usnewsper-politics · 3 months
House Leader Accuses Gaetz of Psychotic Behavior: Growing Tensions in Republican Party #2022midterms #bordersecurity #challenges #erratic #FoxNews #futuredirection #growingtensions #highprofilemembers #houseminorityleader #immigration #instability #KevinMcCarthy #KevinMcCarthyisprojecting #lawmakers #MattGaetz #McCarthyyelling #policyissues #psychotic #reelection2022 #republicanparty #RepublicansinCongress #SpeakeroftheHouse #threatenedtokill #unity #unstable
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ivygorgon · 3 months
An open letter to the U.S. House of Representatives
Vote NO on the TikTok ban bill!
1,465 so far! Help us get to 2,000 signers!
I understand that the House Energy and Commerce Committee just passed a bipartisan bill, the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act, that could ban TikTok in the US by allowing the President to designate it as a national security threat. I oppose this bill. It’s absurd to target one social media platform when foreign governments are active on all of our social media networks and in one of our major political parties. If Congress really cares about adversarial countries influencing and spying on our citizens it should immediately pass strong internet privacy protections. Then it should launch investigations into the Republican members of Congress who’ve spent years spreading Russian disinformation to win elections and also aiding and abetting Vladimir Putin. Will they do that? Thanks.
▶ Created on March 8 by Jess Craven
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poetponyofmidgard · 4 years
Tumblr media
🥱Wonder when @instagram will fix their #election2020 block on #hashtags ? But honestly the hashtag for #hashtag ?! This is one we REALLYNEED 🤔 #policyissues #rulesisrulesbro https://www.instagram.com/p/CHkjw2CJtmE/?igshid=qc0snz0ggat5
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scrapironflotilla · 6 years
This is a vaguely defined question but would you happen to know if any books exist about combat stress reaction or shellshock or anything like that prior to WW1? Presumably it happened, I just don't know if anyone's looked into it..
There is a growing literature on this topic actually but it mostly focuses on the 20th century as records for earlier eras are more sparse and psychology wasn’t a primary concern for most of the people creating those records. But with a quick look around I’ve found some things that might interest you.
Combat Trauma and the Ancient Greeks - Editors Peter Meineck David Konstan - Palgrave Macmillan, New York 2014
Nothing New under the Sun: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders in the Ancient World - 
Walid Khalid Abdul-Hamid and Jamie Hacker Hughes -   Early Science and Medicine, Volume 19, Issue 6, pages 549 – 557
Combat Stress Disorders and Their Treatment in Ancient Greece -  Yulia Ustinova and Etzel Cardeña - Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, & PolicyIssue: Volume 6(6), November 2014, p 739–748
A war psychiatry approach to warfare in the Middle Byzantine period - Pavlos Ntafoulis - History of Psychiatry Vol 27, Issue 4, 2016
And the more modern stuff.
Shell Shock to PTSD : Military Psychiatry from 1900 to the Gulf War - Edgar Jones and Simon Wessely - Taylor and Francis 2005
Shell-Shock and Medical Culture in First World War Britain - Tracey Loughran, Cambridge Univeristy Press 2017
I’m sure these would have stuff in the references that would be able to point you in the direction of the important works that currently exist on the topic. Hit me up in DM if you want a copy of the articles.
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surveycircle · 6 years
Current online study which is still recruiting participants: "The Importance of Different Policy Issues in Politics" https://t.co/jd933r6mPn via @SurveyCircle #Politics #Ranking #Epq #Government #PolicyIssues #Survey pic.twitter.com/UcUUSCkFiM
— Daily Research (@daily_research) August 6, 2018
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newsetceterabyjosh · 13 years
Ohio SB5
SB5 passed by the narrowest of margins - 1 vote: 17yea / 16nay - last night and already my inbox is pinging to life with emails from the Ohio Democratic Party begging for support to repeal this gutting of collective bargaining rights.  I do think the bill (law once Gov. Kasich signs it) is an even bigger abomination than the one initially presented a few short weeks ago, and I do not want to see it in effect.  Apparently, the only way to get rid of it once Mr. Kasich signs it is to put it to a referendum, and herein lies my issue. 
I've long been opposed to putting issues to the voters.  This nation is a representative democracy for a number of reasons --- one reason that I often give for that is because the average voter is ignorant on many issues and does not have the time to properly research or understand them; hence the reason we select professional lawmakers to do so on our behalf.  Ballot issues circumvent this process and give us disasters like allowing casinos in Ohio and taking away the choices of a municipality to not have one in its borders thanks to a constitutional amendment. 
I cannot, in good conscience, let SB5 stand if it is within my power to overturn it - but at the same time, I do not feel comfortable utilizing a tool that I so abhor to bring about this change.  Conflicted feelings, thy name is politics...
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