#pokespe ratty
textpostmemespksp · 7 months
Meme #360 Happy birthday Yellow! 🎉
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(Image description in ALT text, original images below the cut!) 
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savebatsfromscratch · 2 years
× Pokemon Special Animation - Curses - Parts 3 and 8 ×
[Video description: Two animations of Pokemon Adventures characters to the song "Curses" by the Crane Wives. It starts with a picture of the thumbnail, which shows Silver looking slightly worried with the word "Curses," written in all caps over him.
The first map part starts with Gold speaking the lyrics of the song, which go, "Every word I say-" On the phrase "Is kindling," the video switches to Silver, who looks worried as his hair blows in the wind. There is a low frame animation of a yellow flame, and then the next words show Gold talking to Silver with a grin on his face. Silver looks surprised. Then, with the time of the music, Silver is shown smiling, Gold and Silver smile at each other, hold hands, and the screen cuts to black.
The next part opens from the black screen on the words, "There's no cobwebs in the corners." Yellow is show in a forest, her hair waving in a strong wind. Then Ratty (her Raticate) is shown jumping as the forest glides away into a blue sky with clouds. As it exits the screen, Dody (her Dodrio) pops into the side of the screen, all of it's heads show before it moves away. By that point, ChuChu (Yellow's Pikachu), jumps onto screen, the camera pans down to her standing on a grassy hill, and as she dives away, the screen is overtaken by blackness. When this clears, (on the lyrics, "And the backyard's full of bones,") Lance is shown standing in front of a rainy sky. His hair waves in the wind. He turns to the camera and a yellow lighting bolt crosses the screen. A series of images are then shown to the beat of the music. First an image of a Dragonair looking angry, then a green hyper beam headed towards a city, then a giant green explosion, then a close up on Yellow's terrified eyes, and then a black and red drawing of two cartoon hearts. A white lighting bolt crosses the image. /end description]
Originally shared: Feb 16, 2023
Scratch link: × Parts 3 and 8 - Curses × on Scratch
(More notes under the cut.)
Press the green flag twice or more (for the lip sync timing) and please don't steal my animation! Part 3 will play, there is a one second wait, and then part 8 will play.
Not sure if anyone noticed, but I'm trying to get better at expression changes. It's not exactly going well, so I apologize if the rest of the animation takes a hit because of it. qwq (I'm looking at you lip sync.)
Characters in order:
Part 3: Gold (Black hair.) Silver (Red hair.)
Part 8: Yellow (Blond hair) Ratty (Raticate) Dody (Dodrio) Chuchu (Pikachu. She/her btw, the tail is on purpose.) Lance (Red hair) Lance's Dragonair (...the dragonair)
Lol, part 3 was mostly done while listening to a "The Crucible" audiobook. Now I realize how much this song could apply to that play. Thanks english class.
Sometimes the second part lags and the last frame comes after the music ends. Sorry, I can't fix it. qwq Just layer my part below the next one in the final map.
Notes and Credits:
@savebatsfromscratch (me) for the animation of course.
Pokemon Adventures for the characters.
DuskwingsDawnfire for the map.
The song is by The Crane Wives.
Scratch bitmap as always.
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bunnygirl678 · 3 months
I keep thinking about a role reversal au for pokespe, like I’ve outlined a fic and write on it when I feel like
But Gold being the one taken by the masked man, Blue not getting attached to him like she did Silver so when she escaped he got left behind. He has Aibo but that’s it.
Silver growing up with his gym leader daddy, a totally normalish life, probably overprotective if there had been an attempted kidnapping, there is no team rocket, just spoiled baby boy with his sneasel.
and maybe he goes to Johto because daddy set him up to fill out the Johto dex, and gold escaped from the mm at like 11, but instead of revenge or finding out his past he just wants to live free, but he sees Silver be given totadile and then how upset cyndaquil is so he takes exbo just to reunite the pair,
But silver who has been sheltered and doesn’t have a lot of friends sees how exbo already loves this boy and decides to invite him to help fill out the dex, silver gets picked up by a car service every afternoon and brought to his nice home, gold always meets up with him in the mornings at a prearranged spot.
So the two of them wander around Johto becoming bffs catching pokemon, somehow it comes out that Gold lives where ever, so sometimes trees, sometimes alleys, his clothes are ratty, Silver starts bringing him lunch, brings him a Viridian city gym promotional blanket (remember there is no tr so Gio is still gym leader)
A snow storm moves in and silver is freaking out, where are you staying this is dangerous, ect, gold is like idk I’ll figure it out, no worries, when silver’s ride comes he grabs gold and pulls him into the car, he’s like I can’t let you freeze to death
Silver shows up at home brining along this dirty very homeless looking boy, Giovanni is like omg wtf ew, I don’t want this street rat around my perfect baby boy, but again, blizzard, and he can’t/wont just leave him out in the cold
Gold has a hot shower, wears some of silvers clothes cause his are dirty and falling apart (and not weather appropriate poor cold baby), he has dinner with Gio and silver, Gio is polite but gold knows what he thinks, he likes hanging with silver so he ignores the judgement
Gio puts gold in a guest room as far from silvers room as he can, everyone goes to bed, due to his terrible childhood, Gold is prone to nightmares, of course he lives wherever so he has always only had himself and Aibo for comfort, he has a nightmare, wakes up crying into Aibo’s fur as his Pokemon tries to comfort him, he’s too far from Silver for him to hear buttttt sneasel hears, goes down the hall and grabs gold and Aibo and guides them to Silver’s room, the boys end up cuddling, after silver wakes up and is like omg what’s wrong
Gio goes to wake silver up and finds the dirty boy curled up with his son, he’s pissed off but again there isn’t much he can do, he ends up moving an extra bed into silvers room but again each morning gold is curled up with silver
silver starts asking about the nightmares, gold notices he doesn’t get them when he sleeps in the same bed as silver, they’re like 11 here so it is innocent just two kids cuddling and being friends, gold finally admits his past, being a child soldier, doesn’t go into the details but it’s obvious it was bad, silver is like omg we need to tell my dad! And gold is like no! He’s scared if they tell an adult somehow he’d be returned to the mm
The storm ends, silver insists that gold continues staying with them, Gio hates it but silver is spoiled af so he gets his way, it’s fine Gio makes comments about gold a lot, subtle digs (ha cause he is a ground type gym leader lmao) gold knows but ignores them, he’s used to it. Knows how people see him
He’s a smart ass and one time he gets himself and silver into trouble, except it was actually golds fault, there was a sign with warnings or something, it comes out that he never learned how to read, thinks silver will judge him, but he’s really kind about it, really cautious about ect
One day when they’re out filling the dex silver just caught a shiny gyarados, the masked man shows up, he’s like oh boy, I’m taking you back, I spent 9 years training you, you think you can leave that easy, then he notices silver, gets excited, I actually wanted you but my attempt was ruined, so I settled for that little brat, he was never that great anyway, but at least I’ve got a gym leaders son now,
Gold is like, ‘hell no you aren’t taking him, do what you want with me but you aren’t going to hurt my friend’ gold uses his new pokemon, fights hard, tells silver to run, tries to buy him time,
Silver doesn’t leave, instead calling his dad in a panic, tells him everything happening and a quick recap, Silver waits for his dad, wants to go back to help gold but gold flipped out begging him to run,
Giovanni arrives in time to see Gold being flung into a tree, he hears MM mention him being a terrible soldier, wasted his time, ect, says he’s going to take silver, gold staggers up, barely standing but says that he won’t let silver be taken, he’d rather die, mm says something about if that’s your wish, gold gets thrown into the lake of rage, as he’s falling he sees Gio, smiles as he sinks his last thought is he’s glad silver will be safe then darkness
Gio fights mm, ends up beating him, cops come, all the while as gold was sinking silver sent out his new gyarados who dives down pulling gold out. Silver tries to do cpr then an ambulance comes they try to ignore gold to help silver who has like a tiny cut,
Silver is just like no save him! They end up taking gold to the hospital, Gio takes silver to get looked at, cops end up finding out about all the kidnappings there were some bodies too (making this darker than canon lol) they go talk to Gio, silver is sitting with gold in his room, trying to help him feel better,
Gio feels like shit cause omg this poor kid and I was an asshole to him, asks cops what is going to happen to gold, is he going to a foster home? Cops are like no, unfortunately there isn’t space, kid is going to stay on the streets, goes in and tells gold he’s going to live with them now
Gold thinks he said it just to appease silver, when they leave to go home, gold is sure he will never get to see silver again, in the morning they don’t show up like promised and gold is just like, well at least I got to have a friend for a while, I’ll cherish it forever, cop comes and is super rude to him but gets his statement, gold has really high anxiety without his pokemon especially Aibo, they’re in a daycare while he’s in hospital and he is not sure how to pay to get them out, he doesn’t have money, let alone pay for the hospital
Mid afternoon the door opens, he assumes it’s the doc about to kick him out realizing he was just street trash, instead it’s silver and Gio, Gio apologizes for being late, cops wanted statements from both of them, he hands gold a bag with a stuffed version of his team, you can’t have them in your room but these guys may help you feel less lonely when visiting hours are over, it’s the first stuffie gold has ever had,
A day or two passed and he gets released, still not convinced he’s going home with Gio, but he does! And suddenly it’s spoil time, like gold has a broken foot, but he’s put in a comfy spot, gets lots of treats, his team with him, silver hangs out, finally feels like he has a home,
Time passes, Gio decides to raise them like brothers, gold gets tutors to help him learn to read and math and stuff, him and Gio end up really close, gold gets into sports with Gio being his coach, silver is happy, he’s training to take over his fathers gym, Gio sets gold up to have a daycare, thinks of him as a son
Gold and silver are besties, at least until they hit puberty, they shift into dating without ever talking about it, one day they’re cuddling like always the next minute they decide to try kissing, nothing changes except now they kiss lol,
They decided to get married really early like 18, it’s fine, gold doesn’t ever really talk about his childhood, they know things were bad but not to the extent, one day gold is walking in the living room holding a glass of water, he trips, glass shatters and he lands on the floor, Giovanni gets up to help him, but all of a sudden gold is in a ball crying begging for Aibo not to be taken away again. Totally inconsolable, silver comes running and they are both like ??
After that they get gold to start letting it out, telling them the things that happened, getting beaten, forced to train till he collapsed, having Aibo taken away as punishment, ect
He has a few more episodes through the years but for the most part he’s happy
Him and silver never split, die of old age ect ect
Idk if anyone is still reading but this is what has been spinning around in my head lately lol
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alizardjae · 3 years
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And to finish off Kanto, here’s Team Yellow of WindClan! (Though I think Yellow, Dody, and Ratty were probably wandering loners that wanted to pay back a debt to Red. Chuchu was an injured loner who joined the clan after being saved by Yellow.)
In order: Yellow, Gravvy, Dody, Ratty, Omny, Chuchu, and Kitty!
Team Red - Team Green - Team Blue
Warrior Cats AU Masterpost
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fricklefracklefloof · 2 years
Yellow pokespe 👀 (for the reqs?)
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YELLOW MY LOVE i am always happy to draw him :)
[image description: a sketch of yellow from pokemon adventures done in the color yellow. he is smiling and running along his pokemon team. pika the pikachu sits on his shoulder, and dody the doduo, omny the omanyte, gravvy the graveler, and ratty the raticate are by his side. end id]
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newbark-town · 8 years
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Pokedex Holders Bio: Yellow The Healer
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textpostmemespksp · 1 year
Meme #147
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(Image description in ALT text, original images below the cut!) 
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