#poe colestead fanfic
cam3ll0 · 4 months
whoever made that Poe Colestead fanfic in like 2021 about Poe and Y/N being rivals in college and they went on a date to a coffee shop. I’m begging on my hands and knees. Groveling at your feet. PLEASE FINISH IT ITS BEEN TWO YEARS I CAN’T TAKE THIS
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kailoweenie · 2 years
Random Poe HCs
Slight CW(?) Idk if this need a CW but I'll put it in anyways but it has mentions of seperation anxiety and death of loved one
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If you let him, he can ramble on about literature for hours, although he does apologize if he talks too much.
But if you're okay with it and just want to listen then he's willing to talk more
Has a slight separation anxiety
I remember reading Poe's route and when you and Tess first met Amara, he couldn't find you and was getting really worried
When he found you guys he went "I just thought...I thought I lost you" and it's so sad 😭
Losing his parents at an early age definitely affected him, so he would be terrified you and the others will eventually leave him too
Give him all the hugs, he both deserves it and needs it
If you're the type of person with mood swings or get angry easily, he would be the best person to be with
He's patient and willing to give you love until you start feeling better
Won't ever force you to tell him what's happening, only ask you if you want to talk about it or what he can do to help
Good at cooking but not at baking
Definitely would forget something in the oven because he got lost in the world of literature
When you're away, he would write little poems about you because it makes him happy
Would be really embarrassed if you ever found out though
Buy him hydrangeas (his fav flower) and he'll be estatic
Hopeless romantic, wants to do many things with you but he's too awkward and nervous to be able to tell you
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kailoweenie2 · 2 years
"I promise"
Poe X GN!reader
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A/N: two birds by Regina Spektor just really reminded me of Poe so here's a short fic I made about it<3
Warning: death mention and angst<3
Two birds of a feather
Y/N has been best friends with the literary genius himself for years. Both would often stay up all night discussing plans about LA and their future there together. It was as if their dreams came true when they both finished college, finally renting a car and even a few new faces decided to tag along!
Say that they're always gonna stay together
Unfortunately both their plans to LA was rudely interrupted by zombies. After all the hardships they went through, of losing both Howie and Tess, they both made it to a hotel to rest. The Las Vegas skies are beautiful at night, it almost makes you feel as if you'll make it out alright...almost.
"Poe" I began, he raised an eyebrow expectantly "yes?" "Promise me, we'll both get out of here together...and then we'll go to LA, alright?" I raised my pinkie , finally facing him. He smiles before bringing his own to intertwine yours
"I promise"
But one's never going to let go of that wire
Douglas somehow is back, and he definitely wants revenge. Although hesitant, Poe was ultimately able to convince them to go down first. Y/N looks towards the clock before looking back at the elevator door, hoping to see Poe again soon. "Y/N! Miss me?" Poe grins, walking out the door and catching up them. He tries his best to look happy, knowing this might be the last time they see him smile, or see him...ever.
He says that he will
"we're right on time" i look at the clock before looking back at Poe. He smiles and nods his head towards the door "let's get out of here then". I immediately ran out, Poe walking slowly behind me
But he's just a liar
I stretched and sighed in relief, the nightmare is finally over. I looked towards my side, beaming happily at the man beside me...well the man who's supposed to be beside me.
Two birds on a wire
One tries to fly away and the other...
"Poe?" I hesitated to look behind me, not wanting to face the truth. And so I kept my back turned, tears staining my face
"but you promised..."
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dawnsbreaking · 2 years
the more loving one update (chapter 3)
for all the stars care, i can go to hell
“My parents met in college,” he said, looking at the piles of books stacked on his desk. He had been looking for one in particular the last time he visited and hadn’t put the discarded books back on the shelf afterward. A strange pang of regret pierced his stomach, thinking about the selfish man he’d been just a few months ago. - Or, Poe brings a girl back to his childhood bedroom and finally works up the nerve to kiss her.
Read on Ao3
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lithopsy · 2 years
The More Loving One (Poe Colestead x OC)
Poe Colestead was alarmed, to say the least, when he found himself telling her about his parents. In the light of the fire, after a night of shy smiles, hands brushing, gentle lips on the opening of a shared wine bottle — no need to drink from glasses in a zombie apocalypse — Poe’s feelings towards Rose were hurdling towards dangerous territory. - a series of vignettes loosely based on a poem Poe references (The More Loving One by W. H. Auden) that rewrite poe's route but actually good, because idk about you but i love him very much and after his route i literally wanted Nix Hydra games writers to [redacted]
i use a cmc name and pronouns (Rose, she/her) because i didn't want to write in second person also this is to put MY soul at rest idc about anyone else
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kailoweenie2 · 2 years
More then friends
Poe X GN!reader college AU
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A/N: sorry for not posting many fics on this fictif blog, I'm mostly focusing on the fics on my main😭
Warning: nothing as far as I know
Genre: fluff
Summary: Poe basically confesses to you. You tell him you like him back
It was the final class of today, Poe tried his best to focus on class but his mind keeps wandering onto his bestfriend who's sitting next to him. Y/N fiddles with their pen, listening to the teachers lecture before catching Poe's gaze on them. Poe coughed and looked away, trying his best to not seem obvious he was staring.
By the end of the lesson I immediately went to pack my books, Poe waiting beside me. Before I could fully walk out Poe gently takes a hold of my wrist, I halt and looked towards him "Y/N i...i need to talk to you" to say his face was flushed would be an understatement "go on" I ushered him, now interested on what's he's about to say.
Poe fiddles with the hem of his shirt, trying his best to look confident (it's not working) "well, Y/N, I've been meaning to tell you this for a while but I never exactly had the confidence to do so" he stops for a bit, hesitating if he should actually confess or not "Poe, whatever it is you want to tell me, I promise I won't make fun of you or anything" I pat his shoulder comfortingly but instead of relaxing him it made him tense even more "I-i know it's just..." he trails off again. He takes a deep breath before finally speaking up "truth is...i like you, Y/N, I like you a lot" he turns away, now not even trying to hide that he's embarrassed.
Poe feels the palm of his hand get sweaty, nervous at what you'll say. Thankfully, your answer made him more happier then he anticipated "Poe, i feel the same way" never in my life have I seen Poe turn around so fast before "are you- are you serious?" He stared at me wide-eyed as if he heard me wrong "I'm serious Poe. I like you a lot" I stepped closer to him, taking my name tag off and handing it to him. It's been a running tradition in this school to give your crush your name tag as a love confession, almost as if they're asking to be yours. Knowing that fact, Poe looks down at your name tag flustered before accepting it "I'm happy to hear that Y/N" he smiles, adjusting his glasses out of nervousness.
"so...does that mean we're ya know? A thing?" He questions, I nodded and grinned at the man "of course, I'll be yours as long as you also promise you'll be mine" I brought my pinkie up making sure he promises before we leave, he rolls his eyes at my childishness but wrapped his pinkie onto mine anyways "I promise".
"now come on! We have homework we need to submit by tomorrow" I grabbed Poe's hand before dragging him home with me. Maybe confessing wasn't such a bad idea after all.
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kailoweenie2 · 2 years
I won't leave you
Poe X bitten! reader
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A/N: I'll write fluff for the characters eventually, but for now enjoy pain. Also for this story just imagine Poe and Y/N were already friends before this!
Warning: blood, death, zombies, bones cracking, biting and scratching
Genre: angst
Summary: you got bit by aunt Lynn while staying at the lodge. Knowing they have no choice, they plan to leave you behind. but someone isn't so willing to join.
After the whole ordeal with aunt Lynn, we successfully got the truck keys while also locking the rabid zombie down in the cellar. We let out a collective sigh of relief until... "Gu-Guys" I stare at the obvious torn up sleeve and bite mark on my wrist. "Y/N what's wron-" Poe stops in his tracks "no no, come on, you're kidding right?" He laughs in disbelief not wanting to accept the situation. Tess and Howie went up to me, gasping before conforming it "it's...a bite"
"guys...I don't want to die" my eyes started to tear up. This isn't happening, this shouldn't be happening, I should be in LA living my dream right now...not whatever the hell this is. "Y/N...I don't think there's anything we can do" Tess looked at you sadly "I know,I know, just...stay alive for me guys. Get yourself to LA and be happy for me" I start to sob, the pain in my arm was getting unbearable.
"You hear them, you guys get to LA for us alright?" Tess and Howie looks at Poe with shock"Poe I know you care about Y/N, we all do, but we can't stay here" "maybe you guys can't. I already lost too many people in my life, i can't lose them too. Plus you guys are strong, you'll be okay without me" Poe walks over to me and takes my shaking hand on his, helping me to sit down on the couch. "Poe, Y/N, ... We're going to miss you guys" Howie said offering him a hug, which he accepts, Tess goes to hug him aswell "if that's what you want then we won't force you to stop" she pat his shoulder reassuringly "thanks guys. Here" he offers the keys to Tess "be careful out there" Poe smiles sadly "will do".
As they both left for the garage, I scurry away from Poe as he nears me "Poe. Leave." I warn him but he ignores it "C'mere Y/N" he opens his arms wide going in for a hug. "I can't Poe i-" before I can finish my sentence I felt blood dripping from my nose "I'm scared"
I start to crave for flesh, the scent of human making me hungry "Poe, you need to let go of me...I'm going to hurt you" I cried, trying to pull away from the hug "I.don't.care. I know what it's like to be left alone...and there's no way I'm letting you die knowing everyone else abandoned you" he hugs me tighter as I start to cry. I start coughing blood as I scratched at his jacket, screaming in pain as my bones contort but Poe never lets me go.
"rest easy Y/N, if only we had more time" he says right before my vision turns black. Poe doesn't move, keeping his promise of not leaving them behind. He hears them snarl before feeling them sink their teeth into his neck. He cries in pain, promising to himself that you'll both have a happy ending next time, In another life.
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kailoweenie2 · 2 years
Do it yourself
Poe X GN!reader
Zombie apocalypse college AU
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A/N: this fic is mostly them slowly being friends but there's a romantic undertone to it
Warning: blood, death, biting, zombies
Genre: enemies to friends
Summary: a zombie apocalypse suddenly breaks out at your college. Fleeing from the zombies got you trapped with the literary genius himself. Although you both had a rocky start, you both agreed to get along for survival's sake.
The bell rings signaling lunch, hundreds of students walk out the lecture room. I walk down the hallways, Tess rambling about the excessive amount of homework beside me. We both chat for a little while longer before we parted ways, Tess going to the archery center while I excused myself to the library, needing to find a book to review for our English project.
I walk around the Library trying to find something interesting to read for the project. Noticing someone else is in the room I walk up to them for recommendations, however, I stop in my tracks realising who it was. Mr.know it all Poe Colestead, the snobby man who you hate with all your gut. I once saved him from some bullies, and instead of thanking me for saving his ass he tuts at my actions, calling me immature for fighting violence with violence.
I look away, hoping he didn't notice me glaring daggers into him... unfortunately he did notice. "Do you need anything?" He raised an eyebrow, I shook my head 'no' before standing next to him inspecting the different books. "You're trying to find a book for the English project right? I have one you're going to find interesting if you'd lik-" "no thanks." I cut him off, He glares at me but nods anyways. I would never accept help from him, no way in hell am I going to stroke his ego like that. I took my own book from the shelf but dropped it in shock, both of us snap our heads towards the sudden sound of someone... screaming? I looked at Poe wondering if he heard the same thing, he looks just as horrified as I am.
I grabbed my book and rushed outside the library, Poe trailing behind me. Blood was splattered onto the walls, one student contorts their bone before getting up and tackling another student to the ground, ripping their throat out. "the fuck?" I stepped back in horror at the scene in front of me. I feel someone tug my arm, next thing I knew Poe is dragging me alongside him. One of the rabid students tries to attack us, but thankfully I managed to hit them off with the blunt end of the book . We both kept sprinting, our legs tired but too scared to care. I pointed towards a storage room "in there!" Poe opens the door, going inside first before dragging me in, one of the rabid student tries to get in but I kicked them away, locking the door we both sat down on the floor in both shock and horror.
"zombies" I breathed out "what?" Poe looked at me as if I was insane "those were zombies, weren't they?" "Zombies are supposed to be in movies damn it not at our school!" He exclaimed pretty loudly, making the zombies outside bang on the door. "shut up" I slapped my hand onto his mouth, waiting till the banging stops "god you're going get us killed" I sighed in frustration. I stood up and walked towards the window, I looked to the left at the school field, only to see more zombies "they're everywhere" I shook my head "we're trapped in here then" he sighed, rubbing his eyes, exhausted. I looked towards my right this time, there's a path leading to the archery center and only a couple zombies on the path, we might be able to outrun 'if we get there, Tess might be able to help us' I turn to Poe "I have a plan" "no offense, well, full offense actually, but you're not exactly the smartest, Y/N" he looks me up and down dubiously "I say we jump down, there's a shed we can hop down safely to, then all we need is to run to the archery center. My friend who's a fighter is there and she'll definitely be able to help us!" I ignore his rude comment, not even wanting to fight him anymore "You want us to not only jump, but to run through a path of zombies, and expect it to be a good idea?? At this point I'm sure you're just trying to get me killed" he ran a hand through his hair trying to calm himself down "I say we stay here, help will come eventually" he doesn't even bother looking at me, finding the floor more interesting.
I groaned in annoyance "fine then Poe" Poe looks at them suprised, believing they actually agreed with him for once until, "if you want to stay here then fine...do it by yourself" I opened the window and made a mental map of what route I'll take. Poe stands still by the door, contemplating if he should join them or not. I scavenged the storage room looking for tape and a weapon to protect myself. I bandaged my wrist and legs so it's harder to bite through, Poe sighs in defeat before finally deciding "okay" I glance at him expectingly "okay?" "I'll join you...i-i don't want to be here alone" he stares at the locked door in fear of what's awaiting outside. I shake my head at his cowardice "fine then, just stay close to me and don't do anything stupid. I'll protect you" I grabbed the wooden mops and broke it in half, the sharp end would definitely be able to puncture their skull. "You should do the same thing with your arms and legs" I passed him the tape, setting his own weapon on the wall.
Poe finished prepping but still looks incredibly unready. I took one of his shaking hands on mine, holding it firmly "you can trust me okay? If anything goes wrong, I'll scream and attract the zombies to me. Then you can safely run away" Poe nods, trying his best to be more confident. I jumped down the window landing safely on the shed roof, Poe shuts his eye in fear before jumping beside me. Once we reach the ground floor, we both ran dodging any zombies coming our way. One of them got Poe's legs bringing him down, he pushes the broken mop onto its neck trying to push it away. Realising the mess he's in, I bring up the staff and stabbed it in the head, killing it instantly. Poe immediately pushes the zombie aside "come on! We need to go" I whispered shouted, helping him up before we ran again.
We reach the archery center and immediately stumbled inside. Locking the doors behind us right before a zombie slammed on the door. I look down at Poe still catching his breath on the floor "told you, you can trust me" I reached out my hand, he gladly takes it mumbling a small thank you.
"you guys are okay!" Tess comes out the storage room with a bow and arrow in hand, another guy trailing behind her. Tess immediately comes over to hug me, I hug her back. "Who's this?" Poe points at the new guy "right, I'm Howie, I'm from her class" Howie nods his head to Tess "mmh, nice to meet you! I'm Y/N this nerd's name is Poe" I elbowed his side teasingly "rude" he huffs in annoyance, crossing his arms "well then, you guys can relax here until we make our next move" Tess pats me in the back before walking with Howie back to the practice target.
He taps me on my shoulder gently, grabbing my attention "thanks again, for saving me back there. You could've left...but you didn't, and i- I hope we can get along starting from now" he smiles, a genuine smile this time. I look away, slightly flustered by his sudden kindness "yeah whatever" I rolled my eyes, hoping he didn't see the red on my face. I walked past him, sitting down. He sits down next to me, we both watch in silence as Tess and Howie banters about archery making me laugh at their antics. Poe couldn't help but stare at them as they smile towards the other two. Maybe, being in a team with each other doesn't sound so bad after all
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kailoweenie · 2 years
♡Kiss me more♡
Poe X GN!reader
A/N: I know his route has ended a while ago but I still miss him so here's a lil short thing I did for him(this is mostly self indulgent) not proof read btw so, sorry if there's any typos😭 . Also no apocalypse!AU
Summary: you're bored and what better way to spend the time other then by peppering your lovely boyfriend with kisses
It was the cold winter days, Y/N and Poe are huddled in his bedroom as his aunt and uncle are chatting downstairs. You lay on his bed, bored out of your mind as Poe sits down on his reading desk bringing out one of his many books.
After laying around for a while Y/N sighed, getting up to approach him. Poe lost in the world of literature didn't hear the sound of your footsteps coming closer as you place a gentle kiss onto his cheek.
He coughed, startled by the action "Y/N? Do you need anything?" He looks at you confused "Not exactly" you paused, giving him another gentle kiss on his forehead "just wanted to shower my lovely boyfriend with affection that he oh so deserves"
He chuckles, bringing a stool for you to sit down next to him. "well now I didn't tell you to stop did I?" "Well if you say so" you immediately go back to tickling him with kisses as he goes into a laughing fit. "hold-hold on" he says stopping you from going forward, after he calmed down he glances down at your lips before starting back into your eyes "May I? just a simple one this time?" You nod, leaning forward as you both share a warm kiss.
"god I'm absolutely whipped for you Y/N" Poe laughs light-heartedly as you hug him "alright I'll leave you be now, unless you wanna just lay down and read together?" He nods, bringing his book with him as he lays down with you.
You both cuddle under the warm and comforting blankets as he continues to read. Sooner or later you find yourself drifting into a peaceful sleep, your lover giving you a loving kiss on top of your head "have a peaceful sleep my love"
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kailoweenie · 3 years
⚠️slight spoilers for Poe's route and ending⚠️
HCs of Y/N sacrificing themselves to Douglas so Poe could live
When he saw you walk out the elevator safely he was so happy
When he got outside, he happily called out to you only to find you not beside him
He looked back and saw you, not being able to get out of the hotel as you smile sadly at him
Would feel so guilty, all this time he's been trying to protect you only to have failed
"Poe it's okay-"' ""no it's not! I should've been the one that die, you-you should be living the life in LA right now, you should be happy..." he would start to cry not being able to handle his emotions
"Poe...i am happy" you try to hold him only for your hand to go through him
Even then, you still tried to comfort him "seeing you here right now makes me happy, in fact I'm happy to know that you're safe because of me"
Wouldn't even have to think twice on whether he should stay or not
He's staying with you no matter what
"are you sure you want to stay?" You asked "of course, there's nowhere else I would rather be at, Y/N" Poe answered truthfully
It still pains him how he can't hold you but is happy to stay with you and the others nonetheless
Slowly he started getting used to the hotel, he even helps run it
When he's not working around the hotel, he's writing in one of the vacant rooms
When the weather gets hot, he likes to be near you because ghost seems to radiate cold (you're basically a walking AC)
When both of you aren't busy, he'll take you on small indoor dates
Of course you're dead and can't exactly eat nor drink but you both still enjoy each others company
When he starts getting older, you make sure to take care of him even more
He won't stop talking about how grateful he is to have you
When he passes away of old age, the first thing he does as a ghost is to obviously hold you
Gives you long hugs to make up all the time he couldn't hold you
Happy to finally be with you as you both live your life as cute lil ghost lovers
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kailoweenie · 3 years
Poe X reader
Safe and sound
A short fluff and comfort fic where MC or as I call it Y/N has a nightmare and Poe comforts them
Slight CW: mentions of character death and slight depiction of blood
Y/N pronouns are gender neutral (they/them)
⚠️spoilers about Poe's route and his eternal honeymoon ending
Y/N struggles around the bed as the voices grew louder in their head as they remember the early days.
"go! I'll send them off" "make it to LA for me, alright guys?" "We need to get out of here, we don't have much time" "fine, your lover lives. I'll end you instead"
You remember the sacrifice Howie made to save them, the pain Tess had to endure because of Lockheart, and Poe...standing behind the glass door, not being able to join you by your side.
You tried to wake up from this nightmare trying to make it end but it wouldn't, all you see is his body laying limp as blood stains the hotel floor "wake up, please...I cant lose you too. Poe... please just-"
"wake up" you opened your eyes, startled, as your eyes adjusted to the night light you see Poe. His hand caressing your shoulders "hey, hey, hey...it's alright, everything is alright, okay love? Just look at me" he gently holds your face in his hands wiping away the tears staining your cheeks "Y/N, just look at me and take a deep breath, alright? It'll be okay" you do what he says and slowly feel a bit better as your breathing gets a bit more steady
He doesn't say anything, instead opens his arms apart as you embrace him. He whispers sweet nothings into your ear and gently caresses your back hoping it'll atleast make you feel better.
"are you alright Y/N?" You both slowly release each other from the hug. He still holds you close, making sure the blanket is keeping you warm "I don't know, but I'll feel better soon" you said, looking into his soft eyes. "We don't need to talk about it right now if you don't want to, just know that I'm here alright?" He flashes a sweet smile at you.
"I don't mind talking about it, it just kinda....hurts. I just-I just wish I didn't have to remember all the bad stuff that happened" you opened up to him about your concerns "yeah, we both didn't have the kind of life we wanted didn't we? But atleast we still have each other. Even as ghost, you, me, Tess, and Howie, we're still together. We're still friends and we'll always be here" he dozes off, remembering all the events that happened 70 years ago.
"I don't know exactly what happened in your nightmares, but" he holds your hands softly in his "we'll get through it together, I know we will" "Poe...thank you" you couldn't say much but even just being here with him was enough. "I love you Y/N, and I'll always will love you" he brings your face closer to him as you smile "and I love you too Poe, thank you again" he brings you into a soft loving kiss, melting all your worries away
You both decided to go back to sleep. Cuddling in bed, his hands holding you tight making you feel safe knowing he's here. Everyone's here. And they're all safe and sound.
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dawnsbreaking · 2 years
Omg yeah you can see my likes on the posts and trust me when im saying im regretting all my life choices. I SHOULDVE LEFT POE'S ROUTE ALONE BUT I SAW TOO MANY POSTS AND NOW IM LEFT W HEARTBREAK. (But also tysm for welcoming me in i love your acc<33)
LOL so every so often i get a ton of notifs all from one person on my poe posts (bc i’m, like, half of the poe tag atp) and i’m always like OH NO 💔 fallen soldier 💔
but welcome welcome, i am insane and have no shortage of thoughts and feelings about my one and only Mr Poe Colestead 💗 also, i am annoying about my fanfic bc i’m my own biggest fan but i’m currently doing a rewrite of his route that is (mostly) happy. it may soothe your soul to read it as it has soothed mine to write it 😭
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