#polska sa
wszczebrzyszynie · 1 year
Koledzy będę robić ultimate polak tournament. Jeżeli chcecie wysyłać mi propozycje to askbox jest otwarty ... tylko może bez zbrodniarzy wojennych
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ratective · 1 year
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co jej panie dasz!!
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savannahsdeath · 1 year
Twoje fanfiki to cudo 😫😫
omojboze pierwsza wiadomosc po polsku?!?!? nie sadzilam ze moje historyjki dotra az do rodakow matko jedyna.. ale dziekuje bardzo naprawde!! zabawna sytuacja bo snilo mi sie dzisiaj ze dostalam wiadomosc po polsku.. myslalam nawet czy nie napisac czegos wlasnie po polsku ale pewnie by flopnelo poteznie + moje slownictwo lezy.. doslownie mowie plynniej po angielsku niz polsku😭😭 dobra zboczylsm z tematu ale sie tak ciesze ze sa tu tez polacy omgomg!! kochsm was!!
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The "Americanization of the global internet" post and slow deterioration of local native culture gave me an idea: many users don't even know there is native language communities on this website, so if you know of a regional group/"subculture" on Tumblr, reblog/comment with the tags they use so people can find them and connect with other folks from their countries or speakers of a language they'd like to learn
I will try to update this post with every new addition to hopefully make a comprehensive list of Tumblr regional communities
Edit July 29th: the post has reached a point where Tumblr won't let me add any more links, so from now on all tags are plain text to make it fair
The list so far:
• Czech
#česky, #hezky česky - general Czech language posts, frequently featuring user-written poetry, art, sometimes politics and current events, warning: often contains vent posts
#čumblr - Czech but frequently used by Slovaks as well, primarily memes and fandom things, shipping, art, cultural things, frequently overlaps with #česky
#obrození, #obrozujeme - memes and fandoms as well but with more emphasis of maintaining and developing Czech culture, is a mostly humorous parody/self-proclaimed continuation of the Czech National Revival of the 1800s, overlaps with #čumblr and #česky
• Slovak
#slovensky - general Slovak language posts
#slumblr, #sumblr, NEW - #ťumbľr - Slovak, general posts, memes, fandom and culture things, sometimes overlaps with #čumblr
• Polish
#polska, #polish - Polish, general posts, art, politics and current events
#polblr, #polishposting, #polskie rzeczy - Polish, more humorous general posts and memes, often overlap with the above
• Ukrainian
#ukraine - general Ukrainian posts, often in English
#укртумбочка - mostly used by artists
• General Slavic
#slav, #slavic, #slavposting, #slavic stuff - mixed Slavic, usually cultural things, memes, art and photography, sometimes politics, sometimes visited by other East Europeans
• Irish
#gaeilge - Irish, general posting but especially cultural things and memes, often features posts for language learning
• Welsh
#cymraeg, #tymblr - general Welsh posting, memes
• Romanian
#romanian - general Romanian tag
#romanisme, #vlandom - Romanian, mostly memes and humor
• Hungarian
#magyar, #hungarian, #tumbli - Hungarian language, mostly quotes
• Finnish
#suomitumblr, #suomitumppu, #suomipaskaa, #suomeksi, other variations beginning with suomi - general (shit)posting
any and all swear words such as #perkele, #vittu, #saatana, #helvetti and #paska - shitposts, overlap with above
• Dutch
#dutch, #the netherlands, #netherlands, #holland, #nederland, #nederlands - general Dutch posts
#nedermemes, #dutchcore - memes, shitposting
• German
#deutsch, #german stuff - general German posting
#BundesTag - memes and humor
blogs like @official-deutschebahn, @official-german-medienlandschaft and other official-deutsche- blogs, "because THE joke of German tumblr is to act like an overly bureucratic public institution"
• Swedish
#sweblr, #swedenposting, #svea rike - memes, shitposts, fandom stuff, sometimes political
#svenskt, #sverige - general Swedish stuff
#all makt åt tengil vår befriare, #sa du sten - used mostly by @svenskjavel
#borås - posts and memes about the city, "kinda like Swedish Ohio"
#lesbisk, #bög, #bisexuell, #pansexuell, #hbtq+, #hbtq, #homosexuell, #asexuell - Swedish queer tags
• French
#upthebaguette, #french side of tumblr, #whatthefrance - general French posting but especially memes, comics, art
#bagaitte - French queer posting
• Greek
#greek tumblr, #ελληνικα, #ελλαδα, #γρεεκ, #ελληνικο ταμπλρ - general stuff
#greek memes - memes
#coses de la terra - general stuff
#беларускі тамблер - general stuff, fandoms
#артшляхта - art
#itablr - general stuff, not very populated yet
#welcome to italy, #italian things, #italian stuff, #italy tag, #roba italiana
#sanremo - for the Sanremo Music Festival, also #domenica in but only after the end of the festival
Italians also frequently gather under #leonardo rai, #medici, #i medici, #montalbano and #il giovane montalbano
#eestiblr, #eesti - general stuff
@unofficial-estonia - blog
@useless-denmarkfacts - blog
#español - general Spanish (* I noticed some Mexicans using these too so there may be overlap with American Spanish-speaking countries as well)
#citas, #frases - quotes
#humor grafico - memes
Scottish Gaelic
#gaidhlig, #gaelposting - general, art, language
#المغرب, #Maroc -general, often photos
• South Asian
#desiblr, #desi, #desi tag - general South Asia posting, memes, humor, sometimes also used by Arab people
• Indian
#dabara tumblr, #தம்பிளர் - suggested tags for South India
#русский тамблер, #русский tumblr - general stuff, memes
Sri Lankan
#අරගලයට ජය, suggested tags LKA or #Lankablr if anyone's interested
@useless-indonesiafacts - blog
# עברית# ,ישראבלר - general stuff (sorry if these are broken, tumblr keeps fucking with right-to-left scripts)
#عربي - general
#كتب, #كتاب, #كتابات - books and writing
#auscore, #straya - general stuff, culture, memes and shitposts
#auspol - politics
Aotearoa (New Zealand)
#māori, #te reo māori - Māori tags
#brazil, #brasil, #Come to brazil, #br posting, #meu brasil brasileiro, #tumblr br - general and memes
Turtle Island (North American) Indigenous
#ndn, #ndn tumblr - usually about culture, memes etc
"If you're looking for something specific to your tribe, try the non-English spelling of your tribe's name (Tsalagi for Cherokee, for example)"
Not location-specific
#jumblr, #frumblr - general stuff, history, discussions, posts mostly in English
#romani, #rroma, #rrumblr - romani sides of tumblr, general stuff, history, discussions, mostly in English
Please share around wherever you're from, US American local cultures are welcome as well, especially indigenous (though that should go without saying)
Reminder that this is a post made to allow people to find others of the same culture/language, be respectful and do not use these tags to target groups and spread hate
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driffting · 3 months
Robie dziś degustację pomidorów aby raz na zawsze rozstrzygnąc czy te droższe pomidory np rosamunda i bawole serce które w tym roku pierwszy raz sa dostepne na rynku obok mojego domku (btw dowiedzialem sie o nich rok temu z filmu zagranicznego o pieczonych pomidorach gdzie polecili sobie upiec pomidorki latem i wlasnie wziąc wiele odmian letnich takich wyjątkowych) co sprawia ze bardzo mnie cieszy ze juz mialem okazje ich sprobowac po roku tylko.
Mam rosamunde, bawole serce, pomarańczowego małego (jokato chyba), pomidor pomaranczowy duzy chyba bizon, pomidor malinowy, pomidor zwykly, pomidor czekoladowy -> w planach dokupienie cherry, truskawkowego, papryczkowego (cos innego niz paprykowy), paprykowego, san marzano, zółtego (conajmniej tyle widuje na moim rynku co jest kompletnie chore szalone i cudowne jednoczesnie)
mama i siostra wieczorme ze mna potestują i zrobimy oceny (inspiracja imprezą degustacyjną jablek mojej siostry ktora byla ogromnym sukcesem) - 12 odmian WOW
PS; jako ciekawostka kilka innych odmian pomidrów - takich nie widziałem
pomidor czarny (inny niż czekoladowy), pomidor czerwona gruszka, pomidor arawak (to chyba ten co myslałem ze bizon), tomatillo (chyba to nadal pomidor)
PS2: driffingg poszukał i znalazł post pani co uprawiala w rok 43 odmiany pomidorow a łącznie ma ich w karierze juz 150 i czytam jej bloga teraz (link: https://www.karointhekitchen.com/przy-stole/43-odmiany-pomidorow-ktore-uprawialam-w-tym-roku-cz-i/)
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kazdy kto kocha pomidory mysle ze zazdrosci tej pani hobby i sukcesow w nim...
ja jako dziecko mialem tak ze lubilem je ale mnie lekko odpychaly mimo wszystko (ta część poza gniazdem taka bardziej galaretowata) ale teraz kocham je calym sercem i uwazam za kandydatow na rosline top1 swiat moze obok pszenicy? aha no i ziemniakow (upraszczamy że chodzi o cale grupy taksonomiczne czyli nie wiem na jakiej zlożóności wyróżnia sie ziemniak (zwlaszcza ze chyba razem z pomidorem siedzi w psiankowatych (baklazan chyba tez tzw oberżin) dlatego ziemniak i pomidorek sa trujace (jakas ich część chyba cnie? jakos to szlo? niedojrzale owoce?) - moze ktos wyjasni
w takim sensie ze uprawiane na calej zasranej planecie i uwielbiane wszedzie tak sobie mysle: Pomidor, Ziemniak, Pszenica/kukurydza (USA uprawia duzo kukurydzy co prawda na pasze i metan...) i jakis owoc jeszcze bym dodal do takiego ultimate roslina pack. Hmmm
moze japko? polska ma zaburzony obraz jako top4 producent jablek po chinach, USA, turcji ale mysle ze japka są kochane na calym swiecie. ! mam ostatnie do top5: BANANY
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persephoneola · 4 months
O szkole, matmie i tak ogolnie
Tym razem chyba bedzie dlugi post, bo musze sie nieco wyrzygac.
Wiecie, ze lubie Austrie i ogolnie jestem i zawsze bylam dosc sporym fanem, ale sa rzeczy, ktore mnie niemilosiernie wkurzaja.
Dzis bedzie o matmie. Ogolnie chapeau przed polska edukacja, ktora dane mi bylo otrzymac. Ja, ktora myslalam, ze jestem kiepska z matmy, dzis spokojnie nadal ogarniam tematy dziecka w wieku 14 lat. Mysle, ze ta ciaglosc sie jeszcze troche utrzyma.
Ale sluchajcie, mozna by pomyslec, ze matma to matma, wszedzie ucza tak samo, co tu ma byc innego.
No to by sie czlowiek zdziwil. Mozna powiedziec, ze jestem malo elastyczna i nie moge pogodzic sie z tym, ze sa inne metody rozwiazywania zadan, ale one sa zwyczajnie niepotrzebnie trudne, czasochlonne i zwyczajnie denne.
Nie uwierzycie, nawet pisemne odejmowanie robia inaczej. Przy pisemnym dzieleniu polowe zapamietuja w glowie zamiast zapisac, przez co dzieja sie bledy. Ale ostatnio akurat na sercu leza mi procenty i czasem na serio mysle, ze to ja potrzebuje %%, bo inaczej nie zniose tego.
Nie wiem, u nas, zeby policzyc 19% z 99 po prostu mnozy sie jedno przez drugie, procenty mozna sobie zamienic na ulamek (dla dzieci) lub ulamek dziesietny dla doroslych. Tu maja wzor, wiec cala trudnosc zaczyna sie od tego, co jest czym we wzorze i jak go przeksztalcic (btw. ostatnio dostalam zjeby, bo chodzilo o wzor typu 5=x/2 i jak policzyc x, na co ja powiedzialam, ze to kurwa pierwsza klasa i te takie diagramy ze strzalkami (liczba dzielona przez x i pod spodem z powrotem wynik mnozony przez x ) , a jak nie wie, co jest czym, to niech sobie zapisze jakies dzielenie, ktore zna i zobaczy, z ktorych liczb pomnozonych czy podzielonych wychodza ktore). Po co? Ch wie. Podobnie ze wszystkimi innymi zadaniami na procenty.
Po drugie-dzieci F. chodza do niby najlepszej szkoly w E. Prywatnej, bo dwie najlepsze sa prywatne. Ale co sie dzieje na lekcjach? Tego nie wie nikt, ale chyba nie da sie az tak nie uwazac, zeby z matmy nie wiedziec kompletnie zero nic niente.
Nie ma tu rowniez bycia przygotowanym do lekcji (z 2-3 ostatnich), zadnych kartkowek, nic. W zwiazku z czym dramat zaczyna sie w weekend przed praca klasowa, kiedy akurat dzieci sa u F. Dramat jest jednak wielki, bo one z lekcji nie wiedza nic, w zwiazku z czym nie ma wyjasnienia tylko tego, czego nie rozumieja i ogolnej powtorki wszystkiego. Jest nauka od zera wszystkiego. A to nie jest tak, ze w kazdy weekend mamy tylko wolne, bez zadnych innych obowiazkow czy rzeczy to-do. A nawet, gdyby byly cale dni, to nie jest tak ze one sobie usiada, poucza sie i sie naucza, bo one nawet nie maja w glowie pol ciuta wiedzy, ze tak, to bylo, tak, to robilismy na lekcji tak czy srak NIC. I one nawet czytajac zadania, nie rozumieja, co czytaja, nie wiedza, co liczyc.
Tu uklon w kierunku polskiej szkole za dane i szukane.
Wtedy wkracza F., siedzi z nimi, ale on z kolei nie umie uczyc, wiec mowi, zrob zadanie takie i takie i idzie posiedziec z telefonem w oczekiwaniu, zamiast pokazac, wyjasnic i z innymi danymi kazac zrobic. One siedza, nic to nie daje, mija czas. Po godzinie wszyscy sa juz zmeczeni zyciem, wiec jest przerwa, potem moze godzinka "nauki" znowu, a w takich warunkach trzeba by intensywnie przesiedziec caly weekend prawie non stop, choc i to za malo.
Nie mowiac juz o tym, ze starsza zanim w ogole wstanie, to jest 11. Ale potem zawsze jest placz.
Mam wkurwa na szkole, ze nie uczy. Mam wkurwa na dzieci, ze sie nie ucza, choc po prawdzie nie potrafia, ale po innej prawdzie, tego ich nikt nie nauczyl, a jak chcesz im to pokazac, kazdy ma Ciebie w dupie. Mam wkurwa na rodzicow, ze raz, ze sa sami troche nieukami (choc wszyscy maja mature!) i dwa, ze nie rozumieja, ze tak sie nie da miec dobrych czy nawet pozytywnych ocen.
Mam wkurwa na siebie, ze nie potrafie nimi wszystkimi potrzasnac, ale wiecie, macochy i ryby glosu nie maja. Dziecmi, zeby ogarnely dupy, rodzicami, zeby ogarneli dupy i szkola, zeby robila to, co do nich nalezy. I nie, korki tez nie pomagaja, mialy.
Oprocz tego tak na marginesie mysle sobie, ze one w polskiej szkole to juz dawno przepadlyby z kretesem, bo oprocz tej matmy mialyby lektury do przeczytania na polski, wypracowanie do napisania, projekt na biologie, angielski dodatkowy dwa razy w tygodniu i korki przy takim braku postepu. A moze regularne sprawdzanie wiedzy i bat nad glowa jednak wyszlyby na dobre.
A wielkie prace klasowe maja tylko z niemieckiego, matmy i angielskiego, z zadnych innych przedmiotow. Testy jakies tam z geo i laciny. Choc to, ze maja malo a duze, jest bardzo zle. Zle jest tez to, ze nawet jak uwalisz dwie duze prace klasowe, i tak wyjdziesz z tutejsza 4 (nasza 2), bo przeciez byles aktywny na lekcji.
Oprocz matmy, ktora na dodatek jest strasznie topornie metodycznie uczona, wkurwia mnie geografia (ktora nazywa sie geografia i gospodarka), ale jest praktycznie sama gospodarka, bo tak przymysl kiedys postanowil i lobbuje w tle.
Wkurwia mnie podejscie rodzicow do laciny, ze biedne dzieci nie zrobily tlumaczenia i leci pala, ale sorry, jezyk jest kontinuum i nie bedzie sprawdzana tylko wiedza z ostatniego rozdzialu, tylko w tekstach sa tez starsze slowa.
Na niemieckim uwazam, ze troche jest praktycznie (jak napisac np. przepis na ciasto), choc to nie jest moim zdaniem poziom naszej klasy 6, bo to akurat mlodsza miala teraz. Wkurwia mnie to, ze nie czytaja w ogole, nie poznaja literatury.
Najlepiej chyba wypada na serio ten angielski.
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ultramaga · 10 days
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lady-nightmare · 1 year
Google translation:
Putin's historical ravings. These are Stalin's real "gifts" to Poland Vladimir Putin said a few days ago that Poland should not forget about the "gift from Stalin", which is allegedly its western lands. Even a cursory analysis of history shows that it is not a gift. However, speaking of gifts, one cannot forget about other "gifts" that Poland received from Stalin and his team. Putin's historical ravings. These are Stalin's real "gifts" to Poland
Gift one: mass terror
On the basis of a special order No. 00485 issued by the head of the NKVD, Nikolai Yezhov, on August 11, 1937, about 110,000 people were murdered. Poles living in the USSR. It was a typical act of mass genocide carried out by the Bolsheviks before Kristallnacht and the beginning of the Holocaust.
The second gift: the division of Poland
According to a secret protocol attached to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of August 23, 1939, Stalin took over 55 percent of territory of then Poland, leaving Hitler a smaller part. Two aggressors divided Poland between them - and not only. In addition to the eastern part of this country, Stalin also occupied Estonia, Latvia, Finland and Bessarabia, Hitler - Lithuania and Vilnius district.
If we turn to the national composition of the voivodeships that Stalin took, only in three out of eight units were Ukrainians and Belarusians in the majority - in Volhynia (70 percent of Ukrainians), in Stanisławów (68.8 percent of Ukrainians) and in Polesie (74.1 percent of Ukrainians) . Belarusians and Ukrainians). In other voivodships, including Vilnius, Poles constituted the majority — from 49.3 percent to 49.3 percent. in Ternopil to 72 percent. in Bialystok. Division of Poland into spheres of influence of the USSR and the Third Reich according to the secret protocol to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of August 23, 1939 (CC BY-SA 4.0) © Creative Commons Division of Poland into the spheres of influence of the USSR and the Third Reich in accordance with the secret protocol to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of August 23, 1939 (CC BY-SA 4.0)
In the provinces of Lublin and Warsaw (the eastern part), which also fell to the USSR under a secret document, the share of Poles was 85-90 percent, and the main minority were Jews. So there was no question of any "unification of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus". What happened was just a crude annexation of Polish territory.
On September 28, 1939, Ribbentrop flew to Moscow again and signed the "Treaty on Friendship and Border". Stalin gave away part of the Polish lands - the Warsaw and Lublin voivodships, but took over all of Lithuania (except for the Mariampol district) and the Vilnius district.
On October 31, Molotov said about Poland at the meeting of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR: "It was enough for a short attack, first by the German army, and then by the Red Army, to leave nothing of this ugly bastard of the Treaty of Versailles, living from the oppression of non-Polish nationalities."
Among the 35 million inhabitants of Poland (December 1938 census), Ukrainians accounted for 5 million, Belarusians 1.4 million, and Jews 3.4 million.
Gift three: repression, murder and confiscation
The Red Army took about 240,000 prisoners. Polish soldiers and officers. Many of them were released, but 25,000 were sent to road construction, and 12,000 — as free labor to the People's Commissariat of Defense Industry of the USSR. Special camps for Polish officers were set up in Starobielsk, Ostashkov and Kozielsk.
By the end of February 1940, 8,000 Jews remained in them. 376 officers and 6,000 192 policemen, border guards and equivalent military personnel. They were to be charged under Article 58-13 of the RSFSR's Criminal Code on persons who "combated the international labor movement" and sent to camps in Siberia and the Far East.
On March 5, 1940, the Politburo, following Beria's suggestion, decided to kill the prisoners of the officer camps, as well as other Poles (mainly representatives of the intelligentsia - teachers, professors, priests, engineers, factory workers, officials) who were in prisons in the occupied territories .
More than 21,000 convictions Poles were released by three: Iwan Bashtakov, Bogdan Kobułow and Wsievolod Mierkulov. Then they were personally signed by Joseph Stalin, Vyacheslav Molotov, Kliment Voroshilov, Anastas Mikoyan and approved in absentia by Mikhail Kalinin and Lazar Kaganovich.
Thousands of Ukrainians and Belarusians, especially among the Polish intelligentsia, were also interned and killed. The murders of the Western Russian intelligentsia were carried out in Kuropaty near Minsk, the murders of the Ukrainian intelligentsia in the prisons of Western Ukrainian cities.
From April 3 to May 13, all convicted military men were killed in Katyn near Smolensk and near the village of Mednoye in the Tver region. Those who died in the Kharkov prison rest in the area of the present 6th Quarter of the Kharkiv Forest Park and elsewhere.
No more than 400 officers survived. Pursuant to the top-secret NKVD order No. 001365 of October 26, 1940, the executioners and others who organized this mass murder of Polish citizens were rewarded with large sums of money "for the successful completion of special tasks".
280 thousand Poles, including family members of the murdered, were deported to Siberia and Kazakhstan. Few of them survived. Gift Four: "Western Lands"
Poland was a unique country during World War II. The Germans failed to create a collaborationist government here, as in France, or units within the Wehrmacht, as in the USSR, where a million Soviet citizens more or less voluntarily joined Hitler's military structures. Poles either endured the occupation with clenched teeth, or went to the forests and fought a fierce war with the Germans in the ranks of the Home Army.
Poland was perceived as a reliable ally by the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition. Polish divisions fought in Great Britain, Africa and Italy alongside the British and Americans, and General Sikorski's Polish government was based in London. Understandably, Poles did not want to hear that half of their country would remain under Soviet rule.
However, Stalin firmly stated that having got his hands on them under a deal with Hitler, he would never give them back. In order not to lose such a key ally as the USSR and to exclude the possibility of its behind-the-scenes negotiations with the Axis Powers, Roosevelt and Churchill secretly agreed during the Tehran Conference (November 28 - December 1, 1943) that Poland's eastern border should run approximately along the Curzon line. They also agreed to the population exchange.
As compensation for the territories lost in the east, Poland was to receive German lands along the Oder-Neisse border in the west and the southern part of East Prussia after the war. Most of these lands have not been part of the Polish state since the 11th century, i.e. for nine centuries, and were inhabited mainly by Germans.
The Yalta Conference, held February 4-11, 1945, confirmed and announced these agreements. Poland's new eastern frontier was slightly adjusted in her favour—Stalin agreed to return Bialystok and Przemyśl and their districts to the Poles, since they were west of the Curzon line. However, he retained 40 percent. former territory of the Polish state from 1939
This is the story of this "gift". The thief refused to return the stolen goods, but offered to compensate for the losses from "other sources" - not at his own expense, but at the expense of the defeated enemy. Fifth gift: rape and looting
"My hair stands on end when I hear about what the Soviets are doing to women in Silesia - mass rapes, many senseless murders, etc." — wrote the Russian Maria Vasilchikov in her "Berlin Diaries" on March 31, 1945.
A participant, though not very active, in the anti-Nazi resistance movement and an employee of the Reich Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she hastily left for the American occupation zone in Austria to avoid meeting her compatriots. She succeeded, but millions of Germans and Poles in East Prussia, Silesia, Pomerania and the General Government of Warsaw did not.
It was another of Stalin's gifts, combined with the total robbery of the entire population. Sixth gift: murders and executions
78 thousand civilians from the new territories of Poland and 94,000 of the old ones were forcibly and illegally transported to the USSR to "construction sites of communism". Many of them died. Plus, from 80,000 up to 200 thousand Poles who fought in the Home Army or sympathized with the London government were arrested and mostly killed in NKVD detention centers. Among them were e.g. officers and generals who were invited by Moscow for alleged negotiations.
Gift seven: communist dictatorship
Finally, the last "gift" for Poland was the communist Stalinist dictatorship, established in violation of all the Tehran and Yalta agreements. This gift from Stalin cost the lives and happiness of entire generations of Poles and ended only with the fall of the communist regime in 1989.
I think Putin, as a KGB officer and history buff, is well aware of all these "gifts" and seems to approve of them. In fact, now offers exactly the same "gifts" to Ukraine.
Let's hope he doesn't manage to do what Stalin got away with.
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wartoposluchac · 2 years
Best Of 2022 – Przebój Roku – Polska
Best Of 2022 – Przebój Roku – Polska
50/Wiktoria Zwolińska – Klony (Magic Records)49/Melrose – Patience (Melrose / Agora SA)48/Muchy – Nie tak (Kayax Prod.)47/Męskie Granie Orkiestra 2022(Bedoes, Krzysztof Zalewski, Kwiat Jabłoni) – Jest tylko teraz (Kayax Prod. / Mystic Prod.)46/Igo – Helena (Universal Music)45/Antonina – Doktor (Def Jam / Universal Music)44/Gree – Blask (Echo Production)43/Faustyna Maciejczuk – Deja Vu (Fonobo…
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emlos · 2 years
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blogstory · 1 day
text in english & polish 10 min read
So true. Bigger the group bigger the sacrifice. Masses can be truly scary. I remember on a first day of Euro 2012 I was going to 'Euro2012/football free' party organized by small group of friends and on the road I was almost only one who wasn't wearing national flag colors mostly with a football scarf - whole city was, masses of people all looking identical all wearing white-red colored clothes many Euro themed, some with Euro gadgets or hats (those huge ones looking like stolen from Wonderlands Mad Hatter) I understood that day that with a bunch of pretty simple tricks you can make people believe anything and make 'em do what you tell them to do, and they will do it without even asking, why - most will do it just because others do it, and those people in a first place do it because because they need a sense of belonging, to feel part of a group – it doesn't matter to them whether things they have to do are foolish or smart, as long as they are together in a pack. And when they are in a group pack mentality kicks in - acting on simple emotions... Anyways those people they looked so stupid, many wearing those, mentioned above, stupid hats, had faces painted white&red. Fun fact I helped to sell that crap to those people as creative in advertising, for many months before this event. I never understood fascination with football- 22 guys run back and forth chasing rubber ball wrapped in leather, they look foolish in those colorful shorts and long socks. This spectacle is tasteless and terribl boring.
POLSKA WERSJA: To prawda. Im wieksza grupa, tym wieksze poswicenie. Tłumy naprawde potrafia być przerazajace. Pamietam, jak w pierwszy dzien Euro 2012 szedłem na imprezę „wolną od Euro2012 i piłki noznej", zorganizowana prez małą grupe znajomych, po drodze bylem jedyną osobą, która nie miata na sobie kolorów narodowej flagi, w zestawie z piłkarskim szalikiem - całe miasto tak wyglądało nieprzebrane masy identycznie wyglądających osób, wszyscy ubrani w biało-czerwone stroje, wiele z nich z motywem Euro, niektorzy z gadzetami lub kapeluszami (tymi ogromnymi, wyglądającymi jak podwędzone Szalonemu Kapelusznikowi z Krainy Czarów). Tego dnia zrozumiatem, ze przy pomocy kilku dość prostych sztuczek mozna ludziom wmówić wszystko i sprawic, że zrobia to, co im się każe, zrobia to nie pytając po co i dlaczego -wiekszość zrobi to tylko dlatego, że inni tak robia, a ci pierwsi bo potrzebują przynależności, chcą czuć sie częścią grupy - nie ma dla nich znaczenia, czy rzeczy, które mają w tym celu robić, sa gtupie czy madre, byle byli razem, w kupie. A kiedy sa w grupie, wodze przejmuje mentalnosc stadna - działanie pod wpływem prostych emocji... Tak czy inaczej, ci ludzie wygladali naprawdę głupio, wielu z nich nosito te, wspomniane wcześniej, idiotyczne kapelusze, oczywiście też mieli twarze pomalowane na biato-czerwono. Ciekawostka: pomogłem sprzedać im euro-badziew jako kreatywny w reklamie, sumiennie rzeźbiąc kampanie przez wiele miesięcy przed tym wydarzeniem. Nigdy nie rozumiatem fascynacji piłką nożną - 22 facetów biega w te i z powrotem, goniąc gumowa kulkę owinięta skóra, wyglądają głupio w tych kolorowych spodenkach i podkolanówkach. Widowisko to jest koszmarnie nudne i pozbawione smaku.
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rabattbutikse · 16 days
Domagoj Vida går officiellt i pension från Kroatien
Domagoj Vida är mer känd i Kroatiens fotbollslandslag än i klubben. Han är en av Luka Modrićs lagkamrater. Luka Modrić måste varje år möta sina lagkamraters avgång eller pensionering. Nu får han möta Vidas avhopp i landslaget. Det kroatiska fotbollslandslaget förberedde en pensionsceremoni innan matchen mot det polska fotbollslandslaget. Domagoj Vida blev rörd när han såg den speciella billiga fotbollströja på scenen.
Domagoj Vidas barn var också på platsen. Han visste mycket väl att pensionsceremonin representerade ett farväl för hans far. Sedan han var barn kände han att hans pappa Domagoj Vida var en superman i det kroatiska fotbollslandslaget. Hans prestation i spelet lockade honom alltid. Domagoj Vidas son hämtade Kroatien Matchtröjor vid pensioneringsceremonin. På den stod siffran 105 med särskild betydelse. Detta antal betyder att Domagoj Vida spelade 105 matcher för Kroatiens fotbollslandslag. Hans prestation erkändes av fansen av landslaget. Som kapten för det kroatiska fotbollslandslaget gillade Luka Modrić inte upplevelsen av att säga adjö till sina lagkamrater. Han grät när ingen var uppmärksam, och han kom alltid ihåg scenerna när han spelade med sina lagkamrater. Den galnaste resan för Kroatiens fotbollslandslag var fotbolls-VM 2018, där de vann tvåan och chockade otaliga fans.
Fansen av det kroatiska fotbollslandslaget älskade också fotbolls-VM 2018, och de kände lagets superkonkurrenskraft. Även om det kroatiska fotbollslandslaget missade mästerskapet vid den tiden, smittade den kampanda som spelarna visade för många människor. Den starkaste lineupen kommer att sönderfalla när spelare gradvis lämnar, och kommer också att inleda de unga spelarnas genombrott i sönderfallet. Domagoj Vida sa just hejdå till Kroatiens fotbollslandslag, och han kan fortfarande träffa fans i klubben.
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emzeciorrr · 2 months
TVP2 petla from Kineza on Vimeo.
Client: TVP
Production Studio: Juice Producer: Beata Bartecka Art Director: Maciej Haraf
Footage copyrights: Telewizja Polska SA
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cyberbenb · 4 months
Poland says no 'external force' behind fatal arms plant explosion
There was no “external force” behind an explosion and fire at a Polish arms plant that killed one person, Poland’s Prime Minister Donald Tusk said on June 10, in comments reported by Wirtualna Polska. Source : kyivindependent.com/poland-sa…
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lonesomemao · 7 months
Le Danemark
L'intégralité de son artillerie
A l'Ukraine
Mette Frederiksen s'opposant
Rose blanche
A Poutine et à sa colonie pénitentiaire
Elle Péplum Droits de l'homme
Ca répond à
Com et fr
Guerre des deux Roses
Rose Rouge
Cinéma blanc nazi
D'un Commonwealth Empire
En plein dans la schizophrénie
J'ai Syd Barrett dans la tête
Le rock psychédélique esthète
Et Polska
Libérale tu te retrouves enfin
Je bois un blanc sec
Par temps de pluie
Lundi 26 février 2024
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wikiuntamed · 7 months
Five steps of Wikipedia for Thursday, 22nd February 2024
Welcome, velkommen, hoş geldiniz, bonvenon 🤗 Five steps of Wikipedia from "Antoni Jeleń" to "1995 Polish presidential election". 🪜👣
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Start page 👣🏁: Antoni Jeleń "Antoni Jelen (born 13 June 1964 in Poland) is a Polish retired footballer...."
Step 1️⃣ 👣: Poland "Poland (Polish: Polska [ˈpɔlska] ), officially the Republic of Poland, is a country in Central Europe. It is divided into 16 administrative voivodeship provinces, covering an area of 312,696 km2 (120,733 sq mi). Poland has a population of over 38 million and is the fifth most populous member state..."
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Image licensed under Public domain?
Step 2️⃣ 👣: 1990 Polish presidential election "Presidential elections were held in Poland on 25 November 1990, with a second round on 9 December. They were the first direct presidential elections in the history of Poland, and the first free presidential elections since the May Coup of 1926. Before World War II, presidents were elected by the..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0? by Romankolton
Step 3️⃣ 👣: 1922 Polish presidential elections "Two indirect presidential elections were held in Poland in December 1922. In the first election on 9 December Gabriel Narutowicz was elected president, but he was assassinated five days later. A second election on 22 December was won by Stanisław Wojciechowski. ..."
Step 4️⃣ 👣: 1933 Polish presidential election "Presidential elections were held in Poland on May 8, 1933. Professor Ignacy Mościcki was re-elected for a second seven-year term, having previously been elected to the position in 1926. He was elected by 332 votes, with 11 votes appearing to be void. The result was greeted with loud cheers. He was..."
Step 5️⃣ 👣: 1995 Polish presidential election "Presidential elections were held in Poland on 5 November 1995, with a second round on 19 November. The leader of Social Democracy, Aleksander Kwaśniewski, and incumbent President Lech Wałęsa advanced to the second round. Kwaśniewski won the election with 52% of the vote in the run-off against 48%..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0? by Romankolton
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