#polaris my beloved
shy-the-trash-lion · 8 months
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Someone asked for Polaris the Cat?? I accidentally deleted the ask lol!
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goodmorningglory · 1 year
thank u for the planet 🩵
!!!! yeah ofc!!! Neptune is like. easily one of my fave planets
it rains diamonds!!!! how cool is that???? it RAINS ROCKS????!!!!
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polaris-stuff · 4 months
Just a WIP <3
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I miss them :(
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munchkinmarauder · 7 months
Polaris for Rise of Powers of X #3, Nicoletta Baldari variant cover
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oopswhuohjeez · 2 years
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I feel like pure shit I just want her back
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sometimes i forget that byakuya togami isn't actually canonically a girl
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folansstuff · 9 months
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I won't lie I LOVE Lorna's new outift. I hope that after this all ends we get some more Lorna stuff. (Assuming they don't butcher her character or anything, which... y'know whose to say.)
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utytimeline · 7 months
Redesigning Starlo NEO
All right, I haven't had time to put my thoughts together properly, but I do have some ideas about Starlo's NEO forms (or Zenith or Super forms, if you prefer).
1st Phase: Shooting Star
His first phase should not be call Sirius, he is the North Star, and the real name for the North Star is Polaris. Sirius is a completely different star, in a different constellation. I get the joke that he's become a "Serious Starlo," but that's the wrong star, he shouldn't be called Sirius at all.
I think his first phase should be called "Shooting Star," because he's literally a STAR who SHOOTS. Like, duh???
As for his design:
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Yellow is actually a mid-temperature star. Based on Starlo's reactions to the Showdown boss fight, I feel like he's someone who would act cool and calm in a real, serious fight to the death. He'd have to be in order to even shoot straight. So his 1st NEO form would probably be a cooler, reddish-orange temperature. Like he's staying calm and giving you an opportunity to give up before he really starts to fight.
His lasso is on fire and burns you when he whips you. And his bullets are made of fire. Every hit has a potential to give you burn damage that lasts for a few turns, or a potential for smoke damage that leaves you unable to breathe, reducing your speed.
2nd Phase: Polaris
Much as I like the name Hypernova for Starlo, I think the North Star should get to shine under the name Polaris, yeah? But he doesn't look humanoid anymore. He still has arms and legs, but his torso and face are replaced by an intense ball of bluish-white light.
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His bullets are made of plasma and deal electrical damage. His lasso looks like a streak of bluish-white lightning. If you get caught in it, you get electrocuted and can't move until he un-whips you.
3rd Phase? Singularity
We could give him a 3rd NEO phase (because why not, I mean, Ceroba got a 3-phase fight, even tho ASRIEL DREEMURR himself only got 2, but if Ceroba gets a 3rd, then why can't Starlo?).
This is a desperate, last-ditch move on Star's part and will kill him if he has to stay in this phase for more than a few minutes. Hypernova has used up most of his energy and in order to continue the battle, he has to collapse in on himself. He basically becomes a small black hole. He is no longer able to hold onto a lasso. He has become a living gravity well in order to drag you in. His bullets are pure radiation, no longer being shot from a gun, but from his own body. He will only use this phase if a battle comes to point of "if I'm going down, I will drag you down with me." This kind of attitude goes against his own nature, and is something he will only use if faced with an enemy that poses a threat to all man- and monster-kind.
You can't see anything left of him but two, small, burning, white eyes, and the rainbow-colored tips of the five points of his head. The rest of him has become a black, empty void.
So when would he even use this?
Well, as we've already seen, Star doesn't use this in a Geno run. I have a lot of thoughts on this that need to go into a proper analysis post, but for now, I'll just say that he doesn't even start to develop his other phases until after the events of UTY. Because until the end of a True Pacifist run (that is, sparing Ceroba), Starlo never comes to a full understanding of Justice. He has a messed-up idea of Justice that he got from combining his movies with his monster upbringing. Clover is the one who teaches him that Justice must be combined with MERCY, or else it isn't Justice at all, it's just judgement.
So Star probably would use these phases on dangerous criminals after reaching the surface.
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sparkleondoom · 7 months
polaris stuff would be soo cool,,
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snowboarder polly!!!!!
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shy-the-trash-lion · 2 years
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💙💙She’s in Blue💙💙
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astrolotte · 7 months
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me when SplatoonNA refers to Bonerattle Arena as the "final map for Salmon Run"
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i love sapphics
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munchkinmarauder · 3 months
What does Russell Dauterman have in store for Lorna??!!! 👀👀👀👀
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ilovedthestars · 1 year
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OC-Tober Day 1: Fave OC
The OC that I've been rotating in my brain the most lately is Niri! It's from my Murderbot Diaries fic titled Old Unit, Young Unit. This is the first time I've drawn it and gotten pretty close to how it looks in my head! On the left is how it likes to dress when it gets to choose its own clothes, and on the right is (one of the many) uniforms it's worn on contract.
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If anything that trilogy almost feels like it implies Byakuya’s a trans boy, or at least casually agender (possibly a little bit of both).
Oh no yeah you're 100% right! Transfem Togami is just my personal headcanon that i am very normal about❤️❤️❤️!!! Transmasc or transfem, Togami is not cis.
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foundationsofdecay · 2 months
The tentacled moon in the album art for TMBTE and the tentacled extra-dimensional tesseract in the album art of Errai should be lovers
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