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livesunique · 1 year
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Orava Castle, Oravský Podzámok, Slovakia,
Orava river in the village of Oravský Podzámok, Slovakia.
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streda · 4 months
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"Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror"
A film that contributed to the creation of today's horror films, a film that changed cinematography, a film that will never be forgotten and that will always be mentioned in the best horror films. This is "Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror".
"Nosferatu" is a cult production of the 1920s and today, everyone has probably heard it at least once. as I have already mentioned, the film changed the face of cinema forever, introduced changes and controversies.
Florence Stoker, Bram Stoker's widow, brought a lawsuit against Murnau for illegal use of her husband's novel. She won the lawsuit, and Murnau had to pay damages and destroy all copies of the film. However, the film survived because several copies have survived, according to various versions, from illegal sources or from other countries where the film was shown. I was shocked when I found out about it, it's quite shocking.
Even though "Nosferatu" is based on a book by Bram Stoker, it differs from the plot of the book, this was due to the fact that they did not have the rights to the book. One of the main determinants is the fact that the characters have different names. the ending is also different - the vampire is annihilated, however, in a different way than in Stoker's book, Ellen offers herself as a sacrifice.
In 1979, the most famous remake of the film, Nosferatu the Vampire, was made by Werner Herzog. Since Symphony of Horrors, Stoker's novel had become public domain, so Herzog borrowed characters from it.
let's get back to the movie. was shot mainly in Germany (as befits a German production), exactly on the Baltic Sea, in Slovakia (Dolny Kubin, Oravsky Podzamok, Vratna Valley), in Sweden (Uppsala University) and in Germany (Heligoland, Lauenburg, Rostock, Wismar, Westfalia ).
Starring: Max Schreck as Count Orlok, after the release of the film he was associated with evil and there were even suspicions that he was a real vampire, Greta Schröder is mainly associated with the role of Ellen Hutter and Gustav von Wangenheim played the role of Thomas Hutter, he is also known for his role in the film "Woman on the Moon" and is associated with communist activities. Most of the actors are associated mainly with this film.
What's also interesting is that Nosfertu has to be poured during the day, otherwise it would die.
Despite the opinions of critics who say that the film is not scary and is an experiment, it is worthy of attention and admiration. At that time, promoting such behavior was quite brave, the fact that Max Schreck agreed to such a risk, after all, after watching the film, it was literally believed that he played so well a vampire because he was one.
The film is a great classic without which horror cinema would not be what it is today, it is worth paying attention to it, much less buying or downloading it on DVD.
Of course, I forgot the most important thing, i.e. mistakes. Strony w antycznej książce o wampirach, opatrzone są nowoczesnymi znakami wodnymi, It's such a small mistake but it changes so much. As Hutter goes to sleep in his room at the inn, in the distance, in the left corner, the hand of a crew member can be seen waving a piece of cloth at the camera. The bite mark on the dead captain's neck does not match Orlock's vampire teeth, his fangs are not that far apart, such distinctive teeth and such a mistake?
the film also contributed to culture. Fragments of the film were used in Queen's music video "Under Pressure" (I'll try to post it on my blog someday). The Metallica guitarist wears a T-shirt with the title of the movie in the 'Nothing Else Matters' music video.
I guess it's time for a summary.
Thomas Hutter (Gustav von Wangenheim) breaks up with his beloved wife Ellen (Greta Schroeder) and goes to Count Orlok (Max Schreck) in order to sign a contract with him for the sale of a house in his hometown of Wisborg. Along the way, people warn him about the count, but the young boy does not believe in stories about the vampire. Hutter reaches the castle, where the bloodthirsty Nosferatu is waiting for him. Thomas is saved from the final attack of the vampire count by Ellen, but she does not realize that she is attracting his attention. Nosferatu sets off by ship to Wisborg.
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filmap · 5 years
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Dracula Mark Gatiss, Steven Moffat. 2020
Castle 027 41 Oravský Podzámok, Slovakia See in map
See in imdb
Bonus: also in this location
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lahilden · 3 years
Orava Castle
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Orava Castle is located in Oravský Podzámok, Slovakia. The castle was built in the mid-13th century on a high rock above the Orava River upon an earlier wooden fortification. The original castle was of Romanesque and Gothic design, later altered to a Renaissance, Neo-Gothic style. Orava Castle is a complex of medieval-renaissance and baroque buildings. The castle was a stronghold for the Hungarian kingdom and served as an administrative and military center for the area as it protected an important road to Poland. Noblemen and county heads owned the castle. It has a long, interesting history. In 1556, Francis Thurzo received the castle in a pledge. Francis had a new chapel constructed, added support walls, and replaced the wooden stairs and annexes with stone. His son added the big bastion with a tunnel, a gatehouse, and a tower. The property remained the longest under Thurzo ownership. The castle suffered through a massive fire that lasted several days in 1800, Francis Zichy had most of the structure reconstructed and repaired, but the middle and upper castle weren’t fixed until 1861. The castle boasts 154 rooms, including a chapel, a Knights’ room, a weapon room, a torture room, a painting gallery, period-style furnishings, and archaeological collections. As administrator of the property, Ödön Zichy sought to make the castle a museum. The first exhibition took place in 1868. The structure underwent a period of dilapidation during WWII. An official museum was established at Orava Castle in 1967.  Orava Castle is a national monument. It is open to the public.
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tree-woven · 3 years
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and yet another picture i took in nosferatu’s old castle
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daniela--anna · 4 years
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🏰 Oravsky Podzamok Castle, North Slovakia
🏰Il castello di Orava (slovacco: Oravský hrad)
è situato su un'alta roccia sopra il fiume Orava nel villaggio di Oravský Podzámok , Slovacchia.
🏰È considerato uno dei castelli più belli della Slovacchia.
Il castello fu costruito nel Regno d'Ungheria nel XIII secolo.
Molte scene del film Nosferatu del 1922 sono state girate qui, il castello che rappresenta il castello della Transilvania del conte Orlok.
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allthingsslovakia · 8 years
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Oravský Podzámok / Orava castle
Click for clearer definition
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gilgalahad · 6 years
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Orvasky Podzamok Map by FrancescaBaerald
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livesunique · 4 years
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Oravský Hrad, Oravský Podzámok, Slovakia,
Photo by @bokehm0n
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bolismetu · 7 years
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Sklabinský hrad
Pod Sklabinským hradom rekonštruujú miestni dobrovoľníci z občianskeho združenia Donjon zázemie s malým zaprášeným múzeom, ktorým nás previedol mladý muž len v trenkách a rozgajdaných vibramách. Na záver prehliadky sme dostali na koštovku kozí syr.
Hrad je momentálne na predaj - za 250 000 EUR.
Boli sme tu v auguste 2017.
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wgm-beautiful-world · 2 years
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Orava Castle - SLOVAKIA
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tree-woven · 3 years
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a picture i took in nosferatu’s old castle
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tree-woven · 3 years
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another picture i took in nosferatu’s old castle
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