#pokespe chuchu
meevee98 · 7 months
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It's also my favorite dex holder birthday ☀️⚡️
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savebatswingaus · 8 months
Feelingshipping but they have wings. - Pokespe Wing AU (Oneshot)
Fic in the link above or under the cut. This is the last old fic I have to post here (I think) but it's my favorite, enjoy!
Blue Oak and Yellow are cute, oh and what's that?? Wings? Or, My sister's favorite (?) Pokespe ship ft. Wing au that comes out of nowhere.
For StarthornFromScratch.
I was making this for my sister because she got sick but then *I* got sick as well, so I couldn't finish it before she got better. :,) Also I don't care Blue gets his old outfit because I like it better. Oh and I forgot what gender half the Pokemon here are, so I just called them "they" and "it" interchangeably. TWs: Descriptions of pain and all that. Maybe slight body horror? I don't really know how that works. (Also mild swearing but it's just a few words.)
Yellow slid down the side of the Charizard, his orange scales smooth enough for her to slip right off. Her feet hit the ground with a soft thump, the dirt muffling her landing to a comfortable pat. She turned back to the Pokemon and the boy on top of it, her hair swishing around her and narrowly missing hitting her in the face. 
She grinned up at the boy, his green eyes hidden slightly in the shadow of his hair. It was a rather ridiculous style to tell the truth, but she didn’t really have room to talk there and it’s not that she minded it. 
“Thanks for the ride!” She told the two of them. Both Pokemon and trainer nodded in response, but after a moment of awkwardly standing around, Blue opened his mouth.
“I, uh, wanted to tell you something,” he said, his voice both more unsure and quieter than usual. Yellow frowned, that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it was unlike him.
“What is it?” Yellow asked, studying Blue’s face in a way she hoped looked friendly from his perspective.
He blushed and her eyes widened, now that was really unlike him! Sure, Blue wasn’t some emotionless robot, but he didn’t show his emotions as often as most of the other people Yellow knew. There were exceptions of course but Blue wasn’t one to share such things as feelings.
Her thoughts were cut short as Blue spoke, “I was wondering if you could, well,” he scratched the back of his head, “I was thinking that maybe we could practice some training you know? Just like old times?” The last few words cracked slightly. His eyes darted about, and the blush on his face only darkened as Yellow nodded.
“Yeah that sounds fun,” she grinned, pausing for a bit too long before reaching for a Pokeball. Once she got her hands on it, she pulled out the one for Chu-Chu. Even though the electric type could be seen lying quite comfortably on the floor, Yellow felt a pang of guilt. She normally wouldn’t put the Pokemon in a Pokeball, as she wasn’t the most fond of the small spaces, but she hadn’t wanted Chu-Chu to fall when she and Blue were flying. She knew by the calmness in the Pokemon that she really hadn’t minded, but Yellow couldn’t help feeling a little bad.
A soft thump sounded behind her, and she looked up from the Pokeball to see Blue standing next to Charizard, he was holding his Pokedex in one hand and a Pokeball in the other. Yellow studied his stance, he looked confident again, and she briefly wondered why he had acted so strange just a second earlier. 
Blue looked up, probably having felt her gaze on him, and for a moment they locked eyes. His eyes were a rather pretty shade of green, but they did make Yellow wonder why his name was Blue and not Green. Ah well, probably better to have only one pretty person in the friend group named Green.
Yellow tore her eyes away from Blue, her face heating up as she looked down at the Pokeball in her hand. The Pikachu inside was now staring up at her with a sleepy expression on her face, Yellow just hoped she hadn’t noticed too much. The Pokemon was very keen on anything between people and Yellow knew that she wouldn’t hear the end of it if Chu-chu assumed she liked someone. Chu-Chu was her Pokemon, but sometimes she felt like a mother.
“Are you ready to go?” Blue asked, his voice brought Yellow out of her thoughts, it sounded kind of blank, but she knew that was just how he was. 
She turned to Blue, awkwardly smiling, she shook her head, “No, I’m not, I was gonna use Chu-Chu, but I think she’s sleepy,” She looked down at the Pokeball, gesturing at the sleepy Pikachu inside.
Blue stepped closer, his cloak wavering in the slight breeze. He looked down at the Pokeball and cocked his head to the side. Yellow glanced back at Chu-Chu, the pokemon could not be seen stretching and yawning, certainly sleepy.
“I suppose,” Blue said, he shook his head, “Did you bring any other Pokemon with you?” 
“Yeah, of course I did,” Yellow laughed and dug into her bag, her hand emerged holding two Pokeballs. Kitty and Ommy, maybe not the smartest choices for a battle with Blue, but not the worst. (Ommy would have a type advantage over Charizard, but Kitty- Kitty is a bug type.)
“Great,” Blue responded, puting Charizard back into a Pokeball and tossing the one he had been holding before. It was his Scizor, great, bug was weak to steel. Kitty was already at a disadvantage level wise, and now… “Ready now?” She nodded. They turned and took a few steps away from each other, once they stopped, Yellow briefly closed her eyes and inhaled, she could do this.
“Ready-?” Blue asked, his voice cutting into itself slightly.
“Yes,” she responded.
“Alright, go!” 
The two turned around. Blue tossed his pokeball, and, in a split second decision, Yellow released Ommy.
Blue looked slightly confused at her move (Ommy was fairly low level in comparison), but didn’t ask about it, instead choosing to yell a command. Scizor instantly responded to him, lunging forwards instantly, it grabbed Ommy in it’s claws. Luckily, Ommy’s shell took most of the crunch, but Yellow could tell she didn’t have time to think about the next move.
“Ommy! Water gun!” she shouted, jumping from one foot to the other in anticipation of the battle. (Yes the one that she was in the middle of.) The pokemon turned slightly, the move hitting Scizor right in the face, but unfortunately, Blue had trained it well. It didn’t budge.
“Alright! Scizor use X-Scissor!” Blue yelled, throwing his hand to the side, as if trying to appear more threatening. But even with the silly movement, the Pokemon responded, momentarily letting go of Ommy, but Yellow didn’t even try to tell the Pokemon to move. It would just stress them out, they just were not fast enough to dodge. But even so, Yellow cringed as the move hit her pokemon, it’s body shaking slightly in the strength of the hit.
“Don’t give up!” Yellow yelled, hoping that she would be able to encourage the Pokemon that way, “You got this! Use Hydro Pump!” Ommy complied, lifting it’s body slightly and aiming at Scizor before firing.
“Scizor move!” Blue shouted, 
“Ommy try again!” 
The move hit.
“Good one Ommy!” She shouted, jumping up and down once or twice.
But Blue didn’t seem to celebrate her success. “Scizor use X-Scissor again,” he said, his voice much quieter than it had been last time he had spoken, Yellow was pretty sure he was asking his Pokemon if it was okay.
Unfortunately, she couldn’t dwell on how sweet that was, mostly because both her and Ommy were getting their asses kicked in battle. 
Her Pokemon fell over, “Ommy!” she shouted, making to move to run forwards before something… something happened.
Pain burst out over her back, and the girl fell to her knees. She gasped in pain, eyes wide open and facing the ground. “Yellow-?!” Blue started, but his own sound of surprise cut him off before he could finish his sentence.
Yellow grunted as the pain intensified, squeezing her eyes shut and collapsing further into the floor. Distantly, she heard a sound of concern from Scizor, the Pokemon obviously very worried for her and it’s owner. She wanted to go and comfort it, and also give Ommy a full heal, but honestly, there was never a time she wished she could magically heal herself more. 
Blue shouted in pain, and Yellow forced herself to look up, her face dragging painfully over the ground as she struggled. She placed one hand on the ground in a movement that could have been saving the whole world (Meaning, it was difficult and possibly not worth it.) and forced herself above the stones. 
Blue was crumpled on the ground, his face hidden behind layers of hair and half of his arm (The rest of which was hidden under his cloak.). As she watched, her own pain faded slightly, but the ache and tightness in her chest grew more and more concerning as she stumbled over to Blue. He was twitching slightly all over, But the part of a person you would expect to stay vaguely still, his back, was moving more than the rest of him. Sure his clothing covered it, but it almost looked like some sort of pokemon was trying to get free.
Suddenly Yellow had a… a thought, and her heart seemed to drop right out of her body as she realised it. She ran forwards, landing roughly on her knees as she put her hand on Blue’s back. Sure enough, it felt like there was something there that hadn’t been there before.
Thinking harder about the situation, she reached behind to her own back, and she froze, if her heart hadn’t fallen before, it certainly had now. She felt something there.
She moved her hand back to Blue’s back, debating for just a moment before she went through with it. She gently lifted Blue’s cloak, the poor guy had stopped twitching by now, but he was still lying there, shaky breaths moving through him. (Yellow guessed that his magic amulet thing hadn’t extended to this pain.) 
But as she moved the fabric, what had happened became clear. She dropped the fabric and gasped, Scizor also making a sound of surprise as it noticed what was going on. Yellow clapped her hand to her mouth, the other still firmly placed on the ground next to her. She turned to Scizor, the Pokemon’s eyes were as wide as hers felt, but thankfully the shock hadn’t been enough for it to drop what it had been holding. Ommy probably wouldn’t have appreciated that.
Yellow sat there for a moment, hand over her mouth and eyes trained firmly on nothing in particular, but a groan of pain to her side reminded her of what was going on. She looked back to Blue, but she was too slow to advise him not to move. Unfortunately, he picked the worst way to move, rolling over onto his back before instantly yelping in pain, the new skin obviously still sore. 
Blue shot up, head just missing Yellow and instead hitting Scizor in the knee. The Pokemon jumped back, Ommy teetering dangerously in it’s claws, before landing on the ground just a few steps away. 
Blue however stayed half sat up, obviously very done with the situation reading by the expression on his face. His eyes were staring at a mountain in the distance, looking right over the trees and up into the sky. 
They stayed that way for a moment, Scizor trying not to drop a pokemon, Ommy in need of a full heal, and Yellow and Blue staring at something beautiful. (Yellow’s looking at Blue so of course the comparison counts.) But sooner rather than later, the moment left them. 
“What the hell happened,” Blue said, the sentence wasn’t a question, it was more like a statement trying not to ask anything. But Yellow felt the need to answer it anyway.
Yellow paused before speaking, her eyes flicking down towards the ground between them, a trail of ants decorated the grass nearby. And, with her eyes still burrowing into the ground, she spoke, “Check under your cloak,”
Blue looked at her, obviously confused by the vagueness of her answer, but after a moment of staring into her soul, he obliged. Lifting the dark gray fabric, he gazed at his back, or rather, wings . A moment passed, a confused darkness forming in his eyes before it was up. He jumped up and shrieked, two large wings protruded from his back. (The feathers on the inside are a rather pleasant cream color, besides the blue accents along the edges. Yellow couldn’t quite identify the animal they came from, but it was definitely a Pokemon.) They had pushed their way through the fabric of his sweatshirt, the purple fabric’s torn edges messing with the feathers at their border. 
Blue looked from her, to his wings, to back to her, and then back to his wings, before spinning in a circle. His wings were outstretched, as if Blue was trying to push them off himself, and it was this movement that reminded Yellow that she had the same problem to deal with.
Her heart (which had traveled back to her chest by now) dropped again, and she reached back to feel her back, her clothing either stronger than that of Blue’s sweatshirt, or her wings slightly smaller than his. Both were fine, she guessed. 
Yellow swallowed and turned to Scizor, “Could you hide me for a moment?” the Pokemon nodded, standing in between her and Blue and buzzing it’s own wings, the movement not quite fast enough to make them disappear, but enough to cover her some. “Thank you,” she said gratefully before slipping out of her yellow clothing. (The belt was still firmly placed on her hips after she had removed the yellow fabric.) She moved to take off her shirt before thinking better of the action. She looked back towards Blue, the boy now looking the other direction, wings shaking slightly. Yellow blushed violently as she realised that he must have seen what she was doing.
It was good that he looked away though, she thought, pulling her shirt over her head and checking the wings, she identified them immediately as a Pidgy. The fluffy brown feathers appeared almost torn over the yellow ones. They were pretty, but Yellow was still worried about why the heck they had appeared. 
She turned to her clothing on the ground, and, taking her survival knife out of her belt, cut holes in the back of the black shirt, measuring the bases of her wings crudely with her hands before of course. As she brought the blade across the fabrics, she was shaking, she might appear calm on the outside, but internally, she was freaking out. It wasn’t that she didn’t want wings, no, that wasn’t it at all, she was just terrified about what this would mean for her future. Was she a person still? Or was she some sort of Pokemon? What had even HAPPENED to cause this?
She slipped the garment back over her head, before pulling her wings through the slits. She moved one through itself but used her hand for the other, she wasn’t used to moving the limbs yet. After that awkwardness she leaned over to pick up her yellow garb, but a cough from behind interrupted her. 
“Are you done yet?” Blue asked, his voice was muffled, as if he had his head in his hands. She looked over, the blush on his face causing hers to flare to life as well. 
“I- I think so,” she said. Her eyes darted back to the ground as soon as Blue looked towards her. 
A brief but awkward pause passed.
“What should we do now?” It was her who spoke, and she jumped at her own voice. The sentence had been meant to be for herself.
Blue sighed before speaking. “Well, you could fix up Omastar,”
“Ommy,” she corrected him, blushing again and turning back to Scizor. The Pokemon held out Ommy, their blue tentacles moving to hold onto Yellow’s hands as she grabbed them. 
She looked back at Scizor, “Thank you for holding Ommy,” she said smiling, before turning her focus back to the aforementioned water type. Their spikey shell shaking as Yellow held them. 
“Sorry for making you wait so long Ommy,” she whispered, closing her eyes as she let her magic surge through her. She relaxed, vaguely noting a pull on her shirt as her wings flopped to the ground, and then she exhaled. She could feel the glow of magic passing over her, and she could hear Blue turning to watch. Ommy twitched in her hands, the injured Pokemon healing as the waves of high washed over it.
Ommy tapped her arm, it’s blue tentacle making squishy contact with her sleeve in exactly the way that they had conspired. Yellow stopped the magic and looked down at the water type. It shuddered and thanked her, and she nodded. “You’re welcome,” she grinned down at the Pokemon before looking back at Blue. (Scizor having moved to his side and now checking out the feathers on his wings. They seemed to have an idea what species they were.)
“So,” she said. Her voice cracked at the end as she (once again) thought about what had just happened.
Blue nodded, “So,” he said, imitating her voice crack in the monotone way only he could.
“Wow thanks,” she responded, laughter shaking her whole body and reminding her to move her wings back up to a folded position, she couldn’t have those wonderful yellow feathers dragging on the ground now could she. (Even if she wasn’t entirely convinced they were hers.)
Blue nodded, and, either not noticing the playfulness in her tone or purposely choosing to ignore it, he brought them back to the obvious problem. “Really what do we do now,” he asked, flexing a wing out to the side, the cloak falling away from the feathered wing in a kind sort of way. 
Yellow shuddered, “I don’t know Blue,” and for once, her tone was completely serious.
--- -  -    -             -              -
They made their way to Viridian city, it wasn’t that far from Yellow’s house (near where they had been fighting), and they had both guessed that the pokemon center there could help them. They had opted not to fly, either with a Pokemon or on their own, this way they had more time to think. Soft thumping sounded along the path as they walked along it. 
Scizor and Ommy were back in their Pokeballs and Chu-Chu was out of hers. The Pikachu had been rather terrified when Yellow had fallen to the ground, and her worry was not exactly cut down when there were screams of pain. (But the Pokemon had been smart enough not to emerge from the safe spot, she had had enough experience with what could come from that.) But unfortunately, all of that meant that now she was scolding Yellow. Squeaking that obviously made no sense to Blue was like a concerned mother’s voice to her. Kind but worried beyond belief and just slightly angry because of it. 
Yellow put her hands to her ears, jokingly begging Chu-Chu to stop her “tirade” and calm down, but the Pokemon was having none of it. Squeaks and chirps told her off as the group walked. She turned to Blue and mouthed a quick “Help me,” He held back a laugh, but of course Chu-Chu noticed. Puffing her fur up indignantly before starting up again, the Pikachu explained (with language that Yellow would not normally have expected from her.) how rude she was being right now. But there was a playfulness to it that Yellow was able to catch, the Pokemon wasn’t really mad at her.
She leaned down to pick up Chu-Chu, the pokemon purred as soon as her feet were off the ground before shutting up. (Pro tip apparently, if you are ever getting scolded by an adult, just pick them up around the middle.) She looked over to Blue, who, she realised, seemed to be holding back laughter, she pouted at him, the joking expression causing just a smidge of his laughter to be released. She laughed then, both sets of wings shaking violently as the two shared the moment. Their feet stumbling only slightly on the uneven ground as they forgot to look which way they were going.
Chu-Chu made her own snickering noises as she hopped onto Yellow’s shoulder, her soft paw pads pattering against the fabric. Yellow reached up to pat the Pokemon on the head, the electric type making happy noises the same way a dog or cat would react to that sort of thing. 
A soft moment passed. But, Blue was still trying to clear up his laughter by the end of it, and, body shaking, he dropped Yellow’s extra clothing. (The one she hadn’t cut holes in the back of.) She sighed in a dramatised way, sure to let the sarcasm in the sound be as obvious as possible to further elevate the hilarity in it. 
“Blue how dare you,” she said, voice flat despite the obvious joke behind the statement. 
Blue laughed awkwardly, he attempted to lean down to pick up the outfit, but the weight of his wings caused him to fall over. Now it was Yellow’s turn to try and fail to hold back a laugh. She knew this had happened because of their centers of gravity being thrown off, but it was still sort of amusing to see such a normally balanced person stumble. But she quickly swallowed her snickering in favor of asking if Blue was alright. The other dex holder stood back up, his face was red, but he also seemed to be holding in a chuckle or two. (Which Yellow was glad for, she hadn’t wanted to come off as rude.) 
“‘m fine,” he responded gruffly, green eyes alight with embarrassment and humor, a combination Yellow would have expected on herself, but not on Blue. 
“You sure?” She asked again, and when he nodded, holding her… garment, out to her, she had to struggle to hold in another laugh. Apparently things were just funnier when you had recently grown more limbs.
Yellow reached out and took it, slinging it over her shoulder (The one Chu-Chu was not on) for safekeeping. Blue smiled slightly, turning his head down to the earth until his hair covered part of his face. The shadows sent by the brown strands just enough to hide his eyes, but leaving his mouth and nose out in the light. And, theory proven, she struggled not to laugh at that as well. . . . This was vaguely pathetic wasn’t it.
Yellow sighed, hoping that the sound wasn’t too sad, she just had no idea what they were going to do. They had wings for heaven's sake! Those weren’t something she would necessarily consider a bad thing, but they were not a human characteristic!  They were something that animals had! Animals and Pokemon, and not all of them at that. 
She looked to the ground and studied the rocks strewn across the path. They were small enough to kick, but she didn’t know if she was going to or not. Such a movement might throw her off balance, and that was something she would rather avoid.
A comforting sound made its way to her ear, and Yellow was instantly thankful that Chu-Chu was so kind. She reached up to the Pokemon’s head, petting the soft fur and making her own little cooing sounds. Chu-Chu responded by rubbing her forehead against Yellow’s cheek, obviously trying to make as sure as possible that she didn’t accidentally shock the girl. That wouldn’t be a very friendly thing to do. Yellow reciprocated the movement and thanked Chu-Chu in her mind, the Pikachu was such a good “mother figure.” 
“So,” Blue started, but before he could get anywhere in his sentence he hesitated. 
Yellow looked back at him. Chu-Chu spun around on her shoulder, but the Pokemon’s lightning bolt tail wacked Yellow right across the face. The pokemon trainer glanced at Chu-Chu to see her holding her paws in front of her mouth, she looked to be right on the verge of apologizing violently. And, in only a moment, she did begin to. Yellow quietly told her it was okay, and, after waiting for the Pikachu to stop, she turned back to Blue. He was looking at her with an unreadable expression, but even with that, Yellow could guess he was worried.
There was a moment before he spoke. “Do you-,” he paused again, now actually looking worried, “Do you think it’s a good idea to go into town looking like this?” 
Yellow cocked her head to the side and turned to face him entirely. “What do you mean?” she asked, now walking backwards on the trail.
Blue scratched his head, “Well, I mean, it might be a better idea to just go to your house right? And call our friends from there, I just- I just think that some people might be scared,” He looked down at the ground again and his wings shifted uncomfortably beneath his cloak. 
Yellow felt her face shift into that of concern before she spoke. “I mean, they might be, but aren’t we going there to get the Pokemon center to help us?,”  Chu-Chu made a sound of agreement.
“I just have a bad feeling about this whole thing, that’s all,” Blue responded. The statement sounded just as confused and concerned as Yellow felt, but that made it all the more believable. 
She opened her mouth to say something, but before she could get the words out, a shriek of fear came from behind her. Her eyes widened and she clapped a hand to her mouth. Blue locked his eyes to hers, actual fear showing through them. Chu-Chu spun around once again and her short claws dug into Yellow’s shoulders as her fur poofed up. 
Yellow slowly turned, causing Chu-Chu to jump onto her head so as not to be rotated back to facing Blue. She smiled weakly at the person she saw there. Their hands hid the majority of their face as they stared at her. She was also quick to notice their body shaking as they looked her up and down.
Yellow was the first to speak, “I don’t know what happened either,” she said, voice kept as level as she could force it to be. With that statement she saw the other person both visibly relax and get much more worried. Yellow glanced back to Blue. He didn’t show any signs of noticing the look, opting to instead look terrified. Which, Yellow supposed, probably wasn’t any sort of acting considering she also felt scared. 
The other person dropped one arm to fidget with the edge of their shirt, the fabric moving kindly with the movements. They looked down at their feet. “Are you guys okay?” Their voice was weak and slightly more high pitched than what she guessed was normal for them, “You didn’t get experimented on or anything- right?” They looked up to shift their gaze between the two of them, eyes wide with concern and fear.
Yellow gasped, realising now what Blue had been worried about. “No no no, we’re fine!” She waved her hands in front of her face and unconsciously spread her wings out to the sides, the frantic movements a hopeless attempt to appear less threatening. But instead, the person in front of her cringed back as the feathery appendages made themselves known once more.
They didn’t necessarily look scared, but that was definitely a part of it. Yellow quickly folded her wings back up, profusely apologizing to the poor person she had just frightened. But they just shook their head. Hair flopping down in front of their face as they shifted their gaze to the ground. 
“Yellow-” Blue started, taking a step forward and just barely stopping himself from setting a hand on her shoulder. She looked back at him, a calm and comforting smile shaking on his face. She grimaced back before turning back to the person.
“Just forget, um, about this, we are gonna go home now,” She said quietly, the person’s expression changing from afraid to confused in a split second.
Yellow tapped Chu-Chu on the shoulder, telling the Pokemon that they might have to run soon. The Pickachu made a soft trilling noise in response. “I think this is probably just a dream,” Yellow said, slightly louder now, and then she turned around. Blue was now walking ahead of her, very strongly leading the two of them into a forest. Blue lined feathers poked out just below the hem of his cloak. They were pretty. Yellow thought, and again she wondered what species they came from.
Blue stepped through the ferns on the edge of the woods, and Yellow followed. Just a moment later, sounds of disbelief and concern finally made themselves known. Yellow truly hoped that they hadn't given the poor dude a heart attack. 
She watched Blue’s hand as he carefully reached for his Pokegear, most likely going to message Red or Green about the situation they had gotten themselves into. Thinking about it, Yellow’s face burned and she picked up her pace. This was a disaster, and she felt horrible about it. (Despite none of it really being her fault.) 
Yellow glanced behind herself, seeing the person left in the middle of the route, probably lacking the Pokemon to follow them honestly. No hate to anyone without Pokemon, it was a respectable life, but it did give the dexholders an advantage here.
He turned back to Blue, and, seeing as he was now ahead by quite a bit, ran to catch up with him. Sticks cracked under her boots and limbs she wasn’t used to having caught on branches. All of this was rather painful of course, but she knew she had to get out of here. (It was possible that the person behind them would call someone on them. Yellow knew they didn’t look normal whatsoever. What with the wings and all that.) 
Chu-Chu let out a yelp of pain as a stick smacked her right across the face, Yellow cringed at this, but knew she mustn't slow down, not yet. They needed to move.
She looked back up at Blue, he was running rather skillfully, she noted. Yellow was good at running through forests because she lived in one, but she didn’t have a clue why Blue was. (Besides the running around and saving the world part of course.) 
She watched his cloak ripple in the wind. And then her eyes move to his wings. They fluffed out to the sides just a bit every time he landed a step. (But not before going back into their tightly folded pose.) This was very well done too, neither of them knew how to keep them in one place, but Blue seemed to be at least aware that they were there. Hers however were making contact with all sorts of trees and sleepy wild pokemon. 
She felt her face flush. Oh man this was going to be such a long day.
--- -  -    -             -              -
Yellow stood in one place, chest heaving as she savored the sweet air of safety, or rather, her own front yard.  She looked up at Blue, who was in a rather similar half bent over position. His hands were on his knees and his wings were pointed straight up at the sky. They shook with every breath, as if holding them there was painful. Yellow looked back at her own wings, the feathery appendages still not something she really recognized as her own. She sighed. What a mess they were in. First, they grow wings, and then second, they get seen. This was awful. And with their status, it wasn’t long before people would come knocking on her door. 
“We should have been more careful,” She looked back at Blue with the sound of his voice. He was still breathing heavily, but to be fair, so was she. She stood up straight, the movement causing tangled hair to fall between her wings. 
“Yeah, well, at least we got away?” It was more of a question than anything, but Blue nodded. 
“You’re right,” he said softly. Quickly pushing himself back up to a regular standing position after the sentence was uttered. He shook his head from side to side, seemingly trying to get a leaf to leave his hair. . . . It didn’t work.
“You got Chu-Chu?” He asked, eyes scanning the area in sudden worry.
Yellow nodded and lifted a Pokeball, “Yeah, I put her in here just in case. I know she normally doesn’t like them but I didn’t want her to keep getting hit with branches,”
Blue nodded as well, “That was smart,” he turned his head towards her home, “Do you think we should go inside?” The question was soft, as if it meant more than just hiding from some cops. But not in a weird way, more like drinking warm milk and playing board games. Her face heated up again, maybe she was overthinking it.
Yellow shook her head, but then realised she had been asked a question and began nodding. An awkward silence fell over them before it was broken by Blue. “I’m sorry Yellow but which is it?” His tone was playful. Yellow laughed softly.
“Let’s go inside,” she smiled before turning to walk into her house. She made her way across the yard (more like a wooded clearing really) and then ascended the three steps to the entrance. She shifted her wings slightly as she got the key from under the mat. Blue scoffed at this.
“Really? Under the mat?” He scolded. Yellow laughed. There it was, that joking tone again. 
“Well, if anyone trying to rob me has Pokemon, there are better ways into a building,”
Blue chuckled at this. The sound made Yellow joyful as she fumbled with the lock. It was kind of encouraging really, having such a cool person laugh at your jokes. She felt the same whenever Green responded to her that way. . . But she tried not to dwell on that, the thought only brought more confusing feelings to her heart.
The door creaked open and Yellow stepped inside, having to remember to fold her wings again. They had been left to drag on the ground as she had focused on the lock. She shook her head. If she was gonna be stuck with these things for the rest of her life, she should probably learn how to properly control them.
That she was looking forward to.
She marched down the hall, Blue following behind her like a baby Farfetched behind it’s mother. The comparison made her feel kind of strange, but it sort of fit in the situation to be frank. 
She abruptly turned, flicking the lights on as she entered the next room. It was the dining room, a small stove setup blended in next to the mini fridge and cupboards. A table sat in the middle of the room, exactly four chairs were around it. (One for her, one for her uncle (if he visited), one for Chu-Chu or whatever Pokemon wanted to eat with them, and one extra.) There was a chair at both the head and foot of the table, and two on one of the other sides. She glanced up at Blue, he looked slightly confused about the setup but didn’t seem to mind it.
“Um, I was thinking we might want to eat,” she said awkwardly, gesturing vaguely around the room as she spoke.
Blue nodded, “That’s a good idea,”
They paused for a moment longer as Yellow contemplated what to do next, but she was quickly done thinking. The girl turned and walked towards the cupboards, hoping to get some sort of dried fruit or something. She couldn’t remember if she had any, but they sounded great right now. “Sesame seeds would also be good,” she thought, but unfortunately, she knew she didn’t have any of those.
Once she had reached her destination, she laid her yellow garment across the counter and turned to look at Blue. The other dexholder was pulling a chair back at the table, it made some seriously awful sounds on the floor, but he didn’t flinch. Yellow sighed (It wasn’t a disappointed sigh but it wasn’t a romantic sigh either.) and turned back to what she was doing.
She opened the cupboards and searched for food. There was a bag of banana chips and a can of nuts. (There was also a rather dry looking can of pokemon food along with a box full of granola bars. And when she got a closer look, she could see it had passed the expiration date by a week or so.) She sighed and closed the cabinet, she had been on a training mission for a few weeks, of course her food was messed up. Then turned around to face Blue.
“Hm?” he asked, not looking up. He seemed to have been examining the feathers of his wings, looking over the off-white and red brown, but mostly focusing on the blue. 
Yellow pointed tiredly to the cupboard before dropping her arm to her side, “My food’s either rotted or gross,” she closed her eyes and brought her hands up to massage her face, doing that for a moment before dropping her hands and sighing again. “What are you doing?” she asked, looking up at Blue.
He looked at her distractedly, “I think I know what kind of Pokemon these are,” he said, turning back to the feathers almost immediately.
Yellow was surprised at that, she had guessed they were a Pokemon, but she didn’t really know what kind they were. It certainly was not something she had seen before. “Oh really?”
She paused before speaking. “Would you mind telling me what you think they are?”
He glanced back up again, but quickly turned his gaze back down. “No,” Yellow raised an eyebrow, “I’m not completely sold on it yet,”
She closed her eyes and leaned back, sighing for what felt like the millionth time in the last ten minutes. “It’s not always bad to be wrong Blue,” 
When he finally spoke his voice was soft. “I know,” 
Yellow opened one golden eye. She studied Blue, he was hunkered over the table, eyes trained on the wing, but not really focused. The trainer cocked her head to the side, watching as Blue moved his hand over the feathers. He seemed so entranced on them, but at the same time so distant from thinking. In short, he looked like he was off in another world.
They stayed like that for a while, feathers occasionally shifting when they remembered they had wings, and eyes looking lazily about the room. It felt strangely domestic, despite the only food in the house being either bad or just generally bad. (Yellow knew there was no food in any other cabinets or the fridge, she had emptied all but this one for her trip. Unfortunately this plan had backfired slightly, now she had to choose between banana chips, nuts, or nothing. She didn’t want any of those options.) She supposed she could technically eat the granola bars or the pokemon food, she was fairly sure she had read something saying that not all food gets rotten on the best-by date, but she wasn’t willing to risk it. Dry pokemon food and granola bars were not exactly the best meal.
Blue sighed and sat up straight, wings flopping down to the floor on either side of him as she refocused on him. “What is it?” She asked
He looked at her with an expression that told her that the answer should be obvious. “We randomly grow wings and now we are hiding in your house,” His face stayed blank for half a second, before a rather red blush passed over it, “Not that I necessarily mind any of that-” he quickly corrected himself, voice a little more high pitched than Yellow would generally expect.
But not that odd behavior mattered, especially when she herself related to it. Yellow laughed at the thought, waving her hand in a way she hoped conveyed that she wasn’t laughing at him. He seemed to be trying to smile along with her, but it came off as more of a grimace.
Yellow continued laughing, it was kind of hysterical, but she couldn’t tell if it was in a good or bad way. This day had just been the definition of crazy. (Not in any rude way though.) She didn’t really- well, she had no idea what was going on. It was just… wild honestly.
She took a minute or so more of continuous wing shaking for her to calm down. And once she did she felt the need to speak, “Have you told Red or Green yet?” she asked, wiping a tear from her eye.
He hesitated for a moment before shaking his head, “No I haven’t,” 
This worried her slightly. The entire plan had been to get help from people, and if they couldn’t trust the pokemon center, their friends were the next best bet. “Why not?”
“I-” he cut himself off before continuing, “I just don’t know how they would react you know? Maybe wait a week and see what to do then?” 
She grimaced, it wasn’t a bad idea, but it wasn’t exactly a plan. “Are you hoping they just go away?” she asked, “The wings I mean, not Red and Green,”
Blue forced a smile at that, “Maybe? They are nice and all, but I kind of want to walk around in public without people staring at me,”
“We are both famous Pokemon trainers and literally have fanclubs,” Yellow helpfully pointed out.
That Blue did smile at, though it quickly faded into worry. 
Yellow cocked her head to the side and knit her eyebrows together. The worry was understandable of course, but she preferred to stay upbeat. It’s not like the world was ending or anything, they just had wings now. That wasn’t the end of everything, and she knew that for a fact considering how much she had almost seen that happen.
Blue had seen that too. She glanced back to his face, it was still covered partially by his hair and hidden in shadow. It would be a good look on him if he didn’t also seem so genuinely scared. The thought made her wonder if he thought this was a sign of times ending. She guessed it could be considered to be like that, but they were just wings, how bad could it be?
She was shook from her thoughts by Blue standing up. The movement was rather fast and unexpected, and with the wings there, more of her vision changed then she was expecting. Blue took a few steps towards the door out of the kitchen, reaching for his Pokegear (which had apparently been set on the counter.) on the way out. 
“Wait where are you going?” Yellow called, jumping off the counter and lightly landing on the floor to follow him.
“To get some fresh air!” He called back, voice slightly echo-y from the hallway he was now in. 
Yellow rolled her eyes, “I’m going with you!” She yelled after him before. turning back to the cabinet and quickly picking up the banana chips. Even if they were gross, she was still hungry. And also, she wanted to at least get rid of them before they went bad as well, there had been too much of that lately.
Following Blue, she made her way out of the house and into the clearing around it. She heard a Pidgey and instinctively looked for it. Unfortunately, the Pokemon was nowhere to be seen. She sighed, sadly turning to look at her own wings. She extended one and the yellow and brown feathers spread out. It was something she was used to seeing on birds, but it was weird to feel the movement as it happened. . . . But it wasn’t a bad kind of weird.
Sunlight streamed through leaves and shone into the clearing. Technically there were no trees near her, but many branches still stretched above and blocked the sky. It was nice to be in the shade though, especially nice when your electricity died every other day. (Even in summer! How inconsiderate.)
She looked to Blue, the other dexholder stated longingly up at the sky above. (Or rather, the leaves above.) Yellow followed his gaze, and even though she had just looked up, she caught wind of what he was feeling. He wanted to fly and so did she.
But would that even be possible? I mean, the wings were definitely big enough, but wasn’t there something about weight that had to do with this? She and Blue were not heavy, but they were human (or, she hoped so) and therefore lacked hollow bones. But as she thought about it, (Unconsciously stretching her wings as she did so.) she remembered the pain that she had felt. That combined with the weird weakness she had been trying not to think about…
It was possible.
She looked back to Blue, he had one wing folded, and the other out to the side. The blue tips of the feathers looked very pretty with the greenery around them. She smirked slightly, Blue’s name compared to his eye color was a vaguely similar situation. The thought caused her to need to stifle her laughter, but thankfully, Blue didn’t look back. (If he had, he might have spotted her blushing, and who could blame her, the wings suited him.)
. . . She hoped her own did too. 
“So,” Blue awkwardly started, “Do you want to see if we can use these?” He shifted his wings and turned to face her, his face was slightly red, but Yellow guessed he was just worried. 
“I mean, I would love to try, but how would it be possible?” She asked carefully, “I mean, besides actually being light enough, how would we get into the air?”
Blue pointed over her shoulder and she turned to look. Instantly, her face paled. “The roof?” She asked, “Would that even be high enough to catch ourselves?”
She whipped back around to Blue just in time to see him shrug. “I mean, it would be better than jumping off the top of a tree and not being able to catch ourselves at all,”
Yellow cringed at that, she could heal Pokemon, but people were a different story. If they fell off a tree they would probably have to go to a doctor, and that wasn’t really an option right now. “I guess you’re right,” she sighed, her own wings flopping defeatedly towards the ground, the ends of them laying decently far across the mossy forest floor.
Blue smiled and nodded, closing his eyes and turning his face to the sky as he did. Wind swept into the clearing, the leaves above shuffling violently as the air moved through them. Yellow felt her feathers shift as the wind hit them, it wasn’t uncomfortable though, a nice sort of scratching feeling. She sighed and closed her eyes too, letting the wind calm her down. She hoped it would bring her the confidence to fly.
The wind slowly ended, leaves stopping their rustling just a few moments after the air finished brushing through Yellow’s hair. Blue and Yellow stood in comfortable silence for a moment longer, Blue letting out a loud sigh at the end of it.
“Should we…” Yellow paused, her stomach suddenly full of butterflies again (but not for Blue, no, not right now.) “Should I show you how to climb to the roof?”
“No I’m good,” Blue said, starting towards the correct way up.
“Do I need to ask you how you know this?” Yellow called after him. (In truth she didn’t care that much, she knew all the secret ways into many of her friends' houses. It was just a thing you needed to know when you had to save the world every four days.)
Blue’s laugh rang back to her. “Green showed me, she seemed very proud of herself for figuring it out,”
This caused the butterflies in Yellow’s stomach to fire up again. Two pretty people knew how to get on her roof? After a moment of mildly stuned stillness, she raced after Blue, “How does she know the way onto my roof??!” she shouted, hoping her voice sounded more freaked out than embarrassed, because that’s certainly what she was catching from it.
Blue laughed again, “She didn’t disclose that to me,” he hopped to reach a low branch of a maple tree before pulling himself onto it. Wings flailed about, the right one narrowly missing the very tree he was climbing into. Yellow noticed that his arms were shaking more than they normally would, the wings were definitely throwing off his balance. She didn’t really want to know what hers would prove to mess her up with. 
She was dragged out of her thoughts by Blue standing up on the branch. His wings were unevenly spread to the sides, they looked like they were trying to get his balance back. Yellow kept that in mind for her turn.
He made eye contact with her and awkwardly nodded. “I’ll just… uh, jump to the roof now,” he said, turning back to the roof in question.
She nodded, despite knowing he wasn’t looking at her anymore. “That sound good, go on,” 
He did exactly that, wings folding back slightly as he moved through the air but flaring out again when he landed. She cringed at the hard landing, normally you had to roll to minimise the impact, but she guessed the wings were getinging in the way of that. Shockingly, his feet didn’t go straight through the shingles, good.
Yellow watched as he walked gingerly away from the spot, he looked slightly embarrassed about the landing. 
“You coming?” He asked. 
She blushed, “Yeah, just give me a moment,”
--- -  -    -             -              -
They stood vaguely next to each other on the roof, careful to stay away from the very edge, the shingles were thin there. “ The ground sure does look further away from here,” Yellow’s face paled as the thought passed across her mind. Normally the girl wasn’t afraid of heights, but this time she was planning to jump off without a Pokemon to catch her. The idea was slightly sickening.
She looked up at Blue and studied his face. He looked mostly emotionless, but there was a small bit of fear behind it. She smiled slightly, it was good to know they were in the same boat. 
“No going back now,” Blue hissed, kindly taking a few more steps away before making a few practice flaps of his wings. The movements caused huge blocks of air to smack into Yellow, her hair going wild when it made contact. Blue didn’t seem to notice though.
Yellow made a few experimental beats of her own wings. The movements felt oddly natural, she realised. Unfortunately, she couldn’t quite tell if it was a “I was made to do this” natural or a “wow I didn’t throw myself off the roof' natural. She supposed both were fairly good options considering her situation.
When Blue spoke, his voice was shaky, “Do you want to go first or do I?” she looked at him again, his eyes were trained directly on the ground below. He looked worried.
Yellow inhaled sharply, this wasn’t a decision that she really wanted to make, but she wasn’t some sort of pansy flower that couldn’t make it. For just a moment, silence settled over them, but sooner rather than later she broke it, “I’ll go first,” she said quietly, turning her gaze down to her feet, the view bringing a dizzying feeling to her.
She felt Blue’s piercing gaze on her, “Are you sure?” He somehow sounded more worried than before. Her heart warmed, realising he was worried about her she looked back to him.
“Yes I’m sure,” 
Yellow took a step back, tensing her legs the same way she did when jumping for Kitty to catch her. It was a practiced movement, and one she was suddenly very glad to have learned. After a second of bracing herself, she raced forwards, her feet taking three or four quick steps before the ground disappeared from beneath her. Thankfully, Yellow remembered to catch herself, wings spreading out to the sides before beating downwards with everything she had. Thankfully it worked, and she felt herself head up into the air. 
Blue whooped as Yellow flapped her wings again, the movement wasn’t quite as strong as the last, but it was still enough to keep her up. She looked around the clearing area and glided around a bit, air rushing through her hair and feathers. Now this was something she felt she was meant to do. 
As she flew, she tried to copy the motions of birds she had seen, flapping her wings several times before gliding for a bit. It was very tiring, but even with that, she felt she could go on forever. It was simply amazing! She swooped and dived, yelling words of joy every time she felt especially happy. Feathertips brushing the leafy cover above, an especially daring dive, an even more daring save. It was all so much fun!
But all too soon, Yellow realised she was going to have to land soon. Her entire body was starting to shake from tiredness. Worry instantly filled her as she suddenly realised she did not know how to land. She scanned the clearing, wings beating the air into a slushy as she looked for a soft spot to crash. Er, land, she was going to land with no difficulty at all.
Once she had spotted one, she aimed herself at it and attempted to fall slowly. She tried to beat her wings to keep herself afloat, but she was suddenly very aware that flapping your wings didn’t make you go down. The ground was rising up to her and she needed to do everything in her power not to break her legs.
She flailed in a way that was just slightly uncontrolled before she landed rather hard on the ground, a yelp accompanying the stabbing pain in her ankles. She stumbled and fell to her knees. She hissed at the pain, the green world spinning around her as she held her ankles. The landing process was much harder than she had given Kitty credit for, she was going to have to give the Pokemon some extra treats when she got inside. 
It took a moment of ringing in her ears before she heard Blue’s voice, he was shouting to her. He sounded worried. Yellow looked up in a slow achy way, the pain in her ankles was fading slightly, but as it did the exhilaration of the moment did too and a tired ache began. 
“Are you okay?!” Blue shouted, his voice was somewhere between panicked and amused. It was a normal reaction Yellow supposed, she could imagine that her crash landing would have looked funny from his perspective.
She nodded slightly before shouting back to him that she was really actually fine, but when he landed he might want to do literally anything other than what she had done. This caused Blue to actually laugh, though the sound was slightly broken, he must have been really shaken up by her little stunt. 
Yellow struggled to her feet and yelled up to Blue again, “You gonna try it or should I go inside?!”
--- -  -    -             -              -
The two glided through the air, wings beating the clear substance and sending them both twirling into the sky. The dance was elaborate, wingtips just barely brushing as they dove and spun through the clouds. It was amazing what a few weeks of practice could do. 
Yellow’s hair whipped around her face and she made a particularly fast spin, only briefly checking if she was high enough before folding her wings into her body and diving. The air wooshed past her at an unbelievable speed as she aimed towards the ground. “On your left!” she heard Blue shout, the words seemed to be ripped away from her ears almost immediately, but she had been expecting them.
She veered to the right and caught herself, wings spreading out and cutting though the clouds like butter. A loud woosh of air passed her as Blue dove. She circled around, watching as the man’s wings spread out, the blue feather tips standing out against even the sky. (They were Mega Pidgeot wings, both Blue and Scizor had agreed on that.) 
She laughed as Blue started to circle below her, his cloak was nestled awkwardly between his wings, she hadn’t noticed it until now.
“What?” He shouted up to her, green eyes making contact with her own yellow ones.
“I didn’t realize you were still wearing that cloak!” She yelled down, laughing. It shook her stance slightly and she beat her wings once to recover.
Blue flapped his wings to get up to her, settling in on the outside of her circle. “What else was I meant to do with it?” He laughed, the sound purly full of playful joy, “I didn’t want anyone to take it,” 
Yellow shook her head teasingly, “Charizard and Kitty are right down there to guard it,”
Blue pointed below them, “No they aren’t,” he stated, wings beating gently enough to hold him kind of sort of next to her. She flapped her own and looked down to see Charizard and Kitty flying towards them. She could also see Chu-Chu sitting on Charizard’s back, the little pokemon holding Yellow’s hat tightly in her paws.
She sighed and brought one hand to her head, pinching the skin she found there in a mock attempt to look annoyed. “Now who is guarding my cloak?” She laughed
Charizard’s roaring answer told her that Scizor was down there stil, perfectly happy to keep his feet right on the ground. Yellow nodded, thanking the dragon for his attention to detail. “That’s smart,” she whispered, Blue’s laughing drowning out the sentence from reaching the pokemon it had been meant to. Didn’t matter though.
“Kitty!” Yellow shouted, beating her wings and cupping her hands to her mouth, “Do you want to join us?” The little bug Pokemon was lagging slightly behind Charizard now, and a violent shaking of their head told Yellow that it didn’t want to get hit by any wings. 
“That’s fine! She yelled, smiling encouragingly, “Just have fun and don’t get lost okay?” 
As soon as she spotted the Pokemon nodding, the dance began again. It was crazy how much could change so fast, she thought as she twirled towards the sun. Wings, the ability to fly, the ability to be good at it, and… she looked at Blue. Love. 
The two dove and spun in unison. (Charizard following close behind them and snickering slightly, Yellow ignored him.) In their weeks of practicing, Blue and Yellow had shared lots of time together, and as many non-aromatic people did, gradually fell in love. It was rather fast in the terms of just their learning to fly, but throughout their whole lives, they both had to admit it had been coming.
Yellow fell through the air, throwing her head back before flipping onto her back and catching herself. She watched as Blue did something similar, but he somehow ended up making a full flip in the air. Yellow laughed at this before turning back onto her stomach and chasing after him. This could go on forever. 
--- -  -    -             -              -
They landed gracefully, the loud thump on Charizard hitting the ground shaking the area reaching their ears a second later. (It wasn't in a “crash” sort of way, more like a large animal jumping off a log into a mushy pond sort of way. But either way, Chu-Chu didn’t really seem to appreciate it that much, loud high pitched squeaking filling the air.) Yellow looked up to see Kitty fluttering down to her, the bug Pokemon looking very happy with themselves, Yellow agreed with that sentiment, flying sure was fun. 
She turned to Blue and saw him talking happily to Charizard, the orange fire type responding with grunts and roars that Blue could understand with context clues. Yellow however could actually understand the dragon. It was cool that Blue could guess what he was saying though. 
A small patterning of feet headed towards Yellow and she turned to it, not at all surprised to see Chu-Chu happily running up to her. Her fur was very puffy, likely trying to warm up slightly, Yellow could feel her own feathers doing the same, it was a bit of a mood actually. 
“Hi Chu-Chu!” Did you have fun?” Yellow asked, kneeling on the rocky ground and scooping up the Pikachu. The yellow Pokemon instantly responded, her chirps and squeaks telling Yellow exactly what had happened, complaining about how cold the sky was but praising it all the same. 
Yellow laughed and patted Chu-Chu on the head, a happy purring sound rewarding her.
Chu-Chu held out Yellow’s hat, the new feathers in it brushing gently against Yellow’s face before she grabbed it. One a soft yellow and the other blue tipped. It was great what you could do with your own fallen out feathers. 
“Thank’s Chu-Chu,” she smiled, reaching up to put the hat on her head. It fit over her messed up hair perfectly, hiding the absolute rats rest she was going to have to deal with later. She tried not to worry about it, but it turned out she didn’t need to try not to. 
Two beeps rang through the clearing and the two Dexholders looked down at their communicators. Yellow took a step tward’s Blue before checking hers, she wanted to see if Blue had gotten the same one. 
It was from Red, and, after a moment of checking, she realised it was in the Kanto dexholder group chat. Maybe she hadn’t needed to stand next to Blue for this. However, before she could get to actually reading the message, she heard Blue’s barking laughter right in her ear.
She turned to look at him, and was met instead by his communicator shoved in her face. She took a moment to read the message and then another to process it. Her eyes widened and she put her head in her hands, “Oh no…” she groaned.
Blue just continued laughing, “Oh no is right!” He read the message allowed and again the panicked words of the red eyed dexholder reached her, how had this happened? How had all three of them grown wings? She thought to herself.
A second ding caused her to look down again, it was Green this time, agreeing with Red. Scratch Yellow’s original thought, how had all four of them grown wings?!
“Well,” Blue said, wiping a joyful tear from his eye and putting his communicator down, “This is going to be fun!” 
Yellow shook her head, laughing as she turned to him. “Come on you stupid fire type,” she teased him.
He grinned, “How about you, you silly electric trainer?” 
She faked a frown and stood taller. Blue leaned towards her slightly and- it happened. Yellow grabbed Blue’s hand and stayed that way for a moment, Chu-Chu’s squeaky laughter interrupting them rudely as they kissed. She pulled away and glared playfully at the Pokemon before turning to smile at the taller trainer, “I love you,” she whispered. 
He simply smiled in response. 
If the romance felt forced, that's because it was, I ship these two, but I don't know how romantic attraction works at all. It's just not something I'm good at. Sorry I don't know how to write Pokémon battles, and I also don't know the Pokémon's move sets lol. Hope you enjoyed it anyway. :D
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pikatrainer99 · 6 months
Here's a little headcanon of mine involving Partner Pikachu and Eevee.
Ash's Pikachu, Captain Pikachu, Red's Pika and Yellow's Chuchu are all Partner Pikachu.
Chloe's Eevee is a Partner Eevee.
Bonus: In my fanfic universe, Thunderheart, my OC Orange's Pikachu, IS a Partner Pikachu.
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savebatsfromscratch · 2 years
× Pokemon Special Animation - Curses - Parts 3 and 8 ×
[Video description: Two animations of Pokemon Adventures characters to the song "Curses" by the Crane Wives. It starts with a picture of the thumbnail, which shows Silver looking slightly worried with the word "Curses," written in all caps over him.
The first map part starts with Gold speaking the lyrics of the song, which go, "Every word I say-" On the phrase "Is kindling," the video switches to Silver, who looks worried as his hair blows in the wind. There is a low frame animation of a yellow flame, and then the next words show Gold talking to Silver with a grin on his face. Silver looks surprised. Then, with the time of the music, Silver is shown smiling, Gold and Silver smile at each other, hold hands, and the screen cuts to black.
The next part opens from the black screen on the words, "There's no cobwebs in the corners." Yellow is show in a forest, her hair waving in a strong wind. Then Ratty (her Raticate) is shown jumping as the forest glides away into a blue sky with clouds. As it exits the screen, Dody (her Dodrio) pops into the side of the screen, all of it's heads show before it moves away. By that point, ChuChu (Yellow's Pikachu), jumps onto screen, the camera pans down to her standing on a grassy hill, and as she dives away, the screen is overtaken by blackness. When this clears, (on the lyrics, "And the backyard's full of bones,") Lance is shown standing in front of a rainy sky. His hair waves in the wind. He turns to the camera and a yellow lighting bolt crosses the screen. A series of images are then shown to the beat of the music. First an image of a Dragonair looking angry, then a green hyper beam headed towards a city, then a giant green explosion, then a close up on Yellow's terrified eyes, and then a black and red drawing of two cartoon hearts. A white lighting bolt crosses the image. /end description]
Originally shared: Feb 16, 2023
Scratch link: × Parts 3 and 8 - Curses × on Scratch
(More notes under the cut.)
Press the green flag twice or more (for the lip sync timing) and please don't steal my animation! Part 3 will play, there is a one second wait, and then part 8 will play.
Not sure if anyone noticed, but I'm trying to get better at expression changes. It's not exactly going well, so I apologize if the rest of the animation takes a hit because of it. qwq (I'm looking at you lip sync.)
Characters in order:
Part 3: Gold (Black hair.) Silver (Red hair.)
Part 8: Yellow (Blond hair) Ratty (Raticate) Dody (Dodrio) Chuchu (Pikachu. She/her btw, the tail is on purpose.) Lance (Red hair) Lance's Dragonair (...the dragonair)
Lol, part 3 was mostly done while listening to a "The Crucible" audiobook. Now I realize how much this song could apply to that play. Thanks english class.
Sometimes the second part lags and the last frame comes after the music ends. Sorry, I can't fix it. qwq Just layer my part below the next one in the final map.
Notes and Credits:
@savebatsfromscratch (me) for the animation of course.
Pokemon Adventures for the characters.
DuskwingsDawnfire for the map.
The song is by The Crane Wives.
Scratch bitmap as always.
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savebatsartedition · 1 year
Pikachu moments.
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elirium · 6 months
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for @starthornisscratching
So you said you like how i draw yellow, so i drew her again for you
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then0rthernstar · 6 months
Yellow Caballero!
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violetjedisylveon · 2 years
It's her birthday!🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉
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Happy birthday Yellow!
She's my favorite character in Pokémon.
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sugarglider-s · 2 years
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This is one of the top 10 pokespe panels of all time. To me.
[ID: a panel from pokemon special showing Red petting Poli, Pika, and Saur, Green petting his Charizard and smiling, Blue holding a sleeping Yellow next to Blasty, and Chuchu trying to climb onto Yellow’s lap. End ID]
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surreal-duck · 3 years
For the doodle requests: Could I ask/suggest some Gold and Yellow hanging out, just talking or maybe watching over Chuchu en Pichu or something?
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kingvolleybae · 3 years
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Well if the other Kanto kids get to grow up and get fresh new looks, then there’s absolutely no reason why Yellow should be left behind 😤😤😤
I did my best to include elements of their recognizable design but I also did my best to give Yellow a more modern/grown-up look that fit their outdoorsy lifestyle. There’s obvious bits of headcanons, some that people may not agree with, but honestly, I think I did really well!
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wildelectricart · 2 years
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print I made for "the journey continues" a pokespe zine volume 2 🌻⚡✨
pre orders are open, make sure u check it:
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savebatswingaus · 8 months
Just a simple little Mareep shepherd having a nice day - Pokespe Wing AU
Wings + Yellow is a shepherd au. I dunno man. My sister really likes sheep, I made this for her.
For FluffySheepWool.
Yeah this has absolutely zero plot. No flying scenes. She's just vibing. (My sister liked it though, and that's all that matters. XD) Words: 2,011
Btw this is not my normal Pokespe Wing AU, but I think it's so cute haha.
Fic under the cut or in the link in the title!
Yellow flicked her right wing and yawned. Her back hurt. 
She turned to Chuchu (who was curled up on the rock next to her, little downy wings shivering as she dreamed) and murmured, “Maybe I’ve been fishing for a bit too long.” She reached forward and lightly petted the little Pokemon’s head, feeling the weirdly prominent skull under her fur. “Time to wake up ChuChu,” she cooed, “We’re going home.”
 She inhaled once through her nose as she waited for a moment as the rodent stirred, first pushing her nose deeper under her wings, and then slowly opening her eyes.
As soon as she saw ChuChu’s little eyelids flicker, she crackled to her knees, whisking her bait can and fishing rod into her arms as she stood. She wasn’t worried about waiting for her friend to wake up fully. Even if ChuChu wanted to stay a bit longer she could always find her way home again (this spot in the stream was only a mile or so away from Yellow’s house.) -and she wasn’t even likely to want to stay, she wasn’t really all that big on napping. 
So of course she wasn’t surprised when she heard the flapping of easter cheese yellow wings as ChuChu scrambled up onto her shoulder. But since she had just got her flight feathers in and wasn’t really the best at balancing in the air yet, Yellow was sure to hold her wings out to catch her when she fell. 
As expected, the small animal slipped and fell heavily. Squeaking loudly as she just barely managed not to fall off Yellow’s wing like she had her shoulder. Moving her wings carefully, Yellow scooped ChuChu into her arms. She giggled as the Pikachu's face came into view. She was pouting playfully, and she still had the telltale scribble of tiredness in her eyes. “What did I tell you about being careful?” Yellow asked, beginning to walk again as she teased her small friend.
ChuChu squeaked indignantly, and Yellow was able to thoughtlessly translate what her little noises meant. (She was arguing that she had been careful, she hadn’t fall all the way to the ground had she?) Yellow laughed again. “But that’s because I caught you,” she pointed out, “You can’t say that me being observant is you being careful.”
ChuChu shook her head, lightly feathered ears flopping around as she made Yellow very aware that she believed that Yellow’s ‘observantness’ was actually being excessively worried. (Her sqweeks were so high pitched that Yellow almost believed she was being serious.)
Once Yellow heard this (admittedly, it wasn’t really hearing, more like reading), she rolled her eyes sarcastically. “You are just full of sass today ChuChu.” she observed, smiling when ChuChu nodded in agreement, “Is it because I woke you up?”
The Pikachu shook her head again, but Yellow didn’t have to translate to know that ChuChu was just joking with her. “I didn’t think so either,” 
As their conversation quieted, Yellow turned her head to the sky, and just barely avoided tripping over a stick as she stared at the clouds. She had to get home soon, she had noticed the path of the sun on the clouds, the Mareep back at home were going to need her attention soon. 
Being intelligent creatures, Pokemon like Mareep only needed attention for part of the day (though she had left Dody at home just in case), but it was getting to feeding time, so it was time for her rare appearance at the house. Of course, her freetime would look much different if she had chosen to herd real sheep (though shearing time would likely be much less of a hassle). In that world, she probably would have had to hire other shepherds to help her watch them!
She giggled to herself and plopped Chuchu back onto her shoulder. (She hoped the little rodent would stay there this time.) It wasn’t that she didn’t think hiring people would be a nice thing to do, but rather that she wasn’t sure if the change in faces would be very good for the Pokemon. (A fair few of them were rescues, after all.)
Picking up her pace, Yellow experimentally opened her wings. They were yellow and brown in the telltale patterns of a Pidgy. (Genes that must have come from her father’s side. Her uncle had always told tales of her mother’s beautiful Swanna wings.) Flying would be a lot faster than walking, but as she prepared for takeoff, she knew that her back was still aching slightly, and also that ChuChu was still scrabbling around like she was about to fall.
Yellow sighed and closed her wings again. She would save her flying for when the sheep were being rowdy. 
. . . 
By the time Yellow got back to her cabin (it was in a clearing where her small herd of Mareep had plenty of space to move around and munch on leaves), the sky was turning pretty shades of light pink. That was alright, feeding time could really be any time as long as she had enough food, but she made a mental note that she should not stay out so long fishing any time soon. 
She made her way to the gate, and was suddenly struck with a wave of worry. She didn’t see the sheep anywhere! “ChuChu?” she whispered, worry shaking her as she struggled to undo the lock, “Can you fly over to their shelter and check that they’re there?” Her rodent gave her a chirp in response, jumping into the air and gliding a few feet before breaking into a run on the ground.
Yellow turned her attention back to the lock, hands stumbling with the key as she worried. But once she had actually gotten through the gate (rushing a bit because she didn’t see her sheep walking towards her even then), she realized what had happened. With her new view of the yard, she could clearly see the sheep crowding around Dody. 
‘He must have fed them without me,’ she realized, breaking into a run so as to catch up with ChuChu, ‘I guess I might be able to stay out late fishing after all!’  
“Dody!” She called, waving her arms in the air as the bird popped both of his heads above the sheep (he seemed to have been eating the Mareep feed with them) “Did you feed them?”
Dody called a croaking sound out to her, and when Yellow slowed near the edge of the sheep clump he began to make his way towards her. (And a tugging at her pantleg told her that ChuChu was climbing back up to her place on Yellow’s shoulder. It was fair to note that a quick check of the Pikachu’s emotions told her that she was at least a little bit annoyed at getting sent to check on the sheep when they were literally right there.)
“Great job,” Yellow cooed, ignoring ChuChu and burying her face in Dody’s side, “Look how well my big bird did taking care of the sheep,” Dody crowed proudly with strutted around her in a circle, sheep feed falling out of his feathers as he walked. “Dody,” Yellow laughed “Did you roll around in the food?” The bird crowded again, but their conversation was cut off as the sheep began to trail toward them.
“Hey guys,” Yellow smiled at them, folding her wings a bit tighter to her back as the sheep brushed up against her. (Little electrical shocks ran up her body when they did that, and keeping her wings tight shut was the best way to keep the feathers from getting all staticy.) “Sorry about not showing up on time.” Somewhere in the midst of the blue and yellow, a sheep baaaa-ed up at her. “Yeah yeah,” she murmured, reaching out carefully to pet one of their small wings.
Like much everything else, Mareep had wings, but unlike most other things, they were flightless. (Sort of like Dody, only Dody was actually a bird and didn’t have wings at all.) Even so, Yellow found beauty in their wings, yellow with black stripes, and always a bit frazzled from their strong static electricity. Uncharitaristly pretty for such an otherwise strange looking creature. (I mean, what else could you call a sheep with a lizard tail?) 
She smiled down at the sheep, feeling her hair stand up as she milled about around her legs. They were so cute. She was really very glad that they were in her care, but as Dody rested one of his heads on hers, she was reminded very suddenly that she had not eaten a single thing since breakfast. (She didn’t know why Dody’s presence always reminded her that she was hungry, but she suspected that it had something to do with the fact that he always smelled like chicken.)
“ChuChu,” she announced, standing up a bit taller to make her voice clear over the gentle baahing and sparkling of the Mareep that surrounded her, “Think you can grab me a sandwich or something from inside the house?”
ChuChu looked at the house for a moment and then back at Yellow, squeaking indignantly. Yellow rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I know you can’t open a door,” she poked a finger gently against ChuChu’s nose, “There’s a window open right over there, you little goof.”
ChuChu hopped off Yellow’s shoulder in the direction of the window, but she made a clear effort to whap her owner  in the face with her tail before she took her little glide over the herd of Mareep. Yellow just shook her head, making her way (slowly, she was still surrounded by sheep) towards a big rock where she knew she could sit down. She was fully aware that ChuChu would likely not be able to grab her anything big, but she took the time to fantasize anyway.
One thing she could really go for right now would be shepherd's pie. Of course, it would have to be either severely lacking protein or made with fish, but her love of sheep did not stop her from fantasizing about real lamb to eat. (Hey, having a sanctuary style farm didn’t stop someone from enjoying the taste of meat from time to time.)
She plopped down on the rock, and her sheep baahed up at her. Maybe ChuChu would bring her a head of lettuce. It didn’t exactly sound like a good meal, but it did sound like her. She laughed at the thought, crossing her legs and watching as Dody wandered about among the Mareep. (It was like he was one of them.)
Yellow, seeing that the sheep were returning to whatever sheep do, relaxed slightly. Now that her little puffs of static electricity were leaving her alone, she felt safe to loosen her wings slightly. Her feathers and hair stood up slightly, but at least her wings could be back to a comfortable folded position. 
She waited for a couple more minutes, and was just about to be getting worried when the familiar yellow glow of her Pikachu emerged from the window. In her jaws was a single piece of salami, and Yellow couldn’t help but laugh as the little creature glided (and then ran) towards her. 
“ChuChu!” She laughed, reaching out to catch the rodent as she scrambled up the rock, her easter cheese yellow wings spread open. “Thanks for the salami! I,uh, appreciate it.”
ChuChu squealed loudly, puffing out her little chest proudly as she stood in Yellow’s hands. (The salami landed with a wet slap on the space next to her.) Yellow carefully set the little lady down and began to nibble on the salami. She was happy here. Even if there was no point to sitting her, wings folded against her back and friend by her side, she doubted there was a happier space she could be in. She flicked a wing and watched as two of the Mareep butted heads. 
She was happy here, even though there was no ending or arch to the day’s story.
I hope this was okay. XD
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pikatrainer99 · 1 year
Remember when I first posted that drawing of young Orange...? Well, that wasn't the full drawing...so here's the full drawing
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He and Yellow are drawing pictures for Chuchu! Yellow is such a good big sister figure to Orange, and this scene actually already happened in my fanfics! This was my first time drawing Yellow so I used her official art as a reference, specifically the one where she's sitting with Pibu on her lap and Chuchu beside her, as you can probably tell by the pose she's in here. When I first posted Orange from this drawing I only wanted to introduce Orange himself, which is why I didn't include the full drawing...but now I'm ready to share the full drawing. Their sibling dynamic is so wholesome...I wish I had an older sibling like Yellow...instead, I AM the oldest sibling in my family 😅
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Happy pride month from some trans rodents!
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You love to see it.
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savebatsartedition · 1 year
Pokespe: Cupid Part 7
Originally shared: Aug 09, 2023   
Scratch link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/876682325/ 
(More notes under the cut!)
Press the green flag and don't steal my art or animation please! 
The characters are ChuChu and Pika from the Pokemon Adventures manga. ^-^ (PikaChuChuShipping supremacy!!!) 
Notes and Credits: 
@savebatsfromscratch​ (me) for the animation.
Pokemon Adventures for the characters. 
343267613 on scratch for the map! 
Fifty Fifty for the song. 
Scratch bitmap.
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