#pokie dots
taconafide2 · 1 month
I am about to have the worst exam of my life and its for a subject thats worth 2 ects AT MOST
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1800titz · 3 months
Jana twists her head over her chin and double-takes. There’s a tall man stood at the rear-passenger door of the sun-bleached corvette — presumably, the owner — and her six-year old is staring him down, fingertips mucked up in pollen and the hood of the car coated in naked evidence; trails of sticky fingerprints dragged in lines down the scarlet bonnet.
“I like your car,” she hears her say, and twists to see a twinge of a smile coat the man’s mouth.
“Thank you.”
The door creaks and clicks.
The man glances in her direction as she approaches — lingers in the trail of emerald when she grasps onto Dixie’s hand, half-apologetic and half-amused, dusting the palm of her hand over the pads of the child’s fingers.
“Sorry, she — likes to …touch everything and talk to everyone.”
Jana spares another glance upward.
He doesn’t look like the image her mind had conjured as the owner of the vehicle. Maybe it’s because her brain wasn’t built to draw up a man of his stature from scratch, borrowing figments of stolen faces stowed away. That’s what a mind does, isn’t it? It borrows. Sculpts from what’s already stored and etched into folds of memory. She’d remember a man like him, memoir mirrored and tucked back behind her skull.
It’d go something like this:
Handsome, tall, wide; firm with muscle layered by cotton and denim. Good looking with his clean curls, haloed by the rays of the sun, jade like the evergreen foliage in the distance seated in his sockets. Good looking, despite the silvery knick under his eye, marred tissue sculpted across the cresting apple of his cheekbone. Good looking, despite a thin scar indenting over the slope of his nose. Pocks catch the sunlight and glint back. Most prominently, Jana notes his ear — the left one; swollen, injured cartilage that had been left untreated years ago and settled into a deformity that his tendrils tuck behind.
His mouth exposes nice teeth, straight and ivory, nearly unfitting with his brutishly visible ailments. His massive arm is cradling a crate of tomatoes, nonchalant like the one-handed feat of strength is a casual skill.
He’s santalum and cardamom musk, spuming seemingly from his pores — a clean scent that catches on the breeze and traverses, even through the void of empty space between them (a proper two feet, surpassing the respectful six-inches-for-Jesus rule. It wafts in the zephyr). Who are you, mystique. What is your little life?
She’d remember a man like him. Everyone knows every face in the poky expanse of her little county, and this man isn’t familiar.
He sets the crate into the backseat of his convertible, stretching over the boundary of the door, aided in the lack of its roofing.
“Does your car go fast?” Dixie chirps.
The rays bask on the inching of his simper, too, face downcast.
“Not really. It’s a little too old.”
Talc flickers from the bleached leather coating the interior, to the kid, and then up to her mother, where it stays. He peers at the bonnet, tipping his head as he nears it.
“You’ve done some artwork,” the man observes, using that voice utilized with kids — the kind that implies every half-assed attempt is an impressive feat. There’s a lopsided rendition of something decorating his hood, curved lines enclosing blotched stippling. “What’ve you drawn there?”
“A ladybug.”
“A ladybug,” and then, without missing a beat, “That’s quite good.”
Jana eyes him, and then glances down — Dixie beams up at the stranger like he’s hung the moon.
Slowly, he drags a pointed index through the sheath of pollen beside her artwork. His knuckles are firm, callused scarring stretching over every joint; hard like a rigid ballpoint pen coated in flesh. The tip of his forefinger circles and spots. Dots and drags. His eyes flick up, and then back down to the murky artwork. When he takes the pad of his digit away, vermillion shaping through the ragweed sculpts a pair. Two ladybugs, side by side, one to match the other. There’s a lip-sealed smile cresting at his mouth when the man nudges his chin toward the addition, thumbing at the residue over his callused index. Warm, like basking in sunshine.
“There. It’s got a friend now.”
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laiqualaurelote · 2 years
For the AU prompt game: Phrack as cryptozoologists maybe? 👀
“Absolutely not,” says Jack. “I will not countenance it.”
“Well, then how do you explain the sightings!” cries Miss Fisher. “The livestock disappearing? Whole animals dragged into the water?”
“It could be a lot of things,” Jack argues, “but nothing conclusively proves it was a twenty-metre long serpent lurking in the river for over half a century.”
“Oh, I know what you lot call conclusive evidence,” huffs Miss Fisher. “If I haven’t sliced it up, pickled it in a specimen jar and stuffed it in that poky attic your department calls a museum, it’s inconclusive.”
“It’s inconclusive,” parries Jack, “because the creature doesn���t exist, and therefore there is no reason for you to disrupt our field study of actual, non-alleged fauna.”
Jack’s research assistant makes a face at Miss Fisher’s research assistant, who is studiously taking water samples. If Jack had the budget he would hire Dorothy Williams away from Miss Fisher, but Jack does not have the budget, unlike Miss Fisher, who clearly has pots of money to throw away on her pseudoscientific shenanigans, the knowledge of which pains Jack deeply every time he has to write a grant proposal.
Miss Fisher peers at him. “You’re not hung up about the peer review thing, are you?” 
“Of course not.”
“Because there were legitimate issues with your methodology, and I really felt like I had to point them out.”
“No, I’m – ” Jack sighs and grits out. “It was. Sound. Criticism.”
Her eyebrows go up. “Why thank you, Dr Robinson.”
“Don’t mention it, Miss Fisher. I mean, really, don’t.”
The rest of the department calls Miss Fisher Miss Fisher as an affront; it’s to rub in the fact that despite her considerable force of personality, no institution of repute has seen fit to award her a doctorate. Professor Sanderson, department chair, calls her “that woman”, as in, “for God’s sake have that woman escorted off campus grounds” after Miss Fisher took to delivering improvisational lectures in the quad about the predatory evolution of the Mongolian death worm, which to the faculty’s dismay proved extremely popular among the student population. Jack sometimes wonders what it is like to believe in something the way Miss Fisher does. To have the conviction to fling oneself into the unknown on the faintest promise of discovery.
“You should call me Phryne,” says Miss Fisher.
Jack opens his mouth for a rebuttal he hasn’t thought through yet, but is saved from having to produce one by the shock of her finger laid suddenly on his lips.
“Do you hear that?” she whispers.
There is a rippling in the water, accompanied by a kind of spreading susurrus. If Jack squints, he can just about make out a dark shape, moving in its depths towards the bank. If pressed to estimate its length, he would place it at around twenty metres.
“Dot,” breathes Miss Fisher, “are you getting all this?”
“Yes, miss.” Dot is already filming. Hugh glances at her, then scrambles to do the same.
The serpent breaks the surface. It rears up above the river, magnificent and ancient and crusted green, beneath which its skin runs mottled. It bares a mouthful of teeth, each as long as an icepick, and hisses at their party on the bank.
“Oh, it’s beautiful.” Miss Fisher’s eyes are brimming with wonder. “Oh, you absolute darling.”
“Does it,” ventures Jack, “does it, by any chance, eat humans?”
“You didn’t even want to admit it existed a minute ago,” Miss Fisher shoots back. “How should I know what it eats? Oh, Jack, isn’t it marvellous?”
“Splendid,” agrees Jack, as the creature begins frilling in a mildly alarming fashion. “Given the dearth of literature on the subject, however, we should probably run.”
“We are going to write the best paper,” shouts Miss Fisher as she sprints up the slope. 
“This,” Jack shouts back, dragging Hugh behind a ridge as the serpent hits the bank with wet force, “is the worst possible way to ask someone to co-author!”
“Are you saying yes to me, Jack Robinson!” She seems, despite the circumstances, to be wildy enjoying herself.
“I wouldn’t want to set a precedent,” says Jack, though he knows, to his chagrin, that he already has.
(For the AU prompt game. I had to Google cryptozoologists. Apologies to any actual zoologists, or for that matter anyone in science academia.)
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loudlystrangemagazine · 11 months
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Pokie dots
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Hurray Disney Villain Recruiters!!! Thank you so much for the offer. Requesting headcanons for Jack Heart and Apple Poison with a very short fem!reader (4’10”/147.3cm). She’s short but can still kick ass Something simple. Thanks 😊
That is so cute~!!
It was a day like any other, just... different
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The season of spring has come upon the living beings. Birds are awoken and chirping some songs of peace and enjoyment, the sun is out and people are happy. Happy happy peaceful spring day-
A loud voice boomed with a sniffle right after, a woman who was the source of such noise rubs her eyes, her long dark brown hair a tangled mess. "Who would've guessed a pirate has allergies." Giggled a higher pitched sweet tune of a voice, a funny giggle escaping soft lips as a silver haired girl handed the sneezing pirate a handkerchief. "Thank you Veil." Said Hook before she blew her nose.
The different recruiters stand in the large waiting area of Hotel Hightower, all dressed not like how they would normally be during the times of their Halloween spooks and jobs, the clothes were more casual yet fitted the theme of who they were as people. Little clustered of small crowds as they chat back and forth as many most likely haven't even seen the others in such a long time. Dalmatia tapped his foot and looked at the time, a sigh leaving his lips, "Jack is later than promised." The dog was dressed a bit more nice and well groomed among the styled tees and pants, for the was absolutely no way his master would let him leave without looking fit to impress anyone, his eyes glancing from clock to crowds of heads. Hmm He thought, Apple is here either-
Just as the thought was made rapid footsteps increased louder before a curly mop of brown locks upon an adorably handsome face slides into the room, a body dressed in a white with red hearted poki-dotted shirt and black dress pants followed right after. "I am so sorry for being late. I was... doing thing." He said, a sly grin on his lips as he plopped his butt in the chair closest to Dalmatia who only rose a well groomed eyebrow at him. More spaced and heavier sounded footsteps soon were heard and a tall figure of a well dressed handsome male with skin as pale as snow and hair as black and ebony stands, his forest green eyes burning ablaze with anger as there a small twig sticking to his dark blue business formal attire coat. The man stretched a hand out and pointed towards Jack with a roar, "He pushed me into a bush!" The heart solider pouted, "Now that's mean. I wouldn't say I pushed you, it was more of a. . ." He trailed off, a grin slowly spreading on his face, "A nudge of good luck."
Pale skins flame anger red faster than anyone could blink, nostrils aflame. "You are so immature-" Apple's words were stopped as the feathery dressed man of the hour walked in, "Okay you ten. Listen here and clear or else I will make the day worst."
Everyone seated and listened closely to the one and only Mr. V, "As you all are aware clients seem more interested in joining in other days beside Halloween. We're lucky sons of bitches to be given permission to come 'round here to visit and try and convince some mortals of joining your Masters' dreams and wishes freely and not against their wills. But there is a catch, you all will not let a single mortal know of this cause or of your true selves." The room erupted in annoyed groans, none was more louder than Malfie, "How can we do that without our powers and charms!?" "Improvise why don't you. But don't fret, you'll have rooms here at the hotel thanks to Ms. Scatter-Brains who sadly isn't with us at the moment and won't be for the next few meetings." Joe grumbled under his breath in a low whisper only Malfie heard, "Why do we have to suffer cause your girl isn't here?" Which reward a slight chuckle from the crow.
With that, all recruiters were dismissed and given three weeks to gain at least one mortal in forever contract of their master under the hidden mask of morals themselves.
"This is so annoying." Groaned Jack, forced to cover his heart with some skin makeup for the first time in forever, thanking Dalmatia for the male up, he heard a tsked behind him. Turning his head in a snap he glared at the tall man of his burning anger. Apple had a grin of confidence on his stupid face he hates so much. And all Jack wanted to do was wipe it off so freaking much.
Turning a heel he made his way to Apple and gave his broad shoulders a shove of his hands, giggling mischievously when his long legs stumble. Groaning, Hook spoke up, "Guys-" But without proper avail proven when Apple placed his hand on Jack's face and gave him a shove away, causing the card solider to stumble to catch balance before landing on the edge of a white table.
"Watch it you two!"
The two turned their heads to see the origin of the voice, either ready to yell back to buzz off or use physical strength to end the means of a stranger, only to both stop. There rushing out a cute cafe the table owned by is a female, petite and small like a precious doll both their Queens' could've easily played with in their more youthful years like the maidens of their hated desires, fist held at the sides and eyes glowing in annoyance and anger. "You nearly are breaking the damn cafe you assholes! If you want to have a lil fight do so somewhere else, not where we have customers." Said the maiden.
The two were frozen.
It never happened once before but here they were frozen.
Her voice was loud and angry and there was no doubt she could swing a pretty good punch despite her tiny might but they were frozen just by the mere stance of her.
Soon, Jack started hearing a drum against his hearing as his knees felt like jelly cakes melting in the heat of a tea party. Soon Apple's throat felt tight like a strong collar and his stomach buzzed like honey bees making work with a fast hive increasing upward to his chest.
"-I said, how will you pay for the garden beds?!"
Eyes blinked and looked down at the girl again, "Huh?" The cafe owner sighed out in a groan, "You nearly damaged the rose bushes when falling on the table, they're very special for the cafe. How will you pay for them?" Jack soon patted his pants with a slowly sheepish grin as his face felt hot, a new sensation of emotions crashing around him. Dear God I'm going mad- "I-I..um...heh...I-I'll..." The owner sighed and turned to Apple, looking up at the towering gentleman. "And you Mr Tall Man?" Where's my breath? Get a head screwed Apple! Apple felt his coat as his palm itched with sweat. "Y-You see madam I-I uh..."
Rose red and forest greens looked at each other in worry as they both realize the lack of money holding possession. Meanwhile the owner tapped her feet like a impatient bunny.
Suddenly, a idea ticked in her head-
"Hey, how good are you two at waiting?" She asked. The two looked down at her confused, she continued, "I mean if you guys can't pay for what you did you could try working at the cafe. It may be slow business but eh what can you do?" Jack and Apple weren't even thinking when they shouted, "I'll take it!", before looking at each other so surprised by the other's voice mimicking his words. The owner nodded. "Great. I'm (Y/N) by the way." Gulps were invisibly heard. . . "I'm Jack." "I'm Apple." "Well, welcome Jack and Apple. Brunch is starting soon so come on."
As she walked back into the cafe, the two let out a sigh, "I can't wait to take her mortal soul. . . " The two froze yet again. Not from their own words but the words of the other.
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Jack Heart:
His time around you is fun and always smiles.
He's the card solider of a crazed ruler within mad world after all, of course he would be all fun.
Your spunk and fiery spirit is a thrill for him, he can just picture you wielding a beheading ax decorated in red roses once the Queen of Hearts get used to you being in Wonderland.
To say he wants you in Wonderland is simply a understatement. He needs you in Wonderland one way or another!
After one week he would bring you roses of different colors and numbers, speaking gentle words of affection through the flowers
He jokes with you and help fight any bad customers you may have with ease. You just work so well together in his mind
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Apple Poison:
It took him longer to realize what these feelings were deep within his apple core but he doesn't back down on being beside you.
It took you just as long to try and figure out what his mind speaks and what his emotions were after a while, but you manage to tell by small things. This however only made him fall for you more
You two bake together, both messy but fun and pleasant
Once he started thinking how he could ever repay you for your kind heart he started buying snacks and treats he picked up you enjoyed and took you on a walk around the area
He cried once when you were unaware of him watching you. He thought of when the time comes and he makes you eat one of his poison apples, and his heart tells him he can't bring himself to dare do it. He wants you beside him but to poison you was a pain he wishes to not have nor want you to face.
Your shortness makes him chuckle a touch bit due to his own height but he finds it sweet and adorable. Your fire rings adorable vibes with him as well
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mrshobbit · 1 year
a poki ball? Akio could use that to catch more cases
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pikichu use, ________! (fill in the dots yourself, have some fun with it) (all akio slander is accepted)
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ivivxtte · 3 months
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i love poki dots! >.<
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road-breakin-slasher · 4 months
~Chapter 14 Finale - Somewhere Only We Know~
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"I asked Pinkfong and Hogi if I could borrow their WonderCar. To my surprise, they quickly agreed.
Me and Sasha are heading west, into somewhere, using the WonderCar. Somewhere I want to hear Sasha say, 'I do!' Gosh, I wanna marry her...
We're almost at the destination, and I asked Sasha to blindfold herself. Shortly, we arrived at the destination where she can see a beautiful landscape. I couldn't wait for it...
'Careful, Sasha, you might slip,' I said, as I guide her down the WonderCar. 'I wish! If it wasn't for this blindfold!' She replied with questionable face.
'Where are you taking me, Billi?' She asked. 'Heheheheh, you'll see,' I replied. 'I feel like I'm stepping on sands,' she said.
We finally stopped at the middle of the sand. 'Unblindfold yourself now, Sasha...' I said. She finally undo her blindfold and see... A beach and some stuff our friends set up without Sasha knowing it. Plus, it's on a sun-setting time. Orange.
'Wow, Billi... Is this why Pinkfong, Hogi, Poki, and Jeni are not in Wonderville yesterday?' Sasha asked in awe. 'Yeah. They've been finding a beautiful spot yesterday just for a beautiful girl like you, Sasha,' I replied. 'Wow, Billi. How thoughtful!' She added.
'So... Wanna have fun?' I asked. 'Yes!' Sasha answered in exclamation. No questions.
We spend a lot of time playing, giggling, storytelling, and, most importantly, cuddling each other.
I then said, 'Sasha, look.' Sasha then looked at the sea, and it has the most beautiful sunset she has seen. 'I... I love this scenery. It's beautiful... Like me,' she said.
Then I brought out a small case from my backpack beside me. It it colored as the Night-Blue Bumbleberries that Sasha loves to eat. And I said...
'Sasha?' I then kneeled and opened and showed her a beautiful ring. Crafted out of gold and a little bit of diamond that Jeni found and crafted hard by Barri and Poki. It's gold ring with diamond dots all over it. It has an enscription that reads 'Billi (hearts) Sasha' in a fancy typeface.
'Bi... Billi...?' She said and gasped from what she saw.
'Will you... Will you marry me?' Billi asked nervously.
Sasha shows her tears of joy and said, 'Yes...! Yes, I do!'
We're official. We're engaged! We cried of happiness and hugged... And we kissed. Kissed on our lips as long as we like.
'I love you, Sasha,' I said...
'I love you too, Billi,' She then said.
We then sat down on the middle of the beach, watching the sun setting down...
...Then I started singing first:
'I walked across an empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth beneath my feet
Sat by the river and it made me complete
Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm getting old, and I need something to rely on
So, tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired, and I need somewhere to begin
I came across a fallen tree
I felt the branches of it looking at me
Is this the place we used to love?
Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?'
When I started singing, she enjoyed listening. She then suddenly followed:
'Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm getting old, and I need something to rely on
So, tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired, and I need somewhere to begin
And if you have a minute, why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So, why don't we go somewhere only we know?
Somewhere only we know'
'Sasha?' I said in surprise. 'You're singing it, too?'
She just smiled and giggled. Then we sing the rest of the song:
'Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm getting old, and I need something to rely on
So, tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired, and I need somewhere to begin
And if you have a minute, why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So, why don't we go?
So, why don't we go?
Ooh, oh-oh
Ah, oh
This could be the end of everything
So, why don't we go somewhere only we know?
Somewhere only we know
Somewhere only we know'
'Sasha... I love how we sing together,' I said. 'Thanks, Billi. I found that out when you discussed about that song with Hogi. So I secretly asked him, too,' she answered. 'You... You knew?' I asked again. 'Yeah. It's heart-warming. You did everything you could... Just for me,' she replied.
'Billi, thank you for everything,' said Sasha. 'You're welcome, my love,' I said back.
Then we started moving beside, closing to each other while watching the sun finally set down.
We finally expressed our deep love for each other. We finally said yes to our marriage. And we finally said 'I love you' to each other... Somewhere only we know."
Happy Valentines Day, everyone!
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nutteu · 9 months
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kiss me with your lies (and baby i’ll love you even then) [Chapter V]
[AO3 Chapter I] [AO3 Chapter II] [AO3 Chapter III] [AO3 Chapter IV] [AO3 Chapter V] [AO3 Chapter VI]
Final Arc: explanation, confrontation, touch-withdrawal, dedicated to switching tag, and farewell (for now).
When Yvonne and Scarra arrived, they were sopping wet. Sykkuno smiled at them sheepishly. “Sorry for that,” he said.
“What, why?” Yvonne asked, though there was a suspicion on her face. Her eyes lit up as she rushed over to smack Sykkuno's arm. “You piece of shit! I thought I was gonna die from all those thunders!”
“Now, now,” Brodin interjected. “Clean up first, and then we’ll talk.”
“Are you ready to talk now?” Scarra asked Sykkuno, gently. “No allure this time around?”
Sykkuno's eyes widened when he heard it, as did Toast’s. So the man had realized, but most likely unable to do anything when the allure took place. Sykkuno bowed deeply in front of him. “I apologize for all of that. I’m ready to explain it.”
“That’s good,” Scarra nodded, then waved at them before he strolled to his room, leaving wet footprints all over the carpet as Poki screamed after him.
As they waited for the two to shower and change their clothes, Sykkuno inched closer to Toast, whispering, “Can I hold your hand?”
“Why are we whispering?” Toast whispered back, though he reached for Sykkuno's hand nonetheless.
“I’m nervous,” the man admitted. “Everyone in my family knows who I am, but even in Vegas I’m not widely introduced to the communities. They’re saving that for the ceremony.”
“Ceremony?” Toast asked, a little bit confused, but could already see the dots connecting. “You can explain it later to us.”
“Okay,” he nodded, then leaned his head on Toast’s shoulder. “I’m sorry I called you a mongrel, by the way. It was really juvenile of me.”
Toast laughed, wincing when it pulled at his wounds. “I’m sorry I, uh, called you a whore.”
“Yeah, that’s really cruel,” Sykkuno admitted, his face falling a little. “Kiss me to make it better?”
“Please, spare me,” Brodin said monotonously across from them, not even looking up from his phone.
“Fuck you,” Toast spat out without heat, then leaned down to kiss Sykkuno. “Sorry.”
The man just smiled happily at him, reaching forward to grasp the hem of Toast’s shirt. It was such a familiar gesture by now that it relieved something inside of Toast. Something so mundane, yet marveled at in time like this. Before long, Sykkuno's other hand had migrated to knead at his thigh. He kept a smile hidden behind his lips. This man, he swore to God, would be the death of him, literally and figuratively.
“So,” Yvonne said, sitting next to Brodin as Scarra sat next to her. Poki took a seat beside Toast, and reached out to hold his gloved hand, rubbing her thumb at the junction of his fingers comfortingly. “From what I’ve gathered, you’re not a cat—you’re a fox, and a very powerful one judging from the literal thunderstorm you’ve just summoned.”
Sykkuno fidgeted with Toast’s shirt, heaving a deep breath, and looked at Toast first. He nodded at Sykkuno, and the man nodded back. He exhaled another deep breath, and looked at the seat of three in front of them. “I’m… I’m the next lineage for Inari Ōkami,” he said, nervously, peeking from beneath his fringe to see their reactions.
Toast didn’t know what Inari Ōkami was aside from that it was one of the gods in Shinto belief. But he knew it was pretty important because Yvonne gasped, Scarra’s eyes widened, and Brodin gripped the arm of the seat pretty tightly. Sykkuno… was a God? He looked at Sykkuno, finally understanding what he meant when he said that his responsibility would consume him whole, why the people in his family worshipped him, why his family didn’t want him going anywhere. They wanted to keep their God safe.
It… made him sad. That they thought of the God first before the person, before Sykkuno. He had been tasked to protect and be their source of power ever since he was born. There was no chance for Sykkuno to grow into himself. His little rebellious act of being a streamer, and running away from home were the only desires he could realize in a household like that. He put his hand on top of Sykkuno, smiling encouragingly at him when he flipped it and grasped Toast’s hand tightly in his.
“I’ll explain from the beginning,” Sykkuno said when Scarra was about to open his mouth. The man shut it close and gestured for Sykkuno to continue. “Our lineage is one of a fox, one of the few in America. We do not originate from Japan, except for my father. He’s the leader of our clan currently. But my responsibilities do not lie in being a head of clan. The lineage for Inari Ōkami isn’t determined by linear descendants, it could be anyone that the God desires. Generally, a new generation appears once every one thousand years to complete the transformation, and the descendant can continue on to the celestial space to be an entity there.”
“You’re an anomaly,” Brodin deducted. “That’s why they want you so bad, and why you never wanted to reveal your lineage.”
“Yes,” Sykkuno nodded, looking at Toast again before he continued. He was terribly nervous and afraid, Toast realized. This was the first time he had ever opened up about this to someone else in his entire life, if his life of seclusion was to be judged. “The current representative of Inari Ōkami is still alive. I was born three-hundred-eighty-years into her ruling year as the saishu of our clan. There are many supernatural creatures, most of them are not foxes, that reside in our compound. It doesn’t matter that I don’t believe in God specifically, they exist just like the creatures and thus are real. They have chosen, and I have no say in this matter.”
“That’s… sad,” Poki said in a small voice, looking down at her hand entwining with Toast. “I feel like we’re talking about Toast’s curse all over again. It’s something out of his control, he didn’t ask for it. He has to live with it nonetheless, regardless of his feelings. I’m sorry it has to be the two of you.”
“Well,” Toast sighed, though he was smiling a little to soothe her. “Guess we’re match made in hell.”
“Indeed,” Scarra laughed a little wistfully.
Sykkuno nodded. “I think I can connect with Toast easily because we bear the same burden of this… thing that we never wanted in the first place. I was trained for my future position as the chief priest my whole life. I was never allowed to befriend anyone, for friends hold no meaning when I ascend. I’m not allowed to go out, each time I leave the compound, it’s only for meetings or festivals where I’m always guarded. I have no means to reach out to anyone, and even my sisters are estranged from me because they’re raised differently.”
He stopped, voice trembling a little as he heaved a deep breath, clutching at Toast’s hand like a lifeline. “I—“ he swallowed with difficulty, before pushing forward. “I don’t want this. I told Toast, that I’m just a mere vessel. That my responsibilities will consume me whole, because it would. I can’t run away from this, I can’t escape, I can’t relieve the burden to someone else, I can’t do anything but to accept it. Isn’t it funny that everyone worshipped me with such reverence, but never took care in actually knowing the human behind the kami?”
There were tears glistening in Yvonne’s eyes as she listened, though she tried to hold it in. Sykkuno was being strong for them; he didn’t even shed any tears as he talked. Though she still gave a warm smile to Sykkuno's direction.
Sykkuno smiled back at her. “I understand Toast’s situation, of him being touch-deprived because of his curse. I’m not allowed to touch anyone either, or, more accurately, no one is willing to touch me. They’re afraid they’ll taint me, somehow. I am to be untouched, pure, until my ascent. Funny how it turns out now.”
“Oh my God!” Scarra exclaimed at the same time with Poki. He laughed heartily, making everyone laugh along with him. “Did you just make a dirty joke? Can’t believe I live long enough for this.”
“Can’t believe he’s willingly admitting he has filthy, midnight romps with Toast,” Poki continued, giggling like a school-girl.
“Stop talking, dead cells come out of your mouth every time you open it,” Toast told them.
Sykkuno chuckled, leaning his head onto Toast’s shoulder again. His body was more relaxed this time around. He played with Toast’s fingers, rubbing and pulling the digits as he talked again. “I dealt with curses all the time back at the compound. That’s what we do, you see. We’re the source of power for the clan, and for the supernatural creatures in Las Vegas. We live in a shrine, I’m given educations to be a chief priest, though I know that I won’t do all of the responsibilities to the fullest. I have to stay in one specific, holy ground for a thousand years. I don’t have to absorb curses or cure people, I can do that from my room once I ascend and connected to the power source. Though sometimes I do accept specific audience.
“There are celebrations for me, you know? Celebrations that I can’t even attend because I can’t leave. Once you ascend to godhood, you don’t need any more earthly desires. You’re not allowed to. I- I became a streamer because I wanted to know what’s out there in the world, outside of the shrine and my compound. I want to be connected to people, I want to be touched and touch people in return. Not just from ceremonial touches, but the actual one with affection. I guess I’m just as touch-starved as Toast and I’m using this opportunity to appease myself.”
He turned to Toast, guilt genuine in his eyes. “I’m sorry for using you like that.”
“I planned on experimenting on you the moment I met you, we’re on equal ground on that,” Toast told him, smirking when he remembered just how frantic and desperate he was back then.
“Good to know Michael doesn’t have to be involved in the experiments now,” Sykkuno laughed, eyes crinkling prettily. God, Toast wanted to kiss him senseless, even in front of his friends. “That’s the gist of me and my responsibilities as Inari Ōkami.”
Scarra nodded. “That’s why you’re familiar. You were there when they announced the new lineage of Inari Ōkami. We were quite surprised because the previous one is still alive.”
“Yeah,” Brodin replied. “I knew about that too. I was there with Scarra. I think I saw you with the entourage. I just figured out that you had something to do with the announcement because you looked so gloomy and bleak.”
“Was it really that obvious?” Sykkuno asked with a bitter smile. “Yeah. I didn’t like it. Everyone was celebrating the announcement, and here I was, not knowing what to be happy about when I’m about to sign up my whole life as a vessel.”
“Why… why did you run away from home, Sykkuno?” Yvonne asked carefully, aware that this was now an even more sensitive topic when the truth had been revealed.
Sykkuno was silent for a little while. He sighed deeply, rubbing Toast’s palm slowly as he said, “My mother wanted me to ascend early. Said that the power has nearly fully transferred into me, and the current Inari Ōkami vessel is getting weaker by the days because of it. Once Inari Ōkami descended, they could continue on as an entity, but in the cases like mine, they usually continue their life as a priest in the shrine. There’s really no escape.”
“But isn’t it better than to spend your life as a god that you don’t want to be?” Toast asked. “You could descend, and return the power to the current Inari Ōkami, if that can be done.”
“It can,” Sykkuno nodded. “The ritual is complicated, and my family will be enraged about it, but it can be done.”
Their eyes widened, hearing the possibilities of freeing Sykkuno. “Then why didn’t you—“ Toast started, but then silenced when Sykkuno looked at him with a dejected face. Oh, something else happened. It was always something on the way.
“It can only be done if there are two souls residing in the body. A vessel of Inari Ōkami has two souls; one that belongs to them, and another one that belongs to the kami after they ascend.”
“Wait—“ Brodin interrupted. “That- is that why I sensed that the power is not quite yours when I drank your blood? Because it literally belongs to another soul?”
Toast instinctively let out a small sound, and Sykkuno chuckled. “I knew that you lied about your phone that day. But yeah, basically. When the ritual is done, one has to sacrifice two souls to return the power. Someone can live without a soul, but they will be unable to ascend into the celestial, as anything, after they died.”
“There’s something you’re not telling us,” Scarra hummed contemplatively.
Sykkuno bit his lip, so hard that he drew blood. He heaved out a deep, measured breath, and looked down at Toast’s hand in his. “I only have one soul inside of me right now.”
Poki frowned. “Well, isn’t that just normal? One that is yours, and one that belongs to the kami.”
“No,” Sykkuno shook his head sadly, looking away from them all. “I’m ready to ascend soon because I’m a special case. I’ve always been born with the kami’s soul inside of me. I- I have none. I have no soul.”
There was a silence that descended upon them after that. Toast tried to process the information, running his head in full force until he felt himself overheating. But try as he might, he couldn’t think of anything. Even Scarra and Yvonne seemed to be speechless, and they knew more about him about the supernatural creatures.
“What- what do you mean?” Yvonne asked.
“I was born without a soul, I don’t know about the details either. No one explains anything to me about it,” Sykkuno said. “Everyone just accepted that I have no soul and moved on, so eventually I did the same. This is why… this is why ascending will literally tie my life to my responsibilities. I have nowhere to run, I can’t descend either because of the requirements. I ran away that night because I was so afraid, I was scared and my family wouldn’t understand. I ran because I wanted to be able to run even once in my life, from the things that have been pressing down on me for so long.”
This wasn’t the same burden as Toast, this was far more complicated and heartbreaking. But they did share the eternity of spending their lives as something that they never wanted to be, without any way to escape from their fate. Was this why he felt so connected to Sykkuno, because he unconsciously recognized the shared tragedy of their lives?
“Thank you, for telling us, Sykkuno,” Yvonne said sincerely. “It must have been hard for you, all this time.”
The man nodded, giving a sweet little smile. But then he straightened himself up, his face turned hard and serious. “There’s something else you need to know, and be prepared for.”
“Is it your family?” Scarra asked, face turning solemn too.
“Yes,” Sykkuno nodded. “I wasn’t detected all this time, and I keep sleeping all the time because my energy is drained and Los Angeles doesn’t have a very big source of power. I’ve been concealing myself and this house since the start. But absorbing Toast’s curse earlier required me to let go of that concealment. They’ll be notified when they sense my magic here. They will come, and they won’t be pleasant to deal with. I need your help with that, Scarra.”
“I understand,” Scarra nodded. “Your clan, it’s the one that resides in Nikko Tosho-gu, correct?” The man nodded his affirmation, and Scarra continued. “They’re a powerful clan. It’s going to be hard to even stand up to them. Wealth, power, influence, lineage, followers—they have it all in abundance. But the council also has a standing on its own, and I have my contacts. It’s a good decision on your part to conceal yourself, because people will be clamoring to find you if your clan can provide enough rewards for them, and they can.”
“I know,” Sykkuno said. “That’s why I stopped streaming, didn’t use any of my credits card, and conceal this place. They’re smart, resourceful, and fast. They’re not as fast as me, but they’re still pretty tenacious. They’ll probably reach this place in two or three days, I need you to be ready by then. I’ve already concealed this place again, but the slight surge of power will still be noticed.”
“That is a slight surge of power?” Yvonne said, in disbelief, though she seemed excited as well. “Oh my God, I don’t want to see you in full force, Sykkuno.”
“It’s not my power,” Sykkuno reminded her. “Mine is quite small and subtle compared to it.”
“What is your actual power?” Brodin asked. “I can only detect some, but not completely from your blood.”
“Am I the only one finding that Brodin has tasted Sykkuno's blood disturbing, or are you all are just a bunch of freaks?” Scarra exclaimed then.
“So sorry to break it to you, Scarra,” Poki jested.
It brought a small smile to Sykkuno's face. Toast squeezed his hand to remind him that he had Toast here, too. They could talk later, but they had to be prepared with any information right now.
“Some of it are similar to what I have right now, to be honest,” Sykkuno said, and then nothing more.
“As expected from our politician,” Toast sighed, yelping when Sykkuno pinched his side. That one hurt.
“Alright, what else do you need to be prepared?” Scarra asked.
“I need everyone to be alert,” Sykkuno said. “Be ready for any ambush, at any moment when you’re outside. I can protect you here, but I can’t protect you out there when you’re not with me. They will come politely at first, but they will attack if you don’t give them what they wanted. This isn’t just some dispute that can be solved with diplomatic talks, they’re willing to go for the length for this.”
“Well, of course,” Brodin pointed out, “we stole their God.”
“Their god ran away from them, actually,” Sykkuno laughed. “Kinda saying something about the God now, isn’t it?”
“I’d say the God is fun, considerate, kinda unhinged in the head, and absolutely fantastic in riding me,” Toast said unabashedly, ignoring the groans resounding around him. What? He wasn’t allowed to praise his fox now? Sykkuno was flushing bright red, but he shot Toast a big grin, so he counted that as a win.
“Alright, discussion is over now,” Scarra said, still looking half-jokingly disgusted by them. “You two get some rest. We’ll discuss about the plan.”
Toast nodded, already pulling Sykkuno towards him when Poki let go of his hand and stood up to join the rest of them. He sighed in contentment when his back hit the plush couch and Sykkuno lying gingerly on top of him. He swatted the man’s ass, grinning when he heard the yelp. “I’m hurt, not dying. You’ll crick your back if you keep lying on me like that.”
“I’m just trying to look out for you!” Sykkuno complained, but leaned his full weight on Toast nonetheless. They lay there in silence for a while, just enjoying the small tender moment before the storm hit. “Toast?” he called out after some time.
“Hmm?” he replied, half-asleep already from his fatigue.
“Now that you know everything,” Sykkuno started, feeling hesitant. “Do you- do you think I’m selfish for running away?”
“You’re an idiot,” Toast told him earnestly. “How many times do I have to tell you that this isn’t mere selfishness? This is your desires and need. You’re allowed to be a human, a person, too, Sykkuno. You don’t have to be a God if you don’t want to. You’re allowed to want something for yourself.”
The tears that Sykkuno had been holding throughout the talk finally fell. Toast held him tighter against his chest, feeling the wetness seeped into his shirt and felt his heart broke for this man. Toast understood, how it felt to have such a burden, such a curse on his shoulders his entire life. How trapped and helpless he was. To know that Sykkuno had never had someone to lean onto all his life except for the last year was even sadder to think about.
“You’re allowed to have this, too,” he continued. “This house, our friends, me. You can have it all if you want.”
“Do you want me, too?”
“You’re really some kind of an idiot, aren’t you?” Toast said gently, caressing Sykkuno's hair. “I gotta admit that I was desperate for anyone back then, anything that can alleviate the curse somehow. But I wouldn’t just let anyone stay for so long, curse and desperation be damned, if I don’t want them here, Sykkuno.”
He lifted himself up a little, Sykkuno following suit. He pointed to where his heart was beating steadily in its cage, now that they were alright, now that Sykkuno was back to his side. “Right here,” he said, and reached out to catch the tears falling from those wonderful, brown, red, yellow, red, red, red eyes. He felt his own eyes starting to sting, too.
“I want to stay here, too,” Sykkuno whispered, then placed his hand atop of Toast’s above his heart. “Right here.”
“Then stay,” Toast said, pulling him down to kiss him softly.
“I will,” Sykkuno said against his lips, leaning in to kiss him again. “Thank you, Toast.”
They slept there, together, in each other’s arms. Come the next morning, they would have to be ready for Sykkuno's family. They would have to be ready to fight to keep Sykkuno here, they would have to be ready to literally fight the world and the God to keep him where he wanted to be. Toast looked into himself, stared at his curse right in its sharp eyes as it grinned at him.
There was a feeling, something foreboding that resonated through Toast’s lungs like a particularly bad omen. All this time, Toast had always considered the possibility of Sykkuno going back home, but he had never thought about his family coming to take him away forcibly. A new possibility of Sykkuno being taken away right under his nose, and him not being able to do anything about it, made him afraid. That way, he would never be able to see Sykkuno again, or to visit him, or to ask him to go back here.
I need you right now, he said, disgusted by his own words. I need you to protect him. Take my body if you will. But you hurt even a strand of his perfect eyelashes, and I’ll burn the both of us into ashes.
Oh, you’re playing with fire right now, Jeremy, his curse replied, a sing-a-song voice that grated on his nerve. There’s nothing you’ll find here but inferno and ashes of the fallen. And you, will be another one amongst them.
Toast ignored it. He was done making his deal. Right now, all that mattered was the sound of their heartbeats against each other, the warmth of Sykkuno's body in his arms, the sense of love and care so deep it could drown him. This was what mattered all along, all his life. Toast didn’t understand it completely, but he was willing to know. Anything, anything to keep Sykkuno happy and be in control of his own freedom. Even if he had to sacrifice himself in doing so, then so be it.
Toast quitted his job the next day. Everyone else took their day off for several days onwards in preparation. They called Jodi to strengthen the ward around their house, and she taught Lily how to make a simple alarm for a certain radius from their house. No one went out with without one of the others, and Sykkuno literally needed to extract himself from Toast so he could curl up on top of the kitchen counter because he kept gluing himself to Sykkuno's side.
Sykkuno slept a lot, a lot more than he usually did. He found new comfortable places to curl up in, included but not limited to: the kitchen table and counter, in front of Toast’s room, under the windows, the fucking stair banister, and the backyard where the grass had been growing to replace the bald patches he had tugged out of the roots. It was the cost of absorbing Toast’s curse, and for constantly concealing his presence and the house. If anything, it would slow down the search, even if his family was bound to find him anyway.
Scarra had been in contact with his associates, and had discussed the merits of keeping Sykkuno in Los Angeles for the time being instead of allowing his family to take him away forcefully. “They still can take you away, but they have to go through several procedures first,” he said. “We can create the obstacles in that. The council will not allow a clan to just do whatever they want and overthrow the balance of hierarchy of power, especially in a city that’s not under their control. I also have contacted some of my friends, and they agreed to stay around here as additional protection. They owe me something more than what your family could offer to them.”
“Thank you, William,” Sykkuno said sincerely.
Scarra rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s really weird when you refer to us with our real name like that.”
“I’ve always been taught to refer to people’s birth name to express sincerity in gratitude,” Sykkuno shrugged. “Or when I mean business. To some creatures, name is something powerful. Take a fairy, for example. Giving them your real name means that they can own you, but to some variant of fairies, your preferred and truly chosen name will grant them that power instead. In my clan, we chose our name, but we meant sincerity in emotions when referring to birth names.”
“That’s something new,” Yvonne said, jotting down the information into her phone. “We should talk sometimes, trade information. I certainly need your knowledge, and you need to be taught common sense. Who the fuck sleeps on the stair bannister?”
“Uh…” Sykkuno smiled awkwardly, already inching to the aforementioned stair banister to laze around. “Me?”
Toast took his time to recover, and to better control his curse with Sykkuno's and Yvonne's help. They researched day and night about curses, with Toast sticking by Sykkuno's side. He could feel the curse re-awakening inside him, healing all of his physical wounds and creating another deep-seated fear of being trapped in that cage of tendrils. His strength returned, and he had been sparring with Brodin and Sykkuno, and sometimes Michael—goddamn that kid was strong for a human, to alleviate the return of violent urges and how to manage it. Suffice to say, Toast sometimes had to be physically restrained by a fully transformed Sykkuno and Brodin’s knives. It was… really hard, now that he realized just how much stronger his curse had become.
“How can you absorb the curse?” Poki asked one day. It was the fourth day in their wait for Sykkuno's family. Everyone was more or less on edge, and Sykkuno had been so distressed that Toast had to buy a new comforter again because he had clawed the previous one into shreds in his agitation. “On that day. Why didn’t it affect you?”
“It affects me, or my energy to be precise,” Sykkuno said as he chewed on his lunch. “I dealt with curses mainly by absorbing or purifying the curse. I guess it comes with being a vessel and because I’m also trained in exorcism as preparation to be chief priest. I think that’s why they’re so adamant in keeping me pure, to preserve the power of purification. I guess the curse doesn’t affect me the way it affects other people because I neutralize it, though not completely. Toast’s curse is sentient and essentially a part of himself, I can’t purify is easily.”
“That’s something that we need to research as well,” Lily said to Yvonne. “I’ve been with Toast nearly his whole life, and at this point, we suspect that he’s born with the curse itself. I’ve never heard any case like that unless it’s a lineage thing. But no one in Toast’s family is cursed and they’ve never been involved with the supernatural directly or indirectly. How can a curse be a part of someone anyway?”
“I don’t know,” Yvonne said, sadness written all over her face. “That’s the problem. Toast is as much an anomaly as Sykkuno. Usually when a curse is that sentient and active, it corrodes the soul. But the curse affects his environment rather than himself, at least not in the way that it usually does with other people. A body will rot away under a curse that strong, along with their soul. Aside from the struggle of body claim, Toast is not affected like that.”
“I love how we talk about me as if I’m literally not here,” Toast commented.
Sykkuno laughed, turning to press a kiss on his temple before continuing his lunch. Lily sighed and rolled her eyes.
“Why do you need to sit like that anyway?” she accused, pointing out how Sykkuno was in Toast’s lap instead of sitting on his own chair. “Like, I know you gotta be close to Sykkuno all the time, but this is just straight up flexing.”
“That’s right,” Toast smirked. “Be jealous, you pathetic peasant.”
“We really have to talk about your manner, all of you,” Poki sighed, already thinking of parent-child counseling after all this mess was over with.
“Speak for yourself,” Toast quipped, handing Sykkuno a glass of water that he accepted gratefully. “I’m nicer than all of you combined.”
“Only for me, though,” Sykkuno, unexpectedly, joined in. He looked terribly smug about it, Toast couldn’t help but feel endeared at the sight.
“You’ll come to the counseling too,” Poki decided.
They had replaced the bed, several cupboards, and the nightstand, as well as some shelves in Toast’s bedroom. He didn’t want to sleep in it at first; he could still vividly see the fight that morning replaying in his head over and over again. But then again he wasn’t Sykkuno who could literally sleep everywhere, the couch was hell on his back. Besides, it was hard to say no when Sykkuno guided his hand, embraced Toast so softly in his lap, and whispered his name like he knew every nook and cranny of Toast’s dark side, and accepted it all.
He kissed Toast so softly, so gently, nipping at his lips lightly before soothing it with his tongue. Toast let himself went lax and boneless in Sykkuno's lap, feeling his warmth and the encompassing safety that came with his presence. He couldn’t, wouldn’t let this go. Sykkuno was right when he said that this was no longer about helping, no longer about the curse.
The truth was simple and painful and exhilarating all at the same time.
“I love you, I think,” Toast whispered late into the night when neither of them could fall asleep. “I don’t know how or whether it’s my emotions or not, but it’s really hard to keep my sanity intact with you around.”
“That’s really not how you should confess to someone,” Sykkuno chuckled, though he reached out his fingers to swipe Toast’s bangs away from his face. “I think I love you, too. You make me happy and fulfilled. Like it’s okay to make mistakes and be myself without fear, because you’ll be there in the end of the day.”
“You’re stupidly romantic, for some reason,” Toast said fondly. “Where did you get all those words from? Is it because you scoured the fiction side of the internet for too long?”
“Maybe,” Sykkuno teased. “The internet taught me a lot more than what my family is willing to show me.”
“That’s kinda sad,” Toast said, pulling him closer by the waist. “I do understand where your family comes from, but I don’t really give a shit about them. I care about you, and only nice to you, remember? I can show you everything you want, teach you anything I can.”
Sykkuno's lips curved into a pretty smile, taking Toast’s breath away from his lungs. He chased it with a kiss, inhaling the soft exhale from Sykkuno's lips, tilting his head to tangle their lips and tongue better. Kissing Sykkuno was a wonder of its own; sometimes it was so soft that Toast ache with it, sometimes it was passionate and wild that he was breathless from it. It was always something he looked forward to, everything about Sykkuno was something he wanted to have and witness, always.
“Stop thinking too much,” Sykkuno whispered between the kisses, slowly unbuttoning Toast’s pants and grasped his half-hard cock inside the boxers. “I can almost hear your gears turning.”
“I’m thinking of sappy things,” Toast admitted with a laugh that then transformed into a low moan when Sykkuno slid down to take him into his warm mouth. He gripped the soft strands of hair tightly when the pace quickened, giving him no time to adjust before he felt the tight clench of orgasm from deep within his gut.
“That was fast,” Sykkuno commented lightly, clicking his tongue to chase the taste of Toast’s cum that he had just swallowed.
Toast groaned. “Give me a break,” he laughed shakily. “We didn’t do anything other than kissing these past few days, and I’m pent up.”
“Okay,” Sykkuno said, undressing himself quickly. He smiled up at Toast, fingers trailing along the length of his softening cock as he purred, “If you’re so pent up, I think I certainly can help with that.”
“Oh, you little fox,” Toast chuckled, though he caught Sykkuno readily when he surged up to kiss him. His tongue tasted bitter and musky from the aftertaste of his cum, teeth sharp as it nipped and bit. They kissed slow and languid, no hurry in their movements as they explored each other’s body. Most of the time, sex with Sykkuno was a wild ride without reprieve. But sometimes it could be this slow dance that made the build up a little bit more excruciating, a little bit more breathtaking.
“Let me touch you,” Sykkuno whispered, kissing his neck lightly before he traipsed down to suck onto a nipple, rolling the bud between the fast flicks of his tongue. “Let me worship you.”
“Yeah,” Toast said in an exhale. “Please, Sykkuno.”
“You’re so cute when you’re desperate like this,” Sykkuno laughed, a little bit of his cruelty showing when his eyes ever so slowly brightened into red and yellow. “Should I suck you off again? I think you would enjoy me eating you out, wouldn’t you? Should I fuck you slow and deep, or would you like it more when I ride you? You seem to be fond of the sight of me bouncing on your cock.”
“Jesus fuck,” Toast groaned, something that felt like it had been dragged forcefully out of his lungs. “Yes,” he pleaded.
“Which one, Jeremy?” Sykkuno asked softly, so pretty in his taunt.
Toast shook when he felt warm breath against his puckered hole, a sharp hitch out of his mouth when he felt the first drag of warm, wet tongue on his skin. “All of that, please, please.”
The smirk on Sykkuno's lips was searing, pupil a slit as he blinked slowly at Toast before he went down and fulfilled all of his promises. Toast could only hold on for dear life as Sykkuno sucked him off to hardness, before letting go and clenched his dainty fingers tight on the base; keeping the grip tight as he ate Toast’s ass out like it was the best thing he could ever do in this life. His head was spinning from all of the sensation, the clever fingers coated with lube that slid alongside Sykkuno's tongue to finger him open, the dizziness from having his orgasm kept at bay.
When Sykkuno finally pushed inside, when Toast let out a silent moan at the feeling of being stretched so full, reaching inside him so deep, he nearly cum from the sensation alone. But Sykkuno's sharp eyes kept him from doing so, so Toast took a deep breath to slide down from the peak of his orgasm. He’d hold on; Sykkuno still had two more promises to keep.
True to his words, Sykkuno was unhurried in his pace. He kept purposefully avoid hitting Toast’s prostate, though the drag and stretch of his cock inside still made heat curl in Toast’s gut. He bit his lips, breath coming out shaky when Sykkuno hitched his hips up, pressing inside even deeper than before. Broken moans poured out of him when fingers touched his skin, pinched and pulled at his nipples, clenching tight around his hips when Sykkuno finally, finally picked up the pace.
“Are you close, darling?” Sykkuno asked sweetly, voice just the tiniest bit trembling as sweat slid down from his forehead to be caught on his long lashes. Toast nodded, not even opening his eyes in fear of coming too fast if he were to continue seeing the sight of Sykkuno, sweaty and strong and so, so pretty, fucking him open like he wanted to see Toast suffer, wanted to see him bloom for him. “Don’t you dare cum until I told you so, okay?”
“I—“ Toast stuttered, clenching his gut when he felt his orgasm climbing up again from such filthy, gently said command. “Okay,” he breathed out, “okay. But, please, Sykkuno—I can’t—“
“Hold on, okay? Just a little- a little bit more,” Sykkuno said, going harder and deeper each time he slid back into Toast’s hole, chasing his own orgasm.
Toast gripped the sheets tight between his fingers, body trembling from the onslaught of sensation and keeping his iron control intact. He was so close to coming, the threat that held himself together so close to snapping apart. Just when the pace and the feeling of Sykkuno's blunt head hitting his prostate dead on became too much, Sykkuno pulled out completely.
“Wha—“ he didn’t even have to ask, to make sense of the situation, to whine about why would he be stopping now? Because Sykkuno climbed onto his lap far easily, and guided Toast’s cock into his hole before sitting down without preamble.
They both let out loud, desperate moans at the sudden change of sensation. Toast’s hands immediately found purchase on Sykkuno's hips, fingers bruising delicate skin as Sykkuno smiled down at him. “That’s good,” the fox purred. “You’re holding up so great, Jeremy—fucking me so good.”
“Please,” he repeated, he didn’t know just how many times he had begged tonight. But he was willing to beg a thousand times more for this man, only for him. It was far too easy to be lost in the tight heat of Sykkuno's body, in the dangerous allure of his voice, in the searing depth of his red eyes, in everything that was this sweet, kind, gentle, viciously cruel man with everything that Toast had.
“Not yet,” Sykkuno threatened, claws elongating as he bent down to bit harshly on Toast’s neck, leaving his marks deeper than physical wound. The change of position made it easier for his hips to move on Toast’s cock, for Toast to thrust up into him with frenzied urgency.
Sykkuno kept the sharp tip of his claw close to Toast’s neck; not quite touching, but the threat and danger was apparent in them as he moved back and quickened his pace until Toast could no longer keep up. He lay there in the pool of his own sweat and lust, feeling Sykkuno tightening up as he was unrelenting in his hard pace. He reached out a hand to grasp the hard cock, jerking Sykkuno off in tandem with his thrusts, smiling when the man whined so beautifully for him.
It wasn’t long before Sykkuno was coming, spurts of white hitting Toast’s chest and chin. He didn’t let up with the tight grip of his inner muscles, however. He was panting, eyes alight and claws already retracting. He smiled lightly, guiding Toast’s hands back to his hips. “Go on, Jeremy. Take what you want, I’ll allow it.”
So Toast did, exerting his strength to thrust up deeper into Sykkuno at the same time he brought the sinewy body down onto his cock. The sweet, high-pitched cries only served to urge him on as he chased the peak of his desires. “So pretty, so tight for me, Sy-kkuno,” he stuttered out, feeling his stomach clenching and his release nearing.
He thrust up once, twice, before he pulled Sykkuno down as hard as he could, keeping him there with strong fingers on his hips as he came into the warm, willing body on top of him. He let out a soft groan as he felt himself emptied out inside Sykkuno, laughing a little afterwards when Sykkuno gave kitten licks on his chin, his chest; licking up his own semen from Toast’s skin.
“You’re almost like an incubus,” Toast said after he pulled out, drawing another soft moan from Sykkuno at the sensation. “I don’t understand why you like the taste so much.”
“I don’t,” Sykkuno said, smiling inappropriately bright for the topic. “I just like you a lot, that’s why. And I know you like the sight of me like that, that’s why I did it.”
“I should charge you every single time your filthy mouth say something like that,” Toast complained, “I’ll be rich in no time.”
“You’re already rich, though?”
“Richer than Jeff Bezos, at least,” he amended.
Sykkuno laughed, slipping off his lap to lay next to Toast, breaths a soft pant instead of an erratic one. “That’s impossible. Jeff is, like, the mega ultra-god of capitalism or something. You can’t beat him.”
“I’ll trust your judgment on that,” Toast settled, drawing Sykkuno in, sweat and all. “In the meantime, I’ll keep charging you.”
“We fuck all the time,” Sykkuno reminded him with a flick to his nose. “And I say that kind of thing on daily basis to provoke you. I’ll run out of money before a month.”
Toast laughed, hard and joyful. “So you do admit that you’re taunting and provoking me all this time.”
The smirk on Sykkuno's lips was mischievous as much as it was beautiful. Toast leaned in to taste it. When he pulled away, it had softened into a smile. “It’s hard not to when it’s you.”
“A sap,” Toast mocked, even if there was warmth blooming in his chest at the answer. He held Sykkuno tighter against his chest, listening to the soft hum from down low the man’s throat and letting it lull him to sleep—feeling deeply satiated, safe, and cherished.
Hell came upon them on a sunny Saturday morning. With it, came the kannushis and the start of Toast’s touch withdrawal.
Sykkuno had tensed up the moment he woke up, and Lily had warned them that there was a certain signature of magic that Sykkuno had described as member of his clans. They had arrived in Los Angeles, and had been closing in on them these past few days.
There were twenty men who came to their gate. Sykkuno was locked up with Brodin and Poki keeping him company while Toast and Scarra went out to meet the barrage of intruders. Scarra’s contacts were spread all over the neighborhood, and Toast knew they were waiting for confrontations. The kannushis, as Sykkuno had previously described, were all dressed in formal robes and bowed to them when they appeared at the gate. Their politeness a mere mask as their eyes hardened when they zeroed in on Toast—they could feel the taste of Sykkuno's magic and his curse in an instant. He had to give it to them, they were sharp and capable. Everything that they had anticipated about Sykkuno's clan.
“Greetings,” one of the kannushis said, bowing lightly again to Scarra and ignored Toast completely. “We are here for our saishu. Is he inside? We would like to retrieve him back to Nikko Tosho-gu with us immediately. He has inconvenienced you enough this past year, and we will guarantee that we compensate you greatly for the hassle.”
Toast sneered, drawing their attention. His hatred rolled off of him in waves, his curse laughing at him from the inside. “How funny that you addressed him as your chief priest, and yet talked about him like he’s a mere thing to, ah, retrieve back to that hell-hole you call your shrine. Aren’t shrines supposed to be a holy place? Does it involve treating someone like an object there?”
“We would advise you to watch your mouth, Jeremy Wang,” a kannushi said sharply. Of course they knew his name already. “You do not understand the matter of our clan, nor our tradition. It is simply best to keep your entitled arrogance out of our business.”
“You’re right,” he said coldly, smiling lightly when some of them stepped back as the tendrils of his curse spread. Scarra wisely stepped back from him to prevent himself from being affected too much. These people, these assholes, wouldn’t stand a chance if they were to be taken down. Not even their funny exorcism could prevent him from murdering them all. For once, he was glad for his violence and blood-thirst, as long as it wasn’t directed at Sykkuno. “I don’t know a thing about your so-called disgusting tradition of forcing someone into something they don’t want to be, nor giving him a choice or a chance to live his life the way they want to. I could care less about you and your clan, but Sykkuno is ours and nothing can change that. Go back to your shrine and find someone else to be your vessel.”
“I see that he has told you about his childish wishes and irresponsibility,” one of the men said, the previous one who had spoken for the first time. He seemed to be the leader of the entourage. Toast’s eyes narrowed at his words, but the man heeded him no mind. “This isn’t some matter that should be tampered with humans, however. This is the business between gods and their vessels, and you have nothing to do with it. Now, we would appreciate it if we can end these useless pleasantries. Bring us Sykkuno, and we will bring no harm to you and your families.”
Toast looked at them, with the ever increasing hatred and despise on his face. But he stepped back nonetheless to let Scarra take care of this matter. He was too clouded with prejudice and anger to properly speak anymore. All he wanted was to cut them in half. He trusted that Scarra would know how to protect them all.
“I thank you for your visit,” Scarra said politely, bowing slightly. “But I’m afraid I have to refuse your request. This is not your land, and you cannot just bring a living, breathing, person with his own will out of here without express permission from the council. He is a member of my family, and thus someone important to me. That also extends to his importance as an esteemed guest in this city in the face of the council. You may go and talk to them for the proper procedure. I am offering you a better way to achieve your goals. I expect you and your upbringing to understand this matter. If not…”
Scarra’s face hardened, he snapped his fingers and all of the sudden, men and women and everything in-between of all kind of creatures swarmed around them. They were all ready to fight and repay the favor they owed to Scarra. The man nodded at the leader of the entourage. “I am willing to offer you the legal, more pleasant way of bringing Sykkuno back, but do not mistake it as submission. You will regret if you think that we aren’t capable of threats and violence as well.”
“You fool,” hissed the leader. “You arrogant, foolish humans and creatures just don’t know the importance of his presence in our shrine. You’re condemning us to live a life cursed by the gods!”
“You’re condemning his life to live chained to the gods for his entire life!” Toast growled out.
He was ready when the attack came, hands finding the kannushi’s leader neck and snapped it within seconds. He exerted his strength and pulled with all his might until the flesh ripped and tore under his fingers. The headless body fell limply on the ground, bleeding out and twitching in its post mortem. Toast looked at the shocked faces of the entourage with satisfaction, throwing the head to one of them carelessly.
“Take that back as a souvenir,” he said conversationally, flicking the blood off of his fingers with feigned nonchalance. “Sykkuno will leave as he pleased. He can stay forever here if he wants, and none of you can say otherwise. It will be his choice only, and none of yours when he does.”
The kannushis, who were at the ready after the attack, looked at each other. One of them finally stepped forward to carefully take the head, and another one took the headless body. “Very well,” the kannushi said. “You have delivered your threat clear enough for us. Be warned, however, that this action will not go unpunished. Saishu can’t stay forever in this city when he’s already part of Inari Ōkami. He had to draw magic from the correct source in our shrine. He will weaken, and he will have no choice in coming back to us. Your attempts to keep him here will be futile, you wretched, cursed thing.”
“This wretched, cursed thing has a name, and you already know it,” Scarra said, warning clear in his voice as he stepped in front of Toast to shield him. He knew that Toast didn’t need the protection, but Toast appreciated the gesture either way. “And so does your saishu. His name is Sykkuno. It will do you well to coax him to go back to you if you actually make effort to know the person instead of a vessel that you put on a pedestal.”
The kannushi said nothing, only looked at them with resignation and loathing in his face. Toast understood that they were just following orders, that in a way they couldn’t help the way they were raised and instructed to behave in the shrine and towards Sykkuno. But it made his blood boil anyway to hear them talking about Sykkuno like that. It wasn’t always fair for neither the kannushi nor was it for Sykkuno. But Toast would always follow the latter, no matter how selfish, how wrong he was in the eyes of others.
They retreated with a last warning of ‘saishu will have to come back to us to fulfill his responsibilities’. Toast let out a breath that he didn’t know he was holding as he leaned against the gate. Scarra was talking to his associates. They agreed to be in watch in case something happened. Some of them had to go back to their cities, but some of them decided to stay and Scarra promised them that the council will take care of them, or at least he would under his personal name.
When they got back inside the house, Sykkuno was curled up in anxiety on Brodin’s lap as the half-vampire carded long fingers through his hair. The sight brought comfort instead of jealousy to Toast’s heart, knowing that Sykkuno had someone to take care of him when Toast was absent. He ignored the venomous whisper of his curse and caught Sykkuno in his arms when the man immediately jumped up to him.
Sykkuno clung to him tightly, legs around Toast’s waist and arms around his neck. Toast chuckled and sat down on the couch, patting his back gently. “It’s okay. They went back. Everything is okay; Scarra takes care of it already.”
“I know,” Sykkuno whispered, his voice trembling a little. “I just don’t like the thought of you going out there without me. And- and because of them. I just- I don’t want to go back there again, Toast. I don’t want to ever go back.”
“You won’t have to,” Toast promised him. “We’ll keep you safe here, okay? It’s okay, little darling.”
Sykkuno only nodded, still not letting up with his hold. The others were asking Scarra about how it went, letting out gasps of surprise and, surprisingly, laughter when they heard about the decapitation.
“Our Toast has grown up to be a formidable man,” Poki said with faux tears on her eyes. She dabbed at them dramatically. “Ah, never thought I’ll see the day.”
“One day I swear I’ll give in to the urge to touch all of you without my gloves,” he told them, sighing fondly despite his annoyance. It was nice, to have acceptance even in his gruesome nature.
“When you no longer have a curse, you mean?” Lily perked up, laughing. “You’re so wholesome, Toast, awh.”
“Can you and your stupid voice shut up already,” Toast snapped back, smiling when he felt Sykkuno trembled with laughter this time around.
“Oh, you’re down so bad,” Lily said gleefully when she noticed his smile.
He was, he thought privately. He was down so bad for this stray cat, this little fox. His smile faltered, however, when Sykkuno pulled away and Yvonne stepped closer to them. There was… something in Sykkuno's face when he carefully extricated himself to sit next to Toast instead. “What’s happening?” Toast asked, confused.
“Toast, do you remember when we talked in the kitchen that one time?” Yvonne started, smiling gently. Toast didn’t trust it even for a second. “About how a curse usually corrodes someone’s soul and body?”
He nodded, mulled it around in his head. He then looked at them both. “You think there’s something going on with my soul.”
“I have a suspicion,” Sykkuno admitted. “But I would like to confirm it.”
“Okay,” he nodded slowly. He trusted Sykkuno, but he didn’t trust that it would do something good for the man himself. “What do you have in mind?”
Sykkuno took a deep breath, and nodded to himself in encouragement. “I intentionally waited for the kannushis to come first before doing this. I’ve been thinking about this for some time now. They already know about our location, so there’s no use in concealing myself anymore. I can use the power at least more than before. I- I would like to check your soul.”
“Check how?” Toast asked again.
“I’ll show you, okay?” Sykkuno said gently, taking hold of both of Toast’s hands. “Close your eyes, don’t open it even if you feel discomfort. When you feel something inside, something familiar to you, just know that it’s me. Don’t push me away.”
He nodded, closing his eyes. He didn’t know what kind of discom—oh. There it was. He didn’t know what was going on since he couldn’t see anything, but he could feel it. The surge of power from Sykkuno, the encompassing heat and the faint crack of thunder from afar. The discomfort came when he felt something nudged inside the tendrils around his chest. Sykkuno was right, it was familiar. Something he recognized as the fox inside of Sykkuno. His curse reacted in an instant, hissing and growling, trying to repel the lightning making its way through the darkness. Sykkuno had a good grip on his consciousness however; he was unrelenting in his search. Toast didn’t know what he was looking for, and how, but he endured the discomfort that steadily grew into pain for as long as he could.
When the lightning dissipated, and he felt Sykkuno's gentle hands holding him close, Toast let out a shaky breath. He was trembling all over from pain that was quickly dissipating from his bones. He felt fingers running through his hair, and leaned into the embrace more firmly. “It’s okay, it’s over now, Toast,” Sykkuno said softly. “You’re okay now.”
Lily handed him a glass of water with a little smile on her face. Sykkuno helped him drink it, gulping down like he had just been stranded on Sahara. “What- what did you see?” he asked after he was finished.
“A funny coincidence,” Sykkuno said. “You have two souls. One that is latched on by the curse, and another one that is completely untouched. That one belongs to you, the other one feels… familiar. But I can’t quite my finger on it. That’s why we need to research it.”
“Okay,” he nodded, frowning. That was truly a weird coincidence. Sykkuno had no soul, and Toast had two of it. Was it another point of connection? That he recognized Sykkuno's state of soullessness and his own abundance of it? He frowned deeper when Yvonne gestured for Michael to come closer. The man looked at Toast with a maniacal grin. That meant nothing good whatsoever. “Spit it out.”
“The three of us will do the research,” Yvonne said, point to Sykkuno, Michael, and herself. “I’ll direct us to my contacts, and we need Michael to do the fast thinking, and Sykkuno as the source of supernatural knowledge and as someone who’s familiar with your curse and soul.”
“Around?” Toast repeated. “Absolutely not. Especially since I can’t go. He can be attacked anytime!”
“You forgot that I can defend myself,” Sykkuno reminded him, though not unkindly. “I can handle it, Toast. Lily will come with us, too, just in case we are followed by someone else.”
“You’re lucky you can stay at home and laze around,” Lily complained, only half-joking. “I have to come as supernatural detector.”
Toast didn’t smile. He still didn’t like this idea. He couldn’t go because it would include being amongst other people who weren’t as resilient and familiar with his curse. It would just slow down the research, he knew. But going around researching like that would take a long time, not to mention the danger that would be exposed to them.
“I don’t like this,” he said out loud.
“I don’t like it either,” Sykkuno admitted, holding onto Toast’s hand. “But we have little options here, Toast. The curse is steadily getting stronger, and I can’t continuously absorb it when I’m so far away from the power source that I’m tied to. We have to go through every viable option, you understand that, right?”
“I- yeah, I do,” he sighed, closing his eyes again. “Will you come home every few days?”
“I will,” Sykkuno said, a smile in his voice. “I can carry them with me, and I’m fast on my feet, remember?”
“Ugh, I don’t want to imagine the practicality of our transportation,” Yvonne said, already looking sick herself.
“It’s the fastest way around,” Michael said, looking gleeful in turn. Of course he’d be exhilarated about the chance of witnessing it. “If you or Lily threw up on me, I’ll experiment on you until you beg me to stop.”
“Michael,” Lily sighed, sounding so, so tired already despite not starting yet.
“Okay,” Toast said. “Just- be careful out there. Use their phone to contact me. Always be on your guard, do you understand?”
“Okay, Toast,” Sykkuno nodded. “Thank you. We’ll try our best.”
Toast, too, was trying his best not to let his instincts take over; to keep Sykkuno by his side, to prevent him from going anywhere where danger could follow, to follow him instead and not caring in the slightest if his curse affected other people. He tried harder when he realized, three days into Sykkuno's research, that he couldn’t touch Sykkuno as often now. They only touched each other for a night before the man had to go back to run around the city to gather information.
Poki went to work accompanied by Brodin now. Sometimes Toast went with her on her meetings. It was a pretty funny sight to see, because Poki would smirk when the attendee felt dizzy and she won over the arguments far easier than usual. Scarra was busy with the council, and Toast opened his service as freelance business consultant just to stave off the boredom.
The amount of days he spent without Sykkuno accumulated higher and higher. Toast could feel it, how his control was relapsing more and more. How his hands trembled and he couldn’t breathe at time because he couldn’t reach out for Sykkuno across the bed, or to go out of his room and see him sleeping on the backyard. His hands itched all the time under his gloves that he had taken to wear more regularly now that there was no one in the house that could directly touch him. He felt awful all the time, agitated and cold-sweating a lot more than he usually did.
Calling Sykkuno helped, having him home helped tremendously, but he couldn’t exactly cling onto the man every single minute. He had to move around, eat, and shower, too. Not to mention catching up on naps on places that Toast couldn’t exactly follow. How the fuck was he supposed to stay on the roofs for four hours without falling and being burnt by the sun while Sykkuno napped comfortable there?
He finally understood why Sykkuno liked kneading the comforter all the time. It brought him a sense of calmness, to alleviate his agitation through something. Though it also brought his longing to the forefront of his mind because it reminded him of Sykkuno. He wasn’t doing good, and he knew it.
Sykkuno knew it too. Five months into the research, he came home with a tired smile and worry on his face when Toast held him with trembling arms on their bed. “I’m sorry,” he whispered to Toast’s hair. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here with you. I’m sorry, Toast. Just a little bit longer, okay?”
“Okay,” he nodded weakly. He felt weak, tired, he felt like his energy was drained all the time with the sudden reappearance of the absence of touch in his life. He held Sykkuno tighter, unwilling to let him go so soon despite knowing that the man had to shower and eat. “Just- sleep on the bed with me when you want to nap.”
“I can do that,” Sykkuno said, pulling back to give him an apologetic look. “Sorry, sometimes it just doesn’t feel right when I don’t sleep at the places I wanted to be in.”
Toast let out a light chuckle. “Under the windows is the right place instead of the bed?”
“You’re lucky I’m too big to actually sleep on top of the windows,” Sykkuno joked, swatting at Toast’s arm.
In moments like this, everything was alright. The trembling stopped and the agitation receded. But then Sykkuno had to leave again, and Toast was back to feeling anxious. It was his last trip, he promised. They had been going around asking all kind of creatures and magical beings for information. They even went to Janet, to Toast’s surprise. He didn’t want to imagine how awkward it must have been, so he didn’t ask. They had been hitting walls throughout the research.
They discussed it with Toast every single time they went back. They were successful in determining that the existence of another soul inside Toast might be an indication that he was born with the curse instead of getting it in his childhood. The source was still questionable. But theoretically speaking, Michael thought that it should be possible to pull out the root of the curse by destroying the extra soul that it had latched onto. Another possible thing was that the soul might belong to somebody else and can be returned; the downside was that there was no way to know whose soul it belonged to, and there was no sane person who would be happy to have their soul returned with a vicious curse as the extra baggage.
The problem was, there was no one who knew how to destroy the soul with a curse in it. Especially when it was so closely tied to Toast’s own soul. There was no guarantee that he wouldn’t be killed in the process. Being soulless was more common than he thought. It wasn’t like the metaphorical sense where they were inherently evil and had no emotions whatsoever. It was more akin to being untethered and unable to die peacefully because their soul was gone and there was nowhere to go to after the death. But it was still debatable since afterlife was exclusive to certain beliefs only, and Toast wasn’t a religious person, nor was he a part of creatures that specifically had a metaphysical form of afterlife. He was just a human with a curse, that was all.
At the end of their research, Yvonne was so sick of being carried by Sykkuno throughout the city with neck-breaking speed and Michael now had a new hobby of poking and prodding Sykkuno and pressuring him into showing his power for his experiments. Sykkuno endured it all with his chicken laughter and gentle smiles. Lily, somehow, had gotten herself a new teacher to better channel her magic, and Sykkuno had too many admirers from his short meetings with them. They each had something to carry with them, including Yvonne who now owed people some favor and had people owing her something—everything but the actual answer itself.
Toast knew that something must have changed in the last trip, because even if Sykkuno was within reach right now, he felt… distant. He kept to himself more, and spent his time pulling out the patches on the grass as he thought. Toast accompanied him whenever he wasn’t consulting someone through his computer, but they didn’t talk. He didn’t know what the man was thinking, and in a way, he thought that maybe he was too afraid to ask. Toast might be a careless, apathetic person, but it didn’t mean that he was immune to the more delicate kind of emotions.
So he just tried to be there for Sykkuno, tried to convey his feelings through his touches as best as he could. Sometimes Sykkuno would look so tired and resigned, and he would give Toast such a grateful look when Toast readily held him close. There were times when he heard Sykkuno crying silently in the middle of the night.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, voice hoarse with sleep. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
“I don’t want to leave you,” Sykkuno whispered, tears running down his face like the rain that nowadays had plagued the city. It wasn’t from the weather, he knew. It was all because of Sykkuno's mood. “Be it my responsibility, or the curse, I don’t want to be parted from you. Maybe I’m desperate, maybe I’m not thinking straight, but there are things that I just can’t explain. I just wanna stay here, Toast.”
He gathered Sykkuno close, sighing deeply. He understood that feeling, that desperation. The urge to be close. He understood it too intimately. He knew that there was small chance for them to stay together for a long time. Not when the looming threat of Sykkuno's family and his curse was still around the corner. One obstacle after another that they had no way of avoiding or running away from. They were helpless, in all kind of senses.
But right here, in his arms, Toast would try his damnedest to keep the connecting chain between them. To defy gods and their curses just to be close with this enigmatic, confusing stray cat. “I’ll be here, even for a night, I’ll always be here,” he said.
“What if it’s not enough?” Sykkuno asked, voice small and afraid.
Toast had no answer to that, because he had been asking himself the same question. He had no way of knowing what to do when his desires of being with Sykkuno wasn’t enough to keep him by his side. So he didn’t say anything, letting tears cascade down Sykkuno's cheeks as his heart broke all over again from their sorrow and tragedy.
That night, too, had changed something. Toast remembered the foreboding feeling inside his lungs when he made the deal with his curse. The feeling that Sykkuno would be taken away and he would be helpless in preventing that. Except, this time, when Sykkuno sat next to him on the backyard, fingers no longer pulling the patches of, it would be Sykkuno who let himself slip under the dark water.
“I’m going back.”
Toast felt his blood froze into shards of ice upon hearing those words. He turned stiffly to look at Sykkuno; hearing, but not understanding a word. What- what did he mean by going back? What the fuck did he mean by going back, when he had spent the past one and a half-year trying not to go back there?
As if sensing his thoughts, Sykkuno looked at Toast straight in the eyes. “I think I found a way to get rid of your curse, and I need to go back in order to know about the details.”
“Explain,” Toast said curtly, unable to hide his shock and bitterness from his voice.
Sykkuno swallowed, eyes dimming at Toast’s tone. “I know it’s surprising,” he started, “I know that this seems like I’ve wasted away all of our efforts. But, Toast, you have to know that I love you. I’m willing to give everything I have if only to get rid of the curse and you can live normally, happily.”
“And how am I supposed to be happy when you’re back there, suffering on your own?” Toast shot back. It wasn’t about not letting Sykkuno go when he wanted to, because that was the fucking problem. He didn’t look like he wanted to step into the Nikko Tosho-gu shrine anymore. If he thought that by going back there, he’d solve their problems, then he had another thing coming. “I’m willing to live with my curse, Sykkuno. I don’t need you sacrificing your freedom for me. I want you to be happy too, and look at you right now. You’re not happy at all with your decision.”
“It’s not about being happy, Toast,” Sykkuno sighed. “Please, just let me explain, okay? I don’t want to argue. Especially not when I’m leaving soon.”
“Soon?” Toast asked, alarmed. “How soon?”
“After this,” Sykkuno answered, dejected.
There was a brief, excruciating pain that gripped at Toast’s heart. That was far too soon, there wouldn’t even be enough time for him to convince himself to let Sykkuno go. He felt his heart beating fast, breath coming out in staccato. He startled when he felt Sykkuno reached for his hand, but then chased it on his own and gripped the long fingers between his own.
“There is a possibility… that I can pull out your curse without damaging you, but I need more power and knowledge for that—“
“You’re going to ascend,” Toast realized. “Are you out of your goddamned mind?! You said it yourself how it’s going to chain you down for your whole life!”
“Toast!” Sykkuno shouted, afraid of confrontation and anguish before he had to leave. His voice was trembling when he spoke next, when Toast bit his lip and resolutely kept his stare ahead of him at the fence around the backyard. “There- there’s something that I’ve suspected since a long time ago, since we met. But I need you to search for your own confirmation. Go back home, Toast. Ask your mother about your birth and the events surrounding it. And then… make your decision. I’ll- I’ll wait in the shrine for you. Whatever your decision would be, I’ll still ascend.”
“But why?” Toast asked, weak and despairing. He didn’t understand why Sykkuno was so adamant in bringing himself down. Didn’t he understand that his suffering was Toast’s suffering as well? He loved him, there was no way he could just stand and watch when Sykkuno was so resigned to a life as an object.
“I’m getting weaker, Toast,” Sykkuno admitted with a deep sigh. “If I’m just any other supernatural creature, this won’t be a problem. But I’ve always been a vessel of Inari Ōkami since I was born. I have to draw my power from the source within the shrine, and the reserve that I have right now is thinning by the days because I’ve used it so much for the past one and a half year. Even if I’m not using my magic, the act of containing the kami’s soul alone would need energy. I can’t stay here forever in this state.”
Toast closed his eyes, unable to accept the reality. The reality where his worst nightmare had come to life, right in front of his eyes, while he really was unable to do anything about. What could he do when it concerned Sykkuno's own magic? The magic that was tied to him since birth. He opened his eyes, heaving several deep breaths, trying to swallow the bitter pill.
“Why must it be my mother?” he then asked. “She doesn’t know anything about supernatural world.”
“No, she might not,” Sykkuno said, reaching out to caress the side of Toast’s face. “But she might know what happened when you were born. We need that information. I- I don’t know whether what I think is right or wrong. But on the case that it’s right, then I will know what to do. You will know, too, once you ask her. I have a feeling that she might have an answer, though maybe it might not be what we have expected.”
“You know,” Toast smiled sadly, pressing his face against the warm palm. “This is the only time I actually hate it when you talk like a politician. But I understand you have your reason, so I’ll let it go.”
“Thank you, Toast,” the man breathed out in relief.
“Is this goodbye, then?” he asked, bitter and unwilling.
Sykkuno looked at him mournfully. He shook his head. “I’ll wait for you, always. You only need to make your decision. If your decision does not allow our paths to cross again, then I’ll still wait for you, Toast.”
“I love you,” Toast said, cupping Sykkuno's face with the both of his hands. “When you come back there, when you’ve ascend, I want you to remember that I love you, that I want you to be happy, that I’ll wait for you, too. Even if I have to wait for a thousand years.”
Sykkuno's lips trembled; tears glistened brightly in his red-yellow eyes under the sun. “I love you, too,” he whispered against Toast’s lips, kissing him with such longing and desperation that Toast felt in the marrow of his bones. “I’ll always love you, Toast.”
“I know,” Toast said, certain of his conviction despite his heartache. He had had his heart broken before, had tasted disappointment and sorrow. But none of them could ever compare to this moment—where he had to let go of his beloved out of his own will. It just made everything worse, how it made sense in his head, Sykkuno's decision. He understood his willingness to sacrifice his own freedom out of his love for Toast. Because would be willing to do the same. This time, he had to be willing to let Sykkuno thought what was right.
“Send my regards to the others,” Sykkuno said, climbing on Toast’s lap to embrace him so tightly, as if he was trying to imprint this moment, the feeling of Toast in his arms. He needed this for the long, harsh winter to come.
“I’ll come back there for you,” Toast promised. “No matter what happen, what will happen, I’ll come for you, okay?”
Toast knew that Sykkuno believed him, though he didn’t necessarily believe that it could happen. But that was alright, that was Toast’s job to find out. The both of them just had to wait in their own terms. He tightened his arms around Sykkuno, inhaling the faint scent of jasmine, of thunder and rain, of death and deceit. He didn’t know how he could go on without these scents enveloping him like an embrace of a lover.
When Sykkuno's hold loosened, Toast held him tighter for a moment before reluctantly letting him go. He looked at the face in front of him. A face that he was so familiar with, longer than one and a half year, as if he had been seeing Sykkuno who whole life, as if they had met and touched each other’s heart since the moment they were born. Sykkuno gave him that safety and familiarity, inspired in his the instinct of protecting and trusting that he would be protected in return. A sense of completion, as if he was finally balanced and right, finally whole with this man by his side.
Now that he had to go, it felt like ripping a bandage from a gaping wound. It was painful, to experience something so great, only for it to be taken away like this. He let out a trembling exhale, and nodded at Sykkuno. “Be careful, you know where to find me, if you ever go back. And I’ll find you, when the time is right.”
“Okay,” the man replied, smiling softly as he caressed Toast’s face one more time before he got up. “Take care, then. We shall meet again when the time comes.”
Toast watched, half in sadness and half in fascination, as the soft flame enveloped Sykkuno, before a small cat appeared in front of him in lieu of the man. The cat was white, with grey coloring at the tip of its ears, and on its tails. Tails. The cat had two tails. Toast laughed, even harder when the cat seemed to wink at him.
“So you really are a cat, huh,” he said, shaking his head a little. This must have been Sykkuno's true form, instead of the fox. He couldn’t believe that someone was actually a cat, despite witnessing it right in front of his eyes. It was still mindboggling.
The cat meowed lightly, circling around his feet once, before it took off; easily jumping over the high fence, and after a tinkle of familiar laughter that seemed to resound inside Toast’s mind, it was gone. Sykkuno was gone, now. Toast let out another breath to alleviate the sudden sense of loss and sadness that overcame him. Their parting wasn’t a disastrous one, and he even got a small laughter out of the display of transformation. But this wasn’t a farewell, he promised himself. He still had something to do, after all.
They would meet again. They would.
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aetherbunny · 2 years
Wow! I love your Ratcather mask! Did you make it yourself?
I did! Both versions! Thank you!
The first one wasn't doing it for me, too tight, wrong shape, etc. The coat wasn’t quite right either, so that got some updates too. Here’s the old look.
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I got a pattern for a rat head from Chilli Cosplay off Etsy and did some alterations from there. I think actively making it cuter still fits the character well enough! I'm taking the new mask to a Con in November and I hope to be able to get a nice professional shoot with her!
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The ears are magnetic for a more serious look. As if I’d WANT to be more serious? But ya never know!
Pokie-Dokie is actually next, I’ve spent a LONG time trying to figure out the best way to add dots, which I think I have. And I’ve given up making his gauntlets out of foam and now have located a 3D printer to work with! I just have ti help the grade school art teacher figure out how to use it! Can’t be that hard right?
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HOPEFULLY I can still get him to light up, as that’s my end goal. I’m a menace to myself when it comes to cosplay. I have got to do the most ridiculous and time consuming things lol.
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freeegypt772 · 2 years
Why is poki games blocked
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Unblocked games 76 - Google.
FNAF Unblocked - Five Nights at Freddy's.
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Why poki got banned.
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ONLINE GAMES - Play Online Games on Poki.
Why I can not block this game website? - Sophos.
Online Games on Poki — Let's play.
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IO Games are a genre of free realtime multiplayer online games that you can play in your browser without needing to install anything or create an account. The first io game was IO is a domain extension which stands for "Indian Ocean" but it is a favored domain extension by game developers because it also stands for "in / out.&quot.
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Oct 12, 2012 · Jacksmith was developed by Filipines Studios. But you can play the game online for free on B Features. Beautiful graphics with awesome colours. Many detailed characters with nice animations. Craft weapons for customers to earn money. Nice animation that will teach you how swords are made out. Unblocked Games 76 for you! Welcome to Google site Unblocked Games 76! Here you will find a huge number of different games (more than 1500), which are unblocked for school, offices and other enterprises. On our site are located both old flash games and new HTML5 unblocked games. We try to add only good and exciting games.
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Here at Poki Kids, you can play all games for free! You’ll find cool games for kids to play on your computer, smartphone, or tablet. Poki Kids brings you the most popular games, like car games for kids, cooking games for kids, and dress-up games for kids. No matter what type of games you prefer, we have great ones for you. Enjoy!.
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Fly your helicopter and shoot at enemies. Build walls to protect yourself and conquer as much territory as possible. Fill areas to level up, upgrade your aircraft and buildings. Use awesome superpowers and team up to defeat your enemies and win this cool IO game!.
Why are all my games blocked. they were working. there is nothing.
Jul 07, 2022 · Online Games on Poki Let#39;s play. The Bizarre Story Behind Pokimane#39;s Rise To Fame - Looper. Pokimane unbanned on Twitch - Dot Esports. Fnf endless unblocked. Horse Banned Racing Names. YoPgaU. Why did Jidion get banned on Twitch? - The Sun. Brand Risk Podcast: Why Arab Got Banned on Twitch, What Poki amp; Hasan. Setting the new standard for web games. 28 languages. localized for fun. From Arabic to Zulu. A tailored experience for the whole wide world. Easy access for all. With just two lines of code, game developers can instantly publish their game to millions of players. Together, we’re on a mission to raise the bar for free games on web. Poki has been a bit laggy and I hear that all of you don't like it. Poki has been a bit laggy, but I have not gotten a virus. The games are good, but some are stolen. Based on others' reviews, I should not play poki. So I won't. Plus I'm on my moms laptop, so she would get mad if I gave her a virus soooo.
ONLINE GAMES - Play Online Games on Poki.
Blocked Out is such a great ability and insight game, where the goal is to pick up a friend to play this game with and then try to kill each other or when it's possible, to block out the opponent in the other side of the game screen, than the side you are going. The graphics are not so complicated so there will only be two bottles, a red one. Jul 10, 2022 · Retro Bowl Unblocked Poki - Play.scottishindependen July. May 17, 2022 Retro Bowl Unblocked Poki H 2022 from What makes retro bowl stand out. The nfl is a complicated league, so it#39;s hard to be successful every season, especially in the first season, so. Poki games unblocked contain almost all popular games for school, collages and offices..
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Mar 17, 2022 · Here are some of the very best online games to play with friends that are guaranteed to bring you and your clan together for some fun. Dead by Daylight Developer: Behaviour Interactive Format(s): PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and S, Nintendo Back when asymmetrical multiplayer games were all the rage (remember Evolve?), a (…). THE IMPOSSIBLE QUIZ 2 The Impossible Quiz 2 oyna Poki'da. Unblocked Games Impossible Quiz | T July. Bird Flappy Impossible. THE IMPOSSIBLE QUIZMAS - Play The Impossible. This is one of the best online quiz games of all time. It is 99 percent impossible, but if you can handle the stress you can beat the game.
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cleanfree33 · 2 years
Poki currency
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Poke: A CLI tool for Ethereum Development | by Taylor Brent | Reserve.
Animal Crossing: Best New Items to Buy with Poki | Screen Rant.
Poke Ball Ocarina - STL Ocarina.
Poke-Yen | The Pokemon Heroes Wiki | Fandom.
How to Get Poki & What It’s Used For In Animal Crossing.
1 POKE to GBP - Exchange - How much Pound Sterling (GBP) is 1 PokeCoin.
Poke-Collect Pokemon Trading Cards & Collectibles Super Store.
Currencies | P.MysteryUniverse Wiki | Fandom.
Ideas in Good Currency.
How to use console in pokeclicker to add currency? - reddit.
Different ways of obtaining Poké Coins · Issue #91 - GitHub.
Pokémon Dollar - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon.
Poki - Animal Crossing Wiki - Nookipedia.
Pokecentral | Welcome.
Poke: A CLI tool for Ethereum Development | by Taylor Brent | Reserve.
. Home - PokeFlash. PokeFlash works by helping trainers to get perfect Pokémon and build the dream team, you can choose from the different options in each offer on our product page: Shiny, Ultra Shiny or Normal, Language, etc. Besides the Custom Pokémon announcement where you can choose the Pokémon, Nature, Ability, Ivs, Evs, Moves, OT, Ball, etc.
Animal Crossing: Best New Items to Buy with Poki | Screen Rant.
Jul 09, 2022 · ACNH: How To Earn Poki Faster?. Poki 250. Soda poki. ACNH: How To Exchange Poki For Bells?. EOF. BALL GAMES - Play Ball Games on Poki. Poki - Animal Crossing Wiki - Nookipedia. How to exchange poki to bells - YouTube. Online Games on Poki Let's play. PIANO TILES 2 - Juega Piano Tiles 2 en Poki. How to Get Poki in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. POKE (POKECOIN) to USD (US Dollar) online currency converter. POKE/USD current rate calculator. Currencio — Cryptocurrency Converter.
Poke Ball Ocarina - STL Ocarina.
Welcome. Here you can purchase ranks, items, and Pokemon that enhance your gameplay on the Pokecentral Network. Select the server your play on to explore the different available offerings. Please be sure to enter your full correct and current username when prompted. Once your at the checkout select Paypal as your payment method. Jun 20, 2022 · Michael has 76,181. The Pokémon Dollar (Japanese: ポケドル Pokédollar ), often simply referred to as money (Japanese: おこづかい pocket money ), is the main currency used in most known regions of the Pokémon world. Its symbol is , a P with a double strikethrough, similar to the ¥ symbol used for Japanese yen, the € symbol used.
Poke-Yen | The Pokemon Heroes Wiki | Fandom.
TOPOKE, LIGANDA CURRENCY, DRC Forms like these iron shaped "weapons" and blades were recognized and used by the Topoke people as a bride price. They are called Liganda and range in size from the dihunga (59" x 9.5") to an unnamed size (64" x 12') to the doa (69" x 14"). They were used well into the middle of the 20th century. Poki is a special currency that is part of the Happy Home Paradise expansion. Rather than receiving payment with Bells for your work with the Paradise Planning Team, you'll receive Poki.Poki can.
How to Get Poki & What It’s Used For In Animal Crossing.
POKE Price Live Data. Pokeball is a Yield Farming running in the Binance Smart Chain, we provide big rewards to the people staking, we lock 75% rewards for a year and 25% rewards can be withdrawed instantly. Poki is a currency in Animal Crossing: New Horizons – Happy Home Paradise that is used exclusively on the expansion's archipelago to buy items in the Paradise Planning building, Wardell's catalog, the café, and the apparel shop. Lottie pays the player Poki each time they design a vacation home. The player's salary increases the more the player's status grows.
1 POKE to GBP - Exchange - How much Pound Sterling (GBP) is 1 PokeCoin.
Polkadot price today is $ 6.74 with a 24-hour trading volume of $ 664.30M, market cap of $ 6.66B, and market dominance of 0.70%. The DOT price decreased -5.86% in the last 24 hours. Polkadot reached its highest price on Nov 4, 2021 when it was trading at its all-time high of $ 54.98. The lowest price since it's ATH was $ 6.40 (cycle low). The website works as a console of Flash games and it also has achievements, currency, and features to unlock new games. Show Details. 13. Miniclip. Miniclip is the most famous online gaming website that was launched in 2001 and is one of the fastest-growing online gaming websites. As the top world-cross platform, mmotank dedicated in in-game service with cheapest price, 365/24/7 Online, fast and reliable delivery. For PokeMMO Money delivery, once your transaction recieved, mmotank will arrange the Cheap PokeMMO Money delivery in minutes after your order information confirmed.
Poke-Collect Pokemon Trading Cards & Collectibles Super Store.
Different ways of obtaining Poké Coins · Issue #91 · poketwo/poketwo · GitHub. Issues. Closed. Jovanaar-90 opened this issue on Jan 4, 2021 · 7 comments.
Currencies | P.MysteryUniverse Wiki | Fandom.
Poki has the best free online games selection and offers the most fun experience to play alone or with friends. We offer instant play to all our games without downloads, login, popups or other distractions. Our games are playable on desktop, tablet and mobile so you can enjoy them at school, at home or on the road.. Play Sound Pokémon Dollars are the main form of currency in the Pokémon World (though they are replaced by Poké in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games). Much like currency in real life, Pokémon Dollars allow people in the Pokémon World to buy whatever they need, such as Potions or clothes.
Ideas in Good Currency.
I just made a script to add currency of all kind in the game since I couldn't find one that actually worked. All you need to do is create a new script (I use TaperMonkey), paste the code, adding the value you want on the lines "var...", turn the script on, refresh the pokeclicker page on your browser, turn the script off, then refresh pokeclicker again and here you go!!. Pocky Cream Covered Biscuit Sticks 2.47 oz per Pack (Strawberry, 2 Pack) Strawberry · 2.47 Ounce (Pack of 2) 211. -19%$720 ($7.20/Count) $8.90. FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. Only 14 left in stock - order soon.
How to use console in pokeclicker to add currency? - reddit.
Apr 04, 2022 · Poké (Japanese: ポケ Poké) is a type of currency used in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon world. In Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team, it is referred to as P o K é. Starting from Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness, Poké is referred to as its icon, or simply money. In Gates to Infinity, a downloadable dungeon named Poké Forest has.
Different ways of obtaining Poké Coins · Issue #91 - GitHub.
Nov 11, 2021 · Poki is an exclusive currency used on the island archipelago in the Happy Home Paradise DLC. You earn Poki whenever you design a new home, update your Happy Home Network photos, or remodel a home you've built already. You can only earn Poki by doing jobs on the island.
Pokémon Dollar - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon.
Poke-Yen is the universal currency of all regions in the Pokemon World. T he monetary symbol for Poke-Yen resembles the letter P with a double stroke through the stem. Poke-Yen are distributed by the Pokemon Banks: First Bank of Sinnoh, First Bank of Hoenn, First Bank of Kanto, First Bank of Johto and First Bank of Unova. Retro Bowl. New Star Games 4.2 403,578 votes. Retro Bowl is an American style football game created by New Star Games. Are you ready to manage your dream team into victory? Be the boss of your NFL franchise, expand your roster, take care of your press duties to keep your team and fans happy. The endless ways to customize your team and strategy.
Poki - Animal Crossing Wiki - Nookipedia.
Find the latest PokeCoin to United States dollar exchange rate and get POKE/USD historical conversion chart, currency converter, forecast, monthly averages and more.... POKE Exchange Rates against Other Major World Currencies. PokeCoin. United States dollar (USD) x1000 0.12963. 0.000000719 (+0.56%) 1M 54.51%. British pound (GBP). Our io Games thrust you into competitive multiplayer action. We have the most exciting survival challenges. Make sure you are the last alive in our io Battle Royale Games.Or get a high score in games like P 2 by covering as much space as possible. Customize your character before battle, and prepare to overtake the entire world!. It got us thinking about currency and how we assign value to the pieces of metal, paper or code that we use to buy things. Duration: 4min 27sec Broadcast: Tue 18 May 2021, 12:00am.
Pokecentral | Welcome.
Why Animal Crossing's DLC Pays In Poki, Not Bells. The Animal Crossing Direct reveal showcases Lottie providing players with a monetary reward for their efforts. What's unusual about it, though, is that it appears players get paid in a brand new currency known as Poki rather than Bells. They can then use their Poki to buy new furniture from the. The musical sounds of this special ocarina may entrance all who listen. So, entertain them in style with your Poke Ball. Features: ---This Ocarina is special and pretty unique. ---Design to dreamily capture life's every moment. ---6-hole ocarina. ---Accurately tuned in F Major. ---Pitch range from F4 to A5. ---Measures 2.75 inches in diameter.
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100incredible922 · 2 years
Is poki coming out today
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Pokémon GO Hub - News, Events, PvP, Raid and Research guides.
I swear I'd poki dosent come out tom/today ima gonna die @_cameron_25.
Michael Jackson's son Bigi, once known as Blanket, buys house... - TODAY.
ONLINE GAMES - Play Online Games on Poki.
All promo codes for Pokémon Go in July 2022 - Dot Esports.
Evangelicals perfected cancel culture. Now it's coming for them.
Pokimane's "Poki" emote officially set to return in the.
Pokemon Card Series & Sets @ Pokellector.
Causes of Fainting: Reasons Why We Pass Out - Verywell Health.
Poke Bros - Hawaiian Style Fresh Fish Poke Bowls.
Pokemon Bank and Poke Transporter are not coming out today.
Come Visit Tumblecube Island! - Pokémon Quest | PQuest.
Foodland Homepage | Foodland.
Pokémon GO Hub - News, Events, PvP, Raid and Research guides.
Find the best Poke Bowls near you on Yelp - see all Poke Bowls open now.Explore other popular food spots near you from over 7 million businesses with over 142 million reviews and opinions from Yelpers.... Anthony T. said "I ordered a poke bowl with scallops today and I found a broken scallop shell on my bowl." read more. Poké Bar. 237 reviews. I have no problem with Dabo wearing the pink and trying to griddy for charity. But don't be sensitive when people poke fun. I like what Shane did today and I totally expect haters to come out and try to throw their shade. 19 Jul 2022. Welcome to. Poké Geaux. VISIT US AT ONE OF OUR 3 LOCATIONS. Ambassador Caffery Pkwy. We serve a wonderful assortment of delicious, beautifully presented dishes. Visit. JOHNSTON STREET. We have dine-in and patio sitting tables. We are also available in Waitr, Grubhub, and Doordash apps.
I swear I'd poki dosent come out tom/today ima gonna die @_cameron_25.
Here at Poki Kids, you can play all games for free! You’ll find cool games for kids to play on your computer, smartphone, or tablet. Poki Kids brings you the most popular games, like car games for kids, cooking games for kids, and dress-up games for kids. No matter what type of games you prefer, we have great ones for you. Enjoy!. Pre-Season for the new free-to-play standalone mobile game from Psyonix is live now in Oceania. Worldwide coming soon. Get charged up for Rocket League Sideswipe, because the Pre-Season is going live today on iOS and Android, beginning in Oceania! Pre-Season will be rolling out in additional regions throughout November.
Michael Jackson's son Bigi, once known as Blanket, buys house... - TODAY.
From time to time, Niantic will hold promotions with other companies. In the past, they have done this with Samsung, Verizon, and Sprint where you got free items (see below), and even with Starbucks where you got an exclusive Frappuccino. 😋 Other times they have collaborated to open new Poke Stops and Gyms like they did with 7-Eleven stores in Korea, Japan, and Mexico and with Unibail. They are not victims of a liberal culture out to obliterate them from acceptable society; they are the collateral damage of a culture they helped create. They are reaping what they have sowed.
ONLINE GAMES - Play Online Games on Poki.
New Ultra Beasts and Beast Balls are coming to Pokémon GO Fest! Kratos-June 22, 2022. GO Hub to co-host a massive Raid Battle Tour in Berlin on June 25, 2022. Zeroghan-June 17, 2022. Pokémon GO x TCG Professor Willow Special Research Offer Announced. kittypokemonsalot-June 17, 2022.
All promo codes for Pokémon Go in July 2022 - Dot Esports.
Play with Pokémon in your Pokémon Camp. Put on your favorite clothes, get a new hairdo, and set out on your adventure in style. Make your very own unique League Card. Trading Pokémon is easy with Surprise Trades—you just never know who you might trade with! Prepare for battle in Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield! ⚔️🛡️.
Evangelicals perfected cancel culture. Now it's coming for them.
"POKÉMON MASTER JOURNEYS: THE SERIES" DEBUTING IN 2021 Newest Season of Animated Series Announced During Pokémon's 25th Anniversary Year. BELLEVUE, Wash. — May 6, 2021 — Today, The Pokémon Company International announced the latest season of the iconic Pokémon animated series will premiere in select markets as early as summer—with more premieres coming to additional markets. Pokémon Bank and Poké Transporter won't be available to download from the eShop today, because Nintendo's servers have struggled to keep up with an influx of new 3DS and Wii U owners. Bank will allow you to store up to 3,000 critters in the cloud, while Transporter lets you take your fluffy pals from Pokémon Black, White , Black 2, and White.
Pokimane's "Poki" emote officially set to return in the.
Create your Wizard here and play for free! Wizard101 is an online Wizard school adventure game featuring collectible card magic, pets, and duels. Poki is an emote created by Pokimane, a popular Fortnite streamer. Poki is the second Emote for Fortnite streamers. Gallery Promotional Video for Poki comparing the Emote to the Video. Gallery Poki Emote In-Game by Gnejs Gaming Categories Community content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
Pokemon Card Series & Sets @ Pokellector.
Pokémon Go: Kanto event. To help celebrate, the mobile game Pokémon Go, which also celebrates its fifth anniversary this year, held a special event within the augmented reality game on Feb. 20. Featuring Pokémon TCG, video game, and anime news!. Want to play New Games? Play Slime Pizza, Who Is?, Cannon Strike and many more for free on Poki. The best starting point to discover new games.
Causes of Fainting: Reasons Why We Pass Out - Verywell Health.
Pokémon GO is playable in English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Japanese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Thai, and Brazillian Portuguese. Setting the new standard for web games. 28 languages. localized for fun. From Arabic to Zulu. A tailored experience for the whole wide world. Easy access for all. With just two lines of code, game developers can instantly publish their game to millions of players. Together, we’re on a mission to raise the bar for free games on web.
Poke Bros - Hawaiian Style Fresh Fish Poke Bowls.
These Pokemon Go promo codes will give you many rewards and items in the game. We will list out all the latest, new and working codes so check back soon to know if any more have been released. You can also bookmark this page to get the latest info. Pokemon Go Promo Codes 2022.
Pokemon Bank and Poke Transporter are not coming out today.
Injustice 2 is the super-powered sequel to the hit game Injustice: Gods Among Us that allows players to build and power up the ultimate version of their favorite DC characters.
Come Visit Tumblecube Island! - Pokémon Quest | PQuest.
Here at Poki Kids, you can play all games for free! You’ll find cool games for kids to play on your computer, smartphone, or tablet. Poki Kids brings you the most popular games, like car games for kids, cooking games for kids, and dress-up games for kids. No matter what type of games you prefer, we have great ones for you. Enjoy!. POKÉTOON Episode 5 Is Available Now on Pokémon TV. Spend a cozy day in a house full of Pokémon in “The Slugma-Powered Home,” the fifth episode in this collection of animated shorts. July 14, 2022. Pokémon GO.
Foodland Homepage | Foodland.
Pokémon GO 0.243.0 update is currently rolling out to a device near you and it brings with it some more details around... Latest. Read more. Let's Talk About Furfrou, the Missing Regional... Coming this week in Pokémon GO, commencing 18th July... Starly Community Day July 2022. Event July 17, 2022 0. Starly is the July 2022 Community Day.
Pocky is the perfect snack to share with anyone, anytime. Now available in 6 delicious flavors, just open a box and start sharing happiness. Welcome to Fall Guys: Free for All! You’re invited to dive and dodge your way to victory in the pantheon of clumsy. Rookie or pro? Solo or partied up? Fall Guys delivers ever-evolving, high-concentrated hilarity and fun!.
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Poki Poki Ben 10 Games
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csnnat23 · 2 years
Are.poki and.yassuo still friends
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Poki reacts to Yassuo defending her from Sliker - YouTube.
Pokimane sad to see friendship with GreekGodx end, says: "it is... - GINX.
Fedmyster Banned.
Banned Fedmyster.
The Untold Truth Of Pokimane - L.
Yassuo tells the truth about him and Poki offlineTV - reddit.
Yassuo has completely disowned FED. offlineTV - reddit.
Famous People Who Can't Stand Tyler1 - L.
Are Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan still friends? Do they keep in touch?.
Yassuo says he "would never trust (Tarzaned) in (his... - Dot Esports.
List of people in OTV & Friends - OfflineTVandFriends Wiki.
Poki reacts to Yassuo defending her from Sliker - YouTube.
Lily talks with Dr K. Fed shows off Otv's upload speed. Moe gets stream sniped. Poki celebrates her 4 million followers. Peter can't get peepo to listen. Sca. 2020 (1007) tháng năm 2020 (2) tháng một 2020 (1005) James and Alice trailer-Prithviraj-Vedhika; Misti Basanti pulao/Sweet yellow pulao reci.
Pokimane sad to see friendship with GreekGodx end, says: "it is... - GINX.
Yassuo won, but when it was time for Tyler1 to pay the price and play a game of Pummel Party with Yassuo and two others, he didn't show. In confronting Tyler1, Yassuo said, "You are being. Moe talked about an unforgivable thing he did (that he also decided to maintain private) that even after time passes he doesn't think he'll ever be able to forgive Fed. Moe's memory of Fed stating he was dating poki matches up with poki's story. Fact checked. Damn he did that to Moe, that's rough.
Answer (1 of 15): I believe that they are still great friends, just not out in the public in front of cameras and fans. They always have been after getting to know each other during filming The Untamed as they themselves stated several times during different interviews. If you look at any of the. Search: Pokimane Leaving Offlinetv House. Sykkuno is an internet personality best known for his live streams and Twitch broadcasts Sykkuno is leaving the OfflineTV house, revealing he plans on moving back in with family, but he will stick around the Los Angeles area ; d a long-term perspective, the Twitch streamer might end up choosing 100T over OTV LilyPichu also accused former OfflineTV. Pokimane eventually released an apology video in which she addressed a range of matters. However, rumors about her "alleged boyfriend" started to swirl again after she said the following about.
Fedmyster Banned.
#LeageOfLegends #Pokimane #Yassuo About Me My name's Imane, but you can call me Poki/Pokimane) I'm a creator and streamer who plays Fortnite, Minecraft, and. Search: Fedmyster Banned. fedmyster banned The petition is called "Remove White Supremacist Content From YouTube" and was started weeks ago in the wake of the attack on Christchurch mosques in New Zealand Here we'll talk about all possible bans that you can get, and why you can get them, while using Steam, as well as provide information on Fedmyster is the best streamer that rarely streams.
Banned Fedmyster.
He has more than 2 million followers on his Yassuo Twitch account. Before Fame. He started playing League of Legends in season 4 of the game. He has streamed full-time since February of 2017. Trivia. He uploads videos to his Yassuo YouTube channel as well where he has an even larger fan base of more than 1.5 million subscribers. Family Life.
The Untold Truth Of Pokimane - L.
@100Thieves Content Creator | I make YouTube videos and stream on Twitch ----- Business Inquiries.
Yassuo tells the truth about him and Poki offlineTV - reddit.
Yassuo is an American online gamer, Twitch streamer and YouTuber. His YouTube channel "Yassuo" has over 1.5 million subscribers and 400 million views. Estimated Net Worth. 1 million Dollar. Celebrity Net Worth Revealed: The 55 Richest Actors Alive in 2022. Yearly Salary. N/A. Perhaps these comments were a little too much for Pokimane to handle as she had Greek muted prior to him blocking her. Some fans proposed that Poki should attempt to reach out to Greek and remedy the friendship. While we fully support this proposal, it may prove difficult as blocking someone usually indicates total severance from them. May 31, 2022 · With all that in mind, we will be tracking all the software updates, including security patches and bug fixes, coming to the Galaxy S21 devices in this section.
Yassuo has completely disowned FED. offlineTV - reddit.
Checkout Moe:YouTube - - - assuoNAIns. This week's episode discusses league of legends versus fortnite, gaming addiction, and XXXTentacion passing. Audio Engineer: Mayaotak - Listen to Episode 10 Ft Scarra, Myth, Yassuo by POKI PODCAST instantly on your tablet, phone or browser - no downloads needed. Remember to leave a like and subscribe for more content! Click the bell to be notified as soon as a video goes live!Follow my stuff!Vlog Channel - https://go.
Famous People Who Can't Stand Tyler1 - L.
Find recent updates about Yassuo biography, net worth, salary, age, height, relationship, career, family, lifestyle, and more. Yassuo Biography. Yassuo is best known for being a Twitch Star. Full time Twitch streamer notable for playing the League of Legends. He has more than 1.1 million followers in his Yassuo Twitch channel.
Are Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan still friends? Do they keep in touch?.
Says he will never be friends with Fed ever again, but is still shell-shocked and in disbelief of what happened - considered Fed to be a brother and spoke about how he and Fed were so close he was 1 out 2 people that he was talking to during the time yassuo was depressed, and that Fed used that shit against him. * Lilypichu * QuarterJade Valkyrae Pokimane https. In May of 2019, after being banned for talking to an attention seeking nobody who then got Mizkif banned and who was definitely not at fault and by no means should have been banned permanently after she was caught lying about it for attention, Mizkif decided it was time to change However, as of the time of this article's writing, Fedmyster's channel is still up on Twitch 0 peak viewers To se.
Yassuo says he "would never trust (Tarzaned) in (his... - Dot Esports.
New Poki & Yassuo Duo! 21,243 Likes: 21,243 Dislikes: 1,070,346 views views: 4.02M followers: Matthew M Rodriguez Rios Luis Martin Gaming: Upload TimePublished on 8 Dec 2017. Thanks For Watching!Outro Song Players used in our videos imaqtpie Pokiman. During the 'interview of July 2018,' they spoke with Scarra and Yassuo about the weight into the games. They also shared some personal stuff and talked a lot about streaming the games, stating they are close friends. Pokimane Thicc and Youtuber Myth in an interview with Poki Podcast on 5 July 2018 (Photo: YouTube).
List of people in OTV & Friends - OfflineTVandFriends Wiki.
FedMyster will no longer be living in the Offline TV house and as said earlier, will no longer be affiliated with Offline TV Vajon még mi történhet 2020-ban? However, as of the time of this article's writing, Fedmyster's channel is still up on Twitch However, as of the time of this article's writing, Fedmyster's channel is still up on Twitch. Following is a list of people in OfflineTV & Friends extended universe. A (*) denotes they are currently less engaged in the OTV circle These are a list of streamers that formerly associated with Offline TV but have since left the group due to controversial actions. Following is a list of streamers that could possibly become part of the OTV Universe Evolution of OTV and Friends: Cast (old. Former Offline TV member Fedmyster has recently leveled shocking allegations against internet star Pokimane. He claimed the two were more than friends and that the Twitch star had fabricated a.
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depyellow416 · 2 years
Poky puppy images
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Poky Puppy | Etsy.
The Poky Little Puppy - Wikipedia.
The Poky Little Puppy by Janette Sebring Lowery; Gustaf Tenggren.
65 Cute Puppy Pictures to Brighten Your Day.
Poky Puppy by E. K. Davis - Alibris.
The Poky Little Puppy - Penguin Random House Elementary Education.
Pomsky Dog Breed: Information and Personality Traits.
Poky Little Puppy (Board Book) - W.
Poky Puppy T-Shirt | Z.
Poky Little Puppy Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming - Internet Archive.
The Poky Little Puppy | RIF.
Poky Little Puppy Voice - Behind The Voice Actors - Images.
The Poky Little Puppy Photos and Premium High Res.
Poky Puppy | Etsy.
The bestselling picture book of all time! Five little puppies dug a hole under the fence and went for a walk in the wide, wide world.... The Poky Little Puppy was one of the original twelve Little Golden Books published in 1942, and went on to become the bestselling picture book of all time. The story of a curious puppy, who digs holes under fences and who has to go to bed without. 60 Common Examples of Poka Yoke - Lean Factories.POKY: a software suite for multidimensional NMR and 3D.POKY DOT, Fairmont - Restaurant Reviews, Photos amp; Phone Number.Poky Itali.
The Poky Little Puppy - Wikipedia.
Poky is an 8 month old Boston Puppy. He was adopted by a very loving family who adores him, but due to some unpredictable behavior he needs a new home. He needs to be an only dog. Poky is super people friendly, but we think he would do better in a home with either only adults or older kids (over 14 would probably be best. ISBN. 0307161145. The Poky Little Puppy Comes to Sesame Street is a 1997 Sesame Street Little Golden Book, a crossover between the Sesame characters and the classic Little Golden Books character The Poky Little Puppy. Poky has once again dug a hole under the fence and wandered off from his siblings (having smelled something wonderful).
The Poky Little Puppy by Janette Sebring Lowery; Gustaf Tenggren.
Janette Sebring Lowrey (March 2, 1892 – March 17, 1986) was an American children's writer, best known for writing the beloved children's classic, The Poky Little Puppy. Janette Sebring Lowrey was born in Orange, Texas. Lowrey wrote dozens of books aimed at children and young adults from the 1930s to the 1970s, but The Poky Little Puppy.
65 Cute Puppy Pictures to Brighten Your Day.
Sep 09, 2014 · Overview. The popular Little Golden Book Christmas tale about the Poky Little Puppy is now available as a board book! A large, sturdy board book edition of the popular Little Golden Book The Poky Little Puppy’s First Christmas is now available for Poky’s littlest fans! With its shiny, colorful pages, this Little Golden Book–sized board. Sep 17, 2017 - Explore Krista Crandall's board "Poky little puppy nursery" on Pinterest. See more ideas about puppy nursery, little puppies, pokey little puppy. Printable coloring page to accompany reading The Poky Little Puppy, from Little Golden Books by Random House Kids. Resource Information Age Range 3 - 7 This resource supports The Poky Little Puppy. See more support materials for The Poky Little Puppy. Donate.
Poky Puppy by E. K. Davis - Alibris.
Poky little puppy book. A cute little book with adorable pictures. I'm not too fond of the way the Poky little Puppy is always saying he is 'just a little friskyu0002. No items have been added yet!. The panel is really made to be a fabric book, but it also works great for a cute baby quilt. It was a great challenge for me! I cut the blocks 7 1/2″ square out of the panel, and added the 3″ pinwheels and 3″ x 7 1/2″ sashing strips to make it a nice crib size. It has minky on the back and a warm batting, so I quilted it with simple.
The Poky Little Puppy - Penguin Random House Elementary Education.
24. ISBN. 978-0307021342. The Poky Little Puppy is a children's book written by Janette Sebring Lowrey and illustrated by Gustaf Tenggren. It was first published in 1942 as one of the first twelve books in the Simon & Schuster series Little Golden Books. The copyright was renewed in October 1969. The Poky Little Puppy is a story about five. Five little puppies dug a hole under the fence and went for a walk in the wide, wide world.... The Poky Little Puppy was one of the original twelve Little Golden Books published in 1942, and went on to become the bestselling picture book of all time. The story of a curious puppy, who digs holes under fences and who has to go to bed without.
Pomsky Dog Breed: Information and Personality Traits.
The Poky Little Puppy. If you’re familiar with the book, “The Poky Little Puppy” then this cute.
Poky Little Puppy (Board Book) - W.
Pomskies owe their existence to an internet meme. A 2011 Buzzfeed blog post went viral that featured images of Finnish Lapphund puppies, claiming they were Siberian husky/Pomeranian mixes. The internet lost its mind and the demand for pomsky puppies was sparked, with enterprising breeders moving quickly to make it happen. Cast Poky little puppy (little goldon books) as dumbo Shy little kitten saggy baggy elephant tawny scrawny lion scruffy tugboat and tooter the train (little goldon books ) as Timothy Q mouse Gidget (the secret life of pets ) as Mrs jumbo The joker (batman ) as the ringmaster tillie(the little engine that could) as matriarch (with Georgina and chip ) Mammoth mutt (krypto the super dog) as catty. Photo Center Prints Cards Gifts Pet Gifts Same Day Photos & Gifts. Financial Services. Money Transfer Walmart Credit Card Walmart MoneyCard Reloadable Debit Cards Gift Cards Monthly Payment Plan Other Money Services.... Kohl's The Poky Little Puppy 11" Plush Dog. USD $27.34. USD $27.34. $27.34. Prices may vary online, in stores, and in-app.
Poky Puppy T-Shirt | Z.
Browse poky the puppy and friends pictures, photos, images, GIFs, and videos on Photobucket. The Poky Little Puppy | Children have loved Little golden Books, For over 50 years. they have written their names inside each front cover and pored over the colorful pictures. Parents have shared Golden Moments with their children, reading such classics as the Poky little puppy. The poky little puppy finds it hard to stay out of trouble on the special day that he and his brothers and sisters are supposed to visit their grandmother.... The poky little puppy's naughty day story and pictures by Chandler, Jean, 1927-Publication date 1985 Topics Dogs, Behavior, Dogs Publisher New York Golden Book ; Racine, Wis.
Poky Little Puppy Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming - Internet Archive.
Shop Poky Puppy T-Shirt created by eclecticiam. Personalize it with photos & text or purchase as is! A favorite story. A favorite story. Skip to content. 4TH OF JULY SALE 20% OFF SITEWIDE *... Add photos and text with our easily customizable templates. Personal Stationery. THE POKY LITTLE PUPPY by Lowrey, Janette Sebring; Tenggren, Gustaf and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at AbeB. The Poky Little Puppy wasn’t disciplined in his behavior. He did what he pleased. Sometimes getting home later than his siblings meant getting dessert on nights his siblings didn’t. The last.
The Poky Little Puppy | RIF.
The Poky Little Puppy. EVERYONE KNOWS THE STORY of the poky little puppy, who had to go to bed without any strawberry shortcake. This book, which was one of the original 12 Little Golden Books that launched in October 1942, is now available in an upscale, 52-page edition that features all of the artwork that was later cut when World War II era. This listing is for the custom design of a Poky Little Puppy Inspired Baby Shower Invitation. This invitation is perfect of a Little Golden Book Baby Shower. Every book lovers dream! How to order: 1. Purchase the invitation though Etsy. 2. When asked for notes, please include custom details, size.
Poky Little Puppy Voice - Behind The Voice Actors - Images.
The Poky Little Puppy was one of the original twelve Little Golden Books published in 1942, and went on to become the bestselling picture book of all time. The story of a curious puppy, who digs holes under fences and who has to go to bed without any strawberry shortcake, has delighted families for generations. it is, quite simply, an icon. Aug 18, 2017 · More Information. The Random House Little Golden Books bus makes a stop in Houston to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Little Golden Books. Exhibit and activities include a photo op with the Poky. Check out our naughty poky puppy selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops.
The Poky Little Puppy Photos and Premium High Res.
The Poky Little Puppy Memory Glands - Funny Nostalgic Photos Memory Glands Prev. Next 08.22. The Poky Little Puppy The Poky Little Puppy is the titular character and a children's book written by Texas author Janette Sebring Lowrey and illustrated by Gustaf Tenggren. Ideal for baby showers gifts and anytime babies are celebrated. Five little puppies dug a hole under the fence and went for a walk in the wide, wide world.... The Poky Little Puppy was one of the original twelve Little Golden Books published in 1942, and went on to become the bestselling picture book of all time. The story of a curious puppy. Custom Embroidered Poky Little Puppy Quilt - Boys or Girls - Choose fabrics & images Ad by NEFSewSuite Ad from shop NEFSewSuite NEFSewSuite From shop NEFSewSuite $ 157.00 FREE... DOG puppy theme collage pack, junk journal supply dogs images stickers puppy fussy cut ephemera pack. Mix media dog bundle.
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View 51 NSFW pictures and enjoy Oblivious_pokies with the endless random gallery on S Go on to discover millions of awesome videos and pictures in thousands of other categories. Photo by Joan. Selected photos from a walkabout shoot with model Kendra Danelle ( Model Mayhem #1067960) at Ringing Rocks, outside Pottstown, Pennsylvania, August 2010. See More Shots in Kendra's Flickr Set. Girl in Coyoacan Mexico City. If you like this shot please go see my ALBUM "Street Shots&quot. R/oblivious_pokies: Pokies, appearing in public, going unnoticed. “Posed” or “staged” images will be rejected.
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Aug 03, 2017 · Suki Waterhouse. Suki Waterhouse cheekily supported nipple freedom with this Instagram of her wearing a bathing suit so close to her skin tone it almost looks like it might not be there at all.
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Even if a woman can reasonably go braless in public, comparatively few women choose to because of social attitudes and peer pressure. If a woman's breasts move freely and her nipples are evident, she is often seen in a sexual way and sometimes from a negative viewpoint. It is very common to find braless models in magazines like Vogue, Elle, and. May 16, 2022 - Explore Freeway's board "Female pokies" on Pinterest. See more ideas about braless outfits, braless babes, pokies. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators.
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