#point being that that's a pretty impressive amount of trust they've got there
lollytea · 1 year
Did she know from the start? I'm talking about her feelings and Hunter's feelings
I think on the day Willow met Hunter, she got a little baby crush on him nearly immediately but it was such a busy day and romance was like the last thing on her mind so she didn't really notice. She was all like "wow he's so cool!!" But that's a relatively normal way to think about somebody so it flew under her radar. Willow is pretty self aware but she just had a lot going on at the time. She was really REALLY impressed with his flying. Also he was really cute but that was hardly relevant. Point is he was gonna help them snag a victory.
Then he pulled that whole stunt near the end of the episode where he risked everything to save them. When he turned around and pleaded with her to leave and let him handle it, she definitely had this moment where she was like "Oh. Wow..." Because as it turns out, he's so much more than just a really cool, really cute guy. He's a whole world more.
I think once the two started texting, Willow started realizing that the little baby crush was there. Because there is no good reason for her to be squealing into a pillow just cuz he sends her a little tree emoji. No good reason whatsoever.
But at the same time, Willow proceeds with caution. She grips her safety rails tight and gives herself a good firm talking to. She's not going to forget that Hunter is the Golden Guard so, for the sake of her friends, she can't go trusting him wholeheartedly. So admittedly, having a little crush on him isn't the best idea. But so long as she maintains it, keeps it from overgrowing and doesn't let it influence her, it's fine. It's okay to indulge herself and become text buddies with Hunter so long as she doesn't forget the boundaries that exist between them.
Willow fails at preventing her crush from growing but she is stubbornly refusing to acknowledge that. Because that would be admitting that she can't control her own emotions. Which makes her uncomfortable to dwell on for too long. So she represses it. This is fine :)
Willow does a good job at remaining unbiased in spite of her crush. She doesn't immediately stand up for Hunter when he's being interrogated by Bump for possibly being linked with the scouts invading Hexside, until she can be sure that she can trust him. At this point her crush has been pushed down and ignored because now is not the time for dumb teenage stuff. Willow is preoccupied with important matters.
But man....when Hunter saved Gus, Willow's best friend Gus who means the absolute world to her, and she learns he apparently saved him not by fighting, but with kindness and understanding, oh she was gone. Completely gone. Though she didn't allow herself to think about it too much, this alone had Willow head over heels for that sweaty little weirdo.
It was safe and acceptable to befriend Hunter now without any opposing allegiances complicating it. Plus Gus really likes him, so no judgy looks from him either. So they become a little trio of friends. Just friends, Willow tells herself. He's still cool and he's still really cute and he's also so kind, but they are apparently drawing close to the end of the world. Willow can't get distracted. So she won't. And she didn't.
She opts not to think too hard about the time Kikimora got her hands on "him" and she went ballistic. It was reckless and stupid of her. People could have been hurt. She's starting to suspect that boy might have an alarming amount of power over her.
Scares her a little.
Or a lot. Maybe it scares her a lot. So she opts not to think too hard about that either.
Just a little baby crush. Not even worth talking about.
It's only after they've landed in the Human Realm and things somewhat stabilize that Willow starts noticing Hunter's feelings. She noticed he had become a little shy around her after the events of Labyrinth Runners but she didn't really think too deeply about it. He had been through a lot, so being a little reserved and jumpy was normal. I wanna say she was even a little jealous over how comfortable Hunter was with Gus compared to how nervous he got around her. But she tried not to let it bother her. It was a silly thing to get upset over and they were currently dealing with the end of the world.
But yeah, once they had settled in Camila's house and she had some time to relax and not much else going on to occupy her mind, Willow absolutely picked up on Hunter's crush on her. And she likes it. She really likes it. Being crushed on by somebody so cool makes her feel so cool and confident and pretty and worthy. It got her so giddy and excited. Flirting with him and making him all blushy made her go a little mad with power.
However, Willow is a very complicated person. I think that, while she was having the time of her life testing the waters and experimenting with flirting, she was also a bit scared deep down. She had terrible imposter syndrome. ("Why have I been trying to be someone different?" - Willow one episode later.) She's hiding a lot of herself. She's repressing her weaknesses and insecurities and overcompensating her "good" personality traits.
Willow is willing to admit to herself that she has a little crush on Hunter and she's maybe considering starting something with him after this is all over. If he still likes her by then, that is. And so long as he never sees too much of her, he will like her.
She's not in love with him. Because if she was in love with him, he would have the power to hurt her. So she's decided to not be.
She likes it like this. Chill, flirtatious, easy. But at the same time, she's keeping him at arm's length. She's afraid of being vulnerable with him. She's afraid of him knowing her too well.
But as the months go on, she's gradually realizing that he might mean more to her than she's willing to admit. But she can't stop getting closer and closer to him. She tends to slip up whenever she's around him. Stops thinking about consequences. It's really bad. And no matter how scared she is of this relationship she has with him, she can't stop herself from digging them into a hole. Like girl he's in love with you now??? Girl you're in love with HIM now???? If you're so scared why did you initiate this in the first place???
The simple answer is he turns her into a dumbass.
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pluma-azurea · 5 years
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Ready when you are, Colonel. ✠
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bluecloudious · 3 years
Here's a little rant about Kits and Zanaz canon, cause I have quite a few thoughts that I dunno what else to do with and my head was aching really bad (and I wanted to get smth done), so I decided to share some of the ones that I've been debating for a while (It's pretty long, be warned):
The TL;DR is just the thought names, I guess.
Thought nr 1: They are 100 percent a couple, even in the first comic I posted of them.
I've been thinking about this a lot, whether they were just best friends who had crushes on one another, or if they were just straight up a thing and, yeah. They're just a couple and have been for a while. The written story is now the AU where Zani chickened out of confessing his feelings for so long that he finally was given a deadline. Comics are the canon and in that canon, they got together shortly after becoming agents. Zani occasionally flirts with other people, but that's just kinda a part of his personality and Kits has grown used to it. Their shipname is Kitzan.
Thought nr 2: Kits has no self-confidence.
In the meeting comic I tried to make it a bit noticeable how unhappy he is with himself, but even after transitioning, that fact has only slightly changed. He is his preferred gender now, but he still isn't confident at all about his looks, his voice or what he says, despite how much Zanaz tries to convince him that he's fine. The only thing Zanaz has managed to stop Kits from doing is actually being self-destructive aka Kits starved himself for a while (also hinted at in the comic). That's why he's way chunkier now- cause his body stopped trusting him and gained fat afterwards. All of this isn't really visible or audible in any of the comics, because Kits isn't vocal about it at all. Zanaz is the only person who really even knows it/cares about it. It's also the base for his mostly detail-less design compared to Zani- he's trying not to stick out.
Thought nr 3: They both have a body count
Yeah, they've both killed before, which, for the world they live in, isn't really surprising. It was all in self-defence, don't worry. The amount of rogue agents and grunts that decide to deviate in a violent way is a pretty big percent, so they've had to encounter quite a few of them. Zanaz' preferred weapon is of course the handgun/glock and is the more experienced/lethal of the two. Kits on the other hand is more proficient with knives, his main weapon being a shaving knife he got from Zani. He hasn't had to use it much, but the few times he has, we're pretty desperate. Zanaz also has a body count in the other sense too, but you could probably tell that much already.
Thought nr 4: I still do not think they'll have a happy ending
Sorry, but the happy ending Kits and Zanaz I drew are just a part of an AU as well. There is no malicious reason for why I think they'll die. They just happen to get the short end of the stick, just like most members of the A.A.H.W. We are talking about an agency that has at least three(four if you count that one incident with 2bdamned) very proficient people constantly killing staff. There are so many deaths that they have to use clones, for pete's sake! The amount of time they've already managed to be alive for is quite impressive (I imagine about 3 years).
Thought nr 5: Zanaz is even more protective of his inner feelings than Kits is
Even though Zanaz is very blunt and honest about most things, even some considered private info to most, he is not actually open about how he feels. He hides his negative emotions as much as he possibly can, even from Kits. (This was briefly explored in the written story, also.) The only reason Kits knows this, is because he's caught Zani crying to himself in less visited areas of their main facility, once or twice. Even then he wouldn't say what's wrong, that's how stubborn he is. All Kits could really do when this happened, was hug him and pat his head.
Fun facts that I didn't know how to categorize:
Zanaz is a dog person and Kits is a cat person. They combine to become bird people. (Yes, this is my excuse to draw dog boy Zani at some point.)
Zanaz' and Kits' personalities are based off myself. Of course in an amplified way, but yeah, I relate to them a lot. (Others have claimed to relate as well, which is most pleasant.)
They get their shade colors from RGB. Regular agents have red, Zanaz has green and Kits has blue.
I occasionally draw them during my free time! Most of those pictures I will not be posting to Tumblr, however. Some cause they're just kinda sketches that I don't really see a point in posting and others are just straight up not Tumblr appropriate.
Kits and Zanaz had not dated anyone before each other. Kits cause of insecurity and Zanaz because he didn't want any commitment. They are still very loyal to each other, tho.
The main song I listen to whenever I draw Zanaz is Left Boy- Security Check. Kits doesn't have a song that I listen to and get his vibe, but I am still looking.
Bit of a bonus tangent too:
I'm sorry that most of these are negative. The funni bois are, ya know, funny, and I tend not to make media about them that isn't funny, but I wanted to blabber about how I think they are when not performing a punchline.
When I design characters, I never only think about the positive personality traits. I tend to instead think about what the negatives are, so I can figure out, how they handle it. How they cope and how they've grown from their negative experiences/emotions enchants me.
I've said this before, Kits and Zanaz got created on a whim, basically unintentionally. But, I grew attached to the two idiot agents with different color shades. Thus, I wanted to know more about them.
I think, by now, I've figured them out for the most part. (Thankfully I don't have to give them any family or nothing, cause they're both clones.)
Also, their color scheme is final. If you've noticed, they're shades have changed shade over time. Zanaz' got brighter, while Kits' got darker. The suit color is a random shade every time, cause I just choose a dark shade of gray via slider. Hair color hasn't changed at all, as far as I know. Only Good Ending Zani has darker hair, cause he had it colored.
And, speaking of the Good Ending AU, I don't think I know what to do with the concept. I try to think more into it, but my brain blanks. If anyone wants to draw or write about it, I would be completely fine with it. Might even consider it canon, if none of it conflicts with the established canon. Good Ending AU takes place in the far future, after all.
But, yeah, I think that's it. I'm kinda honestly surprised if anyone actually reads all of this, lol. I hope you found my long-ass tangent about my two silly gay MadCom OCs interesting :)))
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autopotion · 2 years
I started Gris... last week I think? And I've been playing it in fairly short intervals, which has been nice, I can stretch out the experience of a relatively short & contemplative game instead of steamrolling through it like I did bastion, which I kind of regret. I was a little skeptical about how much I would enjoy the gameplay, since the draw of the game is primarily the admittedly gorgeous visuals (and I don't tend to love sidescrolling platformers), but I've actually gotten really into it. I've been invested in the gentle spacial puzzle solving, I'm in the "green" level right now and loved the jumping trick with the treetops, and ADORED the section with the little copycat critter that you feed apples and it tags along with you.
Also can I just say the timing of this game is impressive. In the "red" level they did this thing with like... Windmill ramps? That extend and close gaps as you near them. Outside of visually being beautiful, they're perfectly timed so that if you don't slow your pace, they will bridge the gap just before you reach the edge. Obviously you can just stop and wait, but I was really charmed by that attention to timing. It's an example of the game just asking you to trust it, and not letting you down when you do. Loved that. I wonder if they even programmed spaces in the geometry for those bits, or if the whole road is just one continuous line in the gameplay code, and the moving ramps are just for aesthetics? Either way I thought it was cool
My biggest "meh" point is the sheer amount of statues of beautiful naked crying women littering the environment. Which I get is kind of integral to the aesthetic, but they've all got pretty much the same body shape and pretty features, and it's just a bit... I don't know. It reminds me of that one article about depression going around a couple years ago where the header image was some very obviously Disney-inspired art of a skinny naked woman curled up under a thin blanket. Everybody on Tumblr tore into it LMAO it was like beyond parody. I think this game is trying to do the same thing but more seriously, like, it does feel a bit "the beauty of female suffering 😔" aesthetic. Which like. All right
Oh yeah the audio design of this game is also quite good. I'm partial to the footstep sounds on stone
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dangan-happy · 3 years
(A little bit of Monaca in my life.) Hey Rantaro, you are my comfort character so I'd like advice from you. I recently just started my first job and I dont know how to feel about it. It's a kennel attendant and I really love the animals there especially the cats so that helps. However on my first day several large dogs tried to attack me and people kept talking about their injury stories to the point anytime I have to walk larger dogs I get terrified that one will try to attack me again. It's also a lot of work and physical work and I have never had a job before so I am extremely tired and my body is not used to any of it. They started me off with 40 hours a week and thats getting overwhelming. It doesn't help that my boss is not a nice person and will yell hard at you for your mistakes. Everything is getting overwhelming so I sometimes start crying at work but when I got to the cat room it calms me down. I really love some parts of this job because I love animals so much but because it is making me like this I dont know what to do.
Hey anon, it really means a lot to hear that I'm a comfort for you. Hopefully I can give you the help you need. Hey, congrats on getting a job! Even if you're a little unsure about it right now, you still got the job, and that's pretty impressive. I'm glad you're enjoying being around the cats, it's always good to have a positive, as for the dogs, yeah I can understand where you're coming from. Does your workplace have a system that points out which dogs are a little more aggressive? Looking at those might be a good way to prepare yourself for a dog with a little more bite than bark, or maybe warn you away. Honestly it's fine if you don't want to handle the big dogs. Bigger dogs make me a little nervous too. Yeah, people seem to love to talk about their injuries. However, these sound like major dog people, meaning that they've been exposed to way more dogs than you have. And honestly, if a dog was that dangerous, I don't think they'd be letting casual employees handle them. I think the best advice I got for this chunk is looking into ways to prepare yourself for handling some of the dogs. Practice makes perfect, and I think having the skills will help you feel calmer and make you feel safer.
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Aw man, bosses like that suck. And forty hours a week for your first job? Yeah, that's a whole lot to adjust to. Being yelled at is never fun, and I wish your boss would chill out already. There's no shame in crying. I'd probably cry too if I was under that much stress. Just take it one day at a time. You're still adjusting to the new schedule. I promise things are gonna start looking better in a few days just because you're a little more used to it. You're going to build up the body strength and endurance you need over time, so it'll get a little bit easier each day. I'd try to connect with some of your coworkers so you can have some kind of connection at work, since your boss is such a jerk. There's no such thing as a perfect job, and I'm glad chilling with the cats is helping you out.
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Forty hours a week is a crazy amount for a first job, and if you're not ready for that, that's ok. Now I can't tell you what to do exactly, but I'd recommend giving it one more week. Just give it a solid try, and if things don't work out, that's ok. You aren't a failure if things don't work out at this job. There are plenty of other ones out there if you don't want to stick with this one. Be aware of your emotions and limits, look out for yourself as much as you can, ok? I think that's all I got to offer for you, and I really hope things work out one way or another. Whatever happens, you're gonna be just fine. Trust your feelings and trust yourself.
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(1/4) confession: i hate l@nce. hate him. so much. he's such an asshole! like i get the writers are going for 'wannabe casanova' but what they've got is a boy that only is insta 'nice' to hot women (in the mermaid episode he was like :/ to the squid head girl until she took it off and was totes hot at which point he immediately did a 180 to ;D), hits on literally everything resembling female, and doesn't take no for an answer. like, a//ura made it pretty clear she's not interested in L@nce.
(2/4) But he keeps flirting with her at very bad moments, despite her being annoyed with it, and tries to police her actions at one point??? (when her at Ke!th run off together he flips shit on her and tries to do an interrogation if anything happened like thats any of his fucking business). Literally the only girls he’s not weird about is P1dge and his mother. It’s fucked him over so many times! N!ma and the mermaids both should have been massive red flags, but he never changes!(¾) Not once does he connect the dots and think hmm maybe there’s a connection -NEVERMIND HOT GIRL. He’s completely oblivious from moral and logical standpoints. I hate it and I hate him. No amount of homesickness and insecurity is gonna make him likeable until he pulls his head out of his ass. Or at least gets called out by someone instead of being told ‘not now’ mid emergency. He doesn’t give a shit about them! That one mermaid girl he was hitting on, she died! Mid episode!(4/4) And L@nce didn’t even ask hey, where did she vanish too is she okay? He didn’t give a single fuck about the missing girl he’d been hitting on literally a day ago, he was too busy with the NEW pretty mermaid girl and the hot mermaid queen! I hate him, I hate how the writers handle him, and he needs to get called the fuck out by someone soon. Preferably A//ura. Or P!dge. Or Sh!ro. Thank you for hearing of my rage.
ok i was about to go to sleep but since its the l@nce ask i decided to wait a bit, because uhhh, welp he’s important to me and he’s probably the only reason why i still watch this show lfdkjgkf im going to try and be as, well, as objective and logical as i can so please bear with me also im sorry i cant really salt with you here. like, i partially salt with you but not entirely since, you know, l@nce stan thing and all that. okay anyway, here we go and it probs gonna be long so im really, really sorry or something. also also before i Really start i want to thank hd, jo and ciel bcos brainstorming with them was a top notch way to figure out what i want to say fldkgj
im gonna start with the flirting thing first in general, then move to @llura, then to other instances you brought up then to lance himself, just so we have some outline here okay? okay. so here i go:
the flirting thingy - i get why it bugs you and it bugs me too, especially with @llura. writers definitely overuse it and use it as a comedic device (not working but shhh). on the other side, aside from @llura (which im going to talk about more in a sec, pls be patient with me, pls) girls usually don’t react negatively to it? pl@xum literally kissed him on the cheek, aliens at the mall and on that first planet in s3 laughed and generally it seemed to be rather innocent if annoying because of how often it was portrayed. the flirting alone isn’t really bad, considering his insecurities and strive for attention its not surprising that he does it and its never a serious thing. and most of the team reacts with just groaning and rolling their eyes, no one ever told him, 100% seriously and definitely, to stop. the thing is, writers portray his flirting in a really shitty way (like most things, jesus christ) 90% of the time??? which brings us to the next point here:
@llura or rather how her and l@nces relationship was portrayed so far. now theres no denying it that the part where he keeps on flirting with her and she keeps turning him down and so on is, well, pure shit and we all want (or rather wanted it considering how he dropped the act in s3) it to stop. while it doesnt make it okay, its still important to note that he never really seems to be 100% serious with his pick up lines and it looks like he uses it as a way to lighten up the mood (cue him using them in, well, not really appropriate moments). and while we’re at it, lance hardly ever opposed to any of her orders (aside from the time when he and hunk argued with the rest of the team about coming back home but, like, can you really blame them for that?). also the thing that you brought up, him flipping his shit out when she left with keith was completely justified??? she and k/eith literally left without any notice??? when they were constantly followed by galra and there was a war going on???? of course he was worried out of his mind, who wouldnt! and when she was captured by the gala he was one of the people who wanted to go and save her. like, you cant really say he doesnt give a shit about her. its further proved by how he acted in s3? he completely dropped his flirting with her, never acted angry when she was chosen to be the blue paladin, he even said he was happy that it was her specifically! when sh!ro came back he never asked @llura to step down either, he thought she was better suited to do it than him he constantly checked if she was feeling alright in blue and we could see how much their relationship improved in this season. i would go as far as to say that they actually became a p good friends.
now, onto the other instances you mentioned:
pl@xum - here its kinda tricky tbh, on one side, yeah, its not really okay that he started to be all over the moon for her after she took of the squid, on the other hand he knew her for, like, a day at best?? its not really enough time to fall in love with personality itself (especially considering how much happened during that time?) and you cant really tell that being attracted by someones good looks is something bad? it was portrayed in shitty way but then again, its more of writers fault. and while we’re at it, even if he wasnt interested in her romantically, he never disrespected her??? he took her seriously after she and her group explained what they did and why they did it and helped her free her planet.
fl/rona - okay i seriously dont know why you brought up this? he had maybe one convo with her and during it or right after he was literally drugged with poisoned alien food, then he got kidnapped, stung by a squid and had to fight and save the entire kingdom. he probably thought she was in the palace or somewhere in their village? with so much happening of course it could slip his mind. 
ny/a - well, im not really sure how to approach this one but im gonna try. yes, l/nce going after her was reckless and not his best moment but also?? literally everyone on the team except for h/nk seemed to trust them? and n/ma not only reciprocated/pretended to reciprocate but also played at his insecurities (aka pulling the “if you wont then im sure k/th aka the boy that you consider ur rival aka the boy that is one of the sources of ur insecurities will take me to his lion). and lance maybe has a strategical mind and works good on missions and in the heat of a moment but? he’s also an insecure teenager and teens tend to do reckless things when they want to impress someone. plus, lance generally seems to be rather trusting? hes not as guarded as, lets say, k/eith, hes thrives on social interaction and likes meeting new people. you can see it in the way he wanted to hang out with p/idge in the garrison even though she probs always turned him and h/nk down or how he was able to confide in coran despite knowing him for week at best or in how quick he was to play around and take selfies with complete strangers from the planet he just helped save in s3 and how well he worked with blade of m/rmora in same ep. hes quick to trust and become friends, which makes him an easy target for people like n/ma but overall isnt really a bad trait. 
all in all, lance is a very, very complex character and cant really be judged only basing on his flirting. hes much more than that. and while i understand where you’re coming from i cant really agree with you fully. the way his flirting is portrayed is shitty but hes not a bad person at all. 
sorry its so long btw, im just,,, kinda passionate dl
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miriamandvictoria · 5 years
@ocprompting Fun Character Bio 
What is it?
Miriam Willsson Paul (Neé Paul)
Does it mean anything, who gave it to them and why?
Their mum picked it. They were going to be named Linda, but because their cousin Linda was born two weeks before Miriam, she got the name instead. Her father used to call her "Jarrito", which is a Mexican soda, when she was little, claiming that he invented it before she was born because she used to give her mother hiccups when she was still in the womb.
Do they like it?
They think it's okay.
Other basics
Personality traits
What are their most defining traits to their personality?
Stubborn, good hearted, loving and trust worthy
What sticks out as soon as you meet them, what kind of first impression do they make?
You'd probably notice what a warm and kind person they are first of all. They always make a good impression because their big heart shows clearly to everyone who look at them.
What are their good traits?
Compassionate, kind, loving
What are their bad traits?
Jelous, insecure, stuff all her feelings inside and does not tell anyone what she feel
Any other traits?
Ultinate mum friend, clever, a goof
How do they describe themself, how do they view themself?
Miriam describbes themselves as a dedicated stay at home mum with a daytime job. They don't have a great view of themselves - they know their personality is golden but they don't like their apperance, and they often feel as though they fall short in caring for theur family and when comparing themselves to their wife
How do others describe them, how do others view them?
Others describe her as cute, funny, and kind. They view her as a really good friend they can depend upon and discuss anything with.
What parts of their personality always prevail and are always present no matter what the situation is?
They are always trustworthy, and they are always hardworking and kind
Are they a different person when you first meet them than when you get to know them, does it take them time to open up? Or are they an open book from the get go?
They're pretty much an open book. There is a lot of reasons that they are the way they are and act the way they do that you won't know until you get to know them, but personality wise they're an open book
151.5 cm
Body build/shape/weight?
They used to be underweight when they were younger and always had a very slim build, but put on signficant amounts of weight later in life. She is now quite chubby, though not qualified as overweight.
Facial shape - What are their eyes like? How about their nose, or lips? Shape of cheeks? Eyebrows?
They have big chocolate brown eyes with thick black eyelashes. Her face is very rounded with soft, chubby cheeks. She has big, full lips and soft arches for eyebrows.
Hair - short/long? texture/shape? Do they wear it different ways or only one way? What colour(s) is it, natural/changed?
They have dark dark brown hair that almost looks black, which is their natural colour, though it's gotten lighter with the years and is more like a chestnut brown now. Her natural texture is very thick and straight. She had it very long with and without bangs when she was younger, as well as curling it or making it wavy on occasion. She then cut it down into a very short style for four years in her late twenties. After that she let it grow out again in her early thirties, before once more starting to cut it down shorter and shorter. Nowadays she has it in a bob of varying length and has had for some years.
Skin tone?
They're half Mexican, half white American. They appear white, but when standing next to someone of completely white heritage it is noticable that they are slightly darker skinned by a few shades.
Anything such as glasses? dimples? scars?
They have dimples. Their knees and feet are covered in little scars from a lot of (barefeet) adventures in the Arizona dessert as a child. They also have a thick scar just above their hairline from falling off their pet cow, which she once rode on when drunk. Their wife Victoria rode toghther with her and tried to catch her when she fell, but was too drunk and instead ended up joining her on the ground. Miriam hurt her head and Victoria broke her wrist. She got glasses shortly after she turned forty, but doesn't need them constantly.
Do they look younger, average, older than their age?
They have always looked much younger than their age. When their oldest daughter Alice was small, she was often believed to be her big sister, and the same happened when her wife had their second daughter Lydia. In fact, at the Hospital, Miriam's wife (at the time girlfriend) Victoria was believed to be her step-mother, and that their daughter was Miriam's little sister. As they've gotten older, though, their age has started to catch up with them and combined with a more mature dress sense and make-up regime, they are rarely thought to be much younger than they are anymore.
How do they feel about their appearance? Do they like it, dislike it, mixed, or do they not place much value on their looks?
They try not to put much value in their looks, but does occasionally feel bothered by their weight. They know it's not entierly their own fault they have put on so much weight over the years, but it still hurt.
Anything they would want to change about their appearance? anything they refuse to change about their appearance?
They like their apperance, except perhaps they wish they could shed some of the weight they've put on. They would never change hair or eye colour, which they have sometimes been told they should try, because it'd make them look 'less foreign'.
Gender identity/etc
What is their gender? Are they perisex? Are they cis or trans? What are their pronouns?
She is a perisex cis female, pronounse she/her
Sexual orientation? Romantic orientation?
They are a homoromantic Demisexual
Dating anyone? Married? Do they want to get married? Prefer ‘one night stands’?
They are married to a woman named Victoria Willsson. When they first met, Victoria was twenty-six and was working as an art teacher with side jobs doing sculptures and paintings to order, as well as singing and playing guitarre in a band. Miriam had just turned twenty and was a single mum to a one year old baby girl. She'd just landed her first job as a freelance journalist.
It turned out Victoria's school was the subject of the article, and she agreed to be her insider source. They continued to spend time toghther after the article was published, and fell in love. They got married on Victoria's fiftieth birthday, and had at that point lived toghther for over a decade and had three children.
How do they react when they first fall for someone?
They fall in love slowly but surely. A little something might spark, and then it'll grow over time.
How do they react when they first begin being intimate with someone? How do they react further on down the relationship?
They are always very careful. After being abadoned by the father of her daughter - even if she did not love him - she doesn't want to get too deep into anything until she feel she knows for sure its genuine. Further down the relationship they're much more confident, and they'll definatly be a fussy kind of hen mum partner who check in constantly to make sure their partner is doing good etc.
Do they have a lot of dating experience, little, none?
They have little dating experience. Before their wife, they only really dated their high school sweetheart, and their daughter's father - a shallow aquintance who she drunkenly slept with, then dated for a couple of months until it was revelead she was pregnant and he abadoned her to get by on her own.
What ways do they express intimacy or love? Hugs, Kisses, gifts, favors, Creating things for them, Verbal flattery, etc?
Hugs, kisses, favours and gifts. They show love more in actions than in words, though they frequently use loving and romantic nicknames in Spanish for those they love the most. For her it's a way to signal someone's importance to her.
Are they casual or intense in relationships?
Intense, if they think its answered. Usually they try to match their partner.
Do they value the relationship as important & lasting, or just fun & fleeting?
Lasting & important
Are they fast or slow in their relationships? dominant or passive? Do they take the lead, their partner(s) take the lead, mixture, or is there no lead?
They're pretty slow. Slow and steady wins the race, in their opinion. They're very dominant, however, and so is their wife, so it really depend on the situation. They have diffrent strength and weaknesses and let the one most well suited to handling whatever is happening lead the way. This usually means that Miriam rule the household and Miriam handles them when out in public and socilizing.
Do they enjoy sexual aspects ornromantic aspects more?
They enjoy the romantic aspects more.
Do they have any sexual interests that they do with their partner, for themself or for their partner?
Not really. They do occasionally have sex with their partner because they knows that she enjoys it, but unless they are extremely drunk they are not very intrested in sex in general, attraction or no.
What do they do if there is something upsetting in their relationship, how do they handle slight turmoil?
As they got older and wiser, trying to talk is normally what they do. Trying to solve it as best she can without beeing confrontational. This is both because she doesn't like fighting, and because she has a partner who handles conflicts abysmally due to past trauma. However, this attitude didn't fully set in until her early, mid thirties. Her and her wife has had sever issues communicating through out their relationship and it was not unsual that one of them would sleep on the couch, sometimes for weeks on end in the beginning of their relationahip. This would go on until they either returned on their own accord or was persuaded by the other partner to abandon whatever issue had sparked it and move forward. Which, in truth, wasn't much solving at all, and unfortunatly they still carry both bigger and smaller issues from the very beginning of their relationship with them to this day.
One of them is the fact that Miriam is still secretly hurt by having been caught up in a triangle drama between her wife Victoria and a man that she was also seeing when they first began going out, as well as his wife and other side-girls. At some point she would like to talk it out with her wife, but fears bringing it up as she knows her wife is deeply traumatized from the man killing himself by the way of drugs and alcohol little under two years after she began seeing him and less than a year after she met Miriam.
Non the less they have always loved eachother, and they would never let anything come between them so to the point that they split up.
Are they confident when with a partner, or insecure? If confident, how do they feel about confident partners? insecure partners? Do they have a 'type’?
They are connfident. They don't have a 'type', except perhaps women. But they want someone that they know they can rely on if they need it. At their core they are a confident person, but much like their partner it doesn't show until they feel safe enough to trust that their partner will stick around. This means that first they were both insecure, and then they were both strong. It kind of clashes but it tends to solve itself.
Personality wise, what do they enjoy in a partner? Looks wise, what do they enjoy? do they handle heartbreak well?
They want someone who is kind and empathic and creative. Culture, music and art are things that they find improtant, and they want someone who appreciate it too. Look wise, they enjoy tall people and have a weakness for sharp cheek bones. They handle heartbreak rather well - they pick themselves up and move on, and even if it hurts a lot inside they don't show it much.
Platonic relationships
What kinds of people do they make friends with?
They can make frienda with more or less anyone. They're the kind of person who can walk into a coffee shop and have twenty new aquintances by the time they walk out.
What kinds of people DON’T they make friends with?
They don't make friends with people who are racist, anti-lgbt, critical/slut shame single-mothers, or in any other way mean and negative. Being both lgbt and of immigrent heritage as well as a single mother at a young age has made her sensetive to these kind of subjects and she's been subject to discrimination and attacks for all three specific points - from her heritage to orientation to, when she was younger, status as a young single mother.
What kinds of things do they enjoy to do with friends?
Chill at home or coffee shop mostly. Any activties with her and/or their pets, too. When she was younger she'd go riding often with her friends, but its rarer after they busted their back.
Do they enjoy a large friend group or small? A few great friends, or many good friends?
They enjoy many good friends. They get along good with people and think it's fun to have a lot of people who she can invite to things and who will invite her to stuff. Though sometimes it gets too overwhelming, and then she likes to just sit at home with a cup of tea.
Do they make friends easily? How long before they consider them a friend?
They make friends pretty easily, but it might take a little while before you're a 'verified' friend, just to make sure she isn't in for a nasty surprise later on.
How do they handle a fight with a friend?
Like any other person. On the outside, the handle it perfectly, and are mostly composed and level headed. On the inside, though, they are often deeply hurt and you do not get away without a substancial apolegy.
How do they feel about animals? friends, helpers, tools/rescources, equal companions, annoyances, or enemies?
They love animals, and see them as family members or children.
Do they have a favourite animal?
Horses and cows
Do they have any pets? Have they had pets?
Their wife has three dogs: A black hounddog named Bonaparte, a brown and white border collie/sheep dog mix named Keira, and a choclate coloured American Water Spaniel named Espresso. Their son has a cat named Claude and she has a horse, a cow and an Oxen. The horse is a Gray American Quarter Horse called Old Paint Jr., the cow is called Blue Moon and the Oxen is named Sweet Pea. She has officially owned 8 diffrent horses before Old Paint Jr., having gotten their first one at age four.
Are they good with animals?
They are great with animals in general, but they're better at large animals like horses because they've been around them the longest, having aquiered their first horse at age four.
What kinds of food do they enjoy?
They can eat more or less anything, but has preference for Mexican cuisine.
What kinds of foods do they not enjoy?
They don't like Asian food (Thai, chinese, Indian, Vitnamese etc)
Do they eat a little, a lot, inbetween? If a little, Do they only eat a little due to being poor, or is there another reason?
She is a person who enjoys food a lot, and like to eat, but tend to limit herself due to insecurities about her weight. At the same time eating too little or inconsistently risks aggravating her gastro-intestinal problems and therefor she and her wife have worked up strategies to keep her eating properly with food consistently. Mostly she ends up eating small portions but many times a day to ease her own guilt yet still get the needed nutrients.
 Do they have any food allergies, or restrictions such as vegetarian/vegan/pescetarian/etc? If the latter, is it a personal belief, a cultural belief, a religious belief, due to allergies, or something else?
They eat a mostly vegetarian diet but does on occasion ingest meat. A vegetarian diet is better for the sake of her health issues - her doctor has ordered her to preferably avoid heavy food whenever possible, recommending a lighter vegetarian diet, and therefor she has eaten more and more vegetarian over the years, as well as that it better alines with her and her wife's intense love of animals and animal activism.
Do they view food as just sustenance or as a pleasure? Or balance it out?
Pleasure, when they get a chance to cook for their family - which they love - and eat a good home cooked meal with people they love. Just feeding themselves, its sustanance, as they will be very restrictive in what they eat and how much due to being uncomfortable with her weight and apperance. Dieting is unlikely to do much to help her, but she feel better that way
If given a big plate of food, do they eat their fav food first or last?
They eat their fav food first
If given a big plate of food, do they eat it all at once, or save some for later?
If in a comfortable, safe situation they eat it all. If uncomfortable they will probably leave some of it.
How do they feel on sweets?
They like sweets. They have a good sweet tooth.
How do they feel on sour foods?
They're not too fond of sour food, but they can eat it.
How do they feel on spicy foods?
They love spicy foods
How do they feel on bland/basic foods?
They don't like it, but they force themselved to eat it.
Are they good at cooking/baking, or do they instead just buy premade meals? Do they cook basic storebought foods or do they make food from scratch?
She do basically all the cooking in her household and she make it from scratch. She doesn't know how to do it any other way, really, all these half-fabricate short cuts just confuse her because she doesn't know how to apply them to her recipies. In her family growing up, her grandmother did all cooking, and she considered it offensive to offer anyone half-fabricats.
Social/political beliefs
What are their views on social groups? Are they open minded or close minded? Are they progressive, or do they dislike if their society changes?
They're open minded and proggressive. As a Mexican-American Lesbian and at one point single mother, there is a lot they wish to get better in their countries and they view it in a posetive light when it does.
What is the government like in their setting? Do they like the way it is set up, or not? Do they like their current leader, or not?
They are not a fan of the current American president, which is where she is from. Nowadays she and her wife live in London, having moved there about fifteen years ago after she was offered a job there. She chose to take the job and move because they didn't like how the political climate was evolving and did not feel as safe as they used to in the town where they lived.
What kinds of clothes do they like?
When they were younger they had a very half-dressed hippie kind of style. They liked shirts and cut off jeanse and t-shirts and skimpy dresses.
Nowadays, They go for comfortable but good looking. They have a lot of jeanse and a lot of soft pants and shirts and tunics.
They own a number of pantssuits for work purpous, if they need to meet with a publisher or similar.
What kinds of things will they include in every outfit?
They don't have something for every outfit, really, but they will probably have some kind of jewelry. Turqoise stones have a lot meaning to her amd she has a smaller jewelry collection with turqoises.
What kinds of clothes do they dislike? What kinds of things would they refuse to wear?
They don't wear dresses much anymore, though they liked them when they were younger. They don't really like pantsuits because they tend to be made out of harsh fabrics and they're not very soft of flexible, but they wear them when they have to.
Any accessories they always wear, like a bracelet, hair tie, ring, locket, etc? Does it have any significance?
Naturally they always wear their wedding ring. They have a silver braclet with turqouises that their wife gave them and they cherish it a lot, often wearing it to more upscale events. They also have a matching ring, but they do not wear it as often because it's larger and clunky and they don't think it suit them as much anymore.
What is their relationship with clothing? Do they wear what’s comfortable, what they aesthetically like, what is easy to work in/what fits their profession?
They like to wear what's comfortable, mostly. Usually it's casual but not sloppy. They do adapt their apparal a lot after the weather and occasion, though.
Do they view clothes as just fabric to cover their body, or do they consider it an important/integral part of their identity?
It depends on what item of clothing you're looking at. She has a few pieces of clothing that are traditional Mexican clothes, and those are very important to her and a part of her identity. The rest is mostly just a neccesary part of being a living human being.
Do they prefer to have less or more skin exposed in their outfits? Do they wear as little as possible, or maybe do they use clothes to hide something about themselves?
Growing up in a warm climate but with cold nights, they usually dressed rather skimpy and then had a quilt or jacket to add on top. However, as they have become older and gained weight, they started wearing more clothes - both because it is expected and because they feel uncomfortable about their apperance and wish to hide it with their clothes.
Do they live somewhere with the same temperature/weather all year, or does the climate change? do they change their clothes by the changing seasons, or do they stick to their “brand” no matter what?
They lived for the longest time where it was mostly the same all year round, and being a poor single mum/living in a low-income household for quite some time they stuck to the same worn-out closet. Even when they got a better economy and a more stable situation, they were fine sticking to one wardrobe.
Now that they live in England they have a more interchangable wardrobe and they tend to try and adapt to the weather and season. Still, their style is mostly the same, just addapted to the circumstance.
Do they have any physical disorders/ailments/etc?
They have IBS and a bit of a funky back from falling off a horse once too often. The back doesn't bother them too much but is there.
Do they have any mental disorders/ailments/etc?
Not that they are aware of, though they do suffer from anxiety
Is their disability something formally diagnosed or understood in their setting, or is it something not well known or understood in their universe?
It is recognized that it exist, but most people don't have much understanding for how problematic IBS is and how much it affect her.
Does their culture offer accomodations, treatments, and services for their type of disability, does their culture just ignore or not recognize it, or does their culture view it negatively?
It is modern day characters so it is as it is in today's society.
Hobbies and talents
Do they have any hobbies or recreational interests?
They like reading and writing and cooking and riding. Caring for their horse is something they like spending time on. They do sing, and can play the violin and guitarr, but it's more an occasional occupation.
Do they practice them a little at a time/during whatever free time, or are their hobbies more time consuming and take up a good deal of their day/week/etc?
Most of their intrests are just whenever they have time/feel like it, though since they cook for their family on the daily it has sort of become a part of her daily routine to practice that particular hobby. Reading books is a part of their work description, too, so it has come that way too.
Is their hobby to destress, to bring fulfillment, to build up a skill, or another reason? Why do they do their hobby?
It's both for skill, and just to have fun and destress. Most of it comes from their childhood - she had to mind herself a lot when she was little, finding things to do when her parents worked and her , and otherwise her hobbies were introduced to her by her relatives.
What made them pick up/do this hobby? Is their hobby something done in their alone time, or something done in a group setting/with friends?
The animals and reading are solo activities. Cooking can be both, and music is something she only does with other people
What kinds of talents do they have? What are they good at? Is it something more well regarded like singing, dancing, painting, etc.. or something more obscure like quickly organizing things alphabetically, remembering what kind of flowers their friend likes, or another skill that isnt as widely seen as a typical “talent/skill”?
They're a mean horserider, ad cook, which are well-regarded skills. They're also a good book editor which is rather well regarded in its field and she bring in quite some money with her work.
is there any type of hobby they detest and would never partake in?
Is there a hobby they wish they could try? Is there a skill they wish they had?
They wish they were better at building things and at painting and drawing, all of which their wife is rather good at.
Are their hobbies or skills more practical and useful in a job or career, more suited for social life/aspects, more creative and for fun, or do they serve a different kind of purpose in their life?
Most of their skills are things that are either beneficial to just them or to her partner and three children.
Religion and spirituality
Are they religious?
Are they a part of a group or place which practices their faith in an organized manner, or do they practice it on their own/by themself?
They keeep themselves in touch with the community at their church and does participate in activities and happenings every so often. They also try to go to church about once a month.
Are they spiritual?
Are they part of a group or place which practices this in an organized manner, or do they practice it on their own/by themself?
They practice it mostly on their own
Do they consider religion and spirituality to go hand in hand, or are separate things in their life? Do they do one without the other?
They do both, but consider them two things that coexist rather than exist as one.
What parts of their beliefs do they enjoy the most, what speaks to them the most?
They enjoy the company. To not feel alone and feel that there is a community to support one and a place where you can always turn for comfort and advice come what may
What is the core reason they are a part of that faith?
It's a tradition for them. Their parents and grandparents were religious, and they were rasied as a part of the faith. Its an ingrained part of their person shaped during their childhood.
Is there any part of their faith they don’t like? Be it the faith itself, or the people within?
They do not like the fact that there is a tendency for homophobia and racism among catholics, especially when they lived in the south of the USA
financial status/job
What financial class do they belong to?
A normal middle class family, though they used to be pretty poor. They grew up in an extremely hardworking but therefor also well-off family.
Are they a ruler/royalty, nobility, upper class, middle class, lower class, or poor as can be?
Middle class
Were they born in to this class, or came in to it later on?
They were born into a rather well-off family, but one where every penny earned was slaved for.
What is their job, if they have one?
They're a book editor
How do they earn their money, or at least things like food and other necessities?
They and their wife work. Their wife also recives royalties for certain things - including some music and album covers designed by her.
Do they enjoy their work, do they only work for the money, or do they detest their job?
They think their job is rather fun, and they don't mind doing it. That said, they'd easily not have a job at all if it was an option.
Is work something enjoyable or is it stressful?
It's enjoyable
Is this their dream job, or is there something they’d like to be doing more?
It's not their dreamjob, but they don't really have a dream job and would much rather be a stay at home mum/partner if they could - though it's not financially viable.
Do they have any phobias or fears? Anything that scares them beyond belief or something that they reguarly avoid out of fear?
They have a fear of flying, and they avoid it as much as humanly possible due to the fear. Unfortunatly, living in England and having friends and family in America, they have to fly more than they'd like.
They also have a mild fear of some reptiles/animals/insects which stems from her childhood, when she was often told not to approach/run away from certain animals if she saw them, as they were not uncommon out in the dessert but could be bery much dangerous to young children.
When confronted with their fear, how do they handle it?
Their fear of flying is usually handled by way of having their wife or any of their children with them, not hvaibg a window/seat by emergency exits, and by bringing medecation which she has been provided by a Doctor and can use if neccesary.
The animal fear is often controlled by sternly reminding herself that the actually dangerous breeds of these albums are very much rare where she now lives, and by not coming close to the nimals that trigger the fear unless neccesary, and then taking it slow and being very careful about it.
After escaping the situation, how do they recover? How long does it take to do so?
Both fears are of the nature that they let go as soon as she is removed from the triggering situation, so the recovery is more or less immidiate.
Is their fear easily able to be overcome after facing it once or twice, or is it something more chronic and they have the same response no matter how often they experience it? Does their fear come from a frightening life experience, or is it more 'random’ and not 'derived’ from anything?
Both are more or less chronic. Flying is random and animals is just due to her uppbringing.
When playing truth or dare, which option do they take when asked?
If hypothetically stranded on an island for a week, what three objects and three people would they take with them?
Their wife, water bottle, lighter
If given 3 wishes, what would they wish for?
They would wish for their mother to not have died when they were young, they would wish they still felt fully safe and comfortable in their home town, for her family to be happier.
What’s their fav music genre?
Traditional Mexican music
What’s their fav tv/book genre?
Fantasy and Romance/RomCom
Do they like board games, or do board games frustrate them?
They like them
Do they sing in the shower? Do they sing when they cook? Do they sing when doing chores? How do they react to having an annoying song stuck in their head for 3 days?
Yes on all 3 but diffrent songs. They usually humm songs a lot when they get stuck in their head.
What’s the quickest way to make them smile/laugh? Quickest way to make them cry/break their heart? Quickest way to get on their nerves/piss them off?
Speak Spanish to them and they will smile. Tell them they're a horrible mum/partner and they will cry. Insult lgbt people, immigrants or single mums and theyll be pissed.
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