jungle and Journey to the Center of the Earth less dreary, at least a little (maybe not Furry Vengeance).
But in The Whale, Aronofsky has put Fraser's soulful sweetness to use beyond merely ingratiating himself with the audience. Working inside harrowingly convincing prosthetic makeup by Adrien Morot, Fraser is an angelic presence as Charlie, radiant with compassion and love, yet also with reflective intelligence, and depths of unexpressed sorrow and anger and desperation.
There may not really be a lot to the film beyond Fraser's performance, and the crisp, controlled mix of anger and adoration in Hong Chau's Liz. Some scenes here verge on the overwrought, I suppose, and there are revelations that would probably play better on the stage. But nothing seems campy or patronizing. The Whale is a vehicle, perhaps, but it's a vehicle for an unforgettable, maybe even classic star turn.
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