#pokemon sas entries
cagemasterfantasy · 7 months
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Snom the Worm pokemon a bug and ice type
Ability: Shield Dust Hidden Ability: Ice Scales
Egg Group: Bug
Highest Base Stat: Special Attack:45
Lowest Base Stat: Speed:20
Base Stat Total: 185
It spits out thread imbued with a frigid sort of energy and uses it to tie its body to branches, disguising itself as an icicle while it sleeps. It eats snow that piles up on the ground. The more snow it eats, the bigger and more impressive the spikes on its back grow.
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Level up with High Friendship at Nightime (8pm-4am) to get Frosmoth the Frost Moth pokemon a bug and ice type
4ft 3inc
Ability: Shield Dust Hidden Ability: Ice Scales
Egg Group: Bug
Highest Base Stat: Special Attack:125
Lowest Base Stat: Defense:60
Base Stat Total: 475
Icy scales fall from its wings like snow as it flies over fields and mountains. The temperature of its wings is less than −290 degrees Fahrenheit. It shows no mercy to any who desecrate fields and mountains. It will fly around on its icy wings, causing a blizzard to chase offenders away.
Snom and Frosmoth are the only pokemon with the ability Ice Scales (The Pokemon is protected by ice scales, which halve the damage taken from special moves)
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truck-fump · 2 years
Former White House Official Mocks <b>Trump's</b> 'Pokémon Presidency' | HuffPost Latest News
New Post has been published on https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-superhero-view-pokemon-presidency-nft-trading-cards_n_639d096ce4b0aeb2ace3e81d&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGjUzM2UwMTY5ZmFhZTIwMGQ6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AOvVaw0gkCuZYdQIP5nWGa_cPw7f
Former White House Official Mocks Trump's 'Pokémon Presidency' | HuffPost Latest News
But read it and weep: Trump’s NFT “superhero” trading cards sold out in less than a day, netting $4.5 million.
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nerdalmighty · 5 years
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“Obstagoon, which evolves from Galarian Linoone, is an example of a Pokémon that can only evolve from a Galarian form.”
Meet Obstagoon!
Type: Dark/Normal
Ability: Reckless/Guts
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prof-peach · 3 years
Do you have details on the mountain area in Dotaku Island? Ever since you shared map drawings and encouraged applications for staff members, I've had a seed growing in my mind for a story. I'd like to ask for setting help. There's 2 posts with the mountains (8/6, 9/2) and 1 about areas (9/22/21) around the island. Is there a valley beside the large mountain and containment area? Is this steep scree fields, discouraging accidental entry north? Or is it fenced off and guarded? Thank you!
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A brief but hopefully useful guide to the mountains, and the surrounding areas. Keep in mind, the red dotted line is where the Northern Fence is, it runs the entire way across the Island, there are no breaks, it is heavily guarded, signposted, and no one is permitted to enter the North without a professor, and a damn good reason. There is very little that will permit you to enter the area, not even the staff go inside whenever possible. The north is routinely guarded by quad groups of specially trained pokemon, they make sure others are safe, well, and not causing too much trouble. They act as delegates, and should they spot humans beyond the fences, they will immediately esport them out if safe to do so.
A note about said fence, it is not electrified, nor spiked, it looks pretty plain, and the gaps are pretty big under it, there are even gates along its perimeter that are not locked. Should a Northern resident need assistance, there must always be a way to come and get help. Though many of the pokemon beyond the walls are hostile or timid with humans, they may still need something at any given moment. It's not uncommon for middle of the night wanders to turn up at the professors door, asking for assistance with an issue, be it medical or otherwise. The north is also a place where pokemon may naturally find mates and breed, so their offspring may want to socialise more, fencing them in permanently never allows for change, so the guards keep close watch more for the humans, so they don't stray inside and disturb pokemon.
A Pokemon may exit the north whenever it likes, so long as it does so calmly, and without hostility, but no one is permitted to enter.
AREA A The swamps, a location that houses a great glasshouse, one of many. Its close proximity to the wide river that divides the island means its home to many dual water types. The land around it is very damp, often floods, and is known to house many odd variants of grass types who enjoy the wet conditions. On occasion you may see a large Victreebel who exits the north, to come and see its more gentle offspring you live in the area. The Victreebel is an unusual large variant with red stripes and a more frilled appearance, though it does not enjoy people, it loves its young who wish to leave the island and venture further, and so it takes the trip to see them up to three times a week in the depths of the night. campers and late night explorers are advised to avoid the area after dark for their safety, but there are viewing points at the paths edge, for folks to catch a glimpse of night critters. AREA B The main, traversable mountain, the tallest on the island, and by far the most populated. It is well sign posted, with clear paving for visitors to follow to the top, should they want to. It has 5 levels, including the very base, each one containing many species, and areas for visitors to explore. Each level has many plateau areas, with plants to see, and pokemon to interact with. Notable areas would include the cave networks, dug out by our own staff so guests can see cave dwelling pokemon. Theres the great spring, where you can sit to have lunch, overlooking a large pool that crashes down the side of the mountain into the river below. Then if you're determined enough, the very top level has a small cabin, and the best view around. You can peer down into the north from many points all the way up the many winding paths, but the top will give you the best chance to see the bigger species, from a safe and well watched location. AREA C Rehab and containment areas, the buildings and fields there are off limits to the public, but you may walk the lanes close by, perhaps you'll see one of the staff working with a pokemon there. this area is just near the paddocks, and often you get grazing pokemon frequenting close by. AREA D The wild mountain, only a fraction of the height of the main island mountain, but totally hostile. From Area B, you may peer down onto this mountain, and potentially see unusual pokemon, or powerful dragons, some make their homes on these points, others do battle there. Between the two mountains there is a Valley, it dips very low, with plenty of rocky outcrops as you move along it. The valley is home to a hand full of onix and steelix, no more than 6, who like to practice battle there, so the terrain can become unstable. AREA E The wild forest, a deep, dark thicket of trees and shrubs, all of which have been untouched by human hand for quite some time. A whole host of species love this place, and if you're lucky, something big and powerful may appear between the trees, perhaps it will pause to look at you for a while. Who knows, you might even see a rare sighting of a Raikou, who likes to show up once or twice a year, sometimes.
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sugarysweetsprites · 4 years
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ROUND 1: HOMETOWN MONUMONK - Derived from monument, monk
did you know I like maybe four miles away from a field of 109 identical 7 foot corn statues
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FAKEATHON ROUND 2: THE USA ROBINOX - Derived from robin, autumnal equinox
Round one was our hometown, and I did my current city. But my childhood belongs to Connecticut, so I wanted to do a connecticuter. The american robin is the state bird of Connecticut, and as a part of New England it has a colonial history, hence the style. A type of garnet is the state gemstone, hence the species name.
Mostly though, I associate Connecticut with the vibrant autumns. The falls of New England are magic.
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FAKEATHON DAY 3: CANADA CURTLE - Derived from curling, turtle
Very simple this one. Canada has a lot of curling events, right? Put the CURLING STONE. On the TURTLE. and you get the CURTLE. Dudes in this other server I’m in really love this one
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FAKEATHON DAY 4: MEXICO CASOLURO - Derived from first two letters of the cards it’s based on; el CAtrin, el SOl, la LUna, la ROsa
A very fun one to work on. These are based on those Loteria cards - Specifically, the sun, moon, rose, and the dandy. The 4x4 grid on the inside of its cape is a reference to the 4x4 grid of a loteria play mat. Just threw crap at the wall here and got this funky friend.
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FAKEATHON DAY 5: BRAZIL CAPYERA, CAPOBARA - Derived from capoeira, capybara
Not new designs, so much as designs I really needed to give another go. Much happier with these. And frankly, couldn’t think of a concept more wholly Brazilian short of slapping the flag on them.
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FAKEATHON DAY 6: FRANCE CHÈVAÇAY - Derived from chèvre (French for goat), Chevalier (French for knight), valençay (French variety of cheese)
I stole the grease type from someone in that fakemon server it fit this cheesy boy too well
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FAKEATHON DAY 7: SPAIN POMEGRIA - Derived from pomegranate, bandurria
Typically tried to avoid the lady-in-dress motif, but felt too justified here. Spain is home to pomegranates, with the blossom being the national flower. The body shape was inspired by the instrument the bandurria, with the base of the body being a halved pomegranate, and her “earrings” being both the tuning pegs and pomegranate seeds.
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FAKEATHON DAY 8: UNITED KINGDOM MEMORI - Derived from memento mori, memory
I could’ve uh. Had this idea at a better time huh :^)
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FAKEATHON DAY 9: ITALY MEDITIVE - Derived from Mediterranean, olive
Tried going more off-the-wall, but it didn’t quite work. Based on olive branches clearly - olive oil was often used as lamp oil, hence the fire typing. I meant for it to resemble a nuns habit or monastery robes, a la Italy’s heavy catholicism, with the floating olive leaf circlet as a halo. It was… good ideas that didn’t come together perfectly. Probably my least favorite of the lot
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FAKEATHON DAY 10: NORDICS MINKJAVIC - Derived from mink, Reykjavik
Look when I think Iceland I always think black metal. This is the second time I’ve done a heavy metal pokemon. The first one was more badass. This one’s instead uh A lot : )
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FAKEATHON DAY 11: EGYPT DJEDLY - Derived from Djed, deadly
One of the easiest to draw for… obvious reasons. Based on a canopic jar, sort of like an off-brand yamask or cofagrigus. It’s meant to open up twice; If you take off the lid, you see the fleshy eyeball dude in the lower corner. And if you pull that like a handle, you see what’s inside… and die with that knowledge : )
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FAKEATHON DAY 12: ETHIOPIA CAFFIEND - Derived from caffeine, fiend
Obviously hyenas live in Ethiopa. But moreover, Ethiopia is also known as pretty much the birthplace of coffee, and coffee drinking/making is important to the culture. So I thought, why not make a hyena that’s super happy cause it’s always super hyped up on caffeine? Dunno if the electric typing makes much sense, I just thought caffeine = energy = electricity
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FAKEATHON DAY 13: MADAGASCAR TENROCK - Derived from tenrec, rock
Tenrecs are endemic, yeah, but this wasn’t just based on a native animal. It was based on the land of Madagascar - specifically, the gorgeous and incredibly sharp structures of Tsingy de Bemaraha National Park. I’ll post a photo above the art, when I saw Madagascar was a theme day I knew I had to base something on that park.
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FAKEATHON DAY 14: SAUDI ARABIA MASQAREEN - Derived from masquerade, Qareen
This is based on the Islamic idea of the Qareen. People don’t 100% agree on what Qareens are, but they are consistantly considered to be spiritual doubles - Every person has a Qareen associated with they’re spirit. This is based on one idea, them as dark spirits who attempt to lead their companion-spirit astray. I chose them because even though they’re evil from the start - hence the dark typing - they can become good based on their companion - in this case, trainer’s - actions and whims.
Since they’re counterparts to humans, I thought having them mimic humans would be fitting. It’s body is ALMOST humanoid, it’s many pink extremeties ALMOST resemble clothes. It would be a zoroark like situation, where it could make illusions to resemble human.
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FAKEATHON DAY 15: RUSSIA MATEESHKA - Derived from mastryoshka, tea SAMOSHKA - Derived from samovar, matryoshka
Fun fact, I actually used to collect matryoshka dolls. Have a whole box of them in the basement somewhere. So I felt I had to. I have a thing for designs that look a little snobby, Samoshka certainly fits that little niche of mine : D
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FAKEATHON DAY 16: INDIA BOVIQUIN - Derived from bovine, palanquin
I like ride pokemon, and I like customizable pokemon. So I made one that’s both! It’s supposed to be based on the water buffalo. The simple colors are because it’s supposed to be customizable - As in, the fabrics hung from it (and maybe the markings painted on it) could be swapped out, so I wanted something simple as a base. Sort of like Furfrou, but the customization doesn’t wear off
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FAKEATHON DAY 17: CHINA LONGRUSH - Derived from Long (chinese for dragon), brush, rush
I expect here will be a lot of chinese dragons this round, I wanted to avoid the obvious. But… this is one of the best concepts I’ve ever come up with. The second I had the mental image, I knew that was it
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FAKEATHON DAY 18: JAPAN SPIROUS - Derived from spirit, cirrus, pious
This is a myth from both China and Japan, but I associate it with yokai primarily. This is based on Hangonkō, incense that brings forth the spirits of the dead. Hence it’s body obscured by the clouds - It’s literally being summoned by the incense it carries. In retrospect, this could have been an interesting pokeball mimic with different colors.
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FAKEATHON DAY 19: INDONESIA WHALEEN - Derived from baleen whale
The Philippines are home to the coral triangle, a stretch of ocean  that’s home to a stupidly large amount of coral life. So I initially  wanted a coral mon… but it’s known for its reefs. So why not make the  whole reef?  
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FAKEATHON DAY 20: AUSTRALIA OPALINE - Derived from opal, mine
One town in Australia I’ve loved since middle school is Coober Pedy. Known as the opal capital of the world, it’s a desert town that’s so hot, almost all the residents live in houses carved into the ground. Even many businesses and hotels are underground! Coloring was fun on this dude :3
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FAKEATHON DAY 21: ANTARCTICA SOUTHAIR - derived from south, hairgrass.
I wanted to do something unexpected. So rather than do that obvious penguin or similar, I went with southern hairgrass, the south most flowering plant. Did it’s closer meant to loosely resemble any wet clothes, but since there are no Inuit populations to Antarctica, only loosely. It’s species, the 1000-to-1 pokemon, Refers to both its chances of survival and the fact of the body is comprised of many many blades of grass
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The reason I chose the Indra butterfly is because it's native to death valley. I figure, if death valley gets HELLA sun, why not instead of it living in spite of the harsh sun, living so well because of it?
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FAKEATHON DAY 23: SOMEWHERE COLD - GREENLAND STUFFIN - Derived from storm, stun, puffin
I know there are myths that say puffins can bring thunderstorms, so I thought why not turn a puffin into a storm cloud? But uh. It kind of just. Is a puffin isn't it :/
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One of my favorite remnants of ancient times is the Antikythera Mechanism. It was an ancient Greek computer. With proper gears and mechanics and everything, that was used to plot the locations of the planets and the stars in stunning detail. This first go around turned out… not that great, I’ll be honest. But I wanna do something with the Antikythera Mechanism. It shouldn’t take TOO much tweaking to make this something I love
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FAKEATHON DAY 25: FUTURE WORLDS COCOWATT - Derived from coconut, watt
One of my favorite images of the future is, instead of all streets having street lights, some having bioluminescent trees! I wanted to make something to that effect. Even though we have Exeggutor I chose palm trees cause they already have a street-lamp-like shape. Finally got to bust out my super neon pencils :3
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FAKEATHON DAY 26: RANDOM COUNTRY - IRELAND AMANEELIE - Derived from amanita, unseelie
I have irish blood, so I wanted to do an irish mon. I took the idea of the fairie ring in a weird direction - when it extends its arms and the little purple "hands" touch, anything in the loop of its arm - the fairie's ring - will become hideously poisoned. Visually referenced the deathcap. Just like imagining these things in a secluded dense forest, floating along like swimming jellyfish
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FAKEATHON DAY 27: THE OLYMPICS SYNCRA - Derived from synchronized, tetra
This is similar to wishiwashi, in that it's a schooling mon. But instead of it having a schooling form, it's ALWAYS in a school of five fish, constantly swimming in unison. Clearly based on synchronized swimming, I wanted the tails to be super long, so they'd flow all elegantly when they maneuver around. Kinda... power rangers in execution, innit
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FAKEATHON DAY 28: THE OCEAN EXPLORB - Derived from explore, orb
The idea to turn the bathysphere into a pufferfish-like dude just came together really clearly in my head. I imagine their attack would be terrible but their defence would be amazing - basically, they aren't out to fight, they just wanna explore the oceans :3
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FAKEATHON DAY 29: THE MOON MOOMOON - Derived from moomoo, moon
its the cow that jumped over the moon
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FAKEATHON DAY 30: LEGENDARY CORRA - Derived from core, cor (latin for heart), terra
I figured, we’ve done every part of the earth this challenge… except the interior. So for the legendary representing the world, I based mine on the core of the earth. The body itself is meant to resemble the phylotypic stage of an embryo - the stage of development where most species are virtually identical. It cannot leave its lava bubble. At the center of its body is a heart glowing with all the colors of magma.
The FIRST person to make a legend of korra joke is getting slapped
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1358456 · 5 years
Most/Least Reviewed
Let’s take a look at the top 4 most reviewed chapters I’ve ever written, and the top 4 least reviewed. ... Why top 4, and not 5? ... Well, there are 4 chapters that have less than 5 reviews, but there are quite a few that have 5, so... if I tried top 5... And the 5th most reviewed is tied with two chapters as well, so “top 5″ ends up being “top 6″ for the most reviewed, and “top 11″ for the least. So... top 4 it is.
Most Reviewed
1) SA #028: Final Run (71). February 14, 2013
Hey, Valentine’s Day chapter! ... With a... triple kill. Heh. And back in those days, only a handful of people cared about Black and White, so... White’s death was mostly met with “meh”. ... Not anymore, right?
2) SA #001: The Package (48). June 3, 2011
While the count is at 48, it’s kind of... well... not super accurate. For one, I remember very clearly that the count was at 19 initially (before chapter 2 was released), and... it stayed that way until I declared cancellation after 19 more updates. And like 20 of those reviews that were added were people either pleading at me to not cancel, or bitching at me. Heh...
Tied 3) SE #040: The Start of Something (44). July 9, 2013
The last chapter of SE. Where the BW2 cast debuted for the first time. Hurray. ... The Start of Something? More like the end, but hey.
Tied 3) SA #024: Long Night of Solace (44). October 13, 2012
... I don’t remember this chapter. I think this was the one that had Platinum fighting Red? Or the chapter that immediately followed. One or the other. Don’t know why the review count is at 44 though. I don’t think this chapter was significant enough, but ehn. I’ll take it.
3 SA chapters and 1 SE. The tied 5th place chapters are both from SA, so among the top 6, 5 are from SA, and the other is from SE. And my first two Pokemon Special stories are SE and SA. Hmm.
Least Reviewed
1) SC #015: A Day at Work - Blue (1). November 3, 2019
Still at 1, by the way.
Tied 2) Wings #005: The New Encounter (2). September 7, 2019
And still at 2.
Tied 2) SC #016: Sisterly Bonds (2). December 5, 2019
Well... I would imagine (and f*cking hope) that this is temporary, since I updated this thing yesterday.
4) DE #031: Long Night of Solace (4). March 22, 2019
Two chapters I’ve written with the title “Long Night of Solace”. One is on the top 4 most reviewed, the other is in the top 4 least reviewed. Ha. Not a good start for the first full Sun & Moon chapter huh? Can’t expect any more of those ever.
... All four entries on this list are from 2019.
“Honorable” Mention: Destiny #044 (1). December 22, 2018
Honorable mention, since... there is no chapter 44 on Destiny. It ends at 43. And when I updated chapter 43 in December 22, 2018, I got a review for chapter 44 that did not and will not ever exist. Only one for that chapter, so... honorable mention. I have no idea how this even happened. But for the sake of record keeping, that review is counted towards Destiny #043, which is at... 12.
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Let’s Talk About Pokemon - Halloween Special
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Boys and girls of every age Wouldn't you like to see something strange?
Come with us and you will see This, our town of Halloween
This is Halloween, this is Halloween! Pumpkins scream in the dead of night
This is Halloween, everybody make a scene! Trick or treat till the neighbors gonna die of fright
It's our town, everybody scream! In this town of Halloween
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I am the one hiding under your bed Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red
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I am the one hiding under your stairs Fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair
This is Halloween, this is Halloween!
Halloween! Halloween! 
Halloween! Halloween!
In this town we call home Everyone hail to the pumpkin song
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In this town, don't we love it now? Everybody's waiting for the next surprise
'Round that corner, man hiding in the trash can Something's waiting now to pounce, and how you'll
This is Halloween Red 'n' black, and slimy green
Aren't you scared?
Well, that's just fine Say it once, say it twice Take a chance and roll the dice Ride with the moon in the dead of night
Everybody scream, everybody scream!
In our town of Halloween!
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I am the clown with the tear-away face Here in a flash and gone without a trace
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I am the "who" in the call, "Who's there?" I am the wind blowing in your hair
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I am the shadow on the moon at night Filling your dreams to the brim with fright
This is Halloween, this is Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!
Tender lumplings everywhere Life's no fun without a good scare
That's our job, but we're not mean In our town of Halloween
In this town Don't we love it now?
Everybody's waiting for the next surprise
Skeleton Jack might catch you in the back And scream like a banshee Make you jump out of your skin
This is Halloween, everybody scream Won't ya please make way for a very special guy
Our man Jack is King of the Pumpkin patch Everyone hail to the Pumpkin King, now!
This is Halloween, this is Halloween Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!
In this town we call home Everyone hail to the pumpkin song
La la la la la la la la la la (Halloween! Halloween!) La la la la la la la la la la (Halloween! Halloween!)
Ohhhh yes, today is a special day indeed! We're about to dive into not only what I'd call the four most definitively “Halloween” Pokemon in the entire series, but a group of some of my top faves in the entire franchise's history. I've never stopped appreciating Halloween, even long past growing too old to be trick-or-treating. I'm already big into Autumn as my favorite season but Halloween only escalates that aesthetic appeal.
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Nothing gets me quite like that child-like spooky look. The Jack-o-lanterns, black cats, ghosts, gargoyles, and slimy critters. (And the PUMPKIN REESE'S CUPS) Obviously I'm quite into more adult-oriented  horror like Silent Hill, Creepypastas, and DOOM. But nothing beats some wholesome all-ages Halloween creepy monster creation for me. And Pokemon's of course had no shortage of that. Especially in these later Generations.
In fact, between these four I'm about to cover, Klefki, Sliggoo, Malamar, Spritzee, Honedge, Espurr, and Braixen/Delphox, Gen 6 feels like arguably the most Halloweeny Generation out there so far. Probably part-way why I'd call this my third closest to favorite Generation.
But in any case, let's get to covering these four. Yes, just as a little Halloween treat for y'all I'll cover two lines today!
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708: Phantump
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And right off the haunted mansion gates, we're getting treated to some James Turnery goodness! I've not brought him up in a while so I don't sound like a broken record, but for whatever it's worth, he's the designer that's made gold like Golurk and Mandibuzz as well. Sadly this and Trevenant are his only additions this time around, but I'll definitely not complain!
Phantump is just an absolutely precious little ghost kid! And that's not even an exaggeration, this thing is literally the ghost of children that got lost and died in the woods. Which of course is arguably one of the most dire-sounding Pokedex entry tidbits ever. Just something to keep in mind when you go around catching these or beating them up for experience.
Phantump is simply too cute for words though. It's trying to spook you but in a way only a child would know how, going up to you and making a little stereotypical “oooooooo!!!” ghost face and scream. It's the perfect blend of spooky and ADORABLE. I even like how the bark marks on the side of its eyes look like sleep-deprived/stressed out little eye bags. Such a tiny detail as an itty bitty little line just adds so much more personality to this thing.
Another reason I'm so excited about these four. Like Bug/Water, Grass/Ghost up until now has been something I was yearning for hardcore since like, Gen 3. There's so much potential in the type between haunted trees, jack-o-lanterns, and just generally spooky-looking woodland monsters that it pained me to see both Gen 4 and 5 go by with nothing. Ohoho, but then I got to Route 16 in my first playthrough of X to lay eyes on a wild Phantump for the first time ever and to find it's A HAUNTED STUMP! FINALLY, MY PRAYERS ANSWERED!!
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Personal Score: 10/10
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This literally has eaten up one page on a word document so far and we're still only on the FIRST POKEMON HERE...
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709: Trevenant
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Things only get spookier as we move on down to Trevenant, and god yes. I've wanted a haunted tree Pokemon for so long. It's just such a staple to Halloween, and Ents are a high-fantasy monster that have been missing from Pokemon anyways. And I'm so glad they meshed the two ideas into one here. It's even better by not just being a bipedal tree so much as a literal tree that uprooted itself and uses its hunking roots as legs. Hell yes.
Trevenant in general is just one of the coolest spooky Pokemon in the whole series. And even one of the conceptually more frightening in the entire game as well. This child spirit has grown so angry to those that want to harm the forest, that this thing can root itself to bend a whole forest to its will, forcing anyone polluting or chopping down trees in its forest to get lost and never be able to leave. But to other wild Pokemon and those that respect the forests, it is kind to.
In fact, this Pokemon has one of the spookier moves in the whole game. Its signature move, Forest’s Curse, changes the opponent’s type to Grass. Seems simple and innocent enough on the surface. But there’s a ridiculous amount of implications with this move. Forest’s Curse. Ever so somewhat implying that Trevenant may turn its human victims into trees themselves, permanent fixtures in Trevenant’s forest. That and there’s a ridiculous amount of existential dread in the thought of being polymorphed into an inanimate object. Becoming just another tree in the forst, which no other person would be able to distinguish you from any other tree.
Trevenant is just a nearly-perfect tree ghost. The decrepit barely-alive tree look, the cool, somewhat pale color scheme. The rad branch-antlers. The aforementioned root legs. The piercing red cycloptic eye. How the breaks in the bark for an unhinged-jaw kind of mouth look. This is a Pokemon clearly designed by Halloween lovers and for Halloween lovers.
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Personal Score: 10/10
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This Pokemon was MADE FOR ME.
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710: Pumpkaboo
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Oh, but the Halloween goodness doesn't stop there. Imagine my delight when I continued exploring around the routes I found Phantump on only to encounter THIS THING. THIS CUTIE. THIS BLACK-CAT-JACK-O-LANTERN MONSTER. I've wanted a pumpkin critter in Pokemon for about as long as I can remember. Ever since I’ve become so obsessed with Halloween. Things like Cacnea, Spiritomb, and maybe even Lampent/Chandelure have given us fairly close approximations but nothing to exactly hit the specifically, undoubtedly, undeniably Halloween mark that is a clear as horrid night Jack-o-lantern. And the wait has more than paid off.
The one sole flaw I can think of with Pumpkaboo is that it'll probably the peak of Halloween creatures we'll get in Pokemon PROBABLY for good. Like, I don't know if we'll ever get more Halloweeny than a thing that is half black cat, half bat (and pretty much half vampire), half pumpkin. It's impossible. You can't out-Halloween that in a single cohesive creature. You just merged three to four of Halloween's biggest icons into ONE creature so seamlessly. It even comes with a signature move Trick-or-Treat!! Which does what else but turn its opponents into fellow GHOST TYPES. GHHHH.
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Pumpkaboo is just a brilliantly unexpected twist on the usual jack-o-lantern monster. There's a countless number of em that have the pumpkin as the head with the usual face carved out of the front. And as much as those never get old for me, Pumpkaboo is just such a fun and unique take on it! The pumpkin is more like a body; still with little eyespots carved into it, but the head is poofing out of the top of the pumpkin, looking like a merging between a black cat and a vampire bat. Like I've been saying, you've fused so much Halloween into one adorably poutty and yet clean and coherent critter than I can't handle it. I'm gonna be reduced to a dribbling MESS over here.
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And as a fun bonus, it even comes in different sizes! And with slight stat changes to go with those sizes. You can use the smaller and less durable but faster tiny Pumpkaboos or the huge, bulky, but slow ones.
This is just ENTIRELY Halloween goodness. And I'm being spoiled by Gamefreak over here. Wanted a Grass/Ghost for years and years? Here, have TWO LINES OF TWO EACH. Jack-o-lantern a hard want on your Pokemon wishlist? Here's a little bcatkin to absolutely ERADICATE my expectations. This is so perfect for me I would almost half suspect Junichi Masuda himself to come to my doorstep and tell me to never ask them for anything ever again.
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Personal Score: 10/10
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711: Gourgeist
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We’re finally at our final addition on this spooky parade. Sadly Gourgeist doesn't make a bumbling buffoon out of me quite like Pumpkaboo does, but I still love the thing a lot. It's still a different and cool flavor of squash monster, just fairly different from Pumpkaboo's. It's a little LESS genius of a mish-mash too but oh well.
This like we're looking at something of a creature I liked to look at as more of a giant melty candlestick hanging out of a gourd. May or may not be the intention, but y'know.
Gourgeist is still a very lovable Halloween monster in its own merits! It's more or less got the same face, and I love me tiny little fangs. (Even if they only show with its mouth open) The hair-hands are also really neat, and generally are a monster feature that doesn't get used enough. And the fringe covering one eye too. It's like a Hot Topic brand of Halloween!
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And it does get a much more traditional pumpkin carving face too. It's just different ENOUGH to not be a bit odd how Pumpkaboo looks one way with Gourgeist totally another. You could somewhat even see it as a face-marking adaptation, like how many moths adapt a pattern on their wings that look like a giant face to scare off predators. It would've been nice to see the cat-bat parts played up in a Pumpkaboo evolution, but Gourgeist has enough goodness going on its own where I'm not upset of course.
I just generally love its shape too. A real odd body shape between the arms being on its head and the pear-shaped silhouette to it. It's easily one of the Pokemon I have the most fun drawing when I find the mood to. It's just so. Drawable. And pretty. Oh hey, that's another thing! We don't have that many pretty-creeps in the Pokedex yet. So there's another niche Gourgeist can fill!
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Personal Score: 10/10
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Everyone! Everyone wins!
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Oh and one more thing! I don't talk about shinies a lot in these reviews obviously but I wanna highlight these just because on top of being some of my top favorite Pokemon in the whole series, they even have some of my top favorite shinies in the whole series!! Phantump and Trevenant not only rock the absolutely beautiful white with red accents color scheme, but that's actually based on a real tree! White aspens are indeed white-bark trees that have leaves that grow red in the fall. So PRETTY.
And while Pumpkaboo and Gourgeist's aren't seemingly based on anything in particular other than some alternative jack-o-lantern decoration colors, you just can't go wrong with black, purple, and yellow. So good.
So that's only BONUS POINTS for some already glorious Pokemon.
Happy Halloween everybody! Stay spooky!
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cagemasterfantasy · 7 months
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Riolu the Emanantion pokemon a fighting type
2ft 4inc
Ability: Steadfast or Inner Focus Hidden Ability: Prankster
Highest Base Stat: Attack:70
Lowest Base Stat: Special Attack:35
Base Stat Total: 285
It's exceedingly energetic, with enough stamina to keep running all through the night. Taking it for walks can be a challenging experience. It can use waves called auras to gauge how others are feeling. These same waves can also tell this Pokemon about the state of the environment.
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level up with high friendship during the day (10am-4pm) to get Lucario the Aura pokemon a fighting and steel type
3ft 11inc
Ability: Steadfast or Inner Focus Hidden Ability: Justified
Egg Group: Field and Human-Like
Highest Base Stat: Special Attack:115
Lowest Base Stat: Hp Defense Special Defense:70
Base Stat Total: 525
It controls waves known as auras, which are powerful enough to pulverize huge rocks. It uses these waves to take down its prey. It can tell what people are thinking. Only Trainers who have justice in their hearts can earn this Pokemon's trust.
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honoredsage · 2 years
Less boring naman itong linggo na ito kumpara sa ibang linggo.
Divison namin ang nag-head nung flag ceremony. Nung Friday last week, tinanong namin boss namin if magsa-same attire kami. Sabi nya oo. Kaso nung tinanong nya kung ano ba yung attire na meron kaming pare-pareho, ang nabanggit ko ay yung barong na pinamigay samin. 
Kaya ayun, nakabarong kaming mga bois nung flag ceremony. Okay lang, at least pogi kami kahit maiinit. Ganyan talaga pag mga hot papi. 
Dinelete ko na rin Pokemon Unite noong Linggo ng madaling araw. Sobrang nakakabwisit na kasi ang lose streak ang sa totoo lang nagiging unhealthy na minsan pag nagtitilit ako at kapag napupuyat ako. Kaya sabi ko pag talo pa yung isa kong game nun, idedelete ko na. 
Ayun, natalo nga. Dinelete ko na. Pero bago yun, bumili pa ako ng rename card tapos nagbutton smash ako para di ko na rin alam username ko at wala nang nakakaalam kung ano yung bago kong username at wala nang makakita ng bakas ko. Goodbye Unite.
Medyo proud din ako sa sarili ko kasi nung Friday ay may inassign sa amin na i-transcribe at pinaka-ayaw ko talagang gawin yun. Mga 20 minutes lang naman pero pinaka-ayaw ko talaga sa lahat mag-transcribe. Eh WFH ako pag Friday kaya di ko ginawa. Sinabi ko na lang sa sarili ko na tatapusin ko sya ngayong weekend.
Di ko rin inaasahan pero natapos ko nga sya ngayong weekend. 
Independence Day din ngayon kaya sikat ang #rp612fic sa Twitter. Pinaghandaan natin ang entry meme ngayong taon at marami namang naglike at retweet. Pangatlong straight na taon na tayong nagva-viral kahit papaano. Masaya kasi may nakaka-apprereciate sa humor ko kahit isang beses sa isang taon. 
Lunes na naman bukas. Bagong gupit lolo nyo. swag
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loadinto586 · 3 years
Pokemon Uranium Ending
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Pokemon Uranium Ending Battle
Pokemon Uranium Wiki
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So much for the last episode being the story climax. There's a lot more to it in the finale, enjoy!.SUPPORT ME ON PATREON!. http://www.Patreon.c. The new Official Home for the popular Pokemon Fan game Pokemon Uranium, complete with Forum! I already checked multiple times, I did the math correctly. So I closed it and try running it as an administrator and the ev,iv script cannot be expanded. I erased the table and redownloaded it but it only makes things worse: the get pokemon option wont expand either now. My pokemon uranium is version 1.2.1, the cheat table is for 1.2.1.
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Pokemon Uranium Ending Battle
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0 notes
kilgamayan · 7 years
Do you like Touhou? Do you like feeling old? Do you like hating me? WELL THEN, HAVE I GOT A POST FOR YOU!
Inspired an incredibly amusing overreaction elsewhere on the intertubes yesterday, I decided to research and compile partial lists of notable video games released the same years as the main entries Windows Touhou games. Have fun drowning in nostalgic loathing!
This list starts at Double Dealing Character (LoLK and HSiFS were both too recent to be any sort of painful/funny) and works backwards for maximum hilarity. When worth doing, I have also included games that are somewhat but perhaps not overly noteworthy that were released within three or four days of the Touhou game in question itself, for extra kicks (though there were a couple that I would have listed regardless, like BioShock). Note that, as mentioned before, these lists are only partial; I’m sure every single year relevant to this exercise had plenty more AAA titles then what’s here.
BioShock Infinite
Fire Emblem Awakening
Grand Theft Auto 5
The Last of Us
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
Super Mario 3D World
Mario & Luigi: Dream Team (the day before)
Payday 2 (the day after)
Bastion (three days later)
Batman: Arkham City
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (From now on I will blame TD’s relative lack of popularity on Todd Howard)
Gears of War 3
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Portal 2
Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception
UFO (this one was a doozy)
Angry Birds
Assassin’s Creed 2
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Demon’s Souls
Dragon Age Origins
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
League of Legends
Left 4 Dead 2
Minecraft (the original build)
The Sims 3
Street Fighter 4
Uncharted 2
Phantom Brave: We Meet Again (the day before)
Wolfenstein (three days later)
Fallout 3
Gears of War 2
Grand Theft Auto 4
Metal Gear Solid 4
Persona 4
Soul Calibur 4 (good year for 4s apparently)
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
BioShock (four days later)
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
God of War II
Halo 3
Mass Effect
Metroid Prime 3
Persona 3 (three days earlier)
Rock Band
Super Mario Galaxy
Advent Rising
Civilization IV
God of War
Guild Wars
Guitar Hero
Resident Evil 4
Shadow of the Colossus
Geist (the day after)
Doom 3
Garry’s Mod
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Half-Life 2
Halo 2
Metroid Prime 2
Monster Hunter
World of Warcraft
Call of Duty
Every N-Gage launch title
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Tales of Symphonia
Viewtiful Joe
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Kingdom Hearts
Metroid Prime
Super Mario Sunshine
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell
Warcraft 3
177 notes · View notes
Una sa lahat at first of all, gusto ko munang ipakilala ang aking sarili dito sa introduction ng blog na ito. Interesado ka man o napipilitan lang na kilalanin ang aking sarili, ikaw na ang bahala. Naisip ko kasi (may isip din naman ako kahit 0.01% lang) na mas makabubuti kung malaman niyo muna ang mga bagay tungkol sa'kin bago ko pakialaman ang mga bagay tungkol sa iba.
Tulad nga ng sabi ni John F. Kennedy, “Do not ask what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country.” Walang kinalaman yan dito pero isinulat ko lang kasi ang sarap pakinggan. Lakas maka-feeling genius.
Heto na…
Ako si Breant Ceasar Coquia. Nognog. Pandak. Laki sa hirap. Dito pa lang siguro iniisip niyo nang napaka-jeje naman ng mga magulang ko para maisipan ang ganitong klase ng pangalan. Adik sa vowels. Kulang na lang lagyan ng H at mga numero para magmistula akong bagong diskubreng planeta (Planet BrHeANt CeAsaHrr 793). But no, parekoy. May history yan kaya ganyan. Ang BRE sa first name ko ay galing sa Brenda, nanay ko. Ang ANT naman ay mula sa tatay ko, Antonio. Cesar ang pangalan ng aking lolo. Dun nila kinuha ang second name ko, nilagyan lang ng letrang ‘a’ sa gitna kasi inakala nilang ikayayaman namin yun. Breant ang tawag sa'kin ng mga kaibigan ko, pero mas marami pa rin ang bilang ng mga tumatawag sa akin ng Daniel Padilla. Hindi ko sila maintindihan. Parang mas ayos kasi kung ang tawag nila sa'kin ay James Reid. Hmm…
(Oo. Ilang paragraph pa ang titiisin mo sa mga ganyang kwento. Pasensya na.)
“Brent” ang bigkas sa pangalan ko. Hindi “Brayant” o “Breent”. Sabi ng iba dapat daw “Brint” ang tawag sa'kin dahil sa letrang ‘ea’ na nakalagay sa pangalan ko—tulad ng meat, seat, treat. Lagi ko namang sagot “Eh bakit ang breakfast? Hindi naman siya 'brikfast’ tapos ang bread hindi naman 'brid’?” Kaya ayun, who you sila sa'kin.
Ngunit sabi ng ilang mga guro ko na nagpapakadalubhasa sa English ay nakadepende raw ito sa kung anong gusto kong bigkas sa pangalan ko. Simula ngayon tawagin niyo na akong Alden. Joke.
Ipinanganak ako noong ika-29 ng Mayo, taong 1999. Wala pa akong alam sa bagay na ito noong lumabas ako kay mommy (mayaman kasi kami hahahaha). Nalaman ko na lang na ito ang kaarawan ko dahil iyon naman ang nakarehistro sa NSO. Wala na siguro akong magagawa dun. Lima kaming magkakapatid. Pangalawa ako. Sabi nila bunga daw ako ng pagmamahalan ng aking mga magulang, pero pakiramdam ko naging libangan lang nila ako noon. Biro lang.
Ako ay kasalukuyang nakatira sa isang munting bayan dito sa probinsya ng Hilagang Samar, kung saan nagkukubli ang iba’t ibang misteryo ng mga pinaghihinalaang manananggal, kapre, aswang, tyanak, Avengers at ilan sa mga corrupt politicians—ewan ko na lang kung sinu-sino sila. Pero bukod dyan ay maganda naman ang lugar namin. Sagana sa isda, mais, niyog at kababaihan. Sa'n ka pa? Subukan niyong bumisita minsan, mag-eenjoy kayo sobra! (Hay salamat! Naisingit din.)
Simula pa noong bata ay nakahiligan ko na ang pagguhit—mula sa paglikha ng mga stick figures, paggawa ng comics, hanggang sa pagguhit ng sketch portraits gamit ang telekinesis. Siguro dahil na rin ito sa magkabilang sanga ng aking mga ninuno na nabiyayaan din ng ganitong talento at wala nang ibang ginawa kundi aksayahin ang mga lapis nila. Kung nagbabalak kang hingan ako ng sample ng mga guhit ko, matulog ka na lang. Hindi ko ipapakita yun kasi mahiyain talaga ako. Konti lang.
Isinulat ko na rin dito ang ilan sa aking mga idolo at mga bagay na paborito ko. Sa ganitong paraan hindi na mahihirapan ang mga babaeng may balak manligaw sa'kin. Kayo na bahala. Strict ang parents ko. LOL.
Favorite food: Jolly spaghetti, burger steak at large fries. Order for one. Take out. Favorite color: Faded grey (minsan magenta, golden yellow, mahogany brown, cerulean blue, turquoise green, at lahat ng kulay na nakaka-genius pakinggan) Favorite fruit: Grapes (minsan ubas, depende sa panahon) Favorite superhero: Iron Man Favorite superhero team: Um… Iron Man and Friends Favorite Hollywood actor: Johnny Depp Favorite Hollywood actress: Melissa Williams (Joke. Imbento ko lang ang pangalan na yan.) Favorite singer: Ako. Sa banyo. Favorite cartoon: Pokémon. Favorite brand ng sabong panligo: Kailangan pa ba'to? Sige. Safeguard. Favorite brand ng sabong panlaba: Safeguard din. Kapos sa budget. Favorite brand ng underwear: Naku! Required pala magsuot ng underwear?
Ayan at nadiskubre mo na ang mga bagay na pasok sa standards ko. Narito naman ang ilan sa mga ayaw ko—
Ayoko sa: mga taong mas gwapo pa sa akin. (Kasi may tinatawag tayong insecurities.) Ayoko sa: mga masisikip na damit. Ayoko sa: mga batang pasaway. Ayoko sa: mga pagkaing sobrang matatamis. Ayoko sa: mga pagkaing kulang sa tamis. (Dapat sakto lang.) Ayoko sa: Martial Law. Ayoko sa: mga nag-a-add sa'kin sa kahit anong group sa Facebook na wala naman akong kinalaman. (Please tumigil kayo dyan.) Ayoko sa: mga nangungurakot na pulitiko. Ayoko sa: mga taong paasa. Ayoko sa: mga jEjem0n. Ayoko sa: mga taong walang sense of humor. Ayoko sa: gulay. At higit sa lahat… Ayoko sa: ipis. Sorry, takot ako dun.
Noong bata pa ako marami akong gustong maging. Guro, pintor, doctor, musician, astronaut, enhinyero, architect, Pokemon master, Power Ranger, at lihim na sidekick ni Batman. Nag-ala Jose Rizal din pala ako noon. Pero alam ko talaga sa sarili kong gusto kong maging sikat na manunulat at mayamang awtor ng mga libro. Pagdating ng araw magiging BEST-SELLING AUTHOR din ako. (Yes naman!) Masarap kasing mag-assume kasi hindi naman masamang mangarap.
Yun. Tapos na'ko sa pagpapakilala. Maaari mo na akong i-add sa Facebook, i-follow sa Twitter at Instagram, tsaka ka na magpakamatay kung gusto mo.
So hanggang dito na muna tayo mga katropa. Hindi ako mag-eexpect na marami ang magbabasa nito kasi first entry ko naman 'to. Subaybayan niyo nalang ang linya ng buhay ko sa MMK. Manonood muna ako ng Sesame Street. Paalam mga bata…
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spectacularnow87 · 4 years
09 May 2020 (9:34am, Sydney)
08:30 am. Kakagising ko lang. Halos two hours difference mula sa usual bangon ko even for a weekend. Naglaro ako ng Zelda ‘gang 3am ng madaling araw. Ayaw ko pa nga matulog non kaso naisip ko – baka maging bangag ka kinabukasa. So pinilit ko sarili na matulog na. Kahit sa totoo lang, gusto ko pa magbasa after maglaro. In fact, nanghuli pa ko ng isang Pokemon sa Pokemon Go app.
Naisip ko talaga – mas simple buhay dati. Isipin mo nung college, mga 9pm tulog na ko. Kasi wala pang internet non. And wala akong TV sa dorm. So either magbasa ka lang ng libro or mag-aral. Or minsan, matulog or titingin lang ako sa kawalan at mag-iisip.
Napanood ko sa isang TedTalk na mas OK daw yun. Na walang gawin. Na hayaan natin sarili natin na ma-bore. Kasi nakakapag-isip daw tayo about sa future. Na dahilan daw bakit mababa attention span natin kasi masyadong over-stimulated ang utak natin. Na feeling ko totoo. Kasi sobrang baba na ng attention span ko kumpara dati. Na kaya kong magin focus. And naisip ko, tama pala talaga tatay ko. Kasi di nya kami inexpose sa mga video games growing up. So I guess na-develop discipline naming dahil don.
Or hindi din. Na baka yung mga ginagawa ko ngayon ay rebound ng childhood ko? Tignan mo. ‘Gang ngayon di pa ko nakaka-get over sa Pokemon. Kasi wala kami non growing-up. Pero that’s a separate topic.
(Napaka-free flowing ng pagsusulat kong ito. Haha.)
Anyway, ganito yung buhay sa Sydney. Hindi sila masyado sa social media. Mas gusto nila mag-exercise, magbasa ng libro, mag bush walking, at gumala sa labas. Hindi big deal ang mga mall dito. At napansin kong, wala sila masyadong pakialam sa mga latest gadget. Which overall I think ay OK.
Napaka-iba mula satin sa Pilipinas. May halong yabang. At naisip ko ngayon, napaka-materialistic. Well, baka ganon talaga. Gusto natin yung mga bagay na wala satin. Mahirap ang Pilipinas. Ang karamihan sating mga Pilipino. Kaya pag nakabili ka ng isang bagay,ifo-flaunt mo talaga. Kompara sa Australia, mayaman sila so parang norm na lang sa kanila ang mga magkaron ng mga material na bagay.
Na nakakalungkot. Kasi ang ganda ng Pilipinas. Kung di lang tayo masyadong focus sa material na bagay de sana mas napapansin natin gano kaganda yung lugar kung san tayo nakatira.
Marami ka rin talagang bagay na ma-rerealize kung titira ka sa ibang bansa.
Gawin ko kayang per topic ang mga entry ko dito? Para ba may train of thought? Yun naman ang gusto mo gawin di ba? Aside sa mahasa ka sa pagsusulat kasi di mo pa rin nile-let go yung pangarap mong makasulat ng libro.
Ayoko ng mangako. Pero susubukan kong magsulat dito minsan isang ka da lingo. Mga umaga ng Sabado. 
0 notes
annapurnaseelam121 · 8 years
Mastery Journal Entry
As per my analysis on research articles by Chin and Kim (2015), I believe that the futuristic technology should be optimized to ensure that the information that a hologram media provides can be more easily understood and used by the players. The number of players or users of digital hologram media will grow, and the players will become more familiar with holograms and information technology and, likely be invested into the digital holograms in video games over the time.
I believe that, from the analysis of the journal article by Page (2012), it is stated that unlike other 3D haptic displays that require glasses, holograms are auto-stereoscopic. The haptic interfaces allow the user to have text and other visual or audible communication possible. Thus, from the process of making haptic hologram by the article makes the players to have haptic ability when playing games, which is not limited to visual, but it can be touched and it increases the immersion into a video game.
According to my previous and present research analysis Seelam (2017), holograms have a lot of depth perception when compared to the virtual and augmented reality. Which is another factor on why they would have a great impact on video games, because players can have a look of their character, environment, weapons and vehicles and other objects of the game from any view and angle. I believe that, the hologram can be the next level technology after the virtual reality, which will revolutionize in the way people play and interact with video games.
I would say, the information that I have gathered from the two articles may not be sufficient. However, since the hologram is an on-going experimental study and even though there are some places and instances in which they have been already in use for example Microsoft, I would consider some other scientific articles which might have been published in Full Sail University’s library database for the future research on explaining about how the holograms can be replaced or used as an immersive tool for gamers and give them a feeling of being in a world of video games and utilize all the basic human sensory such as touch, taste, smell and feel, while playing a game.
In my opinion, the futuristic hologram technology for video games could make a good impact on the way players interact with their games. By this point, I would say that Indy game track would likely to help me develop a unique game dedicated just for hologram technology. Because, holo technology has its own benefits for engaging the players while playing a game with holograms built in it. Rather than with other virtual reality devices such as Oculus, Sony Playstation VR, etc. Since, players don’t need to wear any kind of heavy equipment over their head like the HMD (Head Mounted Display), because the holograms can be seen and felt like it is present on our own environment with the naked eyes.
The mentor or faculty whom I will be consulting on this topic would be Robin Koman, And I believe that, she will be the right person to contact when it comes to conducting research because, the specific aspect of this area of research that I will be working to explore and study is a design field.
Chin, H. K., & Kim, J. Y. (2015). An Analysis of Digital Media Holograms Usage Intentions: An Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model. N.p.: Indian Journal of Science and Technology. Retrieved from http://www.indjst.org/index.php/indjst/article/view/60697/47459
Graft, K. (2015). New holographic goggles from Microsoft have video game potential. In Gamasutra. Retrieved January 8, 2017, from http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/234752/New_holographic_goggles_from_Microsoft_have_video_game_potential.php, Retrieved from Full Sail Library Database.
Kennedy, R. C. (2016). Shadish, Cook and Campbell (2002): A Summary of their Four-Type Validity Model and Associated Threats. Retrieved March 17, 2017, from https://assethub.fso.fullsail.edu/assethub/ Kennedy16SummaryofShadishetal02Validity_5e003357-16e6-4517-91e4-d091132733e1.pdf
Kent, S. L. (2010). The Ultimate History of Video Games: from Pong to Pokemon and beyond. N.p.: Crown/Archetype. Retrieved from https://books.google.com/books?id=PTrcTeAqeaEC&pg=PT183&dq=holograms+in+video+games&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi7w6Sa9tvSAhUCQCYKHfIaDBMQ6AEIIjAB#v=onepage&q=holograms%20in%20video%20games&f=false.
Page, M. (2012). Haptic Holography or Touching the Ethereal. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 415. doi:10.1088/17426596/415/1/012041
Saxby, G., & Zacharovas, S. (2016). Practical Holography (4th ed.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Seelam, A. (2017). Mastery Journal Research Topic. Unpublished manuscript, Full Sail University.
0 notes
cagemasterfantasy · 6 months
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Duraludon the Alloy pokemon a steel type
5ft 11inc
Ability: Light Metal or Heavy Metal Hidden Ability: Stalwart
Egg Group: Mineral and Dragon
Highest Base Stat: Special Attack:120
Lowest Base Stat: Special Defense:50
Base Stat Total: 535
Its body resembles polished metal, and it's both lightweight and strong. The only drawback is that it rusts easily. The special metal that composes its body is very light, so this Pokemon has considerable agility. It lives in caves because it dislikes the rain.
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Gigantimax Duraludon
141ft 1inc
It's grown to resemble a skyscraper. Parts of its towering body glow due to a profusion of energy. The hardness of its cells is exceptional, even among Steel types. It also has a body structure that's resistant to earthquakes.
Gigantimax Duraludon Gmax move is Depletion (Reduces the PP of the last move used.)
Duraludon is the only pokemon with the ability Stalwart (Ignores the effects of opposing Pokemon's Abilities and moves that draw in moves.)
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cagemasterfantasy · 7 months
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Passimian the Teamwork pokemon a fighting type
6ft 7inc
Ability: Reveiver Hidden Ability: Defiant
Egg Group: Field
Highest Base Stat: Attack:120
Lowest Base Stat: Special Attack:40
Base Stat Total: 490
Displaying amazing teamwork, they follow the orders of their boss as they all help out in the search for their favorite berries. Passimian live in groups of about 20, with each member performing an assigned role. Through cooperation, the group survives.
Passimian is the only pokemon with the ability Receiver (The Pokemon copies the Ability of a defeated ally.)
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