#plush preds
citrus-kiddo · 5 months
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I've notice you guys like Eep and Yip a lot so here's some nom doodles of them :D
Also, fun fact!: Since the two have the same body, they have the ability to hypnotize prey via eye sight. Eep usually is the one who uses that to ensure their prey won't be rowdy while in they're in their stomach so they both get peaceful rest.
I do take requests so if you have a specific thing you wanna ask abt Eep and/or Yip, go ahead!
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jack-the-nibbler · 2 years
Plush/plushie preds are very underrated imo.
Can easily take the form of different creatures or characters, incredibly soft and cushy on the inside and out. Bound to be very cuddly. Will comfort you when needed, protect you from things that go bump in the night. Having a silky, soft tongue to lick you with, felt teeth that are only really for show...
And then there’s the insides. Being swallowed is unbelievably comfortable, like a soft massage that won’t get you all slimy (that’s also a perk, if you’re not fond of getting soaked in saliva and stomach fluids). And the belly can range from holding you comfortably, like a sleeping bag, to being pretty spacious. You could probably bring a blanket, pillow, and a few smaller plushies inside with you. It’s much better than your actual bed.
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urfavoritewriter · 10 months
Going In, Whether You Want It or Not
Content: Oral Vore, Burping, Male Pred, Reader Prey.
William lounged on his couch, completely naked, his slightly muscular physique adorned with a subtle layer of belly chub. A sly grin played on his lips as he casually ran his hand over his stomach. His fingers trailed sensually, emphasizing the softness of the flesh, and he reveled in the weight of it under his touch.
"So, you see, this is where it all happens," he chuckled, his eyes locking onto the viewer. "You might think you have a say in the matter, but in the end, you end up right here, whether you like it or not."
William's gaze intensified, his fingers now tracing a teasing path over the slight contours of his belly. "You ready?" he emphasized, "Because this belly," he emphasized, giving it another affectionate pat, "has a way of hugging real tight. Every curve, claiming you completely. You might just find yourself getting cozy in here."
As he spoke, his hand pressed a little harder against his belly, fingers sinking into the plushness. "No escape, my guy. Once you're in here, it's a one-way ticket, and trust me, you won't be complaining. In fact, you might even enjoy it."
William stood up, his slightly muscular frame towering over you. He flexed just a bit, the contours of his physique accentuating the teasing power dynamic. "Now, don't be shy. I know you can't resist," he taunted, his voice taking on a deeper, more authoritative tone.
He leaned in, and as he did, he let out a burp in such close proximity you could smell it. His belly emitted a low, guttural groan, almost as if it was an eager participant in the impending game. "You hear that?" William asked, leaning closer. "That means it's time."
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teal-fiend · 4 months
pred acting clueless around observers
they eat up prey, then lounge around on a sofa, stretching out so that the base of their round belly peeks out from under their shirt.
when the observer arrives, the pred ignores them mostly, maybe saying 'hey' but nothing much else.
they notice the observer noticing them, though. the observer, trying to hide their surprise and interest. probably wondering how long the pred has been lying there, digesting, or who it was being digested
the pred rolls over, and their stomach burbles and groans, as the inner contents settled back in.
the observer can't pretend to ignore it any longer, and says, unsuspiciously, "what do you have there?"
"What?" the pred says, aloof.
the observer sneaks over, but brave enough to get closer, something most people wouldn't do.
"it looks like you've had a good meal recently"
the observer poked the stomach, and the pred complained on it's behalf.
the belly was very warm, over-worked by digestion, the observer could tell even with just tapping it with a couple of fingers.
"Yes, I've eaten not long ago. It's taxing, my stomach gets ahead of itself, demanding for prey that is too large or," their gut rumbled thickly, causing the pred to pause, "...rich, and, it takes so long to digest. It's exhausting, it makes me feeble."
The observer listens to the pred complain, sympathetic although they couldn't relate. If anything, they were more likely to be in the prey's position. Under the pred's stretched skin, making the pred groan and bemoan about how tiring it is to digest them.
But despite all that, the observer still wanted the pred to be comfortable, and to have an easy digestion.
They looked down at the fatigued pred and their plush, contented belly.
"It looks like you could use a belly rub - to help with your digestion."
"I suppose so..."
This might have been the pred's plan all along. Maybe getting the prey itself was less important than getting a massage from the observer, who was so intent to get their hands on a prey-filled stomach
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Prey who act all “No… why would I want you to eat me… that’s weird.”
Meanwhile said prey:
Constantly looks at their pred while they yawn.
Or while they eat
Stares at their pred’s belly absentmindedly.
Cuddles their pred’s belly and squirms when it growls, but denies it.
Makes “subtle” jokes like, “You know, at my size, you could probably swallow me whole.”
Listens to asmr
Asks odd questions like, “I wonder what I taste like?”
Gets very defensive when asked about the above points
May or may not have a childhood/current obsession with Dragons/Werewolves/Sharks/Other common pred species
Sleeps in a nest of blankets and pillows and plushes to feel secure
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suzyandthefox · 3 months
Distant memory
Soft safe g/t Vore drabble , Reader X Male pred of your choice.
This one is so self indulgent it has no grammar rules.
Taglist: @pineappleparfaitie
You remember that you were cold, scared,and alone.
You cried for help,tears went across your cheeks, nobody loved you,the world was too big for you,it moved without you,you were only a small thing.
You remember how much you shivered and hoped for help to come, for an angel to save you.
You remember the giant palm that scooped you.
The lips touching your trembling body,  tender fingertips the size of your whole torso stroked your weak form, you longed for the softness,to the point where you put your face on his lips and cried, he tasted your tears and his heart moved for you.
You remember how frightened you were when he slowly, gently, slid you between his lips into his mouth, you didn't find it in you to speak so you cried.
“Hear me,my dear little one” you felt his voice in your mind as the pearly gates closed and sealed you in darkness.
“You were cold, weren't you?” You were.
“You were alone, weren't you?” You were.
“Then as long as you are within me, hidden deep inside me, you shall be warm and safe, and I shall be both your home and your friend.”
“Please,let me swallow you, I only want to help you.”
“Till when?”
“Till when are you going to keep me?”
“Till you are ready to face the world again,I will only hide you, protect you…”
“But only if you allow me to.”
You remember how the tongue stroked you and coated you, eagerly enjoying your taste, the body couldn't wait any longer to have you inside it.
Your longing for a home overcame your fear of the unknown, you hugged your captor's tongue then you gave up fighting.
You remember how his hungry gullet took you in it with great delight, the body pulled you and hugged your weak form with love.
A gentle pressure from the outside as your captor swallowed you, he is feeling you from the outside, and the feeling never left,you didn't feel forgotten for a moment during your long long journey within.
You remember the stomach, a huge room of plush, comfortable softness,you fell face first and, despite not feeling any physical pain, you still cried, you sobbed weakly.
“Little one, please… "What made you cry?”
The familiar pressure from the outside returned,to which you hurried towards frantically, you felt as if you were going to drown in your emotions.
“If you need to cry…cry, I won't stop you, I'm here if you need me.”
Perhaps it was the sudden change of environment, one moment it was unbearably cold, harsh,and cruel. Now it was overwhelmingly warm, soft,and loving.
The walls absorbed you into them as if they were a bed,a gentle cradle, he wanted you, he loved you and he cared for you, you felt it with every beat of his heart and every breath that he took, even if you were only a small morsel and he was, from where you are now, your whole world, in a literal sense.
Finally you allowed yourself to trust your new home, and yawned as you pawed around for the softest corner you could find. It was dark and humid here, but perhaps it was for the best.
You heard…no, you *felt* him humming, humming a lullaby for you, both he and his innards were lulling you to sleep, and oh how you wanted to sleep after all of this.
So you close your eyes. “Goodnight” you said to him.
“Sleep tight, sweetheart” was the last thing you heard before you finally went into a deep sleep, somewhere where no one will ever hurt you again.
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swmgsillystuff7 · 4 months
Slight vent involving vore.
Do you ever just feel so weak, just like so very low? And all you want is to be comforted?
Have someone scoop you up into their grasp, ask you what’s wrong…they look down at you with a gentle gaze as you tell them what’s wrong. Using their thumb to whip away your tears, using their shirt to dry your wet cheeks. They talk to you in a soft affectionate tone and they hold you close to their face. Their warm breath slipping from their lips and brushing up again your face, telling you that everything is ok…that they are proud of you. Eventually they ask if you would like to be tucked away within them,you say yes. They give you a warm smile , opening up their maw but not shoving you in. Instead they let you take your time to get inside. Letting you lie down on their soft tongue before finally closing their mouth. As much as they want to savor your taste they don’t want to keep you waiting, so they swallow. Trying to be as gentle as possible, finally you slip into their plush gut…the warmth isn’t overwhelming but it is kinda warm. The walls are soft and mold to accommodate you. The pred glances down at their now full belly, placing a hand over it and gently rubs. They can feel you shifting around to find a comfortable position, they smile when you finally find the right spot. they say a few nice things before finally asking if you are comfy, you are too tired to respond but they take it as a yes.
Despite you feeling sad…you don’t feel so lonely anymore. You feel loved and cared for..for just being yourself. You are being cradled by someone who loves you very much, and doesn’t like to see you so upset. So they tuck you away from the outside world so it’s just you and them…a little place just for you.
(Idk I just kinda wanted to write something that I like…really need…I’ve been feeling down but the thought of THIS makes me happy:] )
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safety-writes-noms · 3 months
i hate the heat so much... winter come back please 😓! I'm melting like a popsicle here and right about now I want nothing more than to disappear for a couple hours :v apparently it's gonna be over 100 degrees this entire week so urghhhsksj. remember to drink water and put on sunscreen guys!!
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what if you had cloud pred to stay cool inside? thinking of having some nice soothing rain while cuddled away in a plush cloud belly.. gosh that sounds so nice rn. sorry these are messy I did these on my phone and in the car omw to work
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citrus-kiddo · 5 months
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They’re names are Eep and Yip!
They’re a type of plush sea dragon pred(s) that is flippable (aka they’re the same person)! Eep is the more calm and sleepy one of the two, prefer to nap than nom. If they do nom you though, you’ll find yourself in a snug plush tum similar to being wrapped in a warm blanket which smells faintly of blueberries that you can’t help but fall asleep.
Yip on the other hand is energetic and playful, nomming people to have a party in their tummy (their words, not mine). Their tummy is similar to Eep’s in texture but is much cooler with a smell of oranges that makes you feel energized!
These two are still in development but yeah! Feel free to ask abt another, even being nommed is on the table! Okay, Buh-bye for now! :D
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tabbytums · 5 months
there's two types of vore dynamics i really love.
on one hand, i really love super intimate vore where the pred desperately wants the prey inside them, to become a part of them, most likely forever (and perhaps the prey wants this too). it's sickeningly sweet on the pred's end, massaging their belly and cooing as their prey rests inside, slowly softening as the day goes on until they become nothing more than mush inside the pred's guts. afterward, all that really remains of the prey is new plush pudge on the pred's belly, ass, chest, and thighs. but to the pred, their prey is home now, inside them.
and, well, the other type i love is just the opposite. the process of swallowing the prey is always an intimate affair, but afterward, the prey is nothing but food to the pred, meat to churn away. they don't pay much mind to their prey after they're eaten, going about their day as if they ate a turkey sandwich and not a full living breathing person. the prey is churned away, pumped into the pred's intestines, without a second thought. the pred's new love handles are just fresh fat, nothing more, nothing less. who the prey was before doesn't matter to the pred. even their face will be forgotten. all they are now is fat.
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sillylilprey · 7 months
opinions on plushie preds go‼
Probably one of of the most underrated preds, like, there is such a sense of nostalgia with plush preds for me!
I used to have a shark sleeping bag, thing, and that was probably one of the reasons I got into vore. I would just lay inside it for hours. (Even though it would feel like I was 2 feet away from the sun) but it just captured my imagination as a kid.
It's just like, your old plushies you love are alive?? And wanna keep you close and protect you??? Yeah!!! I like that!!!
Also plush stomach, which is basically just Is small chamber made of pillows, and fluffy tummy?? Yes please :)
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epicawsomeusername · 6 months
One thing I love about plush preds is the idea that you can bring blankets and pillows into the belly with you and not get them soaked
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jack-the-nibbler · 1 year
Had an idea for a monster under the bed type of pred.
Imagine it’s late, possibly near or past midnight. You should be sleeping, but instead you’re still tapping or scrolling away on your phone. Not a care in the world...at least until a dollop of drool lands on your head.
Slowly looking up, you find a large monster looming over you, growling in displeasure. It’s grown tired of watching you neglect your sleep and has decided to take matters into its own claws. Before you can even attempt to escape, its jaws clamp down around you, pressing your face and chest against its soft, plush tongue.
The monster wastes little time in gulping you down. Your phone falls from your hand as it raises its head, sending you sliding down its surprisingly silky gullet. As you slip into its stomach, you find that the beast’s innards are just as comfy as your bedding, if not more so. Once you’re completely sealed inside, you’re squished down, feeling your devourer nuzzling and licking you from outside. This combined with the soft rumbling and pulsing of the stomach helps to slowly soothe you to sleep.
As you drift off inside, the monster makes itself comfortable on your bed. You’ll be let out in the morning, but if you ever decide to stay up way too late again, it won’t hesitate to tuck you away over and over again...
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intestinalemphasis · 6 months
Character that has a "time of the month" that's actually just a time when they turn into a gooey marshmallow being. It works just like being a werewolf, but it's way less intimidating. Their skin turns to white gelatin, and their body gets all squishy and plush and soft. They're incredibly susceptible to any type of heat or moisture, as the sugary form just melts down and turns into a glop of sticky marshmallow fluff.
It sure would be a shame, then, for that character to be in that sweet, marshmallowy phase, and be gobbled up by a hungry pred with a sweet tooth. They'd simply melt away in that gut, burbling up into a sugary mush! Hopefully that pred has a strong digestive system, because that gloop is dense and sticky funneling into their colon. Sure hope they don't get a tummyache! 😊
Oh, I'm character btw, it's that time of the moon phase again, teehee
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suzyandthefox · 3 months
(Monster?) Pred POV vore drabble, soft safe g/t as usual
Big ol mouthplay with this one.
Taglist: @pineappleparfaitie @opikarts
Allow me to take you on a slow, gentle journey.
I know you want to go home, and home is where I am taking you.
I open my mouth for you, and let you take your time, my teeth intrigues you, so I let you touch them.
Your curious touch on my lips pulls me closer to you, I give you a gentle, affectionate lick on your little hands.
You get on my tongue, a soft plush muscle that invites you to my depths.
If you allow me to, I savour you, your small size does not mean I don't feel you, quite the opposite, you are a small treasure, a little star, you are full of wonder and beauty, it's only right that I cherish you with all my strength.
Your taste fills my mouth, and if you trust me, I start to tease you, to play with you, but only because I want you to enjoy this as well.
My tongue curls around you, I lift you and let you slide down, you think that I'm going to swallow, but I lower my tongue before you reach my throat.
I nudge you with the tip of my tongue, and that's when I taste your tears, I know how hard it was for you out there, you're safe now, my sweet little one.
My tongue curls around you, gently wrapping you, as I try to show my love for you in every single movement.
Here in this cavern of deep crimson, behind these sharp stalactites of ivory white, nothing could ever reach you.
You are getting tired, I let you rest and lay down on my tongue, then in a quick movement I hold you under it, like a gentle weighted blanket.
But my maw is merely the entrance and the beginning, you still have the rest of the journey ahead of you.
So I wrap your small frame with my tongue again, hugging you one last time before my tongue guides you to my insides.
And then, down my throat you go,I swallow you greedily, even if there's barely anything of you.
I trace your form as it slides through me, I feel you pass behind my heart, the heart that holds the love of the world for you.
I want to hold you in every way, so my flesh and muscle would hug you as you go through my esophagus, kneading around you.
At last, your reach your destination, my stomach welcomes you in ecstasy, it was waiting for you.
I was waiting for you.
A place underneath my heart, between my ribs, in my very core, is right where a treasure like you should be.
An immense warmth surrounds you, my stomach holds you and envelopes you in it's folds.
My precious dear, I'm your world now, I am home for you, your friend, your family.
Speak your sorrows to my flesh, I will listen to you, all that is around you is me, and all of me loves you more than anything.
It may be dark, but it is comfortable, gentle darkness, the light hurts your eyes and you are fragile.
I will let you out when you ask me, that I swear on, but please know that you're safest within me.
You're brave, I'm proud of you, but enough fighting, you can rest now.
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lesbianoms · 5 months
Feeling vorny again. I just wanna make a sexy pred lady all big and swollen while I’m curled up in her stomach. I wanna sit still in the gurgly bliss, not able to squirm because her tummy is so plush and tight around my naked body 😵‍💫
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