#plz mihoyo be nice to me
scaralvr · 2 years
just less than a week left before scara banner drops, how we feeling?
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burncdheart · 5 months
I've noticed that my rules on the carrd might be quite hard to read for people with bad sight. So I decided to post them here again with a bigger font.
Put unter read more because, wwwhhh, it's quite long :'D
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01. interacting & rp.
* english isn't my first language, so forgive me if i got anything wrong and feel free to correct me whenever needed ♥
* exclusives are only a very rare occassion and currently only applies to mira's chuuya nakahara (@diverse-hearts) as he's taru's father.
* do not tell me with who i can interact. i know that hate is too common in the rp-community and i rather see for myself.
* as always - no metagaming, god modding or such, unless its small actions that are important for the thread to move forward.
* ims are open for everyone while i prefer discord to be for mutuals only. if there should be any problems or such, feel free to tell me there ♥
* i turn asks into threads pretty often. if it bothers you, please tell me. just like this, you too are more than welcome to do the same. even if we don't know where it goes, even if it's just our muses randomly talking and it goes nowhere. rp doesn't have to be all about action! it can just be something cozy too.
* i also welcome the idea of alternative unvierses (aus). so don't fret to throw them at me c:<
* please keep in mind that taru is meant to be a villain. so no, she won't always be nice.
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02. shipping & relationships.
* i will only do romantic ships with chemistry and never with muns or muses that are under the age of 18.
* my muse is multiship, with every ship being in its own verse - unless plotted otherwise. in terms of ship i won't do exclusive ever.
* sexual topics will only happen there and then - once again, not with anyone under 18.
* though i love shipping, i honestly feel most comfortable about it, when things are at least roughly planned.
* pre-established relationships are totally welcome! be it that they have met once before or even several times.
* please always feel free to dm me about potential ships!
* i welcome all kind of relationships! our muses hate each other? something simple and platonic? they just simply have to work together? be my guest!
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03. following & triggers.
* i’m not going to follow everyone back. but i most likely will, as long as you have rules, as multimuse a muse list and as oc blog a bio about your chara.
* however, if i do, it means that i really want to interact & rp with you.
* i’m oc friendly and will also follow muses that got crossovers of verses i roleplay in. (plz throw your ocs at me tho. i love fellow ocs ♥♥)
* i will try to send in passwords, fill out your interest checker ( once we are mutuals ) and i will always look at your rules before following.
* this blog contains heavy topics. gore, blood, murder, traumatising things, you name it
.* triggers will be tagged with trigger tw.
* my own trigger are pictures of jellyfish and spiders
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04. everything else.
* none of the art is mine, unless stated otherwise. i will also only use any official art. if any art is spotted that is not official, please feel free to tell me! i will take it down.
* icons are mostly made by me, unless stated otherwise.
* credits can be found underneath the rules.
* i’m not affilated with mihoyo, bones, nor anything else related to the fandoms my muse is in.
* my oc is made by my own imagination and her faceclaim is a way to show how i imagine her.
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caro-bug · 3 years
Ok the time has come
If you are a diehard Raiden fan or won't take me criticising Genshin for some other reasons, plz skip this post, because It's gonna be one hell of a Rant.
Don't get me wrong, I love Genshin and I'm not planning to quit it or something, but criticism must be given.
And that being said...
And here's why:
Barely any playable characters were given any depth in this version. They were all treated just like plot devices.
Especially Yae Miko, who was there just to explain everything to our dumbassess and and give us an axcess to the power of ambition and friendsip I guess
Kokomi and Gorou? Nahhh, why give them any actual spotlight, if they were there only to deliever the schocking news that Fatui gave dellusions to the resistance? We might've as well learned that from some random soldier NPC and it would make little to no difference.
Speaking of delusions, don't Kokomi and Gorou fight on the front line? HOW THE HECK did they not notice that all of their visionless soldiers suddenly can use the power of elements? Did everyone hide it from them and everyone actually succeeded? Wasn't Kokomi weired out buy th sudden improvement of the whole resistace? How the heck did none slip up? WHY DIDN'T KOKOMI OR GOROU CHECK OUT THESE "WEAPONS" BEFORE GIVING THEM TO THEIR SOLDIERS? THEY COULD HAVE BEEN BOMBS OR SOMETHING
Also the fact that Kokomi just made us a general without giving us time to get to know how resistance works, or that she would give Teppei promotions just because he asked was extremely stupid. Not a master strategist move for sure. We could be a spy. Kokomi didn't even aknowledge Teppei until he asked her for a promotion.
Overall the whole resistance arc was extremely rushed and basically almost useless. If it was wisely prolonged, this update could be spread between two versions no problem. We could have had more quests where we and Teppei would slowly climb up the ranks, get to know more about Kokomi, ACTUALLY FIND OUT STUFF ABOUT EI AND SCARAMOUCHE INSTEAD OF LETTING YAE INFO-DUMP IT ON US.
Kazuha was ok I guess, but he was given very little screentime, and as my friend (a big Kazuha fangirl, mind you) noticed, that his whole arc revolves around Tomo and he barely has any personality besides grieving his loss, which is dissapointing.
I'd rather see him actualy join the resistance and face Ei not because he randomly appeared to save us, but because he was banished from Inazuma and had the courage to return.
Speaking of random appearances, why were Kazuha and the resistance at Tenshukaku anyway? Like, hear me out: Last time they've seen us alive was when we declared we would find the dellusion factory. So unless Yae told them we were here, they had no right to know (and if she did, how would that help?) And if they ACTUALLY thought that they could raid Tenshukaku, why do that right after their army recieved such a big blow, and with so little men? Besides the fact that Kazuha Conviniently managed to save us, it was all just an unnecessary bloodshed.
And Ei... Oh my god, I'm sorry, but the way they did her was such a mistake.
She basially went through the same thing as Venti and Zhongli, but was the only one to chose violence.
When we tell her that her people are suffering she's like "yeah, I know, so what?" But then we defeat her with what's basically a power of friendship and she's like. "Ok, I'll stop the decree I guess" and in her story quest she suddenly wants the best for her people? Oh no I know you don't.
She could have been the actual victim of The Fatui's plot. Imagine if Sara was actually collaborating with the Fatui and when we told her about them "manipulating" Ei she'd say she's gonna tell her but would actually go to backstab her before she realises the truth. Or if the "you've changed, you're getting weak" line would be what Scaramouche said to Ei after he defeats her.
Or, she could be an ACTUAL villain. The one that isn't forgiven just because she buys some dango milk and pulled a sword out of her boobs. She's a tyrant and there's no denying it. So why didn't she die to get what she desserved? Why didn't she get any actual redemption, or make some sort of sacrifice to show that she wants well for Inazuma after all? She could face the consequences of her wrongdoings and see the death she caused or experience the wrath of the people she hurt but noooo, her people already forgave her and are concerned for her health! But she's just being angsty, so let's go on a peacefull stroll and show her some horny light novel people wrote about her <3 Like come on, really?
Like seriously, if Mihoyo had the guts to actually call her evil, that would barely infulence her popularity. People simp over well-written villains like crazy. Well-written villains rule.
I'm honestly worried about how The Tsaritsa will be handled...
But okay, okay. To lighten up the mood, here are some things that I liked about this update:
Teppei, duh.
Watatsumi Lesbians.
Sara. Oh dear, oh dear, gorgeous. Once again, she proved herself to be an honorable person. We've seen her admit that she was doubtful about the decree. We've seen her world being shattered as she realised what her family did. We've seen her put away her selfless devotion to do what's right. My hot tengu gf, I absolutely love you and your writing so far.
Scaramouche has more interesting backstory and motivations than hid creator. He's the villain we deserve. He has the gnosis and he's yet to cause some drama, so hopefully he fixes this hell of an arc.
Thoma didn't have much screentime, but I like how they touched the topic of how it's hard for him to stay in hiding
Sayu was cute and fit into the story nicely.
ANGRY TRAVELER YES. They spoke. They were pissed. They were traumatized by witnessing Signora's death, even though they hated her. They see that the gods are nothing to mess with, they're changing, they're becpming just like their sibling. YES, YES, YES.
The fact that Raiden somehow "marked" us to attack us when we join the resistance army was cool and relflected her elemental skill really nicely.
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watanabes-cum-dump · 3 years
Rating Genshin character designs pt.1
I am by no means a professional character designer, hell I’m not even a professional artist (I’m self taught) but I just really wanna do this become Genshin Impact is home to some of my favourite character designs and some that I fucking hate. So let’s get into them 
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I fucking hate it
Don’t get me wrong, I love Jean, she carries my fucking team and I’ve maxed out my friendship with her. She’s a great character and has a great presence in the story, I can see why a lot of characters respect her, and I really hope to see more of her. 
But what the fuck is this design???
Basic blonde bitch face, I don’t even fucking know what’s going on with her outfit. I just really really really REALLY hate her tights. I don’t know why, but I have a vendetta against tights. Maybe it’s because I grew up in BC where girls consider tights to be fashionable, but I fucking hate tights. White tights especially since more often than not they’re transparent. 
I don’t know what it is, but I just don’t vibe with the colour scheme, ya feel me? There’s a rule with character design that I learned, which is have one main colour, and then have a secondary colour, and then have other colours that support those two colours. Jean is like... I can’t tell is her main colour is white or blue. The colour placement is sort of all over the place. 
Jean is just basic and it just doesn’t stand out when you compare her to the other characters. I just feel like she should look better than this, she’s the acting grandmaster of the knights for crying out loud, and yet she looks like a generic background character. 
She looks like Saber from the Fate series, I feel like she’s just so plain and there wasn’t really anything put into her design. Her in game model looks a bit better but it’s still kinda ‘meh.’
Like what does this outfit tell you about the character? Nothing! She doesn’t look like a powerful figure, you can’t tell she’s gentle and graceful, it doesn’t tell you that she’s a leader or tells you about how she carries herself. All her design says is “Hi I’m disposable blonde with a sword no. 235″ 
With all of the negatives, I do have to say that her design does a good job of directing you to look at her face. The colar and the way her hair frames her face is great but then again, her face isn’t much to look at. 
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Ok, we have so much to unpack here because I LOVE Kaeya’s design
I mean look at him! Right away you can tell what he’s like! He screams shady, flirty, and eccentric! 
One qualm I do have is that he looks more like a pirate than a knight, with the fur, buckles, and details, but I guess that’s fine. At least he doesn’t look basic or forgettable. And the design is a bit confusing but even then it still tells you a lot about him. 
The colour placement is smart and he looks very cohesive and put together, nothing looks out of place. Kaeya’s tanned skin contrasts the cooler values perfectly and I’m honestly sad that we don’t get to see him too much. 
It’s really a shame Kaeya isn’t more important and that Mihoyo doesn’t promote him the way they do the other characters (Noelle, Diluc, Zhongli, Xiangling and Fischl) He’s even overlooked by the community which is kind of sad. 
Real talk though he kind of reminds me of Sinbad from Magi. Maybe not the same level of himbo energy, but the whole shady, manipulative, womanizer that pretends to be good thing is there. 
But yeah, Kaeya’s design is great and I love him so much plz give him more screen time-
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They really did my boy dirty. Seriously, he looks so fucking fine in all of his art, but then you have his in game model and he looks all greasy and weird. Someone said that Albedo with the adult male model would have worked better and honestly I agree. 
But anyways! Let’s talk design!
Albedo’s colour scheme is simple but works well together, he very much looks like someone who works in a lab with his long white coat, but other than that he looks like a swordsman. It works really well for him since he is a captain in the knights of favonious as well as an alchemist. 
That’s all well and good, it tells you his occupation but it doesn’t really tell you about his personality. Like if I were to show you this guy without any context, you’d assume he’s kind and gentle soul. Which is kind of true (depends on who he’s interacting with) but we know Albedo to be analytical and sort of brisk and cold. Not cruel by any means, but he’s not very nice and gentle either. 
Overall very nice, I like it a lot, I really wanna have a coat like that, 7/10 solid design. 
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It’s... it’s kinda meh. Is he hot? Absolutely he’s smoldering, but I just... I don’t know. You can tell that he’s rich and all of that since he’s sort of wearing a suit, but that’s it. I also really hate that they didn’t give him coattails, I think coattails would have carried this rich untouchable vibe better. The weird fur is just kind of tacky. 
I feel like giving his outfit more red would help him immensely, I’m not digging the white, it’s just there. For no reason. I guess it helps to break up all the black, but giving him a red vest would have easily done the same thing while staying true to him. He has red on his gloves, why not put a bit more on his body?
I guess my point is more red accents would do him good. Diluc is recognizable, but it’s mostly thanks to his hair. If I gave him a different outfit with the same colours it wouldn’t really change much. He lacks things like like Kaeya’s details or Albedo’s coat that make him really memorable. You could have a character who looks different, but I think to be truly memorable it’s gotta sell the character and suit them. 
Overall, his design is sort of overrated in my opinion.
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Ok ok queen alert I love her so much. Ningguang doesn’t just look hot her design sells her so well I love her. 
You can tell that she’s ruch, elegant, and powerful. The white, gold and black just go so well together and the way it’s placed is just aaaaahhhhh she’s so pretty what the hell. I strive to make a character that looks this good. 
I just have no idea what’s going on with her shorts. That’s like my only complaint. Just give her regular booty shorts? Like Beidou’s? You don’t need the diamonds, if you wanted them you could make it like a pattern. 
But other than that she really looks like she rules a country. She’s just so pretty omg. 
Design aside, Ningguang deserved to be a five star, she’s so strong like there’s a guy who’s Ningguang can so 29k per crystal with her ult. Ningguang has such a strong presence within the game compared to Kequing and Ganyu who are just sort of there. Ningguang is one of the few characters who get a 10/10 in performance, design, and character wise. I love her. 
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Another queen. I am so whipped for Beidou and Ningguang guys it’s not even funny-
Anyways I love Beidou so much, I love her dress her colour scheme, she’s just so cool. The black and red is consistent and well placed unlike SOME OTHER CHARACTER. 
You can tell that she’s a pirate, that she’s a strong warrior and idk why but she just screams laid back lesbian aunt. Those are the vibes I get from her. I love her. You can’t tell in this image, but she has anchors on the back of her gloves and it’s a really nice touch that adds to her as a pirate. 
The hairstyle, her outfit, the eye patch, Beidou is just iconic and so easy to recognize. I remember not knowing anything about Genshin impact but I saw some advertisements for it and Beidou’s design really stuck with me because I recognized her when I got her. 
Another one of the few who get a 10/10 in all aspects. Love her, and I can’t wait to set sail for Inazuma with her.
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ominouscarmine · 3 years
Genshin Ask Meme
16. Walking or using teleport?
If I can, I would teleport always. I was more happy to re-explore areas at the beginning, but as someone who plays the game since 1.0 I just want to get stuff done and call it a day, unfortunately... ( mihoyo plz give me new areas to explore.)
17. Favorite mission?
Is this about daily commissions? Bc if so, uhh, the Ella Musk ones that make you communicate with the Hilichurls! Idk I find the Hilichurls rly interesting lore wise, and it's super suspicious how they can be nice (so it would be possible to get along with them??)
I expect some drama in future about humans vs hilichurls in future, because a lot of books hint that some humans can be unnecessarily cruel to them... And sometimes I doubt it's only written there as a "Joke" ?
On top of that I think hilichurlian sounds cute, and I enjoy looking up translations for the stuff they say.
ANYWAY, I digress, but that's always the one commission I found the cutest.
18. Least favorite mission?
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I'm sorry but I rly hate the Albert one, or the one with playing pirates with the kids. You just gotta talk too much and walk too far for these to be missions that spawn more than only once. (also pulling out an anemo or hydro character just to clean is a hassle as well)
Also any mission that makes me give away items I could use myself lol.
19. Do you like gliding?
WoUlDn'T gLiDiNg bE fAsTeR?!
Real talk tho, I have mixed feelings about gliding. I like the mechanic, but I absolutely hate gliding challenges, and sometimes it just feels too slow.
(Flying when Mihoyo?)
20. Who is the most useful character in your opinion?
I think Qiqi, because she saved my ass so many times. Benny and Barbara surely belong into there too. I just don't agree with meta that says healer are useless, maybe for mega whales, but I really appreciate them.
In fighting terms I think I do love Albedo the most, because his field can make any noob character into a dps in no time. And *clears throat* well, your Zhongli with his shield is one of the top most useful characters as well in my book.
I guess at the end of the day I can summarize this in healers and good geo characters. Can never go wrong with those.
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iiasha-archived · 4 years
genshin anon! LOL yeah the violetgrass is an ascension material for xinyan! i would know... i spent forever hunting for it all the time :/ you can buy 5 from... the pharmacy in liyue harbor i think? you can buy 5 somewhere. also i saw you say you have her c5 lol. she's pretty good! her shield is pretty nice. got a long cooldown though, so i have her use the sacrificial claymore. lol yes plz put everyone back in i missed all the fun characters and i want to (try to) get them! (1/5)
(2/5) ah okay haha. i always have the english voices on for when i space out i still know what's going on lol. albedo's though.. so nice. want to replay his story mission just so i can listen to him ): yeah, they do say like chapter 1 or whatever so that really makes it seem like there will be more. oo bennett is nice. he's pretty versatile. you can have him just be a healer or set him up more to fight, which is nice. i tried using him a bit as a healer but idk it just wasn't meshing well for me
(3/5) ahh congrats on the lvl 10 friendship with chongyun lol. yeah im excited to get xiao there but like.. it'll be so disappointing haha. yayyy ill have his namecard woooo... and yeah so many of the new things look super cool! yeah i didnt watch the full video but i watch other people cover it oops lol. did you enjoy the theater mechanics thing from the lantern rite? it was kind of fun. it was fun when i played with my sister, but by myself was a bit boring lol.
(4/5) YES. there's never an incentive to pull on the weapons banner. i dont want to waste my primos on something im probably not going to get. like i'd love to try to get staff of homa for hu tao but i dont want to just keep getting crappy catalysts instead :/ itll take too long to hit pity and im not wasting that many wishes on that. i feel like standard banner could be free wish a day, and maybe weapon/character, one a week? or something. just anything to help a bit. its not like 1 wish
(5/5) is going to hurt anything. yeah it does force them to come on daily. the higher level things need SO MUCH stuff, it can take a few days to get everything. but yeah it does keep people coming back everyday to get things done. yeah having good artifacts is a big thing. ive been trying to work on my artifacts for my mains. its fun doing those with people in coop haha. and ooh nice! im almost at 45! rip world lvl going up soon.
god all the more reason i like........ don’t wanna level xinyan up even if i have her at c5 LMAOOO yeah i think i used her for a little bit but i’m not a big fan of long cooldowns :(
this conversation actually convinced me to put on other voice languages so i can get used to the other voices lmaooo so i have it on chinese now just to get a feel also it feels more authentic in a way i guess since the original is chinese and all voicelines/translations basically stem from that lmao. albedo’s is so nice to listen to i feel like i could fall asleep to it its like a damn lullaby lmao. 
yeah it’s crazy how for the overall story we’re STILL on chapter 1 like.... it’s been ages lmao. yeah i hear a LOT of praise for bennet, as soon as jean gets to 10 friendship (since she’s almost there) i’m probably gonna use him as a healer/attack booster for xiao unless i miraculously pull qiqi or something.
lmaoo whoo namecards... it’s not a particular trophy either unless you actually use it either like nobody knows unless you tell them or use it as your namecard.
for1.4 i actually just watched the brief trailer which (hopefully this isn’t spoilers or anything??? BE WARNED RIGHT NOW) but omgggg when it’s hinted that that big water boss is like lumine/your other twin BROOOO ARE WE ACTUALLY GONNA GET STORY DEVELOPMENT like. HOW long have we been searching for our sibling at this point ajkfslajd and ahhh at first i wasn’t that excited about rosaria but the trailer also made her look extra cool hehe
personally i didn’t really like it although i did play completely by myself. it was just boring to sit through lmao i think i only did a couple levels so i couldn’t buy all the things in the xiao market or whatever but i was like sitting through all this is NOT worth it for me lmao. it looks like there are some more mini games coming up in 1.4 hopefully they’ll be more fun
EXACTLY. i kinda wanted the jade spear for xiao because it fits his aesthetic so nicely but i wasn’t gonna waste primogems just for that lmao. yeah, something like that would definitely be nice to have lmaooo @ any mihoyo employees reading through my blog right now... *wink wink*
the higher level things are impossible i’m not even gonna bother trying to get things to level 90 lmao i’m treating the level 80 as the 100% at this point with leveling up fjdlakfds. after my embarrassing time in my last co-op i’m probably gonna start looking at more artifacts which is just like... sigh another thing to worry about lmao. i’m having enough trouble with the talents jafkldjda
at first i didn’t like the world level up bc i was worried i wouldn’t be able to keep up with it but honestly it’s been okay. especially once you get a 5 star on your team or a really developed 4 star its like. fine lmao. and it definitely helps maintain the game’s difficulty bc it would be no fun if things were too easy hahaha and then also + incentive to level everything up again
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