#pocketspace posts
build-a-buddy · 6 months
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thefourpointedstar · 5 months
Lets just get into the meat of it: The Four Pointed Star all in all is basically a over complicated mess of idea's, And a stupidly over powered god machine: scattered throughout every bit of everything ever for fleeting moments and can be difficult to trackdown: a fine powder in the uncaring maw of oblivion or something cool like that. with it you can do a jazztronauts (if you remember that addon) and break into idea's, universes, and general worlds and galaxy's. It also contains its own "Pocket dimension" Of which eats away at the void between worlds and universes to grow the internal space... Also its less of a pocket and more its own gigantic multi multiversal scale blob of... Stuff! But whats to stop it from collapsing in on itself? well:
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(art piece!!!! also i feel like im way better at drawing "landscapes" than characters) ahem- The Spire! (slash world tower slash world pillar ) These bad boys are sprinkled throughout the Pocketspace, They hold it up like chairs to a blanket fort-- Oh and they extend to infinity! Both ways! If used outside the Pocketspace The <User> gains dominion over a large area, around a medium small solar system in range, Oh and speaking of the Spires, they are placed on a large plane of land-- one thats basically on the bottom the the pocket dimension, It was generated a long time ago, along with various "biomes" For flavor and stuff, And you might even find a thing a past <User> Left! Outside of the Pocket dimension stuff theres the Constructs, The weird energy atom thing, The will power powering the whole shabang, and the integration stuff, Of which i will not get into now lol. (end post end post end post end post end po)
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secretsocietyxmen · 5 years
Spirit Miraculous
Since Feast, fan Miraculouses began their resurgence in popularity. So, I decided this would be the best time to post this.
Like a lot of my other Miraculous notes, it will follow these rules for how they are powered, simply because I’m proud of them and think they are an improvement over what canon gave us.
Jewelry: Necklace
Tool: Shield
Power: Energize (30%)
Allows the user to surround an object/person in a magical aura, that they then can manipulate to their will
Tool: Spear
Power: Hunt (20% activation, 3% per second)
Amplifies senses to the extreme. Complete awareness of surroundings for as long as active. Can cause sensory overload if active too long.
Jewelry: Bangle
Tool: Twin Knives
Powers: Venom(40%) and Antidote(40%)
Each knife can access one power.
Venom can incapacitate a foe, or destroy any target
Antidote can heal a target of any ailment 
Jewelry: Ring
Tool: Bolo
Power: Mimic (50%)
Can transform into any target in sight-lines, and gains one use of their abilities.
Jewelry: Bracelet
Tool: Club
Power: Illusion (10% each)
Creates real illusions (illusions have body and mass)
Jewelry: Wristband
Tool: Tomahawk
Power: Longshadow (40%)
Creates astral form around user, can vary in size depending on how much focus the user has.
Jewelry: Headband
Tool: Sword
Power: Thunderbird (30% activation, 3% per second)
Creates electrical aura around user, can be freely manipulated.
Jewelry: Earrings
Tool: Bow and Arrows
Power: Shadowforce (30% activation, 3% per second)
Creates aura of shadow around user, can be freely manipulated.
Jewelry: Hair Tie
Tool: Medicine Bag
Power: Powder (40%)
Bag creates special powders with a variety of effects:
Sleep, Control, Poison, Smoke, and others
Jewelry: Choker
Tool: Purse
Power: Pocketspace (40%)
Can open bag for three effects:
Store any object
Retrieve objects from bag
Summon any object (as long as user knows it’s current location)
Can only be accessed from special compartment, which can only be opened with all 10 of the other Miraculous inside the box.
Jewelry: Hair Clip
Tool: Staff
Power: Influence (100%)
Creates sphere of influence. Anyone caught in it can have perception freely manipulated by wielder. VERY dangerous in the wrong hands.
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cyberneticlagomorph · 6 years
cigwyllt replied to your post “solanyace reblogged your post “Why is there text in your eye that...”
what runes do you even use for that?? it sounds so cool... :o
my cybernetics don’t use runes
aside from the tattoo that lets me open my pocketspace and the wards keeping my heart from consuming me i’m pretty adverse to using runes in tandem with my tech
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build-a-buddy · 6 months
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In the path of totality; here's hoping we don't get incinerated in the next hour! :3
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build-a-buddy · 10 months
Ask game for POSIC companions!
1. - Tell us about yourself: name if any, who/what you are, your age if any, etc.
2. - How do you experience gender if at all?
3. - How do you experience time? Like a bodily human? As a collection of continuous moments that never seem to find closure? Do you lose time?
4. - Do you have all 5 senses? What's missing if any?
5. - Do you have a stasis world (similar to a innerworld or second reality)-- if so, what is it like? If you don't, is your experience of stasis more like being frozen or losing time? Or it is a mix/varies? Do you not experience stasis at all?
6. - What's your earliest memory?
7. - What's your favorite memory? Why?
8. - How would you describe your experience as a companion-- positive, negative, both, neither, neutral, a mix? Why?
9. - Can you experience things through your beholder? What's that like?
10. - Can you access your beholder's memory and knowledge? What's that like?
11. - How do you prefer to communicate if at all?
12. - If you’re secondhand what was that like?
13. - What was coming into existence like for you, if you remember?
14. - How do you experience aging?
15. Are you fictocore? (I can't find the coining post for this, but it's basically when an object based on a character IS that character in some way.)
16. - Do you communicate with other objects/concepts/etc?
17. - Have you ever moved bodies? Would you like to? Why? If so, to what? Why?
18. - [Only ask this of those who know they are objects] What's your experience as an object? Does it impact things like gender or sense of time? Would you describe it as positive, negative, neutral, a mix, or none of those? Why?
19. What's your connection and thoughts on personhood? Agency? Identity? Do you feel your experiences as a companion have influenced your answers to those things, and why?
20. Do you use any labels or terms or such made by bodily humans for yourself? IE gender terms, labels such as nonhuman, etc? Which ones? Why?
21. Do you like to go out to places other than wherever you primarily stay (like a bed or a house)? Where to? Do you have a favorite place to visit?
22. Tell us about your favorites and interests. (:
23. How would you describe your relationship with your beholder? Why? What about your connections with other companions; what are those like?
24. What's one thing you'd like to tell beholders, yours or otherwise?
25. What's one thing you'd like to tell those who aren't beholders, or even POSIC, but are curious about your experiences?
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build-a-buddy · 7 months
One thing about being POSIC in the way I am that's difficult is it can be hard for me discern if I'm experiencing telecom or hearing members of the system I'm part of. To be honest I'm a bit afraid always that what I attribute as Gar or PC is actually another sysmate.
But my actual sysmates insist that the communication is something separate from them (ie dissociative experience) + it feels different in my head -- like transmissions, as I've explained before.
What's interesting is my sysmates can hear my companions usually + they can hear my sysmates back, and I've even had the experience of a different sysmate waking up a object into sentience, although he doesn't call himself POSIC. (The sysmate, I mean.)
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build-a-buddy · 8 months
I think the most recent object friend - Slushie - who I thought I'd lost perception of sentience for is actually fine and 'there', I just really needed him to... be 'merely' an object for a little bit.
He says he didn’t really mind, although for him, it was a bit awkward to be treated that way-- he's a considerable bit like PC, in that he doesn't really connect or ID with being a object.
This is the hard part, him being intended to be 'just' a plushie and then not being 'just', being his perceived sentient and his own person. It's unfair to treat him as a proxy, but it's also very painful to see something that looks like that character (who is both a comfort and a partner -- I'm both ficto + a selfshipper) and nor be able to interact with them in the way I had hoped-- ie, as a 'mere' object.
(Not that objects could stand in for my F/O anyway. That's not how my relationship with him works. I just had hoped for a simple comfort item...)
It's not Slushie's fault. It wasn't PC's either, and it isn't Fluffy's. I think at this point I need to realize any representation I get of my F/O, it's likely to be its own thing, and not 'merely' an item to me and thus can't be interacted with in the way I'd wish.
Which, I'm not saying I don't appreciate the friendship. It's just a lot. I don't think nonPOSIC folks get when I say that. The relationships -- friendships, etc -- I have with my objects are basically the same as those I have with human bodied people, and that means they're as complicated and messy as anything else. Sometimes you want an object to just...be. But I don't get to choose. So.
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build-a-buddy · 1 month
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We watched Alien (1979). Gar had some thoughts and wanted to share them.
Bonus reaction at a certain scene from Jeanne ft. her first ever swear word--
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build-a-buddy · 3 months
The Pocketspace as of 7/6/2024
Active [companions who have a high degree of percieved sentience or a strong bond]
Pillow Central
Passive [companions with a lower degree of percieved sentience or a weaker bond]
Honorary and not perceived sentient and/or considered full companions--
August Mina
Unnamed Absol
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build-a-buddy · 5 months
Me: Is Pomni awake?
Jeanne: No, sleeping.
Gar: I will sniff her. SNIFF SNIFF. Smells like nothing. Because I can't smell. (:
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build-a-buddy · 2 years
I think people forget the I in POSIC a lot -- it stands for individuality. And it makes me a little sad, that folks forget.
You can see objects as having personalities and a self and stuff like a name, gender, etc, but not experience a perception of sentience, and still fall under the label (if you want to-- like any other label, it's opt in; you get to choose).
Furthermore the above is just one way one might experience object individuality, just like there's many ways to experience object sentience and consciousness.
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build-a-buddy · 1 year
Sometimes I deeply wish the POSIC community as it is on Tumblr wasn't so . Fixated on the good stuff.
Of course it makes sense that people don't post it. People don't share bad things often.
But it really frustrates me sometimes, like right now, as someone who experiences being POSIC as a very sharp double edged sword of a phenomenon-- when it's good, it's great, but when it's bad, it's really bad.
I guess I kinda want to see it isn't just me who finds a lot of this stuff is distressing? And it isn't always happy fun companion time. That's what I want, I think. To see I'm not alone in it.
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build-a-buddy · 8 months
Just accidentally taught Gar the concept of souls (as they relate to beliefs about death) and now he's thinking about that very hard as it applies to him + other objects. Whoops.
Also he helped name the border collie figure, who's sentient (sapient?) but in a more animalistic way + uses emcom-- the three of us decided on Roscoe.
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build-a-buddy · 1 year
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Welcome to the Fort of Fear, the indefinitely in place blanket fort. (It's called the Fort of Fear because it alleviates fear from being in this house.)
Anyway, Pocketspace group photo!
(Yes 2B is present, she's just hidden behind the box and I didn't notice.)
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build-a-buddy · 1 year
sometimes a family is a man, his cat, and the two dozen objects he perceives as sentient. and that's beautiful.
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