#pokemon musical bytes au
reverse-moon · 2 years
I heard Man on the Internet's Pokémon Musical Bytes songs and
I decided to shit post an AU that honestly means nothing rn but whatever.
Man on the Internet Pokémon Musical Bytes AU
N - Patton
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Guzma - Remus
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Cynthia - Logan
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Zinnia - Janus
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Gold - Roman
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Red - Virgil
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Literally based on these lyrical adaptions: https://youtu.be/4sVEydKvTNo (← Link leads to Man on the Internet's Pokémon Musical Bytes Full Package video, with the songs in this order: "Vs. N", "Vs. Guzma", "Vs. Cynthia”, "Vs. Zinnia”, and "Dragon's Den/Vs. Trainer Red”. Overall, the songs together are about 19 minutes and 57 seconds.)
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Am I elaborating on any of it? Not right now anyway. Have a good day.
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reverse-moon · 2 years
Okay so I posted the art before (oh fucking well) but now I have ✨ideas✨. [ OG post found here. ]
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N (B/W, B2/W2) - Patton
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Sweetheart man
Grew up around Pokémon before Ghesis took him in, so he literally can understand Pokémon. Just not how people think he can
Doesn't wanna be Plasma King
Black(Hilbert)/White(Hilda) needs to understand he's being used >:(
He actually doesn't "own" a Pokémon team, they just kinda help him willingly. The Pokéballs are a formality they endure
Just wants peace
Lowkey hates Ghesis with every fiber of his being
He knows his stuff
He acts dumb bc Ghesis doesn't think he know shit
100% punched Ghesis after B/W was over
Black(Hilbert)/White(Hilda) was the surprised Pikachu meme at that
Nate/Rosa are good friends with him later :3
Guzma (S/M, US/UM) - Remus
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Yeah, he's an "evil team" leader
But its not exactly called Team Skull
It's call Team Ceph
But otherwise he's literally just Guzma and the team is literally just Team Skull
"Losers" trying to prove their worth
He's actually a super good trainer too
But his little brother is supposedly better so he did this.
He's really chill with Sun/Elio/Moon/Selene tbh
Yeah, they're brats, but their his friends so fuck off >:(
Kikui isn't too bad either.
He custom made platform sneakers, he's fancy like that.
Cynthia (D/P/P, BD/SP) - Logan
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He's v powerful
He's also really into the history of Sinnoh
Despite his efforts, he's literally very recognizable (thank you, Fantia /sar)
He just wants to be in the library tbh
Dawn/Lucas giving him the chance to meet Palkia/Dialga/Giratina really made him happy (he'd never say it more than once tho)
He loves his Garchomp (she's his bby)
Also really into writing
Dawn/Lucas beat him, he spent literally all day in the next day reading and writing.
His grandmama is glad to have him help with her history and science and all that
He's actually really shy too, he just learned how to interact bc Champion.
Let him be-
Zinnia (ORAS) - Janus
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Lorekeeper of the Draconid people
They hate his ass
All because he's got burns and heterochromia :(
He's actually really nice
He was besties with the old Lorekeeper
He acts mean to Ruby/Sapphire and May/Brendon, but honestly he's so done with shit
He doesn't want to be a bad guy.
But he will be bc that the only way he can get shit done
This isn't a Comic Zinnia parallel either, this is game Zinnia he's like
He also learns p quick that Ruby/Sapphire is probably gonna be a good candidate to save the world
So at the top of the Sky pillar
Summons Rayquaza
And is like "Save the world I've done my part peace!"
He's currently just wandering the world
Probably has met Logan, Patton, Remus, Virgil and Roman at one point
Not that he stayed long with any of them
Gold/Ethan (G/S/C, HG/SS) - Roman
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Nothing much changed
What did you expect? This a Protag role!! They're empty slates for a reason
Remus is his older brother tho
He low-key looks up to Remus actually
Big of heart, dumb of ass. Might become a himbo one day
Became Johto Champ
Wants to be the "greatest trainer"
Doesn't know what that means, but he wants it!
He's really sweet
Red (R/G/B/Y, FR/LG) - Virgil
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He's a selective mute
Really loves his Pikachu
Will get violent (his Charizard actually held him back from Giovanni once)
So done with humanity
Became Kanto champ, then left bc "I'm not dealing with this, Green-"
Some people call him Purple bc he just never told them his name
He really doesn't care about that tho
"Purple the silent champ" sounds dope to him
Mount Silver actually doesn't fucking phase him with how cold it is
He kept his bedroom really fucking cold (59°F/15°C)
Also it gives him an excuse to eat warm calming food more often :D
Roman challenged him once and lost
And now he can't escape the trainer
Got dragged to Alola by Blue once
It wasn't bad
Too sunny and hot tho
Sun/Elio/Moon/Selene was nice to meet
Met Remus and talked about Roman and stuff
It was nice
"It's too hot, Blue." ❝That's because you're wearing black and very dark purple, dumbass.❞ ← Actually conversation between Virgil and Blue in Alola
Didn't changed to lighter colors though. He suffered for his theme
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And there you have it.
If I make Sleep, Emile, Thomas and Nico, it's gonna be way fucking later and I have no clue who I'd replace with them. Emile would probably be a Pokemon Professor (maybe Sycamore) and I feel like Nico would be a fun replacement for the artsy Alola trial cap, but idk.
Have fun with this and just credit/tag me should you do something with this shit.
Also here, have the songs I got the idea from:
N's Theme (From "Pokémon Black/White")
Vs. Guzma (From "Pokémon Sun/Moon")
Vs. Cynthia (From "Pokémon Platinum")
Vs. Zinnia (From "Pokémon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire")
Dragon's Den/Vs. Trainer Red (From "Pokémon Gold/Silver")
Pokémon Musical Bytes - Complete Package
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