#poc Sophie Beckett
sxphiebeckettt · 11 months
“Sophie Bridgerton, Benedict's petite and almost ethereal-looking wife”
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sophiebaek · 1 month
Meet Sophie Beckett, Bridgerton’s most elusive leading lady
It also hasn't escaped fans’ notice that, by the end of Season 3, all of the endgame love interests for the adult Bridgerton siblings – Daphne (Simon Basset), Anthony (Kate Sharma), Colin (Penelope Featherington), Eloise (Phillip Crane), and Francesca (Michaela Stirling) – have officially been cast and made an appearance on the show in some capacity…except for Benedict.
thanks to a number of factors, Sophie has become the single most elusive character in the entire show.
The secrecy surrounding Sophie became so blatant that a running joke developed amongst Benophie fans during the press tour for Season 3. Sophie was deemed the “Voldemort” of Bridgerton…given that Sophie was apparently also “[she] who must not be named”
So yes, while it was certainly exciting to read "Lady in Silver" in an official Shondaland article, it was simply not sufficient in light of the show's longstanding history of denying Sophie her rightful place in this universe.
Bridgerton has continued its habit of inexplicably keeping Sophie hidden from the world.
There is perhaps a greater discussion to be had about this long-term pattern of omitting Sophie (and now also Ha, who will be Bridgerton's third POC in a leading role, and the second WOC) from conversations surrounding this show
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becauseyouvexme · 2 years
prayer circle that whomever sophie beckett is that they are a person of color
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This is my Roman Empire, i have dreamt of this and I have multiple reasons
1. It will tie into History and how Irish people have always been considered an outcast in society for centuries especially before the famine
2. When I read the book all I could hear was an Irish!Sophie with her accent, her attitude, her antics and her random quotes are so Irish I just love (I also feel with this Irish attitude it could bring humour to their storyline and season)
3. I feel it would also play well with Benedict not being able to recognise her even more due to her accent ( at the masquerade she pretend to be British when actually she is fully Irish)
4. People would even question her parentage even more due to her being Irish and highly educated (which was a rare sight in that period of history)
5. I feel like this aspect of Sophie could show how she has never felt like a person, never having something that was her and with this symbolism it shows how Irish people had everything taken from them as a nation and as people such as aspects of language, land and etc.
Irish!Sophie has never knew how beautiful Irish culture is with araminta excluding her from this side of her due to never considering her as a person.
Headcannon- she arrives to the Bridgerton household and a few of the staff are Irish and they start speaking to her in Irish and she’s like “what” like utterly confused and they start to question her and her upbringing
6. And I was watching titanic (I know) and I was thinking this would be iconic for irish!sophie (let me cook!!!)
I imagine a scene like the Irish dance scene in titanic
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When Sophie starts to work for the Bridgerton household she meet the other house staff which could have a few Irish iconic characters and they invite her to a drink and a dance in like an underground basement type of thing where there is montage of Sophie dancing a ceile or drinking with her fellow Irish people (rambled there for a second)
This starts to happen a few other nights and Benedict gets suspicious of her always being tired and he follows her one night and finds her dancing, singing and looking happy. He decides to confront her but just to see she has had too much fun ( she’s drunk) and as he is about to scould her or something idk she grabs him to dance (this could be like a moment he fully falls for her)
Skip to them leaving and Sophie is drunk and they could have a moment where it parallels to Benedict’s high dinner scene on their walk home (we live among the stars type of moment)
They could somehow have a little drunk smooch and Sophie is at the state of drunk that she nearly reveals that she was the lady in silver at the masquerade ball and as she’s about it fully tell him she’s like “I was the La- lady-“ AND SHE JUST PUKES ON HIS FEET
(Y’all cancel me Idaf I needed this to be known)
And there’s a moment where they just look in shock and disbelief they start to laugh.
Skip to the next morning and she is hungover like crazy and she leaves her room and runs into Benedict and just tries to ignore what happened last night and bids him hello and hurriedly speeds off while he chuckles to himself
7. With Sophie being Irish it could also make Benophie stronger as Benedict is willing to accept her and understand her culture and involve it in their life e.g buying her a claddagh ring as an engagement ring (one of the stories about the creation of the claddagh ring are about a peasant and a prince fall in love and it is forbidden or something and the prince gives her a ring to symbolise their love(BENOPHIE CODED)), learning Irish with her, visiting ireland and giving their children irish middle names
8. I also think a brilliant song for the season would be linger by the cranberries because the lyrics and meaning of the song are perfect for Benophie while it also being an Irish band
9. I know that people are hoping for a POC Sophie or a Latina Sophie but I feel with Irish Sophie’s exclusion from society due to her being Irish shoes a whole other side of Bridgerton’s defiance against societal norms
10.i think I just want an Irish Sophie because I’m Irish but shhhhh
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Just to piss off the people mad about them genderbending Micheal (and making Micheala black because I guarantee you some of them would be perfectly fine with it if she were white) Bridgerton should make Sophie Beckett poc and transfem and also bi btw.
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ao3feed-kathony · 1 year
Curtain Story: The super serious, dark, dramatic and heroic rivalry of Miles Bridgerton and Charles Bridgerton
by orangepeelshortbreadcookies
At four years and two months old, Miles Sharma-Bridgerton rules the world. Everybody will always give him anything he wants.
Until he comes face to face with his new cousin, Charles 'Seong-Ho' Bridgerton.
Miles is perfectly fine with being the baby of the family and the centre of the universe then Charlie comes swinging in like a rocket and ruins all of that by being younger than him.
I need to write some wholesome baby fluff for a change
Words: 1714, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English
Fandoms: Bridgerton (TV), Bridgerton Series - Julia Quinn
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Miles Bridgerton, Charles Bridgerton, Edmund Bridgerton II, Kate Sheffield | Kate Sharma, Anthony Bridgerton, Sophie Beckett, Benedict Bridgerton, Daphne Bridgerton, Simon Basset
Relationships: Miles Bridgerton & Charles Bridgerton, Edmund Bridgerton II & Miles Bridgerton, Anthony Bridgerton/Kate Sheffield | Kate Sharma, Sophie Beckett/Benedict Bridgerton
Additional Tags: Family Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Children being cute and being children, Miles and Charlie are cute and don't they know it, also just crack, lots of kids logic, Bi-PoC Sophie, British-Korean Sophie
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/48915928
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thekatebridgerton · 3 years
Soooo I've noticed the Sophie Beckett casting debate has resurfaced and I just wanted to know what are your current thoughts about it.
Personally, I can understand why "Sophie should be white" outweighs the "Sophie should be woc" debate since it'll be tricky to see a woc sophie deal with what book sophie went through but then if they cast white sophie, it would also mean we'd get two white female leads for the next two seasons. Four if the show gets renewed for two seasons again.
And the "book is problematic so no woc sophie" explanation has been so overused at this point that we fail to realize that a lot of pocs are simply to invested in this show to see another poc lead, specifically a woc one, in a romance setting.
I guess what I'm saying is... we've seen enough shows where white women are desired from all races, let's give the wocs a chance to feel beautiful too. I believe in the writers to give us a Benophie story to look forward too, so I don't see woc sophie as a problem anymore.
Okay this is going to rub people off the wrong way but what the heck it's my blog and I can express my opinion.
So back in 2021 I got into a pretty heavy debate with some nasty rude anons over this subject and I'd like to clarify before I continue this reply, I am not White, I am very Latin American. Latina with an A. And in that side of the hemisphere Racism isn't as big of a social issue as class discrimination is, because the gap between the rich and the poor affects more people than the thousand shades of white, olive and brown that Latino skin comes in. That being said.
I am not opposed to a WOC Sophie, I just personally don't want her to be black.
There I said it.
And I know, I can hear you guys from the comments 'I am black and I don't see any problem with Sophie being black, I want representation for black romantic leads' which is valid. And if Sophie IS casted as a black actress I'm sure she will do an amazing job. I'm not against it. I'd just rather the show not go in that direction with a black female lead
Sophie Beckett has the most tragic backstory of all the Bridgerton characters, she's born out of wedlock, shunned in her childhood, gaslighted and verbally maybe also phisically abused by the female adult in charge of her. Then forced into a life of servitude she didn't want, when she tried to get out of the situation she was almost SA and her love interest starts their relationship by proposing she sell her body to him in return for his protection. Because make no mistake Benedict was doing exactly that the first time he asked Sophie to be his mistress. I get it he didn't know her or was aware of her past trauma. But still. It's what he did.
So if you don't see any problem with Sophie being casted as part of the race with the biggest history of slavery in the world. Congratulations, you're better than I am.
Because Sophie's lack of autonomy for the better part of AOFAG is the closest thing to slavery circumstances that the Bridgerton books have.
And while every race Sophie could be casted, White, Asian, Middle Eastern, Latina, Desi or Black do have their own history with prostitution. It's the blacks the most commonly associated with slavery and racial violation of human rights and I'm not okay with Sophie being casted as black. This is not the representation I want for my black girlfriends, enough is enough.
I teach little girls crafting classes during weekends, a lot of them are turning into young women soon. And I'll be the cool aunt who helps them hide their AO3 accounts from their parents. I know a lot of black little girls who look up to Tiana and think Brandi's Cinderella is cool. I want them to have good cool romance characters to look up to. Just not characters with backstories as tragic as Sophie's that reinforce the idea that if you're black you need to suffer twice more than other characters to be loved.
I'm sorry NO.
Again, I'm not opposed to a black Sophie, I would just rather see her as any other race.
Personally I advocate for an Asian Sophie, my preferred face claim is Jessi Mei Li. Because I've never seen an Asian Cinderella on screen before outside of K-dramas and I think an Asian Sophie would put a spotlight on the social issues that An offer from a Gentleman deals with without being as overtly painful to me as a viewer. The Asian community also needs representation and their struggles with class difference and discrimination should be recognized. I'm also okay with a Latina Sophie. I wouldn't be thrilled at the maid stereotype it reinforces, but I wouldn't hate it.
Overall I also don't want Sophie to be white and blonde.
That would be such a waste. Her character is marginalized and has a painful backstory. Making casting her as white is overkill. And would also suffer too many comparisons to all of Disney's Cinderellas. Netflix doesn't want that (hopefully) But it's also the safest option to a avoid backlash so we'll see how it goes.
And with my apologies for the bluntness of my words, that's the tea today
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letyoubemyanchor · 3 years
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I do find it quite odd that when people were writing think pieces about why Sophie Beckett should be white (allowing white people to use this as an excuse for her to be white) no one batted an eye but as soon as the PoC part of the Bridgerton fandom have had enough and wanted to make it known that it's absolutely okay for Sophie to be WoC, we're labelled as the "weird" ones.
When Simone Ashley got cast as Kate, *rarely* any PoC complained about it being "tokenism". If it's the bigots who were complaining, why are you lumping us next to them as if somehow their concerns and ours are one and the same???
Literally you all have voiced your hearts out about why Sophie Beckett should be white since S1 but as soon as we started rejecting that excuse, it's suddenly "I don't care if she's woc or white, you're weird if you want..."
Like we literally just want her to be WoC. Why is that such an issue?? You want someone to play Sophie who's able to carry the traits that Sophie has in the books. We want that too + her being played by WoC. You'd think we're asking for the moon.
If anything the side of the fandom that's asking Sophie to be played by a "specific" race are the ones who want her to be white so idk why we're even part of this conversation.
If you don't get why representation matters then that's alright but using this as an opportunity to demean us because we're campaigning for Sophie to be WoC knowing this may be the final time we'll witness a WoC as the leading lady in a historical romance series makes you the weird one.
Also I do hope Sophie is WoC, whichever race is fine as long as she's WoC. :)
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unfortunate-arrow · 3 years
Suggested casting for Sophie Beckett - Irish. The dangers and grossness of the white male savior trope saving the oppressed POC woman vanishes while still addressing prejudice and inequality and misogyny that are period accurate - all due to the vile things the Irish have suffered at the hands of the British. Irish prejudice was rampant in Regency Britain.
Yes! I just want an Irish character in the show, to be honest.
Sophie would be a great choice to be Irish, because yeah, it’s a way to get around that stuff, while also not being a typical choice. Also, Beckett has some Irish connections. There’s an Irish novelist named Samuel Beckett.
Irish heroes and heroines are sorely lacking in regency romance novels. They’re almost always the side characters, and a servant or someone who’s poor. And there are Irish peers, Protestant ones, but still. I mean Quinn made Caroline Basset’s husband the earl of Wexford, which is in Ireland.
1803 and 1804 both had Irish rebellions, and that’s part of the regency period. So, yeah there’s a lot of anti-Irish sentiment, which given the show’s track record, would probably be the better prejudice and oppression for them to tackle. There are certainly period-relevant oppressions beyond race that the show might tackle better as they’re less fraught.
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parkerxreader · 2 years
I really hope we get a poc Sophie Beckett even if they have to rework scenes and rearrange plot lines to make sure it’s not offensive in any way.
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little-space-babe · 4 years
Reason why Sophie Beckett would be cast as a WOC
I know that some of you guys in this fandom is uncomfortable with the idea that for some of the Bridgerton children their love interest will most likely be POC, but honest I could careless on how you feel as a POC reader of the books I couldn’t be more happier. After Kate comes Sophie, who would be the last female to join the family until Gergory marry Lucy (in the last book). Sophie would be our last representation of a WOC in the leading role for awhile, because after her story  come,  Penople, Eloise, Francesca, and Hyacinth all in that order. Out of the two( Penople, and Eloise) we already met their love interest, and for Hyacinth we already know that her love interest is a POC, because Gareth St. Clair is Lady Danbury grandson. As for Francesca I feel like they are going to cast a yt  love interest for her, but if I am wrong I feel like they would cast an Asian actor because that the second biggest Minor ethnic. We’ll have four season of yt women finding love, which nothing isn’t wrong with it, but it just make Sophie being a WOC, so much important. 
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sxphiebeckettt · 1 year
The Lady Sophia Maria Beckett, daughter of the Earl of Penwood.
POV: if Sophie was legitimate
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sophiebaek · 3 years
My bet is on Sophie running away, I don't think they are gonna reveal the next lead without giving the current leads their moment to shine so my bet is her running away and 1 or 2 months later they reveal her (Simone was 2 months later too) besides I don't want the scene of Benedict looking at her for the first time because is such an ICONIC moment that I want the whole audience to be marvelled and focused at Luke T's acting!
Hello! I was just wondering why do you think there's a good chance that Sophie has been cast already? Also do you have any fancasts?
Answering two in one! (Warning this is long)
Yes, I think saving a Sophie reveal for next season is the best choice.
I think we already have Sophie casted because they’ve hinted her coming and I’m pretty sure the show is in pre production already since they’re filming s2 and s3 back to back. Also in the Bridgerton TUDUM, Charithra was talking about how she found the role and it was her agent that said, “I think this show is gonna be big” so with that context s1 wasn’t even out yet and they were already casting for s2. They’re probably following the same timeline. Although I don’t think we’ll get a casting reveal so soon after s2. Simone’s was around February but only because it was accidentally leaked, and the rest of the new cast were revealed in April. So maybe we’ll get an announcement around July (mid summer)?
I don’t have any specific fan cast atm. I hope they go for someone more unknown so they can really become Sophie Beckett. They might stay within the Netflix actor circle since that’s what they like to do a lot for their shows. Netflix knows this is one of their biggest shows now so they won’t take casting lightly.
As a WOC I would love to see her as one as well; I just hope that casting understands and has worked through the potential problems that can arise with a story like aofag (the whole India thing has me a bit worried tbh just like the “love solved racism” line and made the show way more complicated; I would’ve liked it a whole bunch better if they didn’t even mention it). As someone who has seen representation of their race and culture on screen, some of the best representations are when the story isn’t solely focused on our struggles or culture. It’s just an amazing story about someone who happens to be a poc. I think the show could’ve broken more boundaries by casting the Bridgerton’s as a family of color (even though I love most of their casting choices), because then we could’ve followed interracial couples that didn’t always include a white romantic lead, but that’s probably asking for too much honestly 🤷🏻‍♀️.
One of my favorite fancastings for Sophie is casting an East Asian actress; that just makes sense for some reason (the girls that get it, get it). It would also be a nice nod to one of the oldest iterations of Cinderella that was a Chinese story from the ninth century, “Yeh-Shen.” This edit by @inksuvich is absolutely beautiful and I think about it all the time 🤍
But no matter how they cast Sophie I will 100% support the actress because this fandom can be very toxic ☕️
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sxphiebeckettt · 11 months
modern Sophie Beckett Pinterest board
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sxphiebeckettt · 11 months
“In her heart she longed for this man, dreamed of a life that could never be.”
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ao3feed-kathony · 1 year
Curtain Story: The super serious dark dramatic and heroic rivalry of Miles Bridgerton and Charles Bridgerton
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/akwHJSB by orangepeelshortbreadcookies At four years and two months old, Miles Sharma-Bridgerton rules the world. Everybody will always give him anything he wants. Until he comes face to face with his new cousin, Charles 'Seong-Ho' Bridgerton. OR Miles is perfectly fine with being the baby of the family and the centre of the universe then Charlie comes swinging in like a rocket and ruins all of that by being younger than him. OR I need to write some wholesome baby fluff for a change Words: 8125, Chapters: 4/5, Language: English Fandoms: Bridgerton (TV), Bridgerton Series - Julia Quinn Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M, Gen Characters: Miles Bridgerton, Charles Bridgerton, Edmund Bridgerton II, Kate Sheffield | Kate Sharma, Anthony Bridgerton, Sophie Beckett, Benedict Bridgerton, Daphne Bridgerton, Simon Basset Relationships: Miles Bridgerton & Charles Bridgerton, Edmund Bridgerton II & Miles Bridgerton, Anthony Bridgerton/Kate Sheffield | Kate Sharma, Sophie Beckett/Benedict Bridgerton Additional Tags: Family Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Children being cute and being children, Miles and Charlie are cute and don't they know it, also just crack, lots of kids logic, Bi-PoC Sophie, British-Korean Sophie read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/akwHJSB
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