madmonkeydisorder · 1 month
See girl how well settled plan G
I land in Lala land as contraband
Promisses progrow in progress
So good to be Pole polarisations on bipolar this land explores in moral codex I enforce the light warrior super awareness transformations energy levels charging stations internal system collecting magic potions to transgress existential crisis instrumental version explorations in simulation framework locked in programming symbols transcript setting New World Order
I see only way to save me
See me save me
do Xe me eX execute me so cute
Do something face to face
In dissapperance trance Dance
dragon entrance dances around Polish bouncer in da clubs raving spinning wheel turning timemachine
Contact alien invasion in California desert
Miss I already miss
Miss you miss I miss your kiss
I raise from dead read me out
Many roots in my code DNA undetected data missing non existent personality disorder in remission run questy completing mission on simulatorium molecules fusions inspire archetypal layers under supervision artistic expressionism electro punk teknotronik synth retro beats in superego death on stage in old town Amfy Teatr reveal secret third name in katolik church among all saints my Saint is Edyta Stein
I gru up in da Mazovia village in wooden old house who used to belong to nuns serving in church in da village
I the only gay in the village
Future don’t exist
I feel past structureal inspiration Polish accent meddlows fields of Rhye seventh heaven blessed bloom sunflowers crops under holy Sun my head is Solaris
Cosmic microphone voice fast forward to save progress in da city game
Made religion legion
Ground middle but loud
X = X
Under commandment new law I told in the older order I reorder the order grammars break gold rules l break all rules I break the standards we execute this world as constant high resolution
Waga + waga Uwaga! Attention! Red flag of my tribe I found on island in pirate pretty lpstoned town centrala! Ring the bell! It’s ringing can you hear Polish church sending holy chillout on the crossroads energetic nervous system on streets arteries pumping transferring the flow through the centre of the universe
Mentalliens invasion vision
I live alive to live new life
AXe you hidden in sleeve Ace
read my Holy Book I write unlocking the lock
Master key open key hole on my block
Transcription Holy text I read out loud send to me on vintage computer from god signalling in morse Codex holy text I write in Rex fonts frontal lobe
Read me can you copy?
Code exe.cute me I am serious in moonlight
Unite The Round Table
The Knights who say NI
Kissing you sing you sleep
Cuddles cosy magnetic field healing miracle
Sen mi się senni
Śni mi się Sen o Sane
I dream the dream machine turning wheel hilly hilly stoned old town map I upload rediscovery channel under commander channelling aliens linguistic Rythm stick simplify another lifetime
Senniczek 1 am waiting sleepless nights
Waitin sleeping satelites I am alert in waiting
Yeah is the answer NeoBeat Generation
Reimplanted on promised land in rotation
America In America Now
cyrylica moja Caryca in da car
Open door the doors lost keys
Yeah, yeah I’m making Polish version in reversion SofJa.made is her name
See me Sennie You all right?
rewieV me interview me time travels reveal the scene i play role play game sailor steering the drunken boat drifting on stormy ocean disconnected from usb ports my drunken boat seek safe anchor this port holds
yeah, the concert of God I was on the concert of God
I have to go home but empty there
I want to call in the middle of the night I’m again too late I am rushing home to empty halls I call home I am home alone waiting you will come home OHMmmm OMG!
Square in circle French town I own frog tribe on floor square meter speaking eter enter eternal
Iwalk out to see not far or is it so far away on the way I walk everyday
Is she there? Hey you I’m with you in god mode ode about how to be out around round about disqualified master disaster steer outsider company come unity community immunity fire resistance tamed elements commander
You so real I see and feel!
Touch On couch I touch to attach your package in backpack I unpack database stored in da head
Extra memory arrested drama play on Amfy Theatre play on stage we need to replay urban legends
Words Ammo shoots the wordstream
Fill me up give me light! Light me lighter I need goddess flint spark to ignite firefly warming up soul I feel lighter!
Repair Bluetooth connections
To your device ice berg magic mountain
Moment in mass-king colours download signal Si! See me when you sleep
What you’re doin? Hi I’m High Priestees blessed Les squatting church to chill out
Now on the lap of the God. God mode! U upgrade me oldschool expired model. Das model!
Lay all your love on me
press love on my pain
Plaster empty messiah
girl when you sleep on me
I love you sleep on me in kinga size bed
I am in red corner ex pi red! Red land quicksand swallow sour milk sea
U in blue ja lubię Lublue ja Ciebie Lublue your blue corner reformaty automaty fantazmaty I speak speaker on air pirate radio gold frequency three six nine six three Tesla golden frequency
I am holy sinner sacrum profanum doom
Look! Take a look at holy book I booked religion legions defend to the end I defend the great defender kicked out field of gold pro groovery
Wait! I rush Russian rush to be on time
I am on time filling the feeling fuel pump electric spark the amp! Amplitude up! I touch fire resistant fire pit glowing halo energy Kinglish crowned secret king on exile drop whizz bombarding fast way bombing the world with altering mind rizla wrapped bombs rescue the peace in Cold War exit the turbulences superpowers hold finger on the red button on nuke testing the universe excellence progressing the simulacra extensions imprint in matrix Sanskrit secret scrolls translations
Reducing actions to recharge the charger
Energymnastic akrobations to reserve enough
To jump another level up
Charging the charger!
mania bipolarysation high resolution solution charge my lifetime battery rewired free electric top up!Charge the charger!
New Bible in Kinglish copy!
Are you ready to read my mind?
So addictive your chemical calories!
Nutritions in da eyes feed me fast!
Punk is home!
OHM come my home
I’m on my way on your way
Psychedelicatesse intense expression press sure Surrealma matter holy patient is patient
Steer me see me Seenie and SteefAnieC
Plan A to C to K.S. My name KS is X
BezSenności ściemnia się
Can’t get a sleeping pill I need your lovin
I’m tribal Poles position the king in sleepless terms Les
Dream realms Heals sleepliness in the well of loneliness
Wounded lioness come my house
Fix me default in simulation city game I used to abuse press play on tape register download I am the who poet talking therapy bout my generation!
drum on drums play the game of love play to find the way out. Exit!
Records say AI I write my soul damages in night howl night owl watching nights scrolling down your body language signature I sign the signal alarm resistors
Sin City is breaking golden balance intense ekspressions old language trans portal immortal PolSky spy Kinglish plan C you see my plan C I see Beatific rites
I need to speed walk now to catch the bus double Dekker chasing androgyn perfectness balancing famm and alpha dyke extremities on scaless unjustices sent my way I can’t miss the bus stop playing long song I compose compositter Chopin translations in evolution absolute power my execution so cute cut me up axe techniques to see the miracle golden child send away homeland to update script holy typewriter I type the hyperactivity Beat in bits syn chroni City synchronicity serve and protect Holy text I impress on conciousness press
See me type who type ape my pen links dreaming dreams
I’m gold ape kinga the king of the bongo bong tribe I bring you my United Kingadom my homeostaza ekstaza see real see me Come! Co? What? Water! and Air! I breathe Air on air!
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bloggerfowl · 10 months
Follow me on Poematrix!
¡Sígueme en Poematrix!
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pochaulloac · 1 month
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foulcollectorinternet · 11 months
(de Poematrix) “Tú crees que eres lo que los demás te dicen que eres. El presunto éxito reside en la cantidad o en la calidad de quiénes te lo dicen”… Esta cita que entrecomillo no es nadie conocido, y me van a perdonar que no diga su nombre, pues les va a dar igual. Prefiero que cada cual piense lo que considere conveniente. Aquí no importa el lustre o perifollo del personaje, sino lo cierto o…
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nehanetin · 1 year
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ezibukujub8-blog · 1 year
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andresg1106 · 1 year
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31ª - Sobre os Sonhos
Se no trapézio se revela um desleixo um deslize não é a morte sua seqüela
Marcelo Pietragalla
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escribiendocelunas · 3 years
Redes Sociales de Contacto:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/escribiendocelunas
Blog: http://escribiendocelunas.blogspot.com/
Instagram: @sadfrases127est
Poematrix: Poeta: Jose127est, México | Poematrix
Twitter: @Jose127est
Tumblr: Jose127est
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teyletras · 5 years
Recuerden que también comparto mis creaciones en Poematrix.
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madmonkeydisorder · 1 month
Oh! twisted muse amuse me use me & abuse
I use your awesome highness twisted plot playing out on my mind my muse be plus on my lifetime cruise
rock the boat I float on drunken ocean calming waves you drive me nutz I dance in trance king fu master disaster Bruce Lee enter the dragon on dance floor once more
I see your beautyfix fixing that default in da game your holy face hidden among other dancing monks who populate the state my holy statement read magic tarot in satellites bios settings on my personalized iOS spreading love you’re my psychic chick waiting on skyline with northern lights on the corner to score illegal lovers over underground caves secret drug dens we starry eyes into black sky over the treasure island in old stoned pirate town I found on my way out off beaten tracks off baseline cartographics linear action film projection on walls in platonic caves in the shades my holy sinner poems decipher pharaoh piramide orgonite crystalline linking park life in blurry Blur pop out on timeline my profane past Polish land sacred kinglish roots inking my first personifications king role model cyberpunk illegal rave breaking all the rules I give you my Poematrix inspired religious passion blue & old soul ignited spark Holy Ghost and fire Pyrex symbol burn out my sad Slavic soul worshipping goddess
spiritual communion I serve my purpose as salt of the land secret king sent on exile lost battle in hell I have endless blessings sent by thunder god
Your red thread I found the end here underground zero point nine gram life on mars I’m Asking Ziggy Stardust I must last here on last legs exploited cyberpunk excessive excitemental chaos experimental Poematrix lost between translations holy typewriter activated in gold therapy narrator human AI tool to transmute holy message in golden age off computers actuall mute me when no future for me in contradictory anthem God save the king smoke pot in da palace bathroom to decorate orders in past present continue on timeline polish white Eagle sent night watch to protect the land I explore in time travels close inspections what the fuck happen to the world?
My headspace capacity storage in damages circulation cctv footages download media bullshit tv remote control I sold simplification sci fy upgrade on amplitudes mathematic sequences numerologos source coded feed my holy quest hear me folks freedom rocks the boat we rescue the sinking ghost ship shipping good and evil seeds to grow green crops on fields of gold needs the most to change the law allow to grow strains engeenered tools operating mind puzzles to click the clock over the coocos nest I had turbulent flight over insane lane wanderer who read copycat how to cope in line mental health act sucks it’s fact
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xuseca · 3 years
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Luz del amanecer, luz del atardecer Si todas sus penas de gracia decidieran quedarse cada noche a la misma hora, entonces me encontraría con los labios húmedos en mi barca que jamás se hundió. Porque ella es el mañana y yo el hoy de su frescura, pues ella es la luz del amanecer donde el sol se escondió, y si amarla es dolor entonces he de sangrar. Porque ella es la luz del atardecer donde la estrella la envidió y si amarla es sangrar entonces que se fatiguen las últimas gotas de mi buen corazón. Poema escrito por : misombra Poematrix https://www.google.com/amp/s/poematrix.com/amp/poemas/luz-del-amanecer-luz-del-atardecer-122039 (en Araño, Galicia, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CV0DVTrjM44/?utm_medium=tumblr
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marlon2515-blog · 5 years
Poemas de marlon Arguello Vargas - Poematrix
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nicoscepanovic · 7 years
<iframe src="https://poematrix.com/widgets/w1?uid=10641" style="height:25rem; width:100%; border:5px solid #eee; border-radius:3px;"><a href="https://poematrix.com/autores/nicoscepanovic">Poemas de nicoscepanovic - Poematrix</a></iframe>
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malvika4u · 3 years
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riceli · 4 years
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