#black Sophie Beckett
sxphiebeckettt · 5 months
the artist his muse
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sweetbagel-sticks · 1 month
Between Daphne, Anthony, and Benedict, Violet’s mom must be rolling in her grave at the amount of mixed grandchildren she has 💀 I love it
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bohemian-nights · 5 months
Like clockwork, the moment that Sophie is almost surely going to be played by a Black woman there is a sudden uptick in the Sophie should be a man or trans because that would be “true representation” discourse.
Representation for all communities is important(although that’s not what this rally is about), but Sophie Beckett is the last character in Bridgerton who should be gender-bent or made trans since her story is directly tied to her being a working-class biological woman.
It's because she's a woman that her only means of employment is as a maid. It's because she's a woman that she was almost raped by a pack of men. It’s because she’s a biological woman and fears birthing children who will be illegitimate and who may have to go through life as she did that she refuses to be Benedict’s mistress.
You can’t just plop a (white cause that’s what the real issue is) man or a (white) trans woman into her place without changing her story which is unique in the Bridgerton universe and dare I say the most empowering. So while yes it would be nice to see a gay love story on the show or a trans person, Benophie isn’t the couple to turn to for this representation.
And said representation definitely shouldn’t come at the expense of representation for Black women who are rarely shown as love interests or get to be leading ladies in media. Representation for Black women may not be your representation, but it's still representation for an under-represented marginalized group.
Seriously if your idea of representation hinges on the fact that Black women should step aside and wait “our turn”(aka we shouldn't be represented because y'all always come up with some excuse for why it isn't “our turn”) you need to reassess some things because that isn't going to happen any longer.
This also goes out to the people who keep saying that there are “too many” Black people on show therefore Sophie shouldn't be Black when the only Black woman* that has been featured has been Lady Danbury who is a side character who most certainly does not have a happily ever after(HEA).
*I love Queen Charlotte and both India and Goldie’s portrayal of her and I loved the spin-off, but both women are mixed.
Let’s not forget the people who said Sophie being Black would be too “problematic” since she’s slave(she’s not a slave you’re insulting the enslaved when you refer to her as such) while cheering on every other group of women playing Sophie.
That was what some said a year ago when people suggested Sophie could played by a Black woman, but now that it’s coming you’ve moved on from that excuse to needing to see two white men on your screens.
So once again this isn't about representation it's just another instance of fandom misogynoir aka trying to keep Black women off your screens useless we are there to serve you or be tortured.
Cause somehow seeing Patsey getting wiped and raped 23 million times is “powerful” representation, but seeing a Black woman being loved and cared for and getting a HEA with a man who adores her is “problematic.”
Again I do understand the ones who genuinely want to see themselves represented on screen, but to make this much of a fuss about a Black woman in the role of Sophie Beckett, it’s inexcusable.
Reference point to this rant.
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sea-owl · 1 year
Wouldn't it be funny if the Bridgerton wives were bored one day and just decided to band together and create a black market empire? Just imagine all 4 ladies at an afternoon tea party while their husbands are away and in a moment of silence Penelope (she who has done a many illegal activities in her youth) just straight up says "You know what would really be funny..." and the others will agree because 1) they're bored af and 2) they will use and create any opportunity to raise their husband's stress levels.
Then fast forward their husbands come back and have apoleptic levels of stress because WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CREATED A BLACK MARKET EMPIRE??? WE WERE GONE FOR A WEEK!
I love this. Lmao, you know what be funnier? If it was the same year Penelope and Lucy were pregnant with Georgie and Hermione too.
Penelope will pleade innocence to her husband later and that the baby gave her those thoughts (they both know she's lying), but she's so bored right now.
She's five months pregnant with her fourth child, and her husband had to go away with his brothers for an emergency at Aubrey Hall. That left her with her sister in-laws, Kate, Sophie, and Lucy.
Lucy was also pregnant with her third child, and she also looked extremely bored. Kate and Sophie also looked bored as their assigned babysitters.
Truly Penelope could not be blamed for what happened next.
"I am bored," Penelope stated.
Kate and Sophie looked over interested. Sophie always smiled when hearing of Penelope's tales of felonies just as Penelope delighted in hearing Sophie's tales of thievery. Kate was an enabler who was not afraid to pitch in, such as when they dumped all that tea in the Thames.
"I am as well," Lucy sighed. "Do you an idea?"
"Well. . ." Penelope trailed off. "The black market always did fascinate me. I used to trade secrets for goods with some of the merchants."
With a little bit of help from Penelope's friend, Ms. Kazan, the girls set up a "Lost and Found" business. Customers in need of their services would go to either Kate or Lucy and report a lost item or knowledge they wished to be found. For a fee, half paid up front and the other half paid after, Sophie or Penelope would go find the lost thing.
Were the methods always legal when they went looking? No, but hey, they wanna do a good job.
It was a very lucrative business, so much so that there were whispers about it when their husbands returned.
Colin immediately knew it was his wife's idea. Anthony, Benedict, and Gregory also knew it was Colin's wife's idea.
Storming into the Bridgerton drawing room, the husband's were greeted by their wives having tea in the exact spot they left them.
"Did you get bored while I was away?" Colin asked Penelope.
"Yes, I did," Penelope answered.
"So you created a black market shop?"
Penelope gestured to all the wives. "We created a black market shop."
"Why," all the brothers sighed.
Kate, Sophie, and Lucy shrugged. "We were bored and it seemed fun."
"And how long were we gone before you did this?"
"Ten minutes."
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d-caryophyllus · 4 months
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pinterest did this which might be a sign for me to finally finish that benophie moodboard with pamela tomé as sophie
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vicontheinternet · 1 year
I read a post somewhere on here that said that sophie should be one of the queen's illegitimate grandchildren and I can't get it out my head because thats just a chef's kiss. I also can't wait for lady danbary's grandson to get introduced which would be wild it'll be like repeated history try not to think abt it too hard
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chelebelleslair · 2 months
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As I rejoice in knowing Luke Thompson aka Benedict Bridgerton will finally get his season of romance and no longer be sidelined. I would like to put forth my preferred actress for the part of Sophie Beckett which is Iranian-Black American actress Yara Shahidi. I have enjoyed her as an actress in the Angelina Jolie action film Salt [2010] and in the YA movie The Sun Is Also A Star [2019]. We shall see.
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literaryspinster · 5 months
There is a fine line between wanting Black female characters to be shown in a soft, romantic, glamorous light, and implying that Black women who are poor, Black women who have suffered, and Black women who don’t live traditional lives don’t deserve representation at all.
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sunsis · 2 years
If Bridgerton is real about diversity they’ll cast Simona Brown or Crystal Clarke as Sophie Beckett in season 3
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thebluemallet · 2 months
EARLY Predictions for Bridgerton Season 4
I've had this in my drafts for a couple of weeks. But now that Benophie is officially happening next season, I have some EARLY predictions for the next season. I'll have more predictions when we finally have a clip or a trailer, but for now I'm gonna cast a wide net for what I think will happen in season 4.
They really name-dropped that masquerade ball like Tahani Al-Jamil name drops her celebrity friends. And they mentioned it in the promo with Luke T. The masquerade ball is happening! My guess is it'll happen somewhere in the first two episodes of season 4. This will be where Benedict meets his Cinderella/mysterious Lady In Silver/Sophie Beckett.
The code name for season 4 is supposed to be Vauxhall, where we saw Daphne and Simon launch their fake dating plot in season 1. That was a public ball, which means that anybody who could pay the fee could get into it. Perhaps we'll return there for the masquerade ball. Makes much more sense for Sophie to be able to crash that instead of a private ball at the Bridgerton house.
Let's just hope her carriage doesn't turn into a pumpkin before she can make her escape.
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2- A Possible Time Jump
In Benedict's book, he meets Sophie at the masquerade, she runs away at midnight, and then he doesn't see her again for another two years. I think a time jump could happen again. Specifically for a few of my upcoming predictions.
Also, it would add to the drama.
Can you imagine the reaction from the fans with the screen fades to black and then some text fades in that reads TWO YEARS LATER?
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3- Kate and Anthony Might Not Make An Appearance Next Season
Possibly an unpopular opinion, but I almost dont know why they bothered with having Kate and Anthony in season 3. It seemed like it boiled down to "We're here! We're hot! We're horny! And we're fucking off now! Bye!"
At least when Daphne showed up in Anthony's season she helped drive the plot forward and tried to help guide her brother on the bumpy road to matrimony. Anthony had one half-assed conversation with Colin about his engagement to Penelope. Kate did most of the heavy-lifting when it came to important talks with the family. She did most of the talking to Colin the night before his wedding to Penelope. (Not that it mattered because all of her work was undone the moment Charlotte showed up to the wedding.)
Kate also gets credit for speaking with Eloise to try and smooth things over between her and Colin. And then they left their family for a third time to go all the way to India, a journey that's going to take them six months one way.
But with a time jump, that would give enough time for Anthony and Kate to go to India, have their baby, spend some time there, and then make the long journey back to be present after the time jump with a toddler.
(With how pregnant Kate was looking at the wedding, I would not be surprised if she gave birth at sea. She and Anthony did not think that plan through at all. And why the hell did they leave without attending Francesca's wedding??? And when the Queen was certain that a Bridgerton was behind Lady Whistledown???)
Anthony and Kate being absent would also be a convenient way to keep the Bridgerton House set around for a little while longer.
Anyway, sending Kate and Anthony off to India felt like a way to let Jonny and Simone do other projects for a season instead. Jonny himself is probably gonna be busy with all of the press for the upcoming Wicked movie. So if the announcement comes that they won't be around, I wouldn't be surprised.
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4- Last Season for Queen Charlotte Queen Charlotte Lives Forever!
Bridgerton is not known for being 100% historically accurate. And let's face it, even if it were, people would still be complaining about the historical inconsistencies. But one thing Bridgerton is creeping up on is the year 1818. And it's in November of that year that the real-life Queen Charlotte passed away.
Season 4 will, I assume, start in 1816. If they do a one-year time jump, we'll get the rest of the season in 1817 when the main events of Benedict's book take place. If they do a two-year time jump, like they did in the books, then we'll be in 1818 and we'll be in the year we say goodbye to Queen Charlotte.
BUT, the showrunners have pretty much said that they've decided the show exists in an "alternate universe" and they're just going to keep Queen Charlotte around for a while.
The Queen lives. Long live the Queen.
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5- Eloise Meets Sir Phillip Crane (?)
While the masquerade references were heavy-handed, the references to Philoise were more subtle. In episode 3x02, Eloise wears a dress that is patterned with the same flower that was gifted to her by Sir Phillip in the books. And in 3x05, when trying to make herself feel better about her betrothal, Cressida tells Eloise that the two of them can "flirt with widowers." The showrunners are slowly setting up the Eloise/Phillip dynamic--they have been since season 1. I think they'll set more things into motion in season 4 and set them up for season 5.
Eloise already expressed to Kate how she felt as if everyone was pairing off and leaving her behind. Benedict's marriage will end up being the tipping point for Eloise.
Phillip would have lived the life of a botanist/academic if it weren't for his brother's tragic passing. Perhaps his academic connections could play a part in Eloise's desire to meet new people and change the world?
If they meet in season 4, it could be the catalyst for them to begin to exchange letters like they did in the books. Which will ultimately set them up for their story in season 5.
Of course, this also means that Marina is going to have to die offscreen at some point 😐
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6- Cressida Redemption (?)
One of my major gripes with season 3 was that they gave so much time to the threesome subplot that two other subplots seemed to have no real conclusion or were dropped completely. One of the subplots that didn't get wrapped up as nicely as it could have was Cressida's. We didn't see her reaction to Penelope unmasking herself as Lady Whistledown. She just kind of...left.
There is a long-standing fan theory that Cressida will have a part to play in the Benedict/Sophie story based on a piece of script that named Cressida's mother "Araminta". If this is true, then I think we'll see Cressida in some way next season. And maybe she'll get a happier ending. I never thought at the beginning of the show that I'd want Cressida to end up happy somewhere, but boy season 3 did a great job of making me actually sympathetic to her character.
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7- Another Offscreen Wedding
One thing that I know frustrated Kathony fans last season was not seeing an onscreen wedding for Kate and Anthony. I mean, we saw a wedding, and Kate and Anthony were there, but he almost got married to the wrong person. The closest we got was Anthony disassociating so hard that he astral projected himself into an alternate reality.
The only onscreen weddings to canonical spouses we've seen have been the Daphne/Simon, Colin/Penelope, and Francesca/John weddings. But if anybody was hoping to see an onscreen wedding with Benedict in season 4, think again.
I believe that the drama of Benedict and Sophie's story will keep up through all eight episodes of their season. And, like Kate and Anthony's season, we'll flash forward in time at the end of the episode to Benedict and Sophie several months into their marriage. But we won't get to see the actual wedding.
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8- Crossdressing Sophie (?)
Admittedly, this is less of a prediction and more wishful thinking on my part. This is the route I would go down if I was writing for the show, anyway.
Show!Benedict now being canonically pansexual has opened up the possibility for him to have an LGBTQ+ partner. But I have a slightly different idea. One plot point of Benedict's book is that Sophie, after running away from her stepmother's house, cuts off all of her hair to sell when she's desperate for money.
I think Show!Sophie could still get her hair cut off like in the book, and then go around disguised as a man for safety/freedom of movement/job opportunities. Then Benedict gets confused when he discovers Sophie in "boy mode" because he hasn't felt this level of attraction to someone since his Lady In Silver.
Maybe we'll get a Victor/Victoria scenario out of it (woman pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman).
Like I said, this is less of a prediction and more of the route I would go down if I was writing for the show. It probably won't happen this way. But maybe I'll give fanfic writers some plot bunnies.
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nightingale2004 · 3 months
OK, bridgerton people, I finished up the last season, and I have a LOT to say
First off, I think it's COMPLETELY UNREALISTIC that Daphne and Simon, along with their beautiful children, are not with the other Bridgertons soaking up all this drama and scandals that's been going on in ther family. SERIOUSLY WHAT HAPPENED?! was there a problem with the actors? Or something? Like what happened that made the actors and the children NOT MAKE AN APPEARANCE IN THE SEASON OF BRIDGERTON?!
Secondly, I also find it unrealistic that Anthony and Kate literally missed out ON PENELOPE'S LADY WHISTLEDOWN REVEAL?! LIKE, SERIOUSLY?! I get that Anthony wants to be with Kate and get to know her culture, but Anthony and his amazing Goddess wife Kate have missed out on the biggest reveal and scandal to hit their family! I so badly wanted to know what their reaction was going to be and their thoughts that Anthony's little brother is F*cking married to a gossip writer. Including Benedict.
I need to know! I can literally already imagine both Kate and Anthony reading the letter that Penelope is Whistedown and their reactions (to me) are hilarious 😂
Thirdly, I kind of wanted the secret identity of Lady Whistledown to be a secret a little while longer. Like maybe after Benedicts season. That's just my personal opinion. But I did want the queen to still find out and have Penelope and Charlotte have a private alliance. Penelope still gets to write under the approval of the queen as long as the queen looks at it first and maybe becomes the queens eyes and ears.
Lastly, I would like to acknowledge the haters here who don't like the change of gender of Michael Stirling, aka Michaela Stirling, and are fearing for their lives that Sophie Beckett will become Stephen Beckett.
Firstly, we are not the creators of this fantastic world. OK? The author is, Netflix is making this show into a reality, and those of us that actually like the show are actually OK and loving with how things are going especially the reveal that not just one but THREE bridgerton siblings ARE a part of LGBTQ+ community. Can we all just take a moment and not go backward to the "Annabeth shouldn't be black" incident. I know these two incidents don't relate because one has to do with race and the other has to do with gender but can the haters just stop. I believe the authors and creators of this AMAZING show know what they are doing, and the bridgertons along with Queen Charlotte are one of the few shows I like that haven't been canceled yet. So consider this a freaking win people.
If the creators want to change a few things, then let them change a few things, we are fans, and we have something called fanfics to which we read and write if there's something we don't like or can't live with when it comes to a fandom series. As long as the creators of the show keep giving us our daily dose of drama and do the bridgerton books justice than I for one am going to keep on watching and being invested in this fandom.
And haters one final message to you, if you don't like the shows, THEN STOP WATCHING THE SHOWS!!!!!!!
I have said my peace. And there is plenty more to come
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sxphiebeckettt · 1 year
The Lady Sophia Maria Beckett, daughter of the Earl of Penwood.
POV: if Sophie was legitimate
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bohemian-nights · 4 months
I cannot WAIT for this fandom to be proven wrong about “Michaela” Stirling because not only are they dead wrong and coping with the possibility of Sophie being Black, why would Michael be introduced this early??? Especially since we know that would mean that they decided to save that character for the last couple of episodes and to do that, would mean that they’re opening the door for Francesca’s season to be next and we know that’s not true! To go through all that trouble to save a character until the end would only mean they’re setting up the next main storyline… in what world would it make sense for that to be the Michael/Francesca storyline? Benedict is obviously next and Masali is being hidden like nobody’s business. This fandom is NOT serious…. June 6 needs to come faster!
You and me both anon. There are a few choice words I have to say to these people who never wanted Masali(or any Black woman for that matter) to be Sophie. So much so that they started spinning some tales.
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eleanor-bradstreet · 2 years
The Fireside
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Benedict Bridgerton x Sophie Beckett Rated: 18+, smut, cockwarming, dirty talk Word count: 3.2k Summary: Benedict is freezing and Sophie does her best to warm him up.
Author's Note: I wrote this as a winter fic, but hey - February is still winter! Happy Valentine's Day! 💝
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“What on earth happened to you?” Sophie stood from her chair, letting her book fall to the cushion.  Benedict stood in the doorway to their room, pale as a ghost, his black hair somehow turned grey. He walked toward her stiffly, arms hovering away from his body as if he couldn’t stand the feeling of his own clothes. When he moved closer, she realized that his hair was powdered with melting crystals of snow.
“Colin, Eloise and Pen,” he grumbled, stalking toward the blaze burning high in the tiled fireplace. Sophie now saw the drips falling from his fingertips and chin, and realized he was soaked through.
“But you went for a ride with Anthony and Kate. How did they get involved?”
“They were waiting for us when we got back. They had crafted the largest arsenal of snowballs I have ever seen. We didn’t stand a chance.” He frowned and crouched before the flames, holding out his hands, which were white and shaking.
“Oh?” Sophie couldn’t hide the smirk that crept across her face, so covered it with her hand, trying to look intent on his story.
“They were brutal,” Benedict said glumly, staring into the fire. “And I’m guessing out of some sense of familial propriety, they went easy on Kate and Anthony. I was the primary target. They didn’t just pummel me to the point I nearly fell off my horse, they did their best to drown me in the snow when I tried to retreat.”
“How awful,” Sophie was choking back laughter and silently impressed with the dedication of her brother and sisters-in-law. She knew that the Bridgerton siblings could always be counted upon for shenanigans when they gathered at Aubrey Hall over the Christmas holidays, but this was the first time she had seen Benedict bearing the weight of a prank. It was hilarious and adorable simultaneously, and her love for her in-laws swelled.
Benedict looked up and saw her trying to stifle herself. “You think this is funny?” He asked with mock annoyance.
All she could do was nod as she snorted behind her hand. 
“Well, let’s see how you like it.” With a mischievous gleam in his eye he leapt up and captured her in his arms and immediately she felt the cold and wet seeping through. Squealing, she jumped away and managed to get her laughter under control.
“We really must get you out of those clothes.” She chuckled, brushing the last of the snow out of his hair.
Smiling but nodding wearily, Benedict peeled off his jacket and Sophie hung it in a corner where it began to drip a puddle onto the floor. He then moved to the buttons of his deep green waistcoat but his fingers were so slippery and stiff with cold that they slid helplessly. Sophie was reminded of the night they were reunited, so many years ago when he rescued her from the Cavender party and she had put him to bed with a fever. She had had to undress him then, when it was scandalous for her to do so. In the time since, it had grown to be one of her most favorite and frequent activities. 
“Darling, let me,” she said softly, working top to bottom to slip each button loose. He grinned down at her gratefully, but she could see his teeth practically chattering, and could feel the cold pouring off of him. She felt a stab of concern. “You really are freezing, aren’t you?”
She knew her husband would never admit to a weakness out loud, but he gave her a lopsided smirk and quirked his head in such a way that communicated an affirmative. It was still comical how he found himself in this position, but she wanted to ensure his well being. The holidays would be dampened if someone came down with pneumonia, after all.
After she pulled the waistcoat down his arms, she pushed her chair closer to the fireside and instructed him to sit. Then she gathered a blanket from the bed and draped it around his shoulders. Benedict’s brows tilted upward in that gentle way that expressed his gratitude and happiness, and she felt her heart skip. She knelt in front of him and pulled off his boots and stockings. He had beautiful feet. Every part of her husband was beautiful, it was almost infuriating. Sophie had an aversion to feet, even her own. She had spent so much time polishing others’ shoes that she just wanted to avoid thinking about them anymore. Except his. Like the rest of him, they were strong and tendoned, but still slender and elegant. She loved to massage them, and took them into her hands to chafe his icy skin.
He tilted his head back with a groan. “God, Soph, thank you.”
Switching to his hands, she pulled them into her own and rubbed them gently, admiring his lovely long fingers as she worked over his knuckles. “We must thaw you out, Mr. Bridgerton.” The sweet smirk she gave him spread a warmth through his chest and he leaned forward to kiss her. Sophie couldn’t resist the press of her husband’s lips, but a chill ran down her spine when he pulled away.
“Benedict, your lips are frozen.” And then something exciting and oh so wicked flashed through her mind. Still holding his hands in her own, she arched a brow and looked up at him through her lashes. “I suppose I must kiss the life back into them.”
Then she was in his lap, her hands around his neck as she massaged his lips with her own, trying to stir them back to warmth. Benedict let out a happy moan, surging into her kiss, certain that her tongue was the most effective tool to invigorate him. He wrapped his arms around her and she shuddered. He was still cold, his shirt and trousers damp with melted snow, the press of his nose and fingers spreading a chill into her skin. It was like kissing a marble statue, but she couldn’t deny there was something titillating about it, the shock of ice competing with the familiar heat stirring inside.
Wordlessly, as their kisses grew deeper, she slid the blanket he was wrapped in back against the chair, then pulled his shirt over his head. It always hitched her breath when she saw his naked torso, so lean and muscular, sprays of freckles across his pale collarbone. Tentatively, she placed her palms on his chest. His skin was clammy and he sighed contentedly.
“You are so warm, Sophie.” He breathed as she glided her hands over him, pressing, chafing, unsure if she was actually helping him. She could feel desire knotting in her gut and just wanted to touch him, to admire him and feel his muscles tense beneath her fingers. The fire was burning hot beside them, and Benedict’s eyes were growing darker as he watched her. She wanted him, and she knew the best way to heat him up.
Taking his stiff fingers in hers once again, she stood and placed them above the neckline of her dress, her skin prickling at his cool touch. Benedict’s jaw locked, and she couldn’t tell if it was from arousal or the cold. Slowly, she guided his hands outward to her shoulders, snagging her dress beneath their joined fingers and letting it slide down her frame and pool on the floor. Benedict swallowed visibly, staring up at her and letting her puppeteer his aching fingers to undress her, as she repeated the same motion with her chemise. 
“Sophie,” his voice was low and needy, his pupils black and wide.
“Warm your hands, my love,” she smiled coyly at him. “Just here,” and she slid his fingers up beneath her stays to hold her just below her breasts. While she pulled the laces loose behind her back, Benedict held still, feeling the swell of her ribs as she breathed, basking in the heat of her body under her clothes. Against his frigid skin, she felt searing. 
When her stays slipped down her arms, she repositioned his hands, cupping them over her breasts. When he encircled her, she let out a soft moan, her tongue darting out to wet her lips. Benedict felt her nipples peak against his palms and cursed under his breath. Lord above, where did he find such a woman? Not only a breathtaking beauty, but one whose imagination in their intimacies never failed to surprise him. He was indeed warming up now, feeling his blood start to rush into all of his extremities.
As he held her breasts, Sophie raised her foot to his knee and bent to slowly roll the stocking down her leg. An animal noise rose from the back of his throat, and he found he had regained enough dexterity in his fingers that he was able to massage her soft flesh, kneading and tweaking, coaxing delightful noises out of her as well. Sophie continued with the other stocking, then shimmied her underskirt off of her hips and onto the floor. She stood now between his legs, fully nude and glowing in the firelight. She was precisely the flame that Benedict needed to warm himself by. 
In a few fluid motions, Sophie knelt again, unbuttoned his trousers and peeled them off of him, leaving him naked and breathing raggedly in the chair, staring up at her, completely under the control of her whims. 
“How are your fingers now, Mr. Bridgerton?” A smile tugged at the corner of her lips.
Benedict’s eyes were hazy. “Nearly back to full strength.”
“Nearly?” Sophie tutted. “An artist needs use of his fingers more than anything. We must warm you more quickly.” 
Then she moved back toward him, straddled her legs across his and lowered herself to sit on his thighs, wrapping the blanket back around his shoulders. Benedict watched with rapt attention as she pulled his right hand between their bodies and down to the apex of her legs, pressing his palm into her slick folds. She felt on fire.
Sophie groaned, fighting against the roll of her eyes as the chill faded from his skin, spreading into her and melting against the heat of her desire. Then she brought his left hand to her mouth, guiding his two longest fingers down her throat.
Benedict made a strangled noise as he watched her in awe, gently rocking her soaking mound against the heel of his one hand while she sucked the fingers of his other as deeply and diligently as if it were his cock. His hands were alive again, well and truly thawed by the pulsing wet muscles of her cunt and her throat. But he didn’t want to tell her that. He wanted her to keep going. He needed it.
When he rasped out her name, she released his fingers from her mouth with a wet pop. “Is this helping, my love?” She teased. “Are you warming up?”
“Starting to,” he wheezed, desperate for more of her attentions. 
“I see,” her brow furrowed playfully. “Let me hold you close, my darling. I think that will do the trick.”
He nodded eagerly, then hissed when her hand wrapped itself around his cock, which had been rising to stand between them. With practiced motions, she smoothed his skin up and down his length, squeezing and tugging precisely the way he liked, though much slower than he wanted. His breath escaped in needy huffs as she stroked him, and in moments he was as rigid as steel.
“My poor, frozen Benedict,” she cooed, her voice somehow both comforting and deeply sinful. “I will help you. I will keep you warm.” Then she shifted forward, releasing his hand pinned between them, and sank herself onto his cock, easing him in to the hilt.
The both moaned loudly, unable to contain themselves. Benedict felt himself wrapped in molten bliss, the heat from Sophie’s core radiating out through his every vein. Though his limbs were still stiff with cold, his nerves were set alight, his every sense tuned to the warm, soft goddess enveloping him.
“Soph,” he panted. “My knees still need a minute. I don’t…”
“Shhh,” her arms wrapped around his shoulders and she drowned his concerns with a kiss. “You don't need to do anything. We are not going to move. I am just going to sit here and warm you until you are fully recovered.” She pressed her torso even tighter against his and spread her arms down the muscles of his back under the blanket. 
“Your back is still cold, my love,” she whispered in his ear as she began to swirl her hands, chafing his skin with a rhythm that threatened to pull him into a trance.
Benedict muffled a contented sigh into the crook of her neck and dropped his head to her shoulder, melting into her, letting her hold him, wrapped in her arms and legs and body. He pulled the blanket around her back to envelop them both, cocooning them with the heat they built together. Sophie worked her hands across his back and neck and thighs and scalp, massaging sensation into every inch of his body, coaxing his muscles awake to find themselves delightfully entwined with her. The melted snow in his hair sent one last glistening drop down his jaw and she licked it away, tasting the metallic effervescence of snow, mixed with the familiar salt of his skin. 
For half an hour, they simply held each other, murmuring sweet nothings into each other’s skin and lapsing into long, languorous kisses where their tongues danced. Benedict felt his entire body steadily returning to life. Better than a hot bath, his wife warmed him from the inside out. First he thawed, then he simmered, and now he was approaching a blaze, as his arms found the strength to grip her more tightly and his thighs, no longer numbed, felt the wet heat of her womanhood dripping down over his cock. He stirred in her arms more and more, and his kisses grew hungrier, more forceful.
While at first Sophie triumphed in the coquettish act of sitting speared on Benedict’s cock and focusing her attention on the rest of his body, with each passing minute it became harder and harder to ignore the delicious ache building inside her. He was seated so tightly within her, pressing all the way to her cervix, stretching her so pleasurably. His slight movements, even just his deep exhales while she massaged him, caused him to drag slightly inside her and it was all she could do not to cry out each time. She had grown so wet, so swollen, just from the prolonged solid weight of him, that she was now throbbing. 
He was fully restored, that was evident, as his breath grew harsher and she felt the heat rising between them both inside the blanket. The poor, sodden man frozen with snow had melted entirely, burned away by the devilish seducer who haunted her bed and unlocked all of her desires.
As Benedict wound his fingers into her hair and plunged his tongue into her mouth, her nipples rasped hard against his chest. She moaned and clenched around him, hurtling close to the edge.
“Soph,” he groaned, bracing her in his arms and bending her back toward his lap, ready to pummel into her.
“Ben, wait!” She gasped, clutching at his nape. She was flushed, her lips bruised from kissing, and she felt so close to the brink that she was nearly in tears. “Don’t move. I’m nearly…I’m so close, just from…just from the feel of you. Please, please darling. Finish me…finish me with your words.”
Benedict’s mind spun. It was both humbling and outrageously flattering that he could bring her to this point without even moving. The thought that he could talk her into a climax and feel her come apart as she lay still in his arms made his cock twitch excitedly. He lowered to pin their bodies together and rumbled directly into her ear.
“My magnificent little wife, are you already about to go to pieces?” 
Her fingers pressed harder into his neck as she whimpered in reply.
“And I haven’t even moved yet. I haven’t fucked you properly. You have just been toying with me like the minx that you are, sitting on my cock, holding me in your beautiful cunt.”
Needy noises escaped through Sophie’s nose and she began to gulp for air.
“But it worked, my lovely,” Benedict continued, trailing his lips softly down her neck. “You warmed me through. You took care of me. But it seems you are now the one in a state of distress. And you won’t let me move? You won’t let me fuck that need out of you?”
His voice reverberating through her whole body, Sophie cried out and began to squirm. Benedict tightened his grip on her like a vice, pressing her flush against himself.
“Ah ah ah, stay still. Don’t break your own rules.” He whispered fiendishly. “I want to see if this works too.” He nibbled on her earlobe. “If you are so mad for my cock that just feeling it will do you in. Are you that much of a wanton, Sophie? Is your sinful body that hungry for me? You are burning up…”
“Ben…” she panted, eyes screwed shut. “Please…”
“I can feel you quivering darling, getting so, so tight. God, you feel so bloody good. You’re going to do it aren’t you? You clever little thing. You’re going to come on me right now, and I didn’t even have to lift a finger. You love my cock that much, don’t you?”
“Yes,” Sophie squeaked, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes as she held her breath. She was climbing the last steps to the peak, teetering on the edge. The heat between them was so intense, the tight weight so torturous.
“Then prove it.” He growled. “Come on my cock with your swollen little cunt. Give in, Sophie. Make me feel it.”
And she broke, following his commands as if her body was an orchestra that he conducted. With a scream she arced against him, fingernails clawing into his neck, her whole body jolting and fighting the hold of his arms. Her channel gripped him, hard and repeatedly, the sensation so strong, white lights danced before her eyes. Benedict could feel every inch of her, every ripple and every shuddering breath washing over him. Almost in alarm, he felt himself give way too. Rocking her against his hips and moaning into her breastbone, he felt her milk him for all he was worth. The pulses of their muscles echoed through one another, skimming aftershocks as they clung together. The only sounds in the room were their uneven breaths and the gentle crackle of the fire.
Sophie lolled in Benedict’s arms, a satiated smile breaking out across her face. “I trust you are feeling better now, husband?” 
The next day, much to everyone’s surprise, Benedict insisted on a rematch snowball fight, and Sophie joined in as well. Though they lost sorely to the other couples, they didn’t seem to mind at all. In fact, they were smiling as they headed indoors, soaked and snow-crusted head to toe.
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Tagging: @angels17324 @bridgertontess @broooookiecrisp
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d-caryophyllus · 4 months
i’m really happy we’re getting a dark skinned black woman as a lead when francesca’s season comes around but since phillip is def white sophie beckett should be latina or east asian!!!!!!!
and let’s be honest bridgerton is really lacking in latino representation and an indigineous latina actress as sophie would be just 🥹
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bonobochick · 4 months
Someone will have to let me know if Bridgerton cast a Black woman to play Sophie Beckett...
Cause I'm not really interested in watching S3 of Bridgerton otherwise. Well, maybe for some Kate & Anthony content and clips.
I know there's been a rumor floating around for a while that Masali Baduza may have been cast as Sophie.
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