#poem anon 🍅
gardenerian · 2 years
Hello dear Mel! 🥰
I haven't been on here in a loooonngggggg time, how are you! How are things! I've swung by to say hello, and to share some poems for you! I think it's time I finally come clean, because I honestly have no idea when the next time I'll be on here is.. (dun dun dun)...... I am poem anon! Yeah, well, maybe you already knew that? Idk! But hey it's out in the open now, I must say that while I haven't been on here in quite the time, as either as iansw0rld or poem anon, I highly value you, your interactions and joy in this community always!
Right, let's get to the good stuff! All of these are poems and quotes my girlfriend has sent to me, and I would love to share them with you! 🍅❤️‼️
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crying at 4:46 in the morning! i had no idea! welcome back my love 😭 it's so good to hear from you 😭 thank you for making me smile in every way you choose to interact! this is such a lovely thing, i am so happy to connect you with these poem 🍅☀️
and how special that your love shared these with you. that makes my heart so happy! sunlight through a window 🥺 laughter vines and roots 🥺 if i were science 🥺 these are so gorgeous and i just love that someone saw them and thought of you - and that you've shared them with me 🥺 this is an amazing way to start my day, thank you so much my love my love!
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scarletlizzard · 4 months
Rose I wrote you a poem!!!!
What’s better than
Annoying the hell out of
Even the swamp puppies
Almost adore you as much as us anons do
Gosh, I think you’re pretty neat
Let’s be friends for-
- 🧊
Hey buddy? GO F U C K YOURSELF
BOOOO 🍅🍅🍅🍅 BOOOO 🍅🍅🍅🍅
Bye, you're done!!!! This was actually my last straw
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Uno Reverse Card, 🍅, name one thing you like about your own writing!
sksksk, another anon ask. clearly, whoever you are, i hope you're actually seeing this. 😌
i think i know who are you. the tomato is a give-away. 👀
i'm pretty good at writing nature-based places. describing the scenary that surrounds a character. i should write a poem based on a thriving forest one of these days. 🤔
although, writing a poem not based on a FFF prompt is a wee bit tricky.
mutuals send me a 🍓 and ill compliment u!
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gardenerian · 16 days
stumbled upon this just now and thought of ian and of you, for old times sake here's a little poem-anon poem 🌞 🍅
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my favourite line is i wear the sun like a shrawl on my neck and arms. love visualising the blackbirds ribboning in as well!
i love thinking about ian when reading poems, wonders if he feels similarly, wonders if he too focuses on the sun warming his skin despite the chill in the air, i'm sure he's excited about what winter fruits and veg to plant next 🧡
hehehe georgia! you know i am always happy to find a new poem! i love how sensory this one is. summer's final notes... one last blast of color... the sun like a shawl! it really does feel like those last days of summer - to tie it back to ian/shameless, it makes me think of that episode in s2 where they have to take down the pool and all the yellow leaves are floating there. fall is creeping in! i also wonder if ian gets a little sad as summer ends. he's such a sunshine garden boy, i bet the changing seasons can be hard! thank you for sharing this with me, poem anon 🍅
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gardenerian · 1 year
hey mel!! haven't been interacting with people much as of late and have been lurking in place - but was thinking of you today, i hope you are swell and hope you know how amazing you are!! i bring to you my little and simple poem/quote of the day to share with you as a throwback to old poem anon times 🍅❤️
Your skin which breathes
the sun and air
and sings like silk
in winter dark.
- June Gehringer
ah hi! i have been a bit quiet too, but it is so nice to hear from you 🥰 how sweet of you to think of me as you think of these lovely words! poem anon times were so special, as are you ❤️
and this! sings like silk! the sun and air! it's so sensory, the winter dark 🥺 thank you for this surprise in my inbox ✨
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gardenerian · 2 years
Hello Mel!!!! It's poem anon here, and I come bearing (baring? bareing? barring? idk!) gifts 🥰 🥳
This first one I came across and thought was pretty cool! I like the second slide the best, it's neat!
This second one is just! Gah! The yellow and sunshine and flowers and warmth and growth and freckles!! Freckles Mel!! It's beautiful and I can't help but think of little ian and his bright and bold freckled-filled face 🌞
"Making it's body the only world it knows - and it thrives"
"My freckles invite the sunshine and blossom through the cracks"
And this third one! This might be amongst my all time favourites. It's quite sad and has that melancholic feeling to it, not as happy as the last! I read it, put my phone down and pondered, read it again, felt that tug in my chest, and read it again. When a certain thing tugs at your heart and makes your chest ache? Yeah, that's the feeling when reading this <3
Well Mel! Hope you are doing swell and are having an extraordinary gallavich week! Many kudos to you and your gifsets! Your gifsets from today (the Fleetwood Mac ones) are STUNNING! Absolutely beautiful. I always love your work!! ❤
hello my love 🥰 you know, i read these earlier and was in the middle of writing a response, but i got pulled into something for work - and it wound up being a pretty crappy day. but i am really glad to return to your sweet message and the words you’ve shared! what better way to turn a day around?
this one about the freckles is making me so emotional. “i feel them burn and spread when the rays hit my face as i walk past the garden” 🥺 and ending!!! picking up the dandelions that had been discarded and giving them water and light - that is a total ian move! this one makes my heart feel warm and light 🌼 paging @iansfreckles to take a look at this one 🥰
but yes, gosh that last one - “it’s not easy to move forward when your home is in the past” 😭 that one hurts! but i think we all feel that from time to time! like the writer talks about feeling like you’re falling behind…. that is such a human thing! i feel like this often. so it hurts but i also feel very seen and comforted by that! 
my friend you have, once again, arrived just at the moment when i need some words. and these are beautiful ones. thank you 💓
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gardenerian · 2 years
Hello Mel! Poem anon again! Dropping in to share this really cool thing with you! I really like it ❤
oh hello! 🥰 I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! i'm saving this as a reminder, we all need to internalize this i think!
"just eat strawberries, sit in the patch of sun on the floor... what if your purpose is to say 'wow isn't that neat?' and then keep saying that every day until you die"
like???? yes! thank you! i do think it's okay to want to feel productive or busy - but i think we must claim that for OURSELVES. we don't owe anyone our energy and it's so frustrating that we all must direct our precious work and hands and minds to anyone but ourselves or our loved ones to make it though this bonkers life. burn it all down, etc. i just want us all to enjoy being here in this world together ☀️
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gardenerian · 2 years
Hello Mel, it's poem anon! 🥰❤
Wow, has it been a while! I haven't been around tumblr a whoe lot lately, or reading much poetry and writing due to being so busy with work. How are you? Are you well? I hope so! It's lovely to check back in with you after what feels like so long :') Today I bring you this wonderful piece I found!!!
My favourite lines, because, wow okay. "but there's no curse in the creases of my palms no matter how hard i look. i guess it's okay that i'm not the sun and the stars and the moon"
hey love! i was just thinking about you. i hope you have been well despite the busyness! welcome back 🥰
“my nerves aren’t lightning just a chemical powerline” GAHH that line and the one you chose - so powerful! there really is something kind of freeing in realizing that you’re so human you know? somehow simply made and also incredibly complex? and like. hmm. the only thing that has to exist inside of you is you? and not the universe? wowowoweeeee i will be thinking about this one for a while! 
ty, beloved, i am so happy to see you!
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gardenerian · 2 years
Hello Mel Poem anon here! How are you? I saw that you've got a new wip out, can not wait to start chapter one! It sounds so intriguing! 🥰❤
I stumbled across this piece today, and it kind of blew my mind a little bit. Thought I'd share!
"There's a catharsis in ranting repeatedly, even if nobody's listening."
"The vauge spaces between the words, the fresh skin between the wounds The bloom in the blood, Am I doomed to drown in the flood? God is knives, sacred blades sharpened against skin. Bleeding is a commitment, not a sin."
i am so sorry this one got lost for a moment! two poems this week, what am i doing right??? “the soil of my own surrender” WHEEEWWW okay then! this one is dark, but it also feels historical? so ofc i am a fan. also the concept of catharsis ALWAYS gets me, that violent letting go. this kinda feels like a giant scream out in the woods. i feel like hozier would dig it? i feel unsettled after reading it, but not quite in a bad way. so much imagery in this one!
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gardenerian · 2 years
Hello Mel, poem anon here once again! Hope you're doing well! I had a read of your new story today and oh WOW! wow wow wow! Mel words! Incredible! We have been blessed with your amazing creativity and wisdom, I'm so intrigued already! 🥰❤
I've got this little thing to show you today, and I found it incredible, something about it just stuck with me!
hi beloved! you read my fic! gah! i love you forever 🥺 now, if only the work in progress can stay in progress - wish me luck alsjkdfh
also this! wow! i once went to the met and stared at a statue in the greek wing for a billion years. she was so beautiful, i have a picture on my phone that i look at often 😇 it’s all about The Aesthetic, something about it makes me feel inspired and happy - like you can project onto them, ya know? map worlds and stories onto the stone… wowowow! “what do you call love which lacks that ability to ignite?” OUCH.
all my love to you! happy wednesday!
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gardenerian · 3 years
Hello! It's poem anon! 🥰
That post about Ian becoming a poetry major 🥺🥺 PLEASE that is everything!!!! And Mickey picking up drawing again, drawings to go with Ian's poems oh my! I can imagine Ian being all shy to read out his most recent piece, Mickey's on the couch in front of him, and when he reads it out??? Oh the love, the emotions! Ian has such a wide range of experiences and emotions and feelings that he can tap into through poetry, both good and bad, shared memories with Mickey and without, I think that's truly beautiful, what an incredible thought 🥺❤
yes! gosh. i hope they get better at sitting down and talking things out, but art could be such a unique way for them to hear each other and process things. and making art together, you love to see it!
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gardenerian · 3 years
Hello Mel, poem anon here to greet you with another wonderful poem! 🍅❤
This piece made me think of Mickey in Mexico 🤕 The kind of writing that puts an ache in your chest. The yearning. Yearning, yearning, yearning. #sadboyhours (but worth it)
"a shadow a hundred times more shadow than the shadow that moves and goes on moving, brightly, over the sundial of your life"
that is - whew. that is gut wrenching. the yearning! so powerful. it certainly does ache, but at least we know he won't be yearning forever. i love a good yearn, but only if we know it has an expiration date!
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gardenerian · 2 years
Hello Mel! It's poem anon 🥰
Hope you're doing well and starting to feel a little better and a little more in groove. Spending time focusing on those irl things! That's so important! I hope the weeks been good to you <3
Today, I bring you two lovely pieces. The first one I came across, is beautiful! I don't have much to say on it, but it's worth the share!
And the second one! It's one about the beginning of March, and while it's actually hours until the last day of March as I'm sending this through, it's still such a lovely piece, both quite sad with some deep rooted, exhaustion, I suppose, from the winter but also very hopeful and new, a beginning, almost! I've shared a couple spring poems with you, and boy do I love them!!
Some of my favourite lines to share!!! > "how a new year has a way of cracking my back, like a reset for my bones, but still manages to leave me hollow somehow." // "And it's funny, how the sun warms you, yet leaves you feeling heartbroken at all the same time" // "that this feeling can't possibly last forever." // "we will go on." 🥰
Hope you're doing well friend, and as always, it's such a pleasure to share these findings with you ❤
my love! my dearest love. i do not know how i missed this - but gosh. i am glad to read this now. "...i could fall in love/with anything/including myself" GAH. that is so powerful.
and this springtime beauty! i absolutely love the lines you pointed out, they really resonated with me as well. that is such a specific and unique feeling, one that is so very human! warm and new, but a little sad. absolutely gorgeous. thank you for sharing these. i hope you are having a good day ☀️
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gardenerian · 2 years
Hello Mel! Poem anon here, and today I have yet another spring poem for you! I keep seeing them everywhere! despite the fact I'm in Autumn myself right now 🥰❤
we're in spring! and i have learned to be gentle and sharp! a pink kiss and a pocket knife! wooooweeeeeewwowowow! a very ian and mickey springtime 💓☀️🌱🌸🔪
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gardenerian · 2 years
Hi Mel! Poem anon here! 🥰
Today I bring a poem for you! It's just,,, yeah! All about love love love! That closeness, the togetherness, the tangles of limbs and sharing space. I think it's neat <3
beloved! i see i have some lovely poems to catch up on. thank you for thinking of me 😭 "we are everything that grows" GAH i love that so much! spring is finally making itself known around here... soon it will be time to plant! i have plans for my outdoor space 👀 and this is so inspiring! "waving hello to april sun" AHHHH yes ☀️
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gardenerian · 3 years
Hello Mel! I truly hope the weekend is being good for you! It's poem anon! 😊 I found this gorgeous little piece, and it reminds me Iqn in the kitchen (I love thinking about Ian in the kitchen <3, I'm sure you feel the same, because who doesn't?) and even has tomato mentions! There's no way in hell I couldn't not share this with you 🍅❤
》 By the way - it lights up my day to be able to share these poems with you! To be able to connect through both poetry/writing that reminds us of Ian and Mickey!!! Ahhhh!!! And to see your comments on them! The little joys in life ❤
oh my gosh - i love that you share these sweet poems with me 🥺 it warms my lil heart. you find such lovely words! little joys indeed 🍅
and this one! gotta be my favorite one yet. “having known such joy” !!!!!! that’s absolutely gorgeous and really the essence of tomato ian for me. little loves, little moments of life and happiness. thank you thank you for sharing this with me. ily!
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